YouTube creative studio is not opening. YouTube Creative Studio: what it is, how to log in and how to work. Create and change a channel header image

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Creative YouTube studio is a channel control panel with many tools. With Creative Studio, you can track comments on your posts, statistics, edit videos, and more.

Let's look at the entire range of possibilities and tell you what you should pay attention to first.

In order to go to the channel settings, you need to go to the creative studio:

What is a creative studio and how to work in it

Creative Studio is a tab on YouTube with which channel owners can track statistics, edit their videos, and change channel information.

After switching to the creative studio, a large set of tools opens up to you. We will look at the most important ones for bloggers:

  1. Control Panel.
  2. Video manager.
  3. Community.
  4. Channel.

Control Panel

In the “Control Panel” tab you can see new notifications about the channel, the number of views and subscribers, information about the last 4 videos, comments on videos. In order to view data about all videos, you need to click on the “View all” button and you will automatically be taken to the “Video Manager” section.

You can also track statistics for the last 28 days on the number of views, subscribers and channel income.

If you want to change the toolbar interface, you need to click on the “Add widget” button.

In order to change the widget itself, you need to click on the gear icon next to the selected tile.


The “Video Manager” section is one of the main ones on YouTube; you can use it to edit videos and playlists. By opening this tab, all videos posted on the channel will appear. You can sort this list: by date of publication, number of views, privacy, presence of advertising.

To change one or more videos, you need to select them by clicking on the square located to the left of the video image. After that, click on the “Actions” button, and you can apply changes to your videos: arrange advertising breaks, select a hosting license, change access parameters, descriptions, titles and tags of your publications. Here you can delete the video from the channel.

By clicking on the “Add to” button, you can add your videos to the playlists available on the channel by checking the boxes next to them. To create a new playlist, select the most recent menu item.

You can start a search for your videos by entering a title or keyword. To search, click on the magnifying glass and you will see all publications matching your request. Also, by scrolling down, you can go to other pages if more than 30 videos are found by request. And on this page you can change them, as described above.

This is one of the important functions of your creative studio, here you can view channel reports. This is the largest section with many tabs. Below we list the most important tabs for bloggers.


In this tab, you can view statistics on your channel for a specified period of time by clicking on the button located next to the calendar. If you click on the calendar, you can select the dates you are interested in. This page displays the viewing time of videos in minutes, their number, average viewing in minutes, and income. Just below in the graphs you can see the number of likes and dislikes, the number of comments, and the growth of subscribers. You can also see the number of shares of your videos, regions in which videos are watched, who watches your content (women, men), playback locations and traffic sources. All this can be viewed both on the channel as a whole, and by selecting individual videos.

How many views are your videos getting right now? Graphs of all videos on the channel will be displayed, sorted by date added. By clicking on the “Content Search” field, you can write the name of the video about which you want to get detailed information or select from the drop-down list by name. The blue graph on the right is your views over the last 48 hours, the green graph on the left is your views over the last hour. Below these tables, you can select the “Device Type” tab and there will be information about where your records are viewed from: PC, phone, tablet. Next is the “ operating system", where you can see from which platform viewers are watching videos, and under the "Location" button you can find information about the countries where your channel's viewers are concentrated. Below are the latest videos and detailed information about them.


In this tab you can see your income, it is usually displayed for the last 28 days, but this interval can be changed by dragging the slider at the bottom of the chart.

You can see up to what minute viewers are watching videos. Above is the average view in minutes and percentage.

Every blogger is interested in where users watch their videos from. You can see a multi-colored graph and at the bottom an explanation of what color it means. As a rule, videos that get the most views come from recommended or similar videos.

This section contains information about the performance of end screens. On the chart next to each date there is blue circle and by clicking on it, you receive information on transitions for each day. Below is information about each video.


This The section is necessary for communication between the channel author and co-authors and subscribers; here you can track comments, personal messages and more. For beginner YouTubers, only two sections are important: “comments” and “subscribers”.

When creating channels on YouTube, it takes some more time to understand the functionality. Understand how easy it is to upload videos, view statistics, edit videos, etc. The creative studio will help you with this, and today we will look at an interesting question - how to enter the creative studio.

What is a creative studio?

This is a tab on the YouTube channel, which includes a large number of features for channel owners: statistics, control panel, video manager where you can edit videos, channel functions, youtube analytics and much more.

In order to enter the creative studio, you need to do the following. First you need to log into your YouTube account, then in the right top corner Click on your channel icon and select the tab – creative studio. That's how you get in there.

By the way, there is also a very convenient thing for channel owners, and now we will tell you about it.

“Creative Studio” application

For those people who want to manage their channel when they are not at home on the computer, a “creative studio” application for smartphones has become available, with which you can do almost everything that you can do on the computer.

You can easily install this application on your smartphone. It depends on what phone you have. You can download or Google Play(if you have Android) or in the AppStore (if you have iOS).

What else is convenient this application, so because through it you can view comments on your channel, respond to them, see all the channel statistics and much more.

But there are certain restrictions on your actions. It is not yet possible to download videos through the application, watch your videos, or add them to the “Watch later” playlist.

But the plus is that the control panel is very convenient and anyone can figure out how to use it. Because the functionality is simple. even if you are a beginner blogger and have just registered your channel on YouTube.

We hope that our article answered your question and now you know that you can enter the creative studio without problems through a computer and even through a phone while away from home.

Timur Fekhraydinov

The article explains in detail how to work with YouTube, but video marketing is not limited to uploading videos to this site. This is a whole complex of work that requires patience and, most importantly, experience. So if you want to get serious about video marketing and create quality videos, order advertising from bloggers, then we recommend contacting our agency. We provide turnkey services - from video creation to promotion.

Most people regard YouTube solely as a popular video hosting site. But we should also not forget that this is the second largest number of users search system worldwide. On this moment YouTube's audience is over a billion people, and this figure is constantly growing. According to official statistics, the number of users starting to view YouTube from the home page, as if they were turning on the TV at home, has tripled over the past year. This opens up huge opportunities for promoting your brand using video marketing. In our guide, you will learn how to promote your YouTube channel, attract attention to your videos and gain many subscribers.

What videos to shoot for YouTube

There is no universal recipe for creating effective video– it all depends on the needs target audience and your capabilities. Use our ideas to find the right type of video content for you:

  • Interviews and opinions

Interview a colleague, a famous blogger, or just an expert in your field. Make a list of questions in advance. You can always interview yourself - express your opinion about any problem on camera. Make sure that your story will be interesting to the audience - you are filming for the audience, not for yourself. Example:

  • Manuals and instructions

This is one of the most effective types of video content. Think about how often you yourself turn to video instructions and video infographics when you are looking for a solution to a particular problem. The format of the guide always depends on the type of problem being addressed. For example, if you are explaining how to use a program, record a screencast with a voice explanation of all the actions. Think through every detail and explain the problem solving process to your subscribers as if they were children. Example:

  • Reviews

These can be independent reviews, reviews of competitors' products, your own products, and so on. Such videos play a very important role in the consumer journey. A ReelSEO study found that 73% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product if it has a video review. The main thing is to be honest and indicate both the advantages and disadvantages of the product. Example:

  • Stories

Tell your subscribers an interesting story. Explain a phenomenon and illustrate the video with additional graphics. Storytelling can be an extremely effective tool in the hands of a marketer. Example:

  • Entertainment content

Entertaining videos are what you're looking for O The majority of the audience comes to YouTube every day. The term “entertaining” here means not only videos with kittens. There are so many possibilities that it is simply impossible to list them. Not to mention, you can create ideas for such content yourself. Example:

  • Creative advertising

Some might say that YouTube users already watch enough advertising content, and there is no point in testing their patience once again. Would anyone in their right mind purposefully watch YouTube ads? It’s unlikely, unless it’s a super creative and viral video. Combine the above content types to create a promotional video that people will search for themselves. For example, once upon a time the Internet literally exploded with an advertising video from Squatty Potty, a company that sells an unusual accessory for the restroom.

Our compatriots are also not lagging behind. The developers of the famous antivirus launched an entire campaign in which users begin their journey with one of the advertisements:

Let's not waste your time talking about how videos should be of very high quality in terms of content. You will find these words in every such guide. Before you shoot a video at all, ask yourself two questions:

  • Will this video be interesting and useful to my audience?
  • Would I share a video like this on social media?

If both answers are positive, then you are on the right track.

What format to shoot the video in?

Previously, YouTube had to upload videos with an aspect ratio of 16:9. Otherwise, black stripes appeared on the sides or top and bottom - they filled the free space of the square and vertical rollers.

Now you no longer need to do this, because YouTube has allowed you to upload videos in any format - the player simply adjusts to the size of the video. For example, for widescreen videos you no longer need to add top and bottom bars during editing:

Instead, simply upload the video in the format you shot it in:

Now videos with any aspect ratio are displayed correctly. But it’s better to stick to the 16:9 format, because that’s what users are used to seeing.

An exception can be made if you want to achieve some effect using the aspect ratio. For example, on the “Black Cabinet” channel, some of the videos are square - this is how the author of the channel creates the right atmosphere for the videos:

How to design and optimize a channel

The first thing you need to do if you decide to seriously start promoting your YouTube channel is its design. An attractive design inspires trust among users and, as a result, helps to get more subscribers. It may seem like this task boils down to icon and cover design, but it's much more complex than that. In this guide, we'll walk you through every step of channel optimization.

How to choose a channel icon

The channel icon serves as your “avatar” on YouTube—she appears not only on your channel, but also in search results, comments, and your subscription list. The best decision for companies or well-known blogs - use your logo as an icon. If you are running a personal video blog, then put a photo of yourself in which your face is clearly visible. Use a high-quality image with a resolution of 800x800 pixels.

How to design a channel cover

The maximum and optimal cover size is 2560x1440 pixels. Because The cover is displayed differently on different devices; there is a space in the center that will be displayed correctly everywhere. This is an area measuring 1546x423 pixels. Place the main content of your cover there so that users of any device can view it without any problems.

Use our template to understand how to place content on your channel cover.

(click to open in new tab).

Let's look at the correct use of the central cover space using our channel as an example:

As you can see, the main content is in the safe zone. This ensures that it will display correctly on all devices.

Scroll down the page and you will see the "Links" section. YouTube allows you to add up to 14 links to websites and social networks, but you can display no more than five on the cover:

How to create, customize and optimize playlists

Playlists on YouTube are an important element of channel design. They help solve several problems at once:

  • Make channel navigation more convenient

By combining thematic videos into playlists, you help users navigate your channel.

If users see that the posts are logically connected and combined into a series, then you have a better chance that they will not stop watching one video.

Read more about sections in the next paragraph.

Follow our tutorial to learn how to create YouTube playlists and add videos to them:

  1. Go to the video manager in the "Creative Studio"
  2. Select "Playlists"
  3. Click on the "New Playlist" button
  4. Enter a name for the playlist. Be sure to include a relevant keyword phrase in the title - playlists are also indexed by YouTube and displayed in search results.

  1. Specify your privacy settings
  2. Click on the “create” button

On the screen that appears, immediately go to settings. A window with three tabs will open:

  1. Basic

Adjust your privacy settings if necessary and choose the most convenient order for sorting videos in your playlist.

Activate the "set as official episode playlist for these videos" feature. How it works: when a user gets to a video from a playlist in any way (through search or via a link), a window with the next video begins to appear to the right of the video. Additionally, when the first video ends, the next one will start playing automatically (assuming the user has autoplay enabled).

Please note that you can only add videos from your own channel to the episode playlist. If you want to add other people's videos to your playlist, do not activate this function.

  1. Auto-add

In this tab, you can configure the automatic addition of new videos to the playlist if certain rules are met. For example, if you are recording “let’s plays” based on the famous “Klondike”, create a rule in which every new video with the word “Klondike” in the title will be automatically added to the corresponding playlist. The same rule can be set for descriptions and tags.

  1. Co-authors

If you're collaborating on a series of videos, use this feature to give your colleagues the ability to add videos to a playlist. Just activate the slider, copy the link and send it to everyone you want to give access to the playlist.

You're now ready to start adding new videos to your playlist. You can find them either through a search, or insert a direct link to the required video, or select from the list of your publications.

Congratulations! You've just created and optimized a new playlist.

How to create and organize sections

Settings appearance your channel should not be limited only to the design and selection of the cover and logo. Using sections, you can organize the content on your channel page in a convenient and attractive way.

To enable the ability to add sections, go to the main page of your channel and find the edit settings button on the right under the cover and select “Navigation Settings” in the menu that opens.

To enable the ability to add sections, go to the main page of your channel and find the gear button under the cover and in the menu that opens, activate the option “Customize the appearance of the “Overview” page.”

Go to the main page of the channel and click on the “Add section” button.

A small menu with section settings will open. You can choose the content and how it will be located:

  • Horizontally. The benefit of this layout is that the content looks more organized and takes up less space on the page.
  • Vertically. Content organized vertically takes up more space, but for videos the first ~100 characters of the description are displayed, and for playlists a list of the first three videos is displayed.

The following content is available for sections:

  • Video

This can include a list of your most popular, recently uploaded, or liked videos, as well as live, recorded, or upcoming broadcasts.

  • Playlists

With this feature, you can add one, several, or all channel playlists to your home page. Additionally, if you add one or more playlists, you have the option to insert a playlist from another channel. To do this, select “Single playlist” or “Multiple playlists” in the “Content” menu, depending on your need. A new menu will open where you can either add your own playlist or enter the URL of someone else's.

  • Channels

Select this option if you want to show users a list of your subscriptions or any other channels you want to recommend.

  • Actions

Here you can show viewers your recent activities on YouTube or your latest posts.

You can have a maximum of 10 sections on your channel home page, so use this space sparingly. Experiment with different types content and layouts to achieve better results.

How to install a channel trailer

A trailer is a video that is seen by visitors who have visited your channel but have not yet subscribed to it. The main purpose of a trailer is to introduce new users to your content and encourage them to become your subscribers.

You shouldn't choose one of your already filmed videos as a trailer. Make a new one and tell us what your channel is about, how often you post content, and why people should subscribe to you. Be sure to use a call to action.

Follow our instructions to learn how to add a YouTube channel trailer:

  1. Upload the video you want to make your trailer
  2. Go to the channel page and make sure you have channel overview enabled (you should have done this before organizing the sections in the last step)
  3. On the main page, select the “For new viewers” ​​tab and click on the “Channel Trailer” button

  1. Select a trailer from your list of videos or paste a link to it. Click on the "Save" button.

  • Don't make the trailer too long. Users don’t know you yet, so your task is to quickly introduce your channel and grab their attention;
  • Be sure to include a call to subscribe to your channel;
  • Use more visual content - show, don't tell.

How to Optimize Videos for YouTube

If you want to ensure your videos have good positions and visibility, they need to be properly optimized both before and after uploading. Key YouTube video ranking factors include:

  • Number of incoming video links
  • Number of video embeddings on third-party resources
  • Number of video views
  • Average duration of video views
  • Number of videos shared on social networks
  • Video rating

In fact, there are many more factors, but YouTube, like Google, does not fully reveal its secrets.

Today we will tell you in detail about all the nuances of video optimization for YouTube.

How to optimize videos before uploading

Creating a quality video is a topic for another series of articles, so today we'll look at just two things you need to know before uploading a video to YouTube:

1. Video technical parameters

2. Video file name

The fact is that YouTube cannot understand the content of the video itself - the title of the video, its description, and the name of the uploaded file help it with this.

Many people do not attach any importance to this and download files with the names MOV1234.avi, DSC1234.avi, Untitled1.mp4 and so on. Avoid this mistake. Include a passphrase in the file name. For example, if you are uploading a video guide on simple card tricks, name the file card tricks for beginners.avi. This will help YouTube understand what your video is about.

How to choose video settings when uploading

Immediately after you start downloading videos, you will be able to configure some basic settings:

  • Privacy Options

In most cases, leave the video public. Use other options only if you don't want to make the video public.

  • Playlist

We have already talked about how to create and customize playlists on YouTube. Just add the video to the desired playlist. If you created rules for auto-adding videos, check if everything worked correctly.

  • Category

YouTube offers you to set one of 15 categories for each video. Choose the one that best describes your content.

  • Comments

Allow users to comment and rate your video.

  • Embedding a video

Make sure users can embed your video on third-party resources. This will not only give you additional views, but will also increase the authority of the video from a YouTube perspective.

  • The shoot place

Set the video location. Personalization search results on YouTube is far from perfect, but it is still there.

  • Video language

Be sure to specify the video's language so YouTube can generate automatic subtitles that you can edit later.

How to write and optimize a video title

The video title is one of the first things users will see when they search for a video. It should be short, eye-catching and convey the meaning of the video. Use our 10 Recipes for Writing Killer Headlines. Be sure to enable keywords. The entry should be natural - neither users nor YouTube search robots will like a name filled with crooked “keywords”.

The length limit for YouTube video titles is 100 characters.

Remember that the title should be informative. For example, if you are filming a review of a new gadget, then you should not indulge in literary agony when writing a headline. A simple “review of *gadget name*” will be enough. This way, you not only let users know what your video is about, but you also use the keyword phrase in a natural way.

How to write and optimize a video description

The limit on the length of descriptions for YouTube videos is 5,000 characters. Use this space wisely and remember that the longer your descriptions, the better.

Use the most important keywords at the very beginning of the description - this will make it easier for YouTube to understand the content of the video. The first few sentences are generally extremely important, because... they will be used to generate snippets in:

In addition, when a user opens a video, YouTube does not display the entire description, but only the first 157 characters. To see the rest, you need to click the “More” button. Pay special attention to this fragment of the description - it should hook visitors, force them to watch the entire video and read the description. Remember how you write descriptions for articles on your blog? Use the same rules here.

Don't forget to put a link to your resource at the beginning of the description. This arrangement will provide you with maximum CTR. The link must begin with the prefix http:// or https://.

If the video is short, then write a full transcript - a transcript of the audio track. This will tell YouTube the whole point of your video, and also get you extra views thanks to the low- and ultra-low-frequency key phrases in the transcript.

If the video is long, then use timestamps. Have you noticed how we navigate large articles? YouTube has a similar feature that you can use for any video without any special knowledge. Just mark the necessary moments of the video in the hour:minute:second format, and they will automatically turn into clickable links. This way, users can jump straight to the part of the video they are interested in.

How to Set Default Video Download Settings

If you are serious about promoting your YouTube channel and will be uploading a lot of videos, then be sure to pay attention to this point. You can set default download settings for all downloaded videos - categories, description, tags and everything else that has already been listed above. To set the default settings, go to the “Creative Studio”, select the “Channel” menu and click on the “Video Upload” item.

So, for example, you can write the same (bottom) part of the description for all videos. Place there:

  • Links to your social media pages

Don't forget to use the call to subscribe to them - this is good way drive traffic from YouTube to others social media.

  • Link to subscribe to your channel

There are two types of subscription links to your channel. The first can be used if your channel has a good reputation, has already collected 100 subscribers, and you have created a unique URL for yourself: yourchannel

Use the second one if you don't have a unique URL. You will need your channel ID. To find it, open your channel and copy the last part of the link highlighted in the screenshot. This is your ID.

Take the ID and paste it into the following template: yourID?sub_confirmation=1

For example, the link to subscribe to the Texterra channel looks like this:

  • Description of your channel

Briefly tell us what your channel is about: what videos you publish, and how regularly you do it.

Remember that these settings can be changed for each video individually after it has been downloaded. This allows you to add a unique part of the description and edit other parameters for individual videos.

How to design a video icon

For channels with a good reputation, YouTube allows you to use unique video icons. What is it for:

  • The icons that YouTube itself offers are simply three random frames from a video. In most cases they look unattractive.
  • Well-designed video icons hook users and get you more views. If your icon stands out from the rest on the search page, then users are more likely to click on it, even if your video is not in the first position.
  • With custom icons, you can create a unique channel style.

To set your own icon, go to the video manager, select the desired video and click the “Custom Icon” button.

The best resolution for an icon is 1280x720 pixels, and the file size should not exceed 2MB. Select the image you want and wait about 10 minutes - the icon will take a while to update.

  • Use faces

People tend to make eye contact when they see other people's faces or eyes. Use this feature to grab users' attention. Place the video's main character's face on your icon.

  • Design your own icon template

For example, place a face on the right, an inscription below, and an attractive image on the left. This way you will not only simplify your life, but also create your own unique style. Use different playlist templates to provide an even better experience for your subscribers.

  • Experiment with colors

Use bright, eye-catching colors for your video icons. Consider the habits of your target audience. Icons in soft colors are good for beauty bloggers, and more aggressive ones for a network marketer selling membership in a financial pyramid.

  • Add some text

Text on your video thumbnail doesn't give you any SEO benefits, but it can be a good way to grab users' attention. This is also a great opportunity to go beyond the 100 character limit for your video title.

  • Intrigue/lift the veil of secrecy

Use these two opposing techniques to capture your users' attention. Make them eager to find out what happens in the video or how it ends.

To find inspiration, look at the channels of top bloggers. Most of them have a unique icon for each video, and together they form a unique style.

How to create and optimize subtitles

Creating subtitles for videos is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. But if you want to get the most out of video optimization, this is a necessary step. Just like the file name, subtitles help YouTube understand what the video is about. Be sure to include key phrases in the subtitles - you can paraphrase the speech in the video a little. There is nothing wrong with this, and many vloggers use this tactic. The main rule is that the entry must be natural. Read on to learn how to create subtitles on YouTube.

Using built-in speech recognition technology, YouTube automatically generates subtitles for every video, as long as you specify a language when uploading. In some YouTube cases will not be able to create automatic subtitles - for example, if the video is too long.

You've probably already seen this technology in action. Sometimes the subtitles are correct, and sometimes they make such mistakes that users either want to cry or laugh.

You can fix this situation. Go to YouTube, select the video you want and click on the “CC” button below it.

After this, the video manager will open. To the right of the video itself there will be a list of available subtitles. If the video is in Russian, select “Russian (automatic)”.

A window will open to the right of the video with the subtitles themselves. Scroll down and click on the “Change” button. This will take you into subtitle editing mode.

After that, you can edit the subtitles as you wish. Just click on the required line and make all the necessary edits in the top window. Don't forget to include a few key phrases.

Once you're done editing, YouTube will create a new subtitle file. All you have to do is go to the automatic subtitles viewing screen and turn them off.

Congratulations. You have edited and optimized the automatic subtitles.

How to use tags

The main purpose of tags is to help YouTube search algorithms understand the meaning of a video in order to provide users with best quality search results. Remember a few important rules when writing tags for a new video:

  • Tags must be relevant

Write tags as if you were explaining the meaning of the video to a friend using individual words and phrases. For example, for a video about maintaining a corporate blog, you can write following tags: Internet marketing, content marketing, blog, blogging.

  • Place the most important tags at the beginning

YouTube pays more attention to tags located at the beginning.

  • Use as many tags as possible

YouTube won't penalize you for over-optimizing in this case. The length limit for all tags is 500 characters. Try to use them all to give your video maximum search visibility.

If this is not enough for you, then use the following trick. The fact is that YouTube indexes tags immediately after you upload a new video, and then ignores them. But if you update the tags after a while, YouTube will index them again. Wait a week or two and replace the necessary tags. For example, write variant tags with typos.

  • Steal other people's tags... some of them

Look at what tags your colleagues and competitors put under the videos. Copy them and paste them into one of your next videos. This is a good way to promote it to the related videos block on the right side of the screen.

In 2012, YouTube removed the ability to view tags for any video. However, it is still possible. Open the desired video and use the viewing function source code page provided by your browser. In Chrome, this can be done using the Ctrl+U hotkeys. Next, use the page search function. For most browsers, it is called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F. Enter the word in the search bar keywords. You should get two format results:

  • "keywords":"tag,tag,tag,tag,tag"

Second result - full list all tags that were used for the video.

Don’t mindlessly copy all your competitors’ tags. Take a few of the most popular ones and add the rest yourself. Completely copying the tags of another video does not guarantee inclusion in the recommendations block.

Also, previously, tags served to change the format, for example, the “yt:crop=16:9” tag scaled the video to 16:9 format - now this is not necessary, because all videos are played in the form in which they were downloaded.

Now two additional tags may come in handy: “yt:cc” and “yt:quality=high”. The first one automatically turns on subtitles, and the second one plays videos in HD quality.

How to use end screens

Previously, on YouTube you could add annotations to videos - links to other videos, to your website, and so on. From May 2, 2017, new annotations cannot be added; old ones work as before. Instead, YouTube introduced the ability to create end screens. What it looked like before:

The end screen can be seen from 8:29

To redirect the viewer to other videos, you had to add these videos manually during editing, and then add annotations. In general, not everyone could cope with this, lacking sufficient skills in working with a video editor. Now you can create screensavers in two clicks. This is what it looks like now:

Screensaver starts at 51:01

Let's figure out how to make such a screensaver yourself.

  1. Go to "Creative Studio";
  2. Find in the list the video you need and click “Change”;
  3. Select the " End screens and annotations":

To begin, set when you want the splash screen to start by dragging the slider at the bottom. Screensaver cannot be created:

  • later than 20 seconds before the end of the video;
  • earlier than after 20 seconds at the beginning of the video;
  • less than 5 seconds long.

Time to add splash elements. YouTube allows you to add up to 4 elements, the following types are available:

1. Video or playlist

You can add either select the video yourself, or display the newest one, or trust YouTube to select it for each specific user. A playlist can only be added in the first case.

2. Subscribe button to your channel

A round logo of your channel, which, when clicked, will prompt the user to subscribe.

For clarity, I decided to add all four:

Use the Recommended Content feature to encourage viewers to watch more videos on your channel. Go to Creative Studio – Channel – Recommended Content and click on the “Promote Content” button.

Choose one of two options: promoting the most recently uploaded video, or promoting a specific video or playlist. Let's look at the first option as an example.

Specify when the link to the recommended video should appear: at a certain point in the video, or at the end of it. Turn on the Optimize feature to have YouTube automatically adjust show times based on the behavior of those who have already watched the video.

How to use the Brand Identity feature

YouTube gives you the option to add your channel logo to all your videos. To do this, go to the video manager and select “Corporate Identity” from the menu. After that, upload your logo. It is best to use 800x800 resolution. The file size must not exceed 1 MB. In many guides you will see recommendations to install the logo in .PNG format with transparent background, however, we advise you to adapt to each specific case. For example, in most of our videos, a logo with a transparent background does not attract attention and blends into the background, so we use a .JPG image.

Once you've uploaded your logo, set when you want it to appear: throughout the video, at the end, or at a certain point and until the end.

Ignore the logo preview when loading. In most cases it will be much smaller. Compare the proportions of the video and logo in the preview screenshot above and the same proportions in the videos themselves after saving the changes:

In addition to giving your videos a corporate identity, a logo has another advantage - if a person is not subscribed to your channel, then when you hover over this logo, a “Subscribe” button will appear.


Today we have discussed the main points of promoting on YouTube, but the work is not limited to what is written in the manual. We'll soon look at more specific YouTube features and capabilities that you can use to make your channel effective. But remember that there is no universal recipe for success. It largely depends on what kind of videos you make, as well as the interests of your audience.

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It's time to start designing your YouTube channel, and today I will tell you how to change the description, add channel keywords and confirm the channel. Last time I told you how to register on YouTube and create a new channel.

Adding a photo to the channel header

Previously, I added an image with the name and motto to the channel header by clicking on the camera icon and clicking in the Uploading photos section, on the Select a file on your computer button. Previously uploaded photos will be saved in the Your Photos tab. I experimented with selecting the size and position of the text on the photo so that everything would fit into the designated frames in the channel header on the computer screen.

Create and change a channel header image

The uploaded picture doesn't suit me a little, and I want to change it. To do this, an image was created in Photoshop, consisting of various layers: the background that I made earlier for the Computer Therapy channel, translucent background shapes, text and the channel’s slogan were added. I want to add some emojis and position them within horizontal borders to the left and right of the channel name. After making several duplicates of the smiley layers, I will position them, rotate them a little and display them horizontally.

Then I’ll save the picture by clicking File->Save for Web and devices in the menu in JPEG format with an image size of 2560*1440, this picture size is recommended by YouTube when creating a channel.

Uploading a drawing to a channel

Let's return to the browser and click on the camera icon, select our file on the computer, and after downloading, you can see how the channel design will look on various devices: PC, TV and phone.

If desired, the photo can be cropped by pulling the square markers in the desired direction. We will leave everything as it is and press the select button. After saving, the channel design will change, the new image will be displayed in the header.

Channel setup: change the description

Having gone through the channel, I want to note that there are no videos and playlists yet, and accordingly we will talk about the settings of videos and playlists in the following materials, and they will be soon, also many funny videos will be added to this channel, so if you want, you can subscribe to channel " Anti stress ".

In the About the channel section, let's change the description, since last time, arbitrary text was entered for the example. In your case, there will be nothing there, and filling out the description is an important part of the channel design. To change the description, click on the button Change the appearance of the “review” page and enter the desired text, in my case it will be the name and slogan of the channel, although you can enter more text, for example, add a suggestion to subscribe to the channel.

Also, if you wish, you can change the country in the settings of the About the channel section and click the Finish button.

Channel Setup: How to Add Channel Keywords

In the creative studio, in the Channel -> additional section, we will add keywords, although the keywords for the channel and video may differ, in my case the entertainment and humorous direction was chosen and I will add the words “humor, laugh, coub, jokes, video jokes” and the like , and press the confirm button.

In the future, some or all of these words will be used in tags for my videos.

How to confirm a channel

To confirm the rights to the channel, we go to the creative studio and find that custom video icons are not yet available, which also affect the design of the channel in general and the popularity of the video in particular, because a beautiful picture attracts more viewers and potential subscribers. The option for external annotations is also not included - these are links that can be added to the header or video on your website or social networks to increase the number of views from external sources.

Theoretically, channel monetization can be enabled, but as long as there are no videos or subscribers on the channel, and there are less than 10,000 views on all videos on the channel, it makes no sense to apply to Google AdSence, we’ll talk about this in the following articles and videos.

So, to confirm the channel, click on the blue confirm button,

I will select the country in which I am located, select the option to receive SMS, indicate my real phone number and click on the send button.

After some time, an SMS message with a 6-digit confirmation code will be sent to the specified number, after which I will press the send button.

You will be congratulated on your confirmation YouTube account, click Continue,

and now custom video icons and external annotations are available, which we will talk about in future articles and videos.

Watch the video: Designing a YouTube channel, change the description, add channel keywords and confirm the channel:

We recommend watching the video at full screen mode, select quality in tinctures 1080 HD, Do not forget subscribe to YouTube channel, there you will find a lot of interesting videos that come out quite often. Enjoy watching!

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