iPhone voice assistant. Siri from Apple: what can the program do and how to use it? On headphones or a headset

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Surely many of us have heard this term before, but have no idea what it could mean. Let's try to figure out what Siri is on an iPhone, and also tell you about its features and installing the Russian version.

What kind of service is this

  • This service is a special interactive system through which we can control our Apple device using voice.
  • Essentially, this is a user’s personal assistant, as well as a question and answer service, adapted for the iOS platform. It processes natural human speech, provides answers and gives advice.
  • Note that in the process of using such an assistant, the program studies our individual requests and adapts to the needs of each of us.
  • To activate Siri, press and hold the key below the display until the microphone icon appears. After that we ask our question. You can also use the headset key.
  • Today this application is an integral part of the iOS platform. Its main feature is that it conducts a full dialogue with the owner of the device.
  • The assistant is constantly being improved. This uses a unique human speech recognition technology.
  • Initially, the Siri service was useful only to those who were fluent foreign language. Relatively recently, the developers announced that the assistant was successfully Russified.

How to install Russian-language Siri

The Russian version of the assistant is available for version 6.1.x. The service not only accepts requests in Russian, but also works with various traditional functions of the iOS platform.

Now let's talk about installing the Russian version of the assistant.

  1. We are producing jailbreak version 6 operating system.
  2. After that, launch Cydia, and through the management section (Manage) add the repo.siri.ru repository (via http:// at the beginning).
  3. After the data is updated, install the Russian-language SiriPort package for iOS 6.1.x. Of course, our device must have a voice assistant.
  4. Reboot the smartphone.
  5. Next, go to “Settings” > “SiriPort Russian Siri”.
  6. Find the “Install certificate” option and click on it.
  7. Activate the assistant and select Russian language. Installation completed.

What to talk about with the girl on the phone.

Siri, a personal voice assistant, appeared on iOS devices in 2011. Since then, Apple has been actively developing its ability to answer the most complex questions. Below is a list useful commands Siri you might not know about.

The following works on iPhone and iPad. Possibly on a Mac running the latest macOS Sierra beta.

1. Find the photos I took...

Siri can filter photos taken by location. Request “find the photographs I took in Moscow” allowed me to easily find the ones I needed among hundreds of photos from the Russian capital. The main thing is that the geolocation service is enabled in the photo application. You can also ask Siri to show you photos and videos from a specific date, month, or year.

2. Remind me about...

Siri makes it easy to create reminders. So much so that I stopped using the application of the same name. Request “remind me about the article when I get home” helps me personally, and you experiment, maintaining the general structure of the phrase. Also, a reminder can be made not by reference to a specific location, but by time - just mention the date in the format “remind me at 22:00”.

3. Turn on Bluetooth

Siri can do many things faster than you. For example, turn on/off network functions. For example, "turn on Bluetooth" or "Airplane mode". However, Siri will remind you that it will no longer be able to work without the Internet.

4. How much will it be...

The voice assistant can count. Say any calculation: "twenty-five thousand minus eighteen thousand two hundred and thirty-one", hear the result out loud. Siri also knows the number of days from a certain date or until a certain event. It can even tell you the distance to a certain point. But the most convenient thing is the opportunity convert values. What is 300 feet in meters, 45 ounces in grams, and so on.

5. Read the latest message from...

Siri can find messages: just ask “read the latest messages from Artyom”. After this, he will offer to answer dictation. This is the best thing when you are driving or just in a hurry. Or if your hands are dirty.

6. Turn off the lights in the living room

If your home is equipped with smart gadgets (for example, smart light bulbs), and the appropriate settings have been made in the HomeKit application, requests to turn devices on/off will click like nuts with Siri. If, of course, there is something to click - “set the temperature to twenty-two degrees” or “turn off the outlets in the living room”.

7. Set an alarm

It's a common thing when I go to bed. "Wake me up at 7 am" or “set the alarm for nine twenty-five”. The timer is also adjustable.

8. What song is playing

You don't have to turn on Shazam to find out the name of the tune being played on the radio. Just ask Siri about it, she will tell you: "What song is playing" or “what kind of track is this”. In addition, the assistant adds the found track to a special tab mobile version iTunes. You won't lose it.

9. Play some music

Simple query, simple result: "Turn on the music"– music from the iOS player is turned on. In addition, you can ask to launch a specific playlist, selection, and genre. There is still an opportunity to launch tracks specific performers or albums. But be prepared to struggle with the pronunciation of their names, especially if they are English :)

If you are subscribed to Apple Music, the assistant will search for music among 30 million songs. A music lover's dream.

10. What's up with the weather?

Siri understands almost any weather-related request: "what's the weather like", "will it rain today", “Is it worth taking an umbrella”, “what will the weather be like in the evening”, “what is the temperature now”. Moreover, her answers are always slightly different, but clearly correspond to the request. He can tell you about the weather on a specific day of the week, he can answer whether you should wait for the sun, and so on.

This is far from full list possible commands– it is impressive and is constantly being expanded with new firmware. I'm glad that today you can really communicate with Siri, and it really saves time. What used to be in science fiction films has become reality.

There's just one question.

"Hey Siri!" Ridiculously easy to use. You literally just say, “Hey Siri,” to begin your interaction with the voice assistant.

  1. Be within range of your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Say "Hey Siri!" Loud enough for your iPhone or iPad to hear.
  3. Tell Siri what you want to do: “Call Mom,” “Buy train tickets,” “What’s the weather like in Bermuda?” and so on.

Start speaking with a command or question.

If you have an iPad or iPhone (iPhone 4S or later, iPad 3 or later, all generations iPad mini And iPod touch 5th generation or later), you can launch Siri in one of the following ways:

  • Hold the Home button.
  • Hold the control button on the headphones.
  • Say "Hey Siri."
  • When you ask Siri, the background should blur, you'll hear a ringtone and "How can I help you?" will appear on the screen.
  • You should also see a wavy white line at the bottom of the screen.
  • Speak your request into iPad or iPhone.
  • When you finish speaking, the white line will turn into a round microphone icon.
  • Siri should return to you with the answer (although sometimes Siri accepts multiple options).

On old iPhones(up to iPhone 6) you will be able to use Hey Siri when you are connected to a power source. You will also need an internet connection to use Siri.

Since the iPhone X doesn't have a Home button to call Siri, you'll need to:

  • Hold down the Power button (also known as the On/Off button).
  • Say “Hey Siri.”

How to use Siri on Apple Watch

  • Press and hold the button.
  • Say “Hey Siri”

How to edit a question or Siri command

If Siri listens to you, you made a mistake in a question, or you just changed your mind, the easiest way is to press the microphone icon and ask Siri the question/command again. However, if you want to edit the original question or command, you can do that too. This can come in handy when Siri doesn't understand a name or unique word.

  1. Press and hold the Home button on your iPhone or iPad or say "Hey Siri" to activate Siri.
  2. Dictate your request.
  3. Click on the text on the screen to edit it.
  4. Make the changes you want, and then click Done in the bottom right corner of your keyboard.

Also read:

How to use Siri on iPhone using the Home button:

What can Siri do on iPhone and iPad?

Siri is a digital assistant built into your iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch or Mac. You can ask Siri to do something and your iPhone will do it, instead of doing a lot of extra steps just tell Siri.

Siri is constantly improving: it has become faster and more reliable than ever with iOS 7, and in iOS 7.1 it received new features, iOS 8 added a musical “Hey Siri!” voice activation and feedback in real time with the Siri words you are talking about. Then, with iOS 9, Apple introduced more new features.

Many users have personally encountered Siri and know very well what it is. But among users of Apple technology, in particular the iPhone, there are many users who do not yet know the meaning of this term. We'll tell you what Siri is.

Siri is a personal assistant and question-and-answer system that comes with the iOS operating system that powers devices like the iPhone or iPad. The application uses human speech processing and makes recommendations, answers user questions, and performs specified operations. Interestingly, Siri has the ability to adapt to each user, learning his preferences, as a result of which the answers to the same questions will be different for several users.

What the Siri interface looks like:

Not all users who already use the Siri application know that the name Siri was not invented just like that. This is actually an acronym for the phrase Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, which can be roughly translated as “Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface.”

If today Siri is an integral part of iOS, then at the stage of its introduction the Siri application was available in App Store, and on behalf of Siri Inc. Yes, yes, as you might have guessed, Apple simply bought this company, as a result of which Siri became a component of iOS.

The company's first smartphone to integrate the Siri interface was the iPhone 4:

Almost with every new operating update iOS systems innovations are being added to the Siri interface.

Siri Language Support

Initially, English, German, French and Japanese were supported.

Of course, we are most interested in the Russian language. And it appeared starting with iOS 8.3.

In total, at the time of writing, Siri supports more than 20 languages.

What is the Siri app for?

Siri can do a lot. So, if you have nothing better to do, you can ask the assistant tricky questions and often get very funny answers.

However, the application was created primarily to help the user. So, Siri can also:

  • Search for information on the Internet.
  • Enable some features, such as Bluetooth.
  • Calculate and convert various quantities.
  • Read SMS messages out loud.
  • Interact with other gadgets. For example, if you have a smart home, you can say “Siri, turn off the lights in the room” and it will turn off.
  • Set an alarm.
  • Set reminders.
  • Report the weather forecast.
  • To turn on the music.
  • Get directions.

Of course, this is only a small part of what Siri can do. But, as you can see, the application can do a lot.

Siri ( S peech I interpretation and R ecognition I nterface) is a personal voice assistant located in Apple devices. Originally voice Siri assistant existed separately in an application that could be downloaded from the AppStore. Then on January 28, 2010, Apple bought Siri Inc. Interestingly, before purchasing the company, I wanted to implement my own voice assistant application for Android smartphones and BlackBerry. The first device to have Siri built-in was the iPhone 4s, which came out in 2011 with iOS 5 pre-installed.

Siri is now an integral part Apple devices, the head of the assistant is located in the entire ecosystem of devices: iOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS.

Fun fact: Siri's first voice belongs to American voice actress Susan Bennett. In 2005, the girl signed a contract with the company Scan Soft, according to which she spoke various phrases into a voice recorder for 4 hours a day for a month.

Russian dictation for Siri appeared in iOS 8, and already in iOS 8.3 - the smart assistant could answer in Russian. But Siri became truly suitable and useful for daily use with the release of iOS 9 in the iPhone 6s. In this version of the operating system, they have done a good job so that Siri can understand complex commands and process them much faster.

How to set up Siri on iPhone

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Enter the "Siri" section.
  3. Switch the sliders to active mode in the following items: “Siri”, “On the locked screen”, “Allow: Hey Siri”.
  4. Next, the Siri setup procedure will start, in which you will be asked to say 2-3 times: “Hello, Siri”, “Siri, how is the weather”, “Siri it’s me”. After which the voice assistant is ready for use.

How to use Siri on iPhone

In order to activate Siri, you must:

  • say “Hey Siri” (this option works on iPhone 6s and later);
  • press and hold the “Home” button;
  • Press and hold the “Power” button (iPhone X).

What to ask Siri

Also, if you are interested in the HomePod speaker, our blog has an article on how to control an Apple speaker in English. .

What Siri can do - voice commands for Siri

Below are the commands that Siri can perform.

40Order pizzaFor example, you can say: “Siri, where to order pizza.”

Basic commands
1 Call For example, you could say, “Call Dad.”
2 FiceTime video call For example, you could say, “Facetime your mom.”
3 Activating speakerphone For example, you can say: “Dial Dad on speakerphone.”
4 Call emergency services For example, you can say: “Siri, call the police or emergency medical services.”
5 Checking voicemail For example, you could say: “I have new voice messages? or “Play voicemail from boss”
6 Dial message For example, you can say: “Write to your wife that I’m busy” or “Write to your boss that I’ll be late.”
8 Write and send an email For example, you can say: “Write an email to your boss”, it works if there is an email in “Contacts”.
9 Voice playback emails or messages For example, you could say: “Check email" or "Read my new messages."
10 Start a timer For example, you could say, “Set the timer for 25 minutes.”
11 Weather forecast For example, you could say, “Siri, what's the weather like today?” or “Siri, will it rain today?”
12 Find out financial information For example, you could say, “Siri, what is the Bitcoin price today?” or “Siri, What is the price of Apple stock?”
13 Currency conversion For example, you can say: “Siri, what is the price of the dollar to the euro.”
14 Mathematical solutions For example, you could say, “Siri, calculate 30% of $21,500,” or “Siri, what is 250 times 15.”
Commands in settings
15 To make a photo For example, you can say, “Siri, take a photo,” or “Siri, take a selfie.”
16 Enable and disable For example, you can say: “Siri, turn on Wi-Fi” or “Siri, turn off Bluetooth” or “Siri, turn on airplane mode” and so on.
17 Increase or decrease screen brightness For example, you can say, “Siri, increase screen brightness” or “Siri, decrease screen brightness.”
18 Opening applications For example, you can say: “Siri, open Instagram” and so on.
19 Assigning a degree of relationship to a contact For example, you can say: “My Mom is Svetlana Sergeevna,” after which Siri will understand which number to dial. You can also create a new shortcut.
20 Volume adjustment For example, you could say, “Siri, set the volume to 90%.”
Commands for scheduling and reminders
21 Setting Reminders For example, you could say, “Siri, remind me to feed the fish when I get home.”
22 Making and canceling appointments For example, you can say: “Siri, schedule a meeting with Alexey for tomorrow at 12:45” or “Siri, cancel my meeting scheduled for 19:00.”
23 Find out about scheduled meetings For example, you could say, “Siri, what are my plans for tomorrow?”
24 Find out about the day and date of the holiday For example, you could say, "Siri, when is April Fool's Day?" or “Siri, tell me the date of Easter?”
25 Set an alarm For example, you could say, “Siri, set an alarm for 5:00 am” or “Siri, set an alarm for 7 o’clock.”
26 Number of days until a certain date For example, you can say: “Siri, how many days until Christmas” or for example: “Siri, how many days until July 17th.”
28 Find out the current time of any city in the world For example, you could say, “Siri, what time is it in Tokyo?”
Search commands
Voice assistant Siri will help you find any information you need on the Internet or on your iPhone
29 Commands for searching the Internet For example, you can ask the command: “Siri, what is iOS” or any other information that interests you.
30 iPhone Search Commands For example, you can ask the command: “Siri, open photos of me in Egypt” or “Siri, show me photos from Thailand.”
31 Commands for trending Twitter topics For example, you can ask the command: “Siri, what’s trending on Twitter right now.”
32 Search notes For example, you can ask the command: “Siri, find the note shopping list.”
33 Finding your friends' locations (Note: works if you have "Find My Friends" installed) For example, you can give the command: "Siri, where is my wife."
34 Search applications For example, you could say, “Siri, search for Duolingo in the AppStore.”
Navigation commands
35 Bring me home For example, you can say: “Siri, take me home,” after which the voice assistant will give you directions to your home (for this to be possible, you need to indicate your address in your contacts).
36 Where is the office (company) located? For example, you can say: “Siri, where is the Microsoft office?”
Commands for Apple Music
37 Launch of Apple Music For example, you could say, “Siri, play some music.”
38 Ask about the title of the song For example, you could say, “Siri, what is the name of this song?” or “Siri, what is this song?”
Voice assistant Siri will also be able to: stop the music, play the music, go to the next track or the previous one.
Teams on the go
39 Museums nearby For example, you can say: “Siri, what museums are nearby.”

What else can you ask Siri?

In addition to basic standard questions and commands, you can ask Siri for the following information:

Converting different quantities:

  • how many grams are in 15 ounces?
  • how many meters are 60 feet?
  • convert 5 miles to yards;
  • convert 5,300 rubles to dollars.

What can you ask Siri?

Phrases for Siri

Math queries for Siri:

  • What is 37 times 276?
  • 38 percent of 185?
  • 53 plus 132 times 4?

If you have Smart Home devices that... HomeKit, the Siri voice assistant will help you control your network-connected smart devices.

Commands for Siri in the Home app:

  • turn on the light in the living room;
  • Siri increased brightness by 30%;
  • set the thermostat to 25°C;
  • lock the front door of the house;
  • close the garage door.

The voice assistant on the iPhone can not only dial numbers, but also show call history and missed calls. You can also find out when, say, your relatives (mother, sister or wife/husband) called you. You can also ask Siri to call you whatever you want, for example, Superman or Overlord and the like. You just need to call Siri and say - call me “overlord”!

Commands for working with contacts:

If you have a busy schedule, then you probably work with your calendar, adding significant meetings and events to it. With Siri, you can work with your calendar and plan events very quickly and conveniently.

  • show me my calendar;
  • add a new event;
  • add a meeting with (say name), for tomorrow at 18:30;
  • show the nearest meeting or event;
  • where is the next meeting?
  • cancel the meeting tomorrow at 18:30;
  • reschedule this event for Monday.

Having planned a lot of things, it is very easy to get confused and forget something, Siri will help us remind us of the necessary task or meeting at the right time.

Reminder commands:

  • Siri, add a reminder to buy bread and milk;
  • remind you to call your mom in the evening;
  • show the “Gifts” list;
  • create a new “Goals for the year” list.
What to say to Siri How to talk to Siri on iPhone
  • Siri, create a new note: “improvement through overcoming”;
  • show notes;
  • Siri, show me your notes from last week.

If you are traveling or just find yourself in an unfamiliar area, Siri will help you find places to eat, as well as local attractions, show you on the map and give you directions to your destination.

Navigation commands for Siri:

  • Where I am?
  • how to get to Valentin by public transport? (provided that Valentin’s address is indicated in the contacts);
  • get directions home (the address column must be filled in on your card);
  • Where is the Statue of Liberty?
  • how far is it from Moscow to Minsk?

Although the time is displayed in the status bar (except for the iPhone X), you can also ask Siri what time it is, or ask what time it is in another city in the world.

Commands to clarify the time:

  • what time is it now?
  • What time is it in New York now?

In the evening, when you are very tired and don’t have the strength to set an alarm clock, Siri will help.

Commands for setting an alarm:

  • Hey Siri, set your alarm for 6 am;
  • Siri, wake me up every Saturday at 9:15 am;
  • Siri, turn off the 6 am alarm;
  • show me all my alarm clocks;
  • Siri, turn off all alarms;
  • Siri, rename the 9:15 am alarm to “Good morning, today is a day off”;
  • change the “Good morning, today is a day off” alarm to 10:00 am.

The timer on the iPhone is a very convenient thing; you can set timings for work and other equally important matters. Here are the commands you can give Siri.

tell friends