Instructions for creating a presentation in Microsoft Power Point. Test in computer science and ict on the topic: Test “Creating presentations in PowerPoint.

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PowerPoint presentation or Microsoft power point is a program designed to create and conduct presentations. Here you can easily and quickly create bright, visual presentations decorated with pictures, tables, drawings, etc. It is enjoyed by teachers, students and pupils. After all, studying the program is not difficult, all you need is a little experience in.

What is power point

Today, many have abandoned drawings made on paper by hand, preferring electronic presentations in PowerPoint drawings made using graphic computer programs. Which also speeds up the task. Thus, PowerPoint has become a kind of standard for presenting your material to the audience.

Since PowerPoint is intended not only for creating, but also for demonstrating interactive material, it is possible to customize its display here. The application allows you to set up turning slides manually or automatically, you can set to turn on the animation of changing frames during the show, and much more.

Thus, office application from Microsoft is a powerful tool that allows you to easily and quickly prepare a presentation, design and customize its demonstration. All kinds of tools: inserting objects (pictures, tables, clips), page designs and others will help make the submitted project a success.

Using PowerPoint to Create Tutorials

As a result of the analysis, it is proposed to use the PowerPoint presentation preparation system from the popular business information processing software package as an environment for the visual development of a training program. Microsoft Office. PowerPoint is widely used to create multimedia accompaniment of lectures (reports, defense of course and diploma projects, etc.). However, in most cases, presentations are simply a series of slides, and the rich functionality of PowerPoint is barely used.

PowerPoint has the usual Microsoft Office interface, the technology of work is in many ways similar to working with Microsoft Word. Main features of PowerPoint:

    frame-by-frame submission of material,

    support for the technology of inserting and embedding objects (drawings, video clips, audio messages, diagrams, formulas, documents, etc.),

    support for hyperlink technology (both inside the document and external),

    animation of any presentation element,

    calling external programs,

    publishing a presentation on the Internet or an Intranet, distributing a presentation over a network in real time,

    split presentations at network conferences.

The functionality of PowerPoint is easily implemented through menus and toolbars, the program is equipped with an advanced help system in Russian, and if you wish, it is easy to find literature on PowerPoint. Therefore, the visual development of the presentation, which is the basis of the training program, should not cause serious difficulties.

One of the most important issues is the creation of an effective subsystem for controlling knowledge (and, to some extent, skills) of ATS. Unfortunately, some functions of the automated learning system (control of mastering the material, registration of results) cannot be performed directly by PowerPoint, therefore it is necessary external program. For these purposes, the author proposes an automated knowledge control system Assistent.

In fact, to create a training program, one should compose PowerPoint presentation and the Assistant test. Interaction between programs is carried out using a specially developed dynamic library Assistant and PowerPoint DLL and PowerPoint macros (the developer of the training system does not need to change anything in these components). The block diagram of the training program based on the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation is shown in Fig. 58.

Suggested method for creating automated learning systems based on Microsoft PowerPoint:

    quite accessible to a developer (teacher) who is not a specialist in programming and other specific areas of computer science;

    allows you to create full-featured multimedia training programs;

    provides control over the assimilation of educational material and registration of the results of the work of trainees;

    makes it possible to create complex Information Systems using hyperlink technology;

    does not require any material costs (the Microsoft Office business information processing software package is installed on the computers of the absolute majority of teachers; registration of the Assistant program is, firstly, optional, and secondly, it is free, only an act on the introduction of the program into the educational process is required, a sample act is available program website).

Fig.58. Structural diagram of the training program based on a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (the solid line shows the recommended work order for the trainee; the dotted line shows the return to the beginning of the section in case of an error during testing; the dash-dotted line shows the ability to go to any slide)

    introductory part - motivational and organizational-practical. Its goal is to evoke the motive of activity (why it is necessary) and explain the order of work;

    the main part, intended for the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, consists of steps, sections or cycles and provides gradual learning, consolidation, assimilation of educational material, self-control and self-correction. A step includes information, a task for an operation, control and evaluation of the task in this step. With a correctly completed task, the program directs the student to the next step, the purpose of which may be to consolidate this material or skill, or information about new material. In case of an inaccurate or incorrectly completed task, a commentary, explanation follows, and it is proposed to perform this or a similar task until he learns the relevant information;

    the final part intended to summarize the work.

Thus, in the training program, not only educational material is programmed, but also assimilation, i.e. understanding and memorization of this material, as well as control over the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Step 1 - preparatory work

What do you need to get started?

1) and most importantly - desire,

2) Windows 9x or higher,

3) the PowerPoint program from the Microsoft Office package (XP versions and higher),

4) Assistent knowledge control system.

These programs must be installed both on your computer and on educational PCs. Installation comes down to launching the appropriate setup program (setup.exe files for Windows and Microsoft Office, As_setup.exe for Assistant) and following the instructions of this program (most often, you can click or click the Next button in response to prompts).

Important: Do not change the default folder when installing the Assistant.

Step 2 - Create a PowerPoint Presentation

Copy template Template.pot

To ensure joint PowerPoint work and Assistant presentation must be created based on the suggested template Template.pot:

    download PowerPoint;

    select menu File - Open;

    specify file type *.POT;

    upload file Template.pot

    specify file type *.POT and click OK.

As a result, the template Template.pot became available in the section General Presentations. It is enough to perform this operation once.

Creation new presentation based on Template.pot:

    download PowerPoint;

    select menu File - Create;

    section General select Template.pot.

The result is a new presentation that contains the tools required for PowerPoint and Assistant to work together.

Alternative 1

If for some reason using a template Template.pot seems undesirable, then the tools necessary for the collaboration between PowerPoint and Assistant can be installed manually in any presentation:

    download PowerPoint;

    select menu File - Open;

    specify file type *.POT;

    upload file Template.pot(should be searched in the folder with the installed Assistant program);

    switch to the Microsoft Visual Basic window by pressing Alt+F11;

    double click on the project in the project window Template.pot;

    enter password - * (one asterisk);

    open folder Modules and with the help context menu(right mouse click) export (without changing names) all modules to any folder;

    download the desired presentation;

    switch to the Microsoft Visual Basic window;

    in the project window, right-click the project of this presentation and import the saved module files (it is also possible to drag and drop modules directly from the project with the mouse Template.pot);

Alternative 2

Also avoids using a template Template.pot. As a basis, you can take the presentation included in the installation of the Assistant program. How to create a tutorial.pps(password - one asterisk), save it under a different name, and fill it with new content (see fig. 59).

As a result, the presentation will be able to use the Assistant program to control the assimilation of knowledge.

Further work on creating a presentation is carried out using the usual means of Microsoft PowerPoint and does not need a detailed description. It is desirable that the material be structured, i.e. divided into sections.

Fig.59. Title slide of the included Presentation Assistant installer How to create a tutorial.pps

    install Password to enable write(PowerPoint menu Service - Options - Security). Setting a password will prevent the display of auxiliary dialog boxes while students work with the program, and will also ensure the protection of the developer's copyrights;

Step 3 - test preparation

Insert test call buttons

At the end of the section of the studied material, to control its assimilation, you can insert call buttons:

    make the current slide corresponding to the end of the section,

    select menu Service-Macro-Macros(or press Alt+F8),

    run macro Add_test_button(fig.60).

Fig.60. Insert test call buttons

As a result, a button for calling the test will appear on the slide (it can be moved; format the size, color and inscription; delete). The button is automatically configured to work with the Assistant.

Test editing is done in the usual way, except that:

    the test name must match the test name power presentations point;

    the test must be in the folder with the PowerPoint presentation;

    the sequence of test tasks should correspond to the structure of the training program, i.e. first, tasks are written for the first section of the training program, then for the second section, and so on;

    in the test parameters, you also need to specify the parameters for PowerPoint:

    the number of the slide from which the test is called

    number of questions asked

    range of questions from which questions are selected during testing

    the number of the slide to go to in case of an erroneous answer

    topic title

Created from a template Template.pot Tutorials have extensive navigation options to navigate to the desired slide.

Standard Microsoft PowerPoint tools:

    control buttons (shown in the lower right part of Fig. 61);

Additionally, to navigate to the desired slide, you can use the list of the content of the training program (Fig. 61). The developer of the tutorial does not need to manually generate this list, as it is automatically generated embedded in Template.pot program code VBA.

Fig.61. List of tutorial content

About a hundred training programs have been developed based on Microsoft PowerPoint and the Assistant program; examples of training programs are available for download on the program website.

It should be noted that developers who are familiar with programming can significantly expand the functionality of training programs by using the Visual Basic for Application programming language supported by Microsoft PowerPoint. You can place your own controls on presentation slides by writing the appropriate event-handling code. For example, in the training program "Processing graphic information" available on the site, there is a button for converting color from the RGB model to CMYK (Fig. 62). The student enters their primary color values ​​of the RGB model (from the English red - red, green - green, blue - blue) and, by pressing the button, immediately sees on the screen the resulting color and the values ​​of the primary colors in the CMYK model (cyan - cyan, magenta - magenta , yellow - yellow and black - black).

Fig.62. The developer of the tutorial can add his own controls (the button for converting from RGB to CMYK model is marked with the cursor)

Program code of the specified button:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim c As Byte, m As Byte, y As Byte, k As Byte

" examinationdata

If TextBox1.Text = "" Then TextBox1.Text = "0"

If TextBox2.Text = "" Then TextBox2.Text = "0"

If TextBox3.Text = "" Then TextBox3.Text = "0"

If IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) And IsNumeric(TextBox2.Text) And IsNumeric(TextBox3.Text) Then

MsgBox "Values ​​must be integers from 0 to 255!", vbInformation, "Invalid value"

exit sub

If CInt(TextBox1.Text) 255 Or CInt(TextBox2.Text) 255 Or CInt(TextBox3.Text) 255 Then

MsgBox "Values ​​must be integers from 0 to 255!", vbIinformation, "Invalid value"

exit sub

c = 255 - CInt(TextBox1.Text)

m = 255 - CInt(TextBox2.Text)

y = 255 - CInt(TextBox3.Text)

If k > m Then k = m

If k > y Then k = y

Image1.BackColor = RGB(255 - c, 255 - m, 255 - y)

Label1.Caption = "C=" & c & " M=" & m & " Y=" & y & " K=" & k

It is also possible to create new forms (native windows) using Visual Basic for Application tools. This approach increases the visibility and interactivity of the training program.

The results of the student's work are stored in the memory of the training program, and can be viewed at any time using the Result button (Fig. 63). This allows the teacher to control the learning process.

Fig.63. Viewing Tutorial Results

Training programs based on PowerPoint presentations have been tested, implemented in the educational process and are quite effective.

The practice of using training programs shows that their use, compared with traditional training, has the following advantages:

    allows you to more efficiently carry out preliminary logical processing of the studied material;

    ensures the management of each student's learning through continuous feedback;

    develops the skills and abilities of self-learning and self-control;

    makes it possible to increase the volume of reported educational information due to its more careful selection and grouping;

    differentiation of the pace of learning, taking into account the individual abilities and psychological characteristics of the personality of each student.

Efficiency is determined by the simplicity of developing a training program in combination with rich functionality, as well as sufficient validity of knowledge assessment (tests can be used not only as part of a training program, but also separately from it, thus providing knowledge control within the framework of the training program material).

The technology of creating training programs based on presentations enables each teacher to reach a new qualitative level of teaching and realize their creative potential. The use of this technology in teaching can increase the interest of students in the educational process and activate both the independent work of students and the educational and methodological work of teachers.


Objective control of knowledge, skills and abilities of a student or any citizen is one of the urgent tasks of the present time.

This paper analyzes the sources of errors in pedagogical measurements. By means of probability theory, the problem of random guessing of correct answers is considered. The analysis of methods for correcting the test score of the subject, taking into account random guessing, was carried out, the results of which indicate the absence of reliable methods for correcting the test score, taking into account the possible guessing of the correct answer. It is proved that with a relatively small number of errors, such an adjustment is impossible in principle. The possibility of reducing the influence of guessing to acceptable level by reducing the average value of the probability of guessing to 0.1, which is achieved through a rational combination of forms test items and increasing the number of distractors.

The problem of the rigidity of the evaluation algorithms is considered, which consists in the fact that a slight difference in the results of the test can lead to an unreasonably significant difference in the estimates. For computer testing, an algorithm for converting the proportion of correct answers into an estimate is proposed. This algorithm is based on the calculation of the difference in the probability values ​​of estimates using the Laplace function.

It is shown that the test result is mainly determined by the knowledge of the educational material, and the test passing time is determined by the individual properties of the trainee's nervous system. The time for solving control tasks by a particular student changes little; the relationship of this time with the level of preparation for the lesson, as well as with the result of solving problems, is practically absent. If the speed of the test is not a professionally significant factor, then the duration of testing for students who systematically do not fit into the allotted time should be increased.

The developed algorithms are implemented in the author's automated knowledge control system Assistent. The description of the programs included in this system is given.

The question of the appropriateness of using a test form of control, each teacher will decide for himself; "The right to freedom of choice ... methods for assessing the knowledge of students" is granted to him by the Federal Law "On Education". I hope that the above will be useful to those who answer "tests - yes."


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Quite often during a speech with a report or report, presentation new program or product, there is a need to visualize some information in front of the public. most popular program for this is Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 - an environment for creating presentations with various effects. Now, almost no event, such as a seminar, conference, diploma defense, is complete without graphic support created in Power Point. The development of technology has made it possible to reproduce presentations not only on a computer or TV screen, but also on interactive whiteboards and using projectors.

Power point overview

Making a presentation on a computer is not the only feature in Microsoft Power Point. With this program it is possible:

  • impress the audience with an informative presentation;
  • create graphic support for the target flow of people;
  • scale slides by enlarging or reducing the desired areas;
  • quickly switch slides, both automatically and manually;
  • design a unique graphic support for the report;
  • use both your own and the themes and designs developed by the program manufacturer;
  • quickly and easily create the desired charts, graphs, etc.;
  • add various visual and sound effects.

Video: business presentation

Components of a presentation

The presentation consists of slides, the number of which is practically unlimited. They are sequentially collected into a single file with the ".ppt" extension, which can be opened on any computer where the Microsoft Power Point program is installed.

Slides can be shown electronically or printed on paper.

On the slides you can place everything you need for the demonstration:

  • text information;
  • photographs, pictures, drawings, etc.;
  • tables, graphs, charts;
  • videos, films, clips;
  • audio files;
  • other graphic objects.

Slides in Power Point can be customized and modified:

  • size;
  • markup (location of objects on it);
  • template (design and layout);
  • visual and sound transition effects.

The initial editor window in the program looks like this:

The menu bar contains all important commands programs, and the main and frequently used options are placed on the toolbar. This panel can be edited by adding or removing certain elements. By clicking on the "Create Slide" button, an empty template will appear on the screen, on which you have to work.

The left panel displays all the slides that make up the presentation. They can be in the form of their thumbnails, or they can be displayed in structured text, displaying headings or slide content. Also in this panel, you can move and change the position of the slides. The task pane (located on the right) will display the actions that you can use in the process of creating a show. At the bottom of the screen there is a Notes area where you can enter all comments on the created slide, which are visible only in the process of working on the presentation.

All areas on the home screen can be enlarged or reduced by placing the cursor on their end lines.

How to make your presentation step by step

There are several ways to create a presentation for an interactive whiteboard:

  1. develop a completely new presentation;
  2. from a standard or previously made template;
  3. from an already prepared file;
  4. from the autocontent wizard.

If we look in more detail, then in the new demo you need to do all the markup, design styles, fonts, etc. yourself. Remodeling finished presentation will not end up with a unique product. Template selection is similar to previous method and allows you to use ready-made graphic and design developments from the creators of the program. If you use the "Auto Content" wizard, the program will ask you questions, and based on the answers, it will create the desired presentation template.

Start of creation

To start creating a slide show, you need to open the desired program.

This can be done via:

  • Start;
  • Programs;
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.

IN open program a working window will appear in which you must select one of the previously listed ways creating a slide show.

Video: Presentation in Power Point 2007

We do according to the template

Can create beautiful presentation using a large number of Power Point templates. They include ready-made, in terms of design, slides where you need to enter data. Templates take into account:

  • Background color;
  • Slide color schemes;
  • Fonts, etc.

You can create a slide show from a template through the menu:

  • File;
  • Create;
  • Create a presentation;
  • Templates.

Select the desired template and click "Create". A slide of the selected style will appear in the work area, which can be edited.

Loading slides

To create a new slide, click on the corresponding button on the toolbar. You can also do this by right-clicking on the slide thumbnail in the window on the left, choosing the same command.

In the presentation structure area, you can copy or delete slides by selecting them and pressing the corresponding keyboard buttons. Or through the menu that opens with the right mouse button when you click on the slide.

Slides can also be swapped:

Change markup finished slide possible through:

  • Home;
  • Layout.

Text is entered in special fields on the slide. When marking a slide, a place for text is already allocated automatically, but you can also add it to other places through the "Insert-Inscription" control panel item. Enter text in the field that appears.

The size of the input field will expand as you add text. You can finish entering by clicking on any free area of ​​the slide.

You can insert a picture or your picture using the command:

  • Insert;
  • Drawing.

Or by clicking on the picture in the slide layout itself:

In the window that opens, select the desired file location and the image itself, and then click the "Insert" button. If you select "Clip", you will be prompted to find the image among the standard pictures of the program.

Any field on the slide can be moved and resized.

For this you should:

  • click once on the desired object:
  • then move the cursor over its borders - the option to change will be available.

It is possible to add sound, video, tables, graphs, charts and autoshapes to a slide. Their buttons are in the workspace of the slide and in the "Insert" menu. There are quite a lot of options for each object, and the accessible design of Microsoft Power Point makes it possible to quickly understand them.

New design

You can change the design of the site through the menu:

  • Design;
  • Themes.

It has subsections:

  • Colors;
  • Fonts;
  • Effects.

You can apply the selected theme to the entire show or to a single slide. Color scheme within a particular topic can also change. To do this, click on the corresponding column in the design area. Select the scheme and right-click on it, applying it either to the entire presentation or to the selected slide: You can make your own image or fill as a background:

  1. Design;
  2. Background styles;
  3. background format.

In this window, you can select the fill type:

  1. solid;
  2. Gradient ( smooth transition one color to another)
  3. Pattern or texture.

Text formatting - milestone in creating a slide show. A lot depends on the readability of the test.

To edit you should:

  • highlight the desired piece of text;
  • then use the tools on the main taskbar.

By default, each new line in the text is treated as bulleted list. This is changed via the toolbar. Power Point also contains buttons for setting special effects, text direction, changing line spacing, and so on. When selected in the workspace of a slide graphic image, the Picture Tools tab appears on the toolbar.

There you can change:

  • Brightness;
  • Contrast;
  • Display style;
  • Color;
  • Size.

Video: Presentation in 10 minutes


Slides filled with information should be given a beautiful visualization. This is done using "Animation Effects" in the "Slide Design" task pane. From a large list of effects, you can choose any for each object on the slide. Then during the demonstration they will beautifully appear on the screen. One effect is applied to one slide, but you can click the "Apply to all slides" button and it will be on all slides of the presentation.

You can also customize the animation for each object on the slide:

  • select it and right-click, selecting "Adjust Animation";
  • or go to the menu item "Animation" - "Animation settings".

Then it will appear with right side a panel where you can add a separate effect to each object, as well as adjust its speed, soundtrack and appearance time.

Adding transitions

The transition is used when changing one site to another. A new slide can appear immediately or gradually. The gradual appearance makes the presentation more beautiful and interesting.

To set up a transition, select a slide and go to:

  • Animation;
  • Animation setting:
  • Next, you should choose the transition effect you like, the sound for it and the speed of the process. An automatic transition is also configured (then its time is set) and by mouse click. The transition can be done for each slide separately, or you can set it up for the entire presentation at once.


At the end of the presentation, you should adjust the parameters of the slide show itself in order to avoid unpleasant moments during the presentation. This is done in the "Slide Show" - "Demonstration Settings" item:

All the main display parameters are set here:

  • slide management;
  • slide change;
  • Slide numbers.

You can also hide slides in the Slide Show menu that you don't want to show temporarily, but that you can't delete.

You can view the finished work by clicking on the "From the beginning" button:

  1. Save as…;
  2. Choose a save location;
  3. Write the title of the work;
  4. Save.

Microsoft PowerPoint- available and simple program to create presentations on the computer. A bunch of visual effects and themes will allow you to quickly create an original and unique presentation for your public speech or school assignment.

Test "Creating presentations in PowerPoint"

1. What is Power Point?

  1. Microsoft Office application for creating presentations
  2. application program for processing code tables
  3. a computer device that manages its resources in the process of processing data in tabular form
  4. system program that manages computer resources

2. What is a PowerPoint presentation?

  1. spreadsheet application
  2. computer device that controls a slide show
  3. a text document containing a set of drawings, photographs, diagrams
  4. demonstration set of slides prepared on a computer

3. A component of a presentation containing various objects is called ...

  1. slide
  2. drawing

4. The launch of the Power Point program is carried out using the commands ...

  1. Start - Main Menu - Find - Microsoft Power Point
  2. Start - Main Menu - Programs - Microsoft Power Point
  3. Taskbars - Settings - Control Panel - Microsoft Power Point
  4. Desktop – Start – Microsoft Power Point

5. In which section of the menu of the Power Point program window is the commandCreate (New) Slide?

  1. slide show
  2. Insert

6 . The choice of slide layout in the Power Point program is carried out using the commands ...

  1. Format - Slide Layout
  2. Format - Slide Color Scheme
  3. Insert - Duplicate Slide
  4. Edit - Paste Special

7. Templates in Power Point are for...

  1. spreadsheet inserts

  2. facilitating slide design operations
  3. inserting graphics
  4. creating custom slides

8. The command to insert a picture into a Power Point presentation ...

  1. Insert - Object
  2. Insert - Drawing - Pictures
  3. Format - Drawing - Pictures
  4. Format - Picture - From file

9. Applying a Background to a Specific Slide in a Power Point Presentation -

  1. Format - Background - Apply
  2. Format - Background - Apply to All
  3. Insert - Background
  4. Appearance - Appearance - Background

10. Opening the WordArt panel in the Power Point program window is carried out using the commands:

  1. View – WordArt
  2. Insert - WordArt
  3. View - Toolbars - WordArt
  4. Tools - Toolbars - WordArt

11. In what section of the menu of the Power Point program window is the commandAnimation settings?

  1. Format
  2. Insert
  3. slide show

12. Animation effects individual objects Power Point presentation slides are set by the command ...

  1. Slide Show - Animation Effects
  2. Slide Show - Action Setting
  3. Slide Show - Customize Animation
  4. Slide Show - Presentation Setup

13 . The command for setting the change of slides of the presentation of the Power Point program on click is ...

  1. Slide Show - Slide Change - Automatic
  2. Slide Show - Animation Setup - After Previous
  3. Slide Show - Animation Settings - Start on Click
  4. Slide Show - Change Slide - On Click

14. What command of the context menu of the Power Point program turns any object into a control button?

  1. Animation settings
  2. Setting up an action

  3. Presentation setup
  4. Time setting

15. Command executionStart slide showPresentations of the Power Point program are carried out by the key ...

16. Which key interrupts the slide show of a Power Point presentation?

  1. Enter

17. Specify the extension of the file containing the regular Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

  1. Links to animation effects
  2. Links to the first and last slides of the presentation
  3. Links to other slides or objects
  4. Links to change presentation slides

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