Iphone 5s how many amps is the battery. Operating time or how long the iPhone lasts to charge. How to properly charge a new phone battery

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I absolutely welcome you! Remember buying your first phone? If this happened in the early to mid-2000s, then remember what characteristics played a primary role for you? I can give you an almost 100% guarantee that the issue of battery capacity was considered in the very last place, if considered at all. There is it (the battery) and that’s fine, but practically no one was interested in what indicators it had.

Now, the time that the phone can work without charger, is almost the main criterion when choosing. After all, none of us wants to live “from socket to socket” and charge our smartphone 2-3 times a day.

I can immediately note the fact that the battery life of the iPhone is at a fairly good level. One might say above the “ward average.” And this despite the fact that in pursuit of design, the desire to make the gadget thinner and lighter, Apple does not install rechargeable batteries large capacities into your devices. How do you manage to achieve a compromise? The answer is simple - iOS. System optimization decides a lot, and here Apple managed to achieve excellent results.

Now, let's take a look at the operating time of the iPhone for each model separately. Let’s not disturb the “oldies,” simply because the relevance of these models today is minimal (after all, they came out), but let’s start with the most popular iPhones in Russia.

Note! All data in the tables for battery capacities are indicated in milliampere hours (mAh), and the usage time is in hours.

How long does iPhone 4 and 4s last to charge?

Let's look straight away at the official data.

iPhone 4iPhone 4S
Battery capacity1420 1430
Standby mode300 200
Talk time (2G network)14 14
Talk time (3G network)7 8
Listening to music40 40

As you can see, with a slight increase in battery size, smartphones perform approximately the same. The only thing is that the talk time on 3g networks has increased for the iPhone 4s. It’s unlikely that the extra 10 mAh played a role, rather it’s the improved processor and chip wireless communication. Although, to be fair, from my own experience I can note that they hold a charge equally – it’s almost impossible to notice the difference.

iPhone 5, 5s and 5c – battery capacity and operating time

iPhone 5iPhone 5SiPhone 5C
Battery capacity1400 1560 1507
Standby mode225 250 250
Talk time (3G network)8 10 10
Listening to music40 40 40

The difference is not that big, and the data, although official, is still approximate. A lot will depend on how you use the device. What is immediately noticeable is that iPhone smartphone The 5s has a smaller battery capacity than the iPhone 5c, but they work the same. Why?

  • More powerful processor and the presence of a fingerprint scanner require a little more energy, which is offset by a large battery.

How long does it take to charge iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

And finally, the sixth iPhones! Is there any point in paying what they are asking for? Has there been a qualitative leap in operating time? Let's take a look!

And here are the results. Agree, the battery capacity of the “plus” is impressive, and the “sixth” also distinguished itself, both the talking time and listening to music have significantly increased. This alone encourages you to buy a new gadget!

iPhone 6S and 6S Plus battery life

In the improved iPhone 6 series, Apple has “cut down” the battery capacity compared to their younger brothers – the regular “six”. Moreover, given how reluctant the company is to increase the batteries in its gadgets, such “cuts” are not very pleasant for users. Let's take a look at how this affected the battery life of the iPhone 6S:

As you can see, almost nothing has changed. According to the company, this is achieved primarily through the use of a new, more energy-efficient processor. Let's believe her, especially since in reality this is approximately the case - the iPhone 6S holds charge at the same level as its predecessor.

Battery capacity of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus - how long does it hold a charge?

With the iPhone 7, many, including myself, were expecting, if not a revolutionary breakthrough in battery life, then at least a significant increase. Did you wait? Now let's find out:

The battery capacity has increased by 245 mAh for the iPhone 7 and by 150 mAh for the iPhone 7 Plus, which should provide improved battery life. This is what Apple tells us in the specifications of the “seventh” iPhones on its website:

However, if you skip all these statements and look at the numbers, you will see that nothing has changed significantly. And some of the numbers indicating operating hours have even decreased. As a result, we can conclude: all these “dances” with the indicators left autonomy at the same level - the iPhone 7 (Plus) holds a charge for as long as the “sixes”.

iPhone 8 and 8 Plus operating time on a single battery charge

Considering the fact that the iPhone 8 is practically the same iPhone 7, it would be foolish to count on any kind of maximally increased autonomy compared to the previous model. It is logical to assume that everything will remain at “plus or minus” exactly the same level.

And this is what Apple came up with:

Agree, not much. The battery capacity has become slightly lower, and all other numbers are similar to the “seven”. However, Apple does not hide the fact that the iPhone 8 holds a charge exactly the same as the iPhone 7. And even directly indicates this in the specifications of the G8.

The only thing the iPhone 8 has fast charging, and for some this may be a decisive factor when choosing a device.

How long will an iPhone X charge last?

Flagship 2017-2018, new design, new screen, new technologies, etc. This is all great, of course. But within the framework of this article, we are interested in something else - whether Apple managed to release something truly revolutionary in terms of battery life?

Let's take a look at what the iPhone X has with the battery:

  • Battery capacity – 2716 mAh.
  • Talk time – up to 21 hours.
  • Work on the Internet – up to 12 hours.
  • Audio playback – up to 60 hours.

As you can see, the performance is almost identical to the iPhone 8 Plus. And the battery capacity does not differ much. Apple itself claims that the iPhone X can last up to 2 hours on a single battery charge than the iPhone 7.

Total. The iPhone X is smaller than any Apple phone with the Plus prefix, but it is not inferior to them in terms of autonomy. I think this is very cool!

How long does iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max last to charge?

Let's start with the most important thing:

  • iPhone XS battery capacity is 2658 mAh.
  • iPhone XS MAX battery capacity is 3174 mAh. On this moment, this is the largest battery ever installed in an iPhone!

Now let's move on to the main indicators. And if we take official data, then something unimaginable is happening here :)

Here's the thing.

We go to the Apple website and see this information about the operating time of the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.

Nothing bothers you? For example, I am very struck by two lines:

  1. iPhone XS lasts up to 30 minutes longer on a charge than iPhone X.
  2. iPhone XS Max lasts up to 1.5 hours longer on a single charge than iPhone X.

Now we look at the performance of the iPhone X (+ previous iPhone models) and we get a very interesting chain:

  1. iPhone XS lasts 30 minutes longer than iPhone X. And iPhone XS Max lasts 1.5 hours longer than iPhone X.
  2. At the same time, iPhone X lasts 2 hours longer than iPhone 7.
  3. But that is not all! iPhone 7 lasts 2 hours longer than iPhone 6S.

Apple, are you okay? :) We add up the indicators and get the result:

  • iPhone XS lasts longer than iPhone 6S by 4.5 hours.
  • iPhone XS Max outlasts iPhone 6S by 5.5 hours.

Is it true? It turns out that Apple has achieved an almost double increase in operating time since the iPhone 6S?

I wouldn't say that. In fact, of course, the latest Apple smartphones do hold a charge a little better. But in the end, everything comes to one denominator - the iPhone XS, with active use, holds a charge from morning to evening. The iPhone XS Max has a slightly better situation (about 30 percent).

iPhone XR operating time

As usual, we open the Apple website and see this wonderful inscription: “iPhone XR lasts up to 1.5 hours more than iPhone 8 Plus.”

If you remember the “plus eight”, then it really held a charge quite well. And here we are promised even more! Victory? Depending on which way you look at it...

Judging by user reviews, the battery life of the iPhone XR is really not the worst. But! To say that it holds a charge for a long time better than iPhone 8 Plus (that’s what the phrase “up to 1.5 hours longer” makes you think) still isn’t necessary.

About the same? Yes. Much longer? No.

However, as we remember, a lot depends on the use case.

For example, if you listen to music on headphones, the iPhone XR will easily work for a couple of days.

But who does that? Almost no one.

Conclusions and personal experience

Of course, all these are official figures that have a relationship to reality, but rather indirectly.

Therefore, a little personal experience. Almost all models, under moderate load, can easily survive one working day on a full charge. What is meant by moderate load? 1 hour of calls, 3 hours on the Internet ( Mobile Internet), 1 hour of games and music, 10-15 SMS messages. By evening, 10-15% of the battery remains. Indicators are highly dependent on the signal level cellular network, if it is weak, the battery “melts” quite actively.

I would gladly sacrifice an extra millimeter in the thickness of the device in favor of increasing the operating time of the iPhone. I'm interested in your opinion - would you agree to such concessions in design for the sake of autonomy?

As iPhone fans have noted, when releasing a new device model, Apple always remains stubbornly silent in the specifications regarding battery capacity. Usually everything is limited to general phrases that the battery capacity has been increased, but what it is is not reported.

Meanwhile, how long an iPhone battery lasts for charging is one of the most important characteristics of a gadget, based on the indicators of which many users choose specific model"Apple" phone. Of course, other parameters are also important - processor power, camera quality, design and many others. However, having said that everyone is concerned about the question of how long the charge lasts, we will not be wrong.

What is the battery capacity of the iPhone 5S - one of the most popular smartphone models from Apple, and how much charge does the iPhone 5 hold without additional charging, as well as much more - you will learn from this article.

The Federal Communications Commission of America resource says that the fifth iPhone version S has batteries of greater capacity than previous version phone from apple. In addition, the same can be said about the 5C model, although it is the youngest in the line.

Note that a public review of the characteristics of new devices is a prerequisite for their appearance on sale in America. The iPhone 5S, according to the information that was presented on the website of the organization mentioned above, has 1570 mAh, and the charging level of the iPhone 5C is 1507 mAh.

By comparison, the five was equipped with a 1440 mAh battery. Thus, the capacity of newer iPhone models was increased by the manufacturer by 5 and 10%, respectively.

According to public data provided by the manufacturer before releasing new products onto the market, the charge of these devices can last the following time:

  • Both models (5S and 5C) have up to ten hours of talk time over a 3G network.
  • While working in wireless networks– also up to ten hours (the same indicator for both gadgets).
  • Up to ten hours while listening to audio files and watching videos - the same for both 5S and 5C.
  • In standby mode, the period of operation of gadgets, when they do not need to be charged additionally, is 250 hours (25 hours more than the simple five). Isn't it a very significant improvement?

The start of sales of the Five S and Five C, as usual, caused a stir among those who wanted to purchase a new product from Apple. And, as always, residents of America and Europe were the first to pick it up, evaluate the appearance and test the device, including battery power. And only after 3 long months the devices of these models appeared among our citizens. The majority of buyers in the first weeks of testing new devices noted that the batteries of these devices met their expectations, and the charge level was enough for the whole day active use device

But there are times when a battery built into the body of the gadget is not enough, and you need to purchase an external battery. We will tell you further how to do this correctly and what criteria to consider when choosing.

Choosing an external battery for iPhone: capacity

  • Containers.
  • Dimensions (weight).
  • Charging current.

Other non-essential characteristics – brand, design, shape, etc. – a matter of personal preference.

Capacity is the property of a battery to collect and release electricity. The higher this indicator, the more charges the user can make. But this property is relative.

However, the choice of battery should be based on the capacity of the built-in battery. And a similar external element must have a capacity at least 50% or more higher than the built-in one. Let’s say that if the capacity of the internal battery of a mobile device is 1500 mAh, then the external element must be selected with an indicator of at least 2200-2300 mAh. But even in this case, the iPhone owner will be able to charge his gadget only 1 time. If you need to charge twice, then you need to buy a battery with a capacity of approximately 5000 mAh and so on.

But, in fact, why do we need this 50% reserve? The answer is logical - to compensate for the natural discharge of the battery, which will only increase over time, since the energy-saving parts inside it do not last forever and gradually wear out.

And, of course, when choosing external element To charge an Apple phone, you need to take into account the degree of wear of the built-in battery. The higher it is, the more capacity, of course, the external battery will be needed.

Dimensions of external elements: what is better to choose

Unfortunately, than more powerful battery, the larger its dimensions. Surely every iPhone user, when purchasing an external element, wants it to be able to charge the gadget at least 5 times or more. Few people want to buy a battery to recharge a device once.

But, alas, the law of increasing battery size in proportion to its capacity will persist until they are invented innovative technologies accumulation of electrical energy.

Thus, when choosing an external charging element, it is better for the user to focus on personal needs. If you need to recharge your device in order to take it on long trips, hikes, etc., it is certainly better to give preference to elements with increased capacity, even if they are not very attractive in design and have large dimensions. However, there are also lightweight batteries with decent power, for example, Zeus YB-666, which can easily fit in a small purse or trouser pocket. True, their price is much higher than other battery models.

External battery: charging current

Along with the criterion discussed above, no less important is the characteristic of the external charging element for an iPhone, such as the charging current (or discharge current). You can find either the first or second name, but the essence remains the same. This indicator indicates the current strength that the element can provide to a mobile gadget.

The most common values ​​of this indicator are from 0.5 to 2 Amperes. How to choose a battery taking into account this characteristic so that the charging current is maximum? You just need to look at the labeling of the charger that comes with your Apple phone.

Let’s say if this indicator is equal to 1 Ampere, then the external element must be purchased with no less indicator, or even a little more. But even if you buy an element with a lower indicator. This will not lead to any critical consequences - the gadget will simply take a little longer to charge than usual.

A number of models of external batteries of maximum capacity are equipped with connectors with different amperages. These are universal elements that will help out in any situation and will fit not one, but several iPhones with different initial characteristics.

Finally, I would like to remind you that you need to pay attention to the charging current indicator and the external element itself. The higher this characteristic, the faster your iPhone will charge from the network.

IN modern world No person can live without a mobile phone, but it is difficult to stay connected when the battery of your beloved Iphone is dead. It is worth understanding that the battery of a mobile phone is a fundamental criterion for this device, and its unexpected discharge will certainly lead to a lot of problems.

In order to avoid these troubles, you should check in advance the exact battery capacity of the corresponding iPhone model. As a rule, problems with a mobile phone battery begin no earlier than several years after the start of use.

With each new year, the capacity of the iPhone battery, expressed in mAh, grows, as well as other characteristics, but the number of working hours does not increase.

Before choosing one or another model of a modern iPhone, a potential buyer will simply have to familiarize himself with it technical characteristics, including battery capacity. At the same time, you should not pay attention to models lower than the iPhone 5S, since they are not popular, and the third generation is already worthy of being in a museum.

Find out the charging time of your battery

The most successful, according to user reviews, are mobile iPhone phones 5 in various modifications. They are characterized by four-inch screens and good battery capacity.

Not long ago, Apple released another modification of the fifth generation iPhone SE, the battery capacity of which was 1642 mAh. At the same time, the data mobile devices used most often by conservatives, since those who have tried later models rarely return to the four-inch options.

So, the battery capacity of the fifth generation models is (in mAh):

  • 5 – 1440;
  • iPhone 5S – 1560;
  • iPhone 5 C – 1520;
  • iPhone SE – 1642.

If we consider that the battery capacity of the fourth generation iPhone was no more than 1420 or 1430 mAh, then we can confidently say that this figure in fifth generation mobile phones has not increased too much. However, the owner of such a model feels protected throughout the whole day, since he may not have to think about where to recharge the device.

At the same time, the iPhone SE has slightly increased its battery capacity, but has not yet been able to catch up with the sixth generation model, although it is reliable, safe and stable for a beginner and budget user.

Battery capacity iPhone 6, 6 PLUS, 6S, 6 PLUS

The battery capacity of the iPhone 6 increases in direct proportion to the size of the device’s screen, this is due to rapidly increasing energy consumption.

Apple immediately hastened to announce that 6th generation mobile devices will be further developed in order to improve the capabilities of processors, increase power and significantly reduce energy consumption.

It is worth noting that the battery capacity of the 6th generation iPhone has changed for the better and is in mAh:

  • iPhone 6 – 1810;
  • iPhone 6 plus – 2915;
  • iPhone 6S – 1715;
  • iPhone 6S plus – 2750.

The capacity of the sixth generation batteries has not increased much compared to the previous version, but other technical characteristics have noticeably improved.

iPhone 7 battery capacity

Owners of the next generation mobile device confidently report that while the battery capacity of the iPhone 7 has not increased much, its technical characteristics have become more improved. At the same time, special attention was paid to the filling and protection from moisture, a smooth camera and moving the antenna along the boundaries of the device, as indicated by photos taken from different angles and posted on the Internet.

The design of this model is almost identical to the sixth generation plus version, but is characterized by a battery capacity in mAh:

  • iPhone 7 – 1960;
  • iPhone 7 plus – 2900.

The seventh generation smartphone has become much better and more reliable, since it has become quad-core. Front and rear cameras have become more advanced, so shooting requires more energy, and Apple professionals promise to equip your mobile phone with a more powerful battery.

iPhone 8 PLUS battery capacity indicators

The battery capacity of the iPhone 8 is already much larger than in previous generations of smartphones, so its capabilities are wider, and the equipment itself becomes more reliable.

Battery capacity mobile phones new generation is (in mAh):

  • iPhone 8 – 1821;
  • iPhone 8 plus – 2675.

It is thanks to these improvements that a full battery charge of the new certified iPhone 8 should be enough for at least a day of intensive use. Before you charge tenth or eighth generation models, including the iPhone X or iPhone 8 plus, you can make sure that the charge remains at thirty or even forty percent. At the same time, such a level of residual charge will not allow you to actively use the gadget over the next day without additional recharging.

By the way, iPhone 8 plus and earlier models with the plus sign allow you to work on them longer, thanks to some energy savings. It is worth remembering that all of the above data will apply only to new and certified models, but smartphones purchased second-hand will soon have to purchase a new battery.

Tenth generation smartphones iPhone X has a capacity of 2716 mAh, which proves the problem with further development company products.

Characteristics of all batteries iPhone models.

Not everyone has the same criteria for choosing smartphones. Some people need a high-quality camera, others care more about processor power, and others just want the battery life of the device to be at its best. We decided to put together information about the battery capacities of all iPhone models so that potential smartphone buyers would not have any questions when choosing.

iPhone 2G

Released back in 2007 original iPhone 2G is unlikely to appeal to anyone as their main smartphone, however, for the sake of completeness, we will still indicate the capacity of its battery.

Battery: Built-in 1400mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 3G

Meet iPhone owner 3G is becoming more and more complex, but the smartphone, judging by the statistics published on the Internet, is still actively used. And why should people who are inexperienced with the latest technologies refuse it?

Battery: Built-in 1150mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 3GS

iPhone 3GS is an improved version of the “troika”, which at one time was considered the standard among smartphones. And a capacious battery played an important role in this.

Battery: Built-in 1219mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 4

The “Four” is still used everywhere - the smartphone, although it does not support iOS 8, copes with its main tasks perfectly.

Battery: Built-in 1420mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 4s

Starting with the iPhone 4s, Apple began packing smartphones with lithium-ion batteries. And although many users, especially of smartphones running Android, criticized the battery life of the iPhone, it only increased with each new model.

Battery: Built-in 1430mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 5

The iPhone 5, although at one time it rose above the “fours”, flaunting amazing technical characteristics, its battery was not much better than that of its predecessors.

Battery: Built-in 1440mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 5c

The plastic and colorful iPhone 5c is no different from the iPhone 5 in terms of processor power or battery capacity.

Battery: Built-in 1510mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 5s

Formerly the flagship Apple iPhone The 5s includes a very capable battery. Let's add to this the excellent work of Apple engineers to optimize the use of mobile operating resources iOS system and we get from 8 to 250 hours of battery life.

Battery: Built-in 1560mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 6

Finally, we got to the “large” Apple smartphones, whose batteries are in perfect order. Users, even those who are not fans of the iPhone, note on the Internet how long the “sixes” work without recharging. This is due to:

Battery: Built-in 1810mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 6 Plus

Battery: Built-in 2915mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 6s

Apple's flagships have become thinner, and at the same time their batteries have become thinner. However, despite the fact that the battery capacity of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus is smaller than that of their predecessors, they can still work for the same long time. The salt lies in the M9 coprocessor working separately and even more advanced iOS optimization.

Battery: Built-in 1715mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 6s Plus

Battery: Built-in 2750mAh lithium-ion battery.

iPhone SE

iPhone SE - perfect copy iPhone 5s by appearance. But the battery of the iPhone SE has a larger capacity than that of its “big brother”. The difference cannot be called significant, but the battery life of the iPhone SE is still higher compared to the iPhone 5s.

Battery: Built-in 1624mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 7

Unlike the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 Plus, whose batteries were smaller compared to the previous generation iPhone, the batteries in the “sevens” received an increased volume. Thanks to this, the battery life of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus has increased. Smartphones last longer than iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus by 1 and 2 hours, respectively. The increase can be called insignificant, however, with daily use it is felt quite strongly.

Battery: Built-in 1960mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 7 Plus

Battery: Built-in 2900mAh lithium-ion battery.

iPhone 8

In case of iPhone 8 And iPhone 8 Plus the situation is the opposite of the previous one. The smartphones have become thicker than the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, but their battery capacity has been reduced. However, the battery life of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus is unchanged from its predecessors. This was made possible by the energy-efficient Apple A11 Bionic processor.

Battery: Built-in 1821mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 8 Plus

Battery: Built-in 2675mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone X

Apple's 2017 flagship received the largest display in the history of the iPhone for its time - 5.8 inches, but its battery capacity is not a record. However, Apple did not have a serious need to seriously increase the battery capacity. iPhone X has an OLED display and the energy-efficient A11 Bionic processor, allowing it to last longer than any other iPhone without needing to be recharged. In particular, the battery life of the iPhone X is two hours longer than that of the iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8 Plus.

Battery: Built-in 2716mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone XS

Direct successor to iPhone X, 5.8-inch iPhone XS, surprised by the volume of its battery, which turned out to be smaller than that of its predecessor. However, it is important to note here that the battery life of the iPhone XS has increased. The smartphone lasts 30 minutes longer than the iPhone X. All thanks to the more energy-efficient A12 Bionic processor.

Battery: Built-in 2658mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone XS Max

Huge 6.5-inch iPhone XS Max set several records at once. The smartphone not only received the largest display in the history of Apple smartphones, but also the most capacious battery. Thanks to significantly increased battery capacity, iPhone XS Max can last up to 1.5 hours longer than iPhone X or 25 hours of talk time.

Battery: Built-in 3174mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone XR

Less expensive than flagships 6.1-inch iPhone XR equipped with a battery whose capacity is between the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Despite the fact that the battery capacity of the iPhone XR is noticeably smaller than that of the iPhone XS Max, the battery life of the smartphones is identical. iPhone XR also lasts 1.5 hours longer than iPhone X or 25 hours of talk time. Moreover, smartphone testing has already proven that in real iPhone conditions XR even holds the record for battery life.

Battery: Built-in 2942mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 11

The 2019 6.1-inch iPhone received a slightly larger battery compared to its direct predecessor. However, the battery life of the smartphone has increased due to the more energy-efficient A13 Bionic processor. iPhone 11 Lasts an hour longer than the iPhone XR - up to 25 hours of talk time.

Battery:Built-in lithium-ion battery 3110 mAh.

iPhone 11 Pro

Battery capacity iPhone 11 Pro has increased significantly compared to the previous 5.8-inch iPhone X and iPhone XS models. The increase in capacity directly affected the operating time of the smartphone without recharging. It increased by four (!) hours compared to the iPhone XS. A powerful improvement that makes iPhone 11 Pro one of the longest-lasting flagship smartphones.

Battery:Built-in lithium-ion battery 3046 mAh.

iPhone 11 Pro Max

6.5 inch iPhone 11 Pro Max received a battery with a record capacity for Apple smartphones. The dual L-shaped battery has a capacity of 800 mAh more than the iPhone XS Max. Thanks to this, the battery life of the smartphone has increased by as much as five (!) hours compared to its predecessors. iPhone 11 Pro Max can last up to 30 hours of talk time!

Battery:Built-in lithium-ion battery 3969 mAh.

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Such a thing as a battery has today become one of the main criteria for an iPhone and phones in general. The battery sometimes becomes our headache.

This happens after several years of use, and to avoid this pain, we immediately ask what the battery capacity of this or that iPhone model is.

It’s clear that every year the mAh number of smartphones is growing, but the characteristics of phones are also growing. Unfortunately, the number of hours of work does not increase noticeably.

How long is the battery on an iPhone?

To make it easier for you when choosing a phone model, I have prepared for you indicators of all modern models. In addition, I will remember interesting facts.

I want to start with model number 4, no one buys 3 or 3GS anymore. They will soon be in the museum, if some of them are not already there.

If you remember the characteristics of these phones and combine them with the amount of mAh from modern smartphones, then the phone would probably work for a week.

The years of these smartphones have been unforgettable and every owner of one of these devices remembers them only with a smile. And mind you, we didn’t even think about the battery back then.

  • 4: 1420 mAh;
  • 4S: 1430 mAh.

As you can see, compared to today's figures, the numbers are incredibly small. But having bought this device, you don’t think too much about charging throughout the day.

Many believe that the generation with 4-inch screens is the most successful. Apple also does not forget about this and the result is the release of the iPhone SE.

Of course, many still use these devices, but when they start using a newer generation phone, the love for 4 inches slowly evaporates.

  • 5: 1440 mAh;
  • 5S: 1560 mAh;
  • 5C: 1520 mAh;
  • SE: 1642 mAh.

The numbers have not grown significantly compared to the old 4 and 4S, because all the characteristics have not increased too much. The SE has already gained more, but considering its filling from the 6S, this is probably not enough.

As soon as screens began to grow significantly in size, the iPhone battery found itself in exactly the same situation. Energy consumption has increased without big numbers there's no way around it.

A big plus is the development of processors for the better. Indeed, in addition to increasing power, Apple is trying to reduce energy consumption.

  • 6: 1810 mAh;
  • 6 PLUS: 2915 mAh;
  • 6S: 1715 mAh;
  • 6S PLUS: 2750 mAh.

This is clearly noticeable in this case, where the S versions have significantly better performance while at the same time the battery capacity decreases.

In this series we see only significant improvements in the filling and the appearance of moisture protection, and we say goodbye to the release of 3.5. In terms of design, they simply took the 6S and made it the way it should have been originally.

The camera now sticks out less rudely, and the antenna lines are neatly placed on the edges of the smartphones. The PLUS version is still superior in size to smartphones with identical screens.

  • 7: 1960 mAh;
  • 7 PLUS: 2900 mAh.

The phone has grown nicely in all its senses. Now the processor has 4 cores and the camera, both front and rear, has received many new features.

I won’t write about each model separately. If you buy new smartphone, then it will be enough for you exactly for a day of active use.

Just before going to bed you will start thinking about charging it. It’s just that some people still have 30 or 40 percent left, but they still have to bet, because tomorrow they need to use it.

You can notice a significant increase in operating time only in the PLUS versions. Their battery is very good and will last much longer than models with a smaller screen.

When you buy a used smartphone, you can be prepared that you will need to change the battery in the near future. Although this factor largely depends on the previous owner and his manner of using the smartphone.

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