Payment details. Everything you wanted to know about payment document identifiers of the GIS Housing and Communal Services: where to get them and what information do they carry? Payment details in GIS housing and communal services

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Where can I get the housing and communal services identifier in the housing and communal services GIS, which is needed to use the unified information system?

To make a payment through GIS you need several keys:

  • housing and communal services identifier;
  • personal account;
  • payment document identifier.

GIS was developed for the convenience of Russians. With this system, paying utility bills has become much easier. There is no need to crowd around cash desks, knock on the doorsteps of resource providers, or make tedious calls. All you need is a device with Internet access and a payment card.

In the GIS, citizens have access to information about current state affairs, entering current metering indicators with the ability to immediately pay the bill, tariffs, standards, addresses of structures that control the activities of management companies, sample contracts and other information.


This is the full payer code to be entered into the GIS. Consists of 18 characters:

  • 1-10 – personal account;
  • 11-13 – name of the service;
  • 14-18 – payment ID.

Based on the first 10 characters, the system recognizes that we are talking about a utility payment, and also understands what specific dwelling we are talking about and who its owner is. Getting a personal account is very simple - it is created automatically by generating symbols in the following cases:

  • emergence of a new owner;
  • the emergence of new residential premises.

For example, if the owner of a residential property has changed or a co-owner has appeared who must pay his part of the payments, another personal account is required. If a person who has a personal account for one property has a new home, he must receive a new personal account, because the new property will not be identified from the previous account.

So, based on the first 10 characters, the GIS determines that the payment is being made for utilities, and what kind of real estate they plan to pay for.

11-13 characters – the name of the specific service. In this case, the 11th character is separating and has no practical load. Using 12-13 characters of the code, the program determines what exactly the payment is being made for - for water supply, hot water, heating, garbage removal, etc.

The code ends with information about the payment document.

  • 14 – a symbol without meaning, it serves as a separator between the first two and third parts of the identifier;
  • 15 – the last digit of the year of payment (for example, 8 for 2018);
  • 16-17 – month of payment (for example, 11 – November);
  • 18 – payment document number (usually there is a number 1 here, because there is often only one payment document for each apartment).

Question: where can I get the identifier of the GIS Housing and Public Utilities payment document?

Answer: the program generates part of it independently - the first 10 characters are unchanged, they are generated in random order every time a new payer (new home owner) is entered into the database. The following symbols indicate the specific service and the period for which payment is made. These symbols are contributed by the utility company.

Important! The utility coding does not have a common pattern. Each utility company sets its own values. The relevant information is entered into the database, so the program will decrypt everything correctly.

Preparation of payment

The utility company prepares the payment. It takes the personal account number from the database and is not able to change it. The following symbols are entered by them based on the data known to them - how much, for what and for what period the consumer of the service owes.

If the receipt that a citizen receives from the supplier contains an identifier, the service consumer has the opportunity to open the GIS website and make a payment.

Other options are available to pay for utilities using the ULS:

  • Sberbank website and ATMs for clients of this bank;
  • local specialized resources;
  • service provider resources;
  • cash registers.


If more than 22% of the family budget is spent on utility bills, the household has the right to request a subsidy. If the request is approved, the total amount of payments will be limited to one-fifth of the family's income. Subsidies are assigned by local social welfare authorities.

It consists of two parts: the first, open, to which all individuals who, after completing the registration procedure on the resource, have access. This part allows the user to find out information about his own residential building, its management company, and also to pay the citizen’s utility bills using his personal account.

The second part of the information can be seen and changed within their competence only by those individuals who have been identified and authenticated in the Unified Identification and Automation System, as well as organizations (management companies, homeowners' associations) and representatives of government bodies or extra-budgetary public funds.

It would be logical to assume that since a citizen using GIS has the opportunity to pay utility bills directly in the system, then operators who accept payments also have access to it.

This is true - operators accepting payments for utility services have access to GIS housing and communal services.

By general rule, the system operator places in the GIS a list of functions available to users. In the future, everything depends on whether the information on the basis of which the operator was issued his authority is available in the appropriate register.

If it is present, everything functionality become available to citizen users immediately. If there is no such information in the registry, the functions will be blocked. Only Once the necessary data is entered into the registry, the operator will have the appropriate powers.

In order for the payment acceptance operator or payment agent to receive authority in the GIS, they must not only wait for the data to arrive in the system registers, but also upload electronic copies of agreements and other required data into it to confirm authority.

Attention! powers received in the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services are limited in time, and, as a rule, terminate after the expiration of the period for which they were issued.

But they may be lost earlier for the following reasons::

  • review;
  • the one who received the powers will refuse them;
  • the authority of the user on whose behalf the actions were performed will expire;
  • the basis for such powers to operate will be absent or cease to exist;
  • it will be discovered that the user used information that did not correspond to reality when applying for authorization.

What does the 18-digit code contain?

At the very beginning of working with the system, many new terms appear, and the phrase “payment document identifier” can easily be attributed to them. What should be understood by this concept, and what components does it consist of?

This is information about the payment receipt transmitted to the GIS in a specially encoded form and containing information about:

  1. Identifier of housing and communal services.
  2. The payment document itself.

The external expression of the identifier itself consists of eighteen elements, each of which has its own numeric or alphabetic expression.

The first thirteen digits fully correspond to the identifier of the housing and communal services, the fourteenth is a hyphen, numbers from fifteen to eighteen are the document number in the ULS in the following order: the last digit of the year in which the document was issued, the month (the designation occupies two digits at once) and the document number this month.

Where can I get it?

We have figured out what this designation is. The next, quite logical question arises: where can it be found?

In accordance with the norms of this legal act, the person who accepted cash, which must be aimed at fulfilling the obligation of the person who transferred the funds to the supplier.

Reference! Such obligations include payment for the use of residential premises and utilities.

The agent who accepted the funds is obliged to transfer them to a special current account.In the future, it will be from him that the receipt of the citizen who transferred the money will be paid.

It is worth noting that, contrary to the initial belief, organizations involved in issuing loans are not paying agents.

Agents are registered in the GIS Housing and Public Utilities System in the same way as payment operators do.
. The powers granted to them are also dependent on the availability of data in the registers, and cannot be delegated until appropriate confirmation is received.

The period for which such powers are issued, as well as the conditions for using the GIS, the responsibilities assumed by the agent, and the grounds for which powers can be terminated (including early), do not differ significantly from the position of the payment operator.

With development information technologies It became possible not only to instantly find out information about a residential building, but also about who manages it.

The GIS system, which is actively introducing itself into the housing and communal services sector, offers its users a fairly wide functionality in searching for the necessary information, one way or another related to housing and communal services, and The ability to pay for services directly in the system is becoming important.

What payment documents are used in it, how they are identified and who has the right to accept payment - this was discussed in this article.

A single personal account (USA) is one of the components of a payment identifier in the GIS Housing and Communal Services. It is generated automatically by the system and is intended for payment of housing and communal services. Essentially, this is all the data so that the subscriber can pay for utilities and housing services online, without paper receipts.

What does a payment ID consist of?

Each subscriber is assigned a special 18-digit code by GIS Housing and Communal Services - full identifier of the payment document. With its help, you can pay for housing and communal services in payment services, on bank websites or from an operator. Essentially, this code replaces the usual receipt.

You can find the ID in personal account GIS housing and communal services.

The identifier consists of several parts:

  • Unified personal account (UPA) is a code that contains all the information about the payer and the premises for which he pays. Consists of 10 digits;
  • Housing and communal services code. This is a three-digit code that is responsible for paying for a specific service - water, gas, cleaning at the entrance;
  • The payment document identifier contains data about the payment order. Consists of five digits.

Why do you need a single personal account?

The 10-digit code stores information about the owner of the premises, the services he receives and data about the apartment or house. It can be identified by the presence of letters in the code - the third and fourth characters. Everything else is numbers.

A personal account is created by the Housing and Public Utilities Information System when registering a new subscriber using a random number generator. It will be assigned to the owners of new premises or if the apartment has one or more owners.

If you use a single personal account when paying for housing and communal services, the system will know that you are paying through the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

Various methods are used to pay for housing and communal services, and one of the main methods is the use of the GIS housing and communal services system. But to pay, each consumer must know a special code, which is called the payment document identifier. Below we will learn about what GIS housing and communal services identifiers are and what blocks the PD identifier consists of.

What's happened

The full payment document identifier (PD) is a special alphanumeric code that consists of 18 characters. This GIS account is entered into the document by the housing and communal services company so that the end consumer can pay for utilities using this GIS account. This code is useful both for paying utility bills at the bank and for paying online. The housing and communal services identifier in the Housing and Communal Services GIS contains information about the residential premises, the consumer, and so on. The code consists of 18 characters; The account itself can be divided into three main blocks:

  • Single personal account (USA). This block contains information about the premises and the person who is the end consumer. Number of characters - 10 pieces. This account is assigned not by the management that provides the services, but by the GIS site itself.
  • Housing and communal services code. This block contains information about a specific service (water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, cleaning the area around the house, and so on). Number of characters - 3 pieces.
  • Payment document identifier. This block contains information about the payment order, according to which the consumer will pay for utilities. Number of characters - 5 pieces.

Below we will look at GIS housing and communal services identifiers in more detail.

Single personal account

A single personal account (UPA) is a code that contains information about the premises and about the consumer who must pay fees for the provision of housing and communal services. A single personal account consists of 10 characters: the third and fourth characters are letters, and all other characters are numbers.

Important! This code is needed so that the operator of the housing and communal enterprise understands that this payment refers to GIS housing and communal services. Also, using this code, the enterprise operator identifies the residential premises and the owner of this premises, on whose behalf payments are made.

A single personal account is created in automatic mode GIS housing and communal services system using the random number generation method. A new ELS is created in the following cases:

  • Adding a new personal account.
  • The appearance in the GIS housing and communal services system of a new residential premises owned by a person.
  • The appearance of a person who will act as the owner of the residential premises. If the owners of the premises are several people, then new ULS will be created for each owner.

Service ID

The housing and communal services identifier in the Housing and Communal Services GIS is a special code. It contains information about the dwelling and the consumer, as well as information about the type of utility service. The housing and communal services identifier consists of 13 characters, which have the following meaning:

  • The first 10 characters represent the ELS, which is generated when registering a home, adding an account, or adding a new consumer.
  • 11, 12 and 13 characters are a special code that contains information about the utility services that the utility company provides to the consumer. The 11th character is a special delimiter character that separates the ELS from the utility identifier.

Payment document ID

The GIS account of a payment document is a special code that contains information about the residential premises, consumer and type of utility service, as well as information about the payment document. The GIS account of a payment order consists of 18 characters, which have the following meaning:

  • The first 13 characters represent the identifier (which in turn consists of the ELS number and a special code that identifies the utility service).
  • The 14th character is a special separator character that separates the service identifier from the payment document account.
  • The 15th digit is the last digit of the year.
  • The 16th and 17th characters are the serial number of the month.
  • The 18th character is the number of the payment document (usually the consumer receives only one payment per month, so most often the 18th character has the value 1).


The table provides a breakdown of all the symbols that are included in the GIS payment order account:

Serial numberFormatMeaningHousing and communal services identifier typeWhat do GIS housing and communal services identifiers mean?
1 NumberA unique code that is assigned to each consumer (characters are generated randomly)Single personal account (USA)Information about the room and person
2 Number
3 Letter
4 Letter
5 Number
6 Number
7 Number
8 Number
9 Number
10 Number
11 Sign "-"Service code in GIS Housing and Communal ServicesInformation about a specific utility service
12 NumberNumber of works and/or services for which the consumer must pay
13 Number
14 Sign "-"Used as a separatorPayment document IDDocument details
15 NumberLast digit of the year
16 NumberMonth number
17 NumberMonth number
18 NumberSerial number of payment document per month

Example of a payment document identifier for GIS Housing and Communal Services

Now let's try to decipher the account ourselves. If you have received a notification indicating GIS account 84ba642319-02-8011. Such GIS housing and communal services identifiers are deciphered:

  • 84ba642319 is ESL. This value is randomly generated once each time a new account, owner, or property is added.
  • 02 is the service number. Numbering is carried out by utilities, so this symbol does not have a single interpretation; in one case, this code will mean hot water supply, and in another case, gas supply, and so on.
  • 9011 is information about the document. Symbol 8 is 2019
  • year, 01 is January, 1 is the document number.

What we get as a result: 84ba642319-02-9011 - this is the first payment document for January 2019 for service number 02, which was provided to consumer number 84ba642319.

Where can I get a payment document identifier?

The full GIS account is entered into the document by the operator of the housing and communal services company, which has the appropriate authority. The operator takes a single personal account from the state database of the GIS Housing and Communal Services, and the operator cannot change this code at will. The number and information about the means of payment are indicated by the operator independently when drawing up a payment notification.

Important! After receiving the document, the consumer of housing and communal services must make a payment. If for some reason the payment document does not indicate a GIS account (operator error, torn receipt, etc.), then the consumer must contact the housing and communal services company to get a new GIS payment account.


Now you know what the housing and communal services code is and where you can get it. Let's summarize. The GIS account is a special code that is indicated in the payment notification. This code represents 18 characters that are used to work in information system GSI Housing and Communal Services. The first 10 characters are information about the residential premises and the consumer; Characters 11, 12 and 13 are the utility number; the remaining 5 characters are the payment document number. If you have received a payment document (PD), but cannot find the identifier, then you need to seek help from the department of the housing and communal services company that processes payment notifications.

However, be careful - this way you will only find out your rent debts! To find out the debt for electricity, you need to contact the customer service of the corresponding energy company, for gas - from the providers of this service, etc.

  • Go to the EIRC without forgetting your documents. The employee will inform you of the total amount owed.
  • In some cases, after entering the necessary information, you can find out about your debt at home by going to the website of your management company.
  • At State Services it is not necessary to enter a payer code. Go to “Payments”, then “Payment for housing and communal services” and find the required item in the menu. Enter the information requested by the site.
  • You can also find out about your debt in Sberbank payment terminals - be prepared to indicate your personal account.

Method number 2: find out offline How to find out the payer code if you don’t have a receipt at hand, or access to the Internet? We offer you several simple ways:

  • Having grabbed your passport and, just in case, a document on ownership, you can go to your housing office or management company— there you should be provided with this code.
  • If you don’t want to leave your home, how can you find out the housing and communal services payer code at the address? Make a call to the EIRC (Unified Information and Settlement Center) or to the Criminal Code. Be prepared to dictate your passport details and information about your place of registration, for which you need to know the code.

Method number 3: find out online The easiest way to find out the payer code at the apartment address is via the Internet, both through a PC, and outside the home - through the same smartphone.

This is done simply:
  • Go to the “Government Services” resource.

Payment document identifier GIS housing and communal services

The personal account number for payment of utilities is an electronic storage of information in which data on technical specifications living space, the number of registered persons and connected communication lines. All utility payments for the apartment are transferred to the housing and communal services settlement center directly to personal accounts.

If necessary, a single housing and communal services account number is divided into several people. This is useful if the apartment has several owners. How can I find out the housing and communal services account number at the address, and how can I use it to check my rent debt? Let's figure it out.

Why do you need a personal account? The personal account number, which is stored in the settlement center, includes information about the number of rooms in the apartment, their size, the type of bathroom (combined or separate), water and sewerage supplies, and electrical wiring.

Housing and communal services identifier

In the letter, indicate your passport details, INN and SNILS number. A unique payment identifier will be sent in a response letter.


If there is legal or individual appeared in person at the department, then these documents must be with him. They are required to fill out forms. To receive details in in electronic format First, you must register in the unified information system on the State Services website, indicating the same data as in the written request.


After this, a letter will be sent to your place of residence with an access key. And only after this can you make a request to obtain a unique identifier.

Usually this service is provided within a few hours after the application. No documents are required. As you can see, there is nothing complicated when using the identifier.
It won't be difficult to recognize him. To do this, you don’t need to collect a bunch of documents or certificates.

How to find out the housing and communal services payer code at the address: features and step-by-step description

Payment of housing and communal services debts using Internet banking and electronic money In addition to Sberbank, which provides services for paying utility bills through the Sberbank Online service, many Russian banking organizations have similar options. The advantages of transferring rent through online banking are speed and efficiency - no queues, complete self-service, work 24/7.
Convenient way Find out the debt for housing and communal services (for the current month, for the past month or six months) from VTB Bank. Many electronic payment systems have ways to find out the debt for housing and communal services. The most popular of them are Yandex Money and WebMoney. On the Yandex Money website, you can find out the amount of debt using the receipt code. The check is done for any calendar month, and payment is made through Yandex electronic money, bank cards or cash (using a printed receipt).

How to find out the personal account of an apartment by address

Obtaining the value of the field “Global unique house identifier according to FIAS/House identification code in GIS Housing and Communal Services” To search for a unique house identifier, you must go to the website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal ( · In the “Electronic Services” section » Click the “All services” button ( · Select “Find out the house code in the GIS Housing and Communal Services” · In the form that opens “Obtaining information on the address of the house”, fill in the required fields · Click the “ button Obtain information about the classification code of the house in FIAS / identification code of the house in GIS Housing and Communal Services" · The result will be available in the view below: "Identification code of the house in FIAS" and "Identification code of the house in GIS Housing and Communal Services" Please note that for temporary addresses of the housing stock, added to the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal and not present in FIAS, only the House Identification Code will be displayed in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

How to find out your personal housing and communal services account by address

How to fill it out correctly? When taxpayers make payments to budget system RF fill out the payment order. In addition to the unique identifier, the entrepreneur must indicate:

  • BIC of the institution through which the payment will be made;
  • name of the bank, its legal address;
  • the current account from which the transfer will be made;
  • type of payment (code);
  • date of the operation.

The number is entered into the line of the unique payment identifier - 22 (field code).

Do not fill out only if payment occurs on time. In this case, enter “0” (zero) in this line.

In the “Premises” section you must enter the following information:

  • share of payment, size of the share in % (that is, in what share the consumer pays receipts for housing and communal services) - values ​​​​from 0 to 100 are indicated;
  • personal account number (or other consumer identifier) ​​- it can be duplicated from the “Basic information” tab;
  • premises address (this column is highlighted yellow, that is, it is optional, but the address still needs to be entered);
  • number of the room;
  • FIAS house code (this column is also highlighted in yellow, but it must be filled in).

Sometimes there may be separate personal accounts in one room (sometimes two or three for one room); when loading personal accounts, you need to be careful and load each one. There is no need to enter an already closed personal account into the template.

Where to find a single personal account identifier in Moscow

This place is always zero.

  • Numbers from 5 to 19. Indicate the document code in the tax system. Each payer is assigned its own special code based on previous version document index.
  • Number 20.

    Its number determines which government agency is verifying the payment. Calculated taking into account the remaining 19 digits of the code.

  • The unique payment identifier is identical to the document index only if the index consists of 20 digits.

    What happens if you don't specify it? Using the UIN number, taxes and other payments to the budget are automatically recorded. Information about payments to the budget is transferred to a single database.

    If you enter the wrong code or do not specify it, the system will not recognize the payment and the money will not be transferred.

Date of conclusion - Field of type “Date” (DD.MM.YYYY), required to be filled in if “The Agreement is not public and is concluded on paper or in electronic form” = “Yes”, and if the search criteria The “Base ID” and the “Social Tenancy Agreement” field group are not specified. Processing status X The result of record processing, contains a description of the error. Contents of this field is ignored by the System and will be overwritten after processing. History of changes to file 1. The name of the field “House code according to FIAS” was changed to “Global unique identifier of the house according to FIAS / House identification code in the GIS Housing and Communal Services” 2.

The “Recipient’s TIN” details indicate the identification number (TIN) of the person in whose favor the payment is made. 3. Payment ID Important ID data is also registered and stored in the relevant registers of authorized government organizations.

You can find out your personal account in several ways:

  • using the State Services website;
  • through a telephone call to the housing management company at your place of residence;
  • using Sberbank ATMs or the company’s electronic service via the Internet;
  • through use alternative ways searching for information: specialized websites, documentation about utilities/payments, etc.

As a rule, a personal account is marked with the labels “LS” or “FLS”, which will make it easy to recognize the required set of symbols.
The value is entered manually or selected from the drop-down list (the list is formed as the lines on the “Basic Information” sheet are filled in). Room address - String field. This field is not saved in the GIS housing and communal services and serves to facilitate the identification of premises in the template.

Filled with an arbitrary value at the user's discretion. Group of fields “Address of the house, premises, room” Global unique identifier of the house according to FIAS / Identification code of the house in the GIS Housing and Communal Services - String field in GUID format, filled in if the value “Identifier of the house, premises, room assigned by the GIS Housing and Communal Services” is not specified Type of premises / block - Value from the drop-down list, filled in if the value “Identifier of the house, premises, room, assigned by GIS Housing and Communal Services” is not specified for premises, rooms, blocks in houses of blocked development.

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