How to recruit live people to a group smm. The best ways to gain subscribers to a VKontakte group. The current topic of the group is the key to success

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Communities on the social network VKontakte are becoming increasingly popular. Group development is an integral part of a business that is in demand on the Internet. These are not necessarily online services or goods that can only be purchased online. Now any business can develop in social media. networks, at least for advertising purposes. Any person involved in VK publics will say that the success of your public is directly proportional to the number of subscribers in it. If you have a good budget, it is easier to gain an audience. But what if the budget is limited or non-existent. The question arises: how to gain VK subscribers for free??

7 working free methods for getting subscribers

We have chosen the simplest and most effective methods. The article discusses 6 methods for getting subscribers for free. We can conditionally divide them into methods through which active participants and inactive participants will join the community. Active ones will join in methods No. 1, 2, 4, 6, since in these cases people will join of their own free will and based on whether they are interested in your content. Methods No. 3 and 5 will allow your group to gain weight, but it will not be active.

  1. Invitations to the group.
    Just send an invite to all your friends and ask them to do the same. Add new friends and invite them. This method is more effective in the initial stages, when there are no people in the public at all. But you shouldn’t stop using it, even when, for example, you started gaining subscribers through special services (method No. 5). Since with this method you get live and active participants.
    The disadvantages of this method are the daily limit: no more than 40 invitations to the group; no more than 50 friend invitations.
  2. Self-promotion.
    It is necessary to find groups with an open wall, the ability to leave comments or topics for discussion and write about your community in them. You can also write to people in PM.
    This method is a kind of spam. We warn you right away that sometimes you may be temporarily blocked for using this method. Since the VK administration does not welcome spam and advertising of their goods or services in this way. You can also add a large number of friends (don’t forget about the daily limit) and, in addition to invitations, make reposts on your wall. The more friends you have, the more people will see your post.
  3. Using communities created to develop other communities.
    Now on VK there are many public pages like “Mutual Entry” or “PR Groups”. You can also gain subscribers in them by agreeing on mutual membership, mutual likes, etc. But this is already less effective and people who joined in this way, as a rule, are not active in the future.
  4. Using automatic programs/services to manage your account.
    Programs (for example, ) are created to more effectively and quickly attract traffic to your page or the page of your community. You do a task (for example, write to people in PM), set up search criteria for people and launch the program.

    The main advantage is the automation of the process. After launching the program, you can go about your business, and the program will do everything for you. The work is also carried out without any tasks or registration. The only BUT is that you will need to provide accounts (not necessarily your personal account).
  5. Using online services to increase subscribers. Here we will only talk about those services that can be used for free.
    This is the simplest way that will allow you to quickly gain the first weight of the community (1000 - 5000 people).
    The essence of such services is to complete tasks and receive points for it. For the points you receive, you can set your own task (for example, join a group). All you need to do to get started is go to their website and log in through one of the social networks. networks. The most famous services are, .
    In addition to the main advantage of such services - they are free, the advantage is also a large number of users, therefore, tasks are completed quickly. One of the disadvantages is that there are no real subscribers, some of the subscribers unsubscribe.
    But this is quite enough to gain the first weight of the group (1000 - 5000 people). Of course, you can continue to use the service, but it is necessary to dilute it with other ways of attracting people to the community in order to recruit living people into the group who will actively like, repost, etc., since at a certain stage it is the living subscribers who will become the driving force behind public promotion.
  6. Mutual advertising. The most effective way.
    Using this method, you will recruit only active participants who are interested in your content and will be active in the future (likes, reposts).
    The method is to search for public pages with your target audience and with approximately the same number of participants. Afterwards, you need to negotiate with the admins of these publics and make mutual reposts with links to each other’s publics. Part of their audience will go to you, and part of your audience will go to them.
    You should not use this method with the same group over and over again. Search and negotiate with new communities.
    The only downside is the difficulty of searching. Since it is not entirely easy to find an option that suits you and admins do not always make contact. But with a little patience and perseverance, you will get the desired result.
  7. Participation in groups with competitions. For example, “Free Russia”. In some cases, this will not be a free option, but almost free (if you are advertising handmade goods).
  8. Placing a widget on a group on your site or sites. Posting a link to your community on other social networks.


So, we discussed 8 methods of how to attract people to the VKontakte group for free. What methods to use is up to you. Use online sites with cheating or download programs and work with them, make 40 invitations daily or PR in groups, or can use everything at once.

In this article we will talk about how you can get a lot of friends/subscribers to your VKontakte page. Why is this necessary? Firstly, pages that have many friends/subscribers are shown higher in the search for VK and groups. You can also advertise some of your products on the page, promote a group by reposting on your page, or sell advertising to someone else - in general, a “pumped up” page has many uses.

How to gain friends and subscribers:

1) The easiest way- this, of course, is to buy more subscribers on some specialized service for promoting VKontakte pages. It’s inexpensive and fast - you can get thousands of subscribers for a couple of hundred rubles, but the problem is that all the subscribers will be bots or so-called “dead” accounts that no one logs into. Accordingly, if your goal is to advertise something on your page, then this method will not suit you, because... It’s pointless to advertise anything to fake bot subscribers. If your goal is simply to raise your account in search, then this method is for you.

2) Second method- for those who want to collect live accounts of real people. This method is more complicated and will require you to spend time, but it is absolutely free.

You simply create a page for a beautiful girl - fill it with photographs, fill in various information on the page, in general, do everything to make the page as similar as possible to the real one.

Important: Be sure to set your family status to “actively searching” and leave the country/city blank or hide it.

Then you try to “light up” your account as soon as you can. That is, write comments in various groups (preferably in dating groups and the like) and crowds of men will start writing to you and adding you as friends. Just send a friend request to everyone who writes to you.

You can also try a more aggressive way - this is to like the comments/photos of men, again so that they themselves start writing to you and add them as friends. But this is already more dangerous, because... may be considered spam and your account may be banned.

In general, you can gain a couple of thousand subscribers in this way in the shortest possible time, although as you understand, the audience of subscribers will be 100% male and not very smart XD - although in general this is a pretty good audience, when you gain subscribers you can advertise various dating sites on the page and similar and it’s good to make money from it.

I think it’s easy to guess that you can also make an account for a handsome guy and also leave comments in women’s groups (although girls are much less actively added). In general, here you need to show your imagination.

That's all - if you have questions, ask them in the comments.

Greetings! Despite the fact that the experiment is still far from complete, I decided to write some thoughts and conclusions on this matter. After reading this article, you will understand a lot and learn about promoting a public VKontakte page. I did some experiments and I want to tell you about it.

At the time of writing, only 71 people have subscribed to my public page (?). Here's mine public page.

I have not yet tried to reach the goal of gaining 1000 subscribers, but have only experimented with ways to attract people and tried to find the most effective ones. Let me remind you that I started studying SMM from scratch.

I immediately rejected free promotion because it takes too much time and effort, but it produces results. For example, my brother recruits 200-300 people into his Anime-themed group in a few days, all using free methods. If you need people by any means, you can use free methods, this is not bad, but I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this and therefore I’m looking for a suitable promotion option using paid methods.

Why complicate things?

Imagine that I will have 10 such publics, walking along the beaten path, I will pay where necessary and soon there will be 1000 people in each public, and this is 10,000 people in total. So I’m looking for this “right place” to invest money there. What if you promote all 10 public pages manually? It will take a long time .

I have come to the conclusion that the best option– and he will do everything at the highest level, but the experiment must be completed.

Results of my experiment:

So, here are the first conclusions of my experiment, which I obtained through trial and error.

There are many ways to promote a public page...

Method No. 1

The first thing I tried was the method I used in . Used . I paid $0.06 to everyone who joined the public + each of them gave a bunch of likes. As a result, I could recruit as many people as I wanted in a day because everything in advego works very quickly.

Unfortunately, the price of $0.06 per person for an entertainment-themed public is too expensive and this option is not suitable. If I want to recruit 1000 people, I will need to spend $60, but many will unsubscribe after payment, so I will need to place an order for $65-70.

Pros: Very fast filling of the public, literally 1-2 days.
Minuses: Some people leave the public after paying. You can give only one task according to the Advego rules (either join a public page, or like, or repost, etc.). High price.

Method No. 2

I decided to find an alternative to Advego and found this service. Compared to Advego, it is much cheaper for the advertiser, it is also more practical, but it works much slower. You set the prices yourself, from $0.01 onwards. If we take the minimum price, then it will only cost $10 to fill the public with 1000 people.

Pros: We set the price ourselves. We create the task ourselves and there are no restrictions, as in advego (you can ask to join, like and repost at the same time).
Minuses: Tasks are completed slowly. Some leave the public, and also do poor quality work and try to deceive.

We can say that this service is the opposite of advego.

Method No. 3

The third way I tried was to order advertising in other communities.
I did this using the service Sociate. Here you can order an advertisement with the text you need for literally pennies, and the effectiveness of the advertisement will depend only on you.
I ordered my first advertisement for 4 rubles when I wanted to see how it works and immediately realized that it was more profitable to order advertising here than to buy people through Advego. Although the second experiment, with a larger amount, was not so successful.

This is what I wrote on the server:

“I’m sharing my experience...
So, I ordered advertising in 3 communities with comics, jokes, etc.
The total number of participants is 27 thousand people
Advertising time - 21:00 on Friday
I posted the following text: “There is so much garbage on the Internet, aren’t you tired of reading it? I invite you to subscribe to the public page “The Most Interesting on the Internet” to learn only the most interesting things! After all, you don’t want to stupidly kill time looking through trash?
(public address)" + picture

40 people visited the public, of which 10 people signed up.
There were 68 likes and 27 reposts.
I think the result is weak...
1 out of 4 people joined - not bad, I think... but the fact that so few people visited the public was surprising.”

As you can see, there are all sorts of results, depending on the text and picture, but I recommend using this method! I will continue to experiment with it until I achieve the desired result.

Pros: The result depends on your own efforts. Minimum effort. Advertising can have a huge effect. Not expensive.
Minuses: Some do not respond to submitted applications and somehow everything is slow...

Method No. 4

The fourth method is to pay for reposts using the same service as in the 2nd promotion method. Let’s say you give the task “Make 5 reposts in the public” and that’s it, just wait. This method looks the most natural, so people join the public. It all depends on the interest of the posts.
The standard rule applies here: you have to do it for the people. Look for cool photos, comics, jokes, etc., then order their reposts and it will come out great.

I don’t fill the public very often yet because there are still few people there, but as soon as the number is decent, I will use this particular method of promotion, but it’s already free. I’ll just add cool posts, they’ll be reposted and I’ll get new subscribers.

I read on the forum that for $5 you can get 300 new subscribers using reposts. The most important thing is that this method helps to gather not a purchased audience, but interested!

Pros: Natural set of readers. Minimum effort. Readers don’t leave and even invite friends.
Minuses: I don't see any downsides...


It’s too early to draw final conclusions, there are only 71 people in the public, but I’m already starting to see a path in the dense forest that I can follow, and this is the main thing.
As soon as I can clearly see the road, there will be no problems filling the public.

By the way, this is not the end of the experiment! I haven't reached 1000 readers yet, which means there will be a continuation! Subscribe to

It is believed that the more friends and VKontakte subscribers you have, the more popular your page is (see). Only people who have a certain popularity in real life, or on the World Wide Web, can naturally have several thousand friends on a social network (see). Singers, bloggers, politicians, etc. You can always see a large number of subscribers on their pages.

But what about ordinary users? What needs to be done to get a lot of VKontakte subscribers?

In fact, there is no particular difficulty here. And there are quite a lot of ways. Now I will show you the main ones.

Video lesson: how to get a lot of subscribers on VK

Mutual adding as friends

The principle of this method is as follows. We are starting to send friend requests to people. Some of them accept and become our friend. After some time, we remove the person from friends, and he becomes our subscriber (see).

It should be noted that in the end, half will unsubscribe. But the method still works well.

You can send friend requests directly or through special groups.

We send applications directly

We find the page of any person and go to his friends list.

Here we go to each person on the list one by one and send him a friend request.

We have 40 applications available per day (see). We send and wait.

Mutual requests through groups

There are a large number of groups where people mutually add friends.

Let's go to the search and write "Add to friends". We select a suitable group and go to it.

Here we need to find a suitable ad with an offer to mutually add as friends. Something like this.

Go to this person’s page and send him an application.

When you have collected enough friends, you can move on to the fun part. We need to convert them to subscribers (see). How to do it?

Open any friend's page and open the menu "Your friends". Next click on the item "Unfriend".

This user will be removed from friends and transferred to subscriber status. And this is exactly what we need!

All of the following methods are aimed at increasing the number of friend requests and subscribers to your page.

Cheating VKontakte subscribers through the turboliker service

We have already met him. Here's a review - . Let's now use it to gain subscribers on VK.

Let's go to the service:

In your personal account, open the “Subscribers” section, and then click “Create”.

Also select the item whether you will wind up for yourself or for another page. If you chose the second option, you will need to insert a link to the corresponding account (see).

Adjust targeting if necessary. When you fill everything out, click the “Order” button.


As you can see, getting VKontakte subscribers is not a difficult matter. The most important thing is to be patient. Although no one is stopping you from topping up your balance in the service with cash and simply starting the task. Then nothing will be required of you at all.

In the last article, I described the basics of promoting an online store on social networks, now I would like to delve into the subject and talk about how to independently promote a VKontakte group.

A unique promotion for owners of their own groups in VK!
Get 10% discount for the benefit of everyone who has a VKontakte group!

In fact, promoting a VKontakte group is not that difficult, much easier than promoting a website.

First, before promoting a group, you need to analyze the demographics of the intended audience.

Demographics of group subscribers

You need to understand exactly what people you are creating your group for. This will be needed when setting up targeted advertising, inviting people to a group, and when writing content.

The picture below shows the general demographics of the VKontakte audience.

The second nuance is the age of subscribers. You can notice that mostly the younger generation is in contact, and the older generation, for example, is in classmates. I'm not talking about all, but about the majority of users.

We independently promote the VKontakte group

Let's look at a few steps for self-promotion of a group:

  1. Inviting your friends

    Your friends can be the first to leave comments, likes and reposts. In addition, it is very important that by the time you start promoting a VKontakte group, there should already be a certain number of people in it, because, as you know, people are very reluctant to join empty groups.

  2. Cheating with special services

    This is a very important section, without which it will be quite difficult at the initial stage, because people are much more willing to join a group if many people have already subscribed to it.

    It's no secret for a long time that there are many ways to gain subscribers to your group. They do this in two ways: by purchasing bots and using mutual exchange services.

    I don’t recommend the first method; these are absolutely dead users who will most likely lead to your group being banned.

    I will dwell on the second method in more detail. There are many services on the Internet where you can give a certain task to real people, for example, like, repost, or join a group.

    I tried many different services and now I use Bosslike, there is a fairly small percentage of unsubscribers from it, since they punish for this, write off points and ban the account.

    You can pay for this task with real money, or with “points” that you can receive for completing the same tasks.

    Using the Bosslike service, you can quickly add a bunch of subscribers to your group and create the appearance of activity - likes, reposts, so that interested users who come to your group can see that the group is alive and popular with other people.

    This kind of service is much better than buying bots, because, firstly, they are free, and secondly, the subscribers recruited in this way are absolutely real people who, just like you, promote their groups.

    It often happens that after promotion, these people become active members of your group, write comments, like, and repost. In general, at the initial stage I ADVISE EVERYONE

  3. Repost posts from your group to communities of similar topics

    Of course, not all groups provide the opportunity to leave posts on their wall, but I think it’s worth looking.

    Even if the group is limited, but you have incredibly interesting information, you can offer news in this group. Any adequate administrator will publish it.

    In addition, from my own experience I can say that it can be very effective to look for public pages and groups of similar topics with open photo albums. Find an attractive image, upload it to your album, and write text in the caption that will entice the reader to join your group.

    In most cases, such an image will be deleted after some time, but it may manage to attract a good number of users to your group.

  4. Mutual cooperation with thematic groups in contact.

    Everything is simple here, look for thematically similar groups and share each other’s posts on the wall, as well as links.

  5. Optimizing a group for VKontakte search.

    If we compare it with a regular website, the name of the group is the title of the page, the description of the group is both description and keywords.

    It is important that the group name contains one exact occurrence of the key query, for example, “Wedding photographer St. Petersburg.”

    It should appear several times in the group description; in addition, it would be useful to list below the tags by which they can search for you.

    Also, don’t forget to change the group url from the incomprehensible club1682746 to a more relevant one.

    Remember that VKontakte groups and public pages are well indexed by search engines, so a properly optimized group can bring new users to your online store not only from the social network itself, but also from search engines.

    Another important factor influencing ranking (position in VKontakte search results) is the number of group members, so as I have already, in the first few days I highly recommend gaining free subscribers using Bosslike or similar services.

How to keep subscribers in a group

Content is the most important thing, what you need to independently promote a VKontakte group. The more interesting your content is, the more reposts you will get and the more people will learn about your VKontakte group, and the more existing subscribers you can retain.

Try to post interesting articles based on the interests of your audience. Try to find your own style, feature. If you can’t do it yourself, then you need to look for the most interesting articles on your topic in other places. There are many services for this.

In my opinion, the coolest service of this kind is SmmBox. This service itself finds the most popular posts and articles on your topic and, thanks to a smart calendar, can itself distribute the time and schedule for posting posts for greater efficiency. This service is paid, although quite cheap, but has a 14-day free period, in 14 days, with special diligence, you can fill a group with content for several months ahead and not worry about constantly searching and posting.
You don’t even need to register in it - click login in the upper right corner of the main page and choose to log out through VKontakte (or through other social networks) and start promoting your group.

It also has an extension for browsers with which you can post content from any site you are on to your VKontakte group in 1 click.

Conducting competitions

Everyone loves competitions, and this is a good way to spread the word about your group. Announce some interesting competition with the obligatory condition of reposting and joining the group, this will attract a large number of people.

There are many free services that will help you in this matter:
VKonkurs.rf is my favorite service for determining winners. The service receives a list of users who reposted the news (posts on the wall) and selects winners from them in random order. The result is presented in a very cute and convenient form, which you can immediately post to your VKontakte group.

Random App- the application helps to organize prize draws. The difference from other applications is that you can make a drawing among all users in the group;

Virus analyzer- find out who collected how many likes and reposts under any VKontakte message;

Group competitions- the application is used to check competitions for inviting friends to the community. For each participant, the number of his friends in the group is checked and a list is displayed in descending order of the number of friends who joined;

LikeChecker- the application is intended for administrators of groups holding competitions, with the help of which you can find out the number of likes in the group;

The application separates likes given by group members from outsiders (most likely fake ones).

Tracking unsubscribers

You can track users who have left the group and ask them why. The user is pleased that he and his opinion are important to you, and you will know what makes people leave your community.

There are also convenient free services for this, for example, the VKontakte application "

tell friends