Covers for VKontakte 1590 400. New format of covers for VKontakte communities, design and content. Where people are looking

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As you know, it’s not enough to create your own group on VK. You need to create an attractive visual design for it, fill it with exciting content, and attract new and interesting people to the group. An important element of the visual design of a VKontakte group is its cover - a rectangular image at the very top of the group page. The standard dimensions are 1590x400 pixels for group covers on VKontakte. And below we will figure out how to make an image for communities with dimensions of 1590 by 400, and also give several examples of covers of this format in VK.

Characteristic features of covers for designing groups in VK

The cover for the VKontakte group implies two basic options for the sizes used:

  • Minimum – size 795x200 px;
  • Recommended 1590x400 px, allowing you to work with detailed images that are well suited for widescreen monitors.

Please note that for mobile devices (and according to statistics, the owners of such devices make up the majority of VK visitors), the visible cover area in VK 1590 by 400 is 1196 × 400 px. The left and right edges are cut off by 140 px due to pop-up icons of menus and messages, and on top 83 px is taken away by a strip displaying icons of the phone’s charge level, signal strength, received calls, SMS and other icons.

Show cover on mobile devices

In addition to standard static pictures, about a year ago “dynamic covers” were introduced into the functionality of VK, changing and updating after a certain period of time. They can significantly enhance the visual appeal of the group, while their use requires the connection of a special script and hosting. It is recommended to entrust this matter to professionals.

How to create a suitable 1590x400 image for the VKontakte community

For a professional designer, creating a cover for a VK group will not be difficult. If you are not like that, then special graphic tools will help you create a cover for the public page. We recommend Canva, an online resource specifically designed for graphic design purposes. Its functionality provides convenient access to millions of photos, images and fonts, working with it is not complicated, which is why Canva is deservedly popular among both beginners and professionals.

Use Canva to create covers

One of the convenient features of this resource is a section dedicated specifically to creating pictures for groups on VKontakte. Here is a convenient list of tools that allows you to create a 1590x400 cover for the VK 2018 group.

The algorithm for working with a resource comes down to approximately the following:

  1. Go to;
  2. Click on “Create a cover for a VK group”;
  3. Please indicate what purposes you use Canva for – commercial, educational, private, etc.;
  4. Register on the resource (you can log in using your Google or Facebook account);
  5. Next you will be taken to a special section of the site dedicated to creating a cover for a group on VK.

On the left you will see a control panel, which contains a set of tools for creating and editing an attractive cover for your group in VK. On the right is a field for creating an image of 1590×400 pixels.

Edit cover screen on Canva

There is big choice templates created by professional designers. You can choose any such template, and then further customize it to suit your needs by changing the color, adding text, adding new elements or changing the location of existing ones. To find the template you need, there is a search bar that allows you to search for a template by its name.

To upload your own images to the resource, there is a “Downloads” button. If you upload a logo, try to use a logo with transparent background. To insert your image into the layout of the future VK cover in 2018, simply drag it with the mouse to the desired part of the image.

To upload files to the resource, use the “Downloads” button

If desired, the desired layout element can be edited. To do this, click on it with the mouse, and possible data for setting it up will be displayed at the top. You can change the text and font features, background, location and number of elements, and so on.

The settings line at the top appears when you click on the text in the cover

To save the result on your PC, click on “File” - “Download” at the top left.

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When working with a cover image in Canva, Adobe Photoshop and other similar tools, pay attention to the following:

  • Use the image only in the recommended (marked above) sizes;
  • For the cover, look for a high-quality photo;
  • Don't overload your images with visual elements;
  • The picture you choose must correspond to the focus of the group, its style and the chosen color scheme (if any);
  • Try to use original pictures that will highlight the unique character of your group;
  • Add an emotional component to the image - such pictures will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to upload a suitable picture to your group

To upload a cover to VK, go to the page of which you are the administrator. Click on the “Manage” button on the right, in the page that opens next to the “Community Cover” option, click on “Upload”, and upload the cover file to your group.

Click on “Download” to upload the cover to your group

Several examples of VK covers

We also offer you several examples of images that can be used as templates for your future group cover on social media. VK networks:


Above we discussed the creation of a memorable cover for the design of VK groups with dimensions of 1590x400. They also provided several options for images and explained how to draw a picture using the popular service “Canva”. When uploading created images to VKontakte, remember the restrictions imposed when viewing covers from mobile devices. This will help make viewing your group more comfortable for numerous “mobile” VK users.

How to make a cover for a VKontakte group? The new design has new feature for communities this is the cover. I’m telling you several options for cool design of public pages on VK. Visitors will be delighted.

Hi all!
From this article you will learn how to make a cover for a VKontakte group.
In addition to this, I’ll show you a few more ways to chicly design public pages; by the way, such designs have appeared not long ago; they’re generally a fashionable feature, if you want a hit this year!
I tried it, I liked it).
Exactly what the site looks like!

How to make a cover for a VKontakte group

Friends, let’s first show you how the VKontakte community cover looks like.

I showed an example of pictures from my blog.
By the way, this is a feature of a new contact).
In general, as one can say, everything is new, long-forgotten old.
What I mean is that this is the topic on Twitter.
To me, it looks decent.
Yes, there are a lot of updates on this social network...
Although at first many scolded new design including me
We tried to change the design to the old one), but at first it was quite inconvenient.
I even wrote an article on this occasion).
At first everything worked, but now guys, you can’t switch to the old one.
Although people have already made many different plugins and extensions.
True, it won’t look like the old VK, you can only make it look similar.
But! Friends, for the many new features, I take my hat off to the VK admins! Friends, from words to deeds.
You probably want to know how to make a cover for a VK group?
If I tell you how to do it, it will take you a lot of time).
To begin, you need to select an image.
I advise you to go here
Follow the link.

cover sizes for VKontakte group

Cover sizes for VKontakte group
Recommended size: 1590x400.
Minimum size: 795×200
Click size. Next step, set the dimensions: 1500×400
Everything is as in the screenshot below:

After choosing, a logical question arises: how to put a cover in a VK group?
Get in touch with your community.
First of all, put an avatar if you don’t have one yet!
Since the cover is not shown in the Ava, you will have such nonsense).

Click the 3 dots, in the tab that opens, select: “community management”

Then in the window that opens, “download”

After selecting and loading, rotate the image as you please).

We can end here... but!
Remember at the beginning of this article I promised you a cool public design, several options?)
Here's a look at how else you can arrange it.

This is how it was done in one of my communities).
I did it through photoshop.
Unfortunately, the article on the design of such a plan is not ready yet, I will write it soon).
For the lazy, I can make you such a plan, accordingly I will select the design for you according to the topic).
Cost 500 rubles.
Write in a personal message or in the comments.
What else is interesting in VK?

New contact chips

I like it
The functionality is located directly on VKontakte.
Essentially it’s a cropped photoshop).
You can edit photos, write on them, set emoticons, or redo someone’s photo.
In general, a funny thing).
Another interesting thing. Very close to our topic, or rather to community promotion.

The essence of it all is to create a competition and connect free program, it automatically determines the winner.
With this trick you can significantly increase the number of subscribers.
In the article I also talk about communities in which you can advertise for almost a symbolic amount of money.

If we talk about the design, actually guys, it’s very important now.
As they say, you meet someone by their clothes.
I noticed this thing in my group.
After updating the design, the number of conversions in relation to subscribers increased significantly.
As if with the same number of transitions, people signed up much more actively.
At least that's how it was for me.

I advise you to do the same in the menu in the public.

Hold regular competitions.
It helps a lot in the form of likes and reposts.
Why is this necessary?
You see, now there are a ton of groups on any topic.
If you have a millionaire, it’s easier for you.
Well, if not, why should the user spend time with you?
The herd instinct has not been canceled).
Where there are more subscribers, people go there.
You won’t be able to screw it up anymore).
It was possible before, now, if only a little).
In general, start correctly from the beginning, evaluate the competition.
I have an article on this topic.

There is only one way out - to interest the reader.
Use competitions and giveaways to attract them.
I gave you a pill for headaches, study).

Friends, there are still many different features.
You can’t tell everything in one article.
Interesting, read this blog, I shoot everything in it).

If you have any questions, write in the comments.
I will always answer.
That's all, bye everyone!

The cover for the VKontakte group is a new design element for the group after the redesign. It seems like it should be easy to take one image, but at the same time finding the perfect one is quite difficult.

The VKontakte cover is one of the first things people will see when visiting your group. That is why it is so important to make a good impression on the visitor, convey a clear understanding of the group’s theme and interest.

In April 2017, it became available to communities. This is absolutely new feature and a great opportunity to revive (in the truest sense of the word) the design of your group in order to increase the efficiency and impact of promotion.

You will get three things from this article:

  • Cover size for VKontakte group;
  • Instructions on how to create a VKontakte cover and how to choose the perfect picture;
  • Examples of groups with high-quality covers.

What size is the cover for a VKontakte group?

The optimal image size for a VKontakte cover may vary. On computers, the cover image is displayed at 795 pixels wide and 200 pixels high. On mobile phones it adjusts proportionally to the width of the screen. However, VKontakte recommends uploading a picture with a size of at least 1590x400 pixels.

Advice: If you find an image you really like, but its proportions are not the recommended ones, you can still use it! By uploading this picture, you can select the visible area and trim off all unnecessary parts using VKontakte’s internal tools.

When developing a cover design, keep in mind that on mobile devices with a screen width of less than 400px, 196px is cropped around the edges of the image, and approximately 83px is taken up system icons phone. Consider convenience for mobile users. On VKontakte these are the majority.

Make sure that the text on the cover is legible on the screen mobile phone when the cover adapts to its width. Also check that important elements on the cover are not obscured by menu icons and personal messages.

Below is a visual example of what the cover looks like on a computer, and the dimensions from the edge to the active elements of the group are indicated.

VKontakte cover dimensions on a computer

How to make a cover for a VKontakte group

If you have any design skills, create your own cover from scratch using software, such as Adobe Photoshop. Choosing this path will allow you to create the design for your business the way you imagine it.

If you don’t want to buy and learn Photoshop, then use online services. Here . On this moment this is the most popular service.

Cover templates for VKontakte group

In order to help you with design development, we have created a template for the cover of a group in VK (1590x400px).

Let's talk about a few additional details about working with our template:

  • When you open the template, you will see the appearance of your design. You don't have to upload the cover to the group to evaluate how it looks.
  • To create your own cover, double-click on the “cover” layer. This will take you inside the smart object.
  • Then you can start creating, all sizes are indicated inside.

You can download this and other templates in the article:.

Your photos

We understand that everyone cannot be a designer. But this does not mean that not everyone can have a beautiful VK community cover. Here are some places you can look to create your header, as well as some tips to show that this approach can make sense for you and your business.

For example, if your group is about books, then you can take a photo of your bookshelves and use that photo as the cover photo. This will hint that you're into books, and you can expect other book fans to respond well to the photo.

Stock photos

If you don't have any personal photos that you would like to use, look for them on photo stocks (sites with free images), there you can find the perfect image for the VK community cover. My favorite sites for finding beautiful photos are Unsplash and Pixabay.

I would like to encourage you to modify/enhance all selected photos to make them more personal. You can use the tools of online editors Fotor, Pablo or Canva. If you want, you can even improve your photography with these tools. For example, choose one of your favorite quotes and add it over the photo.

How to choose a cover

Now that we know how to make a cover for a VKontakte group, the question is what content to choose for it? Are there photos that work better than others?

Let's look at some important points:

  • Maintain the required cover dimensions (1590px width and 400px height);
  • Choose high quality images;
  • Don't overload the image with visual elements;
  • Choose a picture for the cover, focusing on the general design of the VKontakte group;
  • Use images that are original and relevant to your brand.

What type of images attract people

Here are some components that make images captivating:

  • Emotions: feelings make people act;
  • Relevance: including what suits the interests of your audience;
  • Colors: choosing the right colors leads to increased conversions;
  • Typography: Choosing the right font makes your message clear;
  • Hashtags and text: Find the right words that will provoke your audience to take the target action.

These components can be used when creating a VKontakte community cover to make people feel a certain way or take specific actions.

For example, Coca-Cola uses the common red logo on the cover with the caption “taste... feel”, and a happy couple holding a drink in the background. This is, of course, in the hope of getting people to make some kind of connection in the mind that drinking cola means happiness. And it's effective!

Where are people looking?

When they come up with perfect cover, it might be interesting to look at some research. I managed to find something interesting on this issue. It is in English, but I will briefly convey the essence.

It has been found that if you want to draw attention to a specific element in an image, then, using the principle of visual queue, the gaze of the person in the photo looking at the element will direct the viewer to that place. It could be in an interesting way using a person's perspective in the cover for a VKontakte group.

Kissmetrics also found that adding an element that “pops” in the cover can be effective. The important thing is that there should be one such element and one that calls for action.

In the example below, Electronic Arts knows this and makes it clear to people that they can buy the new FIFA17 game.

Thinking outside the box

Covers for the VKontakte group have become a great way to express yourself, a way to stand out. Here are some original ways.

Using a famous personality in the design of a popular public page about startups
Changing the cover for special occasions, upcoming events, promotions or holidays
Using a Cover Page to Send People to Your Site
Using a Cover to Show Off Your Special Offer
Visitors are asked to join the group or write a message.

Examples of groups with high-quality covers

Now that we know how to make a good cover for a VKontakte group, we can take a look at some pages that use high-quality and simple images. We hope you find some inspiration in them.

Because we now do custom work, we can answer your design questions social networks, if you have them. Feel free to send them to our email or write them right here in the comments. Together we can make the perfect cover for your VKontakte group and increase the impact of your efforts to promote it.

If you are not ready to order the creation of a cover for a VKontakte group from a designer, then you can try to draw it yourself. If you are comfortable with Photoshop, Avatan or Canva, for example, then there will be no problems. You need to know the dimensions and requirements for the image format, and then – your creativity. In this article, we will look in detail at how to make a cover for a VKontakte group in the free online editor Avatan, and also get recommendations for working with Photoshop online and the online editor Canva.

The VKontakte cover can be of any size, but the service recommends using a picture with dimensions of 1590 by 400 pixels to maintain image quality. It is this aspect ratio that will allow the image to fit into the space allocated for the header - at the top of the group or public page.

How to make a cover for a VKontakte group online

If you don’t have Photoshop or another similar program on your computer, use it to create a cover for a VK group online services. Online photo editors such as Avatan, Canva, Photoshop online and some others are suitable. The main requirement for a graphic editor:

  • the ability to create layouts of a certain size,
  • insert your text on the image,
  • use several photos or pictures in one layout,
  • save in jpeg, png formats.

If these operations are feasible, then making the cover will not be difficult.

Important! Whatever program you use to make your header for VKontakte, make sure that you have the following ready on your computer in advance:

logo in *png format,

picture for the background (can be downloaded from Yandex or any image stock),

the text you want to see in the VKontakte header.

How to make a cover for a VKontakte group in the Avatan online editor

This option is suitable for those who already have some kind of picture or photo for the cover of a group in contact, which will serve as the main background of your layout. Or there is an image file of one color you need. For example, I downloaded a light blue background from Yandex images.

Upload background photo

Let me remind you how to create a layout in . First, install the VKontakte application, which is called “Avatan”. Go into it and upload an image from your computer that will serve as the background for the group.

Loaded background:

Set layout size to 1590 by 400 pixels

The size of the picture I uploaded is different from what I needed. In order to get the right size, go to the “Crop” button on the left and enter the data, namely 1590 pixels width and 400 height. Confirm with the "Apply" button.

Insert the desired text

Add a group logo

Add your logo from your computer. This is done in the “Stickers” tab through the “Custom sticker” command. It is advisable that the logo be in *png format, that is, with a transparent background so that it does not overlap the main color of the layout.

If necessary, part of the inserted picture can be erased with an eraser brush. This tool opens when you select the inserted image. This way you can remove unnecessary background from your logo.

Save the result to your computer

Save the layout in *jpeg or *png format and paste it into your group.

This very simple hat was created in literally 10 minutes. The photo below shows how it looks already installed in a group. Of course, you need to think about what information you want to convey in the text, what pictures you want to insert.

Read more about the editor in the article “Photoshop Avatan online”. However, let me remind you that there is also real Photoshop online, not at all Avatan or another similar service with a limited set of operations. The text about him is below, get acquainted.

VKontakte cover for group and Photoshop online

Another option for creating a cover for VK communities is Photoshop online. Free service, which stores the most important and necessary operations of the usual “computer” version of this wonderful photo editor.

I won’t describe it further: for those who have previously worked with Photoshop on a computer, it won’t be difficult to figure it out. And if you have never created anything in this program, then the explanations require a separate article - the program is too complex to fit into a description in a couple of paragraphs.

Canvas for creating a VKontakte group cover

In my opinion the most convenient and simple program online for working with graphics is Canva. It is quite suitable for creating a VKontakte header. Lightweight, fast, accessible both on a computer and in mobile version. Although ready-made templates There are no covers for VKontakte groups in Canva, you can create them yourself.

All the tools that you may need to create a cover in the Canva editor are described in.

A separate lesson specifically on VKontakte and Canva will appear soon, stay tuned.

A separate lesson specifically on VKontakte and Canva will appear soon, stay tuned.

An example of my header created in Canva (I'm not a designer, but I did a pretty good job).

How to upload a cover to a VKontakte group

It’s unlikely that you don’t know where the cover of the VKontakte community is located, but just in case, here’s a hint. Go to Community Management by clicking the notorious three dots under the avatar or old group cover.

Then, in the “Basic Information” tab, click “Download”. Next, configure the header display as indicated.

Successful creativity, beautiful covers for your groups! You will find useful materials in the section about.

Download the article in pdf format

Text copying is disabled on my website, so if you need the entire article, you can buy the MK recording at * pdf format and enjoy studying it on your computer.

The document contains all images, links, and, of course, the text itself.

Any work must be paid. Thanks for understanding!

VK users recently had the opportunity to set a cover for a VKontakte group. In this post we will tell you which optimal one is needed VKontakte group cover size for the most optimal display on various monitors. The cover is, one might say, the calling card of the VK group. It should display the topic of the group, that is, any network user who visits the page should immediately identify appearance what kind of community is this? About and for the VKontakte avatar can be found in detail by clicking on the link above. Despite this, we still remind you that the optimal image size for a group cover is a picture with a width of 1590 pixels and a height of 400 pixels (see picture below).

You, of course, can take any other sizes, but there is no guarantee that the cover image will look equally beautiful on all screens without exception. According to tech support, 1590:400 pixels is the best group cover size. Even when downloading and installing a picture, VKontakte will give recommendations regarding the size and format of the uploaded photo, as shown in screenshot 3 below. To set your unique cover, you must go to the action menu, and more specifically to managing your community (see Fig. 1 below). This settings section is located on the right under the group avatar (photo). You can learn more about how to make an avatar for a VK group. After entering the management page, find the item regarding the cover and click on the link: “Download” a little to the right, as shown in picture 2 below. After this, a window will open (3 - in the picture below), where you can directly download the image.

Those of our readers who know the basics of Photoshop or any other graphic editor They will be able to make a high-quality and beautiful cover of the required size without any problems. But there are also those who do not own special graphic programs. What should they do? If you want your group design to be unique and, at the same time, effective, . Then we will do everything for you. And finally, another option is make a cover for a VKontakte group online using special resources. This option is suitable for those who do not have Photoshop skills and for those who do not want to spend money on designers and professionals.

A fairly popular site where you can make a cover layout for the VKontakte community is “"(see picture above). Now many users are complaining about the performance of this service, but we SocPRka it was tested and found to be working correctly and without any glitches. If you have problems with fotor, then try using another equally popular resource - “" There are no complaints from novice designers about his work. This is a fairly simple site that anyone can figure out in a short time.

click on the link: “Use special sizes” (1 – in the screenshot above). After that, enter in the width field: “1590”, and in the height field: “400”. By default, all values ​​on the site are in pixels. Next, you will see the image designer of the finished size. In it you can select a background, apply any text and a picture adjusted to the specified dimensions, which greatly simplifies the process of creating a VK cover online.

Very often, users underestimate the importance of the cover itself. They think that they can take any picture that fits the topic and just upload it ready-made cover for the VKontakte group, but that's not true. All groups with tens, hundreds of thousands and even millions of subscribers have a unique, memorable, beautiful and simply inimitable design, where the cover plays one of the key roles. Of course, beauty does not mean that people will come to you. The content of the group is very important, which will interest subscribers and not let them go. If you are just at the beginning of this path, order any number of participants for your community. In the meantime, we are bringing subscribers to you, you can explore the site, which has collected a huge number ready-made pictures the right size for group covers. This is the site ""(picture below).

All covers of this resource are structured by categories, so it will be easier for you to find a suitable picture. Found it? In this case, click on it. A page will open (screen below) on which you can see what this cover will look like. If everything suits you, click on the download button to install it on your page.

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