What programming languages ​​are needed for what? Six Essential Programming Languages ​​for Mobile Developers

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What programming language is worth learning? Sometimes the developer’s future depends on the correct answer to this question. There are many factors to consider when choosing a programming language, and don't forget that desktop and mobile apps have different requirements. It is also worth considering that technology is developing at a rapid pace and over time your knowledge may simply become outdated. You should also take into account that programming languages ​​vary in terms of functionality and complexity. Therefore, the answer to the question of which language to choose will depend on what problem you want to solve.

"High-level" languages ​​are most often used as programming languages. Although they are not primarily declarative, these languages ​​allow algorithms to express themselves in a level and style of writing that is easy to read and understand by other programmers. In addition, high-level languages ​​usually have "transport" characteristics. That is, they are implemented on multiple machines, so that the program can be easily "ported" from one machine to another without significant revision. In this sense they are called "machine independent".

For example, if you are developing a static web application, you must know plain HTML. Conversely, if you want to create a dynamic and extensible application, you must learn ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby on Rails or JavaScript and master the corresponding framework. InformationWeek offers an overview of the six main programming languages ​​for mobile application development.

“Assembly languages” and “Machine languages” depend on the machine. Assembly language is simply a symbolic representation of associated machine language, allowing for less tedious programming than the previous one. However, to be able to program effectively at any of these levels of the language requires knowledge of the underlying mechanical architecture.

The following three equivalent program segments reveal the main differences between machine languages, high-level assemblers. As this example shows, more low level language is closer to the characteristics of a particular type of machine and more distant from human understanding. There is also a close relationship between assembly language sentences and their machine coding language forms. The main difference here is that assembly languages ​​use symbols while machine understanding requires numerical codes.


If you want to develop web-based applications for mobile devices, then HTML5 is definitely your choice. Its basic capabilities make it easy to insert various types data into the application, streamline input parameters, smooth out differences in the processing of application data by several browsers, and also adjust program settings for different screen resolutions. HTML5 has already become an industry standard and is therefore supported by developers different ways and most web browsers.

Therefore, high level language or assembly language programming requires some kind of interface with machine language so that the program can be executed. The three most common interfaces are "assembler", "compiler" and "interpreter". Compilation is, in general, a more efficient process than interpretation for most types of machines. This is mainly because the statements within the "loop" must be reinterpreted each time they are executed by the interpreter.

Each sentence is interpreted and then translated into machine language just one time. In some cases, a compiler can be used as an alternative to an interpreted language and vice versa. Interpretation is often preferred over compilation in experimental or educational programming environments, where each new implementation of a program involves changing the program text itself. The quality of diagnostics and debugging supported by interpreted languages ​​is usually better than that of compiled languages ​​because error messages relate directly to statements in the program source code.

Support for the HTML5 standard is provided on almost all modern mobile platforms, including iOS, Android and Windows Phone, which is another important advantage of it. The webmaster no longer needs to post several versions of media content for “full-fledged” computers and mobile devices. It is known that with Flash system iOS is not fully compatible, and Android is only partially compatible. In the case of HTML5, this problem is completely removed.

Moreover, the efficiency advantage traditionally attributed to compiled or interpreted languages ​​may soon be eliminated by the evolution of machines whose languages ​​are themselves high-level languages. Programming languages ​​come from different perspectives. It is important that the programmer determines which concepts to release or include in programming. Every programmer has a particular programming style in mind, a decision to include or omit certain types of data that can significantly influence the way a language is used, a decision to use or omit programming concepts or models.

However, those programmers who are involved in the layout of web pages in HTML5 should be reminded that in the next few months there may be significant changes in HTML5 that affect how browsers process code.

In terms of efficiency and labor costs, HTML5 has an advantage because it is easier to learn than other languages. If you want to build web-based, browser-based applications, then HTML is obviously your choice.

There are five styles of programming and they are as follows. In parallel: it is still in the research process. . More importantly, history allows us to see the evolution of families of programming languages, to see the influence computer architectures and applications to language design and avoid future design defects by learning from the lessons of the past. Those who study were chosen due to their greater influence and widespread use among programmers, as well as their various characteristics design and implementation.

Taken together, they cover the most important aspects of language design and most applications a programmer encounters. For readers interested in studying the history of programming languages, we recommend the proceedings of a recent conference on the subject, edited by Richard Wexelblatt.


It’s worth prefacing the story about the Java language with the fact that there are other programming languages ​​that have the word “Java” in their names - JavaScript or Enterprise Java Beans, but these are all different systems. Of these three, Java is directly related to mobile development. It is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Java, as well as other Sun Microsystems properties, is currently owned by Oracle. According to most experts, Java is one of the most commonly used programming languages; proficiency in it is useful not only for private software development, but is also required by enterprises.

This means that the American National Standards Institute has adopted this version of the language as a national standard. Once a language is standardized, machines implementing that language must conform to all standard specifications, thereby maximizing the portability of programs from one machine to another.

Von Neumann computer architecture, which was an evolution of the oldest Turing machine, is the basic model for most computer projects over the past three decades. These machines not only influenced the first languages, but also provided the operating structure on which most system programs were developed.

One of the distinguishing features of Java is its versatility. Being compiled, the language can operate in two different ways: either in a browser window or run in virtual machine, which does not require a browser to operate. This flexibility is important when it comes to code reuse and software updates. If you are considering Android as your development platform of choice, then Java will almost certainly be your choice. But as for another popular mobile platform - iOS, the languages ​​Objective-C or Swift are often chosen to write software for it. One way or another, if you need to create a code base to work with different operating systems, then, of course, it is better to use Java for these purposes.

A more direct discussion of all these early models is beyond the scope of this text. However, it is important to note here its fundamental influence on the evolution of the first programming languages, on the one hand, and its state in the kernel computer theory- with another. Moreover, any algorithm that can be described in English or Spanish can be written equally as a Turing machine, a Markov algorithm, or a recursive function. This section, commonly known as the "Church Thesis", allows us to write algorithms in different programming styles without sacrificing any measure of generality or programming power in the process.

JavaScript is, as the name suggests, a scripting language for web browser applications. It can be used to add features to a web page, but as a complete development solution mobile applications this solution is not suitable.


In order to delve more deeply into the depths of Android or Windows, you will need skills in working with the C++ programming language. Being object-oriented, it can be used to develop applications for almost any purpose and on any existing platform, provides modularity, separate compilation, exception handling, data abstraction, virtual functions. C++ cannot be called a state-of-the-art programming tool; it has come a long way and there are many implementations of it, both free and commercial, and for various platforms. One of the most significant advantages of C++ is that it combines the properties of both high-level and low-level languages.

Edition. It's no surprise that the world is undergoing a digital age revolution, and we are increasingly moving away from managing information in physical form. To do this, we rely on the growing information storage and processing capacity of computers. Thus, there is a need for professionals from different sectors to become more knowledgeable about programming languages, separating them from the image of traditional people and nerds.

What is a programming language?

If with printed forms of communication we knew about their publishing tools, today, in the information age, the production of digital content depends on the popularization of knowledge about programming languages. Programming languages ​​are nothing more than sets of standardized instructions for a computer to understand certain commands, that is, to become a machine capable of processing and even storing data. They are becoming closer and closer to our daily lives, often without realizing it.

Objective C

While most countries in the world use C++ for software development, Apple decided to go its own way, choosing Objective C as its main programming language. Like C++, Objective C is a superset of the C language. Therefore, any C program is an Objective-C program. However, the latter has a number of functions that interact directly with graphics, input/output and display functions in a specific way. Objective-C is part of the Apple development environment and is fully integrated into all iOS and MacOS frameworks.

What are the benefits of each? How to choose the best projects for beginners?

Smartphones, tablets, laptops and more and more devices are being inserted into this category, and not necessarily the same programming language will be used to create software for each of them. According to the application, one language may be more specified than another, and the following are the main languages ​​with their main uses at present.

Programming language for mobile applications

Programming language in website development

It is responsible for the “skeleton” of the page, such as headers and footers. Many other languages ​​are used for web development, which are the most common for those who want to start on the right foot.


Apple also has its own programming language - Swift. The first version of Swift was presented by Apple at last year's WWDC conference, and at this year's the company announced that Current version- Swift 2 - will get open source compiler and all libraries supplied with the programming language. This will allow programmers to explore the language more deeply and start building tools using redesigned libraries. It is likely that using Swift, developers will be able to create applications for operating systems other than iOS, OS X and watchOS.

Database programming language

Databases use data manipulation languages ​​that basically query, modify, and delete information in the database. Check out this other article.

Programming languages ​​in operating systems

A programming language for embedded systems. As you can see, best language for a project can vary widely, and to choose the one that provides the most cost-effective efficiency, you must evaluate performance, ease of maintenance, and frequency of updates.

Swift runs on the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and is compatible with Apple's core Objective-C codebase, but it's clear the US company intends to offer Swift as a full-stack programming language. It was originally designed to be more resistant to vulnerabilities than Objective-C.

By the way, Swift should not scare away novice programmers. It is similar in essence to a scripting language. Swift supports so-called playgrounds, which allow programmers to experiment with code and see the results in real time without having to compile and run the application.

I hope you enjoyed our introduction to programming languages. Your comment is important so that we can create ever more relevant and rich content, so be sure to comment with criticism, suggestions or praise. You advance your course in English, Spanish or French and will soon graduate, receive an international certificate and demonstrate your knowledge foreign language to the world. Mission accomplished in terms of languages, right?

In a world where computers Cell Phones and tablets have become as ubiquitous as humans and even extensions of our bodies, it is necessary to know how to communicate with machines, and there is only one way to do this: learn to speak the same language as the language of these gadgets. Digital literacy is fair to everyone, even those who would not even dream of venturing into computer science and related fields, for the fact that technology today impacts all sections of society.


In the Microsoft ecosystem, the C# language plays the same role as Objective-C for Apple: essentially, C# is an add-on to the C language, which directly controls the specifics of the work environment. Platform Windows Mobile was never able to achieve the status corresponding to its creator in the mobile market, but there is no doubt that this language is attractive to software developers on at least several platforms. If your fleet of mobile devices runs on Windows, then you should also rely on C# when choosing the programming languages ​​to use.

Steve Jobs, ever the avant-garde, has already championed this idea. In an interview recorded for the documentary and released years later, he argues that "all people should learn to program a computer because it teaches you how to think."

According to Resnick, the same logic should apply to programming today. There are countries that have already realized this new demand and have included programs in basic education. The rating is valid for primary school and is used in classes with students from 5 to 14 years old.

Between the ages of five and six, children receive basic lessons in the concept of algorithms. This will allow them to develop very simple codes on one's own. From the ages of seven to eleven, students gradually learn to develop programs with specific functions, as well as work with databases. From 11 to 14, students learn to use at least two programming languages, work with binary numbers and understand how hardware works and software.

So which language is the best for mobile development? Obviously the one that best suits your needs. If you want to make a native application for iOS, the choice is clear: Objective-C or Swift. If you want to create an application with a browser front-end, then there are enough examples on the Internet that will help you do this. Of course, you need to take into account the experience of your programmers, the needs of your clients and the budget of the project.

What programming language should you learn?

The choice of which one you recognize will depend on your motivations and aspirations. Why and for what do you want to learn to program? Become a programmer? Improve your curriculum and become a differentiated professional? Develop new skills? Programming logic can help improve your thinking and work towards solving problems.

There is an excellent offering of online tools and courses that teach various programming languages ​​for free. In addition to the two projects mentioned earlier in this article, you can also try. The codes and their syntax are presented in multi-colored and interconnected blocks. You learn to use the correct syntax, as if you were putting together a puzzle.

Now we simply cannot imagine our life without. Databases, computer games, OS, social media and much more.

We would not have had all this if people had not developed special programming languages, with the help of which a wide variety of computer software is now created.

Programming languages ​​are no longer numbered in tens, but in hundreds. There are languages ​​specifically for developing websites, games, and animation.

What languages ​​are used to create common application programs (that is, programs written directly for users)? There are countless of them, the most popular of them are C++ and Delphi. They provide the greatest number of opportunities for developing programs for all occasions. These are what professional programmers use.

However, both C++ and Delphi were created based on more simple languages. For C++, this is the C language (called “C”). Delphi's predecessor is Pascal. Many people learn them in computer science classes at school. Pascal language was created specifically for teaching programming, as it is very simple and understandable. Now it is used in almost all schools, colleges, universities and institutes.

After mastering Pascal, learning Delphi goes, as they say, with a bang. This sequence of language acquisition, i.e. first Pascal, and then Delphi or C, C++, is highly desirable. The answer to the question “Which programming language is better” is that Pascal is best for learning for beginners.

For the development of cartoons and animation was created special program– Adobe (Macromedia) Flash. Flash is also used in website development and to create computer games. The language used in Flash is ActionScript. It has gained immense popularity these days as it is used in all modern Internet projects.

HTML is short for English. HyperText Markup Language and translates as “hypertext markup language”. It is used to create most web pages. Knowledge of HTML greatly simplifies working with your blog or website, but is not mandatory.

More advanced and functional (but more complex) languages ​​than HTML are PHP, Ajax, SQL.

To develop games and programs for phones, mainly two languages ​​are used - Java and C++. We have already talked about C++, and Java is a programming language created on the basis of C++.

To create 3D games and films they use Python language. It provides a huge range of possibilities for managing 3D graphics.

The Fortran language was developed for complex mathematical calculations, created in 1954-1957. The word Fortran comes from the first letters: FORmula TRANslator, that is, a formula translator. It performs mathematical, engineering and various scientific tasks and is used in very powerful computers.

As we see, programmers have developed programming languages ​​for all occasions. Many programmers are fans of a particular programming language, but this depends on personal preference. New languages ​​are being created and old ones are being improved. The future of computer technology depends on the functionality of programming languages.

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