USB does not charge the phone. Why can't my phone charge via USB from my computer? What to do? The phone charges, but very slowly

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Let's imagine this unusual situation. The user purchases a tablet, unpacks it and decides to charge it from the computer. Using a USB cable, he connects the device to a computer or laptop and... Nothing happens. At all. What's the matter, what to do in such a situation?

Lack of power

Some tablets simply do not have enough power to charge from a USB port. As a rule, this applies to models with large screens, since they consume a lot of energy, but, according to reviews, this drawback also occurs on small tablets.

What to do? Accept it as a feature of the device, but you still can’t do anything about it. Charge your tablet from the mains.

By the way, if there is a lack of power, the tablet may show that it is charging from the USB port, but in reality it will not charge.

Reboot your tablet

If until now the tablet was charging from USB, but now it doesn’t want to, it may be a failure operating system. Which OS, computer or tablet? Just in case, we recommend that you first restart the tablet and, if this does not help, the computer.

By the way, try connecting the switched off tablet to the computer and see the effect, this often helps.

Use a different USB port

It is possible that the port you are using has some problems, as a result of which it does not charge the tablet. Try using a different USB port; fortunately, even laptops have at least 2-3 of them.

Check the USB cable

This is especially true if you have pinched a cable or have pets that love to chew on wires. To check the wire itself, try using it to charge the device from the mains. Not charging? Most likely, the problem is in the wire, although we must not forget about the USB connector on the tablet itself, which could have failed.

Rapid loss of charge on communication equipment causes serious inconvenience to owners. If you are not charging mobile phone, you can always find the cause of the malfunction and correct the situation. And in cases where the mobile phone does not charge either from the charger or from the USB port, it is recommended to contact a workshop for repair or replacement of individual parts.

Mobile phone is not charging

When your phone doesn't charge, you have to deny yourself many of the usual entertainments: calling friends, watching videos, visiting your favorite sites. The estimated service life of modern batteries rarely exceeds two years, and the first symptom that foretells an early replacement of this part is the phone draining too quickly and problems with charging.

There are several possible faults. In some cases, the device does not charge from charger, in others - from USB, in others - it shows the battery charging process on the screen, but in the end it turns out to be only 10-20% charged. Many owners immediately purchase a new battery, but there is no need to rush: in some cases, the battery may last a long time, and the cause of the malfunction lies in the connector, charger cord, or oxidation of the contacts.

The phone shows charging, but does not charge

If, when connected to a power source, the phone shows charging, but is not charging, the first thing you need to do is check which applications are running at that moment. You may have forgotten to turn it off Mobile Internet, Wi-Fi or game. In this case, the device may consume more energy than it receives when charging, especially when using the USB port. When charging is in progress, but the phone does not charge, the cause may be a non-original charger. Cheap copies from China can cause serious harm to the battery, and the charging process turns into a lottery with unpredictable results. Therefore, it is much more profitable to purchase an original charger, with which you can recharge your mobile phone at any time. If you are using a high-quality device, then the failure may be due to a partial breakdown of the integrity of the cable. Internal damage may not be noticeable, so the only way to check is to try a different charger.

Phone won't charge via USB

Owners of laptops and computers often combine business with pleasure: they use a USB port to charge their phone. However, it may well happen that this method will only bring disappointment. The phone does not charge from USB in several cases:

  • the connector is too loose;
  • oxidation of contacts occurred;
  • the wire is broken;
  • the battery has become unusable;
  • The battery is not calibrated correctly.

If your phone won't charge via USB, try powering it using a wall outlet. For this purpose, you should use a charger recommended by the manufacturer, and if you don’t have one, an adapter. The process will go much faster.

Sometimes connecting to a different port can help, because the inputs of a laptop or computer can also be faulty. And sometimes the cause of the problem is inattention: if you do not fully insert either of the two ends of the cable, charging the phone will not be possible because contact is not ensured.

Laptop owners are also advised to check whether the laptop is connected to an electrical outlet. If the device is running on battery power, the system often blocks the use of USB ports. As long as you have at least one way to charge your phone's battery, there's no need to worry. However, it is important to constantly monitor the condition of the battery itself and not use it if the slightest signs of deformation appear.

Why it won't charge - the main reasons

Is it possible to independently determine why the battery on your phone is not charging? If you decide not to contact a repairman for now, you can rule out several potential causes of the malfunction yourself. To determine why the battery on your phone is not charging, carefully inspect the connector. If the owner has a habit of leaving the smartphone on charge all night, sometimes you can notice a discoloration in the connector area. This may indicate that it was regularly overheating, so it is possible that the contacts have oxidized or become deformed. In such cases, it is advised to wipe them very carefully with alcohol.

The next step is to inspect the battery. The appearance of swelling can be determined by placing the battery on a table and twisting it. A working battery fits tightly to the surface, so there will be no rotation. The faulty one will rotate easily. As soon as a defect in the shape of the battery occurs, it should be replaced immediately: it will still not be possible to fully charge the device. And with further use, the battery case may crack, the contents will fall on the board, and then the only thing left to do is throw away the mobile phone.

Not charging - what to do

A battery charging problem can occur at any time. What to do if the phone is not charging? To start, try charging your device while it's turned off and make it one of your habits. If unsuccessful, experts recommend turning to friends with the same cell phone model and trying to use their charger or cord to connect to a computer. If this operation was successful, buy yourself a new charger and cord.

If your device does not charge even from someone else’s charger, then you will need the help of a qualified specialist. Our technicians have all the necessary spare parts and equipment to find the cause of the problem and repair the power circuit, connector or battery controller of a phone that is not charging.

It is worth considering that the phone battery cannot be repaired: this part will have to be replaced. It is worth giving preference to original spare parts, because they are ideally suited to the needs of a particular model.

If it happens to you that charging is going on, but your smartphone is not charging, read the article. It describes all the problems and ways to solve them.

The main advantage of any smartphone, like any other mobile device, is to keep the battery charged for a long time. But you still need to recharge the gadget.

  • Previously, companies producing such devices equipped mobile devices with special original connectors.
  • The device could only be plugged into a power outlet using a proprietary “charger” provided by the manufacturer.
  • Mobile devices are now equipped universal connectors micro-USB on Android devices and USB type C - on new gadgets with latest versions Android and iOS OS.
  • This helped make using the device simple for the user; losing the cable is no longer a problem, since you can charge the device from a PC. But what should you do if you can’t add charge to your smartphone using this charging method? Look for the answer further in the text.

Why can't my Android phone and iPhone charge via USB from a computer, laptop, or from a wall charger?

If you connect your smartphone to charge from a computer or laptop, and the charging percentage does not increase, there may be a variety of reasons. Let's take a closer look. It is worth noting several main reasons why Android phones and iPhones do not charge via USB from a computer, laptop, or from a wall charger. Let's look at them in more detail:

System glitch in the device program.

  • If the OS is frozen, the controller does not give a command to transfer current to the battery.
  • Getting rid of this problem is simple: restart the device by holding down the On/Off or Home key for a few seconds.
  • Then turn on the device and connect it to your computer to charge.

The problem is in the firmware.

  • This problem often occurs on iPhones. If you recently updated the firmware, and suddenly the phone stopped charging, then do a rollback.
  • But to perform this action you need backup copy which you should have done earlier.
  • This recovery is done through iTunes. Just click in the program " Restore from copy».
  • If you don’t have a system in reserve, then reset it to the manufacturer’s settings. But keep in mind that in this case you will lose all photos, music and video files.

Charger fault

  • The charging unit can quickly break down, especially if it is Chinese and cheap.
  • Expensive smartphones need to be charged only with a branded unit. The use of “left charging” can have the most unpleasant consequences: rapid wear of the battery, breakdown of the device, or even its unexpected explosion.
  • Try connecting the device to the computer using a different cable.

Lightning cable failure

  • Even if such a cable looks great on the outside, it may still be faulty.
  • Try using a different cable of the same type. If charging continues, it means the old cable is faulty and you need to buy a new one.

Lightning port glitch

  • This problem often occurs with iPhones.
  • This is not always a breakdown. The problem may be caused by dust and dirt. This will be visible if you look into the port.
  • If you can see that there is a lot of dust in the hole, then carefully remove the dirt from the port with a toothpick. The contacts will clear and begin to conduct current.

USB port is not working

  • The USB port on your PC or laptop may not function or may have low current or power.
  • Connect to a different port or charge your smartphone from a wall outlet or PowerBank.

Fault in parts (battery, cable, etc.)

  • If you have already followed all the tips, but the phone still does not charge, then some part of it is faulty.
  • It happens that water gets into the smartphone and it stops functioning normally.
  • In this case, you need to take the device to a specialist for service. They will find the problem and fix the problem.

Lack of charging current

  • You can find out using a tester, usb-doctor, or using special program on the phone.
  • If you cannot do this yourself, contact IT specialists for service.

Thin cable

  • Perhaps the wire is too thin and does not conduct the current required.
  • Try using other wires with the charging box instead of charging from the computer.

Low power in the motherboard circuit

  • It's unlikely, but such cases do happen. Basically, manufacturers adhere to the standard, but such a malfunction must also be taken into account. If the manufacturer still does not announce the function of charging devices via a USB port, then you should not count on powerful charging currents.
  • Contact a professional if you suspect this problem.

Bus feeds

  • If your computer is designed only to be turned on from peripherals, and not to power gadgets, there may not be enough power for charging.
  • You should review your BIOS settings. But it’s difficult to do this on your own. Contact the specialists.

If you doubt the quality of USB ports, then you should purchase a special tester for the charging cable. Its price is small (up to 250 rubles), but you can always find out what is causing the problem.

The phone shows that charging is in progress, but is not charging: what to do, how to charge?

When a mobile device does not charge, this is a disappointment for the user, especially if charging is in progress, but the battery remains empty. In this case, panic begins, because a modern person without a phone is like without hands. What to do and how to charge if the phone shows that charging is in progress, but is not charging? Here possible reasons this problem and ways out of the situation:

  • The charging unit does not function. Try charging the device through a different wire and unit. If it doesn't help, then that's not the problem.
  • Faulty phone system. If you are sure that the wire and charging unit are working properly, and the smartphone says that charging is in progress, but the battery is empty, then you should contact a specialist with the device. In this case, you need to flash the device or replace the input.
  • The battery has failed. The battery in the phone cannot be repaired, and if it malfunctions, you need to buy new battery. If this part is built into the smartphone, then you will have to purchase a new device.
  • Open applications and other services. If you put the device on charge and did not close the applications, and also did not turn off the services, then charging will proceed slowly as the power supply is running open source software. Disable all applications, programs, services, and especially WI-FI.

It often happens that the phone is charged for a long time, for example, all night, and after that the battery charge is scanty - 1-2%. In this case, the problem is a faulty battery or power controller. In the first case, you can replace the battery and continue to use the device, but in the second, you need to take the device to professionals for repair.

Video: iPhone4 shows charging, but does not charge. Repairing the battery cable

The battery is weakness any laptop. The older he gets, the faster the battery drains. Therefore, the issue of recharging it becomes more and more acute, and the charger is not always at hand. Is it possible to charge a laptop via a USB port from another computer or from an external PowerBank? Let's try to understand this issue.

If I had been asked this question a few years ago, I would have confidently answered that no, you can’t! Indeed, previously the USB port on a laptop was used exclusively for connecting peripheral devices. Yes, it was possible to recharge a phone or tablet from it, but it did not have the opposite effect. A special power supply was used to charge the battery. Moreover, often each manufacturer had it with its own individual connector, which was terribly inconvenient. Especially on the road.

But time passes and everything changes. On the latest models of laptops, netbooks and ultrabooks, a new USB port 3.1. This is the so-called Type C connector. This is what it looks like:

So, thanks to technological progress, you can finally use USB ports to charge your laptop.

What are the differences between ports

The fact is that the USB standard itself was developed quite a long time ago, back in 1994. And then the question of supplying pure power through this bus did not arise at all. Subsequently, over more than 20 years, quite a few types of USB connectors were invented:

But the only thing they all had in common was that they could not provide power transmission of more than 4.5 Watts. If this was at least enough for a smartphone or tablet, then for a laptop you need at least 30, and preferably 50 or more. Accordingly, charging a laptop via USB was out of the question until a more energy-intensive version appeared. And Type C became it. It is almost half the size of the usual 2.0/3.0 standard port:

But it can easily provide current transmission of up to 100 Watts in both directions - that is, both to the connected devices and from them to the host. This is quite enough not only for ordinary models, but even for gaming laptops. You can take one or two powerful power banks with you on the road and not worry about not having an outlet at hand!

What about owners of old models?

Unfortunately, they will not be able to charge a laptop via a USB port under any circumstances. They just don't know how to do it. How to be in this case? Just buy an extra battery and carry it with you. Or, alternatively, save money to buy a new one mobile computer. You may object - you can’t save enough money for this! But if your work depends on it, then maybe it makes sense to invest? You decide! Good luck!

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