Download games for Android 4.2 2 applications. What's New in Gmail

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To begin with, I would like to apologize to our readers for such a long delay in the publication of this article. Let me remind you that for the most impatient we already had a small material from the Google presentation; this article is intended for those who plan to buy a smartphone or tablet with 4.2 on board and want to know what benefits they will get from new version Android. We will also refer to this article in the future when we talk about 4.2. Now, without further ado, let me move on to the review itself.


To tell the truth, I personally am so used to installing a third-party keyboard when testing or buying a new smartphone that Lately I didn’t even pay attention to the innovations in stock. I still remember the irritation that you experience when setting up your tablet for 4.0 for the first time, when in order to enter English characters you need to go to settings and activate other languages. Fortunately, in 4.1 this problem was fixed and finally added a separate button for switching languages. But Google decided not to stop at these improvements, and in 4.2 the keyboard received another new feature: Enter text using swipes. To do this, you need to activate this function in the settings.

I liked the new input method, although its accuracy is sometimes inferior to the original Swype, however, we hope that over time it will increase.

Notification line

Google (apparently due to popular demand or with an eye on TouchWiz and CyanogenMod) has finally decided to add functionality to the notification shade.

Swiping to the right now opens the switch panel. When you click on most of them, you are taken to the settings (we are talking about Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, charge indicator), in some cases, clicking immediately activates the action (for example, enabling/disabling screen auto-rotation). On the right is your photo from Google profile+, when you click on it, the address book will open.

A swipe to the left opens the usual notification panel. Now it adjusts to the number of notifications, rather than reclining to the full height of the screen.

Interestingly, a different combination is used on smartphones: for example, a two-finger swipe brings up a panel with switches, and a simple swipe brings up the notification panel.

What's New in Gmail

You can now quickly zoom in on a letter using a two-finger pinch. This function is enabled in the settings. Double tap after scaling adjusts the text to fit the screen size.

Widgets on the lock screen

Starting from version 4.2, you can install one of several widgets on your lock screen. By default, mail, calendar, clock, and Google+ widgets are available. Third-party developers can also add support for lock screen widgets. On this moment The developers of HD Widgets and Plume have already taken advantage of this opportunity. If you have a Nexus device, be sure to try HD Widgets, I think their lock screen widgets are really cool.


Google decided to improve this application and add additional functionality to it. When you open it, you see a large clock with the current date. There are three shortcuts at the bottom, one of them takes you to the alarm clock, the second allows you to set the time zone, and the third is responsible for switching to night mode and settings.

By the way, you can control the timer and stopwatch after launch directly from the lock screen.

The application also has its own digital widget. Now you finally don’t have to think about which third-party widget to install on your home screen.

Sleep mode

You can now configure how your device behaves when entering sleep mode. For example, so that you don't get bored just watching your tablet being turned off and charging, Google decided to add several screensavers that turn on in sleep mode. First, you need to select the time when they will turn on. Then you need to decide on the screensaver itself; there are five templates in total: clock, collage, media, frame and colors.

Collage displays your photos as scattered miniatures. You can choose the folders with displayed photos yourself. You can also select photos from your web storage in Picasa. If any of the photos interests you, just click on it to open it in full screen mode.

In the “Media” mode, you can see the latest news from the application of the same name on the screen. Clicking on a news item opens a short announcement of it, and you can immediately go to the application itself.

The idea is that when you add a new user, they have their own desktops, games, and applications. All its settings are personalized. At the same time, information such as Wi-Fi passwords is available to all users immediately. Using multiple accounts will be in demand, first of all, in families, and will eliminate problems like: “Dad, why did you delete my game?” True, it is important to remember here that, despite the presence of two accounts, the number internal memory still one. By the way, about the internal memory: if you log in from one account and connect the tablet to the computer, then you will only see files uploaded for this account, for example, screenshots taken from another account will not be visible.

Also in 4.2 it became possible to shoot a 360-degree panorama.

As I already wrote in my review "Dr. Web or notes of a paranoid." I became the “lucky owner” of the imposed Android 4.2.2 OS. Which, despite the bans on any updates set in the settings, installed itself on my tablet, removing the antivirus!

I want to share with you my impressions about this “updated system.”

To be honest, apart from the inconveniences that appeared after a spontaneous update to version 4.2.2, I did not find any advantages.

I want to tell you in more detail about what I didn’t like.
1. Several applications have been added whose purpose is unclear to me. These applications cannot be disabled. They constantly work, overloading the already busy low-power processor. On version 4.2, I simply disabled applications that I do not use in the settings. This made the work of a weak processor easier.
2. "Prestigio installer."

"Prestigio Installer" (play store backup) can no longer be disabled...

This is an analogue - a duplicate of the Play Market from Prestigio. All applications are in the Play Market, i.e. it is absolutely unnecessary. The application was also in version 4.2, but there it was at least disabled. Now this “gift” can only be “stopped”, it cannot be “turned off”, and with enviable frequency a green icon “pops up” (an analogy with something that doesn’t sink) next to the clock, offering to install this or that application! Sorry for the sarcasm, but how did I ever live without this? useful service, I just do not know...
3. I especially want to mention the “improved keyboard.” Now you print on a “white sheet.”

Now we type the text on the “white sheet”

For clarity, I typed the text in the Twitter application.
Let me explain. Previously, the tweet was typed directly in the application. The peculiarity of Twitter is that a tweet should not contain more than 140 printed characters, then as you type the tweet you can see how many characters are printed. Now there is no such thing. How many characters are printed are visible only when you “remove” the keyboard.

This is how it turns out...

Count by hand how many letters you typed...
4. There were problems copying text. For example, I took screenshots in the "VKontakte" application.

Let me explain. In version 4.2. All you had to do was select the text and click “copy.”

Application "VK" selecting text for copying.

Now such a “trick” is possible only once. If you want to copy another post, you get this “selection”

Application "VK". An attempt was made to copy another piece of text. This can only be resolved by rebooting the tablet.

And even if you press too much on the screen, the text does not stand out and, accordingly, is not copied. “The box just opens” - you just need to restart the tablet and you can copy it again. And so, as many times as you want to copy, reboot the tablet. Cool!!!
5. Another system update is awaiting.

Another 410 MB updates...

410 MB updates - I'm afraid to install. If it boots on its own, the tablet will definitely break...

6. The clock began to stop, i.e. may show the same time for several minutes. Until you notice that they have stopped. This “innovation” can only be eliminated by rebooting the tablet.
There are a few more “innovations”, although they are difficult to describe. Therefore, I will interrupt my monologue.

Let me sum it up.
If after the “imposed update” the speed of work improved even a little, the tablet would stop glitching and slowing down. It has become more convenient to use the tablet. I wouldn't write this review. Alas, the miracle did not happen... It became even worse than it was... This is what it is like - imposed Android 4.2.2.

It still seems that Android 4.4 KitKat latest version systems, but let's remember that the four were presented back in the fall of 2013! Over all this time, several firmware editions of this android have been released, these are 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3 and 4.4.4. The biggest changes affected basic version. There is no point in listing them all; this is a site with firmware, not an information resource for geeks.
One has only to mention the quantitative changes in subversions. This is necessary so that you understand exactly what firmware you need to download, and whether it is worth downloading at all.
Android version 4.4.1 received minimum changes, which is very strange, since usually after the first release many bugs appear that are fixed in the next build.
Update 4.4.2 is useful because it introduced useful function wireless monitor. Thanks to it, it became possible to view photos taken on a mobile gadget on the large screen of a smart TV with Wi-Fi. The most useful firmware version with Android 4.4.3. It received the largest number of changes and additions, comparable to the differences between the basic version and the previous generation. Fixed numerous errors with the operation of the Internet, camera and system programs.Well, Android 4.4.4 released only due to fixing glitches with security protocols.
It’s up to you to choose which firmware to download, but we recommend downloading only official assemblies in Russian language and preferably not beta. Alternative and other custom firmware can do more harm than good. Although, if you know how to flash a phone or tablet on Android (for example, with the Odin program), then this will only be an advantage for you.
It would be a good idea to remind you that before installing the firmware you need to make a full backup of the system!

Latest 20 added Android 4.4 KitKat firmware

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