How to disable asus anti surge in BIOS. ASUS Anti-Surge what it is and replacement of the power supply under warranty. What is ASUS Anti-surge

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Users of computers based on Asus motherboards may experience a sudden reboot of their system. After the reboot, the message “Power supply surges detected during the previous power on. ASUS Anti-surge was triggered to protect system from unstable power supply unit." Pressing F2 the user can continue booting his system, but after some time the computer suddenly reboots again, and the already mentioned inscription reappears on the screen. In this article, I will tell you what this problem is, what are its causes, and how to fix the “Power supply surges detected during the previous power on” error on your PC.

The message “Power supply surges detected during the previous power on” on the monitor screen

Translated from in English this message looks like “A power surge was detected during previous work. "ASUS Anti-surge" tool has been activated to protect the system from unstable power supply.".

That is, the “ASUS Anti-surge” tool built into the motherboard detected a threatening voltage surge from the power supply, and to ensure safe work The computer has shut down (rebooted) the PC.

Let me remind the reader that the “ASUS Anti-surge” tool is a special development by ASUS aimed at protecting the system from power overloads. Controlled this tool via BIOS, where it can be easily enabled/disabled.

What reasons could lead to the mentioned voltage surge? I would highlight the following:

How to fix the error Power supply surges detected during the previous power on

So, if you have had an asus anti-surge reboot, then, first of all, I recommend observing whether it happens again this problem. If sudden computer shutdowns continue, and you see messages about the “ASUS Anti-surge” action on the screen, and the inscription at the top, then I recommend doing the following:

If you are aware of all the risks and decide to disable asus function anti-surge protect, then go to “BIOS” - “Advanced Mode” - “Monitor” - “Anti Surge Support”, and set this parameter to “Disabled” (disabled).

In Asus motherboards (relatively not so long ago) you can find Anti-Surge technology.

Anti-Surge is a special development by ASUS that prevents the failure of expensive devices and the motherboard when voltage surges occur in the power supply.

Anti-Surge is a useful thing; in my case, it worked correctly and notified me in a timely manner about the need to replace the power supply.

The computer worked for almost a year and everything was fine.

One evening it started to turn off on its own. This happens and is usually due to:
1. Power supply;
2. Overheating of chips or processor.
This is of course if not blue screens and failures, just a quiet shutdown.

Computer configuration:
Asus board H61M-E;
Intel processor Pentium G2130 3.2GHz;
memory stick 8GB DDR3 1600MHz;
integrated video card;
HDD 60GB Silicon Power;
power supply Golden Field ATX-S460;

Nothing fancy - a good computer for office tasks, you can, of course, play some toys, but this is definitely not a gaming PC.

Therefore, overheating is very unlikely. Thermal paste is standard with a boxed Intel radiator, it lasts a long time, there is little dust inside, since there are no extra fans and no repairs are being made around it

Therefore, the usual problem is the power supply.

Golden Field have good power supplies (and cases) - they are relatively inexpensive and do not break often. They usually operate quietly due to the large downward facing cooler. The only improvement I could make is to lubricate it better at the factory.

open new block power supply and adding lubricant to it while it is under warranty (and the warranty is usually 1 year) is not worth it, as you will lose the warranty. In this case, the power supply was not opened and the warranty remained for another 1 month.

We go into the BIOS and see the following picture - the voltage on the 5V branch is 5.52V, and this is no longer within the permissible range, but in the red zone.

The Anti-Surge system monitors the parameters and turns off the computer!

And this is what the parameters look like on a normally working computer.

For the sake of experimentation, I disable the Anti-Surge system, the computer turns on and works normally, but this is not good. In this mode, something may fail over time.

I removed the power supply, replaced it with another one, and checked this problematic one with a tester; indeed, 5V was not within the normal range.

I put the power supply in a bag, along with the warranty sheet and to the service center of the store where this power supply was purchased. There they twirled it in their hands and accepted it for service. About 20 days later they called back and told me to pick up a replacement.

The Golden Field ATX-S460 power supply has been replaced with a similar new one!

The Asus Anti-Surge system helped prevent possible problems with the computer and allowed us to use the warranty to replace the power supply.

The message appears on a PC with an Asus motherboard. It is preceded by a computer overload. If the problem occurs repeatedly, then its cause is clearly a power surge. This is due to the ASUS Anti-surge tool, which protects the motherboard electronics from current with inappropriate parameters.

Methods for solving the error

To resolve the problem, do the following:

  1. Make sure the power supply is working properly. It's best to do this in service center, but those who understand the basics of electrical circuits can do it themselves. If the power supply is truly faulty, then replace it with a new one. It is preferable to purchase a more powerful power supply than the one previously used.
  2. Do not connect anything other than a computer to the outlet.. It happens that other electrical devices overload the network, which is why the power supply is not able to supply the motherboard with a current of suitable strength and voltage.
  3. Check that the surge protector and/or source uninterruptible power supply are in good working order.

The problem will disappear if you disable ASUS Anti-surge in the BIOS. However, in most cases this will only increase the likelihood that inappropriate current will break the motherboard. Such a “solution” to a failure will be very expensive and should be used only if the computer is urgently needed to solve an important task.

On some motherboards Asus Users, the next time they turn on the computer after its sudden shutdown, notice the message “Power supply surges detected during the previous power on. ASUS Anti-surge was triggered to protect system from unstable power supply unit."

Next, you are asked to press the F2 button to continue booting the computer. Most likely, this message, as well as sudden shutdowns, are repeated periodically. You will learn why this happens, what it means and what to do in this article.

What is ASUS Anti-surge?

ASUS Anti-surge is a proprietary technology Asus, whose task is to monitor the quality of the computer's electrical power supply. If problems are detected with it, the PC is urgently turned off to prevent the possibility of failure of computer components due to poor quality power.

Description of ASUS Anti-Surge technology

You can verify this by translating this message into Russian. It sounds like this: During the previous operation of the computer, a power surge was detected. ASUS Anti-surge tool has been activated to protect against unstable power.

Thus, we can conclude that ASUS Anti-surge is a quite useful tool that monitors the power quality of your PC.

What should I do if this message appears periodically?

In this case, it is worth checking the quality of connections of all wires inside system unit, coming from the power supply to motherboard. They should be disconnected and reconnected, at the same time checking for charring.

24 pin power connector

4 pin processor power connector

Also check if the wire leading from the socket to the system unit is broken.

If you are using an uninterruptible power supply, then try connecting the system unit directly from the outlet, bypassing the uninterruptible power supply.

Pay attention to whether the lights in the house flicker when the computer is turned off and the message “power supply surges detected during the previous power on” appears.

If none of the above helped, then with a high degree of probability we can judge the need to replace or repair the power supply. At home, you can disassemble it and inspect it for swollen capacitors.

Swollen capacitors on the power supply

You can also try to borrow a known working power supply from friends or acquaintances to see if the computer will periodically turn off and the message “power supply surges detected during the previous power on” will appear.

You may disable the ASUS Anti-surge tool at your own risk. BIOS settings. In this case, sudden shutdowns, as well as the message “power supply surges detected during the previous power on” will disappear. But by doing this, you put at risk the internal components of your system unit, which can fail at any time due to surges or sags in the power supply.

Disabling ASUS Anti-Surge Protection in BIOS


If the message “Power supply surges detected during the previous power on. ASUS Anti-surge was triggered to protect system from unstable power supply unit" does not appear often, 1-2 times every couple of months, then this may be a consequence of strong changes in electrical network. In this case, we recommend installing an uninterruptible power supply and connecting the computer to the electrical network from it.

If the problem occurs frequently, the cause is most often a faulty power supply.

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