GOST road markings. Rosavtodor commented on the new road markings. Examples of vertical markings

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Updated GOST approved by Rosstandart road markings will come into force on June 1, 2018.

The document was created by order of Rosavtodor. According to it, all main types of road markings that separate traffic flows and lanes - single and double solid, intermittent, a combination of intermittent and solid - from the beginning of summer will be able to be either white or yellow. And broken lines showing driving directions at intersections may turn blue.

In addition, blue markings will be used to delimit paid and free parking zones. Previously, yellow markings were used only to indicate places where parking is prohibited, but now they will also be “painted” where overtaking is prohibited.

News / Auto and society

New rules for driving roundabouts declared legal

The rule obliging drivers entering a roundabout to give way to those already moving in a circle was included in the traffic rules relatively recently, in November 2017. Not all Russians “liked” the new rules...

16715 0 0 01.03.2018

As Kommersant reports, the new “marking” GOST also introduces a number of new designations that are applied to asphalt. So, now in appropriate places there will be signs to indicate an electric vehicle charging station and “waffle iron” markings, limiting the zone into which it is prohibited to enter during a traffic jam at the intersection.

It is worth noting that the “waffle iron” is already used at thirty intersections in Moscow, on this moment as an experiment (after GOST comes into force, this marking will be legalized).

In addition, the new standard for the first time provides for the use of an arrow indicating the turning zone.

According to the developer of the standard, General Director of the Dorkontrol engineering and technical research center Vladimir Svezhinsky, the new GOST was adopted to bring the documentation into compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union of 2011 “Road Safety”, as well as with the current traffic rules.

Last fall, the Kolesa.ru portal reported that. It is expected that it will improve the organization of traffic in the Russian Federation, relieve problematic intersections from congestion, and also allow violating drivers to be fined automatically.

The legislation that concerns the passage of intersections is gradually changing. In addition to the introduction of blue dashed lines showing the directions of movement on them, the conversation recently turned to. TsODD proposes to use not one large “Direction of lanes” sign on top, but two, installed on the left and right sides roads. Presumably this will help “improve the architectural appearance of the city.”

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will discuss changes to traffic rules that came into force on July 12, 2017. Let me remind you that in the previous article we talked about updated .

Today we will consider no less important changes. Firstly, the section with horizontal road markings has been completely updated in the rules. Secondly, a new rule has been introduced for the location of cars on the roadway. Let's take a closer look at these innovations.

New horizontal markings in traffic rules

Let me emphasize once again that the “ ” section in the traffic rules has been completely replaced with a new one. However, this does not mean that some other road markings have begun to be used in Russia. In general, the marking lines remain the same, but there are still a few important changes.

Markings to mark the edge of the roadway

1.2.1 (solid line) - indicates the edge of the roadway;

1.2.2 (dashed line, the length of the strokes is 2 times shorter than the spaces between them) - indicates the edge of the roadway on two-lane roads;

1.2 - marks the edge of the roadway;

Please note that intermittent markings 1.2.2 are excluded from the text of the traffic rules. Starting from July 12, 2017, only a solid marking line can be used to mark the edge of the roadway. Also, this continuous marking has a new number. Instead of 1.2.1 it is now called 1.2 markup.

Markings to separate opposite directions of movement

Another important change affected marking line 1.3 (double solid):

1.3 - separates traffic flows in opposite directions on roads with four or more lanes;

1.3 - separates traffic flows in opposite directions on roads with four or more lanes for traffic in both directions, with two or three lanes - with a lane width of more than 3.75 m;

Please note that double solid markings can now be used:

  • On roads with four or more lanes (as before).
  • On roads with two or three lanes (if the lane width is more than 3.75 m).

Previously, double continuous markings made it possible to clearly understand that you are on a four-lane (or more) road, but now this will not be possible.

For what purpose the double continuous line will be used on two-lane and three-lane roads remains unclear. If you have any assumptions, write them in the comments to the article.

Exclusion of markings for the parking zone

1.7 (dashed line with short strokes and equal intervals) - indicates traffic lanes within the intersection. Used for marking parking areas;

1.7 - indicates traffic lanes within the intersection;

Let me remind you that marking 1.7 could be used for marking parking starting from . Apparently, the innovation did not take root and this clause is excluded from the traffic rules.

Elimination of stop line and zebra markings

1.12 (stop line) - indicates the place where the driver must stop if there is a traffic light (traffic controller) or a prohibitory signal;

1.14.1 , 1.14.2 (“zebra”) - means a pedestrian crossing; marking arrows 1.14.2 indicate the direction of movement of pedestrians;

1.12 - indicates the place where the driver must stop if there is a traffic light (traffic controller) or a prohibitory signal;

1.14.1 , 1.14.2 - denotes a pedestrian crossing; marking arrows 1.14.2 indicate the direction of movement of pedestrians;

Please note that marking lines 1.12, 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 have lost their proper names “stop line” and “zebra”. Now you can use only their numbers to designate these marking lines.

More detailed descriptions of road markings

Another useful change - more detailed descriptions for marking lines 1.16.1 - 1.16.3 and 1.24.1 - 1.24.4:

1.16.1 - 1.16.3 - denotes guide islands in places where traffic flows separate or merge;

1.16.1 - denotes islands separating traffic flows in opposite directions;

1.16.2 - denotes islands separating traffic flows in one direction;

1.16.3 - denotes islands at the confluence of traffic flows;

Please note that the new description of road markings allows the driver to clearly determine which traffic flows are separated by a guide island. If only parallel marking lines are drawn on the island (1.16.1), then it separates opposite directions and you can only go around it on the right side.

The description of markup 1.24.1 - 1.24.4 is even more interesting:

1.24.1 - 1.24.4 - duplicates the corresponding road signs.

1.24.1 - duplication of warning road signs;

1.24.2 - duplication of prohibitory road signs;

1.24.3 - duplication road sign"Disabled";

1.24.4 - duplication of the “Photo-video recording” road sign and (or) designation of sections of the road on which photo-video recording can be carried out; markup 1.24.4 can be used independently;

The description of markup 1.24.2 deserves special attention. The updated rules clearly state that such markup can only duplicate . Previously, drivers may have had a misunderstanding on this issue, because... round signs are also found in the " " section and the " " section. Now, if there is a marking on the road in the form of a round sign, then you can immediately understand that this sign is prohibitive.

Location of vehicles on the roadway

Also, a new paragraph 9.1 1 has been introduced into the traffic rules:

9.1 1 . On any two-way roads, driving in the lane intended for oncoming traffic is prohibited if it is separated by tram tracks, a dividing strip, markings 1.1, 1.3 or markings 1.11, the broken line of which is located on the left.

This paragraph refers to the fact that if the oncoming lane is separated by markings 1.1, 1.3 or 1.11 (which has a broken line on the left), then you cannot be on it in any case.

This point allows the driver to clearly understand what to do in the following situation:

In this example, the driver is overtaking at an intersection while driving on the main road. Another important note, the driver begins overtaking through the broken marking line (before the intersection) and completes it through the broken marking line (after the intersection). Old edition the rules did not directly prohibit performing such a maneuver. If such overtaking was committed after July 12, 2017, then the driver will be guaranteed to be punished for illegality.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the changes in traffic rules dated July 12, 2017 are generally positive. The rules have become clearer and some ambiguous points have been eliminated. Let's hope that in the future legislators will delight us with useful innovations.

Good luck on the roads!

There is a suspicion that 3.75 m can accommodate 2 cars quite freely, which according to the traffic rules will already be considered as 2 lanes... the fad was probably corrected so that there would be no discrepancies. IMHO.

In my opinion, it’s just the opposite, before the traffic rules clearly spoke about the presence of 4 lanes with such markings, but now
Traffic rules Marking 1.3 - separates traffic flows in opposite directions on roads with four or more lanes for traffic in both directions, with two or three lanes - with a lane width of more than 3.75 m;
less than 3.75- This one lane, If more than 3.75 two lanes

Those. Not 2 cars should fit in, but on the contrary, one should be comfortable on the road at speed. And at 3.75 only two narrow cars barely pass each other in the yard.

Please clarify with overtaking on the main road: I didn’t understand where it was directly and imperatively stated that this is not allowed. I started through the intermittent one, but I finished through it, where is the violation? What if there is no marking at all? Thank you!

There are no markings - traffic rules on the main road do not prohibit overtaking at the intersection (clause 11.4).

The prohibition of being in the oncoming lane to the left of the continuous lane was already clear from the traffic rules and GOST. So that, for example, at intersections, cars can turn safely and pedestrians can cross. For those who did not understand this, at one time the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation explained this, based precisely on these Laws. But even their decisions reached. And now this ban has already been spelled out verbatim in the traffic rules themselves, where in black and white:

clause 9.11. On any two-way roads Driving in the lane designated for oncoming traffic is prohibited, if it is separated tram tracks, dividing strip, markup 1.1, 1.3 or marking 1.11, the broken line of which is located on the left.

the road may not have 4 lanes, but the driver only needs to estimate the width of the lanes: if from the markings to the side of the road less than 3.75- This one lane, If more than 3.75- only then in this direction two lanes! (3.75 is the width of the car plus about a meter on each side).

Double solid now only means that the width of the road is greater than 7.5 meters (2 lanes, each wider than 3.75 m). No additional assumptions can be made regarding the number of lanes.

About the double solid, I think that this is just an intermediate stage. Because throughout Russia the markings cannot be repainted in one day.

In a few years, I think they should make a rule that all roads are double solid.

I saw that this is customary in America. Even on two-lane roads the yellow is double solid.

But it will definitely be. If it is single intermittent, then it is only for passing flows. If double, then for oncoming people.

Parking spaces are now indicated only by a solid line marking, but it is still not excluded from the ban on stopping closer than 3 m from a solid line. Hmm...

In my opinion, this was done to prohibit avoiding traffic jams when two cars fit on wide lanes (the traffic is moving slowly, the lateral interval is minimal). If the markings are intermittent, the road is considered to be a two-lane road and overtaking is permitted. Now they will draw a double solid line and they will fine you for driving into oncoming traffic...

1) Many drivers naively (I’ve heard it many times) believe that driving into the oncoming lane while crossing a double solid line is punishable more severely than driving through a single solid line. Based on this, many will be afraid to cross the double.

2) Maybe it would be worth banning overtaking in the intersection area without exceptions?

And drivers will not peer at the markings.


“The purpose for which a double solid line will be used on two-lane and three-lane roads remains unclear. If you have any assumptions, write them in the comments to the article.”

Well, this is all very clear to me: all this is to avoid clearing the snow in winter. If half a lane on the right is swept away, then you need to remove it, but otherwise they pushed it to the right edge of the roadway, fit it to a solid double and “thank God”...


A double solid line will be used on two-lane and three-lane roads in order to mislead road users when determining the number of lanes (rows) in the absence of markings 1.5.


Overtaking. Last photo.

In my opinion, such overtaking should be prohibited by law. Even if you're on the main page!

A simple example - a car drives out from the side street to the right, on the car, look to the LEFT - no one. Turn right and here is this overtaking miracle! An accident is guaranteed. According to the traffic rules, the secondary car is guilty, but in essence it is not.


Tell me, there are two lanes in each direction, plus tram tracks along which you can travel. Is it possible to turn left (turn around) from the tram tracks? Or is it going into oncoming traffic? Thanks for your reply and patience.

Taking into account clause 9.1, is it now possible to overtake a slow-moving vehicle in the coverage area of ​​sign 3.20, if there are markings 1.1?


“Please note that marking lines 1.12, 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 have lost their proper names “stop line” and “zebra”. Now only their numbers can be used to designate these marking lines.”

I don’t understand what “their numbers” are, whose?

The driver, approaching a traffic light, decided to change lanes from the far right to the far left, crossing solid lanes. My car was hit from the rear right. They didn’t call the traffic police, they parted ways “amicably.” There are CCTV cameras at the intersection. Will the violating driver be punished?

if the cameras are configured to look at solid lines in front of the intersection, and not just, for example, at the stop line, then the violator will probably will arrive in the mail fine.

From June 1, 2018, a new GOST for road markings will come into force in Russia. It makes significant changes to already adopted standards. In particular, in addition to the usual white and yellow lines, blue markings will appear.

On June 1, 2018, a document called " Technical means traffic organization. Road markings. Classification. Technical requirements", which provides for a new GOST for road markings. Let's look at the main changes.

Blue markings

One of the most important innovations is blue markings. It proposes to carry out elements that have the least impact on safety - traffic lines at intersections, parking spots, etc.

Yellow markings

But the most dangerous places, along with white, are also proposed to be marked yellow color. We are talking, for example, about a continuous line in zones where overtaking or driving into the oncoming lane is prohibited. The yellow lines are supposed to be more visible to the driver, especially in winter.

Other markup requirements

The new GOST specifies the use of other new types of markings:

  • “waffle” markings prohibiting stopping at an intersection;
  • designation of places for charging electric vehicles;
  • an arrow indicating a turn (previously, markings were used to indicate only a turn);
  • two new types of pedestrian crossings.

When will the new markings appear on the roads?

The most interesting thing is that this document introduces new requirements for markup, but does not regulate their use, reports. To start using it on the roads, all these changes must be spelled out in the text of the traffic rules, according to which the driver must act. If there are no new markings in the traffic rules, then the driver is not obliged to follow its requirements. And now the current text of the traffic rules generally refers to the previous GOST on markings. Therefore, the markings on the roads are unlikely to change in the near future.

On June 21, 2019, in the “Discussion of Standards” section, the first edition of the GOST R project “Public automobile roads. Pedestrian and safety barriers. Technical requirements. Control methods” (1.2.418-1.128.19) was posted for public discussion.

On June 21, 2019, in the “Discussion of Standards” section, a revised version of the PNST project “Public Roads. Method for determining the operating conditions of structural layers of road pavements” (1.2.418-1.125.19) was posted for public discussion.

On June 21, 2019, in the “Discussion of Standards” section, a revised version of the GOST R draft “Public automobile roads. Frequency of work (provision of services) for the maintenance of highways and artificial structures on them was posted for public discussion. Planning of work (provision of services)” ( 1.2.418-1.124.19)

On 06/19/2019, in the “Discussion of Standards” section, a revised version of the GOST R draft “Between repairs and repair work” was posted for public discussion. major renovation public roads and artificial structures on them and the frequency of installation of wear layers, protective layers and surface treatments of road surfaces" (1.2.418-1.122.19)

On June 14, 2019, in the “Discussion of Standards” section, revised versions of the GOST R drafts were posted for public discussion:
GOST R “Public automobile roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Preparation of sample slabs using a roller compactor" (1.2.418-1.058.18),
GOST R “Public automobile roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Method for determining abrasion" (1.2.418-1.059.18),
GOST R “Public automobile roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Method for determining the influence of de-icing reagents" (1.2.418-1.069.18),
GOST R “Public automobile roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Specialized design system "Euroasphalt". Technical conditions" (1.2.418-1.071.18), GOST R "Public roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete crushed stone-mastic. Specialized design system "Euroasphalt". Technical specifications" (1.2.418-1.073.18),
GOST R “Public automobile roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Method for determining the tensile strength in bending and the maximum relative tensile strain" (1.2.418-1.081.18),
GOST R “Public automobile roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Specialized design system "Euroasphalt". Design process" (1.2.418-1.062.18)
GOST R “Public automobile roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Method for determining resistance to rutting by rolling a loaded wheel" (1.2.418-1.056.18)

On June 13, 2019, in the “Discussion of Standards” section, revised versions of the GOST R drafts were posted for public discussion: GOST R “Public automobile roads. Mineral materials. Methods for sampling sand" (1.2.418-1.119.19), GOST R "Public roads. Mineral materials. Methods for sampling crushed stone" (1.2.418-1.120.19) and GOST R "Public roads. Mineral materials. Methods for sampling mineral powder" (1.2.418-1.121.19).

On June 10, 2019, in the “Discussion of Standards” section, the first edition of the GOST R project “Public Roads” was posted for public discussion. Winter roads and ice crossings. Technical rules for design and maintenance" (1.2.418-1.114.18).

On 06/01/2019, the approved preliminary national standards were posted in the “Discussion of Standards” section:
PNST 179 – 2019 “Public roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Method for determining the tensile strength in bending and the maximum relative tensile strain";
PNST 180 – 2019 “Public roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Method for determining abrasion";
PNST 181 – 2019 “Public roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Method for determining resistance to rutting by rolling a loaded wheel"; PNST 182 – 2019 “Public roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Method for determining the influence of de-icing reagents";
PNST 183 – 2019 “Public roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete crushed stone-mastic. Technical conditions";
PNST 184 – 2019 “Public roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Technical conditions";
PNST 185 – 2019 “Public roads. Mixtures of asphalt concrete road and asphalt concrete. Preparation of sample slabs using a roller compactor";
PNST 244 – 2019 “Public roads. Recycled asphalt concrete (RAP). Technical conditions";
PNST 245 – 2019 “Public roads. Recycled asphalt concrete. Methodology for selecting bitumen binder when using recycled asphalt concrete (RAP) in asphalt mixtures.”

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