Case method in personnel assessment. Criteria for evaluating the case assignment Map of the provision of the academic discipline

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Not all cases have a single “ correct solution" - on the one hand, this is one of the advantages of the method, on the other hand, it complicates the processing of the results. At the same time, a poor-quality assessment of the resulting solutions can devalue all efforts to select cases and conduct an assessment. To avoid subjective evaluation of case decisions at the “like it or not like it” level, following simple rules common to any evaluation activities:

    Before we begin the assessment, determine what exactly we need to evaluate.

    Determine the criteria for evaluating case solutions in advance.

    Decide on priorities: what is easiest to sacrifice, what is impossible to do without.

The solution evaluation criteria allow us to correlate it with the current needs and internal standards of the company. The same solution to the same case, offered to candidates for the same positions, in different companies can be assessed differently: in one company, preference is given to non-standard thinking, in others - the ability to clearly organize the process, in others - the ability to maintain the functionality of the existing systems. By correctly setting your priorities, you get the opportunity to choose not just the best, but also the most suitable of all applicants.

The most common criteria for evaluating a case solution:

    Compliance of the solution with the questions formulated in the case (adequacy to the problem and the market).

    Originality of approach (Innovation, creativity).

    Applicability of the solution in practice.

    Depth of problem elaboration (validity of the solution, availability of alternative options, forecasting possible problems, complexity of the solution).

    Possibility of long-term use.

You can enter other criteria that better suit your needs. The number of criteria should not be too large, and the criteria should not overlap.

When evaluating the received case solutions, a separate score is assigned for each criterion - this allows you to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the most successful candidates.

In order for the final assessment to reflect the significance of each criterion for the company, each criterion is given a certain weight. The sum of the weight values ​​for all criteria must be equal to one; equivalent criteria can be given the same weight.

For example, if you need a creative but realistic marketing director with a large staff at his disposal, priorities could be set as follows:

Who are the judges?

It is believed that the solution to the case should be assessed by more qualified specialists in the field of activity being assessed. It would be nice to have several of them. It’s even better that they all be objective and impartial, and also have enough free time to thoughtfully analyze all the solutions provided.

Often difficulties begin already at the first item on this short list. If we are talking about assessing specialists for ordinary positions or candidates for promotion, there is hope that the head of this area is still a professional of a higher class. What if you need to evaluate, for example, the financial director or the head of the legal department? Or - even worse - an IT director? The company may simply not have more qualified specialists in this field.

There are several ways out of this situation:

    Contact external experts (recognized professionals in the field)

    Rely on the subjective opinion of the decision maker (manager or owner of the company)

    Together with external experts, formulate criteria for assessing the quality of a solution: what information must be present in it, what factors must be taken into account, what solutions to this problem are typical.

Peer review procedure:

    Determination of case evaluation criteria.

    Determination of the significance of the criteria, expressed in weighting coefficients.

    Experts' choice.

    Providing solutions to experts.

    Obtaining independent assessments from each expert on a five-point scale.

    Multiplying estimates by appropriate coefficients, obtaining weighted estimates.

    Summation of the weighted ratings of each expert.

    Calculation of the average score.


3 independent experts participated in the assessment of the solution to the strategic case. Expert X rated Participant A’s decision on a five-point scale:

Then the weighted assessments of each criterion will be as follows:

Let's say we carried out a similar procedure for all experts.
As a result we got:
Expert assessment No. 1: 2,9
Expert assessment No. 2: 3
Expert assessment No. 3: 4,8
The overall assessment of the case is: (2,9 + 3 + 4,8) / 3 = 3,56

Warnings and Restrictions

1. Cases are a reliable, but not universal assessment tool - as, indeed, are all other methods. Role-playing and business games, as well as group discussions, are much more suitable for assessing everything related to behavior and interaction. Remember: even if a person knows what to do, this does not guarantee that he will actually be able to do it.

2. Experts who are not professionals in the field of personnel assessment, the most the best solution often it seems to be the one that most closely matches their own decision. Clear criteria for evaluating solutions and the involvement of several experts can increase the objectivity of the final assessment.

3. Solving a case (especially a complex one) requires a certain amount of time, and processing the results obtained also takes a lot of time. If you are not ready to spend your only life processing the assessment results, do not try to get as much information as possible “just in case” - limit yourself to what is necessary and sufficient to make a decision.

Personnel assessment: how to choose a suitable case

Based on materials from the “Human Resources Management Handbook”

(practical problem)

· Completeness and correctness of the answer. Gross errors in knowledge about the principles of the criminal process, the procedural position of the participants, the timing and general conditions of the investigation and trial are unacceptable.

· Ability to analyze. Competent comparison of facts, understanding of the key problem and its elements.

· Ability to draw conclusions. Conclusions are based on the underlying facts of the case and must be justified.

· Expression of one's own position. Novelty and the author's approach to solving the case. The solution should reflect the author’s own opinion, an analysis of the state of existing regulatory legal acts and the influence of international norms relating to the sphere of criminal proceedings on the resolution of problematic issues.

· Logic of research. The following is assessed: the author’s ability to identify cause-and-effect relationships; the ability to move from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular, a clear sequence must be traced.

· Knowledge of legal terminology. The degree of mastery of legal terminology, scientific correctness and accuracy of legal facts and their compliance with the theoretical provisions given in the assignment are assessed.

· Illustration of your thoughts. Theoretical arguments are supported by relevant facts from law enforcement practice.

· Scientific correctness (accuracy in the use of factual material) There are no factual errors, details are divided into significant and insignificant, identified as plausible, fictitious, controversial, doubtful. Facts are separated from opinion.



Academic discipline“Criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” - Criminal procedure module

Department Criminal procedural law and criminology

Speciality 5В030100 “Jurisprudence”

Form of study: full-time, 3rd year, 5th semester

Number of credits per discipline– 3 credits

Literature according to the curriculum (r/v) Name of educational and educational literature, author, publisher The year of publishing Statement of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, UMS Number of copies in the KazGUU library Number of students using the specified literature Provision of students with literature, % (column 5 / column 6) *100%
Educational: %
Main Criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Movement of the criminal case. /Ed. Doctor of Law, Professor M.Ch. Kogamova and Ph.D., Associate Professor A.A. Kasimova. – Almaty: “Zheti Zhargy”, 2013. – 1016 p. UMS "Pravo"
Criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Part General. Book 1). /Under the general editorship of Doctor of Law, Professor L.Sh. Bersugurova - Almaty, KazNU named after. Al-Farabi, 2013. No
Kogamov M.Ch. What is criminal procedural law and the criminal process of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Textbook. – Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2013. No
Khan V.V. Criminal procedure in England and the USA: pre-trial proceedings. Tutorial. / Ed. Doctor of Law, Professor M.Ch. Kogamova. – Astana, 2012. UMS "Pravo" Best textbook 2012
Additional Zhursimbaev S.K. Criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A common part. Pre-trial proceedings: Textbook. – Almaty: Publishing house “NURPRESS”, 2011 No
Abdikanov N.A., Zenkovsky A.V. Criminal proceedings in the court of appeal: Textbook /Under general. Ed. ON THE. Abdikanova. – Almaty: Publishing House “Norma-K” LLP, 2012. No
Buleuliev B.T. Domestic jury trial: history, theory and practice: Monograph. – Astana: Polygraph-world, 2012. No
Kasimov A.A. Measures of criminal procedural coercion in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Tutorial. – Astana, 2012. No
Ospanova G.T. Criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General and Special parts): Collection of test tasks - Almaty, 2012. No
Shaukharov K.A. Theoretical and practical issues of appointing the main trial under the criminal procedure code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2012. No
Kasimov A.A. Justice in criminal cases in the Republic of Kazakhstan: constitutional and procedural foundations. Monograph. Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2013. No
Educational and methodological: %
1. Kim K.V. Guidelines for writing and defending theses in jurisprudence (in the disciplines of the department of criminal procedure law and criminology) – 40 p. UDC (574) BBK 67.03 (5 KAZ) No Uploaded to Platonus
2. Pen S.G. Methodological recommendations for preparing for seminar (practical) classes. No Uploaded to Platonus
3. Pen S.G. Methodological recommendations for design coursework No Uploaded to Platonus
4. Instructions for checking the independence of written work by students of JSC “Kazakh Humanitarian-Law University” No Uploaded to Platonus
5. Pen S.G. Instructions for students on completing online SRSP No Uploaded to Platonus
6. Methodological recommendations for the preparation and examination of test items to monitor students' knowledge. Compiled by: Ph.D., Associate Professor Umirzakova L.A., Ph.D. in Law, senior lecturer Zhumadilova A.B. – Astana: KazGUU, 2012. – 24 p. No Uploaded to Platonus
7. Methodological recommendations for developing and conducting classes using the case-study method. Compiled by: working group, managers working group First Vice-Rector of KazGUU, Professor Zhirenchin K.A., Head of the Department of Criminal, Penal Law and Criminology Doctor of Law, Professor Chukmaitov D.S. - Astana: KazGUU, 2011. No Uploaded to Platonus

The overall percentage of provision of the discipline with educational and educational literature is 100%


Indicate electronic educational publications, software and Internet resources

Name of the electronic resource (electronic educational publication, software, Internet resources) Number of students using this resource
1. Case “Subtleties of Invasion”, 2013, DVD (library)
2. Case "Kokkozov", 2013, DVD (library)
3. Case "Sutyaginsky", 2013, DVD (library)
4. Case “Investigation of a fight”, 2013, DVD (library)
5. Case “Investigative Experiment”, 2013, DVD (library)
6. Online presentation in format: Respect for human rights in the investigation process.
7. Online presentation in format: Topic 1-2 Lectures on the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Criminal procedure: concept and tasks)
8. Online presentation in format: Fundamentals of criminal procedural evidence
9. Online presentation in format: Conducting legal proceedings
10. Online presentation in format: Investigative actions
11. Online presentation in format: Jurisdiction in criminal cases
12. Online presentation in format: Implementing security measures
13. Video lecture by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings). Lecturer - Sergey Gennadievich Pen, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, head of the department of criminal procedure law and criminology of Kazakh State Law University. Available for online viewing at the link:

Head of the department ______________________ Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor Pen S.G.

"___"___________ 2013


Director of the Higher School of Law and Science ______________________ Doctor of Law, Professor Shapak U.Sh.

"___"___________ 2013

Explanations for filling out the card:

1. In the main literature, indicate no more than 5 titles of educational literature

2. In additional literature, indicate no more than 10 titles of educational literature

4. Electronic resources(Internet resources, lecture courses, electronic textbooks developed at departments and available to library users)

5. The supply map should be adjusted annually taking into account new receipts of literature and changes in the contingent


Features and goals of the case method. Case classification

Procedure and principles of using case methods

Advantages of the case method and difficulties of its use




Personnel assessment is an integral part of the organization's work. And for its effective functioning, achievement of its goals, growth and development, the organization must not forget about its employees and value each of them. Performance appraisal of employee achievements must be balanced to enhance the success of human resource management. Personnel assessment makes it possible to identify gaps in the competencies of each employee and provide measures to eliminate them. However, it is quite difficult to create an assessment system and select suitable methods for its implementation, so today there are several methods for assessing personnel. Each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. This paper will highlight such a method of personnel assessment as the case method. The main features of the case method, advantages, difficulties in application, principles and purposes of use will be highlighted, issues such as sources of cases and stages of implementation will be addressed.

The case method is considered one of the most modern and effective tools used to determine the characteristic skills and potential capabilities of specialists. HR officers of Russian companies are gradually moving from using tests and selection questionnaires to express assessment using projective techniques. It helps not only to identify an employee’s abilities, but also to predict his behavior in real business situations.

Thus, the purpose of the abstract is to identify the role of the case method in personnel assessment, the advantages of this method, as well as the difficulties associated with its use in the enterprise.


The case method, or the method of specific situations, cannot be replaced when it is necessary to understand whether a specialist is capable of solving analytical, strategic or managerial problems. Case studies allow you to predict what role these abilities will play in a real business situation, while other assessment methods at best reveal the presence or absence of relevant professional data.

In order for cases used for assessment when hiring or promoting to key positions to make truly reliable forecasts, it is necessary to learn how to select them and correctly evaluate the proposed solutions.

The case method was first used in 1924.
at Harvard Business School. Gradually, it gained a leading position in training and today is considered one of the most effective ways of teaching managers the skills to solve common problems When choosing practical problems, it is important to consider the following:

)the essence of the case must correspond to the content of the work;

)the level of decisions made - the corresponding position;

)the described situation should ensure that the employee demonstrates the maximum required competencies;

)the task must contain information sufficient to analyze the situation and make a decision.

)the tested qualities, knowledge and skills that the applicant must have;

The most important constitutive features of the case method are:

)The presence of participants in the business game, its leader and the given situation. In this case, the participants have certain roles (positions), they are offered tasks to analyze the problem situation and make appropriate decisions. The function of the leader is to introduce participants to the situation (familiarize participants with the conditions, rules and goals of the game), analyze the actions of the students and develop a unified solution, explaining if necessary its application.

)Modeling of a dynamic managerial, economic, administrative or other situation that may arise in a particular organization. A real or artificially constructed production situation appears in this case in the form of a game situation that reproduces real states of affairs in its main parameters. The game situation should, if possible, reproduce the object of reality.

)The problematic nature of the situation, and often the conflict. Problematicism can either be determined by the conditions of the game, or generated by the need to control the object in conditions of changing situations. In this case, a problem is understood as a situation that threatens the achievement of the subject’s goals in the present or future.

)Incomplete formalization of the situation, as a consequence, the presence of uncertainty in it requiring independent, unconventional decisions.

)The dynamism of the situation and its dependence on the previous decisions of the case participants.

)The presence of motivation that encourages game participants to act, as in real life.

It is most appropriate to use the case method for personnel assessment for the following purposes:

)evaluate the effectiveness of actions;

)find out the ability to identify and solve problems of a certain type;

)assess the ability to make complex decisions, as well as the willingness to make them and take responsibility;

)assess the ability to work in a team;

)determine the individual and collective abilities of the subjects, the degree of their preparedness for professional requirements;

)study the participants’ ability to identify critical organizational problems and the ability to solve them comprehensively and step by step;

)the ability to solve inherently different problems is assessed;

8)assess analytical and critical thinking skills;

)assess the ability to combine theory and practice;

)assessment of alternative options under conditions of uncertainty.

Thus, using the method of a specific situation, the skills of an individual or group in solving assigned problems are assessed. This kind of ability is extremely necessary for a manager in real work, since he constantly has to make non-standard decisions caused by changes in the state of affairs. The case method allows you to identify in candidates for a vacancy or already working personnel the breadth and flexibility of thinking, the ability to rationally use information, independently analyze facts, feel the situation and evaluate it, critically consider different points of view, discuss them and defend your own position, be ready to apply various means and methods, find optimal solutions under conditions of uncertainty.

There are several typologies of cases based on different characteristics (Table 1).

In particular, cases can be classified by task.

"Case of an enterprise." The assignment describes the company and sets the task to analyze the situation according to certain parameters. As a rule, such cases do not pose a decision-making task, so they are optimal for assessing analysts of any specialization.

The use of cases in this category is possible to determine the skills of managers, for example, personnel managers, who can be asked to evaluate the compliance of the staffing table with the current problems of the company or the effectiveness of the material incentive system used.

Table 1 - Classification of cases

Feature Type of case Objectives of the case - “enterprise case” - “case situation” Volume and structure of information - complex cases - mini-cases Source of initial information - cases describing real situations - artificially constructed cases Topics - management cases - marketing cases - finance cases - cases on economic analysis - cases on personnel management - cases on jurisprudence - cases on information technology - cases on business consulting - cases on production technologies, etc. Game results - problem cases - project cases

"Case Situation". Information about the enterprise, industry, and persons is accompanied by a description of the problem situation. It is necessary to find the optimal way out of it. The choice of solution must be justified, calculated and possible consequences and obstacles identified. Cases of this type are used to evaluate both managers at all levels and specialists from whom the company expects independence and initiative.

Based on the volume and structure of information, cases can be divided into complex and “mini”.

Complex strategic cases, the solution time of which exceeds two hours, can be given to applicants as “homework”. There is no need to be afraid that they will use information or someone else’s help that is not included in the case: if they were able to find the necessary resources to successfully complete the task, they will also find them to solve professional problems.

Complex cases are “classics of the genre.” They are quite voluminous (from 15 pages), contain a large amount of detailed information, primary data, opinions, sample documents, often even in excessive quantities. The candidate (or employee) must independently figure out what information he needs and how to analyze it. A problem may contain several solution options, from which it is proposed to choose the best one, but in some cases the only optimal way is to propose your own algorithm of actions.

The advantage of this type of case is the ability to simultaneously evaluate a large part of the key parameters. However, it should be taken into account that searching for answers in this case requires a significant investment of time, since it is more important to evaluate not the speed, but the quality of the decision made.

Mini-cases are practical situations that briefly (1-4 pages) describe a business problem. The amount of information is sufficient for a person with the necessary knowledge and skills to make an informed decision. If there is not enough information to find a way out of the proposed difficult situation, you can limit yourself to describing a strategy for solving the problem. ms This type of cases allows you to evaluate exactly those competencies without which successful work in a particular position is impossible, so mini-cases should be used to select the most promising applicants and do not waste time on obviously unsuitable candidates.

Another classification criterion is based on the source of initial information. Most cases are developed based on information about real companies and events. HR evaluators can use data from their own organization. This will make their work easier and increase the reliability of the results. It is also acceptable to use “simulations” that describe the situation in a fictitious company. However, such a case, as a rule, contains little specific data and is not believable enough. This option is usually used when developing mini-cases. Cases that include a large amount of additional information, numerical indicators, market dynamics, and company history are better based on data from a real organization, which will make them reliable and avoid inconsistency in content.

As for the subject matter, there are specialized cases: on management, marketing, finance, economic analysis, personnel management, jurisprudence, IT technologies, business consulting, production technologies and other areas of business. When using a specialized task, it is especially important that it matches the content of the specific job responsibilities.

From the point of view of game results, they are divided into problem and project ones. In problem situations, the result of actions is the identification and formulation of the main problem and, most importantly, an assessment of the complexity of its solution.

The problem is usually asked in two ways.

Firstly, when there is no information about one of the necessary elements of the situation (for example, about partners). In this case, the subject’s task is to reconstruct the missing information, correlate it with the available information and identify the problem. Secondly, when the description of the situation contains an implicit contradiction between its elements (for example, when in a situation to strengthen collective motivation, managers seeking to form a homogeneous corporate culture use an authoritarian management style that negatively affects the solution of this task).


It is advisable to highlight the following main stages of creating cases.

Step 1: developing the idea, structure and scenario of the case.

Step 2: Create instructions for participants.

Step 3: creating the correct answers to the case.

Step 4: formulation of behavioral indicators (how competence is manifested in the case).

Step 5: creating a list of clarifying questions for participants after completing the case.

Step 6: case validation (how well the created case measures what it is supposed to measure).

Step 7: upgrade the created case during use.

Ready-made cases are used in practice in personnel assessment. Using cases is a fairly long-term procedure with its own characteristics and nuances. Let's consider these features, the stages of completing the case and the criteria for assessing the decisions of experts based on the results of the participants.

Cases can be used both in combination with other assessment procedures (in an assessment session), and separately, as a supplement to an interview or a competitive task for internal candidates for promotion.

You can limit yourself to issuing a written assignment or further explain what the solution to the case should include, what special attention will be paid to (for example, non-standard or thorough development of the algorithm of actions). This will make it possible to assess whether the applicant is able to support the “rules of the game.” The main thing is that all candidates for the same position are given the task in the same form, otherwise the results obtained will not be comparable.

Individual cases included in the assessment session do not require the presence of a trained observer - the quality of assignments is assessed based on written materials submitted by the participant. Solving group cases requires observation. This allows you to get additional information by parameters such as leadership, influence, communication competencies, process organization, idea generation.

Group cases involve the synthesis of an individual decision and discussion with other participants in the assessment session: in this case, each of them must not only prepare a reasoned decision, but also convince others of the validity of their arguments. This option is useful to use when assessing employees occupying positions in which the ability to persuade is no less important than the ability to find the best way out of difficult situations.

Solving a group case is also effective for assessing the performance of a department as a whole and identifying hidden difficulties. The problem described in it should be similar to the current or planned problems of the department. By focusing on the decision process, and not on the result obtained, you can identify the system of relationships in the team, hidden leaders, identify unused resources and the effectiveness of management as a whole.

The key criteria for selecting a case are:

-qualities, knowledge and skills that the applicant must have;

-the tasks that he will have to solve in this position, and the resources that he has to achieve his goals.

When using the case method, participants in the analysis are presented with facts (events) related to a certain situation according to its state at a certain point in time in a specific socio-economic system. The task of those being assessed is the need to make a rational decision, acting first individually and then as part of a collective discussion possible solutions, i.e. game interaction.

In order to create a dynamic case and develop the ability to make decisions in the most important situations for practical activities, the case method uses a number of game techniques, while combining a general orientation towards real professional activity with a game simulation of the real situation. The gaming features of this method can be visualized (Table 2).

When the case method is used to test knowledge and abilities, it helps participants develop the ability to analyze available information, negotiate with other employees, lead people, make decisions independently, publicly express and defend them. The case method has the greatest effect when working with managers. When assessing a candidate for a vacancy, you can also use general game situations that are typical for general professional activities.

In the case method, the real situation of the organization is depicted in the form of a business situation. A business situation is an imitation, an ideal reflection of a real situation in the life of an organization, or an artificially created situation that recreates typical problems that arise in organizational life. The business situation is expressed in the form of a specific set of parameters, variables that have a real impact on the organization at a given time.

Descriptions of situations mainly include information:

-about the subject - an individual, group or organization that occupies a central place in the situation. The description of the subject can be carried out in various forms in the form of the goals and strategy of the subject or in the form of factual information about its activities;

-about partners, competitors or other actors with whom the subject of the situation interacts;

-about the conditions within which the situation exists and changes.

Table 2 - Correlation of professional and game components of the case method

Professional activityGame activityThe object of simulation is a real situationIntroduction of “catastrophes”, time compression, improvisationGoals of a business situationFormulation of game goalsReal rules for analyzing a business situationIntroduction of game rules based on themSet of rolesPersonal filling and distribution of roles, playing double roles, creating a portrait of each role, grading assessments of role performanceConflict in a business situationIntroduction roles with incompatible goals, visual presentation of assessment results, creation of extreme situations, “catastrophes”, construction of behavioral contradictions Rating system System of fines, incentives, bonuses, visual presentation of game results Documentary support Creation of identification marks for players and other symbols

Situational data is based on real information, since without this it is impossible to achieve the naturalness of the actions of the case participants; however, as a rule, when developing “cases”, conventional names are used and the actual data can be changed. The content of a business situation can be conveyed in various ways: in writing, orally, and also in the form of an information message - using a video or tape recording. The situation, like the activities of a real organization, is dynamic, which requires new decisions and actions from the case participants. To save time, historical information is given in a condensed form, and Additional Information provided in a form convenient for discussion. Therefore, a case participant may have less information about the problem than someone who has encountered it in practice. However, this does not mean that during the discussion it is impossible to add to the existing information the facts and information that are necessary to make a decision. Situational problems contain materials and facts that the case participants may consider irrelevant. But we must always remember that decision-making in real life depends on the ability to separate the essential from the unimportant. Other participants may not agree with this understanding of the facts, but it is in these emerging differences in assessments and approaches that the value of the case method lies.

The application of the concrete situation method in practice usually manifests itself in the detailed study of the same situation by many participants or entire groups of employees.

In the process of using this method, the following stages with their characteristic actions can be distinguished:

1)analysis: examine a given practical situation and collect information essential for the solution;

2)identification of alternatives: identify possible alternatives for solving existing problems;

)selection of alternatives: choose the best alternative to solve problems;

)development of solutions: develop in all details specific solutions for the implementation of the selected alternative;

)presentation: developed solutions are presented in a non-plenary session (lesson) and discussed collectively.

While completing the task, the subjects are observed by experts. They enter their observations into the appropriate observation table, on the basis of which a total assessment is given to the method participant. Criteria for evaluating solutions. Not all cases have a single “correct solution”. On the one hand, this is one of the advantages of the method, on the other hand, it complicates the processing of the results. The criteria for evaluating a case solution make it possible to correlate it with the current needs and internal standards of the company.

The most common criteria for evaluating a case solution:

1)compliance of the solution with the questions formulated in the task (adequacy to the problem and the market);

2)original approach (innovation, creativity);

3)applicability of the solution in practice;

4)deep elaboration of the problem (validity and complexity of the solution, availability of alternative options, forecasting difficulties);

5)possibility of long-term use.

Let's give an example of working with a case. A candidate for the position of secretary is asked to play out real work or simulated situations (cases).

So, the candidate is presented with a situation. You are a secretary in the office of a large commercial and industrial holding. From the pass office (checkpoint), you received a call from a visitor who would like to go to your office. Your task is to respond to this call. The person being assessed describes his behavior in this situation. How will you introduce yourself to the guest? How to say hello? Will he let you into the office right away or will he consult with the executive director? The candidate answers a lot of questions that could be asked, “getting used to” the proposed role. At the same time, the candidate demonstrates real competencies. These include communication skills and ethics of business communication, and compliance with the approval procedure, etc. The following situation: a guest comes into the office, what will the secretary do? The situation is predictable, but still requires reconfiguration and flexibility of abstract thinking, which is also important for a secretary. As a rule, candidates are very focused on following certain procedures, for example, “Meeting a visitor,” and therefore often do not control their facial expressions, slips of the tongue, pauses, nervous laughter, gestures, intonation and timbre of voice, posture, etc. There are, of course, people who skillfully hide their nonverbal reactions and try to control themselves; this is also a diagnostic sign for the appraiser. When a person blocks himself during an interview, it seems that he is protecting his inner world from any intrusions. When working with people, such as a secretary, this position is unacceptable. If at work a person constantly blocks himself from others, his behavior may be unnatural and subsequently aggressive. I don’t think any of the employees or guests would want to meet with a secretary who communicates using dry and memorized phrases. The mass of information about the candidate obtained during the work with the business case must, of course, be correctly analyzed and interpreted. Sometimes candidates, for example, of sanguine temperament, “playing” with the case, separate it from reality. In this case, it is important for the HR person to note for himself at what point this happened during the case. Is this a defensive reaction or a typical behavior pattern in the workplace. The given case is still enough specific model , and if the candidate is not able to think within the given framework in specific categories, this is again indicative. At the stage of analyzing the candidate’s reaction to a simulated situation, it is important to understand, to “see” the model of behavior, the way of thinking that has already been formed in the mind of the specialist being assessed. HR is an employee who, as a rule, must subtly perceive the principles of corporate culture in the company. And it is HR, as an expert who is constantly involved in maintaining and shaping this culture, who is able to notice inconsistencies in the candidate’s behavior, inadequacy to the way of life, the ideals, the traditions that have developed in the organization over the years. If, for example, we offer a candidate for secretary a situation with a guest who brought a gift to the general director (some beautifully packaged rectangular object), then we will be able to immediately determine by the candidate’s reaction whether he is ready for a non-standard situation. Will the candidate ask to take out and show a gift, hand over the gift without unwrapping, pass it through a security guard, refuse to hand over the gift - these are not all the behavioral models that I have heard from the candidate. And all these actions reveal typical reactions in candidates. Some shut down, refusing to engage in dialogue with the guest, some, on the contrary, are overly friendly, some consider it most acceptable to laugh it off in this situation. The leader or the person conducting the assessment must know exactly how he would like the candidate to behave under the given conditions. Must clearly understand the presence and severity of which qualities are critical. If a girl who came to us for an interview clearly described the procedure for meeting a guest (mentioning all the rules of business etiquette), then we can give a negative description when assessing such actions. “Why did you refuse me?” - sometimes puzzled candidates ask. The answer can be very simple: because while working with the case the person never smiled. Qualities such as hospitality, friendliness, politeness, and thriftiness are difficult to develop over three months or a year. These qualities are cultivated over the years, from childhood. And it is much easier and faster for an organization to teach a girl to follow the necessary procedure than to force her to smile or say “thank you” and “please.” Thus, the case method allows us to assess not only the presence and severity of the skills demonstrated by the candidate, but also provides the opportunity to measure his personal qualities. By comparing our presentation with that of the applicant, we can understand how identical they are. As a result of analyzing the case solution proposed by the candidate, we can understand those areas, aspects of the discrepancy in perceptions that need to be developed, and what needs to be taught to the new employee.

Cases should be developed and implemented during the assessment process during training, retraining and assessment of employee qualifications, taking into account a number of principles that ensure the effectiveness of their use in assessment programs:

-the essence of the case must correspond to the content of the work;

-the case should be as close as possible to real professional activity (a real event or an artificially created situation, where part of the real material is compiled with some typical problem);

-the task must be selected in such a way that it is possible to use different ways to find solutions;

-the situation described is to ensure that the employee demonstrates the maximum required competencies;

-the task must contain information sufficient to analyze the situation and make a decision;

-cases may differ in the level of generality, in the amount of information presented in them, in the complexity of the problem;

-The case material should not be outdated, it should be updated in parallel with changes in real practice.

In the current conditions, personnel selection has risen to a new level, the level of searching for “talents”. Qualified employees know their worth even during a crisis and can choose between companies. Feeling an attentive and trusting attitude towards his candidacy at the first interview, the candidate will already develop a positive attitude towards the company. And the projective interview technique - the case method - will help make this meeting as friendly and effective as possible.

case method personnel assessment


The important advantages of the case method are its high proximity to the real life of the organization, relatively small financial and time costs, the speed of the game, versatility (various options for the situation are possible and can be easily changed) and the multi-purpose nature of use (the game can pursue several goals, in addition changing parameters of the situation, different goals can be set for the participants). This method is especially effective in the process of career training and advanced training of employees.

When using the case method in personnel assessment, its advantages can be noted:

1)the level of professional competence of the employee and his ability to solve a certain range of problems are clearly demonstrated;

2)the consequences of decisions and actions taken are directly visible;

3)develops the ability to notice the essential, to distinguish the main from the secondary;

4)engagement and activity of participants increases, their identification with the tasks being solved increases;

5)experience is gained that is close to reality through specific situations in the workplace;

6)rational ways of thinking and behavior, as well as collective interaction, are developed;

7)the ability to effectively use the principle of trial and error in the future is formed, promptly correct mistakes made and draw useful lessons from them for the future;

8)difficulties in solving a complex organizational problem are identified, optimal ways to overcome them are determined, and a general model of action to achieve the goal is developed.

The listed opportunities that an organization receives when conducting a case method will be real if certain conditions are met:

1)The assessment system should be as objective as possible and be perceived by employees as objective; The criteria used during assessment should be open and understandable to employees.

2)The results of the assessment must be confidential, that is, known only to the employee, his manager and the personnel department.

3)Employees must accept the evaluation system and actively participate in the certification process, which determines the effectiveness of its implementation.

Difficulties in using case methods. The case method as a specific assessment method is used to solve its inherent assessment problems. The main problems of the case method are technologization and optimization, methodological saturation and application in the assessment of various types and forms.

Experience shows that there are certain difficulties in disseminating this, at first glance, unusually promising tool. The first difficulty is related to the lack of operationalization of the available cases, i.e. their methodological richness. Several years ago, the National Foundation for Management Personnel Training of Russia released a voluminous two-volume set of cases “Russian Management”, based mainly on domestic experience. It would seem, take it and use it. However, not everything is so smooth. An analysis of published cases showed that the two-volume book mainly presents two extremes: these are either very long, 15 - 20 pages, presentations of production situations, the study of which requires more than one hour of hard work, or short, 1.5 - 3 pages training tasks for group work, usually having a vague resemblance to reality. In addition, long cases have one correct solution. Accordingly, the result of working with a long case is clear - either the manager solves the case correctly, or not, despite several hours of study. There is no intermediate control and differentiated assessment of the logical steps taken and the skills demonstrated. And therefore it is difficult to say what the reason for the wrong decision is.

The second difficulty is related to the optimization of cases, which consists in the fact that each case must be adapted to different cultures, taking into account their characteristics. Also, when transferring cases from one organization to another, the specifics of the enterprise, its focus and the importance of a specific competency for the position being assessed should be taken into account.

Based on the optimization problem, the problem of technologization arises, i.e. For each competency, you need to select your own assessment technology, and assessment technology also becomes difficult when selecting experts and preparing them for this procedure.

Warnings and Restrictions. Cases are a reliable, but not universal assessment tool, as are other methods. Role-playing and business games, as well as group discussions, are more suitable for assessing behavior and interaction. It is important to remember: even if a person knows how to act, there is no guarantee that he will actually do so.

For experts who are not professionals in the field of personnel assessment, the best solution often seems to be the one that most closely matches their own. Clear evaluation criteria and the involvement of several experts improve the objectivity of the results.

Solving a case (especially a complex one) requires a significant amount of time, as does processing their results. Therefore, there is no point in trying to get as much information as possible “just in case”; it is better to limit yourself to what is necessary and sufficient for making a decision.

The conclusion is obvious: the case method has its strengths and weak sides, which must be taken into account when assessing personnel depending on the goals of the procedure. These problems arose due to the fact that the case method is a relatively new method in various fields of application, including personnel assessment.


Business assessment of the quality of an organization's personnel is a targeted process of establishing compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel with the requirements of a position or workplace. Many managers of modern enterprises, of any form of ownership, have already come to the conclusion that without preliminary assessment- testing, and further certification and objective assessment of employees in all respects will not achieve stable operation of the enterprise and ultimately obtain positive results from both the activities of the enterprise and each of its employees. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right personnel assessment method. If you use the case method to evaluate employees, it is very important to carry it out competently and be sure that it will give exactly the result you want.

The case method is a business game in miniature, as it combines professional activities with gaming ones. It is effective in assessing employees' research and creativity abilities, as well as their overall competence. The important advantages of the case method are its high proximity to the real life of the organization, relatively small financial and time costs, the speed of the game, multivariance (various options for the situation are possible and can be easily changed) and the multi-purpose nature of use (the game can pursue several goals, in addition by changing the parameters situation, you can set different goals for the participants). However, the case analysis method, along with its advantages, has difficulties that should not be forgotten when using it. The main problems of the case method are technologization and optimization, methodological saturation and application in the assessment of various types and forms.


1.Kleinmann, M. Assessment center: modern technologies for personnel assessment / M. Kleinmann. - M.: Humanitarian Center, 2009. - 128 p.

2.Kravchenko, K.A. Organizational design and development management of large companies / K.A. Kravchenko, V. P. Meshalkin. - M.: Academic project, 2010. - 528 p.

.Magura M. I. Personnel performance assessment: a practical guide for managers at different levels and HR specialists / M. I. Magura, M. B. Kurbatova. - M.: Intel-Sintez Business School, 2009. - 20 p.

.Mintzberg, G. Structure in a fist: creating an effective organization / Transl. from English edited by Yu. N. Kapturevsky. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 512 p.

.Skuratovskaya, N. S. Case method in personnel assessment / N. S. Skuratovskaya Handbook of personnel management. - No. 4. - 2005.

.Shutov, I.A. Case method as one of the methods for assessing personnel / I. A. Shutov Personnel management. - No. 11 - 2011.


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When assessing answers to questions for a case assignment and a business game, we take into account, first of all, the student’s level of theoretical preparation (proficiency in categorical apparatus), the ability to apply existing knowledge in practice (explain this or that situation with an example), as well as the ability to express one’s opinion and defend your position, listen and evaluate different points of view, constructively debate, find common ground between different positions.

Test tasks for intermediate and ongoing monitoring of student progress Test for checking final knowledge

Questions No. 1, 2, 11, 13, 17, 20, 23, 24, 32, 34. Difficulty level - easy (1 point).

Questions No. 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 29, 31, 35 -40. Difficulty level - medium (2 points).

Questions No. 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33. Difficulty level - difficult (3 points).

1. Exchange of information between people is

A) the communicative side of communication,

B) the interactive side of communication,

B) the perceptual side of communication

2. Non-verbal communication does NOT include:

A) gestures, facial expressions, postures,

B) touching, shaking hands, hugging

3. The mechanism of self-knowledge in the process of communication, which is based on

a person’s ability to imagine how he is perceived by a communication partner is

A) empathy

B) reflection,

B) identification

4. The term “communication” appeared in scientific literature

A) at the beginning of the twentieth century,

B) at the beginning of the 21st century,

B) at the end of the 19th century.

5. A member of society who is in constant contact with people and speaks

an intermediary between the media and the communicant:

A) public relations manager,

B) Opinion leader (key communicator),

B) Image maker

6. Arouse certain feelings in the business partner and form value orientations and attitudes; convince of the legitimacy of interaction strategies; make your like-minded person - this is the goal:

A) persuasive communication

B) more expressive communication,

B) cognitive communication

7. To have an inspiring influence on a business partner to change motivation, value orientations and attitudes, behavior and attitudes is the goal:

A) ritual communication,

B) expressive communication,

B) suggestive communication

8. Obstacles created by the characteristics of the speaker’s speech (diction, intonation, logical stress, etc.). You must speak clearly, distinctly, and loudly enough:

A) phonetic barrier,

B) logical barrier,

B) semantic barrier

9. Meaningful statement, checking and clarifying understanding, determining the degree of its adequacy to what was said. This type of listening is most effective in business communication:

A) active reflective listening,

B) unreflective listening,

B) empathic listening

10. Who is the founder of “role theory”?

A) E. Bern,

B) A. Adler,

B) G. Bloomer

11. Speech calling for action: new, continuation or cessation of the previous one:

A) epideictic

B) informational

B) propaganda

12. A language game is...

A) intentional violation of norms of speech behavior,

B) names of well-known events, names or texts that are spoken (written)

reproduced in their speech,

B) texts containing quotes

13. Nonverbal signals indicating your interlocutor’s readiness to communicate:

A) closed posture, constricted pupils of the eyes,

B) open pose, turning the body and toe in your direction,

C) turn the body and toe of the leg away from you

14. Accepting the personality of the interlocutor, showing respect for him, regardless of his advantages and disadvantages, is one of the attitudes ... communication tactics:

A) directive

B) understanding

B) belittling - compliant

15. Psychological structural components of the act of speech communication:

A) intention, purpose,

B) context

16. The interactive side of communication consists of:

A) in the exchange of information between people,

B) in organizing interaction between people,

C) includes the process of communication partners perceiving each other

17. Interference and distortions in the communication process that prevent the achievement of a given result are called

A) destruction

B) dissonance,

B) noise

D) disharmony

18. Message Maker is

A) recipient

B) source,

19. Communication style based on the search for mutual agreement of the parties to communication regarding the resulting actions

A) accusatory style;

B) directive style;

B) problem solving style

20. Of all the distances in communication, it is the most important and protected by a person; The closest people are allowed to enter this zone:

A) intimate

B) social,

B) personal

21. The process of two-way exchange of information leading to mutual understanding is

A) communication

B) conflict,

B) lecture

22. Which barrier of misunderstanding is NOT missing from the list: phonetic misunderstanding,

semantic misunderstanding, stylistic misunderstanding...

a) logical barrier

b) psychological barrier

c) physical barrier

23. Transferring specific methods of activity is a function of business communication:

A) integrative,

B) broadcast,

B) self-presentation

24. To best demonstrate your professionally important business and personal qualities is the main task:

A) self-presentation,

B) socialization,

B) social control

25. A specific feature of business communication is... A) unlimited time, B) regulation, C) absence of norms and rules, D) heart-to-heart talk

26. What words can a letter of request begin with: A) We are sending information... B) We remind you that... C) We ask you to send it to our address

27. Written types of business communication are... A) report, certificate, B) report, act, C) explanatory notes, D) numerous official documents

28. To whom is a letter of invitation with an offer to take part in seminars and meetings addressed: A) the head of the organization, B) the deputy head of the organization, C) the head of the structural unit in which the employee works, D) the HR department of the organization

29. What kind of letter can have the following text: “We inform you that your company cannot act as a buyer in accordance with the article of the law...”: A) message letter B) notification letter C) refusal letter

30. What words can a letter of request begin with: A) We are sending information... B) We remind you that... C) We ask you to send to our address... D) In ​​accordance with your letter

31. Which service letters are stamped: A) covering letters, B) letters of request, C) letters of guarantee, D) information letters, E) all service letters

32. For what purpose are the executor’s name and telephone number indicated in the letter: A) for prompt communication, B) to give the document legal force

33. The outgoing number of a service letter is: A) registration number provided by the addressee, B) registration number provided by the author of the letter

34.What case is the derivative preposition used with? according to:

A) with dative,

B) genitive,

B) accusative

D) prepositional.

35. The main requirement of telephone communication culture is... A) brevity (conciseness) of presentation, B) duration of communication, C) clarity of presentation, D) rigidity in conversation

36. The first stage of the negotiation process can be... A) an ultimatum, B) an introductory meeting (business conversation), C) a discussion of claims, D) a meeting of experts

37. Professional communication of a manager depends on... A) the nature of relationships and relationships with subordinates,

B) the manager’s attitudes and values, C) the nature of relationships and relationships with colleagues, D) all answers are correct

38. Business conversations in the field of management activities represent targeted communication...

A) with a pre-planned effect and result, B) occurring by chance with an unplanned effect and result, C) of an informative nature

39. Business conversation... A) is characterized by frequent transition from one topic to another,

B) is aimed at solving certain production tasks and problems, C) allows you to select appropriate solutions and implement them, D) is distinguished by the variety of topics discussed

40. Indicate the correct continuation of the sentence: Following these guidelines,

A) the district administration has done some work. B) the district administration has done some work. B) some work has been done.

Rating system: After completing the test, each student receives a personal result.

Number of tests– 1, time – 45 min.

Criteria for assessing tasks.

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Criteria for assessing tasks.
Rubric (thematic category) Sport

Correct solution of the problem, detailed argumentation of your solution, good knowledge of the theoretical aspects of solving the case, answers to additional questions on the topic of the lesson - are estimated at five points. Correct solution to the problem, sufficient argumentation for your solution, good knowledge of the theoretical aspects of solving the case, partial answers to additional questions on the topic of the lesson - are assessed as four points. A partially correct solution to a problem, insufficient argumentation for one’s solution, some knowledge of the theoretical aspects of solving a case, partial answers to additional questions on the topic of the lesson are assessed as three points. Incorrect solution of the problem, lack of necessary knowledge of the theoretical aspects of solving the case - are scored two points.

Case evaluation criteria.

Case evaluation system: a) correct solution of the case, detailed argumentation of your decision, good knowledge of the theoretical aspects of solving the case, with references to the rule of law - are scored five points; b) correct solution of the case, sufficient argumentation for your decision, certain knowledge of the theoretical aspects of solving the case, with references to the rule of law - are assessed as four points; c) a partially correct solution to the case, insufficient argumentation for your decision, with references to the rule of law - are scored three points; d) incorrect solution of the case, lack of necessary knowledge of the theoretical aspects of solving the case - are scored two points.

Criteria for evaluating work with a structural-logical diagram.

The structural and logical diagram consists of eight sections. Grading system: correct completion of 6 or more sections – 5 points (excellent); correct completion of 5 sections – 4 points (good); correct completion of 4 sections – 3 points (satisfactory); Correct completion of 3 or fewer sections – 2 points (unsatisfactory).

Additions and changes to the work program

Disciplines for the 20__/20__ academic year

The following changes and/or additions have been made to the work program:

1. (section and a brief description of changes and additions made; in the absence of additions and changes, the entry “Accepted without changes” is made);

Additions and changes to the work program were made by:

Full name, position, academic degree, title.

The work program was revised and approved at the department meeting _____________________________ protocol No. ___ dated ________

Head of the department _________________________________ I. O. Last name


Chairman of the Methodological Council

first vice-rector _________________________________ M. E. Romanovsky

ʼʼ___ʼʼ _____________ 20__ᴦ.

Criteria for assessing tasks. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Criteria for evaluating tasks." 2017, 2018.

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