Automatic bid optimization: cost per conversion as the main criterion for success. Yandex Direct optimization tools

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Therefore, it is important to be able to optimize your betting strategy in such a way as to remain as profitable as possible and not lose your entire bank in a short period of time. Let's try to figure out how to do this.

System selection. Most experienced players have their own system and play exclusively according to it. A great variety of different schemes and strategies for sports betting have already been created, but it is worth noting that none of them is universal and will not be a 100% guarantee of your victory. Various kinds of “forks”, “catch-ups” and other tricks of players are just one of the components of forecast management.

Information analysis. Every self-respecting bettor is simply obliged to use as many sources of information as possible to make his forecast. Only competent selection and analysis of data will give you an advantage over the bookmaker, and, accordingly, the opportunity to minimize risks on a particular bet, writes the Internet portal

Financial management. If you decide to treat sports betting not as entertainment, but as serious work, then you should definitely take care of proper management of your funds. You should not play for your entire bank; it is better to allocate a certain amount for the game and divide it into several equal parts. This way, you will be sure that temporary failures will not unsettle you and in the long run there will always be an opportunity to win back.

Experience is the basis. All successful bettors note that betting on sports is never done at once. It will take a lot of time and effort to understand all the nuances of sports forecasts and only after that can you become financially successful.

Emotions are your main enemy. The process of choosing bets must always be approached judiciously. Otherwise, you run the risk of making a couple of rash predictions and getting excited and easily losing your entire bank.

Thus, sports betting management is the most important component of your success in this business. If you do not disdain it and listen to all our advice, have no doubt - victories will not keep you waiting.

Gennady Petrovich sells samovars, the cost of a samovar is 1000 rubles, and he sells them for 2000, therefore, he has 1000 rubles in profit from each samovar.

Gennady Petrovich understands that he can spend part of the profit from 1000 rubles on attracting a client. He comes to the Yandex Direct auction, where the auctioneer sits in the center, and in the hall sit the same samovar dealers as our Gennady Petrovich, let's call them auction participants. Meanwhile, visitors who want to purchase a samovar stand in the corridor and take turns entering the auction hall to receive offers from participants.

The essence of the auction is that the auctioneer, before letting each buyer into the hall of participants, accepts from all participants pieces of paper on which it is written how much they are willing to pay to show the visitor their samovar.

Gennady Petrovich writes 1000 rubles on a piece of paper and hands it to the auctioneer. The auctioneer, after accepting the papers from all participants, selects only 3 participants with the highest offered price and invites them to show their samovars to the visitor. In this list, Gennady Petrovich takes 1st place, since he offered the highest price - 1000 rubles. The participants below offered 100 rubles, 90 and 80 rubles respectively.

Gennady Petrovich - 1000 rubles

2nd participant - 100 rub.

3rd participant - 90 rub.

4th participant - 80 rub.

Next, one visitor enters the hall and our Gennady Petrovich is the first to approach him to show his samovar. The visitor does not like the samovar and does not buy it, but Gennady Petrovich gives the auctioneer 84 rubles for showing his samovar. Next, the 2nd and 3rd participants show their samovars to the visitor, but the visitor also does not buy anything and leaves the hall, and the 2nd and 3rd participants pay 81 and 80 rubles, respectively.

Let's take a break from samovars and look at the mechanism for calculating payment for displaying a samovar

In 1st place you get 100% of possible clicks
On the 2nd 85% of clicks
On the 3rd 75% of clicks

Therefore, for 75% of the clicks, everyone should pay the same, since all 3 places receive them. For the difference in clicks between 3rd and 2nd places (85% - 75% = 10%), the cost of clicks should be higher. In the same way, the price will be higher for the difference between 1st and 2nd place (100% - 85 = 15%). The calculation of the cost of clicks is based on these principles.

Let's consider the formula for calculating the maximum Yandex Direct bid for 1st place, but with knowledge of the theory.

Cost of showing 1st participant = 4th bid * 0.75 + 3rd bid * (0.85 - 0.75) + 2nd bid * (1 - 0.85)

That is, the one who pays for first place pays for 75% of clicks at the rate of the 4th participant, then pays extra for 10% of clicks, which gives 2nd place, but is more expensive, and also pays extra for 15% of clicks, which gives the first place, the last ones are the most expensive.

Accordingly, the bets of the 2nd and 3rd participants are calculated as:

Cost of display of the 2nd participant = (Bid of the 4th * 0.75 + Bid of the 3rd * (0.85 - 0.75)) / 0.85

Cost of display of the 3rd participant = Rate of the 4th

These are stripped-down formulas that leave only the essence; in reality, everything is more complicated; you can “play around” with the auction in the online calculator made by Andrey Belousov.

Let’s just say that in order to set Yandex Direct bids, you don’t have to understand the calculations and auction mechanism, just read on. But if you are a meticulous person and want to figure everything out on your own, then good material is presented in the official documentation.

Let's return to samovars, recall that Gennady Petrovich placed a bid of 1000 rubles and paid 84 rubles for the display. The participant in 2nd place paid 81 rubles with a bet of 100 rubles and the participant in third paid 80 rubles with a bet of 90 rubles. Let's write the data into a table.

Participant Bid Impression cost
Gennady Petrovich 1000 84
2nd participant 100 81
3rd participant 90 80
4th participant 80 -

How were the calculations made?

Cost of showing 1st participant = 4th bid * 0.75 + 3rd bid * 0.1 + 2nd bid * 0.15 = 80 * 0.75 + 90 * 0.1 + 100 * 0, 15 = 84 rubles

Cost of showing the 2nd participant = (4th bid * 0.75 + 3rd bid * 0.1) / 0.85 = (80 * 0.75 + 90 * 0.1) / 0.85 = 81 ruble

Cost of showing the 3rd participant = Rate of the 4th participant = 80 rubles

Okay, we’ve sorted out the calculations, now a new task. After the first auction, Gennady Petrovich estimates that if he pays 84 rubles for each display of his samovar to a visitor, then at least 1 out of 12 visitors must buy a samovar from him, otherwise it will go into the red.

Expenses = 84 rubles * 12 impressions = 1008
1008 > 1000 profit from the sale of one samovar

Gennady Petrovich realizes that he needs to understand how many visitors will be converted into buyers, he assumes that it will be 1 out of 12, that is, ~8%, and calculates the optimal rate using the formula:

Bid = Profit per sale * Conversion percentage from impressions to sales

Bet = 1000 rubles * 0.08 = 80 rubles

That is, what is 80 rubles? This is the profit that Gennady Petrovich receives from each display of a samovar to a visitor, provided that 1 out of 12 visitors buys a samovar. We now seem to consider profit not at the sales level, but at the impression level - realize this.

Then, over the course of 20 visitors, Gennady Petrovich set a bid of 80 rubles and received only 12 displays of the samovar, since his bid did not always fall into the top three highest bids of all participants. Out of 12 impressions, Gennady Petrovich received 1 sale, but at the same time paid 500 rubles for impressions. Let us repeat once again that Gennady Petrovich paid not 80 rubles for each show, but less; let’s look at the example of one auction.

Participant Bid Place Impression cost
1st 100 1 48
Gennady Petrovich 80 2 42
3rd 60 3 41
4th 40 - -

The total profit was 1000 profit from the sale of the samovar - 500 expenses for displays = 500 rubles

Gennady Petrovich got the conversions from impressions to sales right and received the maximum possible profit. This is a property of the Yandex Direct auction; it is profitable for you to buy any impression if it costs less than your profit from the impression. If Gennady Petrovich had made a mistake and calculated the rate with a conversion of 16%, and not 8%, then the rate would have been 160 rubles.

Bet = 1000 rubles * 0.16 = 160 rubles

That is, Gennady Petrovich would buy clicks for 160 rubles, when the profit from one click is 80 rubles, which is why the accuracy of the calculations is so important.

That's it, that's the whole auction. To make the example simple, many assumptions have been made, but they do not change the essence.

This whole story boils down to a simple formula for the optimal bet:

Rate = Profit from sale * Conversion

Why was everything simple before, you just had to set any bet and calculate the profit? - Previously, the competition was lower. For example, remember the example above, when Gennady Petrovich placed a bid of 1000 rubles and paid 84 rubles for the display - this was the case before. But over time, the competition “heats up”, players appear who increase the conversion of their landing page, reduce prices, expand the range, therefore, they no longer convert 1 out of 12 impressions, but 1 out of 3, then the rate will be calculated as

1000 rubles profit from a samovar * 0.3 = 300 rubles

In this case, effective players crowd out the rest, and people like Gennady Petrovich are faced with the choice of either leaving the market or being effective and calculating bets correctly.

What nuances are present in calculating the optimal rate?

  • Conversion varies depending on seasonality, day of the week, competitors in advertising results, weather, the state of the economy and an endless number of other factors;
  • Lack of data, for example, if there was one click on a keyword and one conversion (sale), then it is not a fact that now there will be a conversion with every click, we will return to this below;
  • Conversion varies depending on the price of the product. If your price is lower than the market average, then the conversion will be higher, and if higher, then vice versa. The problem immediately arises that our profit changes depending on prices, therefore we need to look for the optimum between the number of sales and the price;
  • How to regularly collect all this data and update the rate;
  • If your site is in the TOP3, then you do not always benefit from impressions from contextual advertising;
  • Any deviation in bet calculations will eat into your profits;

Yandex Direct optimization tools

How to automate the bet calculation process? The market offers the following solutions:

Bidders - present in the services,, etc.

Let's consider the first ones, bidders - they do not make sense in the current structure of the Yandex Direct auction. In fact, inside the bidder you specify the maximum bid, which you could just as easily specify inside the Yandex Direct interface and nothing will change! Why are they used? - From a lack of understanding of the auction mechanism.

Rule assignment services - K50 rules, self-written scripts, Adwords rules

Let's consider a way to manage campaigns by assigning rules; this makes more sense. For example, we have a rule that disables words with more than 100 clicks and no conversions. But in good semantic cores, the tail of low-frequency queries stretches very far, and if you wait until each keyword gets 100 clicks, you can go bankrupt! That is, roughly speaking, the rules optimize approximately 20% of the possible potential. And more complex rule systems are difficult to use and too cumbersome to manage.

Conversion optimizers - K50, Origami, Alytics and others

The next ones, conversion optimizers, are the most advanced solutions, but expensive, for example K50 costs 50 rubles/month, and Origami 10 rubles/month. If we estimate that they can increase efficiency by 10% on average, then it turns out that it is rational to use K50 from 500 tr, and Origami from 100 tr.

We tried to implement all 3 optimizers, Origami and Alytics have rather limited functionality, we were unable to implement them. Disclaimer, my conclusions about optimizers are NOT based on a specially conducted study! We took each optimizer and tried to implement it on 1-2 projects in a couple of weeks (based on click history), and if it wasn’t of much use, we left.

K50 is the best optimizer, the best support, but to use its potential 100%, you need quite high competence, as there are a lot of settings inside the interface.

There are also Adlens and MarinSoftware, their cost starts from 200 thousand rubles per month, they are rational to use with a budget of 1 million, but I think we will omit them in the article.

Let us draw your attention to internal optimization tools Adwords and Yandex Direct; they work no worse than external ones and are easy to set up, but have limitations.

  • Firstly, the campaign must have at least 30 conversions per month and they must be evenly distributed across keywords, which is not always the case.
  • Secondly, third-party data cannot be imported into Yandex Direct, for example, calls, offline sales, deferred sales.
  • Thirdly, it is required that one campaign contains keywords from approximately the same product category.

In a real situation, it is quite difficult to adapt to such requirements.

How to set the maximum bid in Yandex Direct?

Let's look at the simplest mechanisms that can be repeated in Excel and adopted for self-optimization of Yandex Direct.

Let us recall the formula

Rate = Average check * Margin share in average check * Conversion

Let's try to calculate bids for a Lego product category and for a keyword within that category. For example, we know that the average click-to-sale conversion for the Lego toy category is 2% and the average check is 3,600 rubles. In the same category there is a keyword “buy lego hollow”, the average purchase of which is 9,000 rubles, and the conversion is 4%. Let's try to calculate these two cases using our formula, provided that our margin on the average check is 30%:

0.02 * 3600 * 0.3 = 21.5 rubles

0.04 * 9000 * 0.3 = 108 rubles

Let us recall that in the formula percentages are converted into shares, for example 30% = 0.3 or 2% = 0.02

That’s it, we have calculated the bids for the category and for the keyword, but there is a problem: the keyword has only 10 clicks, this is very little, let’s calculate its error in Excel using the formula:

√(1 - Conversion) / (Conversion * Number of clicks)

We calculate in Excel

SQRT((1-0.02)/(0.02*10)) = 221%

That is, the conversion with 10 clicks may differ from the real one by 2 times, and any error eats up your profit. Let's look at how the error changes depending on the number of clicks.

We need some kind of mechanism that will fill the missing part of the data for the keyword with data from the category. This mechanism is called pulling and its formula is:

Word conversion = Number of conversions for a word + k-pulling / Number of clicks for a word + (k-pulling / Category conversion)

k-pulling - regulates the influence of the forecast value on the final conversion; let’s take the default unit. This value needs to be selected separately for each case by brute force and reducing the error on two periods, but now this will complicate your understanding, so just use - 1.

Let's look at how pooling works using an example - intuitively understand how it works!

Let's use pulling for our Lego case

(10 * 0,04) + 1 / 10 + (1 / 0,02) = 1,4 / 60 = 0,023

In other words, we took the category conversion of 2% and added 0.3% to it, so the impact of 10 clicks on a keyword is estimated at 0.3%; if there were 80 clicks, then we would not have added 0.3% and 1.2%, let's calculate:

(80 * 0,04) + 1 / 80 + (1 / 0,02) = 4,2 / 130 = 0,032

That is, the more clicks a keyword receives, the less dependent it is on category conversion.

Okay, we’ve sorted out the conversion, but what to do with the average check? We use a similar pulling formula.

(Average check of a word * Number of transactions of a word + 1 * Average check of a category) / (Number of transactions of a word + 1)

Let's see how it works

Example with Lego at 80 clicks.

(9000 * (80 * 0.02) + 0.5 * 3600) / (80 * 0.02) + 0.5 = 16,200 / 2.1 = 7,700 rubles

As you can see, the average bill also began to smooth out with the growth of transactions. Now we need to somehow apply all our new knowledge in practice using Excel formulas.

Please note that we use data from specific to general, that is, first we use data for the keyword, if there is not enough data, then we take data for the category, if there is not enough data for the category, then we take the average data for the site.

Let's calculate the estimated conversion

We start the design with what is always known - the average conversion of the site and the average conversion of the category, so it will be more convenient to build the design in Excel.

=(Number of URL conversions + 1) / (Number of URL clicks + (1/ Average site conversion))

Add a scenario when there is no data at the URL using the IFNA(value; value if there is no data) function

IFNA((Number of URL conversions + 1) / (Number of URL clicks + (1/ Average site conversion)); Average site conversion)

And add data for the keyword

IFNA((Keyword conversion + 1) / (Keyword clicks + (1/ IFNA((URL conversions + 1) / (URL clicks + (1/ Average site conversion)); Average site conversion))) ; IFNA((Number of URL conversions + 1) / (Number of URL clicks + (1/ Average site conversion)); Average site conversion)))

As a result we have

That's it, the gray wolf is not so scary, the average check is calculated the same way

IFNA((Average URL ticket * Number of URL transactions + 0.5 * Average site receipt) / (Number of URL transactions + 0.5); Average site receipt)

And we’ll calculate the optimal rate in Yandex Direct

Forecast conversion * Forecast average check * Margin share in average check

An example of calculations can be found at the link in Google SpreadSheets

In order not to load the article with five-story formulas, the topic is covered in more detail in another article.

As you noticed, the accuracy of calculations directly affects profits, so it should be as high as possible. In order to reduce conversion forecast error, you need to collect as much data as possible.

  • Conversion is affected by time, since people buy better in December than in January.
  • conversion is affected by the level of your price for the product, because if your price is lower than the market average, then the probability of selling is higher
  • pizza sells better in bad weather
  • why not use organic search traffic to predict conversions for keywords to increase accuracy

As you can see, the task becomes non-trivial and requires a lot of calculations and data, all of which is too expensive to calculate in Excel. K50 solves this issue, but does not use all the data. At our agency, we write custom solutions in Python. Next time we will write an article about how we use machine learning in conversion prediction.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Many advertisers are sure that advertising specialists do nothing there after launching advertising campaigns - they just sit, count the number of clicks and spend their money, not caring about everything else and never returning to these campaigns. Oh, if only.Optimization of Yandex.Direct advertising campaignsshould be done regularly, only then advertising will be effective and generate income.

Today I want to tell you what happens to an advertising campaign after you press the magic “Start” button.

Backing track

It would seem that the campaign has been launched, there are impressions, there are also clicks, but the conversion is a little lame, or there are generally a lot of impressions and few clicks. The first thing that comes to mind is to check the queries for which advertising is shown. To do this, you need to go to the “Direct - Summary” report in Metrica:

and select the appropriate groupings that interest us:

In this case, this is a cross-section of the campaign, ad, keyword from Direct, and the search phrase for which the ad was shown:

For example, in our campaign we have the request “makeup school”. Having built the required report, we see that our ad was shown not only for the request “makeup school”, but also “why you can’t wear makeup to school”. In this case, the words “why” and “cannot” are needed add as to a phrase or the entire campaign in general.

Why is this necessary? Wordstat statistics are constantly updated; users constantly generate new queries that are not in the system and that you could not even think about. Therefore, you don’t need to think that, having canceled everything once and for all, you won’t have to return to it again.

Assessing your ad positions

If it seems to you that you are not getting enough traffic, you need to look at where exactly your ads are being shown - in special placement or in the guarantee. To do this, you can go to standard reports in Yandex.Direct and check the boxes that you need, not forgetting to click opposite the “Position” slice. As a filter – “Place type” - “Search”.

Why is this necessary? You can estimate how often you lose by . Perhaps you only need to increase it slightly to minimize impressions in the guarantee. After all, whatever one may say, special placement attracts the attention of users more and, as a result, receives more clicks. But it all depends on your budget and capabilities.

Evaluating the effectiveness of phrases

It's no secret that some phrases often bring long-awaited orders, while others only drain the budget. If there are no non-targeted impressions for them, in general everything is fine, but there is no effect, then you can:

  • try to rewrite the ad and evaluate the effect;
  • lower the rate for these requests;
  • reluctantly refuse these requests.

If the phrase is effective enough and brings conversions, you need to find out whether it can get more clicks. To do this, see if it often falls under warranty and whether this can be somehow corrected. Perhaps all that is missing is a small increase in the rate, which will then pay off with interest.

Exclusion of sites in YAN

Why is this necessary? Often, ads are displayed on sites that are completely unrelated to your ad. As a result, idle impressions lower the notorious CTR, and ineffective clicks waste your budget.

To understand which sites you don’t need, use the following reports:

  1. Report in Yandex.Direct. Here you can evaluate costs by type of site and its effectiveness in terms of impressions, clicks and costs.

How is it useful? You can download the report, sort sites according to the criteria you need, select those that should be excluded, and add them to “ ” in the campaign settings.

  1. Report in Yandex.Metrica. In the “Reports” - “Standard” menu there is a “Direct - Sites” report, which can also be segmented as you need. This is what this report looks like as a standard:

How is it useful? In Metrica, you can segment the report according to the goals you need, and, therefore, evaluate the effectiveness of the site not from the cost side, but from the side of its effectiveness.

Additional adjustments

Among other things, you can quickly conduct a quick analysis in Yandex.Metrica and configurebid adjustments in Direct.

  1. Adjustment by gender and age. To set up this adjustment, you can use the Age and Gender reports:

Here you can evaluate who comes to your site by age and gender, evaluate who makes the most conversions, and adjust bid adjustments by gender and age. For example, I see that my target audience is women from 18 to 34 years old. Then I go to the settings of my advertising campaign and raise the bid based on this data:

  1. Correction on mobile. To configure it, you need to go to the “Devices” report:
  • Correction for those who visited the site. To configure it, you must have conditions configured. To do this, you can select from existing retargeting conditions or click on the “Configure conditions” link:
  • And add a new condition:

    As seen, optimization of Direct campaignsrequires an assessment of what you are doing and a clear understanding of why you are doing it. Therefore, if in doubt, you should contact specialists, and everything will definitely be fine.

    Channel connection

    To connect Yandex.Direct in your Roistat project, use.

    You can connect several Yandex.Direct accounts, and each of them will have a separate channel.

    After connecting a channel in Bid ManagementAll advertising campaigns of the connected Yandex.Direct account will be displayed.

    Initial setup of Bid Management

    To enter the sectionBid management select the appropriate item in the navigation panel on the left and in the menu that opens, click on the name of the desired advertising channel:

    All you need to do for the initial setup is to indicate the optimal amount per click that you are willing to spend ( Write-off price) and choose a strategy.

    Selecting a bet

    You must specify optimal amount per click, that you are willing to spend on keywords in this campaign. To do this, open the tab Campaigns:

    The value is indicated in the table in the field Write-off price and is saved automatically after entering.

    After entering a value in the field Write-off price the corresponding cost per click will change in your Yandex.Direct account.

    To view the Roistat prompt with a table of recommended values ​​for the charged price and the corresponding traffic volume, place the cursor in the amount input field:

    The table displays the following data:

    Choosing a Strategy

    You need to choose an ad placement strategy. To do this, open the tabCampaigns.

    In the table for the desired campaign in the columnStrategy in Direct press the star button. In the menu that opens, select the appropriate strategy type and save your choice using the buttonChoose a strategy :

    After pressing the buttonChoose a strategy The campaign strategy will also change in your Yandex.Direct account.

    Bid management uses Yandex strategies, and at the same time the system tries to place your advertisement in the most advantageous position.

    How it works:

    With the transition from placement positions to traffic volume, Yandex left approximate ratios of traffic volume and display positions so that advertisers could navigate when setting bids:

    Traffic volumePlacement position
    100 1st special accommodation
    85 2nd special accommodation
    75 3rd special accommodation
    65 4th special accommodation
    10 1st place guaranteed impressions
    5 Entrance to guaranteed impressions

    Highest available position (5*)

    This strategy uses all available traffic coverage, which corresponds to attempts to place at the highest available position in blocks"special placement" and "guaranteed impressions".

    Display in the “special accommodation” and “warranty” blocks(4*)

    This strategy depending on the set write-off price tries to compete for bids corresponding to the volume of traffic not exceeding 65. Which corresponds to the last position of the “special placement” block or the highest available position in the "guaranteed impressions" block.

    Display in the “special placement” and “guarantee” blocks at the minimum price (3*)

    This strategy, depending on the set write-off price, tries to compete for rates corresponding to the traffic volume of 65 or 5. Which correspondsthe last position in the “special placement” block or the last position in the “guaranteed impressions” block.

    Display in the "guarantee" block (2*)

    This strategy, depending on the set write-off price, tries to compete for bids corresponding to a traffic volume of less than 10. What corresponds tohighest available position in the block"guaranteed impressions".

    Display in the "guarantee" block at the lowest price (1*)

    This strategy, depending on the set write-off price, tries to compete for rates corresponding to the volume of traffic 5. What correspondslast position in the block"guaranteed impressions".

    Betting mechanism

    Let's look at setting a bet using the 5 star strategy as an example.

      Roistat downloads information from Yandex.Direct about all possible traffic volumes, charged prices and bids for each phrase.

      If strategies are selected that limit placement (below 5 stars), then filtering occurs by suitable positions. In the case of 5 stars, all possible traffic volumes are taken.

      For the 5-star strategy, the write-off price from the settings is taken into account and a segment from 70 to 100% of the set write-off price is taken. From the obtained values, the best ratio of traffic volume to written off price is calculated,that is, the lowest cost per unit of traffic.For example, if the write-off price is 100 rubles, a search for the optimal rate will occur in the range from 70 to 100 rubles.If 80 volume of traffic costs 80 rubles, and 90 volume of traffic costs 100 rubles, the position of 80 coverage will be chosen, since it is more profitable.

      For the received position, we receive the bid in Yandex.Direct. Previously, calculations took place taking into account the price being written off, and not the rate. These values ​​may vary.

      A check is made to see if the found rate satisfies the limitations in the experimental capabilities (described above).

      If it satisfies, then the rate found in step 4 is set. If not, then the rate is set = write-off price * coefficient from the experimental possibility.

    Bid priority

    The bid is taken according to the following priorities: Write-off word price -> Write-off campaign price.

    Limitations in setting the rate from the written-off price

    Due to the peculiarities of the auction in Yandex.Direct, in some cases the written-off price may be higher than the established value. However, on average, the price charged will be equal to the price you specified.

    In order to avoid writing off amounts that greatly exceed the written-off price in Bid Management, there is a restriction that the bid in the Direct auction cannot exceed a certain value from the written-off price. The figure below shows how you can navigate: what is a bid (1) and what is a written-off price (2) in the Direct interface.

    By default, there is the following restriction: the bid cannot exceed the written-off price by more than 200%. You can change this value in the experimental options:

    Enabling Bid Management

    Then you need to enableBid managementby moving the switch to the right next to the name of the desired campaign (in the columnStatus):

    From the moment of switching onBid managementIt may take an average of one to two hours before the first changes occur on Yandex search pages. This is due to the fact that the Yandex.Direct system changes ads with a delay.

    You can simultaneously use the Bid Management tools from Roistat and Bid Adjustment tools from Yandex. In case of simultaneous use of tools, the bid adjustment from Yandex is applied to the rate set by the Roistat Bid Management.

    Example initial setup

    For example, for a campaignBranded - Search - Moscow you are ready to spend 7 rubles.

    According to Roistat calculations, this amount is enough to receive 10 volumes of traffic, which corresponds to 1st place in guaranteed impressions:

    If this suits you, then enter an amount from 4 to 7 rubles.
    Such a meaning Write-off price consistent with strategy2 stars. Click on the strategy selection button and check the description of this strategy in the drop-down menu:

    Save the strategy and enable Bid management.

    Transition from Rmax to write-off price

    Now in the settings you set not the maximum bid, but the charged price. Often, when bids are high, the price written off can be significantly lower than the bid. Previously, you set the maximum bid per click, now in the Roistat interface you manage exactly the target cost per click. This allows your ads to be placed in higher positions.

    If the written-off price is not filled in, then the previous value of Rmax will be taken for it.

    Additional features

    Campaign management

    When you enter the section, a tab opensCampaigns.

    On this tab you can:

    Managing bids for individual keywords

    You can set the value Write-off price both for all campaign keywords (see paragraph), and for each of them separately.

    To set Write-off price for individual keywords, click on the campaign title. On the page that opens, in the keyword table, specify the required values ​​in the column Write-off price . The value is saved immediately:

    To cancel entering a new value, press the buttonin the same column.

    View campaign statistics

    Client management collects statistics on advertising campaigns from Yandex.Direct and Analysts Roistat and on the tabCampaignspresents it in the form of an interactive table.

    The table displays the following information:

      h meaningAverage rate by campaign keyword from Yandex.Direct;

    • values ​​of 10 business indicatorsAnalysts Roistat: Visits, Expenses, CPC, Conversion to applications , Applications, CPL, Sales, CPO, Profit And ROI:

    In addition, you can view more detailed campaign statistics for each day of the selected period. To do this, click on the arrowto the left of the campaign name:

    Also when you click on the iconThe corresponding brief statistics for keywords and ads will open next to the campaign name:

    The table that opens lists all the statuses of the keywords and ads in the campaign. For each of them it is displayedcurrent amount And percentage of total clicks.

    In this table you can see, for example, the number of active words or stopped ads for a particular campaign. This is necessary if the number of advertisements is large and it is quite difficult to figure out which of them are stopped and which are not.

    Managing statistics viewing

    You can configure the followingviewing optionscampaign statistics:

      Select the time period for which you want to view indicator values:

    To do this, click the desired button above the chart:period selection button (when pressed, the calendar opens),Today , Yesterday , A week , Month , 3 months ;

      Select campaigns by status in Yandex.Direct Active /Stopped :

    To do this, click the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the tab;

      Select campaigns by type Search / Context:

    To do this, click the buttonAll , Search or Context above the table;

      Select campaigns by name:

    To do this, enter the text in the search field:

    Controlling low CTR ads

    Index CTR(from English click-through rate– click rate)allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of key phrases. Thanks toCTR controlyou can automatically disable those keywords that are not effective for your business.

    To use this feature, go to the tabCTR control:

    Step 1.First you need to configure the following settings:

    1. Lower CTR threshold– key phrases that have a CTR lower than the specified one will be tracked. The value is indicated in the field after the words: Track CTR less;
    2. Lower impression threshold– the number of impressions of key phrases required for triggering CTR control. The value is indicated in the field after the word after;
    3. – set this flag if you want ineffective phrases to be disabled automatically:

    Settings are saved using the buttonSave settings .
    Step 2.After setup you can enableCTR control, by moving the switch of the same name to the right. A system message about turning on should appear in the lower right cornerCTR control:

    Step 3.Follow the workCTR control.

    A report on its operation is displayed in the blockEvents in table form:

    The table contains the following information:

      date– date of activation of the key phrase;

      Phrase– key phrase with low CTR;

      In the campaign– the name of the corresponding advertising campaign;

      CTR– CTR value at the time of triggering CTR control;

      Impressions– number of impressions at the time of triggering CTR control;

      Clicks– the total number of clicks on the phrase at the time of triggering CTR control;

      Event– current status of the phrase:

      • Disabled– the phrase was disabled because flag was setDisable phrases with low CTR automatically ;
      • Empty field– the phrase was included in the table because meaningCTRand the number of impressions fell under the configured conditionsCTR control. But the phrase was not disabled, because flagDisable phrases with low CTR automatically NOT installed.

    Thanks to these statistics, you can find out which of your ads are performing poorly.

    Automatic bid optimization

    "Optimizer" quickly increases the maximum cost per click, which allows you to trade in a wider range according to a given strategy. Hetracks campaigns that show during a given periodROI And Conversion to applications not below the established thresholds, and increases their rates. The frequency of this process depends on the trading activity for a specific key phrase.

    Bid management updates information on Yandex.Direct campaigns every 5-15 minutes. The frequency depends on the number of keywords in the campaign.

    To configure, open the tabOptimizer settings and set the following conditions for changing rates:

    1. Indicator value in percentage:ROI and/or Conversion to applications If the ROI of the campaign is greater ;
    2. The period for which the indicator will be tracked. The value is indicated in the field after the words:for the last;
    3. The percentage by which you want to increase Write-off price . The value is indicated in the field after the words:increase write-off price by .

    To disable one of the conditions, set the value Write-off price , equal 0 .

    Automatic bid optimization conditions are saved using the buttonSave.

    Automatic bid optimization is enabled/disabled on the tabCampaigns. To enable or disableOptimizerfor any campaign, move the switch in the column of the same name to the right or left, respectively:

    If as a result of automatic optimizationROI or Conversion to applications will drop so much that it turns outbelow the set threshold, then Write-off price will return to the previous value, because the campaign will no longer be subject to optimization conditions.

    If a campaign meets both conditions, then only the greater of them will work. If only one condition is met and the second is not, the rule will work.

    For example, you configureOptimizerin the following way:

    • If ROI campaigns > 10% in the last 10 days, increase Write-off price by 50%;

      If Conversions to applications campaigns > 8% in the last 7 days, increase Write-off price by 30%.

    In this case, if at some pointROIcampaign will be 11%, andConversion to applications – 9%, then the cost per click will be Write-off price +50%. If in the future ROI or Conversion to applications will remain within the values ​​specified in the Optimizer settings, it will remain equal Write-off price+50% . If these indicators are below the specified values, the value Write-off price will return to the original.

    note thatOptimizerdoes not provideconditions when the bid can be automatically placed below the original value. This is a conscious step, this is our strategy.

    Firstly, it makes the mechanism reliable and safe.

    Let's consider a situation where, for some reason, your integration with CRM has broken or you have some other problems with the data. In our case, the optimizer simply will not increase the bid once again, and that’s all. That is, there can be no damage in principle. There would be direct damage if you set it down.
    Secondly, this mechanism still leaves you with the option to specify a lower default bid (i.e. initial value) and a higher growth percentage for profitable campaigns. However, a low rate is rarely beneficial. If your ads are dynamic with a low bid, then they will not be able to become profitable. In this case, the click, of course, will be cheap, but there will be no clicks themselves. And, accordingly, there will be no orders with a profit. As a result, the strategy of automatically lowering the rate will obviously be unprofitable.

    Google AdWords. Gedds Brad's Comprehensive Guide

    Automatic bid optimization: cost per conversion as the main criterion for success

    For the search network, Google has an AdWords Economy feature that allows you to pay just a penny more to rank one place higher than a competitor's ad (see “How to Use Quality Score to Determine Your Actual Cost-Per-Click” in Chapter 7). On the Display Network, Google enforces different rules called automatic bid optimization.

    Google is trying to estimate the likelihood that the content of a display page will prompt a user to take a conversion action. If the odds are slim, Google may reduce the cost per click. If, in Google's opinion, the page the user went to is more likely to convert, the cost per click increases (up to the maximum you set).

    Note. In some cases, Google will discount the cost per click for the Display Network, but for Display Network and Search Network ads, you should bid differently based on the return on ad spend or the funds needed to achieve your marketing goals. You'll bid higher for some ad groups than the search network, and lower for others. Do not set the same bids for Display Network and Search Network. If you find it difficult to choose an initial bid for Display Network, follow this rule: its size should be 75% of the bid for the search network. For example, if you're willing to pay $1 per click on the search network, bid $0.75 on the display network.

    Automatic bid optimization creates conditions where conversion rates decrease and cost per conversion comes to the fore.

    Let's say you sell digital cameras and your maximum bid per click is $1. The first site your ad appears on specializes in digital camera reviews and is considered a reputable site. Your ad appears next to an article that discusses the exact digital cameras you sell. These types of sites correspond to the second half of the buying cycle, and traffic from them is more likely to result in conversions than from other Display Network sites. This means that you will pay more per click than if you came from a less authoritative site. Let's say your ad was placed on Johnny's blog, exactly where he talks about using such a digital camera during a trip to the island of Aruba. The site does not have a clear commercial focus; therefore, it is less likely to provide you with a conversion. But that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense for you to advertise on Johnny's blog. Data in table. 9.1 shows how effective your ad is on the two sites mentioned.

    Table 9.1. Comparison of two sites

    In this scenario, Johnny's blog gets you half as many conversions as a review site (5 vs. 10%). On the other hand, you pay much less per click ($0.25 vs. $1), which means the cost per conversion on Johnny's blog is more favorable ($5 vs. $10). You earn more profit from a visitor to Johnny's blog than from a visitor to a review site.

    Each site has its own circle of users, and the traffic from them is also different. So don't be surprised if you find major discrepancies in your CPCs and conversion rates.

    Keep in mind, however, that when you evaluate Display Advertising success, the primary focus should be on cost per conversion, with conversion rate and cost per click being secondary considerations.

    Once your ads start showing up on the Display Network, research the sites where Google has placed them to determine which ones are giving you decent returns and which ones aren't. Over time, when you have enough data to make informed decisions, request reports from AdWords to customize your Display Campaigns based on your success criteria.

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