Intel core i5 4 core. Differences between Core i7, i5 and i3

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Intel divides its microprocessors into two main groups. On the one hand, its Celeron and Pentium family for users who do not require high performance, and on the other hand i3, i5 and i7, for advanced users.

I5 is a processor that can be called an SUV. If ,is sufficient for 80% of users, the i5 processor is suitable for almost anyone.

The differences between an i5 processor and an i7 processor are small and in most cases are not worth the extra cost. Depending on how you plan to use your computer, it may be smarter to invest in SSDs, RAM, or a good graphics card.

Of course, the i7 processor is no worse than the i5, it’s just that the applications for which it is needed are quite narrowly specific.

Cores . Desktop PCs have 4 cores, except i5-6xx models, and 2 cores in laptops. All 2 core i5 processors support HyperThread technology.

Turbo Boost . Fundamental difference from i3. Turbocharging, if necessary, allows the processor to operate at higher speeds. high speeds. The benefits of this additional technology are especially noticeable in applications that use a single thread. And, by the way, there are a majority of such applications.

Integrated graphics card . Some i5 processor models have an integrated graphics card. A computer with such a processor is of course cheaper, but then you must keep in mind that the processor is discrete, that is, less powerful, and will be used to run the computer.

Memory controller . As with the video card, the memory controller is integrated into the processor. This processor determines the type of installation possible random access memory. That is, only DDR3 can be used with an i5 processor.

PCI Express . A PCI Express controller is also integrated into the i5 processor. Thus, if you are using a discrete graphics card, the connection to the processor will be direct.

i5 processor versions.

First generation i5 processors. It has several types of processors. I5-7xx, 7xxS - on Lynnfield core. i5-6xx – on the Clarkdale core. i5-5xxM, 4xxM, 5xxUM, 4xxUM – on the Arrandale core for portable devices. The first processor models have 4 cores, the other 2 cores with Hyperthread technology.

Manufacturing technology allows the creation of transistors of 45 nanometers in Lynnfield, versus 32 nanometers in Arrandale and Clarkdale.

As an instruction set they support SSE 4.1/4.2 and MMX. The i5 processor 6xx series and Arrandale already have an integrated video card.

Second generation i5 processors. Also known by its proper name Sandy Bridge. The processor has added support for AVX instructions, which allows you to speed up scientific, financial calculations, signal processing, etc.

In desktop versions of the computer, all i5 processors have 4 cores, except for the 2390T, which has 2 cores and Hyperthread technology. The laptop has everything as in the last version.

Another distinctive feature These i5 processors include Quicksync, which increases the speed of video processing and encoding.

Third generation i5 processors. Also known as Ivy Bridge. In these processors, Intel has improved the production technology itself. The corporation managed to create 22 nanometer transistors. Thus, in the same area, they were able to place twice as many. This added energy efficiency and increased data processing speed.

Like Sandy Bridge, desktop PCs have i5 processors with four cores. In addition to the i5 processor 3470T series, which has 2 cores and Hyperthread technology. Everything in the laptop is like the i5 processor of the 3470T series.

Who is the i5 processor for?

As already written above, the i5 processor will suit almost any user. If your budget is still limited, this is the processor for you the best choice. Add to this that the actual applications that benefit from the i7 processor are quite specific, and you have a nearly perfect processor.

The simplest answer comes first i7 after i5 and the last 3. The numbers i3,5,7 do not at all indicate the number of cores in them. Now let’s determine what this number depends on.
This number depends on the level of processing power, which in turn is determined from their stars in the Intel processor rating, which is compiled from the criteria: number of cores, clock speed (in GHz), cache size, and whether the processor has technologies such as Intel Turbo Boost(ITB) and Hyper-Threading(HT).
i3 received three stars, i5 four stars and i7 five stars. Intel processors Celeron and Pentium - earned 1 and 2 stars, respectively.
We also note that Core processors can be configured from the point of view of the device on which it is installed, that is, for laptops and for PCs. Each of them has its own specific features and characteristics. Please note that we are talking about 2nd generation processors.

Number of Cores
As everyone knows, the more cores, the better. More cores, more tasks (threads) are running simultaneously. The i3 has the fewest cores. All Core i3 processors have two cores.
Also now all i5 processors except i5-661 have four cores. Core i5-661 dual core processor with a frequency of 3.33 GHz. Tip: i3-560 clock frequency also 3.33 GHz, that is, the same as the i5-661, but it is much cheaper than it.
But the i5-661 has Turbo Boost technology over the Core i3-560.
Processors Intel Core i7 have 4 or 6 cores.

Intel Turbo Boost
ITB technology, which allows you to increase the frequency during operation if necessary. The maximum frequency value depends on characteristics such as the number of cores, energy consumption and temperature.
The Core i5-661 has a maximum frequency of 3.6 GHz. Because none of the Core i3 processors have this technology, any of the i5 family can overtake them if necessary.

Cache size
Every time the processor notices that we are using the same information, it stores it in cache memory for later quick access. This is due to the fact that the cache memory is located in the processor itself. RAM and cache are used in the waiting areas for frequently used data. If they were not there, the processor would have to interact with the hard drive, which takes more time.
The operating principle of RAM is to reduce the amount of information transferred from hard drive, while the cache reduces the amount of information transferred from RAM. It follows that the larger the cache memory, the more information can be retrieved quickly. Processors of the Core i3 family have 3 MB of cache memory, i5 except 661 (4) have 6 MB. And all i7 processors have 8 MB. This is one of the principles why the i7 is better than the i5 - and why the i5 is better than the i3.

Due to the fact that one processor can only process one thread, Intel invented HT technology. This technology allows one core to handle multiple threads.
For example, Core i3 has 2 cores, but due to this technology the processor can handle up to 4 threads. Unfortunately, the 5-series does not have this technology, the exception being the i5-661, which means that the thread count is the same as the Core i3.
Here's another reason why i7 processors are better than others. Due to the fact that they have 4 cores and support HT technology. It follows from this that 8 threads can simultaneously process processors of the i7 family. Combined with 8MB of cache and ITB, you'll see why they're the best.
Nowadays, more and more programs use multiple threads simultaneously to increase speed. Some photo and video editors are multi-threaded. However, browsers are unlikely to use this in the near future.

Core i3 processor
Needed by those who use their computer for simple tasks (word processing, Email etc.). i3 processors can easily cope with these simple tasks. Inexpensive.

i5 processor
If you are into video editing or you love games Core processor The i5 can handle these tasks with ease, at an affordable price.

i7 family processor
Not everyone needs this beast. But if you have enough speed, then the Core i7 is just for you.

In the end I would like to say. That any processor from the family, be it Core i3, i5 or i7, is a guarantee of quality. All three Core I families are universally appreciated. My advice to you is to buy a computer that performs the functions you require and suits your budget.

Hello everyone guys Intel Core i3, i5, i7 processors, this is perhaps the best middle ground among processors in the world. Yes, guys, in the world, if you need an optimal balance in terms of price and performance, then it’s better to take processors from Intel. I don’t argue, AMD is also good, but to put it briefly, they have a lot of cores and a higher frequency, but they are still weaker.. And also, you know what? Don't forget that AMD processors eat more light.. For some this is a small thing, but for others it will be important..

Okay, so I got a little off topic, so sorry. Our question today is how many cores are there? Process Core i5? And here the answer cannot be taken and just given! Why? The processors can be laptop, desktop, or, so to speak, the first i5 models. For all three types, the number of cores may differ, and there may even be threads (Hyper-threading technology). Although there are such users, they are sure that there are no threads in i5, period, no, and that’s it! In a sense, they are right, because there are no threads in the desktop versions (we’ll talk about the exception later).

So guys, in general, if you have an i5 processor, then you don’t have to guess and fool yourself, you can just go and download CPU-Z utility, she will show you everything. Then you launch the CPU-Z program, and there at the bottom there is something like Cores and Threads, these are the cores and threads, that’s where it’s written:

But if you are just interested in information about how many cores are in the Intel Core i5, then okay guys, I’ll tell you.

This means, as I already wrote, desktop versions of Core i5 have 4 cores. This is the golden mean among Intel processors, 4 cores and that’s it, no threads. i7 already comes with threads, but it also has 4 cores. Well, i3 does not have 4 cores, it has 2 cores, but it also has threads.

It has already happened that the i5 process has exactly 4 cores and that’s it. But, this all applies to desktop versions. But there is one exception on socket 1156, well, maybe there is not one exception, but several, well, the first i5 processors on socket 1156 had 2 cores and 4 threads. That is, they were i5 with 2 cores, many users will say that I’m writing complete bullshit, but it’s true. Here is an example, model i5 650 in the CPU-Z program:

See what's written down there? Cores: 2 and Threads: 4, that is, two cores and four threads. But don't worry if you regular user, then I think that you are unlikely to have such a percentage, after all, the 1156 socket is already a thing of the past, it is an outdated socket and a bit rare. These are the exceptions, all other i5 models on the 1155th socket, on the 1150th, on the 1151st, then there are 4 cores as standard everywhere.

Now about mobile processors. If you have a laptop, or are thinking about getting one, then you should know that the power inside the laptop is not the same as in a regular computer. It’s a laptop there, and it’s made so that the laptop works for a long time, so that the processor doesn’t consume too much light, doesn’t get warm, and all that. It is clear that all this also affects performance; such a percentage is less productive than the desktop version. Sometimes, you can even say that it is cut down, because there are not 4 cores, but 2, but there are threads. For example Core model i5-4200U:

As you can see, this is exactly what I was talking about, there are 2 cores and 4 threads, although it is i5! Here is another i5-6200U model, newer, but still has 2 cores and 4 threads:

So laptop processors are like, well, a little different from everyone else...

If the laptop is expensive, then there may be an i5, which has all the full 4 cores, but alas, they still remain mobile. For example, the i5-6300HQ model:

By the way, the situation is approximately the same with the Core i7, there are also differences in terms of the number of cores!

Well, guys, is everything I wrote to you here more or less normal? I hope that everything was clear here, and if something is wrong, then I’m sorry. You see, I provide screenshots of the CPU-Z program everywhere, this is because it is a good program and I recommend it to you, it is an excellent program to quickly find out information about the process. It’s free, it doesn’t load the computer at all, it works well, in short, I wrote that it’s a good program

All the guys, that's all, good luck to you in life, so that everything goes well for you, so that you don't get sick and are happy, good luck


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