Recover page on VK forgot password. Restoring a VKontakte page without a number. How to recover a forgotten or lost password from a VKontakte page

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Go to home page website at On the left, under the “Login” button, there is a link to a form for restoring lost access, which is labeled “Forgot your password?” - press it.

You will be taken to the access recovery page. Following the instructions given, enter your login and address in the only field Email or your mobile number. Click "Next". A message will appear asking if this page is the one you want to access. If so, click the button that says “Yes, this is the right page.” Within a few minutes, you should receive an SMS message with a code attached to your page, the numbers of which must be entered in the input field. Once entered, click the button labeled “Change Password.” Two text fields will appear in front of you: in one you need to enter a new password, in - you need to duplicate it. After confirmation, you should receive an SMS message with new information to log into the site.

If you do not remember the data that is necessary to restore access to the page, pay attention to the link at the bottom of the page, which allows you to use the form to restore access to the page. After you follow this link, you must enter the link to your page in the text field that appears.

If you don’t know what the correct link to your personal page looks like, you can use the people search, the link to which is at the bottom of the page. By clicking on it, you get access to the standard search on the site. By entering the necessary information into the fields of the search page, you can find your page and, by copying the link to it from the address bar of your browser, return to the access restoration form. After pasting the link to your page into the text field, click the “Next” button.

In the page access restoration form that appears, provide all the necessary information and upload the required documents - a scan or photograph of an identity document and a photo of you in the background of the page with the access restoration form. After completing the necessary operations, click the “send application” button. After this, your application will be sent for consideration. After some time required to carry out the check, at the time specified by you Mailbox a notification will arrive and you will be able to restore access to your page.

Video on the topic


This article will describe in detail how to recover your contact password. 1. Go to the VKontakte website at Make sure that the address bar of the browser indicates the address of the website If you are asked to send an SMS, then do not do it! VKontakte does not require you to send SMS to recover your password, but only sends you SMS messages.

Helpful advice

If it suddenly happens that you have forgotten your password for your contact account, then do not be upset after reading these instructions, You will be able to recover your password yourself, or rather change it to a new one, completely free of charge. By clicking on it, you will be taken to the page for recovering your password in contact. There is only one field in which you need to enter your login, mailbox or phone number, to which your VKontakte account is registered.


  • how to recover VKontakte password

VKontakte - famous, popular network, which allows you to communicate with friends and family, is widespread in Russia.
And, of course, the accounts contain a lot of personal information that is usually inaccessible to strangers and the creators social network maintain safety.
To guarantee security, profiles have a unique address and original credentials created by the registered user.
But it often happens that this information is forgotten, and without it you cannot log in - a typical problem can cut you off from virtual communication with friends for a long time.
It's pretty common problem and you can eliminate it using a computer or mobile phone.
How can I restore the availability of the application?

1. How to log into VK if you have lost your password?
2. What to do if not a phone? What to do if you have lost your login?
3. New ways to recover your VKontakte password and login
4. Conclusion


Password is a unique, secret combination of certain characters used for security on a social network, code, cipher.
In the “VKontakte” application, they can contain letters from the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet, numbers and other symbols.
Login is a kind of “pass”; a word required for authorization in the system. It's better to use a name or email. The most common and reliable option is to use a telephone number as such a “pass”. In this case, the mobile device is tied to the application, and there is a greater chance of finding lost data.
Authentication for authorization is required at all times. Now, let's look in detail at how to update it.
How can I get my profile back if I have lost my password?
The simplest case is simply a forgotten password.
When logging in, click on the “Forgot your password?” footnote.
It is located directly under the login form and will transfer the user to data restoration. Then, we remember what information is associated with the social system - email or mobile number. We type them to define the account and move on - the “Next” button. Once the application finds the intended page, you will see its profile photo and first and last name. Click on the inscription “Yes, this is the right page” and a special combination of characters will be sent to your cell phone, which must be entered in the “Code” field and confirm ownership of the account.
The first time you visit a contact, you will be asked for a new code for further security. Come up with a reliable set of symbols to prevent hacking, but be sure to write them down.
How to restore access without a phone?
What if the phone number is unavailable or not linked to the page?
When logging in, you will need to go to the additional help “Forgot your password”, find your personal page without asking for a special code, click on the words “Click here”. Then the support service provides the user with a special questionnaire where it is necessary to enter accurate data. A larger number of individual readings means a greater chance of finding a personal account.
When you finish filling out the application form, you need to submit an application (help “Send an application”) and wait for the administration’s response.
What to do if you have lost your login?

There are cases when users lose their login. How can I get my profile back?
It would be easier to use the number cell phone or email address.
If such information is not available, you will need your account ID address. You need to go to the missing page with the help of a person who is a friend in the system. Your friend looks for you in his personal list of friends and, having found you, copies the id address.
Next, you need to follow the link indicated below, where we paste the copied values.
Click on the “Next” button.
Then the same questionnaire appears as if the code was lost. We indicate the correct information for your account and wait for the support service to confirm your application and for you to return the page.
If you cannot turn to a friend or acquaintance for help, use search engine of people.
In the search window, enter your first and last name (or nickname - depending on the name registered on the lost profile). Then you will find the desired page through a standard search for friends on the Internet. Copy the link to the page or its id-address, and enter it as described above and follow the same procedure - we proceed to the next step of account recovery, where we fill out the form and wait for confirmation from the administration.
New ways to restore authentication in contact
Social networks, like any other sites, are updated periodically. And with the latest design, there is another, new, opportunity to return your personal record. It may help if you are unable to find your account in an easier way.
We go to the main page of the site. We use a standard people search, where we enter the user’s first and last name - we find the lost account. From the address bar of the browser, copy the help to the page and go to VKontakte again. Follow the link to restore access, where we paste the previously copied combination into the text field.
Click on the inscription “Next”.
At the subsequent stage of updating the input to account We enter specific information related to it and send documents confirming your identity. To do this, you need to take a scan of the restoration of access to your account, and then take a photo in front of the site. We attach both documents to the entered information, and send a request to the support service - “send request”.
Administrators will review your application and confirm it; if the photo is clear and clear enough, then access will be returned to you.
The most reliable and safest method is to submit a request to the support service.
But the last method for regaining access to the account often helps if real photos were posted on it and valid information was provided. If it's fake, then there will be less chance of getting it back.
By the way! If, when leaving the main entrance and registering to restore access, you see a request to send an SMS from your phone, then do not send messages to the site under any circumstances! Remember that the administration does not require messages from mobile devices, but sends them independently.


Don’t worry too much about lost credentials - you can resume logging into your account at any time if you have a device that supports Internet connection. In addition, it is always easy to do it yourself and, most importantly, quickly and free. You just need to know at least some of the individual information required to restore access.
To avoid having your personal data hacked, use more complex passwords - the strength of the authentication is always shown when it is changed.
And in the future, just write down the passwords and logins of the networks on which you register.

I forgot my contact password again, what should I do?

Forgot your password, sorry? – What should you do if suddenly? – Many people ask this question with excitement, as they think that access to contacts has been lost for them, at least to their old and favorite page, which you are already accustomed to.

Will this probably have to be done anew and go through the whole procedure again? – Don’t worry, even if you forgot your password, you still have the opportunity to access your contact page. And now you will find out how you can go to the page in contact with forgotten password.

The steps below will help you get an answer to the expected question - “What to do if you forgot.”

It turns out that dealing with a forgotten password is possible and not at all as difficult as it may seem to many users of this network. You just need to move your brain a little, but this article will not even make your gray matter move, since by repeating everything described in it, you can go to your VKontakte page with a forgotten password.

So, go to the main page of the VKontakte website, and on the left side, under the fields where you enter your login and password, pay attention to the “Forgot your password?” tab.

So, I’ll give you an example of how to restore access to a contact using a mailbox!

Click on the already mentioned “Forgot your password?” tab. And this is what we see:

After that, to recover your password, enter your Email, or maybe your phone number if you registered and linked your phone number to the VKontakte page. After this, enter the code offered by the VK service and press the “Submit” button.

After this, you will be asked whether this is the page to which you are going to restore access. In this case, you will have a “Yes, this is the right page” button.

In my case, the service still sends me an SMS, for the reason that the page is linked to a mobile phone, and opens a window like this (see figure).

Did you have access to that phone number, for some reason and not, then the contact offers to use another link “click here”.

And the contact will provide you with another opportunity to restore access to the page in the contact.

Where you can submit your application for restoration by filling out the required fields.

The password is serious, try to protect it from strangers and not lose it. About, you can also find on this site.

I think you know now what to do if you forgot your password in contact, and you can independently restore access to contact.

How to log into VK if you forgot your login? I don't remember him. How to find out? There is a solution! Let's figure it out now.

Usually your login is your phone number

Your VK login is usually your phone number, to which you registered the page. For example, 89211234567. If you have this number at hand, then there is no problem. I remember the password, but I don’t remember the login - then I enter the number as a login, enter the password and go to the page. Just don’t forget to enter the country code at the beginning of your number - for example, Russian numbers should have the number 8 or 7 at the beginning, and the number should have 11 digits in total. Try logging in through the Login start page - this is the easiest way.

Is it possible to log into VK without a login? No, because the login determines who exactly is logging in, and the password proves that it is that person and not someone else.

Even if you forgot your password, you can order a recovery code via SMS to your number and gain access to the page (you just have to come up with a new password). Here are instructions on how to do this: Restoring VKontakte access. Then you will log in to the VKontakte website with your number as your login and new password.

What if I forgot my phone number?

If you forgot the number with which you entered VK, then most likely you no longer have this number. Try to remember. Find out from your friends - maybe they still have it on their phone or in their notebook. If you can’t find out, then if too much time has passed since you lost your number, it is recommended first recovery method - click here: .

In the case when an email address is attached to the page, you can specify it when recovering the password - then VK will show part of the digits of the number that is the login. This will help you remember it.

Forgot both login and password

If you cannot remember your login, or if you have forgotten both your login and password, you will have to restore access. There are two ways, both here: Restoring access without a phone. The first one is recommended as it is simpler and faster. Not everyone will be able to restore using the second method (read the necessary conditions there), it is more difficult and will take much more time.

There are no other ways. Only you can restore the page yourself. It is useless to write anywhere and ask for it to be restored. No one will do it for you. Such rules. Only you and only these two ways.

How to delete an old page if you forgot your login and password?

What is the most reliable way to log into VK?

Most reliable way entrance is start page"Login" (address website). This is a well-known and time-tested site that has been helping people since 2010. You will be able to access VK and other sites with one click. There are also interesting additional functions.

Losing your login and password for your VKontakte page is a common problem. Without them, you will not be able to log into your profile again if you have completely logged out of it (see how to log out of VK).

Now I will show you how the standard login and password recovery tool works. We will also look at useful features that can be used for these purposes.

So, what should you do if you forgot your login and password in contact.


It will be useful for you - how to restore access to the VK page.

Let's repeat it again.

VK login - username used to log into the site (see VK login and password). This can be your phone number (see how to unlink a number from VK), or your email address (see how to unlink VK from mail).

A password is a unique combination of letters, numbers or special characters.

What to do if you forgot your password in contact

Let's consider a situation where you cannot remember the password for your page.

We go to the main page:

This is necessary in order to identify our page. After this, click the “Next” button.

If the data provided is correct, then VK will find our page and show it to us, indicating our full name and avatar. If everything is correct, click the “Yes, this is the right page” button.

After this, a special code will be sent to the phone number linked to the page. You will need to enter it into the form and click the “Change Password” button.

After this, you will need to come up with a new password (see complex passwords for VK) and enter it into the form.

How to recover a password in a contact without a phone

If for some reason you cannot use the access restoration function via your phone, then you should proceed as follows.

Let's go back a little to the form for entering a code from an SMS message. Here we click the link from the bottom menu - “Click here”.

On the next page you need to fill out the form in as much detail as possible. Enter all your data so that the Vkontakte administration can accurately determine that you are the owner of the specified page.

After you fill out the form, click the “Submit Application” button. Now you need to wait for a response from the support service (see how to write to VK support).

If you forgot your VKontakte login

First, I recommend that you try standard data. We have determined that this can only be a phone or email address. Surely there are not many of them at your disposal. If you still can’t remember, do the following.

We find our page and copy its id (see how to find out the id on VK). The easiest way to do this is to ask any friend to visit your page, having first found it in your friends list.

And paste the id copied in the previous step. After this, click “Next”.

We'll go back to the familiar questionnaire. We fill in the known data as much as possible and submit a request to restore access.

How else to recover your password and login in contact

Secret ways to this moment No. If you are unable to remember your credentials, then the surest way is to submit a request to support. Do this using the example described above.

Please note - the more data you provide in the form, the higher the likelihood that your access will be restored.


Don't forget to write down your username and password when registering on any site. This also applies to VK. This way, you will never lose your login information, and you will not have the need to recover your VKontakte login and password.

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