The program how to quickly type on the keyboard. Fast Printing Methods. Blind typing - how it is

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How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard? This question is of interest not only beginners, but sometimes and advanced users who, notdespite their experience and decent computer skills, they continue to type working texts and writing with two fingers (sometimes even with one hand).

Yes, perhaps you are satisfied with the typing speed of 100-120 characters and the constant need look down at the keyboard, however it is human nature to develop improve and learn new things. And in intellectual work, one should pay attention to such a category as time that one simply does not want to spend on long collection and correction of errors. It is these twoand the factor should be considered the main time wasters when working with typing: searching for the required letter on the keyboard and constant errors. And right now we'll tell you How learn to type quickly on the keyboard,how to avoid typing mistakes, as well as tell you about the basic tutorials for quick and painless typing on a computer.

The need for a rapid test set is often encounteredpeople in professions like journalist and copywriter s, writers, secretaries, as well as students. By the way, the idea of ​​fast printing cameto humanity a long time ago, about 120 years ago, in the eraflourishing of the stenographer's profession. Back in 1888 American stenographer Frank Edgar McGurrin developed a method of blind typing using all ten fingers.

In those days, few listened to the recommendations Mcgurrin but, however, his method still works today, making life easier for modern users. After alleverything is quite natural and simple:

    each finger should be located on its own key, that is, be responsible for a certain area on the keyboard;

    at first, you need to train a lot;

    you should learn the keyboard.

    Learning to type correctly: pplacement of fingers on the keyboard

    1. The position of the fingers when working at the computer m should start, oddly enough ... with posture. Make it your rule sit straight, without overloading the spine, do not lean close to the monitor.

      Now you can start fingering.Do you know what keyboard layout isdesigned so that the most "active" fingers (indicative) the most frequently used letters fall, and less mobile (little fingers)are responsible for the "unpopular" letters of the alphabet.Right in the middle we have letter combinations like FYVA and OLJ, with which it beginscorrect placement.

      Place your index fingers on the letters A and O: there are usually small notches there, for convenience.

      Also for your own good, the entire surface of the keyboard conditionally divided into sector a , behind which certain fingers of your hand are fixed. Please note that large tsy are also in business: he and are responsible for the gap.

      M issue: don't look at the keyboard

      The essence of the blind ten-finger method is precisely that all our fingers work over the entire surface of the keyboard, do not get tired and do not get "tangled". When youbring the process of pressing the buttons with the “correct” fingers to automatism, thenand it will be possible to consider that you have comprehended simple knowledge,how to type on the keyboard.

      However, one unresolved question remains - the method is blind, after all. The fact is that during trainingfeeling confidentafter correctplacement of fingers on the keyboard, you will be less and lesslook at the keyboard. After all, you still need to monitor WHAT you write, that is, to make as few mistakes as possible. A errors appear because we are in too much of a hurry and do not look at the monitor. Everything is interconnected soat first, pay attention not so much to speed as to the correctness of the set.

      You can talk about the perfection of your set when you stop making mistakes and retyping a sentence several times.Set aside an hour of exercise every day for two weeks. And you will see how much you have advanced in your computer printing skills.In 3 months you will become a real ace and surprise your colleagues with your virtuoso set. For God's sake, don't look at the keyboard.

      Having studied a little theory, it's time to move on to practical exercises.Next, we describe in detail aboutprograms that teach speed typing with simple tasks, drills and game elements.

    Programs for learning speed dialing

    1. WITH olo on the keyboard is not a simple keyboard simulator, it is a sequential training course consisting of 100 tasks. Developer " Solo Vladimir Shahidjanyan,(by the way, he is famous psychologist) taking as a basis precisely blind ten-finger method, created that qualitative and quantitative base,through which the learner acquirese necessary skills forspeed dial. This program can be downloaded to your computer, or you can use online. charmof the whole process lies in the fact that you are given not onlya set of exercises, recommendations and settings, and are selected special texts aimed at mastering one or another sector of the keyboard. Which in a complex gradually leads you to the desired result. And the result is decent - 250 characters per minute and no temptation to look at the keyboard after completing all 100 tasks. Worth a try.Especially for those who for many years did not imagine howit is typing with two hands at once, not like ten fingers. To test yourself before training, you can take a small test and find out what is the initial speed of your set. And then after training to compare the results.

    2. E Another program for learning speed typing is called"All 10". H and handy program for novice users. Before starting the training With also awaits a test for typing speed, and then - interesting tasks and training.

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without a computer. Despite the fact that users of all ages spend a significant part of their time behind a laptop, few people have an idea how to type on the keyboard with two hands correctly. Typing speed is a useful skill to save time when working with text. Any user can master fast printing, and at the same time he does not need any extra abilities or expensive courses. You just need to be patient and make a little effort, and in a few weeks you will quickly and without errors print text of any complexity.

Fast Printing Methods

Learning to type fast

There are only two main methods of fast printing: visual and "blind" ten-finger. The first method is used by most people: looking at the keys, a person types the text with one or two fingers (usually index or middle). The second method is more professional and consists in the fact that the user types with all fingers of two hands, while not looking at the keyboard.

"Blind" printing method

Blind typing

This method assumes that certain letters are assigned to each finger. The main thing is to initially “put” your hands correctly and work out pressing certain keys. For example, the index finger of the left hand corresponds to the letters "A", "P", and the right - "O", "P", etc. By repeating the actions many times, over time, the work of the fingers will be so brought to automatism that it will no longer be necessary to look at the keys.


We can say that you have mastered the method completely if your consciousness does not control the movement of your fingers.

Ten-Finger Printing Rules

For faster mastering of printing with ten fingers, it is recommended to follow these recommendations:

  1. Pressing should be sharp, without delays or clamps, otherwise fluency will not be achieved.
  2. Do not hit the keys hard, otherwise you can get a disease of the joints.
  3. Keyboard strikes should be even and rhythmic.
  4. Make sure that there is no "bending" of the fingers.
  5. Proper landing is half the success. Sitting on a chair should be calm, relaxed, without tension of the spinal column, without slouching and not leaning on the back.
  6. It is necessary to start training with the correct position of the hands - the index fingers should be located on the letters "A" and "O", the rest should be located on the middle line of the keyboard on the remaining three keys in order.
  7. Now is the time for the formation of mechanical skills. With the help of special training programs, it is necessary to type certain words without peeping at the keys.
  8. The more repetitions you do, the faster you will master the touch typing skill.
  9. The typed text should be well lit and on the left side.

Every Internet user at least once wondered: how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard? There are a huge number of special online services with simulators that help you quickly and efficiently learn this craft. That's just one software simulator will not be enough. It is necessary to follow certain rules and tips to achieve a positive result.

Before you start training, you need to understand their essence. Many naively believe that if you practice a lot, while not observing the minimum set standards, then over time this skill will appear. Unfortunately, it is not. It is necessary not only to use simulators, but also to do it correctly.

First, it is worth learning that all ten fingers must be used to type correctly on the keyboard. Those who use only two indexes will never succeed.

This picture shows a correct diagram showing the binding of keys to certain fingers of a person. This principle should be assimilated and, if necessary, printed out for constant repetition. You should also remember the main rule: never make mistakes in this scheme and always print correctly. If you learn this well, then learning will accelerate at times.

Do not be surprised that with such a set, your usual typing speed will drop dramatically. This is quite normal and obvious. At first, you will have to train hard in this direction, not paying attention to the speed of recruitment. However, it will gradually increase.

Proper posture in front of a computer

It may seem strange, but this aspect is also important. Firstly, if you follow the rules of sitting in front of the computer, you will take care of your health, which is only a plus. Secondly, with the right fit, typing will only become more convenient and practical, this can be easily verified by your own example.

Blind printing

Indeed, typing blindly, that is, without looking at the keyboard, is very important when typing. However, this is not possible in the early stages of learning. In any case, you will have to constantly look at the keyboard until the location of all the keys takes root in muscle memory. Therefore, in the first steps, you should not try to look at the monitor, and not at the keyboard. So the process will only slow down.

Rhythm and technique

Most likely, your own rhythm and typing technique will appear on your own over time. Just try to do everything in one rhythm, without sudden accelerations and decelerations.

It is equally important to press the keys correctly. It should be light tapping without keeping your fingers on them.


Of course, special software typing simulators enhance the effect of learning in practice, but sometimes you can do without them. The fact is that most of these services are designed to hone the printing of complex designs in order to quickly learn how to work with all fingers.

However, if you do not have time for constant training on simulators, you can do without them. The main thing is any practice, print any text and the skill will improve on its own.

Popular practice programs

If you do not have any practice in typing on the keyboard, then we recommend that you pay attention to. If you already have experience, then programs and are more suitable, their main feature is the adjustment of algorithms for the user, due to which the training is better. Suitable for school or other group activities, because it has a teacher mode in which you can create and edit lessons. For children who need motivation for learning, a children's simulator is suitable.

How to quickly learn to type blindly with ten fingers? In this article, Teach It will review online typing trainers and programs for teaching ten-finger and blind typing (typing).

Special courses have been created for this, and in Western countries this is a subject in schools.

The main advantages of the ten-finger blind method

  1. When you type with all fingers, the number of errors decreases.
  2. All fingers will work, with each of them corresponding to certain keys.
  3. Printing occurs mechanically - the desired key is hit only by the finger with which you have learned to hit it.
  4. If you master this typing method and apply it, you can save your health. You will not need to look from the monitor to the keyboard and back, your eyesight will not deteriorate so much, and your eyes will not be so tired. You will be able to do more work.
  5. If you learn this method, you can achieve a typing speed of 400-500 characters per minute. And if you take a whole team that has mastered the blind ten-finger method, then their productivity increases by 10-15%. All documents, notes, reports, balance sheets, texts, letters are drawn up more accurately, better and faster.
  6. During blind typing, your attention is not focused on typing, but on how to best express the thought (conclusions, recommendations, conclusions, suggestions).

How to learn?

There are many resources, and the already mentioned special programs, online classes and touch typing courses. In the UchiEto courses, we will not focus on it, but we will talk about online simulators and the program.

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In general, most of these programs are built on the same methodology. First, the “applicant” studies the row of the keyboard, which is in the middle - this is FYVAPROLJE, trying to learn how to type certain letters with certain fingers. At this point, the most difficult thing is to “wiggle” the little finger and ring finger. When you master the middle row, move on to the bottom and top. Also, during training, you may experience irritation due to the fact that your fingers are pressing the wrong keys, you get a lot of errors, and so on - this is inevitable. It’s not worth getting upset too much - this is a rather serious skill, and in order for you to have it, you need to work hard.

Keyboard solo

The most popular program in Runet for learning the blind ten-finger typing method is SOLO on the keyboard. On it TeachIt will dwell in more detail, because it is not regular program rather a great tutorial. In addition to the usual set of letters in SOLO, there are tips, detailed instructions and other materials that can help to cope with irritation, and also not to leave everything halfway.

The entire course is 100 exercises. If you pass all 100, then this ensures that you are already typing with ten fingers and do not look at the keyboard. All exercises consist of 6-7 tasks. In addition, when you go through a lot of exercises, you can return to some previous one. Also in each exercise there are jokes from the creators that can lift your discord, and you can relax a little. You can also read letters from people who have already completed SOLO. In these letters, people described the problems they had and what was the most difficult for them. When you complete the task, the program will give you a grade on a five-point scale.


This is a free typing trainer with a fun and simple interface. The author of this program has just a colossal sense of humor and he does not hesitate to show it in the interface of the program itself. Training is based on the step-by-step execution of various tasks, and their complexity gradually increases. For example, in the first task, you need to type the letters O and A in various combinations, then the letters L and B are added, and so on. You perform all the tasks to pleasant music. Also, all kinds of events are accompanied by funny sounds, for example, when the program closes, the phrase “I’ll be back” sounds. The program also contains a toy, which, however, has nothing to do with learning, but you can play.

Rapid Typing

A free program from Western developers, in which you can study in English and Russian layout. It has a friendly attractive interface. There are also class statistics that can help you navigate the training. As usual, the layout of the display keyboard is at the bottom.

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This is no ordinary keyboard trainer. The authors claim that their method is extremely effective. Their website says that after five to fifteen hours of practice, you will be able to type blindly at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The technique is really not similar to the standard. Here you will immediately start typing text, which consists of letters from all rows of the keyboard. In this case, the lines for dialing are generated by a special algorithm that creates related phonetic sequences of characters.

But, UchiIt thinks that this approach is very difficult for beginners. Explanations of which fingers to press, how to hold hands correctly and much more can be found in the help. It also says that switching from two-finger poking to ten-finger typing is not easy. At the same time, it is very difficult to learn which finger, which key is responsible for, looking only at the keyboard model. There is a huge chance that a beginner will simply abandon training.

Speed ​​Printing School

This typing trainer is designed for people who want to learn ten-finger touch typing. All sorts of interesting sections are built into the simulator:

  1. Sound dictation - like in school, the voice dictates, and you must type at speed and without errors.
  2. Blind typing - is an imitation of work on a printing press, reinforces and enhances the skill of touch typing.
  3. Typing - develops skills.
  4. The game of “falling letters” will help you take your mind off studying the keyboard and help develop your reaction.
  5. Step-by-step learning of the keyboard - develops muscle memory.

Keyboard online simulators

In this LearnIt section, you will learn about online resources that are designed to help you master touch typing.

Keyboard solo online

You can study for free. The methodology and the learning process are practically no different from those presented in the program. All with the care of the student and very high quality. Only here you have the opportunity to compete with the rest of the "online students", which are quite a lot. In general, both the Solo program and the online simulator are what a beginner needs. This is the best option.

All 10

This is a new project that promises to get rid of two-finger poking. At the beginning, you will be given a test to test your typing speed. Then the exercises will begin. There are two courses - English and Russian. In the training section there are detailed recommendations and instructions for completing all tasks.


The rules of the game are quite simple. The game randomly selects a piece of text that your opponents and you must repeat exactly, and this is all for speed. When you type correctly, your typewriter, which is at the top of the list, moves forward. If you make a typo, you will have to correct it, otherwise you will not be able to move on. At the end, the winners will be determined and the parameters for passing the “marathon” will be demonstrated - the percentage of symbols in which you made mistakes, the typing speed and the time. The results of all races are saved in your statistics. For each text passed, you will be awarded points, the number of which depends on the length of the text.

Time Speed

The main goal of this project is to allow all computer users to learn typing (ten-finger typing or touch typing). They offer a series of training courses to help build speed.

VerseQ online

This online version VerseQ program, but it differs from the program in that it allows you to study from anywhere in the world, share your successes with friends and acquaintances, and participate in various competitions. This service is for those who want to learn touch typing easily, quickly and naturally.


To all that has been said, one can only add that everyone who sits at a computer, especially those who type a lot, needs to purchase an ergonomic keyboard. It also has the name separate, since the keys are divided for each hand. In addition, the left and right blocks are located at an angle to each other, which makes it possible not to bend the hand at the wrist when you put your hands in the initial position FYVAPROLJE. If you work on this keyboard, you will definitely feel less tired, and this will increase the speed and productivity of typing.
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What should a copywriter do first? Correct, fast typing and touch typing. If this is not learned, then it is simply unrealistic to achieve noticeable success in work. You can get this skill at special trainings or courses in typing, as well as purchase textbooks or disks with information. However, we offer you to learn how to type quickly and completely free of charge.

How to Learn to Type Fast - Choose Your Method

There are different ways to print on the keyboard, if you choose for yourself and use a convenient and suitable method, you can significantly increase the speed of typing. The most commonly used two-finger method, although it is the simplest, but not the fastest. Also, 8 fingers are used for printing: everything except the thumb. This method is more convenient, because the hands above the keyboard move much less than in the previous method, naturally, the typing speed increases. The most popular ten-finger method. It is the most effective, albeit complex.

How to Learn to Type Fast - The Ten-Finger Method

It may seem to many that it is unrealistic to apply it in practice, but having mastered this method, you can type with all your fingers, and most importantly, without even looking at the keyboard. The essence of the method is simple - each finger is responsible for its specific keys. Having mastered this typing technique, you will have the skill of rhythmic text input. You will enjoy your work because you will be less tired. The main thing is that there will not be such a heavy load on the eyes, because fatigue appears precisely from the frequent shifting of the gaze from the keyboard to the monitor.

The first step in learning how to type quickly is to remember how your fingers should lie on the keyboard. In addition to the "home" keys, each finger is also assigned buttons under and above the original one. Remembering everything is hard, but with the desire and with constant practice, you will learn this.

How to learn to type quickly - assistant programs

There are many programs to improve blind typing. However, not everyone will give you the desired result. You should not grab the first link that came across to you, go through long registrations, wait for account confirmation. It often happens that the time that will be spent on these programs or web services will be wasted by you. The chosen program will not justify itself, and you will not get what you expected. We will advise you three proven programs designed for learning speed typing.

All 10

quality new program, which will help get rid of the habit of typing with two or three fingers. First you need to pass a test on your typing speed, then you will receive assignments. By doing them, your skills will grow and progress. You can choose the keyboard option in the options - English and Russian layout.

Speed ​​Printing School

Not only is this program useful, but it is also interesting. Here everything happens in games that will distract from boring workouts. Remember school dictations? Here it is exactly the same, the voice will dictate the text, and you will need to type it as quickly as possible.


Unpretentious and simple program which can be downloaded for free. In itself, it contains the exercises that you need to perform in order to get good results. There are a hundred such exercises, having completed them all, you will be considered a master of speed dialing. It’s up to you to decide whether to end your workouts on this or continue and move on to more complex programs.

  • If you know how to print, although not the most effective, it is better to improve it, rather than trying to learn a new one, because it will be very difficult to relearn because of the memory of your hands.
  • In the early stages of training, decide on the level of speed that you own. Special programs You will be helped with this, there are a huge number of them on the Internet.
  • Do not take up training after stress or in a tired state, there will be no effect from this.
  • Take advantage free programs, the main thing during training is not to look at the keyboard. If you have previously worked on the keyboard, then it will be difficult for you to get rid of this habit. Alternatively, seal the buttons and practice.
  • You should not spend more than one hour per day on training, it is advisable to divide it into a couple of parts. This way you can avoid overwork.
  • No need to rush, in typing, quality is more important, and then speed.
  • Optimize yours properly workplace- the position of the computer, chair and table should not give you any inconvenience.

Now you can learn to type quickly or improve your skills. Be prepared for the fact that for a good result you will need time and constant training. The methods and programs we have proposed have helped many people learn how to type quickly, we hope they will help you too.

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