Charity: different and amazing. Group administrators on VKontakte announced a competition for bullying sick children Police officers detained a hacker from Syzran

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Anonymously please.

Lilia Murashova, Krasnodar, 5 years old, shunted hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy.
The story of how a large family earns their money with the help of a sick youngest daughter. A premature girl with hydrocephalus, Lilya, lived like a volcano, constantly traveling to Moscow, until she got the shunt working. But something went wrong again, the shunt began to give out dysfunction. Then mother Yulia, who had read a lot of smart books (and before the birth of her sick daughter, had come into contact with medicine only in passing, and certainly not with neurosurgery), decided that she was now a cool neurosurgeon, and Moscow "luminaries" were all so-so. She decided that Lilya was bypass independent, she didn't need a shunt, it had to be removed. And also insert plates into the skull to improve the shape of the head. In Moscow, her ideas were not supported. But mommy is restless, rushed to St. Petersburg. Of course, without spending your money, and without opening a collection, as is now fashionable. People just wanted to help. In St. Petersburg, they needed new clothes for Lily (she arrived naked, and there was nothing from older children), baby purees, and most importantly, a new stroller (which could be carried out according to the IPRA, Lily is a disabled child, she has strollers entered, she is not walking ). The collection, or rather not the collection, but simply a request, was for the plates in the head, and the money went to everything else. But the people are kind, gathered for everything. They did an operation, removed the shunt, put the plates. The shape of the head has not improved in any way, even the back of the head has become flatter. This is half the trouble, the main one is that the girl cannot live without a shunt. She is at home in Krasnodar, then she is urgently dragged to St. Petersburg to pump out fluid from the skull. Mom moans that they don’t have enough money, that they live in a private apartment (for some reason, not in a hospital), that they need a shunt for 180 thousand and for 290 thousand a suitcase programmer (which neurosurgeons put pressure in the shunt. Only medical organizations, and not individuals). There is nothing free, there are no quotas, there is nothing, only the groans of Yulia Murasheva. She removes questions about the collected amount, just as she does not issue checks for paid plates, a stroller, etc. Occasionally she lays out checks from a children's store, then from a pharmacy where adult medicines were bought, checks without dates, checks for Japanese diapers ... Today, an extract from an incomprehensible doctor appeared, no seal, no signature ... Although even in regional small towns, doctors put a seal with their full name on their signature. What the child's pension is spent on is unknown. According to compulsory medical insurance, the treatment is too bad for them, and the funds ask for too many documents. Throwing a cry is easier! From the card where the collection is carried out, the money is simply transferred to your personal card. But my mother gives lectures on neurosurgery and the basics of hydrocephalus on her Instagram.

"Cheat Fighters" has established 14 nominations to make fun of parents and their children suffering from cancer.

The family of Varvara Malkova from Volgograd was among the victims at the hands of the group's administrators in social network in Vkontakte". The baby's parents were nominated for victory in the nominations "The most impudent and greedy parents of the year", "Ongeo-father" of the year, and also "The most "expensive" free treatment of the year." Let's talk about everything in order.

Today correspondents of the site "Notebook Volgograd" found that the group, which talks about the treatment of three-year-old Varvara Malkova in Belgium, has been blocked. We were confused by the wording: "The community is blocked for suspicious fees for charitable purposes." Notepad has been following Varvara's fate from the very beginning to the present, and every day we look at the news about her well-being. The fundraiser was suspended immediately after the baby ended up in Belgium, so the wording looks suspicious. We contacted Vari's mother:

Well-wishers did their best, - admitted Olesya Malkova, - we contacted technical support, explained that our fundraising had been closed for a long time, and in the near future the group would be opened.

Well-wishers turned out to be the administration of the Charity: Different and Amazing group. According to Varya's mother, they were offended that the parents closed the group for everyone except subscribers, and these people can no longer use the posts and mock their child.

We looked through the group and were shocked: the collection of funds for each child from Volgograd and other regions of the country here turns into a heated discussion for discussion.

“How to make a source of continuous collections from a child with a deep disability” (we are talking about a 6-year-old girl with multiple intrauterine malformations) is the title of one post.

“Nothing changes in online philanthropy. More and more parents are ready to capitalize on the misfortune of their children. There are no fewer of those who fall for the bait of such parents,” the administrators warn.

The rules of the group state that in discussions you need to indicate your point of view and argue it.

Expressions like: “It seems to me”, “It has always been like this”, “It's right, because it's true”, “Have you helped anyone!”, etc. are not arguments, - the administrators wrote.

But at the same time, for some reason, they forget that only investigators can accuse people of fraud. And yet it still needs to be proven in court. The article on libel in the Criminal Code has not yet been cancelled.

I asked 12 people a question: how do you feel about charity. 7 of the respondents answered positively, but 11 people do not want to take part in charity. The reasons are very different: money will not reach the addressee, lack of transparency in reports, scammers. This survey showed that the topic is really burning. It is possible that the people who create such groups have themselves encountered scammers, and therefore took such a principled position. In general, you need to understand that the idea of ​​charity is at the top when people have free money. Now we are experiencing an economic crisis, respectively, such groups can be psychological protection. That is, I do not give money, because there are scammers around. The very idea of ​​charity is becoming irrelevant, - says psychologist Anatoly Sergeev. @bloknot_volgograd

Recall that in July 2016, Varvara began to have health problems. For unknown reasons, the high temperature rose to +39 degrees. However, no cold symptoms were observed. Doctors prescribed antibiotics and antiviral drugs for the girl, but this gave only a temporary result. And later, my mother noticed: Varvara's gait was twisted. The girl struggled to get out of bed. As a result, the baby was sent for examination to the children's hemato-oncology department, and later.

The Belgian side promised to cure the patient free of charge. It is not yet known whether the treatment will have to be paid for, the final decision on this matter has not yet been made.

As soon as the parents found out that they might not need money for treatment, they stopped fundraising. If the money is not needed, the Malkovs promise to transfer it to the account of another sick child.

The treatment gives positive results: metastases from the head have completely disappeared, but remain in the bone tissues of the knees. The child has already undergone four courses of chemotherapy.

News on Notebook-Volgograd

112 0 2

A year ago
Dear participants and guests of the public.

Recent discussions force us to write a post-clarification.

Public administration fees:
1. Doesn't lead
2. Doesn't check
3. Not recommended
4. Strongly disapproves, any and all

We strongly recommend that fees are not guaranteed in the community. Do not make recommendations. Do not send to fair, in your opinion, fees and groups. None of the recommenders is responsible for the fees, and we will not allow anyone to deceive on our territory.
In the future, we will be extremely severely punishing for the recommendations of "honest" fees in public, without warning and the right to appeal.
The post is non-negotiable.
Thanks for understanding.

38 9 2

A month ago
Good afternoon. Anonymously please. - Birds crisis center. As they present themselves, they help victims of domestic violence. It's a good thing, but there are some doubts about the implementation.

So, fundraising goes to private accounts. From the photos posted in the group - a certain apartment rental agreement, the so-called. shelter, and a receipt stamped "paid". That is, in general, papers that can be made "on the knees."

Further. One of the founders - Natalya Nikiforova, nee Chebaevskaya, VK is known as the Govorun Bird. Her page is here: For many years, many unrelated people have been writing about her, accusing her of fraud. In short, according to their stories, she often took personal belongings and did not return them, collected money for urgent operations (according to her, she had oncology), but there were never sane reports on the expenditure of funds. Often, certificates with blurry or frankly fake seals were laid out. At the same time, the man became famous for his unrealistic regeneration - a few days after she was urgently hospitalized, for example, with a burst cyst, she happily ran home from the hospital on her feet. She was also caught in outright lies about her illnesses - when she said that she was taken to the hospital, and by calling there it turned out that there was no patient with such a name. Links to the stories of people who interacted with her are here:

Also, people who have been in the shelter of this crisis center say that Natalia herself lives there. And if this is true, it is very convenient to rent an apartment for yourself on donations.

The question is. How can you initiate a legal review of their activities?

15 257 0

2 months ago
Anonymously please.

Lilia Murashova, Krasnodar, 5 years old, shunted hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy.
The story of how a large family earns their money with the help of a sick youngest daughter. A premature girl with hydrocephalus, Lilya, lived like a volcano, constantly traveling to Moscow, until she got the shunt working. But something went wrong again, the shunt began to give out dysfunction. Then Yulia's mother, who had read a lot of smart books (and before the birth of her sick daughter, had come into contact with medicine only in passing, and certainly not with neurosurgery), decided that she was now a cool neurosurgeon, and Moscow "luminaries" were all so-so. She decided that Lilya was bypass independent, she didn't need a shunt, it had to be removed. And also insert plates into the skull to improve the shape of the head. In Moscow, her ideas were not supported. But mommy is restless, rushed to St. Petersburg. Of course, without spending your money, and without opening a collection, as is now fashionable. People just wanted to help. In St. Petersburg, they needed new clothes for Lily (she arrived naked, and there is nothing from older children), baby purees, and most importantly, a new stroller (which could be carried out according to the IPR, Lily is a disabled child, she has strollers entered, she is not walking ). The collection, or rather not the collection, but simply a request, was for the plates in the head, and the money went to everything else. But the people are kind, gathered for everything. They did an operation, removed the shunt, put the plates. The shape of the head has not improved in any way, even the back of the head has become flatter. This is half the trouble, the main one is that the girl cannot live without a shunt. She is at home in Krasnodar, then she is urgently dragged to St. Petersburg to pump out fluid from the skull. Mom moans that they don’t have enough money, that they live in a private apartment (for some reason, not in a hospital), that they need a shunt for 180 thousand and for 290 thousand a suitcase programmer (which neurosurgeons set pressure in the shunt. Only medical organizations, and not individuals). There is nothing free, there are no quotas, there is nothing, only the groans of Yulia Murasheva. She removes questions about the collected amount, just as she does not issue checks for paid plates, a stroller, etc. Occasionally she lays out checks from a children's store, then from a pharmacy where adult medicines were bought, checks without dates, checks for Japanese diapers ... Today, an extract from an incomprehensible doctor appeared, no seal, no signature ... Although even in regional small towns, doctors put a seal with their full name on their signature. What the child's pension is spent on is unknown. According to compulsory medical insurance, the treatment is too bad for them, and the funds ask for too many documents. Throwing a cry is easier! From the card where the collection is carried out, the money is simply transferred to your personal card. But my mother gives lectures on neurosurgery and the basics of hydrocephalus on her Instagram.

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