Earning money from comments in contact. How to make your personal VK page generate income. Advertising exchange services

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Many users of the World Wide Web strive to register on social networks. Here you can communicate with friends and distant relatives, share your news with them. But not everyone knows that you can also make money on the Internet. The VKontakte website allows even schoolchildren to earn a stable income.

How to earn income?

The World Wide Web is one of the opportunities for the development of advertising. Many people today strive to receive services or purchase goods without leaving their offices or apartments. Anyone who understands this knows how to make money in Contact. There are special services that pay money for likes and reposts. In this way, information about a particular company, online store or product is disseminated.

In order to start earning money, you just need to create a page on VKontakte and make friends. Many people register with inaccurate information so as not to litter their profile with unnecessary reposts. But such a page may be blocked by the site administration. You won't be able to earn money for a long time.

Individual services offer different wages for work. But you shouldn’t trust sites that pay 2-3 rubles for one like. It is not profitable for an advertiser to pay such a sum to everyone who wants to earn extra money. The average cost of such a service is 0.3 rubles. Those who spend enough time on VKontakte will be able to receive a small but stable income. Below are the most popular services for making money.


An excellent service for making money on a social network. Before you can earn money from Contact, you will have to go through a short registration procedure. The service has no age restrictions. Even a schoolchild will be able to earn income in his free time from classes. Every day a huge number of actions are added to the site for which payment will be charged. The average cost of one action is 20 kopecks.

Money on the service is credited to a virtual wallet. To withdraw earned money, you must have a “WebMoney” or “Yandex.Money” wallet. Only the owners will be able to get real money plastic card. The SMMOK service allows you to earn money on advertising in Contact on average per month.


Another good service, which has existed for several years now. Thanks to it, participants can receive and advertisers can increase the number of visitors to their site. Every day, VPrka offers to perform many paid actions, the average price of which is 20 kopecks. There are no restrictions on the number of tasks performed. Those who work more manage to earn more.

The minimum amount for withdrawal to VPrka is 50 rubles. You can earn that kind of money from a public page on Contact in just a few days. Payments are made within 24 hours upon request. You only have to spend a few hours a day to get a stable income.


A good service that allows you to earn a little more than the previous ones. Every day a participant can perform an unlimited number of actions for a price of 40 kopecks. It is possible to earn money by advertising on your own page. The price for this action is 10 rubles. The advantage of PROSPERO is that there is no minimum amount for withdrawal. Even if you earn a small amount from clicks, you can withdraw it at any convenient time.


A very serious service that works not only with pages on social networks, but also with groups and even individual blogs. The project allows you to earn impressive amounts, but the conditions for generating income here are more serious. An ordinary student will not be able to register here. Age matters. But an adult user with an active page or group on VKontakte can earn good money.

The minimum withdrawal amount for the Blogun project is 1000 rubles. But you can earn about 5,000 rubles a month here. This is a good addition to the budget. Users will be able to earn money from clicks and advertising on their own pages. The payment for each action is decent.

How to earn rubles in Contact using a group?

Owners of their own group on a social network can earn much more. Advertisers pay well for placing information about themselves in places where there are a huge number of visitors every day. But a simple social network user will not be able to earn much from the very first days. Initially, you need to create a group that will arouse interest among others, and then promote it.

Many people are interested in how much you can earn in “Contact” on your own network, which can become the main thing if you approach your earnings wisely and invest all your efforts in the development of the group. A simple schoolboy will not do this. If you set a goal and create a group that includes more than 200 thousand subscribers, you can earn more than 20 thousand rubles from advertising per month.

Create a group in Contact

Anyone can create a group on a social network absolutely free. Those who are interested in how to make money in Contact should think about the topic of the future group. After all, only owners of groups with more than 100 thousand subscribers will be able to receive a stable and good income. It is necessary to count on a large audience. A group dedicated to beauty and body care can gather a lot of subscribers. But the one whose theme will be Siamese cats will be of interest only to a narrow circle.

Groups with beautiful photographs and statements by celebrities are extremely popular among many. Every second social network member strives to stand out thanks to an original avatar or a beautiful status. A group dedicated to the lives of celebrities can also gather a lot of subscribers. But such a group will have to work a lot. After all, you will have to add news and posts to the wall every day. Everything must be done to ensure that the number of subscribers increases and the old group members do not disperse.

How to get promoted?

Creating a quality group takes a lot of effort. But this is only half the way. Is it possible to make money in Contact if the group has not yet been promoted? The income will be scanty. It is necessary to invite as many visitors to the group as possible. First of all, invitations are sent to friends. Many of them will not refuse to participate in the group out of politeness. News will begin to appear on pages on social networks. If the information in the group is really interesting, the number of subscribers will grow. But this way the promotion will be too slow.

Before asking how much they earn at Contact, you will have to spend a little yourself. There are special services that promote blogs and groups on social networks for a fee. In addition, the group can be advertised in other groups by paying the creators a small reward. Things will go much faster from the moment the group has more than 10 thousand subscribers.

Advertising on the group wall

As soon as the group on Contact has more than 100 thousand subscribers, you can start making good money. You can start by placing an advertisement on the wall. All subscribers will be able to see it, and some of them will definitely want to follow the link. The cost of advertising on the wall of a promoted group is on average 200-300 rubles. The question of whether it is possible to make money in “Contact” disappears by itself. After all, there are many people who want to place advertisements in the places they visit.

On initial stage You shouldn’t charge too high a price for posting information on the group’s pages. It's worth getting employers involved. Before you can earn money from Contact, you need to win a worthy place in the advertising services market. The cost of advertising can be raised gradually. 100 rubles per day will be enough at the initial stage.

Earnings on the stock exchange

Many people create groups on social networks for their own entertainment. But as soon as the number of subscribers increases to 100 thousand, you can start thinking about how to make money on Contact. Not everyone succeeds in finding advertisers the first time. To start receiving money faster, you can add your group to one of the specialized exchanges. These are services that help advertisers and group owners find each other. The intermediary will have to pay a small fee.

One of the most popular exchanges among users social networks is Plibber. Everyone has the opportunity to post information about their group and set a single price for advertising on the wall. Advertisers will apply. The group owner will only have to choose the offers that are most interesting to him. With the help of exchanges, you can not only make great money, but also promote your own blog or group.

Earning money on VKontakte from sales

Provides a unique opportunity to earn income without leaving home. Everyone should know how you can make money on Contact without getting more subscribers or communicating with advertisers. With the help of their page or group, anyone can sell a product or offer specific services. Every day, online store owners pay huge amounts of money for domain rentals. But a page on a social network can become no worse than a virtual store. The more subscribers you have, the more you will earn.

You can also earn income without investments. There are a huge number of virtual stores that offer to purchase products in bulk. A member of the VKontakte social network can become an organizer joint purchases. This is the purchase of goods for a certain amount from a single wholesale supplier. To make good money, you will have to devote a lot of time to your page. You will need to create several albums with products and promptly update captions under photos. Prices must always be up to date. The organizational fee for joint purchases usually does not exceed 15% of the wholesale cost of the goods. The more joint purchases are organized, the higher the income will be.

Modern social networks play a huge role in a person’s life, but few people realize that they can make good money using them. The most popular social network in Russia, VKontakte, is an excellent, and most importantly, reliable and long-term source of income. The most important thing here is to be able to make money via the Internet and know the basic secrets of generating income.

So, how to make money in VKontakte? What are the main ways to make money at the moment?

Earning money from groups and pages

The most popular option for making money on a social network is creation of groups and special pages for commercial activities. People who are far from making money online don’t even imagine how exactly they can make a profit from the VKontakte group.

Everything is very simple, the main thing that is required from the owner of the group is its promotion. As soon as the community is promoted and the number of visitors exceeds several hundred or thousand per day, you can start making a profit. How can you get real money from the virtual community VKontakte?


One of the most common options for making money on a social network. Nowadays, very often in groups you can find advertisements for some goods or services from other groups. By following a link in the community, a person can make a purchase.

Of course, a well-promoted group does not just post information about another resource on its page. Appropriate dividends will be received for this information. Promoted communities or VKontakte pages receive several thousand a day just for advertising. By the way, you can find an advertiser on special resources, such as vktarget.ru, forumok.com, sarafanka.com. With the help of these sites you can promote your own VKontakte group.

Online store

The benefit of creating an online store in VKontakte is that the owner of the group will not have to pay for hosting or a domain. If he had decided to simply create his own website on the Internet, it would have been impossible to do without these costs.

The principle of operation is very simple: the owner of the group places images of various products in his online store and their prices with an existing personal markup. A good online store with a large number of subscribers earns several thousand rubles daily. It is better to create a group dedicated to certain product categories, for example, clothing or sports nutrition. In this case, it will be much easier to find buyers.

affiliate program

If a person does not want to independently deal with selling things, delivering them and replenishing collections, he can always join the affiliate program.

In this case, the community owner only needs to place a link to the product in his group, and when he purchases it, he will receive a percentage of the income. Of course, such a business is profitable only if the group has several thousand subscribers.

Selling a page or community

Also interesting and profitable way earnings that are popular. In this case, it is necessary to promote the VKontakte group as much as possible, and then put it up for sale. It is important that the group not only has subscribers, but that there are also active discussions, people comment on the news and share them on their pages.

Many businessmen on the Internet are engaged in promoting groups and pages for their subsequent sale. If you understand the algorithm of work, this business can bring considerable profit.

You can also make money through your VKontakte communities using file sharing services. This option is ideal for film groups. All that is required of the community owner is to post the material on a file hosting service and expect that subscribers will follow the link and download it. In this case, with multiple downloads, a person can get a good income.

Most often, the owners of their VKontakte groups use several options for earning money at once to obtain maximum profit.

The most important advantage of such earnings is the lack of investments. Although, in order to promote your group in the shortest possible time, advertising is required. And if the income itself in contact on groups does not require investments, then considerable funds are sometimes needed to promote the community.

Earning money from applications

Many people think that earnings in contact are limited to advertising in groups or promoting communities. In fact, there are a huge number of ways to make money on this social network, and Application Development– almost the most profitable of them.

If the owner of his VKontakte group can hope to make a profit of only a few thousand a day, the creator of the application has the opportunity to receive 500 thousand in a couple of months! At first glance, this is impossible and fabulous money, but many successful VKontakte application developers earn it.

The most important thing is to create an interesting and structured application that people will like. The more people who take part in the games, the better.

Many applications provide multiple free levels, and further completion of the game is possible only for money. Thus, fabulous incomes are added up, which the owner can count on.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to develop the application itself. In addition to theoretical and practical knowledge in programming, you also need to promote your game. Now the competition for various applications in VKontakte is very high, and therefore it is quite difficult to earn income here.

However, a huge advantage of this earning option is that one application can generate income for many years. Of course, some changes and new items will have to be made to it to make it more interesting for people to play, but still this is a very profitable and really working option for making a profit!

Is it possible to make money from likes?

Social networks are becoming more and more popular every year, and therefore making money from likes is not uncommon. It’s worth mentioning right away that this option for part-time work won't bring in much income, but it will take a lot of effort. So, what is the essence of the work?

There are services on the Internet, such as Likeberi.com, forumok.com, Twite.ru, where it is quite possible to make money on likes. All that is required of a person is to register on this resource and start completing all the tasks presented. The cost of one like varies depending on the number of online friends a person has.

Of course, this is not a lot of money, but for many people it is an excellent option for part-time work. This kind of income has a number of disadvantages that are worth talking about:

  • The work itself is very monotonous and quickly gets boring even for the most assiduous Internet users.
  • Income from likes will be small, even if a person registers on several resources at once.
  • The VKontakte news feed will turn into a whole set of incomprehensible groups and messages, which will obviously not be to the liking of a person’s friends on the social network.
  • Many resources for making money from likes have restrictions on withdrawals of a few dollars. That is why it will not be possible to get the money right away.

And yet, this earning option helps many people earn at least some money on the Internet in a couple of hours at the computer. By the way, on the listed resources it is quite possible to promote your group if you register not as a surfer, but as an advertiser.

Other earning options In contact

If promoting your group and creating applications seems too complicated, and making money from likes is frivolous, you shouldn’t despair, because there are several other options for working on a social network:

  1. Firstly, there is the opportunity to simply get a job as an employee in a social network. On home page The site always has a vacancy section where you can find a suitable profession and try yourself in cooperation with one of the most successful companies in Russia. Most often, the VKontakte service requires programmers and Internet developers. People with really good knowledge of Internet programming are now worth their weight in gold, and VKontakte is one of the best platforms for them to make money.
  2. Secondly, you can try yourself as an administrator of a VKontakte group. This is an excellent option for making money remotely, which also brings pleasure. Typically, being a group administrator does not require any special knowledge. All you need to do is find a community of interests and ask if they have an administrator vacancy. Places on promoted resources are always occupied, because work there brings in income and is considered prestigious. That is why it is better to look for an administrator position in a less popular community that has prospects.
    If a person is really interested in the topic, then he will be happy to promote the group. Usually the earnings here are not exorbitant and range from 8-15 thousand rubles per month. However, after the group manages to be brought to the Top, having achieved several thousand subscribers, the salary will increase noticeably. All that is required of the administrator is to add photos, videos, and articles to the group. You can also come up with competitions and discussion pavilions to stir up interest in the group.
  3. Thirdly, on Vkontakte you can always make money from your creativity. In particular, many artists, writers, and musicians create groups and pages where they offer their creativity or their services for sale. Groups offering hand-made goods, that is, made with their own hands, are very popular. This is an income for those people who not only want to earn income, but also dream of promoting their creativity.

How to withdraw money from the system?

It was already mentioned above that there are special sites on the Internet that help customers and performers find each other. If a person wants to make money from advertising or likes, he only needs to register on such resources. As soon as income appears, it can be withdrawn to Webmoney and Yandex.Money. People who are far from making money online have no idea how exactly virtual money can turn into real money. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it.

All that is required from a person is create your wallet on Webmoney and withdraw your earned money to this system. As soon as the money is transferred to online wallet, they can be transferred to a card or by money transfer through the Golden Crown and Unistream. Also using virtual money you can make purchases, top up your phone balance or pay for the Internet. Very often, people who make money, for example, from likes, are in no hurry to withdraw money from the Internet, preferring to top up their phone balance or pay for utilities.

Also, if the owner of the VKontakte community finds an advertiser from his city, he may well agree on a cash payment. And yet, electronic money is a much more practical option for paying for services. If a person has developed the VKontakte application, then he cooperates directly with the administration of the social network, also receiving payments to an electronic account.

It is not difficult to earn income online using social networks. The choice of how to earn money will depend on the abilities and desires of the person himself. As on real work To earn income on the Internet, you need to put in a lot of effort. And yet, a lot of money earned on the social network VKontakte is not a myth, but a reality of modern life.

Video about making money in VKontakte

The video discusses in detail several sites with which you can make money through Contact:

Good day! Friends, have you noticed that over the past few years the number of all kinds of public pages and communities on social networks has increased several times and continues to grow? Moreover, if previously all of them were created for one or another objective reasons that were not directly related to the social network, now the lion’s share of all these communities are created only in order to make a profit from subscribers. It should be noted that the income of the community owner depends on the number of the latter. Therefore, not only a competent creation plays a huge role, but also promotion groups. Since creating such a source of income requires minimum investment, I decided to tell you about how to make money from a group in contact, relying only on your own knowledge and skills.

We create from scratch

Before you start calculating how much money you can make from a contact group, I suggest you first create one. Anyone registered on this social network can do this.

You will need very little: decide on the topic of the blog, which would be interesting to a large number of people and would encourage them to subscribe to group updates. I will not talk about this in detail in this article, since I devoted a separate review to this issue. I highly recommend him for information for everyone who is seriously thinking about how to make money in contact on groups.

Having decided on the thematic focus of the public, you will need to take care of it high-quality design. Give free rein to your imagination, experiment, think about what the content of the group should be so that more and more users join it.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that well-chosen graphic accompaniment (pictures) of the text will allow significantly increase the number of followers your public. If you can find your own flavor for the group and present it correctly, then you are guaranteed hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Let's start to unwind

Well because creating a public page is only half of it, it's time to discuss. In order for a community to be popular and new users to join it, you need to take care of a certain number of posts on its wall. That is, every person who finds himself in the public space should see fresh and original content and want to subscribe to group updates. You can learn more about the rules and subtleties of promotion in a separate article devoted to this issue.

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot

Popular ways to monetize your group

There are a great many options that allow you to make money on VKontakte groups. I suggest you overview of the largest and most popular, which bring the highest income.

Earnings from advertising

Considering that not so long ago the social network introduced new system ordering advertising, problems regarding how to make money in contact disappeared by themselves. Now the volume of your earnings and its timeliness will depend on how many subscribers there are in your group. The more targeted and active followers you attract to your public page, the more money you will receive.

Today, anyone can contact you, as the owner of the community, with a business proposal for advertising in the public. You agree on the cost of such a service and post on the community wall. Anticipating questions about how much advertising in a group costs, I will say that its cost can and should fluctuate. You will negotiate the price of posting with each client. individually. Unfortunately, most customers have no idea how much advertising costs in a well-promoted group, the number of subscribers in which has exceeded 100,000 people.

For convenience and orientation, I suggest you price list example indicating prices and traffic in the “typical billionaire” public.

Since settlements for such transactions occur through systems such as WebMoney or Yandex.money, it is possible risks associated with deception. Neither you nor the customer can be 100% sure that an advertising post will be placed after making an advance payment or that you will receive money after publishing an advertising message. In order not to become a hostage to such an unpleasant and controversial situation, it makes sense to include in the transaction intermediary. In this case, its role is taken directly by the social network. As a result, the price of advertising increases significantly.

Alternatively, you can add your own group to the official advertising exchange VKontakte or to any other third party service.

Top advertising exchanges VK

  • Sociate
  • Plibber

List of services

  • vktarget
  • v-like
  • vkserfing
  • Likesrock

Complete the appropriate tasks on them (in your case, publishing advertisements and messages), and get money for it. The cost of completing such an order will depend on the number of followers in your public page. For every new 1000 subscribers, the price of tasks will increase by 20-30 rubles.

In principle, this option is good not only for earning money, but also because attracts new subscribers to your group. As soon as you understand how to create high-quality advertising in contact, customers will begin to line up for your services.

Sending invitations to community members

This is another unusual option for making money on a social network. Let's imagine the following situation: some kind of event, to which the organizer wants to invite subscribers of your public. It is quite obvious that he cannot do this without your help. That is why he creates a VKontakte meeting, registers your group in the “Organizers” column and begins mass mailing the meeting. You receive good monetary gratitude for such assistance. The size of the “thank you” will again depend on the size of your community and its audience.

Collect target audience for business with Pepper.ninja

Earning money from affiliate programs

I will not repeat myself once again and tell you about the advantages CPA networks, but I’ll just say that this option for earning money is also available in the case of VKontakte groups. If you know, then the following services will be very useful to you in this matter:

  1. LEADS.SU – specializes in providing financial services. The program allows you to work with offers from advertisers of the service and pays you for the fact that attracted users have fulfilled the necessary requirement on the customer’s (advertiser) website;
  2. admitad.com – this is not only over 1000 offers for affiliate programs, but also the availability exclusive offers. Not only will a personal manager be assigned to you, but you will also be able to contact a direct advertiser at any time;
  3. kredov – famous for the stability of payments, a decent number of offers and a wide range of modern tools;
  4. mastertarget – a service where you can receive commissions both for placing orders for goods or services, and for booking test drives or consultations. The service features a radically new advertising format;
  5. aleba – working with this service will allow you to collaborate with professional analysts and a personal manager, use unique tools, segment your audience to increase conversion, and study detailed statistics on completed transactions online.

There is also a place to earn money from affiliate programs of various services. Just choose a niche that you are good at and go for it! If your topic is the creation and promotion of websites, try affiliate hosting programs. If you are interested in earning money without any investments, it makes sense to give preference to affiliate programs of CAP services.

For people who are actively investing on the Internet, it is quite possible that they will be interested in affiliate programs of Forex or those projects in which they are direct participants (these could be HYIPs, or they could be services trust management in the stock or foreign exchange market).

If you don’t want to engage in sales yourself, you can take advantage of the affiliate opportunities of online stores. Just post a link to the seller in your public page and receive a commission for every completed transaction. Today affiliate partnerships are extremely popular. Aliexpress programs, Ozon and E96. The latter, by the way, pays a commission of 10-20% of the purchase amount. That is, if an order worth 10,000 rubles was made using your link, then you can earn up to 2,000 rubles from this.

Earning money on goods, online store

An excellent option for making money would be to create a group that works according to the principle online store. For example, you purchased a batch of Chinese watches, placed relevant advertising posts on your public page and started selling the product. The main difficulty in this case is choice of delivery system and payment principle for the order. Depending on how popular your store is, you can receive 300-2500 rubles of net profit daily.

Today it is very popular to make purchases at wholesale prices in China, then sell goods with a certain margin online. You can post exclusively product advertisements in your online store, or you can dilute your feeds with information posts that will be useful to your customers.

How to make money selling a group in contact

One more in an interesting way earnings from groups can be considered the sale of the latter. That is, you need to promote the public as much as possible, attract as many subscribers as possible to it, and then put it up for sale. The price of your item will be influenced not only by the number of followers, but also group activity. In other words, it is important for the buyer that the community is “alive” - there are active discussions in it, people comment on posts, share them on their pages.

Quite a few businessmen promote groups online only to sell them later. Having understood the algorithm of actions, very soon you can begin to receive quite large incomes from such activities.

Other ways to earn money

If you feel like you can’t cope with promoting a group, but it doesn’t seem like a serious undertaking to you, don’t despair. For those who are really interested in how to make money on a social network, there are these options:


In principle, making money on a VKontakte group is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It’s much more difficult to come up with and create a public page that would be interesting large number of users. If you set yourself the goal of creating an original and unique community that will attract a wide audience, then you will never have problems with monetizing it. Do quality work and enjoy the results. I wish you great profits and, as always, see you soon!

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The social network VKontakte offers not only communication with your friends or checking out the news, but also the opportunity to earn money. Most owners of groups, pages and public pages strive to ensure that their communities generate income. There are several basic methods of earning money, which, if approached correctly, can be very profitable. How to make money on VKontakte on your page and what do you need to do for this?

Popular and effective methods

A significant advantage of the social network is that you can monetize almost everything, from likes, reposts and comments to various services. It is necessary to consider the most effective ways of earning money, which have been tested by time and a large number of users, and which relate directly to personal pages.


Your own promoted page is a great place to advertise your services. For example, you can offer your friends and subscribers nail or eyelash extension services - a popular topic today. You can also engage in training and coaching, while simultaneously demonstrating the results of your work so that they appear in your friends’ news feeds.

Selling goods

From your personal page you can make some kind of online store. It will be possible to display the products themselves in photographs, and to advertise some of them in the feed.

Partnership programs

This method is considered the most popular. Its essence is that you advertise someone else’s product or service on your page using the appropriate link - an affiliate link. When a person reacts to this post, clicks on the link and performs certain actions on the partner site, you receive a pre-agreed profit.

Completing tasks

You can use your personal account to perform various tasks, such as leaving a like or comment, reposting to your page, or subscribing. Orders can be taken on the relevant exchanges, which will be listed below.

One of the options for choosing tasks:

How to make money using your personal page

Now let's look at what you need to do to make a profit through a personal account.

  • create a public page;
  • fill it with friends - the more of them, the better. The same goes for subscribers. In this case, it is not recommended to cheat them, since you need the liveliest audience, otherwise your services will receive much less coverage than expected;
  • the services offered are placed in the records;
  • the feed must be updated regularly;
  • encourage subscribers to take active action - if they ask questions, try to answer them as quickly as possible, run all sorts of promotions, make discounts;
  • leave as much personal information and contact information on the page as possible - people should see that everything is transparent and legal.

You see, even Buzova filled out every column

Sale of goods:

  • the page must be public;
  • she must have many subscribers and friends;
  • it is advisable to fill it with unique or at least not too competitive products;
  • Do-it-yourself products are very popular;
  • VK offers a special tab for placing goods - that’s where they need to be laid out;
  • regularly advertise the most beautiful or sought-after products on the wall;
  • Be sure to leave as much personal and contact information as possible on the page.

Partnership programs:

  • you must have a public page;
  • she must have many friends and subscribers;
  • choose one of the popular spa chains. There are quite a lot of them, and some have a good reputation, while others not so much. Preference should be given to the former, even if the latter offer more pleasant terms of cooperation. Trusted exchanges include projects such as epn.bz, su, Mastertarget and many others. Interface epn.bz:

  • select the most suitable affiliate program, and then connect it;
  • post the received affiliate link on your page;
  • waiting for the results.

Completing tasks:

  • the page used should have as many friends and subscribers as possible;
  • it must be public;
  • choose one of the available services that specialize in promoting pages, public pages and groups on VK. There are a lot of them too. We can recommend sites such as Socelin, or. On these services, as a rule, everything is clear right away, you can not only work there, but also act as an advertiser, that is, order promotion of your account (if necessary);
  • take a task that suits you, complete it using your personal page;
  • you get money.

Amounts of earnings

The amount of profit you can receive from your VK account depends on many factors. First of all, this is a way to earn money. The largest sums can be earned from the sale of goods and services. With a competent approach to solving this issue, monthly profit can range from 500 rubles and above, and the upper limit is not limited in any way.

As for affiliate programs, the amount of earnings here can range from 100 to several thousand rubles, depending on how people react to the affiliate link posted. The smallest earnings come from completing tasks. You can earn 10-50 rubles a day here if you try. You will get about 1,000 rubles a month, but you will have to work a lot for this.

Possible problems and their solutions

It would be foolish to hope that money will start pouring into your head, all you have to do is want it. Making money on personal VK pages can be associated with various problems:

  • A low level of sales of goods and services means that either few people are interested in them, or you have few friends. Develop the page, if necessary, change its theme, that is, start selling something else.
  • Partners don’t want to work with me, which means the page doesn’t meet existing requirements. Fix it.
  • No money was credited for completed tasks - use only trusted services to avoid becoming a victim of scammers.

Making money on a personal VK page is real, and this direction is considered very promising.

You will find out whether you can make money from a group on VK, how much money it will bring and what to do to increase your income. Read about what kind of group to create so that it makes a profit.

23.03.2018 Andrey Kushchev

To receive a stable and high income, you don’t have to go to the office or create a business offline. One of the most accessible and popular types of online business is the creation and promotion of VKontakte pages.

How to create a group, promote it and make money from it - read the article.

VKontakte is a great platform for making money

Advertising on the Internet is expensive. The demand for it is always great and continues to grow. Traditional businesses strive to advertise their brand on social networks, and online stores use them as an important source of additional traffic.

Administrators of large public sites earn millions of rubles. The cost of one advertising post in their communities reaches 50 thousand rubles, or even higher.

The screenshot shows how much one post costs in popular public pages. But this is not the limit. VKontakte rules allow the admin to publish 5 advertising posts per day - 3 through the official advertising exchange and 2 by personal agreement with the advertiser.

Often, professional admins have several public pages, each of which brings in a stable income.

What group should I create to make a profit?

Choosing a topic is a primary task. Success and income directly depend on this. The topic should be interesting to you and your future audience. Only with this approach will you be able to create and publish interesting content, for which users will subscribe to your public page.

Three main themes are in constant demand - entertainment, women's and business themes.

Entertainment theme

Pages dedicated to humor, films and television series are the most popular. They gain an audience of millions. They usually advertise consumer goods - watches, gadgets, sneakers, glasses, etc.

Women's group

Women are the most active audience on the Internet. It's easier for them to sell, so advertising on pages with women's themes costs more.

In addition, such platforms are easier to promote - women join communities more often than men and are more active in them.

Business topics

Success stories, posts for motivation and useful tips for entrepreneurs – a relevant and popular topic for the male segment of social network users.

Such sites are more difficult to promote, but they are usually attended by men over 20 years old. This is a solvent audience - a real boon for advertisers, so they are willing to pay well for placing their advertisements in such groups.

There is very high competition among public administrators on popular topics. Promoting a community and making it competitive will not be easy - it will take a lot of time, effort and money.

How to make money from a group on VK - step-by-step instructions

To start making money, you need to decide on a topic, create a public page and start promoting it. Each of these stages is equally important and requires a responsible and creative approach.

Let's try to understand each of the points.

Step 1. Select a topic and analyze competitors

Choosing a topic is the most difficult and important task, on which the success of promotion and future income depend. There is high competition in each area.

Topic selection includes:

  • competitor analysis;
  • audience analysis.

High competition is not a reason to abandon the topic that interests you. Analyze your competitors' content. Most of them will be of low quality - this increases your chances. If you are confident that you can do better, this is your topic. Perhaps you have a unique idea - that's even better.

Step 2. Create and fill the group

Depending on the selected topic, a page or group is created.

A group is an open or closed community in which people with similar interests gather. For example, fishing enthusiasts exchange their secrets, write reports on the success of trips to the pond and share interesting stories. Often promoted groups are more active than pages.

Publics are public pages. They have a more official and unified format - posting memes, news, music, movies, life hacks, recipes, stories, materials for specialists, instructions, videos, etc.

People join groups for the sake of communication, and subscribe to pages to receive interesting and useful information.

After creating a community, you need to set an avatar, and, if necessary, create a menu and wiki pages.

If you want your avatar to be unique, order it from a designer. Do not steal from competitors under any circumstances - this is prohibited by VK rules. The content must also be original. Remember: your job is to be better than competitors.

Step 3. Promote the page on VK

Promotion is the most difficult process. It requires complete dedication and considerable investment from the page owner.

To promote a public website, you need investments - you can’t do without them. After creating a group and starting posting content, start promoting it.

There are two main ways to attract subscribers:

  1. Targeted advertising – use of targeting tools.
  2. Advertising in competitor communities - mutual PR or paid posts.

Additionally, use competitions - they help to catch up with subscribers. For example, you have a group of fishing enthusiasts. Use it with a good wobbler, line or set of hooks. One of the conditions of the competition is reposting the entry and subscribing. The method is low-cost but effective.

Step 4. Choose a monetization method and receive income

There are several ways to make a profit from a site in VK:

  • monetize traffic yourself - sell your own products or promote an offer using the CPA model, receiving a high commission for the sale of other people’s products;
  • post other people's posts - this method is more stable - regardless of the advertiser's success, you receive a fixed fee.

Experienced administrators use both methods. If advertisers are not always placed, monetizing traffic yourself will allow you not to lose income.

How much can you earn

Income depends on many factors - the number of subscribers, their activity, the topic of the community, and the purchasing power of the audience. There are thousands of groups on VKontakte. Most of them are abandoned and inactive.

The earnings of administrators differ significantly. There is no average number. Some earn 100 rubles a day, while others earn 50,000 rubles per post.

A lot of subscribers is not an indicator. The main criterion for evaluating a community is the activity of subscribers. The higher this indicator, the higher the publication price for the advertiser.

3 main rules to earn more

Most admins fail for the same reasons - incorrect approach to promotion, copyright infringement and irresponsible approach to business.

To earn more and prevent typical mistakes, read the main rules, following which you will definitely achieve success.

Rule 1: Work hard

The VKontakte community requires full dedication from the admin, especially at the initial stage of its promotion.

So that the reader does not get bored and does not leave you, you need to publish regularly for him interesting materials. They need to be searched, processed and published - this will take a lot of time.

Audience activity should be stimulated with surveys, competitions, and lively discussions.

Even if you already have a well-promoted community, the approach to work should not change - subscribers can always go to competitors. Always expand. Professionals create and lead dozens of groups - all of them generate income.

Rule 2: Create quality content

Low quality content – Right way to failure. It is better not to publish anything at all than to publish bad articles, reviews or photos.

You also can’t steal from your competitors - your group will be banned, and your subscribers will be able to see who stole from whom. The administrator of a competing public site only needs to leave one complaint against you in VK support and confirm the fact of plagiarism in order for you to be blocked.

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