What are gamepad sticks made of? Choosing a gamepad for PC games. GameCube: Two analog sticks and a wireless controller

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action buttons) - provide the opportunity to interact with objects of the game world. Take, throw, catch, shoot, etc.
  • Triggers- buttons located under the index fingers (often responsible for shooting). They appeared on gamepads as the complexity of games increased, in order to separate the shooting function from general actions. Often other functions are tied to triggers, which are conveniently separated from the main functions tied to action buttons.
  • Analog stick- is a protruding part based on the controller, the position of which determines the control result. The main function is orientation in three-dimensional space. Devoid of any additional buttons. The exception is the ability to press the stick itself. This function used for additional actions, thereby expanding the functionality of the device.
  • Service buttons Start, Select, Mode, Back- buttons that provide control over the game process itself (pause during the game, call up the game options menu, change the operating mode of the gamepad).
  • Optional

    • Feedback, vibration function- a feature provided in the gamepad that enhances active events during the gameplay (explosions, impacts, etc.) through vibration of the gamepad.
    • Some models, like the Space Orb, have a built-in trackball.
    • Some models feature a high-precision steering axis, making it easier to play car simulators.


    NES: D-pad

    Externally, the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) controller resembled a brick. The technical implementation was as simple as its form. Two action buttons (A and B), Start and Select buttons, and finally the D-pad. The button shape was patented and was a modification of Milton Bradley's Cosmic Hunter Dpad. It was first used in Nintendo’s “Game and Watch” series of pocket games (in the USSR, the analogue of the games was the “Electronics” series: Hockey, Cheerful Chef, Secrets of the Ocean, Autoslalom, Well, Just Wait!). Towards the end of the NES era, before the release of the AV Famicom and NES2, the “brick” turned into a “dog bone”, reminiscent in shape of the future controller for the Super Nintendo.

    At the end of 1995, the Dual Analog model was first announced. It was finally presented to the public in November 1996, at the PlayStation exhibition. Externally, the controllers were very similar, the differences were directly related to design features. The Dual Analog handles were slightly longer and more tapered. The main difference was the analog sticks, located just below the center of the gamepad. The first versions for Japan had a vibration mode, and the analog sticks on top had a concave shape. Under the sticks there was a three-function “Mode” button. However, due to lack of interest, later Japanese versions of the Dual Analog were vibration-free.

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    An excerpt characterizing the Gamepad

    Pierre has hardly changed in his external techniques. He looked exactly the same as he had been before. Just as before, he was distracted and seemed preoccupied not with what was in front of his eyes, but with something special of his own. The difference between his previous and present state was that before, when he forgot what was in front of him, what was said to him, he, wrinkling his forehead in pain, seemed to be trying and could not see something far away from him . Now he also forgot what was said to him and what was in front of him; but now, with a barely noticeable, seemingly mocking, smile, he peered at what was in front of him, listened to what was being said to him, although obviously he saw and heard something completely different. Before, although he seemed to be a kind person, he was unhappy; and therefore people involuntarily moved away from him. Now a smile of the joy of life constantly played around his mouth, and his eyes shone with concern for people - the question: are they as happy as he is? And people were pleased in his presence.
    Before, he talked a lot, got excited when he spoke, and listened little; Now he rarely got carried away in conversation and knew how to listen so that people willingly told him their most intimate secrets.
    The princess, who had never loved Pierre and had a particularly hostile feeling towards him since, after the death of the old count, she felt obliged to Pierre, to her chagrin and surprise, after a short stay in Orel, where she came with the intention of proving to Pierre that, Despite his ingratitude, she considers it her duty to follow him; the princess soon felt that she loved him. Pierre did nothing to ingratiate himself with the princess. He just looked at her with curiosity. Previously, the princess felt that in his gaze at her there was indifference and mockery, and she, as before other people, shrank before him and showed only her fighting side of life; now, on the contrary, she felt that he seemed to be digging into the most intimate aspects of her life; and she, at first with distrust, and then with gratitude, showed him the hidden good sides of her character.
    The most cunning person could not have more skillfully insinuated himself into the princess’s confidence, evoking her memories of the best time of her youth and showing sympathy for them. Meanwhile, Pierre’s whole cunning consisted only in the fact that he sought his own pleasure, evoking human feelings in the embittered, dry and proud princess.
    “Yes, he is a very, very kind person when he is under the influence not of bad people, but of people like me,” the princess said to herself.
    The change that took place in Pierre was noticed in their own way by his servants, Terenty and Vaska. They found that he had slept a lot. Terenty often, having undressed the master, with boots and dress in his hand, wishing him good night, hesitated to leave, waiting to see if the master would enter into conversation. And for the most part Pierre stopped Terenty, noticing that he wanted to talk.
    - Well, tell me... how did you get food for yourself? - he asked. And Terenty began a story about the Moscow ruin, about the late count, and stood for a long time with his dress, telling, and sometimes listening to, Pierre’s stories, and, with a pleasant consciousness of the master’s closeness to him and friendliness towards him, he went into the hallway.
    The doctor who treated Pierre and visited him every day, despite the fact that, according to the duties of doctors, he considered it his duty to look like a man whose every minute is precious for suffering humanity, sat for hours with Pierre, telling his favorite stories and observations on the morals of patients in general and especially ladies.
    “Yes, it’s nice to talk to such a person, not like here in the provinces,” he said.
    Several captured French officers lived in Orel, and the doctor brought one of them, a young Italian officer.
    This officer began to visit Pierre, and the princess laughed at the tender feelings that the Italian expressed towards Pierre.
    The Italian, apparently, was happy only when he could come to Pierre and talk and tell him about his past, about his home life, about his love and pour out his indignation at the French, and especially at Napoleon.
    “If all Russians are even a little like you,” he said to Pierre, “est un sacrilege que de faire la guerre a un peuple comme le votre. [It’s blasphemy to fight with a people like you.] You, who have suffered so much from the French, you don’t even have any malice against them.
    And Pierre now deserved the Italian’s passionate love only because he evoked in him the best sides of his soul and admired them.
    During the last period of Pierre's stay in Oryol, his old freemason acquaintance, Count Villarsky, came to see him, the same one who introduced him to the lodge in 1807. Villarsky was married to a rich Russian woman who had large estates in the Oryol province, and occupied a temporary position in the city in the food department.
    Having learned that Bezukhov was in Orel, Villarsky, although he had never been briefly acquainted with him, came to him with those statements of friendship and intimacy that people usually express to each other when meeting in the desert. Villarsky was bored in Orel and was happy to meet a person of the same circle as himself and with the same, as he believed, interests.
    But, to his surprise, Villarsky soon noticed that Pierre was very far behind real life and had fallen, as he himself defined Pierre, into apathy and selfishness.
    “Vous vous encroutez, mon cher,” he told him. Despite this, Villarsky was now more pleasant with Pierre than before, and he visited him every day. For Pierre, looking at Villarsky and listening to him now, it was strange and incredible to think that he himself had very recently been the same.
    Villarsky was married, a family man, busy with the affairs of his wife’s estate, his service, and his family. He believed that all these activities were a hindrance in life and that they were all despicable because they were aimed at the personal good of him and his family. Military, administrative, political, and Masonic considerations constantly absorbed his attention. And Pierre, without trying to change his view, without condemning him, with his now constantly quiet, joyful mockery, admired this strange phenomenon, so familiar to him.
    In his relations with Villarsky, with the princess, with the doctor, with all the people with whom he now met, Pierre had a new trait that earned him the favor of all people: this recognition of the ability of each person to think, feel and look at things in his own way; recognition of the impossibility of words to dissuade a person. This legitimate characteristic of every person, which previously worried and irritated Pierre, now formed the basis of the participation and interest that he took in people. The difference, sometimes the complete contradiction of people's views with their lives and with each other, pleased Pierre and aroused in him a mocking and gentle smile.
    In practical matters, Pierre suddenly now felt that he had a center of gravity that he did not have before. Previously, every money question, especially requests for money, to which he, as a very rich man, was subjected very often, led him into hopeless unrest and bewilderment. “To give or not to give?” - he asked himself. “I have it, but he needs it. But someone else needs it even more. Who needs it more? Or maybe both are deceivers? And from all these assumptions he had previously not found any way out and gave to everyone while he had something to give. He had been in exactly the same bewilderment before with every question concerning his condition, when one said that it was necessary to do this, and the other - another.
    Now, to his surprise, he found that in all these questions there were no more doubts and perplexities. A judge now appeared in him, according to some laws unknown to himself, deciding what was necessary and what should not be done.
    He was just as indifferent to money matters as before; but now he undoubtedly knew what he should do and what he should not do. The first application of this new judge for him was the request of a captured French colonel, who came to him, talked a lot about his exploits and in the end almost declared a demand that Pierre give him four thousand francs to send to his wife and children. Pierre refused him without the slightest difficulty or tension, marveling later at how simple and easy it was that which had previously seemed insurmountably difficult. At the same time, immediately refusing the colonel, he decided that it was necessary to use cunning in order to force the Italian officer, when leaving Orel, to take the money that he apparently needed. New proof for Pierre of his established view of practical matters was his solution to the issue of his wife’s debts and the renewal or non-renewal of Moscow houses and dachas.
    His chief manager came to see him in Oryol, and with him Pierre made a general account of his changing income. The Moscow fire cost Pierre, according to the chief manager’s accounts, about two million.
    The chief manager, to console these losses, presented Pierre with a calculation that, despite these losses, his income not only would not decrease, but would increase if he refused to pay the debts remaining after the countess, to which he could not be obliged, and if he does not renew the Moscow houses and the Moscow region, which cost eighty thousand annually and brought nothing.
    “Yes, yes, it’s true,” said Pierre, smiling cheerfully. - Yes, yes, I don’t need any of this. I became much richer from ruin.
    But in January Savelich arrived from Moscow, told him about the situation in Moscow, about the estimate that the architect made for him to renovate the house and the Moscow region, speaking about it as if it was a settled matter. At the same time, Pierre received a letter from Prince Vasily and other acquaintances from St. Petersburg. The letters talked about his wife's debts. And Pierre decided that the manager’s plan, which he liked so much, was wrong and that he needed to go to St. Petersburg to finish off his wife’s affairs and build in Moscow. Why this was necessary, he did not know; but he knew without a doubt that it was necessary. As a result of this decision, his income decreased by three quarters. But it was necessary; he felt it.
    Villarsky was traveling to Moscow, and they agreed to go together.
    Pierre experienced a feeling of joy, freedom, life throughout his recovery in Orel; but when, during his travels, he found himself in the free world and saw hundreds of new faces, this feeling intensified even more. Throughout the trip he felt the joy of a schoolboy on vacation. All the faces: the driver, the caretaker, the men on the road or in the village - everyone had a new meaning for him. The presence and comments of Villarsky, who constantly complained about poverty, backwardness from Europe, and ignorance of Russia, only increased Pierre's joy. Where Villarsky saw deadness, Pierre saw an extraordinary powerful force of vitality, that force that in the snow, in this space, supported the life of this whole, special and united people. He did not contradict Villarsky and, as if agreeing with him (since feigned agreement was the shortest way to bypass reasoning from which nothing could come of it), smiled joyfully as he listened to him.

    Just as it is difficult to explain why and where ants rush from a scattered hummock, some away from the hummock, dragging specks, eggs and dead bodies, others back into the hummock - why they collide, catch up with each other, fight - it is just as difficult It would be possible to explain the reasons that forced the Russian people, after the French left, to crowd into the place that was formerly called Moscow. But just as, looking at the ants scattered around a devastated hummock, despite the complete destruction of the hummock, one can see from the tenacity, energy, and countless swarming insects that everything has been destroyed except for something indestructible, immaterial, which makes up the entire strength of the hummock - so too and Moscow, in the month of October, despite the fact that there were no authorities, no churches, no shrines, no wealth, no houses, Moscow was the same as it was in August. Everything was destroyed, except for something insubstantial, but powerful and indestructible.
    The motives of people rushing from all sides to Moscow after its cleansing from the enemy were the most varied, personal, and at first mostly wild, animal. There was only one impulse common to everyone - this desire to go there, to that place that was formerly called Moscow, to carry out their activities there.
    A week later there were already fifteen thousand inhabitants in Moscow, after two there were twenty-five thousand, etc. Rising and rising, this number by the autumn of 1813 reached a figure exceeding the population of the 12th year.
    The first Russian people who entered Moscow were the Cossacks of the Wintzingerode detachment, men from neighboring villages and residents who fled from Moscow and were hiding in its environs. The Russians who entered devastated Moscow, finding it plundered, also began to plunder. They continued what the French were doing. Convoys of men came to Moscow in order to take away to the villages everything that had been thrown along the ruined Moscow houses and streets. The Cossacks took what they could to their headquarters; the owners of the houses took everything that they found in other houses and brought it to themselves under the pretext that it was their property.
    But after the first robbers came others, third ones, and the robbery every day, as the number of robbers increased, became more and more difficult and took on more definite forms.
    The French found Moscow, although empty, with all the forms of an organically correctly living city, with its various departments of trade, crafts, luxury, government, and religion. These forms were lifeless, but they still existed. There were rows, benches, stores, warehouses, bazaars - most with goods; there were factories, craft establishments; there were palaces, rich houses filled with luxury goods; there were hospitals, prisons, public places, churches, cathedrals. The longer the French stayed, the more these forms of urban life were destroyed, and in the end everything merged into one indivisible, lifeless field of plunder.
    The robbery of the French, the more it continued, the more it destroyed the wealth of Moscow and the forces of the robbers. The robbery of the Russians, with which the occupation of the capital by the Russians began, the longer it lasted, the more participants there were in it, the faster it restored the wealth of Moscow and the correct life of the city.
    In addition to the robbers, the most diverse people, drawn - some by curiosity, some by duty of service, some by calculation - homeowners, clergy, high and low officials, merchants, artisans, men - from different sides, like blood to the heart - flowed to Moscow.
    A week later, the men who arrived with empty carts to take away things were stopped by the authorities and forced to take the dead bodies out of the city. Other men, having heard about the failure of their comrades, came to the city with bread, oats, hay, lowering the price for each other to a price lower than the previous one. Artels of carpenters, hoping for expensive earnings, entered Moscow every day, and new ones were cut from all sides, and burnt houses were repaired. Merchants opened trade in booths. Taverns and inns were set up in burnt houses. The clergy resumed services in many churches that had not burned. Donors brought looted church items. The officials arranged their tables with cloth and cabinets with papers in small rooms. The higher authorities and the police ordered the distribution of the goods left behind by the French. The owners of those houses in which a lot of things brought from other houses were left complained about the injustice of taking all the things to the Faceted Chamber; others insisted that the French had brought things from different houses to one place, and therefore it was unfair to give the owner of the house those things that were found with him. They scolded the police; bribed her; they wrote ten times the estimates for the burnt government items; demanded assistance. Count Rastopchin wrote his proclamations.

    At the end of January, Pierre arrived in Moscow and settled in the surviving outbuilding. He went to see Count Rastopchin and some acquaintances who had returned to Moscow, and was planning to go to St. Petersburg on the third day. Everyone celebrated the victory; everything was seething with life in the ruined and reviving capital. Everyone was happy to see Pierre; everyone wanted to see him, and everyone asked him about what he had seen. Pierre felt especially friendly towards all the people he met; but now he involuntarily kept himself on guard with all people, so as not to tie himself to anything. He answered all questions that were put to him, whether important or most insignificant, with the same vagueness; Did they ask him: where will he live? will it be built? when is he going to St. Petersburg and will he undertake to carry the box? - he answered: yes, maybe, I think, etc.
    He heard about the Rostovs, that they were in Kostroma, and the thought of Natasha rarely came to him. If she came, it was only as a pleasant memory of the long past. He felt free not only from everyday conditions, but also from this feeling, which, as it seemed to him, he had deliberately brought upon himself.
    On the third day of his arrival in Moscow, he learned from the Drubetskys that Princess Marya was in Moscow. Death, suffering, and the last days of Prince Andrei often occupied Pierre and now came to his mind with new vividness. Having learned at dinner that Princess Marya was in Moscow and was living in her unburned house on Vzdvizhenka, he went to see her that same evening.
    On the way to Princess Marya, Pierre kept thinking about Prince Andrei, about his friendship with him, about various meetings with him, and especially about the last one in Borodino.
    “Did he really die in the angry mood he was in then? Wasn’t the explanation of life revealed to him before his death?” - thought Pierre. He remembered Karataev, about his death, and involuntarily began to compare these two people, so different and at the same time so similar in love that he had for both, and because both lived and both died.
    In the most serious mood, Pierre drove up to the old prince's house. This house survived. It showed signs of destruction, but the character of the house was the same. An old waiter with a stern face who met Pierre, as if wanting to make the guest feel that the prince’s absence did not disturb the order of the house, said that the princess deigned to go to her rooms and was received on Sundays.
    - Report; maybe they’ll accept it,” said Pierre.
    “I’m listening,” answered the waiter, “please go to the portrait room.”
    A few minutes later the waiter and Desalles came out to see Pierre. Desalles, on behalf of the princess, told Pierre that she was very glad to see him and asked, if he would excuse her for her impudence, to go upstairs to her rooms.
    In a low room, lit by one candle, the princess and someone else were sitting with her, in a black dress. Pierre remembered that the princess always had companions with her. Who these companions were and what they were like, Pierre did not know and did not remember. “This is one of the companions,” he thought, looking at the lady in a black dress.
    The princess quickly stood up to meet him and extended her hand.
    “Yes,” she said, peering into his changed face after he kissed her hand, “this is how you and I meet.” They Lately often talked about you,” she said, turning her eyes from Pierre to her companion with a shyness that struck Pierre for a moment.
    “I was so glad to hear about your salvation.” This was the only good news we received for a long time. - Again, the princess looked back at her companion even more restlessly and wanted to say something; but Pierre interrupted her.
    “You can imagine that I knew nothing about him,” he said. “I thought he was killed.” Everything I learned, I learned from others, through third hands. I only know that he ended up with the Rostovs... What a fate!
    Pierre spoke quickly and animatedly. He looked once at the face of his companion, saw a carefully, affectionately curious gaze fixed on him, and, as often happens during a conversation, for some reason he felt that this companion in a black dress was a sweet, kind, nice creature who would not disturb him. intimate conversation with Princess Marya.
    But when he said the last words about the Rostovs, the confusion in Princess Marya’s face was expressed even more strongly. She again ran her eyes from Pierre’s face to the face of the lady in a black dress and said:
    – Don’t you recognize it?
    Pierre looked again at the pale, thin face of his companion, with black eyes and a strange mouth. Something dear, long forgotten and more than sweet looked at him from those attentive eyes.
    “But no, this can’t be,” he thought. – Is this a stern, thin and pale, aged face? It can't be her. This is just a memory of that.” But at this time Princess Marya said: “Natasha.” And the face, with attentive eyes, with difficulty, with effort, like a rusty door opening, smiled, and from this open door it suddenly smelled and doused Pierre with that long-forgotten happiness, which, especially now, he did not think about. It smelled, engulfed and swallowed him all up. When she smiled, there could no longer be any doubt: it was Natasha, and he loved her.
    In the very first minute, Pierre involuntarily told both her, Princess Marya, and, most importantly, himself a secret unknown to him. He blushed joyfully and painfully. He wanted to hide his excitement. But the more he wanted to hide it, the more clearly—more clearly than in the most definite words—he told himself, and her, and Princess Marya that he loved her.
    “No, it’s just out of surprise,” thought Pierre. But just as he wanted to continue the conversation he had begun with Princess Marya, he looked at Natasha again, and an even stronger blush covered his face, and an even stronger emotion of joy and fear gripped his soul. He got lost in his words and stopped mid-speech.
    Pierre did not notice Natasha, because he did not expect to see her here, but he did not recognize her because the change that had happened in her since he had not seen her was enormous. She lost weight and became pale. But this was not what made her unrecognizable: she could not be recognized in the first minute when he entered, because on this face, in whose eyes before there had always shone a hidden smile of the joy of life, now, when he entered and looked at her for the first time, there was no there was a hint of a smile; there were only eyes, attentive, kind and sadly questioning.
    Pierre's embarrassment did not affect Natasha with embarrassment, but only with pleasure, which subtly illuminated her entire face.

    “She came to visit me,” said Princess Marya. – The Count and Countess will be there one of these days. The Countess is in a terrible situation. But Natasha herself needed to see the doctor. She was forcibly sent with me.
    – Yes, is there a family without its own grief? - Pierre said, turning to Natasha. – You know that it was on the very day we were released. I saw him. What a lovely boy he was.
    Natasha looked at him, and in response to his words, her eyes only opened more and lit up.
    – What can you say or think for consolation? - said Pierre. - Nothing. Why did such a nice boy, full of life, die?
    “Yes, in our time it would be difficult to live without faith...” said Princess Marya.
    - Yes Yes. “This is the true truth,” Pierre hastily interrupted.

    First, let's figure it out - why do you need a gamepad? For many people, a keyboard and mouse are more than enough for gaming, and therefore some gamers don’t even think about buying of this device. However, the gamepad is quite a useful gadget, without which it is simply impossible to enjoy some games. First of all, the controller is ideal for game genres such as sports simulators, racing, fighting games, and platformers.

    The thing is that a large number of gaming products are initially created for consoles, and only then ported to computers. Because of this, keyboard and mouse controls can seriously ruin the experience of a good game. Remember, before buying a gamepad, you need to figure out what games it will be used in. For fans of strategy and shooters (FPS), the controller is unlikely to seem an indispensable gadget, and therefore we strongly advise against spending money on it just like that.

    Connection type

    Like most other manipulators, controllers can be wired or wireless. Unlike the keyboard and mouse, the connection type in the gamepad is a very important parameter. You need to immediately decide at what distance from the computer the game will take place. If you play in front of the monitor itself, there is no need to look for something wireless.

    The wire, of course, can get tangled and cause inconvenience when connecting, but its advantages will seem to many to be more significant than the disadvantages. Firstly, there is no need to recharge a wired gamepad - you just need to connect it to your computer and enjoy its capabilities. Secondly, a controller with a wire is a little cheaper, which will help you save on it and spend the extra money on more important things. This is probably where all the positives end.

    Wireless gamepads also have several advantages and disadvantages. The first includes the ability to play at any distance. Among the disadvantages is the need to recharge. However, there is one point here. There are wireless gamepads with a built-in battery, which you just need to connect to your computer via a USB cable and wait for it to recharge. This great view wireless gamepads.

    The same cannot be said about controllers that have batteries instead of a built-in battery. These controllers are not only bad because they require you to buy batteries frequently (or once, but batteries), but they are also heavier. Holding such a “miracle” in your hand is, of course, useful for athletes, but not entirely convenient when you want to relax and enjoy the game.


    Let's return to the question again - in which games will the gamepad be used most often? The fact is that for fighting games it is better to take models with a divided cross (control arrows or D-pad). Thanks to this type of design, it will be much easier to perform all kinds of attack algorithms than when using a gamepad with a solid cross. Please note that the D-pad is only important for fighting games - it is rarely used in other games.

    The ideal gamepad should have rubber analog sticks. It is desirable that they have some kind of recesses that will not allow your fingers to slip. It's best not to consider controllers without analog sticks at all, since almost all games nowadays use this particular control element. Having dealt with the D-pad and sticks, stop at the main action buttons located on the back of the device on the right. It is important that they are designated by letters (Y, B, A, X) and not by numbers. Many games use controls from Xbox consoles, which is where this button designation comes from.

    Popular models

    – perhaps the best gamepad that mankind has ever created. Rubberized analog sticks, convenient placement of buttons, ergonomic shape, matte soft-touch plastic, and the ability to use both on a console (Xbox 360) and on a PC without additional drivers.

    It is noteworthy that this gamepad comes in two variations: wired and wireless (without a built-in battery). The only downside is the solid crosspiece, which is inconvenient in fighting games. If this doesn’t bother you, purchasing this gamepad will make the most sense.

    – unlike previous models, Dualshock 4 is a very convenient and high-quality gamepad. However, it was created specifically for PS4, and therefore using it on a computer is fraught with consequences. Firstly, additional drivers are needed, and secondly, some players complain that the gamepad sometimes does not work correctly.

    Most likely, this applies to older games, because in most new products the Dualshock 4 functions like a Swiss watch. If the lack of official support does not bother you and you plan to continue using it with PS4, you can take this controller without a doubt.

    – Razer, when creating this gamepad, did not reinvent the wheel twice and copied the design from the Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller. However, Razer did everything even better than Microsoft. She took into account all the shortcomings of the “small soft” controller and got rid of the gamepad from a solid crosspiece, replacing it with a separate one.

    In addition, the gamepad buttons are fully programmable, and there is also a small display for customization. In addition, the controller has additional triggers and a detachable cable. It should be noted that the “saber-tooth” is wildly beautiful. Although, what ugly thing has Razer released lately?

    Steam Controller- a gamepad that has been redesigned and reinvented a hundred times. Finally, the final version is ready. The main advantages of the gamepad include fully customizable buttons. In addition, the gamepad can work both with and without a wire. Batteries are used instead of a built-in battery.

    The right trackpad can serve as a kind of mouse, which makes the controller convenient in all gaming genres, from racing to first-person shooters. At first, the shape and layout of the buttons on the gamepad may seem awkward, but after a few days your hands will not want to part with the device. Steam Controller for those who love something innovative and unconventional. By the way, the price of the gamepad is quite affordable.

    – a wireless gamepad created specifically for PC. Has a standard button layout. For deeper settings there is appropriate software. The gamepad supports most existing games, is made of high-quality materials, and also has an ergonomic shape. Quite a good competitor to the Xbox monster.

    Unfortunately, the Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 has a solid D-pad, but even that works quite well in games like fighting games. The gamepad is connected to the computer using a USB interface.

    We consider all of the five gamepad models described above to be the most worthy of being included in the “best of” list. Which one is the best is up to you to decide. We wish you a successful purchase, with which you will only go to victory!

    After spending 15 hours of research and testing - in addition to many hours of gaming experience - and with the help of experienced gamers, it was discovered that the best computer controller can be considered wireless sony DualShock 4. Moreover, it turned out that the best PC controllers are console controllers. But a gamepad is a very subjective thing, the ease of use of which depends on hand size, gaming style, operating system, etc. If you already have a controller that you love and are completely satisfied with, then, in our opinion, you don’t need a new one.

    Who needs it?

    Firstly, for those who understand that a mouse and keyboard are not suitable for every PC game. Secondly, for those who like to take a more relaxed position while playing - say, leaning back on a chair or sofa. But, we repeat, if you already have a gamepad from Xbox 360, Xbox One or PlayStation 4, and you are completely happy with it, then there is no point in buying a new one.

    How did you choose?

    A good controller should, firstly, be one that is comfortable to hold for a long time, secondly, have a good grip so that your hands do not slip, even when foggy, thirdly, have a reasonable weight, and, thirdly, fourth, have buttons and triggers that will work exactly as needed and when needed. But comfort and ergonomics are not everything; the controller must still be “friendly” with your computer.

    This controller, however, does not have a touchpad, and the triggers are, in our opinion, placed a little awkwardly. The same, albeit to a lesser extent, applies to triggers and analog sticks - most of the participants in our test thought that the DualShock 4 had them better. Plus, if you want to go wireless, you'll have to pay extra—the wireless version costs $20 more than the version with a Micro-USB cable.

    Inexpensive and popular

    If you don't want to spend more than $35 when buying a new controller, then your best option is the wired Xbox 360 controller, which has been the best-selling PC controller for many years. It's slightly lighter and smaller than the Xbox One controller, but this makes it much easier for people with small hands and short thumbs to reach all of its buttons and analog sticks.

    All the buttons (including the triggers) are well placed and easy to reach for all palm sizes, but this controller is still not without its flaws. Firstly, it cannot work wirelessly. Although Microsoft sells a wireless version, it costs about the same as an Xbox One wireless controller plus adapter. And secondly, there is a terrible cross.

    Wunderwaffle for the wealthy

    If your favorite PC games are mostly ones that require a controller, and if you don't mind spending $150, then the best option available is the Xbox Elite. This is an improved version of every other gamepad we've tested in almost every way, with more advanced controls and four additional levers located on the reverse side, and simpler setup than DualShock 4. Everyone in our tests liked this controller, but many admitted that they were unlikely to buy a gamepad that costs three times more than the DualShock 4.

    About the Steam Controller

    The Steam Controller is the only controller that serves as a bridge between those games that have gamepad support and those that are best played with a mouse and keyboard. It does not have a D-pad and right stick, which have given way to touchpads with a haptic function. feedback. With its help, touchpads can be configured in such a way that they simulate the movements and sensations of using a mouse or stick. In addition, there are two-stage triggers designed to increase controllability and customization options.

    However, despite all this, the Steam controller can hardly be called outstanding. Its plastic body feels hollow, feels second-rate, and has a large, awkward shape that makes it difficult to reach buttons and other controls. Also, since it's so different from traditional gamepads, it still takes some getting used to, and that's just like the initial setup. Let's hope this is just a trial version and Valve will release something better soon, but until then we can't recommend this controller to most people.

    The gaming industry is developing at a breakneck pace and many of its aspects often overlap. One of these aspects was controllers or joysticks. If on a computer this function is performed by a regular mouse, then with a game console everything is a little more complicated. You can’t connect a mouse to it, but you need to somehow control the cursor, so console developers created game joysticks.

    It is worth noting that games from consoles are gradually migrating to computers and vice versa, so many peripherals are becoming universal.

    Classic joysticks are used primarily in space and aviation simulators, and steering wheels are used by gamers who prefer racing simulators. Gamepads are more used in sports games, simulations and fighting games. Additionally, special software emulators are produced that are capable of reproducing the functionality of a particular controller.

    To understand the abundance of goods and determine best models, we have selected 20 gamepads and joysticks for you in several categories for PCs and consoles.

    The best wired gamepads for PC

    A gamepad is a classic game controller, as we are used to seeing it on consoles/set-top boxes. Wired controllers, unlike their wireless counterparts, do not discharge at the most inopportune moment, since they are powered by the computer. However, the problem with the length of the wire can be a fundamental factor for many when choosing the type of gamepad. If you choose a wired controller for playing games on a computer without connecting it to a TV, then the standard cable length is enough for comfortable gaming.

    Typically, a gamepad is a two-handed controller with buttons, analog thumbsticks, and triggers on the back of the controller. Most devices use vibration feedback, and popular controllers come with additional plugs for connecting to game consoles.

    5 Defender Omega

    Availability for any buyer
    Country: China
    Average price: 390 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.1

    The controller with an ascetic appearance is sold at an incredible price of 390 rubles. Maximum simplification led to agony during setup, since many games simply refuse to see it. The bundled driver that comes with the purchase acts as waste paper, so you’ll have to look for “fresh” wood yourself for everything to work correctly. In most cases, after this you will most likely have to install an emulator.

    The joystick has a large dead zone, which, coupled with low positioning accuracy, is not entirely positive in racing and shooters, where reaction speed and accuracy are important. The cord length of 1.8 meters does not provide much room for maneuver. It is worth noting the smell, which for some reason is not here, even despite the plastic, which, by the way, is also hard. Thus, this is a very budget controller with a number of shortcomings that lead to such a low price tag.

    4 Thrustmaster GP XID PRO

    Easy to connect
    A country: USA (manufactured in China)
    Average price: 2190 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    Not the cheapest, but high-quality gamepad has 2 versions - the usual “white” and a more aggressive black and gold version with the “Pro” prefix. It's very easy to connect - just plug in the cord and forget about it. It is defined in the system as an Xbox Controller, so no compatibility problems should arise. Durable plastic can withstand light impacts and scratches, in addition, the shape of the joystick is such that sliding when gripping is almost impossible.

    The manufacturer asks more than 2,000 rubles for the product, but does not include vibration feedback functions; in addition, the triggers are quite tight, and the side RB and LB keys tend to click loudly when pressed sharply. The inscriptions begin to wear off quickly after 2 months of use. External shortcomings are compensated by a very long cord of 2.5-3 meters, which allows the player to move further away from the monitor or even lie down and relax.

    3 3Cott GP-01

    Profitable price
    Country: China
    Average price: 523 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    The average cost of the device is only 523 rubles. A feeling of nostalgia is immediately evoked by the shape, which is almost completely identical to the DualShock 3 and which almost every gamer knows and loves due to its ergonomics and quick adaptation. The arrangement of the elements is almost identical, with the exception of the additional “Analog” button. The designations of the buttons have also been changed - instead of geometric shapes, there are numbers here. Judging by the reviews, the build quality is good. The plastic doesn't smell very nice, but at this price you can't expect anything else. The device is connected via USB.

    The gamepad responds adequately to pressing buttons and deflecting sticks. The only noticeable drawback is the need to manually assign buttons, otherwise the system simply does not accept the gamepad. To do this, you will have to tinker a little with third-party programs.

    2 Defender Game Racer Turbo

    Multiple operating modes
    Country: China
    Average price: 730 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    A modest price and functionality are the main advantages of Game Racer Turbo. All this is contained in a gamepad with a classic shape from the PlayStation 2. Despite the fact that Game Racer Turbo from Defender is designed for gaming battles on a computer, the cable has a branching with a plug for connecting the controller to the Sony PS1/PS2 console. The design and shape of the “Defender” controller are completely copied from the above-mentioned console.

    The body of the device has a rubberized structure and is “equipped” with a standard set of buttons (D-pad, sticks, triggers), as well as additional Turbo, Slow and Analog buttons that activate special modes and mini-joysticks. However, the analog sticks are not covered with soft touch. Unlike more top-end models, the developers have provided vibration feedback, which is realized through two powerful vibration motors in the left and right parts of the body. True, the cord is still a little short (1.5 meters).

    1 Logitech Gamepad F310

    The best ratio of price and quality
    Country: China
    Average price: 1600 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    The F310 model, beloved by players, has become one of the leaders in sales and in the top category thanks to its affordable price tag. The controller has two joysticks, a D-pad, 10 buttons, including high-quality triggers, to which you can assign any actions in the game menu. Two API support modes are available - XInput and DirectInput, as a result of which the gamepad supports most gaming titles on PC, and there are no problems with game compatibility. Ease of setup and durability have made the F310 one of the most popular models on the gaming market.

    The ergonomically shaped body is made of very durable plastic, and externally it looks like a kind of hybrid of controllers from Xbox and PS. The 1.8 meter long wire is quite thin and harsh for its price segment. There is no vibration feedback.

    Video review

    The best wireless gamepads for PC

    Wireless gamepads have become a new stage in the development of controllers and quickly gained an audience thanks to their mobility. The absence of a “cord” initially found application only on consoles, but modern trends quickly spread to PCs.

    The main difference between wireless gamepads is the method of transmitting data to the gaming station. Connection occurs primarily via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. In both cases, you have the opportunity to position yourself in a way that is convenient for you. However, you will have to pay some for convenience wireless models can cost 10 times more than their wired counterparts.

    5 SteelSeries Nimbus Wireless Controller

    Buyers' choice
    Country: USA
    Average price: 6490 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    The “black sheep” in our rating was SteelSeries Nimbus Wireless Controller for devices based on Mac systems OS and iOS. This means that you can use it on branded Apple laptops and all-in-one PCs, as well as on the iPhone. You will have to seriously overpay for the brand and quality and this pleasure will cost an average of 6,500 rubles. The device is connected via Bluetooth channel. Additionally, there is a Lightning port, that is, it is possible wired connection to your iOS device. The response is considered one of the best on the market and can serve as a benchmark for competitors.

    There are no negative reviews from buyers regarding the quality of workmanship. Everyone notes the fast connection, clear signal, pleasant materials and overall reliability, thanks to which this gadget will serve its owner for a long time.

    4 Redragon Harrow

    The most affordable price
    Country: China
    Average price: 1290 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.5

    And again we start with relatively available model. For a wireless gamepad, this cost can be considered a gift. Especially considering the quality of the device. There are no complaints about the build quality, convenience or response of the controls. There are only questions about the buttons themselves - their play is about 1 mm, for the triggers - 2-2.5 mm. It's unpleasant, but you get used to it quickly. The shape of the gamepad can be called universal - it is something between controllers for Xbox and PlayStation. The buttons are located like on the DualShock. The model is compatible not only with PC, but also with PS2/PS3. I'm glad that there is vibration feedback, which is usually saved on in cheap models. The model supports Direct Input and Xinput standards.

    Reviews about the operation of the device are extremely contradictory. There are no complaints about the convenience, build quality and response of buttons, sticks and triggers. And here wireless connection raises questions - for some users it is lost already a couple of meters from the receiver. However, when obstacles are removed, the problems disappear. Time battery life from batteries is about 3-4 hours.

    3 Valve Steam Controller

    Best functionality
    Country: USA
    Average price: 6499 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    The Valve gamepad differs from all controllers on the market not only in its stylish appearance, but also in its powerful functionality. So the controller supports Steam Machines, works with a computer and can emulate both a mouse and a keyboard. The button block consists of one cross pad, an analog stick, function keys and two touch trackpads. The power supply is enough for 40 hours of continuous operation of the gamepad.

    In terms of functionality and build quality, the Valve Steam Controller has no complaints. The controller is “stuffed” with all sorts of sensors and options in the form of an accelerometer with a gyroscope, as well as the ability to customize the device “for yourself”. Using two trackpads with a gamepad makes it easy to play even games that controllers aren't designed for. Steam software allows you to use a gamepad as a steering wheel, steering wheel, or controller for any console and program on a computer. But due to the disadvantages of a high price and mandatory linking to a Steam account, the device is not popular both in Russia and in the world as a whole, which is why the product often disappears from store shelves for a long time.

    2 Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710

    Comfort and reliability
    Country: China
    Average price: 3135 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    This model is almost a copy of the F310, except for the design. Excellent signal retention even through a concrete wall. A huge plus is the hardware support for DirectInput/XInput standards, which can be adjusted with a single click on the end of the controller. Thus, the problem with Microsoft games that are tailored to the Xbox standard immediately disappears.

    However, some features of the device will come as a surprise to many players. In particular, when pressing the upper shifts there is a click, and the triggers are quite stiff compared to other devices. In active games, frequent pressing of the “clicky” buttons causes slight discomfort. In your hands, the product feels reliable, durable and at the same time heavy. The crosspiece still remained undivided.

    1 Microsoft Xbox One Wireless Controller

    The best top wireless gamepad
    Country: China
    Average price: 5350 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Another controller became top 1 in this category Microsoft, who took first place in the ranking. Improved ergonomics, coupled with an impressive appearance, distinguishes this device from the Xbox 360 gamepad. The “button functionality” has not changed; the body of the device still has offset sticks, a modified D-pad and 11 buttons with smooth movement and pressing. The controller supports connection to both the Xbox One console and a computer. Compatibility in games and automatic setting– one of the best gamepads on the market.

    Using a wireless receiver or USB cable, the Xbox One Wireless Controller connects to your computer. Built-in battery enough for long hours of gaming battles even with vibration feedback turned on, however, the high price and the lack of both a receiver and a spare battery in the kit ultimately affect the popularity of this gamepad among PC gamers.

    Best joysticks for PC

    Let's move on to the joysticks. This is a special type of peripheral that is used only in some isolated gaming genres, for example, flight simulators. However, similar products are produced by many small companies and famous brands like Steel Series or Razer.

    The joystick consists of a handle and a stand for support and communication. All main controls are located on the handle. The configuration of the controller depends on its class and purpose. There are both simple manipulators and improved ones, with additional buttons and information panels.

    5 Defender Cobra M5 USB

    Unusual shape, heavy weight
    Country: China
    Average price: 3470 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.3

    One of the most controversial products in our rating. This is a very heavy and stable joystick with a long handle stroke and high control precision thanks to contactless magnetic sensors. The manipulator is very tall, so it is recommended to place it in the niche of the computer desk, where the keyboard is usually located, so as not to reach up, in order to avoid rapid hand fatigue. Additionally, there are holes for screwing into the table, which gives even greater stability. Without screws, the Cobra doesn't hold up well on the table, to put it mildly.

    There is nothing else on the base other than the traction control axis. All the main buttons are on the handle, which may be unusual. Hardware anti-aliasing and default yaw axis are not configured quite correctly, which will make it difficult to take sharp turns or maneuver. Buyers in their reviews note that despite the many advantages of this model, you will have to spend a lot of time setting up and model range There is a high percentage of defects, which is why the product may break even after 10 days of use.

    4 Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog

    28 buttons
    A country: USA (manufactured in China)
    Average price: 31,060 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    A large number of control buttons has become a feature of this model. The Hotas Warthog's core design is made of metal, so you'll feel a cold feeling when you grip the control stick. This aspect is very controversial, as some buyers believe that it adds atmosphere, while others complain about discomfort. The handle always returns to the center and is pressed tightly, which eliminates play and simultaneously causes a sharp return that can rock the monitor on your desk.

    The handle is removable and installed in a three-dimensional block with magnetic sensors. There are 2 bad news. The first includes the presence of only 2 axes, which means that you will have to additionally buy pedals. The second problem lies in the lack of a simple mechanism to control engine thrust. The joystick is very dependent on the control unit, so the kit includes an additional module, painted black and green.

    3 Logitech X52 H.O.T.A.S.

    Most advanced functionality
    A country:
    Average price: 17555 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    In contrast to the previous categories, the TOP 3 joysticks are opened by an expensive and very advanced model. Two separate blocks attract attention: in addition to the main block with the joystick, there is an engine control knob, next to which there is a small display with blue backlighting - you can display the time, information about the enabled profile, etc. on it. The quality of materials is beyond praise - there are a large number of aluminum inserts, everything is very pleasant to the touch. Of course, the gaps are minimal and there are no creaks at all. To prevent sliding on the table, rubber feet and suction cups are used. For gamers who love reliability, there are holes in the case through which the device can be tightly screwed to the table.

    The functionality can be described at length. There are a huge number of buttons, triggers, sliders, switches and rotary knobs. Each element can also be reconfigured using proprietary software, and you can switch between modes by pressing a couple of buttons on the X52 H.O.T.A.S itself. Some controls are backlit, which is rare in this class.

    2 Thrustmaster T.16000M

    Excellent price/functionality ratio
    A country: USA (manufactured in China)
    Average price: 10,790 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    The model from Thrustmaster is noticeably simpler than the previous participant, both in cost and functionality. Appearance It’s also difficult to call it premium, but everything is assembled with high quality and feels very nice in your hands. Note that the design has three replaceable elements, with the help of which the device can be adapted for left-handed use - this is undoubtedly a plus. But let's criticize the T.16000M for the not very good tactile separation of some buttons, which is why you sometimes have to look at the joystick to understand where to press. Yes, and designations could be applied...

    But there are no problems with positioning accuracy - due to the use of Hall sensors rather than resistors, accuracy increases and false alarms practically disappear. And the durability of such a scheme is much greater. There is an engine control knob, but you will have to get used to its location. In general, the device can be recommended to fans of dynamic air battles. The model is not very suitable for professional simulators.

    1 Logitech Extreme 3D Pro

    Quality at an affordable price
    Country: China
    Average price: 2720 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    A very simple and cheap joystick from Logitech stands out from the competitors presented in the top best price. As you might expect, savings come at a price. The model has a modest size and weak element base, because of which it quickly “looses.” The sensor responsible for orientation in space consists of 2 magnetized plates and one rubs against the other, which is why movement is tracked. Over time, all this is erased, the accuracy drops significantly, and the manipulator becomes unusable.

    At the same time, pleasant ergonomics can be highlighted. Fits perfectly in the hand, the buttons at the top are convenient, there are all the necessary buttons. Thus, before you appears an inexpensive manipulator for arcade games that do not require expensive peripherals with high-precision control.

    Best gaming wheels for PC

    A gaming steering wheel is purchased primarily for racing. At the same time, high-quality devices often feel better in simulators rather than arcades, since in latest settings more simple ones. The equipment can be different - from a standard base with a steering wheel to a full set with pedals and a gearbox. The top manufacturer of steering wheels is Fanatec, and Logitech can be distinguished from the budget segment.

    5 HORI Racing Wheel Apex

    The best steering wheel pad for beginners for PS4 and PC
    Country: Japan
    Average price: 7990 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Hori is a gray horse in the market gaming peripherals, releasing successful and unsuccessful solutions for gaming. One of the successful approaches can be considered the appearance of Racing Wheel Apex. It looks very nice, has a large number of buttons. Compatible with XBOX, it has feedback in the form of vibration, that is, there is no force feedback. The rotation angle is 270 degrees, and the main materials used are plastic and rubber. The latter is soft and very pleasant to the touch.

    The pedals are very similar to the Defender counterparts and have an insanely small stroke of 2-3 centimeters. The paddle shifters have good movement, but their quality is so-so. At the top there are toggle switches for switching the operating mode. It is problematic to screw the base tightly to the table because of the suction cups that can be removed. There are no guides or drivers for it as such, even on the official website, and only firmware updates and instructions for this are available.

    4 Artplays Street Racing Wheel Turbo C900

    Best price
    A country: Finland (manufactured in China)
    Average price: 6260 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    The Artplays Street Racing Wheel Turbo C900 can be considered the best universal and inexpensive wheel. It is compatible with the following platforms:

    • Xbox 360;
    • Xbox One;
    • Nintendo Switch.

    It looks simple and without frills; the pedals included in the kit also have an ascetic appearance. Has 11 buttons and vibration as feedback. Rotation angle 270 degrees. The fastenings are made in the form of clamps taken from Logitech. Instead of steering wheel paddle shifters, there is a gearshift lever. Additionally, in some cases it comes with a PC game and, judging by user reviews, this is Raceroom Racing Experience.

    3 Thrustmaster T150 Force Feedback

    The largest steering angle (1080 degrees) and the ability to adjust it
    A country: USA (manufactured in China)
    Average price: 19810 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The gaming wheel from Thrustmaster is head and shoulders above the previous participant. The model costs on average about 18.5 thousand rubles and offers excellent quality and functionality. The steering wheel lies confidently in your hands and the grip is comfortable. It’s worth noting a couple of nice features. The first is a huge steering angle, 1080 degrees. These are three full revolutions, thanks to which in some games the movements of the virtual and real steering wheels completely coincide. Coupled with the second feature - vibration motors and feedback - this allows you to immerse yourself in what is happening on the screen as much as possible.

    The controls are conveniently located. The steering wheel has a standard PlayStation set of buttons that can be easily reached from almost any position of the steering wheel. There are nice wide aluminum paddles to change gears, but hardcore gamers can plug in a third-party gearbox that simulates a manual transmission. You can also replace the standard pedal unit with a model with a clutch. T150 connects via USB to PC, PS3 and PS4

    2 Logitech G29 Driving Force

    The best quality steering wheel. Extensive functionality
    A country: Switzerland (made in China)
    Average price: 22890 rub.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The Logitech steering wheel is a controller that includes a 28-centimeter leather-wrapped wheel, brake, clutch and gas pedals. There are additional programmable buttons (18 pieces) and a D-pad on the steering wheel and manual transmission. With a rotation angle of 900 degrees, you can twist the steering wheel in gaming simulators to a “critical” level, and compatibility with consoles allows you to experience the full functionality of the controller in PS3 exclusives.

    In terms of design and comfort, the G27 Racing Wheel is a solid A+. There are also no complaints about the build quality of the steering wheel and pedals. The only thing you can complain about is the price, which for most PC owners will be “astronomical”. But fans of car simulators are well aware that this Logitech steering wheel represents the ideal balance of quality, functionality and cost.

    1 FANATEC CSL Elite Wheel Advanced Pack for Xbox One & PC

    Best gaming wheel
    Country: USA
    Average price: 48,990 rub.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    The best gaming steering wheel, released only from the official website from Fanatec, has become the leader of our top. This is an ideal model without noise and other troubles. It is made of perforated leather and natural suede. The drive and electronics have been completely updated, as in more old version they were far from perfect. This is the first device that officially works on absolutely all available platforms.

    “Dessert” has become more low price, unlike the previous generation. The base is a masterpiece of engineering, although it retains its stylized carbon design. In addition to the steering wheel, base and pedals, the delivery set includes wires and spare buttons for various platforms. The keys are hard to reach, which is more of a plus, so as not to lose them. The rotation angle is a record 1080 degrees. Club Sport variation available for purchase , where the steering wheel is stylized as a racing one, which are used in professional motorsport.

    How to choose a manipulator?

    If we talk about choosing a manipulator for game console, That best choice There will be original joysticks, which include products from Sony and Microsoft. We should also highlight the Steam Controller, which is extremely convenient and at the same time expensive.

    For a computer, you can safely choose Logitech products, since they have the most adequate price-function ratio. The same can be said about gaming wheels, but if you are looking for a top-end quality solution, then it is better to go with Fanatec.

    : There are few buttons, there is no possibility of fine-tuning, macros cannot be recorded. Is this really true, or is it worth giving the gamepad a chance? Let's try to answer this question.

    Gamepad games

    A lot of arguments can be made in defense of each type of manipulator - keyboard with mouse and gamepad. Thus, the mouse provides better aiming accuracy and allows you to instantly move the virtual camera over long distances, and the keyboard makes it possible to use more keys and activate combinations of commands with the press of a single button.

    In turn, the gamepad makes control smoother: depending on the degree of deflection of the sticks, the character can slowly walk or run, and the force of pressing the triggers affects the speed of the car. In many games with gamepad support, you can enable auto-aim - contrary to popular belief, it does not aim instead of the player, but only slightly adjusts the aim aimed at the enemy. Don’t forget about feedback – vibration feedback, which enhances the gaming experience.

    This leads us to the conclusion that for different types manipulators are suitable for different genres of video games. You can’t do without a keyboard and mouse in first-person shooters, strategies, MOBAs, CCGs, MMORPGs, and computer RPGs. The gamepad is ideal for third-person action games, action RPG, sports simulators, fighting games, racing, and is also acceptable for many multi-platform first-person shooters - for example, Destiny 2, games in the Call of Duty and Battlefield series, where with proper skill you can even learn to beat opponents with keyboard and mouse.

    Actually, answering the question of whether a gamepad is needed for a PC at all, we confidently declare that it is undoubtedly needed. But not for everyone: if you prefer genres in which you can get by with the usual PC combination of K&M, then the gamepad will gather dust somewhere in a distant drawer. If you like games of various genres, then a gamepad will make the gameplay of many of them more comfortable. In addition, the presence of an additional controller will be useful to fans of cooperative projects that can be played on one computer. And finally, if you wish, you can configure the output of images from your computer to TV and play with a wireless gamepad in front of a large screen, sitting comfortably on the sofa (this can be done with a wireless keyboard and mouse, but the level of comfort will be significantly lower).

    In conclusion, I would like to note that pointless debates about the superiority of one type of controller over another are not worth wasting time. Based on the above text, it becomes obvious that the gamepad and keyboard with mouse are very different, and are suitable for completely different genres of games. A sane gamer will simply play with the controller that is more convenient for him, and will not pay attention to any prejudices.

    How much does a gamepad cost and how to choose the best model

    In stores you can find many gamepads from various manufacturers of gaming peripherals. The choice is presented for every taste: an inexperienced buyer’s eyes will run wild from the variety of designs, colors and unique functions. So which one is better to choose so as not to regret the purchase? We will give some tips and recommend the best gamepad models.

    • First of all, when choosing a controller, you should pay attention to the presence of support for the XInput input standard: if the gamepad supports this standard, it means that it will work adequately in 99% of games. If the manipulator is equipped only with DInput support, it means that in some games it will either work incorrectly or not be detected at all. In this case, emulators like x360ce or Xpadder will come to the rescue. Ideally, a gamepad should support both standards, but if you have a choice between XInput and DInput, don’t hesitate to choose the first.
    • Next comes the issue of compatibility: a gamepad can work on a PC, but not be detected by the console, and vice versa. Compatibility with a particular platform is usually indicated in the product description; in addition, with the help of drivers, you can make the console controller work on a PC. But if you have more than one gaming platform, and you plan to use the gamepad not only with a computer, then it is better to find out about compatibility in advance.
    • A wired or wireless gamepad is a matter of taste and personal comfort: choosing the first option negatively affects mobility, the second will force you to spend money on batteries or constantly charge the battery. Please note that when purchasing a wireless controller, you will also need an adapter to connect it to your PC.
    • The presence of vibration is better than no vibration: vibration feedback will help you immerse yourself deeper into the gameplay. This is most relevant for the Microsoft Xbox One Controller gamepads: they feature vibration feedback from the triggers, which literally allows you to feel every shot. If you get tired of vibration, you can always turn it off in the game settings.
    • Number of buttons/sticks – it’s better to stick to the golden mean. Standard – two sticks (also working as buttons), a cross, “Start” and “Menu” buttons, “ABXY” buttons, two triggers, two bumpers. Fewer buttons are undesirable; more buttons are unlikely to be needed.
    • Appearance/design is a matter of taste. But it’s better not to chase fancy designs, which may be less comfortable than a simpler design, but more ergonomic model.

    So which gamepad should you buy? Here is a list of the best models:

    Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows

    Proven over the years and probably the best gamepad for PC (and Xbox 360). It fits comfortably in the hands, does not creak, and is correctly identified operating system and is perfectly recognized in all games, the wireless version lasts up to several months without replacing batteries. The only complaint I can make is that the cross is not the most comfortable.

    Microsoft Xbox One Wireless Controller

    Gamepad from the new generation of Microsoft console. It differs from the previous one in improved ergonomics, vibration feedback of triggers, a more comfortable cross, and, of course, design. But it also costs more. If price is not an issue for you, we can recommend

    Microsoft Xbox One Wireless Controller Elite is a truly elite controller made from high quality materials.

    Sony Dualshock 4

    A very convenient gamepad from the Sony PlayStation 4 console. High-quality build, Beautiful design, pleasant movement of the sticks, long operating time without recharging. It is worth considering that to connect to a PC you will need to “dance with a tambourine”.

    Logitech F310/F710

    A controller whose main advantage is its support for the XInput and DInput standards (switching between them is carried out using a lever). Available in two versions: wired F310 (without vibration) and wireless F710 (with vibration feedback). Model F510 (with wire and vibration) has been discontinued.

    Valve Steam Controller

    A gamepad developed by Valve specifically for PC, taking into account the features of games for this platform. Engineers placed two touch surfaces on the controller, with which you can simulate cursor movements, which made it possible to use the manipulator even in strategies.

    In addition, the gamepad allows you to flexibly customize the button layout according to the user's wishes, and the built-in gyroscope and accelerometer allow you to control some games using movements.

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