Why Google Play developers are blocked. Why Google Play developers are blocked How to view data on suspicious activity

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The Russian-language version of the Google website was temporarily included in the registry of prohibited sites compiled by Google. This led to some providers blocking access to the popular search engine, which social network users complained about.

Google.ru was blacklisted based on a decision of the Federal Tax Service () more than a year ago.

“We know that some users are having problems accessing the google.ru website. On Google's side technical problems No. We are looking into the situation,” a Google spokesperson said.

Google let down advertising

Blocking problem on this moment decided - about it » Interfax" said the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander. “The problem was, it was not a false blocking. Google had a redirect from the bookmaker's website, so operators began to block it. Google already removed the redirect, the problem was quickly resolved,” said the head of the supervisory agency.

It turned out that the website google.ru was included in the register on the basis of Art. 15.1 (about information, information technology and on the protection of information) by decision of the Federal Tax Service dated June 14, 2016.

The Cybersecurity and Co. Telegram channel, run by IT specialist Alexander Litreev, reported that Google in Russia “managed” to block , Telecom TZ, Science and Communications, Maxima Telecom, TTK, Stalnet, Signal, MaryinoNet and about a dozen other providers. Litreev himself held investigation and found out why Google got into the register because of gambling sites.

As the expert stated, the issue is not the found vulnerability of the system, but the incompetence of the employees who entered the site with prohibited information - instead of a direct link, the business address of the search engine’s advertising network was added to the list.

“Voila, RKN killed Google for a huge number of Russians,” writes Litreev.

“It’s just incompetence - people don’t understand anything about how advertising networks work search engines like Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords", the analyst added.

Gazeta.Ru contacted the director (IRI) for project activities to find out whether Roskomnadzor, in principle, has grounds to block Google. The expert confirmed that the reason for adding a search engine to the registry could only be an error or misunderstanding.

“Despite various scandalous initiatives in the field of Internet regulation, Russia is confidently moving along the path of free movement and exchange of information, access to legal sources of its distribution, which is the search engine Google service. Any restrictions introduced in our country are minimal and are caused by ensuring national security: countering the spread of illegal content, terrorism and extremism. Blocking Google in the current situation would be barbaric,” said Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor.

Google banned

Despite a fairly prompt solution to the problem, the news of Google being blocked instantly spread throughout social networks, causing a huge number of publications. Many noted that the phrase “Are you banned from Google” took on new colors.

In addition, users joked that Roskomnadzor could not remove Google from the register of prohibited sites, because now it could not “Google” how to do it.

Some also noted that Google's ban should make employees very happy.

In general, the blocking of Google.ru came as a complete surprise to everyone, since Roskomnadzor did not make any statements about the existence of violations. The situation is completely different with the Telegram messenger, which Zharov’s department has long been trying to add to the register of organizers of information dissemination, and therefore to obtain the necessary identifiers from it.

Telegram and its creator do not make contact with Roskomnadzor and do not respond to its requests, which led to the head of the department promising to personally demand the necessary data. Zharov added that he was “waiting and waiting for a response from the messenger,” but has not yet achieved any result.

you received from Google message"A suspicious login attempt has been blocked"? This means that we believed that someone else was trying to gain access to your account. These messages are sent for security purposes. We also notify users of suspicious login attempts, such as from a new device or from a different city than they are normally located in.

How can you tell if a message came from Google?

Unfortunately, hackers sometimes try to obtain account information by copying Google messages about a suspicious login attempt. Do not trust messages that ask you to provide your username, password, or other personal information. If a message contains a link to a third-party site, do not click on it or leave your personal information on such sites.

If you receive a login attempt blocked message, follow the instructions below. Be sure to change your password if you find anything suspicious.

How to view suspicious activity data

If you receive a message from Google that your sign-in attempt has been blocked, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Account page.
  2. From the left navigation bar, select Safety.
  3. In chapter Recent Events click Show security events.
  4. Check to see if the list includes actions performed on unfamiliar devices or in unfamiliar locations. To view details about an action, click on it.
  5. If you detect suspicious activity, click on the link Protect your account at the top of the page.
  6. Change your password by following the instructions.
How to report suspicious email to Google

If you receive an email asking you to provide personal information, then most likely someone else is trying to gain access to your account. This type of Internet fraud is called phishing. Let us know and we will try to prevent such emails from being sent.

The main idea of ​​the article is to collect in one place as many real precedents for blocking applications and developer accounts as possible. For each case, analyze the causes and consequences in detail.

The topic is very serious. Once Google blocks you, there is no going back. Apparently, the relationship between the account and your full name, IP, Mac address and other personal data is monitored. Damage your relationship with Google once, and then you'll never get it clean..

In order not to lose an account registered to you personally, you need to follow certain principles. Let's try to get them out together.

I’ll say right away - personally, my account and applications have not yet been blocked. But after reading articles about blocking other users, I began to be wary. Ask questions on forums. And the fears were not in vain.

If you or someone you know has had cases of application accounts being blocked, you can describe them in the comments or in a personal message - I will be happy to add them to the list. The more cases, the more useful the article. And try to include as much information, links and screenshots as possible.



Essence: The developer created a small game, the name of which used the word Tetris. This word is a registered trademark and you have to pay to use it. In principle, this is logical, since quite a lot of users type the word “tetris” into Google Play and the application immediately receives many visits and installations. The application has been blocked.
Reason for blocking: Copyright infringement (use of the word Tetris)
Proof: http://javatalks.ru/topics/42335
Result: Prosperous. The developer re-uploaded the same application with a different name. The account remains intact, the application is still working.

Guess the anime

Essence: The developer has written an application that contains pictures of characters for which he does not own the copyright. The application has been blocked.
Reason for blocking: Copyright infringement (Use of pictures from anime)
Proof: http://toster.ru/q/101383 (answer from danil031997)
Result: I had to register a new one bank card, new account, etc. The user decided not to post old projects anywhere else.

Black SEO

Essence: Some account contained about 20 applications (total number of downloads ~500k). They were stuffed with unevenly distributed keywords. After ~7 warnings from Google, the developer's account was banned.
Reason for blocking: Search spam
Proof: http://toster.ru/q/55160
Result: A new account was registered, but it was banned due to loading old applications into it.

Erotic content

Essence: The developer has created a media player for Android. Everything would be fine, but among his screenshots on Github there was erotic content. At the time that article was published, it was indeed there, I checked. The application has been blocked.
Reason for blocking: Erotic content
Proof: http://habrahabr.ru/company/freeamp/blog/230293
Result: Don't link your app to erotic content. Carefully control every picture you post anywhere on the Internet. Especially on Github.

Lifetime ban

Essence: The developer is a US citizen and lives in San Francisco. Judging by his post, he switched from iOS to Android, invested quite a lot of money in the latter, and then created a series of harmless applications for his son. These applications recorded some YouTube channel, allowing you to view only his videos. The app headers contained the names of channels, some of which were quite popular. A total of 10 such applications were created. Two of them were blocked.
Reason for blocking: Search spam
Proof: https://medium.com/@sgehrman/banned-for-life-c62f2404f66
Result: After being blocked, the user tried to write to support, but in response his account was banned for life. Please note - he is a US citizen. I initially thought that only ours were banned so harshly on Google Play. It turned out that justice still exists.

Google Play algorithm

There are two types of moderation - manual and automatic. Apparently, if the title and description of an application do not contain popular keywords, it undergoes automatic moderation. This happened with my applications - they appeared 2-3 hours after downloading the APK.

If the application has not passed automatic moderation, you can wait several days for manual moderation.


  • Never, never Do not contact Google technical support if your application is banned. There were many cases when Google banned an account precisely because of an attempt to “download rights”.
  • Do not try to re-upload the application under a different name.
  • If you have similar applications (similar to the one that was blocked) - delete them immediately, even if they cost you a lot of work or money. You will save your priceless account, the loss of which is irreparable.
  • Use only content for which you own the copyright. Do not use other people's pictures, videos or sounds, even if your application will contribute to the development of the author of this content.
  • Be especially careful about the title of your application. To be safe, do not add the names of companies or any popular products there.
  • Be careful with tags. In general, much of the above can be summarized as follows: do not try to cheat the app by searching on Google Play. If you indicate popular ones in the title, tags or anywhere keywords, a lot of people will find your app, but Google won't like it.
  • For our own personal projects- find an alternative to Google play. There are plenty of them. You are unlikely to be banned there. And at worst, no one is stopping you from posting the APK on your personal website or blog.

Bottom line

I don't understand why there is such strictness. The fact that over the past couple of years the play has been put in order and the rules have been tightened is good. But banning developer accounts for life for just a few harmless applications, and without trial or investigation, is nonsense.

Who's banning? Apparently, any left-handed office can snitch on your application if there is something wrong there. A robot or moderator can also ban (when you first download the application). The application is blocked without warning And beyond recovery.

I hope this article helps you. Joke: “Have you been banned from Google?” is becoming a harsh reality for some Android developers. This is sad.

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