Rosavtodor commented on the new road markings. Rosavtodor commented on the new state standard for road markings, eliminating the “stop line” and “zebra” markings

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Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will discuss changes to traffic rules that came into force on July 12, 2017. Let me remind you that in the previous article we talked about updated .

Today we will consider no less important changes. Firstly, the section with horizontal road markings has been completely updated in the rules. Secondly, a new rule has been introduced for the location of cars on the roadway. Let's take a closer look at these innovations.

New horizontal markings in traffic rules

Let me emphasize once again that the “ ” section in the traffic rules has been completely replaced with a new one. However, this does not mean that some other road markings have begun to be used in Russia. In general, the marking lines remain the same, but there are still a few important changes.

Markings to mark the edge of the roadway

1.2.1 (solid line) - indicates the edge of the roadway;

1.2.2 (dashed line, the length of the strokes is 2 times shorter than the spaces between them) - indicates the edge of the roadway on two-lane roads;

1.2 - marks the edge of the roadway;

Please note that intermittent markings 1.2.2 are excluded from the text of the traffic rules. Starting from July 12, 2017, only a solid marking line can be used to mark the edge of the roadway. Also, this continuous marking has a new number. Instead of 1.2.1 it is now called 1.2 markup.

Markings to separate opposite directions of movement

Another important change affected marking line 1.3 (double solid):

1.3 - separates traffic flows in opposite directions on roads with four or more lanes;

1.3 - separates traffic flows in opposite directions on roads with four or more lanes for traffic in both directions, with two or three lanes - with a lane width of more than 3.75 m;

Please note that double solid markings can now be used:

  • On roads with four or more lanes (as before).
  • On roads with two or three lanes (if the lane width is more than 3.75 m).

Previously, double continuous markings made it possible to clearly understand that you are on a four-lane (or more) road, but now this will not be possible.

For what purpose the double continuous line will be used on two-lane and three-lane roads remains unclear. If you have any assumptions, write them in the comments to the article.

Exclusion of markings for the parking zone

1.7 (dashed line with short strokes and equal intervals) - indicates traffic lanes within the intersection. Used for marking parking areas;

1.7 - indicates traffic lanes within the intersection;

Let me remind you that marking 1.7 could be used for marking parking starting from . Apparently, the innovation did not take root and this clause is excluded from the traffic rules.

Elimination of stop line and zebra markings

1.12 (stop line) - indicates the place where the driver must stop if there is a traffic light (traffic controller) or a prohibitory signal;

1.14.1 , 1.14.2 (“zebra”) - means a pedestrian crossing; marking arrows 1.14.2 indicate the direction of movement of pedestrians;

1.12 - indicates the place where the driver must stop if there is a traffic light (traffic controller) or a prohibitory signal;

1.14.1 , 1.14.2 - denotes a pedestrian crossing; marking arrows 1.14.2 indicate the direction of movement of pedestrians;

Please note that marking lines 1.12, 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 have lost their proper names “stop line” and “zebra”. Now you can use only their numbers to designate these marking lines.

More detailed descriptions of road markings

Another useful change - more detailed descriptions for marking lines 1.16.1 - 1.16.3 and 1.24.1 - 1.24.4:

1.16.1 - 1.16.3 - denotes guide islands in places where traffic flows separate or merge;

1.16.1 - denotes islands separating traffic flows in opposite directions;

1.16.2 - denotes islands separating traffic flows in one direction;

1.16.3 - denotes islands at the confluence of traffic flows;

Please note that the new description of road markings allows the driver to clearly determine which traffic flows are separated by a guide island. If only parallel marking lines are drawn on the island (1.16.1), then it separates opposite directions and you can only go around it on the right side.

The description of markup 1.24.1 - 1.24.4 is even more interesting:

1.24.1 - 1.24.4 - duplicates the corresponding road signs.

1.24.1 - duplication of warning road signs;

1.24.2 - duplication of prohibitory road signs;

1.24.3 - duplication of the road sign "Disabled";

1.24.4 - duplication of the “Photo-video recording” road sign and (or) designation of sections of the road on which photo-video recording can be carried out; markup 1.24.4 can be used independently;

The description of markup 1.24.2 deserves special attention. The updated rules clearly state that such markup can only duplicate . Previously, drivers may have had a misunderstanding on this issue, because... round signs are also found in the " " section and the " " section. Now, if there is a marking on the road in the form of a round sign, then you can immediately understand that this sign is prohibitive.

Location of vehicles on the roadway

Also, a new paragraph 9.1 1 has been introduced into the traffic rules:

9.1 1 . On any two-way roads, driving in the lane intended for oncoming traffic is prohibited if it is separated by tram tracks, a dividing strip, markings 1.1, 1.3 or markings 1.11, the broken line of which is located on the left.

This paragraph refers to the fact that if the oncoming lane is separated by markings 1.1, 1.3 or 1.11 (which has a broken line on the left), then you cannot be on it in any case.

This point allows the driver to clearly understand what to do in the following situation:

In this example, the driver is overtaking at an intersection while driving on the main road. Another important note, the driver begins overtaking through the broken marking line (before the intersection) and completes it through the broken marking line (after the intersection). Old edition the rules did not directly prohibit performing such a maneuver. If such overtaking was committed after July 12, 2017, then the driver will be guaranteed to be punished for illegality.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the changes in traffic rules dated July 12, 2017 are generally positive. The rules have become clearer and some ambiguous points have been eliminated. Let's hope that in the future legislators will delight us with useful innovations.

Good luck on the roads!

There is a suspicion that 3.75 m can accommodate 2 cars quite freely, which according to the traffic rules will already be considered as 2 lanes... the fad was probably corrected so that there would be no discrepancies. IMHO.

In my opinion, it’s just the opposite, before the traffic rules clearly spoke about the presence of 4 lanes with such markings, but now
Traffic rules Marking 1.3 - separates traffic flows in opposite directions on roads with four or more lanes for traffic in both directions, with two or three lanes - with a lane width of more than 3.75 m;
less than 3.75- This one lane, If more than 3.75 two lanes

Those. Not 2 cars should fit in, but on the contrary, one should be comfortable on the road at speed. And at 3.75 only two narrow cars barely pass each other in the yard.

Please clarify with overtaking on the main road: I didn’t understand where it was directly and imperatively stated that this is not allowed. I started through the intermittent one, but I finished through it, where is the violation? What if there is no marking at all? Thank you!

There are no markings - traffic rules on the main road do not prohibit overtaking at the intersection (clause 11.4).

The prohibition of being in the oncoming lane to the left of the continuous lane was already clear from the traffic rules and GOST. So that, for example, at intersections, cars can turn safely and pedestrians can cross. For those who did not understand this, at one time the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation explained this, based precisely on these Laws. But even their decisions reached. And now this ban has already been spelled out verbatim in the traffic rules themselves, where in black and white:

clause 9.11. On any two-way roads Driving in the lane designated for oncoming traffic is prohibited, if it is separated tram tracks, dividing strip, markup 1.1, 1.3 or marking 1.11, the broken line of which is located on the left.

the road may not have 4 lanes, but the driver only needs to estimate the width of the lanes: if from the markings to the side of the road less than 3.75- This one lane, If more than 3.75- only then in this direction two lanes! (3.75 is the width of the car plus about a meter on each side).

Double solid now only means that the width of the road is greater than 7.5 meters (2 lanes, each wider than 3.75 m). No additional assumptions can be made regarding the number of lanes.

About the double solid, I think that this is just an intermediate stage. Because throughout Russia the markings cannot be repainted in one day.

In a few years, I think they should make a rule that all roads are double solid.

I saw that this is customary in America. Even on two-lane roads the yellow is double solid.

But it will definitely be. If it is single intermittent, then it is only for passing flows. If double, then for oncoming people.

Parking spaces are now indicated only by a solid line marking, but it is still not excluded from the ban on stopping closer than 3 m from a solid line. Hmm...

In my opinion, this was done to prohibit avoiding traffic jams when two cars fit on wide lanes (the traffic is moving slowly, the lateral interval is minimal). If the markings are intermittent, the road is considered to be a two-lane road and overtaking is permitted. Now they will draw a double solid line and they will fine you for driving into oncoming traffic...

1) Many drivers naively (I’ve heard it many times) believe that driving into the oncoming lane while crossing a double solid line is punishable more severely than driving through a single solid line. Based on this, many will be afraid to cross the double.

2) Maybe it would be worth banning overtaking in the intersection area without exceptions?

And drivers will not peer at the markings.


“The purpose for which a double solid line will be used on two-lane and three-lane roads remains unclear. If you have any assumptions, write them in the comments to the article.”

Well, this is all very clear to me: all this is to avoid clearing the snow in winter. If half a lane on the right is swept away, then you need to remove it, but otherwise they pushed it to the right edge of the roadway, fit it to a solid double and “thank God”...


A double solid line will be used on two-lane and three-lane roads in order to mislead road users when determining the number of lanes (rows) in the absence of markings 1.5.


Overtaking. Last photo.

In my opinion, such overtaking should be prohibited by law. Even if you're on the main page!

A simple example - a car drives out from the side street to the right, on the car, look to the LEFT - no one. Turn right and here is this overtaking miracle! An accident is guaranteed. According to the traffic rules, the secondary car is guilty, but in essence it is not.


Tell me, there are two lanes in each direction, plus tram tracks along which you can travel. Is it possible to turn left (turn around) from the tram tracks? Or is it going into oncoming traffic? Thanks for your reply and patience.

Taking into account clause 9.1, is it now possible to overtake a slow-moving vehicle in the coverage area of ​​sign 3.20, if there are markings 1.1?


“Please note that marking lines 1.12, 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 have lost their proper names “stop line” and “zebra”. Now only their numbers can be used to designate these marking lines.”

I don’t understand what “their numbers” are, whose?

The driver, approaching a traffic light, decided to change lanes from the far right to the far left, crossing solid lanes. My car was hit from the rear right. They didn’t call the traffic police, they parted ways “amicably.” There are CCTV cameras at the intersection. Will the violating driver be punished?

if the cameras are configured to look at solid lines in front of the intersection, and not just, for example, at the stop line, then the violator will probably will arrive in the mail fine.

Have you ever wondered when road markings first appeared? It turns out that road markings were first applied more than a hundred years ago - it was a white line dividing traffic lanes.

As at the beginning of the twentieth century, one of the main functions of road markings is to increase the level of safety for all road users. Over such a long period of existence, the markup has undergone many changes. For example, there was a period when it was painted with black paint. Of course, this idea was quickly abandoned, since it was not noticeable on the roads, especially at night. Now all markings in Russia are standardized, and water-based paint and polymer resins are used to apply them, and sometimes reflective particles are added to improve visibility. We'll talk about what road markings look like in 2019 in this article...

Road markings are divided into horizontal (longitudinal) and vertical. Markings that are applied directly to the road include arrows, lines and pictograms made in three different colors: white (permanent), orange (temporary) and yellow. Orange markings are drawn if repair work is being carried out or the road map has been changed. It happens that you are driving and suddenly notice that there are both permanent and temporary markings on the highway; in such a situation, you need to follow the temporary instructions.

Vertical markings are made as alternating stripes of black and white colors and are used to mark bollards, bumpers, tunnels, bridge supports and other vertical objects to increase driver attentiveness.

Horizontal marking

Markings 1.1 and 1.2 are continuous lines. The first delimits oncoming flows. You cannot cross this line; this will result in deprivation of your rights. The second one marks the edge of the road. You can only cross it if you are going to stop on the side of the road.

Marking 1.3 - two continuous lines. You can't cross them either. The markings are used on multi-lane roads and where the lane width is more than 3.75 m (changes in traffic regulations since July 2017).

Marking 1.4 - yellow continuous line. If it is applied, then you cannot stop on the side of the road.

Marking 1.5 is a dotted line, and the length of the dotted line is much less than the distance between the dotted lines. These markings can be crossed in any direction.

Marking 1.6 is also a dotted line, but the length of the stroke is much greater than the distance between them. Notifies the driver that he needs to end the overtaking maneuver, since soon he will be able to drive strictly in his own lane. You can cross this marking, but it is better not to overtake on it.

Marking 1.7 - small dotted lines. The line regulates rowing at intersections to avoid accidents. Since July 2017, parking is no longer marked with this marking.

Markup 1.8. - thick dotted line. Typically, such markings on the road separate a pocket for braking or acceleration. This is done so that drivers do not confuse it with the new lane and do not interfere with the main flow of traffic.

Marking 1.9 - two parallel dotted lines, indicate the possible presence of reverse movement.

Marking 1.10 - yellow dotted line means that parking of the vehicle is prohibited.

Marking 1.11 - dotted and solid lines run parallel between multidirectional stripes. When there is a dotted line to your left, you can change lanes, overtake and perform other maneuvers, but if there is a solid line to your left, then you cannot cross it, with the exception of completing an overtaking or detour.

Marking 1.12 - a line perpendicular to the movement indicates that you will need to stop at the intersection. You can't cross it. The “stop line” designation has been abolished in the traffic rules since July 2017.

Marking 1.13 - you can’t continue driving without stopping either.

Marking 1.14.1-1.14.2 - pedestrians cross the road using this marking. Since July 2017, the concept of “zebra crossing” has been abolished in the traffic rules.

Marking 1.15 - determines the place where the roadway and the bicycle path intersect.

Markings 1.16.1, 1.16.2, 1.16.3 - markings indicate islands between traffic flows of opposite or identical directions and merging traffic flows, respectively.

Marking 1.17 - zigzag yellow color on the road indicates that this is a place where route vehicles stop. You can drive and stop along it if it does not interfere with public transport.

Marking 1.18 - arrows indicate the direction where you can go. Can be used in conjunction with signs. If the signs say one thing, and the markings say something else, then you need to be guided by the signs.

Marking 1.19 - curved arrows. They show that you need to change lanes and move in the direction of the arrow.

Marking 1.20 - a large triangle with the vertex down. Notifies you that you will soon need to give way.

Marking 1.21 - applied before marking 1.12, which is used together with sign 2.5

Marking 1.22 - tells you the name of the route you are driving along. Usually this is a combination of letters and numbers.

Marking 1.23.1 - the symbol “A” indicates that this lane is designated for public transport.

Marking 1.23.2 - pedestrian symbol. It marks paths on which both pedestrians and cyclists can move (changes in traffic regulations since July 2017).

Markup 1.23.3 - bicycle symbol. Cyclists can ride on the path with this sign.

Markings 1.24.1, .24.2, 1.24.3, 1.24.4 are of a different informative nature, but they all duplicate signs.

Marking 1.25 - markings indicate that soon there will be a speed bump on the road.

Vertical marking

The function of this marking is to attract attention to vertical objects located on the road and in its immediate vicinity. With its help, drivers can navigate the dimensions of obstacles (for example, they can estimate the height of a bridge or tunnel above the roadway or estimate the height of curbs that are not always visible from the driver’s seat).

Examples of vertical markings:

The ability to quickly and correctly read information from road markings is very important for drivers, as it can not only protect you from misinterpreting the road situation, but also save human lives. In order to consolidate the information received, you can watch the training video below.

New road markings from April 28, 2018

On April 28, 2018, legislators will add a new road marking 1.26 “Waffle Iron” to the traffic rules, represented by a grid with diagonal yellow lines.

This marking will indicate a section at an intersection into which exit is prohibited if there is a traffic jam ahead along the route, forcing the driver to stop, thereby creating an obstacle to the movement of traffic in the transverse direction.

However, stopping when turning right or left is allowed, but turning and moving are expressly prohibited.

This road marking can be used either independently or with road sign 1.35 “Intersection section” and a sign “Photo and video recording”

The considered standard GOST R 51256-2011 " Technical means traffic organization. Road markings. General technical requirements" () establishes requirements for the marking of roads (in operation, under construction), their shape, color scheme and size, regardless of departmental affiliation.

This document contains all the information related to lines, inscriptions and other markings located on the roadway (development elements, artificial structures) and the rules for their application.

The document covers:

  • types, differences and cases of application of road markings;
  • calculation of the application area, expressed in square (linear) meters, taking into account the type of marking;
  • enamel, thermoplastic and other materials used for marking, their consumption rates and warranty periods;
  • permissible deviations from quality standards, etc.

Road markings: expanding the concept

Road markings should be considered special markings applied to the road surface (surface) in order to establish the order and mode of movement of car owners in a specific area. This is an important visual reference for drivers, which can be used both separately and in conjunction with other means of traffic management.

There are two groups of markings:

  • horizontal, which, in turn, is divided into permanent and temporary;
  • vertical.

Permanent markings are usually painted in white. The exception is horizontal markings 1.1, 1.4, 1.10, which are done in orange.

For temporary markings, orange color and materials are used that help to quickly remove them. Therefore, old (permanent) markup is usually not removed.

The validity period of such markings is limited to the duration of road work or events that led to its use.

In such cases, temporary signs must be removed, and fencing (guide) devices must be dismantled.

Vertical marking involves the use of orange paint using special equipment or manually.

Each type of markup has its own number, consisting of several numbers (two or three), separated by dots. These numbers can mean: group, serial number and variety, respectively.

Basic technical requirements

Road markings are carried out using the following materials: paint, thermoplastic (cold plastic), piece forms, polymer tapes, reflectors (for road sections where artificial lighting is not provided).

Previously, a layer of special primer can be applied or repairs (current, major) of the road surface, manholes and wells, cutting off uneven surfaces, filling cracks, and other preparatory work can be carried out depending on the condition of the road surface itself. Work is mainly carried out in dry weather in order to eliminate moisture from the canvas and eliminate minimal errors during application.

The functional durability of road markings depends on the length of the period during which they continue to meet the requirements of the standard.

The detailed characteristics of road markings in accordance with the type of roads are given in the GOST itself in the relevant annexes, where pictures are used for clarity.

In addition to the color scheme of the markings, great importance is given to the width of the markings, calculated taking into account the number of traffic lanes, their designation, the presence (absence) of dividing strips, designation of the boundaries of the roadway, etc.

The size of the marking, application material and color are established by GOST. If it is not applied according to the standards, it may be declared invalid.

In general all technological process When applying markings, they can be divided into several parts.

The following types of work are performed:

  • Preparing the road surface and marking machine for work;
  • Application of preliminary marking;
  • The use of basic materials to cover the road surface, including polymer tape, thermo- or cold plastic, enamel (paint);
  • Carrying out work related to preventing traffic Vehicle along the marking lines for the period of its formation.

Important! Providing road markings allows drivers to navigate while driving and avoid road accidents.

Therefore, it must correspond as closely as possible to the coefficients of retroreflection, brightness and light reflection - indicators that may differ for roads with cement concrete and asphalt concrete surfaces, lighting conditions and types of roads.

From the first day of summer - June 1, 2018 - the document “Technical means of organizing road traffic” comes into force. Road markings. Classification. Technical requirements", providing for a new GOST, according to which new markings will appear on Russian roads, reports "Kommersant" .

In particular, zones where overtaking is prohibited will be marked with yellow stripes for the first time, and traffic lanes at intersections will be blue. New signs on the asphalt will prevent drivers from missing a turn-around zone or a prohibited entry zone. According to the developers, the markings will become as convenient as possible for all road users, reports NSN .

According to the new standard, all main types of road markings separating traffic flows and lanes (single and double solid, intermittent, combination of intermittent and solid) can be either white or yellow. Until now, yellow markings have only been used to indicate no-parking zones. Broken lines used to guide traffic at intersections may turn blue, reports RT .

A number of new signs are being introduced that are painted on the asphalt: a sign indicating an electric vehicle charging station, a “waffle iron” type marking (an area that is prohibited from entering during a traffic jam at an intersection). The latter, by the way, is already used at 30 intersections in Moscow. Also, for the first time, the new standards will provide an arrow indicating the turning zone - in the old GOST it was not there, and the arrows were only turning.

The new GOST was adopted as part of bringing the documentation into compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union of 2011 “Road Safety” and traffic rules. The developer of the standard, General Director of the Center for Engineering and Technical Research (CITI) Dorkontrol, Vladislav Svezhinsky, spoke about the feasibility of innovations.

Thus, the yellow color of the markings will “improve its visibility,” especially in regions where snow falls heavily. Blue markings will be used to indicate paid and free parking. Rosavtodor noted that the New GOST for road markings standardizes types of markings without regulating their use, reports RIA News" .

New markup will be in demand by motorists, indicated the head of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia.

He called the main task of introducing blue and yellow markings to inform drivers about the obstacles awaiting them on the route, reports FAN .

Earlier, Gazeta.Ru wrote that the experiment with so-called “waffle” markings began in Moscow, as well as in a number of regions, about two years ago. Such markings are needed so that drivers clearly understand: if they stop on the yellow section after the traffic light turns red, they will be fined, because at the intersection of roadways with such markings, automatic control of violations is carried out.

In total, three types of violations are recorded: running a red light, driving beyond the stop line, and turning from the wrong lane. Thus, the presence of a “waffle” forces drivers to think, calculate the speed of the flow and, if necessary, wait out the traffic light cycle, so as not to block traffic perpendicular to the flow and not create a traffic jam or emergency situation.

The appearance of waffle markings will make it easier for drivers to navigate when entering intersections, and local authorities will be able to fine violators automatic mode using photo and video cameras. Currently, according to the Administrative Code, there is a single “tariff”.

The Moscow Department of Transport has repeatedly stated its readiness to recommend the “waffle” to all regions without exception, noting the positive dynamics in recording all three types of violations.

“There are still quite a lot of violations when drivers turn from the wrong lane and thereby create obstacles and risks for accidents - more than a thousand or several thousand violations per month,” said experts.

“This is a significant figure, which suggests that we must work to reduce the number of such violations. If this is successful, we will be able to reduce accidents at intersections, improve pedestrian safety, and reduce congestion in specific areas. This is an important experience that will be useful in all cities,” the department added.

At the end of last year it was reported that dozens of new additional road signs and plates would appear on Russian roads. The basis for this is the Preliminary National Standard (PNST) - it allows the use of additional signs throughout the Russian Federation.

Previously, as an experiment, signs and plates from the “renewal” were installed on the streets and avenues of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov and Vladimir. New signs include “Deaf Pedestrians,” “Diagonal Pedestrian Crossing,” and “Prohibition of Entry to the Intersection in Case of Congestion.”

“Prohibition in case of congestion” will be used to additionally visually indicate “waffle markings” - you cannot drive onto them if there is a traffic jam ahead - or for those intersections where there are no markings.

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