Determine the year of manufacture of the phone. How to determine the release date of a phone? Ways to determine the release date of a Samsung phone

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In some cases, you need to know how to check the release date on your phone. This information is especially necessary when purchasing a used gadget.

You can find out such data in several ways: in documents or using a special code.

Simple ways to check

  • Manufacturers usually indicate the release date of the phone in the documents, most often they put a stamp with a mark in the form YY.MM.DD, less often they put the date manually.
  • However, you cannot always trust this information: sometimes sellers can change the dates to newer ones or remove the coupon from the box. In this case, you need to look at the warranty card - the date must be stamped on its front side;
  • In the phone, under the battery, there is a combination of numbers and letters that can be used to determine when this gadget was released. The month and year of issue are indicated by the sixth and seventh digits from the end, respectively.
  • In Sony-Ericsson phones there is a sticker under the battery that you can use to find out information. Approximately it should look like 09W47, that is, 09 is a year, 47 is a week. According to the calendar, you can look at the 47th week of 2009, this will be the production date of the phone.

Verification with code

This can be done using special combinations of numbers:
  • for Nokia these are the codes: *#0000# or *#92772689#. After entering one of them, a window will appear with information about the operating system number, installation date, phone model;
  • for Samsung you need to dial *#0206*8378# or *#8999*8378#, after which a menu will appear where you should select “Produced” from the list and the necessary information will appear;
  • for Sony-Ericsson, after pressing the code *#7377466#, you can get information about the firmware date and release date;
  • Only by entering a code for phone models that have already been discontinued can you find out their release date: for example, for Motorola *#300# @ - data about the OS, the code *#403# displays it on the panel serial number. On Siemens phones dial *#06#.
If none of these methods work, you can contact the manufacturer's support service. Having found out the number of this service or via the Internet, you can contact them and ask them to tell you the release date.

To do this, you need to indicate the serial number located under the phone battery. They will check it against their database and provide the necessary information within a few days.

If you buy a new, non-activated smartphone, then knowing the production date does not make much sense. However, there is a huge market for devices that have been used. Users not only want to know when their device was manufactured, they also need to know whether the information in, for example, an advertisement for the sale of a smartphone is accurate.

Companies come up with their own ways to find out the production date of a smartphone, and Samsung is no exception. Especially for Galaxy devices, we have prepared several of the most simple ways determine the date and country of manufacture of the device.

Method 1: determined automatically using the application

Smartphones on Android platform very functional thanks to access to a huge number of applications. Among them are informational ones that, upon request, show a variety of data about the device, including the production date.

We recommend using Samsung's Phone Info utility. This is a verified app from a safe developer, so open the store Google Play Market and either search for it or follow this link.

When the utility is installed, open it. On the first screen of the “General Information” menu, find the “Production Date” field. Above there should be the “Country of Manufacture” field. These are the parameters that are needed.

Phone Info Samsung also stores detailed information about the characteristics of the device, model number, code name, type, region code, bootloader version, firmware, and so on.

Method 2: manually determine by serial number

As stated on the official Samsung website, the production date is encrypted in the serial number. It is known that each device has a unique serial number, so this method will be effective for 100 percent of people. This number is written under the battery (if it is removable), on back cover below and in the “About phone” menu in settings.

Now that you know the serial number of your gadget, you can start decoding. You need to start from what the last character is. If it is a letter, then you should count 5 characters from it to the left, and if it is a number, then count 5 characters from the end of the number. See example below:

The sixth character means the month. 1 - January, 2 - February, 3 - March and so on. The seventh character to the left of the sixth indicates the year the product was manufactured. If you see the letter B in that place, then your device was manufactured in 2011, if C, then 2012, D - 2013, F - 2014, G - 2015, H - 2016, J - 2017, K - 2018, M - 2019, and N corresponds to 2020.

In the example given, the number indicates that the product was manufactured in May 2018.

Method 3: look at the date on the retail packaging

Every new smartphone comes in a retail box, which usually contains most of the product information inside. It should have a production date sticker on it, which is applied exactly when the product leaves the production line. The disadvantage of this method is that this sticker is not always present, and if you buy it secondhand, then the box itself may not be there.

If your gadget has such a sticker, then please write to us what kind of device it is.

Method 4: find information by IMEI code

Every smartphone Samsung Galaxy receives unique code IMEI, which also stores the date of manufacture. Samsung Company offers a service to check its products using this code, and there you can find the information you need. To find the IMEI of your device, enter *#06# in the dialer and you will get the result within a second.

This link provides a form with two fields: address Email and IMEI number. These must be filled out carefully as you should receive a response from support with your Galaxy details. Fill out these fields, agree to the requirements and click the “Submit Request” button.

The problem is that a response can take quite a long period of time. It may end up in spam, so you'll have to check that too.

Method 5: determine the production date through third-party resources

There are many third-party resources that allow you to view data about your phone by iMEI or serial number. There is a service called SNDeepInfo, and it gives you the data you need about Galaxy.

Open this site in your browser manually or follow our link. On home page You will see a field for the serial number or IMEI. Next you need to do the following:

  • First, choose a manufacturer, and in our case it is Samsung.
  • Enter one of the above numbers and click the “Check” button. In an instant, a page with the required information will open.

Method 6: use special codes

Special codes are a great way to view information about a smartphone. There are such codes for Samsung, and now we will tell you about them.

Like any other manufacturers, Seoul residents offer their own solutions, so the codes are different. However, you need to enter them into the same dialer. The first code looks like this: *#8999*8378#. Enter it in your Phone and wait for the result to be displayed. If it does not work, that is, the device generates an error, then try another special code: *#0206*8378#.

Let's sum it up

Samsung has a huge number mobile devices Galaxy, and some of the above methods work and some don't. That's why we offer so many different options. Probably the easiest way is to install Phone app Info Samsung, but this is only if the device has a good internet connection.

Which of these methods did you choose? It is also important to know which ones are not suitable for your smartphone.

Look at the documents. So, you are holding a phone in your hands and you just need to find out how old it is. The simplest and in a convenient way find out are the documents. Of course, this does not apply to all phone models, but if you are lucky, you will easily and without problems find out the information you need.

Look at the phone case. If you do not have documents for the phone, or they do not say when the phone was manufactured, then you should proceed as follows. Remove the battery access cover and remove the battery. Do you see stickers with inscriptions there? They will help answer the question of how to determine the release date of a phone. They contain your phone's serial number, model and make, and may also have the release date written on it. If this method did not help you, then move on to the next step.

Entering commands into the phone. So, the documents and the phone itself do not contain information to detect when it was “born”. There are several ways left. One of which is the introduction of special commands in order to find out when the OS was installed on the phone ( operating system or as they also call firmware). This method It will only help if the phone has not been reflashed. If it has been reflashed, then the next paragraph of this article will help you.

So, before entering the command and answering the question of how to check the release date of a phone, decide for yourself which phone manufacturer you have. So how are u different manufacturers various codes. Codes for Nokia *#92772689# or *#0000# By entering one of these codes, you will see a window that will contain information about the OS number, the date of its installation and the phone model. For Samsung phones, you can use the code *#8999*8378# or the code *#0206*8378#. After entering which, a selection window will appear in front of you, in which, by clicking on the “manufactured” item, you will find out the production date of the phone.

For models Sony-Ericsson phones code #8377466# by clicking which you will receive detailed information about the phone, its firmware and production date. For smartphone owners, we can say that, having studied the phone well, you will find the “phone information” item there, which reflects the release date of the phone model. Regarding discontinued phone models, entering commands is your last opportunity to find out their release date, code for a Motorola phone *#300# @ complete information about the phone's OS, *#403# code for displaying the serial number on the phone panel. For Siemens phones the code is *#06#.

Contact support. If none of the above methods help you, then the phone manufacturer's support service can help you. As you remember, when you opened the battery compartment, you saw the serial number of the phone there. So, by using the Internet, or finding out the manufacturer’s number, you can contact him directly with a request to disclose the production date of this phone. Of course, the support service will not be very happy with your curiosity, but within two or three days they will provide the information you need. Sometimes they can report immediately, depending on the database that the support service uses.

Serial number is a unique combination of numbers and letters that characterizes any Apple device, be it a Mac, iPhone, iPod, iPad, as well as all accessories produced by Apple: cables, cases, adapters, etc. Although the serial number looks like a random combination of random characters, it is not. The serial number encrypts information about the place of manufacture of the device, the year and week of its production, as well as the model of the manufactured gadget.

Previously, using the serial number, the easiest way to find out the release date of a device was to just look at the third, fourth and fifth digits, which were always numbers. The third showed the last digit of the year of manufacture (for example, 8 = 2008, 9 = 2009), and the fourth and fifth together gave the number of the week in which the device was released (from 01 to 52). But such a system operated only during the first decade of the 21st century. Since 2010, Apple began to switch to new format serial numbers, instead of 11-digit serial numbers, 12-digit ones are now used.

An example of such a new serial number is shown above. There are no more usual numbers in it. But does this mean that the year and week number can no longer be found out? Not at all. True, using a 12-digit serial number is much more difficult to do.

The structure of Apple's 12-digit serial numbers is as follows:

  • the first three characters are the code of the factory where the device was produced. Unfortunately, no one except Apple employees knows the complete list of these codes.
  • fourth character - half year code in which the device was released
  • fifth sign - release week code within this half year
  • sixth, seventh and eighth digits – unique code for each device
  • the last four characters are the model code indicating the generation, memory size, color, characteristics, etc.

We are interested in the year and week of release - but without additional decoding it will not be possible to find out. You need to look at the fourth and fifth digits of the serial number. As we have already said, the fourth character encodes the half-year, and according to a very strange system - the counting of half-years begins in 2010, and the numbering is alphabetic, starting with the letter C. The letters E, I, O and U are excluded from the numbering. There are 20 letters in total, i.e. Apple will use 12-digit serial numbers for exactly ten years, and in 2020 it will switch to a new format (possibly 13-digit numbers). The correspondence between letters and years is as follows:

The fifth character of the serial code encodes the release week number within the half-year, both using numbers and letters. First come the numbers 1 to 9, then the letters of the Latin alphabet (with the exception of A, B, E, I, O, S, U, Z) - a total of 27 possible values. The fifth character cannot be deciphered without the fourth: first you must find out whether the device was released in the first or second half of the year.

Difficult? Let's look at a practical example from the beginning of the article:


The fourth character is J, which means this is the second half of 2012. The fifth character is L, taking into account the second half of the year, this is the 43rd week of 2012.

Experts identify six main ways to find out the release date Samsung phone. The buyer or owner of the smartphone can use any of them depending on the situation and the information at hand. Below we will consider each of the methods in more detail.

Using the app

The Android OS has gained popularity thanks to the many convenient applications that are released to users. Thus, for Samsung phones there is an application called Phone Info Samsung, which allows you to find out the release date of the device and other data. The program was released by the developer, tested and safe to use. To obtain information, do the following:

  • log in to the Play Market;
  • find the above program and download it to your Samsung phone;
  • open the application and on the first screen, in the general information section, find the release date (the country of manufacture is indicated above this information).

Moreover, using Phone Info Samsung, you can easily find out the details of your phone, its specifications, model number, code name, type, region code, bootloader version, firmware information, etc.

Via serial number

A convenient method is to find out the production date of a Samsung phone by the serial number, which encrypts the information of interest. It is known that each smartphone has an individual code encrypted, so the method will be effective in all cases. The required data can be found in one of the following ways:

  • On the nameplate. To obtain information, remove the back panel and battery (if removable), and read the model, IMEI and series number on the back wall. If dismantling the power supply and panel is not possible, the necessary data must be stamped on the rear panel. You can find the same information here. If the writing is too small, use a magnifying glass.
  • On the box with the device.
  • On the menu. To find out the IMEI and serial number, enter the Samsung phone menu, go to Settings, and then enter the About device section.
  • For some devices, the required code and series number can be found in the Status section.
  • Special code. Log in to the dialer and dial *#06# to view information. In this case, you can only check the IMEI.
  • Try dialing *#1234# - this is how we found out the Samsung phone model.

Once the information of interest is received, you can find out the release date of the Samsung phone. Here is a serial number made up of letters and numbers. Here you need to adhere to the following nuances:

  1. The last character is a control letter (may be absent).
  2. The next five elements are the serial number.
  3. The sixth (seventh) character from the end is the month (from 1 to 12 or from January to December).
  4. The seventh (eighth) character from the end is the year of manufacture.

Separately, we note that the 7th (8th) character is indicated as a letter, so decoding is necessary here:

  • B - 2011;
  • C - 2012;
  • D - 2013;
  • F - 2014;
  • G - 2015;
  • H - 2016;
  • J - 2017;
  • K - 2018;
  • M - 2019;
  • N - 2020th.

This way you can easily find out in what month and year your Samsung phone was manufactured. Separately, we note that if there is a letter at the end of the number, you need to look at the 7th and 8th characters from the end, and if there is a number, then 6 and 7.

On the package

To find out the release date on a smartphone, just look at the retail packaging of the device. It contains a lot of information about the product that is inside. In particular, there must be a sticker indicating the date of manufacture. It is glued to the box immediately after the device is manufactured. The disadvantage of this method is that such a sticker is not always available. In particular, it does not exist when a person buys a device second-hand.

By IMEI code

We noted above that every smartphone has an IMEI code, which is unique to each Samsung phone or other smartphone. Using this service you can check the release date of the device. We discussed above how to find out this number. The simplest method is to dial *#06#.

  1. Follow this link
  2. Select your country of residence and indicate Mailbox.
  3. Enter the 15 digits of the IMEI code in the special field.
  4. Agree with the points that the system suggests.
  5. Click on the Send request button.

The downside is that information about the release date does not come immediately, but after a certain time. To find out the manufacturing date of your Samsung smartphone, log into your mailbox from time to time. Please note that the letter may end up in Spam, so this section must also be checked.

Through third party sites

Alternatively, you can find out the release date of your Samsung phone through special resources. All that is required is to have the serial number or IMEI on hand.

A popular service is SNDeepInfo. On it you can see the production date of your Samsung phone by entering the IMEI in a special field. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • follow the link above;
  • select manufacturer;
  • indicate IMEI or serial number Samsung smartphone;
  • Click on the Check button.

Almost immediately, information about the smartphone of interest is displayed.

If you wish, you can use another service - Here you can find out the release date by entering Phone IMEI. The downside is that it does not provide information for all devices.

Applying a special code

Let's highlight another option that allows you to find out the release date - using a special code. There are special combinations for Samsung phones. To receive information, you need to go to the dialer and enter *#8999*8378#. If nothing happens, or the smartphone gives an error, then you can try another option. In this case, the combination is as follows - *#0206*8378#.

For some Samsung models Galaxy you can use one more combination - *#12580*369#. A window should appear where you need to pay attention to the RF Cal line. This is where the release date of the phone is encrypted.


From the above article, it is clear that for a Samsung phone there are many ways to find out the exact release date of the device. If one of the methods does not work, you can always use another and thereby obtain the information of interest. The most accurate way is to install the Phone Info Samsung application and find out detailed information. The downside is that you need to be connected to the Internet to do this.

Knowing the release date is useful not only from the point of view of the novelty of the phone. This indicator affects many aspects - the technological equipment of the device, battery life, newness of updates and OS version. In addition, “fresh” Samsung phones often have a higher price, which will begin to fall after a while. If the device was made 2-3 years ago, it will cost less. But here you need to remember the consequences in the form of older hardware and the end of the battery life.

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