Is it worth taking “Money to order” from Vodafone? Money to order - help in a difficult situation from Vodafone How to order 20 UAH on loan to an MTS account

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Everyone is familiar with the situation when the money is in the account mobile phone suddenly end, and the opportunity to contribute the necessary financial amount to this moment No. But do not despair, since the MTS company creates the most comfortable and profitable conditions for its subscribers, which provide the opportunity to quickly and conveniently find a way out of any current situation.

In particular, in this case, you should familiarize yourself with the information about how to order money on MTS. The essence of this service is quite clear from its very name: each subscriber of the company in question is given the opportunity to borrow a certain financial amount directly from the MTS company. In order to be able to independently carry out any necessary operations, we recommend that you. Thanks to authorization in personal account MTS, you can easily choose which one you use, and you can also change it yourself.

To know, how to order money on MTS on credit worth it for a number of reasons. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that with its help you can top up your mobile phone account without leaving your home or office. Even while in public transport or a personal car, you can quickly and easily make your mobile phone “working” and again be able to make phone calls in any direction.

Advantageous feature

So, if you are interested in how to order money for an order at MTS, we recommend that you read the following information. The most suitable service in this case is a function called “Promised Payment”. Most likely, you have heard this name many times, since the option in question is quite actively used by modern subscribers of all MTS tariffs, including subscribers.

In order to find out how to order money on MTS (Russia), you will need to dial a simple digital combination *111*123# and then press the call button. Next, on the screen of the mobile phone from which the digital combination was dialed, a menu will appear, which is quite easy to understand. Please note that if you decide to order money onto your MTS card via the Internet, you will need to repay the debt within seven calendar days. In the event that you do not remember on what day you ordered the service in question, you can call *111*1230# and find out the amount of your debt, as well as obtain information regarding the number of days you have available for this.

Please note that this service is the most popular service, which allows you to resolve the issue of insufficient funds in your mobile account as quickly as possible.

When the money in your account runs out and there is no way to quickly replenish it, the service will be relevant - Vodafone Money to order. Vodafone is ready to support its subscribers financially at any time, providing the opportunity to receive 20 UAH to their account. The service is available for users of prepaid tariff plans.

How to activate “Money to order”

To activate the service, you need to send an SMS request to the free system number 5010. If the remaining amount in the account is less than 0.02 UAH, 20 UAH will be credited to the main account. If the balance is greater, the money will be transferred to an additional account.

In order to check Current state main account, dial *101# and activate the dial-up function. An additional account can be checked by sending a request to the system number *101*10#.

Nuances of use

The money received into the main account can be managed in accordance with the needs of the tariff plan. The additional account is used to pay for calls and mailings within Ukraine, as well as for international communications and roaming services. Money from it cannot be used to pay for content services.

Return of borrowed funds

Upon subsequent replenishment, the amount of borrowed funds and payment for the service provided are automatically withdrawn from the subscriber’s account. As a result, the refund will be 23 hryvnia. If the replenishment is equal to or less than this figure, 50% of the funds will be debited from the account to repay the loan for the service. This write-off system takes into account the priority of payment for services within the framework of mandatory daily/monthly payments that comply with the conditions of the current tariff.

It is important to know

To use the service again, you must first pay for your existing order of funds. This must be done within two months if the money was credited to the main account. If the replenishment went to an additional account, the amount must be repaid no later than 30 calendar days from the date of activation of the service.

Prepaid subscribers who have been using Vodafone services for at least 3 months can resort to ordering money. Their monthly expenses within the tariff must be at least 10 hryvnia.

Everyone is familiar with the situation when the money in your mobile phone account suddenly runs out, and there is no opportunity to deposit the required financial amount at the moment. But do not despair, since the MTS company creates the most comfortable and profitable conditions for its subscribers, which provide the opportunity to quickly and conveniently find a way out of any current situation.

In particular, in this case, you should familiarize yourself with the information about how to order money on MTS. The essence of this service is quite clear from its very name: each subscriber of the company in question is given the opportunity to borrow a certain financial amount directly from the MTS company. In order to be able to independently carry out any necessary operations, we recommend that you. Thanks to authorization in your MTS personal account, you can easily choose which one you use, and you can also change it yourself.

To know, how to order money on MTS on credit worth it for a number of reasons. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that with its help you can top up your mobile phone account without leaving your home or office. Even while in public transport or a personal car, you can quickly and easily make your mobile phone “working” and again be able to make phone calls in any direction.

Advantageous feature

So, if you are interested in how to order money for an order at MTS, we recommend that you read the following information. The most suitable service in this case is a function called “Promised Payment”. Most likely, you have heard this name more than once, since the option in question is quite actively used by modern subscribers of all MTS tariffs, including subscribers.

In order to find out how to order money on MTS (Russia), you will need to dial a simple digital combination *111*123# and then press the call button. Next, on the screen of the mobile phone from which the digital combination was dialed, a menu will appear, which is quite easy to understand. Please note that if you decide to order money onto your MTS card via the Internet, you will need to repay the debt within seven calendar days. In the event that you do not remember on what day you ordered the service in question, you can call *111*1230# and find out the amount of your debt, as well as obtain information regarding the number of days you have available for this.

Please note that this service is the most popular service, which allows you to resolve the issue of insufficient funds in your mobile account as quickly as possible.

If you run out of money and there is no way to top up your account, but you need to stay in touch, this is not a problem. Vodafone has taken care of this too; you just need to activate the “Money to Order” service and you will be given an additional amount to your account.

How to connect

In order to borrow money, you need to send a free message to number 5010; the content of the SMS does not matter. After which an amount of 20 hryvnia will be credited to your balance.

Please note that if your balance is less than 2 kopecks, the amount is credited to the main account, otherwise, the funds will go to the additional account.

What can you use the money for?

You can use the money received to pay:

  • Internet;
  • calls and messages within the territory of Ukraine;
  • roaming and international communication services, only for Vodafone packages.

The pricing of the services provided depends on your tariff, and is equal to the cost of the daily package.

Money from an additional account cannot be used for payment various content services.

Debt repayment

In order to repay the loan provided by the company, you will need to top up your balance with one payment in the amount of more than 23 hryvnia.

When replenishing an amount less than necessary, you will be automatically debited 50% of the deposited funds. If you want to immediately activate your tariff plan, then pay the debt amount of 20 hryvnia + 3 hryvnia as payment for the service provided and the required amount to activate your service package.

A subsequent order for a service is possible only after the previous amount has been fully used; the cost of ordering a service is 3 hryvnia.

Examples of debt repayment:

  1. You top up your account with 23 hryvnia or more at once - the debt is written off in full, the balance is credited to your balance.
  2. On September 1, you requested funds and on September 5, you topped up your account with 20 UAH. In this case, 10 hryvnia will be written off to pay off the debt, and the balance will be credited to your balance. After which, on September 12, you deposited 12 UAH, 50% (6 UAH) is charged again, and so on until you have paid the entire amount of 20+3 UAH.

The service is disabled automatically after the debt is repaid; there is no independent renewal.

Additional Information

Borrowed money is available to all Vodafone and MTS subscribers, subject to using tariffs for more than three months.

Money for the order will be valid for two months if it was credited to the main account and for 30 days, provided it was credited to an additional account.

In contact with

1. For MTS Ukraine 2. For MTS Russian Federation

The money in your account has run out cell phone? This is not a problem if you are an MTS user. It is possible to borrow them!

And this opportunity is cheap at any time.

1. For MTS Ukraine

To borrow money from MTS, send a message with any text to number 5010. It will be in your account within a few minutes. 20 UAH will come. If the balance at the time of sending the request remained less than 0.02 UAH. then this money will go straight to the main account.

If the balance amount was greater - an additional one. Upon completion of the next replenishment, 23 UAH will be debited from your account.

" Size

loan amount – from 5 to 30 UAH. Or it is possible to send an SMS message to number 150 with the text in the format “(your number) * (loan amount)”. Both messages and USSD requests are free of charge.

2. For MTS Russian Federation

It must be emphasized that Russian subscribers have more loan size options than Ukrainian ones. To top up your own account with money from MTS, you need to collect the USSD command * 111 * 123 #

or call 1113. Then follow the instructions of the group. The size of the payment depends on how much money you spend per month on using MTS loans.

In addition, the ability to call/send a message at the expense of another subscriber is cheap. When sending an SMS, indicate his number with the prefix 5880. If you want to call a second person at his expense, collect his number in 10-digit format and add the code “0880” (with his consent, of course).

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Borrow money from MTS Ukraine

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Money to order

Easily. Fast. Comfortable.


Send an SMS of any content to number 5010


For calls and SMS within Ukraine, as well as for data transfer


After replenishment, 20 UAH + service cost will be charged


The next order of service is possible after a full refund

Even if you run out of money in your account, you can stay in touch with the “Money to Order” service. By ordering this service, you will receive a package of mobile communication services in the amount of 20 UAH with a certain validity period, regardless of the balance in your account.

Send an SMS of any content to number 5010 (no charge). If, when ordering a service, your main account has less than 0.02 UAH, a service package in the amount of 20 UAH will be connected to the main account, otherwise the service package will be connected to an additional account.

The package of services from an additional account can be used for:

  • calls and SMS to subscribers within Ukraine
  • data services

Also for subscribers of Vodafone tariff plans:

  • international communication services
  • roaming services
  • periodic payments

The service package from the additional account is not used to pay for content services. The package of services from the main account is used according to the list of services provided by the operator. Detailed information about the use of the service package in your tariff can be obtained from a representative of the Subscriber Service Center at toll free number 111 .

After the next replenishment, 20 UAH will be withdrawn from your account, as well as the cost of the service.

If the top-up amount is less than the amount required to charge the fee for using the service, 50% of the top-up amount will be debited from your account. First of all, the mandatory daily/monthly payments provided for by the terms of your tariff plan are written off.

A subsequent order of the “Money to order” service is possible after the full withdrawal of 20 UAH and the cost of the service.

The cost of the service is 3 UAH (including VAT and Pension Fund in the amount of 7.5% of the cost of the service excluding VAT).


How will money be debited from the account?

  • Example 1.
    On May 19, the client ordered the “Money to Order” service. After the next replenishment on May 20 in the amount of 25 UAH, 23 UAH will be debited from the client’s account.
  • Example 2.
    On May 19, the client ordered the “Money to order” service. With the next top-up on May 20 in the amount of 10 UAH, 5 UAH will be debited from the account for using the service. As of May 20, the client must pay 18 UAH (23 UAH - 5 UAH) for using the service. On May 30, the client tops up the account with 8 UAH, 4 UAH of which is written off as a fee for using the service. As of May 30, the client must pay 14 UAH (18 UAH - 4 UAH) for using the service.
  • Example 3.
    At the time of replenishment, the client must pay 15 UAH for using the “Money to order” service. The client replenishes the account in the amount of 20 UAH, 15 UAH of which are written off as a fee for using the service, and the client can re-order the service.

If you need to call but don’t have money, you can sign up for the service Vodafone Money to order. After activation, 20 hryvnia will be credited to your account for expenses on calls, SMS messages and the Internet. The way to activate Vodafone’s ability to borrow money on your phone is to send an empty message to number 5010.

Features of borrowing money from MTS

Depending on the balance status, funds may come to the main or additional account. If there are more than 2 kopecks on the phone, then the money will be credited to the main one. If it is less, then the money borrowed from the Vodafone phone will go to the reserve account. You can pay with them:

  • Internet;
  • messages and calls within Ukraine;
  • international communication services.

A package with a spare balance can pay for calls and SMS within Ukraine and in roaming, but it cannot be used to pay for content services. Money from the main account is spent at the same rate as credited. All details can be clarified with an employee service center by number 111.

Refund to Vodafone after borrowing money

Any loan must be repaid with interest. This service from Vodafone can essentially be called a mini-loan, therefore, the money for it will also have to be returned. The required amount will be debited from the account immediately after the phone balance is topped up.

In the event that there are not enough funds on the balance to fully cover all expenses, only half of the money will be written off for the service. Payment by tariff plan higher priority for the company. The entire procedure costs 23 hryvnia. 20 hryvnia is charged to the phone and 3 hryvnia is the price of the service itself.

Important information about borrowing money from MTS

This service can only be used by those customers who have been using a SIM card from this operator for at least 3 months, provided that in the last month they have spent on mobile communications more than 10 hryvnia.

Packages activated using the service are valid for two months for the main account and 30 days for the additional account. The beginning is considered the day when the money is credited to the phone balance.

Connecting and disconnecting the service Borrow money to your Vodafone phone

To urgently receive money, you need to send a message with any text to number 5010. In response, you will receive an SMS indicating the status of the operation. To check your main account, dial *101# on your phone. To find out whether the funds have arrived in the additional account, you need to select and execute the command *101*10# .

No special actions are required to disable the service. The one-time connection will end as soon as the loan is repaid and money is paid for the service itself, i.e. the amount is 23 hryvnia. To get another 20 hryvnia loan, you need to repeat the connection process.

The “Money to Order” offer from Vodafone (MTS) is that for 3 hryvnia you can get 20 hryvnia into your phone account to pay for 3G/2G Internet, data services, calls and SMS messages. 3 hryvnia - and you can be in touch with your dear people around the clock, no matter what obstacles.

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