Children's helpline event with presentation. Presentation on the topic "children's helpline." If you feel bad

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At the initiative of the National Foundation for the Protection of Children from Abuse and the professional association “Russian Association of Children's Helplines”, as well as in accordance with the letter from the Government of the Orenburg Region, May 17, 2011 celebrates the International Day of Children’s Helplines under the motto “CHILDREN SAY YES TO THE HELPLINE!”

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This is a free anonymous emergency psychological assistance service for children and adolescents over the phone, helping to identify and prevent child problems, violations of children’s rights, and abuse.

In the Orenburg region, this phone has been operating since September 1, 2010, and has received more than 4 thousand calls from children, adolescents and adults.

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The first helpline appeared in 1953 to help people in crisis, including suicide prevention.

Englishman Chad Vara published his phone number in the newspaper and suggested calling people at any time if difficulties arise in their lives that they themselves are not able to cope with: when they are lonely, confused or thinking about ending their life.

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He had no idea that an avalanche of calls would fall upon him.

For several days he dealt with the influx of requests himself. The main thing that he understood during this time was that all those who called, first of all, needed friendly help.

He soon came to the conclusion that he could not cope with this matter alone, and began to look for volunteer help.

Now they all answered calls together. Thus was born a worldwide movement of people helping others over the phone. There is now a whole network of emergency telephone services around the world. This is a popular and widely known type of professional psychological assistance. Help is provided free of charge, anonymously (no one is told who called and why).

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What can you do as a friend in the following situation:

  • If your friend is constantly offended and ridiculed at school by one of his classmates?
  • If your friend thinks he has “difficult parents”?
  • If your friend had a fight with his girlfriend (your friend had a fight with her boyfriend)?
  • - If your friend is being persecuted and extorted money from him by unknown guys?
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    How does the Helpline work?

    The helplines are staffed by specially trained specialists – psychologists. Even teenagers who have undergone special training can work on some helplines - those kids call there who find it easier to talk about painful issues with a peer than with an adult.

    The Helpline allows a person experiencing any difficulties to receive support, to be understood and accepted, to understand a difficult situation for him in a calmer environment and to decide on concrete steps.

    Maria Maltseva
    Presentation "Children's Helpline Day"

    International children's helpline day carried out as part of the National Information Campaign to Combat Child Abuse. Telephone has been working for more than 6 years. Every year in all children's meetings with parents are held in kindergartens and schools (legal representatives). Meeting with parents about what the service is for and how it works children's helpline. This event will motivate parents: 1) encourage children to contact children's helpline in difficult cases, then when they lack support, 2) seek help from children's helpline in difficult situations of raising and communicating with children. Tasks: 1) talk about the service children's helpline as a type of psychological assistance,

    2) discuss helping support skills, 3) discuss with parents sample questions that they and their children can ask at helpline

    Publications on the topic:

    Goal: to inform children about the helpline as a type of psychological help, to motivate children to seek help from the helpline.

    For closer communication with parents, I came up with one of the areas of work, “Trust Mail” - parents can ask in writing.

    The event is travel style, where children prove that they are one team! Game along the stations “Path of Trust” Goals: to give.

    This master class is dedicated to the most beautiful, most beloved, most wonderful, unique! Teachers are unique people who...

    Presentation of the project in the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Into the world of space and time” In the 2016-2017 academic year in kindergarten GBOU School No. 2097 in preparatory group No. 6, a long-term project “In the world of space” was carried out.

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    The presentation was prepared by L.N. Prokopyeva, a primary school teacher at Alekseevskaya Secondary School. 8 – 800 – 2000 – 122

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    On May 17, Russia celebrates International Children's Helpline Day, which is designed to draw the attention of the general public to the need to strengthen measures to protect children in difficult life situations and help them.

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    The initiative to celebrate this day belongs to the International Association of Child Helpline International, which is officially recognized by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and includes representatives of more than 150 countries around the world. The representative of Russia in this organization is the National Fund for the Protection of Children from Cruelty (since 2007).

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    If you feel bad, if you need support, call the helpline 8-800-2000-122 around the clock, free of charge, anonymously. You have the opportunity to call and talk about your experiences, feelings, problems.

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    A helpline is one of the types of socially significant services. Provides the opportunity to have an anonymous telephone conversation with a qualified consultant.

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    The first helpline appeared in 1953 to help people in crisis, including suicide prevention. Englishman Chad Vara published his phone number in the newspaper and suggested calling people at any time if difficulties arise in their lives that they themselves cannot cope with.

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    He didn't think there would be many calls. For several days he managed on his own - he answered all the people. All those who called, first of all, needed friendly help. He came to the conclusion that he could not cope with this matter alone, and began to look for volunteer help. Now they all answered calls together. Thus was born a worldwide movement of people who help other people over the phone.

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    What is a helpline? The Children's Helpline is a service where absolutely anyone can anonymously contact to discuss relationships with friends, loved ones, family and school relationships. When calling this number in any locality Russian Federation from landlines or mobile phones children, adolescents and their parents can receive emergency psychological help, which is provided by specialists from existing regional services connected to a single all-Russian number. 8-800-2000-122

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    Children's helpline - makes it possible to get timely help in difficult situation. The children's helpline was created so that a child in difficult situations can ask for help, discuss their problems, and get advice.

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    provide assistance in resolving the following difficulties: conflicts in the family and school, educational and personal problems, etc.; support children and parents in resolving family problems; inform people about ways and means of overcoming life's difficulties; help reduce people’s internal stress, develop their ability to understand and manage their condition. A children's helpline is needed in order to:

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    When you no longer want to see anyone or communicate with anyone. I found myself in a hopeless situation. Offended at school (on the street, at home). When you don’t know how to behave in certain situations. Quarrel with a friend (girlfriend); what to do next? There was a conflict with one of your elders, and in connection with this, anxiety does not leave you.

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    Your parents don’t understand, and you don’t know how to behave with them and earn their respect and understanding. There is a problem with teachers at school. You really like a girl or a boy and you don’t know how to attract her (his) attention. A friend smokes (uses alcohol or drugs); How can I help him get rid of this addiction? Who should I turn to for help? What profession to choose and who to become in the future?

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    The helpline service is open every day, seven days a week. At any time, day or night, everyone who contacts will find an open and understanding interlocutor here, ready to listen and help in a crisis situation. Service employees respect the right of another person to be who he is and are ready to accept without criticism or condemnation. The very fact of contacting the helpline and the content of the conversation remain secret. The caller may not give his or her name. Phone conversation no need to pay.

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    Helpline for children, teenagers and their parents

    “Telephone Trust” is a service for emergency anonymous psychological assistance to the population by telephone.

    The first helpline appeared in 1953 to help people in crisis, including suicide prevention. Englishman Chad Vara published his phone number in the newspaper and suggested calling people at any time if difficulties arise in their lives that they themselves cannot cope with.

    He didn't think there would be many calls. For several days he managed on his own - he answered all the people. All those who called, first of all, needed friendly help. He came to the conclusion that he could not cope with this matter alone, and began to look for volunteer help. Now they all answered calls together. Thus was born a worldwide movement of people who help other people over the phone.

    There are more than 100 children's helplines around the world that allow you to learn about children's problems and solve them. Specialists working at the National Fund for the Protection of Children from Cruelty have been dealing with issues of providing emergency psychological assistance since 1989. In 1992, the Moscow regional association of helplines was created. It included 46 services from 9 regions of Central Russia and the North-West. In 2005, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child recommended that Russia establish a toll-free three-digit telephone service available 24 hours a day for calls related to the needs of children.

    The composition of the “Helpline” logo: an open palm means a call for help, buttons on the palm indicate a telephone, diverging red lines are an alarm signal that will definitely be heard, five fingers of one palm are a symbol of the unity that arises between children who find themselves in a difficult situation, and those people who are ready to help these children.

    The color red indicates an alarm and attracts attention. Blue is the color of confidence and hope. Together with the white background, the color scheme repeats the colors of state symbols - thus indicating direct state participation in the program.

    Principle of anonymity Service employees are obliged not to disclose information received during work that may harm the honor, reputation, rights and interests of citizens. Emergency psychological assistance is provided free of charge.

    Advantages of telephone assistance: quick reach; maximum anonymity; the ability to interrupt contact at any time; “limited communication effect”; "confidence effect".

    For what questions can I contact a specialist at the Children's Helpline?

    When you no longer want to see anyone or communicate with anyone. I found myself in a hopeless situation. Offended at school (on the street, at home). When you don’t know how to behave in certain situations. Quarrel with a friend (girlfriend); what to do next? There was a conflict with one of your elders, and in connection with this, anxiety does not leave you.

    Your parents don’t understand, and you don’t know how to behave with them and earn their respect and understanding. There is a problem with teachers at school. You really like a girl or a boy and you don’t know how to attract her (his) attention. A friend smokes (uses alcohol or drugs); How can I help him get rid of this addiction? Who should I turn to for help? What profession to choose and who to become in the future?

    The helpline service is open every day, seven days a week. At any time, day or night, everyone who contacts will find an open and understanding interlocutor here, ready to listen and help in a crisis situation. Service employees respect the right of another person to be who he is and are ready to accept without criticism or condemnation. The very fact of contacting the helpline and the content of the conversation remain secret. The caller may not give his or her name.

    Call from anyone phone number, including mobile - free. This number can be used by both children and parents or other relatives to receive counseling and psychological assistance, including in cases of abuse and violence within or outside the family. All assistance is provided anonymously.

    Class hour “Helpline - help in difficult situations” for grades 5 - 7

    Class notes for middle school students “Helpline.”

    Natalia Vladimirovna Pukhanova, additional education teacher, Zheleznogorsk Social Assistance Center, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region
    Description: Children at any age need emotional support and emotional education. Sometimes in life there are problems that seem insoluble, deep emotional experiences, anxiety, melancholy and even despair arise. An important channel for providing assistance to children who find themselves in difficult life situations is the Helpline.
    Purpose: The class hour is intended for schoolchildren in grades 5 - 7, class teachers, teachers - psychologists, teachers of additional education.
    Target: Providing adolescents with information about an anonymous psychological help service.
    1.Identify resources for obtaining emotional support in difficult life situations.
    2. Develop the ability to find a positive solution in a difficult situation and decision-making skills.

    Progress of the class hour:

    1.Introductory conversation.
    Teacher: Dear guys, today we will talk to you about the children's helpline. About when it first appeared, what it is needed for, who works on the phone, and let's play a little.
    Guys, how do you understand the word "confidence"? (children's answers).
    Confidence- open, positive relationships between people, containing confidence in the decency and goodwill of the other person with whom the trustor is in one relationship or another. The main and first sign of trust is the presence of such a fact in a relationship as fidelity. This is the willingness to interact and exchange confidential information, as well as certain special actions between entities.
    May 17 is International Helpline Day. This is the seventh year since May 17, 2009, since Russia joined its celebration. As part of the International Children's Helpline Day, campaigns are held throughout the country in squares and streets, trust lessons, classroom hours and creative competitions.

    3. Why is a helpline needed?
    Teacher: There are many difficulties and questions in life. Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they need help. At this moment it is important to be heard! The helpline is a service where you can anonymously, freely and confidentially talk about relationships with friends and family, school and family relationships. When calling the number 8 – 800 – 2000 – 122 in any locality of the Russian Federation, from landline or mobile phones, children and their parents can receive emergency psychological assistance, which is provided by specialists from existing regional services.

    4. Trust service specialists.
    Teacher: Guys, who do you think works in the emergency services? (children's answers).
    (teachers, psychologists, social workers, specialists in working with youth, in severe cases - investigators and others).
    The main task of all children's helplines in the world is to work for the benefit of children in need of attention and protection. The activities of such services are aimed at providing support, allowing children to discuss their problems, increasing their level of safety.
    - Children, in what cases do you think a child of your age can contact the Helpline service?
    (children's answers).
    - At the Helpline they will definitely understand you, reassure you and tell you what to do in this situation. It is important not to be afraid to call the helpline.
    - If you see that someone is feeling very bad, give them the number of the Helpline or call yourself and they will advise you what to do in this situation.
    Conclusion: There are many difficulties and questions in life. It is important to be heard every moment.

    5.Questions for which you can contact the helpline.
    (children's answers).
    When you don’t know what to do in a given situation;
    There is a problem with the teacher or students at school;
    There was a conflict with one of the elders or friends at school or in the yard;
    When you don’t want to see anyone or communicate with anyone anymore;
    How to get rid of tobacco, alcohol, gaming or drug addiction.

    Teacher: Think about and name the people you can turn to for support or help.
    (children choose cards and attach them to the board, the option that is closer to them).
    There are cards on the table: parents, friends, psychologist, social teacher, educator, relatives, you solve the problem yourself, helpline service, teacher. If the children do not name the option - the Helpline service - the teacher voices this option himself.
    Teacher: Now we will play a little.
    1. Exercise “Decision Making”.
    Teacher: On the table are cards with inscriptions on which you must choose the positive aspects of contacting the helpline.
    anonymous call,
    difficulties in communication,
    not trusting a stranger,
    psychological assistance, support,
    will tell you who to turn to in a difficult situation,
    a person with experience listens,
    ignorance person numbers,
    They will listen as long as you speak.
    2. Game "Empathy"
    Teacher: (Empathy- this is a person’s ability to empathize, the ability to understand the state of another.)
    Of all the children, the most “empathetic” one is chosen. He goes out the door. The rest of the guys receive cards on which various human states are written. In a minute, children need to get used to this state so that the driver can guess what is written on the card.
    (Cards: anger, joy, thoughtfulness, interest, fright, sadness, fear, surprise, boredom, admiration, despondency, suspicion.)
    3. Game "Slogan"
    Teacher: Come up with a slogan about the helpline. (the teacher explains the meaning of the word slogan. A slogan is an advertising slogan, a motto containing a brief and effective formulation of an advertising idea).
    1. “No one is immune from insults
    Hide or tell, you see for yourself
    But if it's hard, it's worth sharing
    To do this, dial the number 88002000122.”
    2. “There is always a way out, dial…”
    3. “There are always more than two options, no matter how you look at it”
    4. “They will always help you here”
    5. "You are not alone."
    4. Game "Associations"
    Teacher: What associations do you have when you hear the phrase “Helpline?”
    Answers: help, communication, trust, frankness, consultation, conversation, dialogue, psychologist and more.
    5. Game "Forecast"
    Teacher: Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives 4 pieces of paper with the following inscriptions: friendship, quarrel, sadness and happiness. On back side On each piece of paper, players must make a small drawing depicting this word. Members of the other team, seeing only the word, but not the pictures, must guess (make a prediction) what might be depicted there.

    6. Role-playing game “Call”
    Teacher: The children are asked to choose a problem situation and call the helpline. The teacher acts as a consultant.
    Example situations:
    I want to run away from home. Parents are fed up with their comments. What to do?
    Mom doesn't want to buy me new ipad, because I'm a C student. What do i do?
    I had a fight with a guy I love very much and am very worried about. Help!
    I am often rude to teachers, I never consider myself guilty. It seems to me that they only ask me strictly if my studies are not going well. What do i do?
    I started smoking at the age of 7 and tried alcohol. Now I'm 12 years old. I want to quit smoking and drinking, but nothing works. My parents drink and smoke themselves. Nobody needs me. What should I do?
    My parents drink alcohol very often. The local inspector constantly visits our family. They may be deprived of parental rights, then my brother and I will go to an orphanage. Help me solve the problem?
    In our family, my father drinks heavily. When he’s drunk, he hits my mother and I get it from him very often. What should mom and I do? Help!
    Dad left us. My sister and I live with our mother, but we really miss our father. Mom forbids us to see him. What should we do, how should we be?

    6.Helpful tips
    Teacher: Our friends at the helpline have some helpful tips.
    The helpline is a real lifesaver!
    You can call completely free!
    The helpline will definitely help and understand you!
    You don’t have to say your name!
    Always say hello to your classmates!
    Don't fight, any issue can be resolved peacefully!

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