What is yahoo com. How Yahoo works. Review of Yahoo search engine

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Yahoo is the largest portal and search engine on the Internet, which occupies a good share of search traffic around the world.

Until now as of May 2011 Yahoo search engine second only in terms of search share in the US. Also, for example, in Japan, the Yahoo search engine is the leader in search.

Initially, Yahoo was created as a large directory, then it grew into a portal with a bunch of different services and a search engine.

Who are the creators of Yahoo?

Yahoo founders are graduate students at Stanford University David Filo And Jerry Yang.

In 1994 they developed a directory with links to other sites. Since it was then difficult to search for sites on the World Wide Web, the catalog gained enormous popularity in a very short time, and by the fall of 1994, the catalog was used by more than one hundred thousand users, and it had more than one million requests.

If you look at Yahoo, the catalog looked like this in 1995-1996:

Yahoo history

In 1995, Yahoo Corporation was founded, and a year later divisions were opened in countries such as Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain, China, India, Japan and Canada.

Then there was the Internet boom, and at this time Yahoo made good money on advertising. By that time, large search engines like MSN, Lycos, Excite and Yahoo had appeared and were developing and growing at great speed. And in order to attract and retain more visitors to sites, search engines have acquired various services.

In 1997, Yahoo acquired the RocketMail portal, on the basis of which Yahoo mail soon appeared. Later, ClassicGames.com and eGroups were also acquired, resulting in Yahoo Games and Yahoo Groups. In June 1999, Yahoo introduced Yahoo! Messenger is an instant messaging service.

Until 2004, the Yahoo search engine used search technology from Google, but after absorbing the search engines Inktomi, AltaVista and AllTheWeb as well as the Overture service, it switched to its own search.

In 2005-2006, Yahoo launched a number of new services such as Yahoo! Music, Flickr and Yahoo! 360°. The corporation also acquired a number of companies such as blo.gs, Upcoming.org, del.icio.us and webjay.

In 2008, Microsoft made an offer to shareholders to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion, but the deal never materialized.

Yahoo's search engine is a market leader in Japan, and in 2010 it acquired Cirius Technologies, the developer of geo-contextual advertising system AdLocal, which will further strengthen its position in the Japan region.

Yahoo profit

The company's revenue in 2008 was $7.209 billion (in 2007 - $6.97 billion). Net profit - $424.298 million (in 2007 - $660 million).
In 2009, revenue was $6.46 billion and net profit was $605 million. In 2010, Yahoo's net income grew by 105% to $1.24 billion.

Features of promotion in Yahoo

Search engine promotion in Yahoo is different from promotion in Google or Bing. In order for a site to rank better in Yahoo, you need to add it to the search engine directory. Addition is paid and paid annually.

The world famous company Yahoo! invites domestic users to use the Russian-language version of a well-known portal abroad. Yahoo search engine in Russian began its work not so long ago, but already now domestic visitors to this service have the opportunity to use the “Internet Search” function and read news in Russian from the company’s partners.

The “My Favorites” section invites users to leave links to sites that interest them on home page portal, as well as use other functions to give the Russian-language version of the search engine an individual look.

Search engine Yahoo and Bing

On this moment the system is in second place in the world popularity ranking. It easily processes about 6-7% of information requests coming from all over the planet. As you can see, this project is not only popular, but also in demand.

Several large corporations tried to acquire this company in 2007-2008, but to no avail. So, for example, in mid-2008, Microsoft offered over 45 billion dollars for it, but the bosses decided to reject such an offer, because they believed that they could earn much more on their own.

But they did not last long and already in 2009 the Yahoo-Microsoft tandem was formed. But it was not possible to compete. The bulk of pessimistic forecasts regarding such a merger were justified with incredible accuracy. In this regard, the company's management decided to urgently introduce a number of innovations. According to their assumptions, they should significantly increase the functionality of the service.

After the service stopped supporting its own engine, transferring its search potential to the Bing engine, Yahoo's share of the global market fell by several percent, which is unlikely to be related to the consequences of the transition period.

Apparently the instinct to preserve the company among the managers turned out to be stronger than the comprehensive trust in the partner, since the corporation began to reorganize the Yahoo search system without receiving the go-ahead from Microsoft. We decided to focus all the work on the following areas:

  • Optimization of advertising tools;
  • Increasing the protection of data about system users;
  • Creation of your own analytical center.

Review of Yahoo search engine

The project was founded more than twenty years ago, and today it is the oldest and most complete Internet catalogue.

These days it is the popular Yahoo search engine, serving over a million queries daily. It all started with two people, David Filo and Jerry Yang, who just planned to collect bookmarks in one place.

This search engine gained success and popularity due to the manual labor of a huge number of editors who tirelessly compose and edit the contents of the catalog.

The difference between the Yahoo search engine in Russian and others is that it searches exclusively in the catalog. Thanks to a simple and complete list of categories, the desired category and the necessary sites are quickly discovered. The main page of the portal loads almost instantly and provides a list of text links about new sites or materials. In the middle of the page there is a search box with a list of categories. At the bottom of the Yahoo home page, links to the most visited sections of the project are displayed.

If no information was found for your request, then the AltaVista search engine was connected. True, it was disconnected a couple of years ago, but now it is being connected.

Yahoo is more than just a search engine in Russian

On the one hand, searching for information on global network and is a priority task, but it has long ceased to be a simple search engine, but has become a huge portal that combines many services. E-mail will no longer surprise anyone, rather its absence will cause confusion, so it is not surprising that the Mail service is present, just like the Messenger instant messaging service. Not long ago, a new Answer service was introduced, combining the intellectual capabilities of users and computer technology. Moreover, at the beginning of 2010, the Yahoo search engine acquired the Flickr service, thanks to which people process and send pictures and photos. Now this won’t surprise anyone, but at that time the service was extremely popular.

It should be noted that in order to increase the popularity of the portal and its services, the company’s specialists are creating versions of their services in other countries. For example, in Taiwan they decided to try out a version of the Answer service, which eventually gained wide popularity, thereby giving impetus to the opening of several more versions of this service in other countries. In addition, the Yahoo search engine has several research centers abroad.

And finally, it should be mentioned that today the corporation’s employees continue to work hard on mobile versions services and services. Using the new Go platform, people work with their by email from their smartphones and tablets, communicate with each other using Messenger instant messages, share the photos they take with the Photos service, search for the necessary information with the Yahoo search engine in Russian. To further increase their audience, companies use various tricks to lure users. One of these is the creation of their own advertisements by Yahoo users.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In RuNet, there are several search engines that somehow influence the distribution of user preferences: Yandex (here I wrote about setting it up), Google, which is inferior to the leaders, and is completely invisible.

At the turn of the century, Yahoo had a very successful IPO and after some time their shares rose in price very well. It was a golden time for this company, but after the dot-com crash at the beginning of the 2000s, their shares fell in price by almost two orders of magnitude.

In subsequent years, management still continues to actively buy various services (in 2002 they even made an offer to Google to buy it for three billion greenbacks, but were refused, after which they agreed to use their index base to implement their search) and build muscle, but many of the steps taken will not yield results and will even lead to losses.

In 2002, Yahoo management finally came to the conclusion that one search directory (even the largest in the world) was not enough, and it was adopted decision to launch a search engine with your robot. The first two years (until 2004) I used the Google index for this purpose (now the Runet search engine mail.ru does the same).

After this, Yahoo used its own index database (several search engines were bought up for this purpose, including the well-known AltaVista), which, however, was not the best solution, because not so long ago the management was forced to completely switch all of its services to the engine from the Bing company (owned by MelkoMyagkim). As a result of this manipulation, the Bing search engine confidently took second place in searches in the United States and around the world.

In 2008, the Melkomyagkies offered to buy Yahoo with all its giblets for forty-five billion greens, but the company’s management, after several months of deliberation, actually ruined the deal. After some time, they come to an agreement, which still allowed Bing to become number two in the world.

In subsequent years, the company is mainly engaged in trying to get rid of all the goodness that they managed to buy during their heyday. Moreover, they sell some services significantly cheaper than they bought them, and what they don’t sell, they give to (for the management of another company).

Some projects are simply closed (for example, an analog free hosting GeoCities, which Yahoo had previously bought for exorbitant amounts of money). In general, the prospects for this company are probably not the most rosy.

Yahoo in Russian (ru.yahoo.com)

Recently, their main website has become friendly with the Russian language and you can search on Runet sites on the page Yahoo! in Russian. Their Bing engine doesn’t show anything extraordinary, but I didn’t notice any particular flaws.

This search engine quite quickly and completely indexes sites on the RuNet, unless you have blocked them with a bot, for example, in order to reduce the load on the hosting server.

This bot is very annoying, but you can set the hours when it will be allowed to torment your resource, and specify permissible level the load created.

Like any search engine, Yahoo strives to make money on the desire of users to find answers to their questions. At one time, Google came up with a rather compromise and unobtrusive (at least by design) way of making money - placing contextual advertising with auction pricing (you can read about its principles in my article about).

As for the quality of the search engine, at least for some queries I checked, this blog occupies approximately the same positions in it as in Yandex or Google. Another thing is that Yahoo search share(and Bing too) is vanishingly small in RuNet, as a result of which I practically do not watch from these search engines.

But webmasters do not live by RuNet alone - the bourgeoisie is much more generous in rewarding the work of the righteous (in, for example, clicks will be an order of magnitude more expensive) and many turn their gaze in his direction. Well, there good positions in Bing (and therefore in Yahoo) will not be superfluous.

There is also an image search, which is much more similar to .

There is also an advanced search, which essentially differs little from analogues from the leading search engines of the Runet (read my articles about that, and).

In general, in light of the events and upheavals that have occurred in recent years, it is no longer worth considering it as a search engine, but this mega-portal has a whole range of popular services, such as Yahoo mail, Flickr photo hosting, messaging and much more.

It is difficult to judge whether these services are better or worse than those offered by competitors, but millions of users around the world, once hooked on Yahoo, never leave it (it is especially popular in Japan).

In RuNet there are also pale reflections of this giant of the Internet industry (mail.ru and rambler), but their share in the world Internet is much lower and balances at the noise level. For users, they are the first site (portal) they visit when entering the Internet. There they read the news, check their email, write instant messages, check the weather and do other everyday little things.

All this can be done on the main page of the Russian-language portal - Yahoo in Russian:

As you can see, this company cooperates with a number of RuNet news agencies, whose tabs are immediately shown to the user on the main page. From the left menu you can go to view the international page of the portal, view your mail and find out the weather for the coming days anywhere in the world. Further in the left column you will find links to the most popular services in RuNet, for example, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, Afisha and others.

True, there is no clear leader of the RuNet -, but the service kindly provides you with the opportunity to add the necessary links to the left column using the “Add Favorites” option at the very bottom. True, for this you will have to register and get a free download Mailbox, which may not be superfluous.

Yahoo Mail, registration and setup

After saving the changes made to your profile, a message about this will appear at the top of the page, and next to it there will be a link to your public profile (the word “Rate”). If you wish, you can, because an extra backlink will never hurt, although it may not help much. But we have already digressed from the topic of the article.

The mailbox you create will be available at mail.yahoo.com. It will be possible to import contacts from your existing or (from small) or Facebook account:

Personally, I have been working with correspondence exclusively through Gmail for many years (although I started with ), but at the time when I made my choice, I heard a lot good reviews about spam cutting in Yahoo Mail, but it is possible that the situation has now changed. At the moment, their interface unpleasantly surprised me with the dominance of advertising, and its size is striking, which sometimes becomes absolutely monstrous (420 by 600 pixels):

I didn’t find any special features, except the ability to add photos to letters from the Flickr photo hosting site, which again belongs to Yahoo. I didn’t find the filters and shortcuts that I had gotten used to in Gmail here, but it’s possible that I was just looking poorly.

I didn’t really like the standard purple theme, but it turned out that it’s quite easy to change it by selecting “Options” - “Themes” from the top menu. The main “Mail Settings” are also hidden there, which can be adjusted to suit you if you decide to use Yahoo Mail.

Considering the speed with which the company Lately sells, closes and outsources its projects, I would be careful about moving my main mailbox to this mailbox - in case they close it down. Although you can create a secondary mailbox there and set up correspondence forwarding. .

Yahoo catalog - paid and free registration

Usually, when promoting a site on the RuNet, webmasters strive to add it to popular directories. They are considered the most significant in RuNet, and sometimes they also remember the Mail.ru and Aport catalogs.

When it comes to promotion in the burzhunet, in the past webmasters always added the site to the panel. However, she rested in peace along with the search engine:

This event spoiled the mood not only of webmasters working in the bourgeois internet, but also of the entire Internet community in general. This panel included an amazing tool that gave you a ton of information about your site's link building. It's sad really, because competition always benefits ordinary users.

Well, adding your site to the Yahoo catalog when promoting in the bourgeois internet has probably already become a rule. He lives at the address Dir.yahoo.com and is only available on English language, but it’s not at all a problem to translate the entire page using .

Previously, however, there were localized versions specifically for Germany, Spain, Italy and France, but at the end of 2009 Yahoo considered their support a luxury and stopped doing it. It never came to the point of supporting the Russian-language version of the catalogue, and probably never will.

So, there are two possible types of placement in the Yahoo catalogue.

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Search engine Yahoo!

1. Briefly about the search engine

Surprisingly, this incredibly popular system, serving millions of requests daily, began as a simple collection of bookmarks, which was replenished by just 2 people - David Filo and Jerry Yang. Today Yahoo! is no longer just a directory, it is a whole group of various services, including such as the Yahooligans directory - Yahoo! for children, My Yahoo! personal channel system, free E-mail service, "Shop with Yahoo!" system (buy from Yahoo!), MTV collaboration MTV unfURLed and much more. Among all the systems reviewed, Yahoo! - the only purely catalogue, on Yahoo! does not have its own search engine. But the list of categories on Yahoo! is the most complete and simple - unlike other directories, Yahoo! it is always easy to determine which section it is in necessary information. Home page of Yahoo! It loads very quickly - although there are a lot of links on it, they are all text.

The central part of the page, of course, is occupied by a search box and a list of categories. Links at the top of the page (graphic) provide access to information such as "what's new", "what's good", "More Yahoos". It is recommended to visit the last link - it leads to a page with a huge number of links to various Yahoo! - catalogs and services. At the bottom of the main Yahoo! there are a large number of links to the most popular sections of Yahoo!.

When entering keywords from the main Yahoo page, the request is processed using the "Intelligent default" method, that is, Yahoo! searches for the most relevant results in the following areas: Yahoo categories; on websites registered with Yahoo; to Altavista (the request is transferred if there are no results); in the news. This kind of intellectual search takes quite a lot of time. When specifying search criteria for Yahoo! you need to remember that Yahoo! looks for these words only in the title and description of the page, since the full-text index on Yahoo! No. Therefore, you should not specify too many terms or synonyms when searching - the number of results from Yahoo! will decrease or even be zero. When entering keywords from the directory page, you need to select a search area - the entire Yahoo! directory. or just its current section. This is done using the radio buttons below the input field.

On the search results page, categories that satisfy the search criteria are displayed first, and then sites. Next to each category there is a number in brackets - this is the number of sites in this category. In case Yahoo! no results, results from Altavista are displayed immediately. A small sign is displayed at the top and bottom of the page, with which you can, with one click of a mouse button, search in Yahoo! categories, on Altavista, in news and events. The number of search results on Yahoo! is naturally small, but most of them are relevant. There may be a problem with missing pages because webmasters usually forget to remove their sites from search engines, and on Yahoo! no mechanism automatic update. For advanced search Yahoo! offers not very much, but very useful set tools. To get to the advanced search page, you need to follow the "options" link from the main Yahoo! page.

Advanced search tools include limiting results by date, searching Yahoo!, Usenet and E-mail addresses, using logical operations above the terms and search for a specific phrase. There is also the ability to search for words with arbitrary endings, indicate words that should or should NOT be present in the document, etc. Purely Russian resources in Yahoo! are not added because Yahoo! Inc. there is simply no one to watch and evaluate their content. But those queries that didn't produce results on Yahoo! are transmitted to Altavista, and there is a good index of Russian resources.

2. How to search

As Yahoo!'s developers themselves write, their search results page is designed to help users find what they're looking for in a friendly, easy-to-use interface.

Let's take a closer look at the different sections on the search results page.

Inside Yahoo! (Internal Yahoo!)

These are Yahoo! products or services that match the user's search criteria. For example, if a person searched for “frogs,” Inside Yahoo! will show search results by areas where the user can find Various types information such as images from the Yahoo! Picture Gallery, items for sale on Yahoo! Auction, facts about frogs from Yahooligans!

Directory Category Matches

This area highlights categories in Yahoo! Directory that match the user's search query. If a person wants to see a collection of sites on a specific topic, he should click on the most necessary category, after which the user will be presented with a visual list of sites that was collected by the editor of Yahoo! on a given topic.

If there are more categories than can be displayed, a "Next" link will appear at the top right. Clicking this link will allow the user to see both commercial and non-commercial categories in Yahoo! Directory that match the search query.

Sponsor Matches

Sponsored deals are relevant search results that are paid for by businesses or organizations and provided by a third-party search engine access tool.

Web Matches

These results show combinations of relevant web pages and sites provided by third-party search engine access tools and Yahoo! Catalog. This is the default style in which results appear.

When a site listed in search results is also listed in Yahoo! The directory search result listing will show the title and description provided by Yahoo! Catalog. In addition, the user will see the "More sites about" link located at the bottom. By clicking on this link, the user will be able to view a collection of sites on the same topic in Yahoo! Catalog.

The directory lists include sites that have passed through special program Yahoo!. These sites paid Yahoo! review and consider them for inclusion in Yahoo! Catalog.

3. Advanced search

Advanced Search is a feature that helps you improve your search results.

IN search engine Yahoo! direct search is possible (that is, the search is carried out only by specified words) and advanced search.

Advanced Search helps increase the accuracy of your search results by using additional syntax to focus your search. The user can enter most of the following search parameters directly into the search box, or select them from the Advanced Search page, which can be accessed from the advanced search link located to the right of the search bar.

The advanced search page is shown below.

include all of the words:

include this exact phrase:

include at least one of these words:

exclude these words:

the Web Yahoo! Directory listings

<< Fewer options

only show pages in

only show pages from

only show pages updated in the

Keyword Locations:

show pages where the keyword is

show pages from the site or domain

e.g., yahoo.com, .org, .gov

Search by URL (Web Address)

Find web pages similar to

Find web pages that link to

Let's look at this page in more detail.

Include all of the words - This option allows you to find search results that include all the words the user typed in the search box. This is similar to inserting "AND" between words or a "+" symbol before a word.

Include this exact phrase - This option allows you to explore results that exactly match the words users entered. This is similar to placing quotes (" ") around a set of words. (Example: You are looking for a famous saying or quote: “I want to go home”).

Include at least one of these words - This option allows you to search for results based on multiple criteria that match one or more of the search words. This corresponds to inserting "OR" between words. (For example, if the user wants to find information on either canoes or boats.)

Exclude these words - This option excludes the specified words from the search. In normal search, this corresponds to inserting "NOT" between words or a " " symbol before a word. (For example, you are looking for information about flowers, but do not want information about roses. To do this, enter "flowers" in "All of the words" and enter "roses" in "Exclude these words.")

Search - Here the user needs to choose where he wants to look for information: on the Web or only in the Yahoo directory.

More options - Taking advantage of the additional options that appear when you click this button. Let's give them a brief description:

Language - Allows you to select which language sites will be displayed in on the results page.

Country - This feature allows you to show results based on the selected country.

Date - Limits search results to those sites that have been modified within the past 3, 6, or 12 months.

Keyword Location - Allows the user to select search terms - on the page, somewhere, in the title, in the text, in the URL or in links to other pages.

Domain - Queries which domains should (or should not) be searched on (eg com, org, gov, net, biz, info, name).

Search by URL - The user can try to find web pages that are similar to or belonging to a particular node.


Recently, when information has become worth its weight in gold to a person, its accessibility and quick search are important for a person. To meet the demands of the public, search engines have to constantly develop, improve and attract users with new services and new features. People are attracted to search engines that can not only search their database of sites, but also forward the request to other search engines. In the Yandex system, for example, a user, if he does not find anything he needs for his request, can try to find the same thing using search engines such as AltaVista, Google, Fast, Yahoo!, Rambler, Aport!. At the same time, he does not need to manually go to the site and retype his request; he can simply click the required link at the bottom of the page:

Search the same on: AltaVista - Google - Fast - Yahoo! - Rambler - Fetch!

Search engines Yandex and Yahoo! Today they are one of the most visited servers on the Internet. Their popularity is only increasing every day and it is impossible to predict how popular they will be in a few years if they develop at the same pace.

Internet search engine query

List of sources used

1. http://help.yahoo.com - Help with searching Yahoo!

2. http://rax.ru

3. http://www.raskrutka.net/yahoo.html - Search directory Yahoo! - review

4. http://www.raskrutka.net/yandex.html - Yandex search directory - review

5. http://www.yandex.ru/info/index.html

6. http://OneStat.com

7. http://promo.by

8. http://searchengines.ru - Death of Yahoo!? I don't think so, but...

Posted on Allbest.ru

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