How to calibrate the battery on a Samsung. Battery calibration on Android - how to do it to extend battery life. Calibration using Recovery

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It's no secret that modern phone users often have problems with the battery life of Android devices. A smartphone or tablet does not last long. This can lead to a number of negative consequences. Battery calibration can improve the functioning of the problematic component. But what will it take? Is it possible to carry out the procedure yourself? How to calibrate the battery on Android? All this will be discussed further below.

Signs of Problems

In fact, it is important to understand when the user really has problems with the battery on the phone, and under what circumstances the gadget works normally. There are several signs that suggest you should consider calibration.

The first scenario is that the smartphone or tablet begins to turn off on its own when it has a charge. Even 1% is usually enough for battery life. Therefore, you will have to think about how to calibrate the battery on Android.

The second sign that it is recommended to pay attention to is the battery life of the device in offline mode. For example, previously a smartphone could work for a week, then 5 days, and after a month or two - 2-3 days. This behavior is sure sign incorrectly configured battery.

Calibration is...

What is calibration? Electricians are probably familiar with this term. In dictionaries, the concept is deciphered as bringing the device to an optimal state. In other words, this is the setting of a particular device.

In the situation under study, we are talking about setting up the smartphone/tablet battery so that it consumes energy optimally. So how to calibrate the battery on Android?

On your own or with help

To answer the question posed, everyone must decide for themselves exactly how they plan to act. You can calibrate the battery yourself without much difficulty. But beginners or people who are concerned about the safety of their devices are not recommended to take risks.

The point is that if you do it incorrectly, you can end up with a battery that holds too little charge. And this will lead to the loss of functionality of the gadget. Therefore, if there is the slightest doubt, it is recommended to simply take the device to service center. There, for a reasonable fee, they will tune the battery with 100% safety.

Calibration Methods

However, it is still necessary to know how to calibrate the battery on Android (manually or not - not so important). In fact, there is nothing difficult or special about the procedure. The main thing is to follow the instructions. They will be given below.

In practice, calibration can be done in several ways. Namely:

  • with root access;
  • without root.

You can also classify the work ahead as follows:

  • manual calibration;
  • use of additional programs;
  • working with the engineering menu.

How exactly to proceed? Every person should think about this in advance. Indeed, the success of calibration often depends on the chosen technique. In practice, if carried out correctly, all of the above methods give quick and good results.


How to properly calibrate the battery on Android? The first technique is nothing more than working without root. Just a few minutes - and it's done!

The algorithm of actions boils down to the following steps:

  1. Determine the battery capacity. To do this, you need to study any review of your existing smartphone or tablet. The battery capacity in mAh will be written there.
  2. Download from Play Market an application called CurrentWidget: Battery Monitor.
  3. Install the downloaded program.
  4. Charge the battery to the standard specified by the manufacturer. To do this, the device is connected to the network.
  5. As soon as the desired result is achieved, turn off the phone/tablet. Turn it on immediately.

In fact, such a technique is not always effective. But it is often recommended for novice users. What to do if the method did not help?

Hard Reset

How to calibrate the battery? On Android versions of the OS, there are several methods to bring your idea to life. For example, to act using the so-called Hard Reset.

What to do if the previously proposed method turned out to be useless? You can try to fix the battery like this:

  1. Charge and discharge the device completely 5 times.
  2. After the last charge, you need to unplug your phone or tablet and wait a few seconds (about half a minute).
  3. Perform Hard Reset. To do this you will need to go to engineering menu. Each device has its own method of operation. As a rule, it is enough to hold down the power and volume buttons for a few seconds. Next, select the appropriate operation.

The manipulations performed will help the device perceive the resulting charge level as 100%. Thanks to this, the battery will start working properly.

No apps

How to calibrate the battery on Android without root and additional software? The next technique differs in that you will need to work exclusively with the charger and battery. No additional actions are needed.

Instructions for setting up the battery look like this:

  1. Fully charge the device's battery. After this, be sure to unplug the gadget and turn it off.
  2. Connect the charger cable to the disconnected tablet/phone and charge the device until the LED indicator turns green (indicates 100% charging).
  3. Turn on your phone and stop using it automatic shutdown display. On Android, this option is usually disabled in the “Display Settings” - “Sleep Mode” menu.
  4. Charge your device to 100% again with the screen on.
  5. Now you can turn on sleep mode and work with your smartphone.

The actions taken are calibration. Only all of the listed options provide for the absence of root. With root you can configure the battery slightly differently.

Battery Calibration

How? How to calibrate a non-removable battery on Android? Exactly the same as a regular battery. Settings with root rights are considered the most effective. For example, using additional software.

The calibration instructions look like this:

  1. Download and install Battery Calibration. It's best to do this when Help Play Market.
  2. After installation, fully charge the battery.
  3. Open Battery Calibration and check the battery charge. You need to charge your device to 100% in the app.
  4. Click on the "Calibration" button. This should only be done when the smartphone is fully charged.
  5. Reboot the device.

This is where all the manipulations end. But there is another good trick.

Recovery Mode

How to calibrate the battery on Android through the engineering menu? You can use a technique such as working with the device recovery mode.

How Recovery Mode will help you achieve your plans? If you follow the instructions, you can successfully configure the battery of any smartphone.

This requires:

  1. Open Recovery Mode. It turns on if you press simultaneously Home button, as well as volume control. After this, the device’s power key is additionally pressed. Manipulations are carried out with the phone turned off.
  2. Go to the "Advanced" section.
  3. Find there and go to Wipe battery stats.
  4. Reset all previous calibrations. To do this, select the appropriate menu item.
  5. Discharge the phone/tablet until it turns off completely.
  6. Charge the disconnected gadget to 100%.
  7. Turn on the device (without disconnecting from the network) and click on the "Calibration" button in the Battery Calibration program.

Ready! From now on, it’s clear how to calibrate the battery on Android. In reality, everything is simpler than it seems! Many people say that all of the above techniques are very effective. But most often, old batteries are simply replaced with new ones. This way you don't have to worry about calibrating the battery.

Engineer Dianne Hackborn from Google debunked the well-known Android users a myth that has been wandering around all the instructions and collections of questions and answers for this operating system for many years.

She authoritatively and categorically stated: clearing battery usage statistics, which is stored in the batterystats.bin file and which is recommended to be deleted every time the device is flashed, does not extend the life of your battery Android tablet or phone.

This myth is based on something like this: If at some point you have not fully charged your Android tablet or phone, for example, only 90%, it will remember this battery level, believing that the battery is fully charged, and in the future you will use your battery only 90%, which is 10% less than its actual capacity. And if you delete the file batterystats.bin, which stores information about the battery charge, for example from ClockWord Mod Recovery, thus recalibrating the battery, your Android devices o will forget about the battery charge dropping to 90% and start using its full capacity again.

As Diana Hackborn explains, in other words it goes something like this:

“The file batterystats.bin, which is located in the data/system/ folder, is used to obtain information about the battery level and display information about it using an indicator on the panel Android notifications devices."

However, she says that this is not true at all. Because the data stored in this file is only used to collect information about which process is using the battery and for how long when it is not charging. This is the information you can see in your device's settings menu, under the "Battery" section. This file is not used for anything else.

Thus, it becomes clear that information about the battery charge level Android system does not receive from this file and it cannot in any way affect the battery life.

Moreover, all data on battery usage statistics that is available in this file is completely cleared every time the device’s battery is recharged. Based on this, it is not difficult to guess that this is the same as if you deleted this file before each recharge of your tablet or phone, which you do almost every day.

Everything seems clear. It is not clear why many who have used this method of calibrating the battery, either by deleting this file manually or using ClockWord Mod Recovery, report that their device can work longer without recharging its battery. Placebo effect or what? After all, everyone knows the program for calibrating the battery of Android devices, Battery Calibration It works precisely on this principle, and the Market is full of positive reviews about it.

Premature battery discharge is one of the most common problems for smartphone users. That's why we offer today several useful tips, allowing you to find out the cause of problems and eliminate them. If you notice that your battery performance and battery life have decreased, you may need to calibrate your battery. Today we'll explain what Android battery calibration is, how to determine if it needs to be done, and how to calibrate the battery on a rooted and unrooted Android.

How to find out if the problem lies in the smartphone battery?

First of all, you need to determine why the battery performance has decreased: is it due to improper Android battery calibration or the battery itself? We'll get to calibration a little later, but first it's always worth checking to see if your battery is damaged.

If your phone has a removable battery, turn off the phone, remove the cover, remove and carefully inspect the battery. Look for bulges or drips. On devices with a non-removable battery, identifying external signs of battery failure is more difficult, but not impossible. For example, Galaxy battery S7 swelled and began to put pressure on the housing cover, which caused the formation of a gap between it and the chassis. If your phone has the same non-removable battery, watch for similar signs. By the way, if your device no longer lies firmly on the table surface, tilted at a slight angle, but slides down, this may also be a sign of a swollen battery.

Once you are completely convinced that the battery itself is not the problem, you can move on to the next steps. If you think the battery may be the problem (even after trying to recalibrate it), we advise you to contact a repair shop for an expert opinion. If you find that you need to replace the battery, use the original battery or a reliable third-party replacement. Trying to save by installing a cheap one battery often only leads to aggravation of the situation and problems with the operation of the smartphone as a whole.

Keep in mind that there are many other aspects that can cause a battery to fail. If your phone is not charging, the reason may lie in a problem with the port, so you should first rule out this and similar situations by studying all the information on what to do if your phone does not charge.

If you have just updated the firmware on your phone, rapid battery drain is a common problem. It can be solved by clearing the cache on your device (we have repeatedly talked about how to do this on different Android smartphones).

What is battery calibration?

The Android operating system has Battery Stats function, which tracks battery capacity by showing how full or empty it is. The problem is that the function sometimes crashes and starts displaying data that is not real. This distortion of information leads, for example, to the phone turning off before the charge level reaches 0 percent. Android battery calibration is needed in order to operating system restored the proper operation of the function and monitoring of the actual battery charge level with its correct indication.

It's important to understand that you can't actually calibrate a battery: it's essentially just a cell that stores energy for your smartphone in the form of charge. Of course, lithium-ion batteries contain printed circuit board(PCB), which serves as a safety switch to prevent their explosion or deep discharge, but it is only a protective element that operates at threshold levels.

Myths about the smartphone

Lithium-ion batteries have no memory, so you don't have to do anything to make them work properly. The problem is not the battery, but the way the Android system reads and displays its current capacity.

The same applies to the myth that deleting the batterystats.bin file will be able to magically calibrate your battery. This file in most cases simply stores data about how the battery uses energy between charges. This data is automatically reset every time the battery is charged to 80 percent.

The file batterystats.bin contains information that you get at a glance in the Battery section of your phone: it's the Android system that tracks your battery usage over a charge cycle. When we talk about battery calibration, it is restoring the correct percentage, which gets lost when the battery monitoring function fails.

How to calibrate the battery on Android devices without root access

The old proven method of "full charge and discharge" is one of the most simple ways calibrate your Android battery. You should be warned about the possible negative consequences of completely discharging the battery during its service life, this also applies to the current situation. But if your phone's battery is causing you real problems, it's worth the risk.

Method 1

  1. Completely drain your phone until it turns off.
  2. Turn it back on and let it turn off.
  3. Insert your phone into Charger(connect the "charger" cord) and, without turning on the device, allow it to charge until the on-screen or LED indicator indicates 100 percent.
  4. Disconnect the charger.
  5. Turn on your phone. The battery indicator will probably not show 100 percent, so plug the charger back in and continue charging until your Android smartphone shows 100 percent on the screen.
  6. Unplug your phone and restart it. If it doesn't say it's 100% charged, plug the charger back in and continue charging.
  7. Repeat this cycle until the smartphone shows 100 percent (or as close as possible) when you start it without connecting to the “charger”.
  8. Now let the battery drain to zero and allow your phone to turn off again.
  9. Fully charge the battery again without interrupting the charging process - this way you can correctly set the battery level of your Android device.
remember, that Not recommended perform this process frequently. Even if your battery is dead and your phone won't even turn on, the battery will still have enough charge to prevent damage to the system itself. Don't take any chances, do this process no more than once every three months. If this is required more often, then your smartphone clearly has big problems with its battery.

Be clear: completely draining your battery is a bad thing. Frequent attempts to calibrate the battery are also harmful to the battery of your Android device. The good news is that battery charging automatically turns off when its safe limit is reached, and there's always some power left over even if your phone won't start. In general, only perform calibration when truly necessary because this procedure will negatively impact battery life.

How to calibrate the battery on rooted Android devices

Despite the fact that clearing the batterystats.bin file is unlikely to have any significant impact on how correctly the Android system indicates the remaining battery charge, there are users who are firmly convinced of this. Therefore, in the interests of fairness, we decided to tell you about this method of solving the problem. This is basically the same process as above, but with the added root application step.

Method 2

That's all we wanted to talk about in this article. Have you tried any of these methods? Did you know alternative way calibrate the battery? Let us know about it in the comments.

Smartphones and gadgets have become integral attributes of our lives.

Due to constant use, their batteries gradually wear out and over time hold a charge for significantly less time than the first months after purchase. If you encounter such a problem, first of all, do as written in. If this does not help, then you need to perform calibration. There are several signs that indicate its need:

  • The battery cannot be charged to 100%.
  • Very long charging (if the charger is in good working order and original);
  • The smartphone turns off during use, although the indicator does not indicate a lack of charge.

If you encounter one of the above troubles, do not rush to run to the store for a new battery. The correct solution to the problem is calibrating the battery. Now there are two common methods: using the Battery Calibration application and manually.

Battery Calibration

The program will require the phone owner - without them it will not start. Launch the application and it will do everything automatically. The utility is universal, so it is suitable for any type of device. You can download the program on Google Play.

Manual calibration

The second method does not require Root rights and downloading special applications, but it will take quite a lot of time. Below are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Completely discharge your smartphone.
  2. Charge it for 8 hours when turned on.
  3. Turn off the device and charge it for another two hours.
  4. Turn on your smartphone for a couple of minutes, turn it off again and let it charge for another hour.

Smartphones and tablets running Android OS have the same problem for many users. After a short period of time after purchasing the device, owners begin to notice a fairly significant decrease in the battery life of the device. As a rule, the first thing that comes to mind is to purchase new battery, but before you decide to take this step, first try to carry out a simple procedure to calibrate your battery, and after that, if this does not give results, you can safely go for a new battery.


If you began to notice that your smartphone began to discharge faster or turn off completely when the charge indicator did not have time to fall below 70%, then the so-called “Memory Effect” has occurred in your smartphone’s battery. Its essence lies in the fact that if the battery is not fully charged, its capacity decreases over time. The battery seems to remember to what limit it needs to be charged. You can “retrain” it using calibration.
Calibration in general means bringing something to an optimal state. So in the case of smartphones, it means improving battery consumption in order to increase its operating time.

When should you calibrate your battery?

Before you begin the calibration process, you first need to make sure that you really need it. When is battery calibration necessary?
As already written above, there is a noticeable decrease in the operating time of the device. For example, if after purchase your smartphone worked for 3 days in a row; in the second month - after charging it began to withstand 2 days, and so on. This all indicates that your device’s battery is not working properly and needs calibration.

The second case is more rare, but also occurs. Automatic shutdown of your smartphone or tablet even after being fully charged. This problem is extremely rare, but can raise quite a few questions for a novice user.
So, if you are sure that you need to calibrate, then let's get started.

This method does not involve installing any applications; all you need is a phone and a charger.
The first thing you will need to do is charge the battery until the screen of your device shows that the charge is 100%. After this, unplug the charger and turn off the phone. Connect the charging cable to the switched off phone and plug it into the network again until a signal appears on the screen of the switched off phone indicating that the battery is fully charged.

The next step is to turn on the phone and disable the ability to turn off the screen backlight in the settings (usually in Android, this is: display settings - sleep mode). When your phone stops going into sleep mode, start charging the battery again to 100%.
Disabling sleep mode is necessary to allow your smartphone's battery to drain faster, thereby causing your battery to drain faster. So, after the smartphone is charged, leave it to discharge with the display on.
When the smartphone is discharged, charge it again. This should be enough for your smartphone to start using energy properly again.
This is where the “manual” calibration method ends. Don't forget to turn Sleep Mode back on.

There are a huge number of applications aimed at improving the battery life of your smartphone. Today we will focus on one of them, the most popular -.
The sequence of actions for this calibration method will be as follows:
First, you will need to launch this program and connect the device to the charger.
After the phone is charged to 100%, you will hear a characteristic squeak, but do not rush to remove the charger, you will need to wait another 1 hour from this moment.

After another hour of charging, in the application menu you will need to press the “Calibrate” button and wait for the procedure to complete.
After everything is completed, you can remove the charger from the network and reboot your device.
This completes the calibration process using the application. If you did everything correctly, then the memory of your battery controller has been reset. This method The good thing is that it does not require any extraneous actions from you, the program does everything itself.

Before you begin the process of calibrating your device using this method, you will need to know the capacity of your battery. This can be done quite simply by looking under the cover of your device, at the battery itself, or by searching for information on the Internet. Battery capacity is determined in mAh.
Once you know exactly the capacity of your battery, you can begin installing the program. Its essence is that it will show you in real time the amount of charge in your battery. All you have to do is bring this indicator to the level to which your battery is designed.
When the charge reaches its maximum, you will need to unplug the device and reboot it, thereby letting the device understand what the real capacity limit actually is.

If after the first such procedure you do not feel any special results, then try 5 full cycles of charging and discharging the battery. After such actions, the device with 100% confidence will take this indicator for granted and will not discharge ahead of time, and you will get what you needed - battery calibration.

Advice: After purchasing a new device, be sure to perform 5 complete charge and discharge cycles of the device’s battery. This will significantly extend the life of your battery.

Battery calibration on Android with ROOT rights

This method is used extremely rarely by users, but also has a right to exist.
In order to calibrate the battery in this way, you need to:
The first thing to do is put your phone into Recovery Mode and go to the Advanced section. In it, you will need to press the “wipe battery stats” button. This press will clear any calibrations ever made by you or your device's system.

The second step is to completely drain your device's battery. After your device is discharged, charge the device until it is fully charged without turning it on.

These two manipulations should be enough to make your device understand what you require from it. If you want to consolidate the result, then after fully charging the device, without disconnecting it from the network, perform additional calibration in the program. This way, your device's battery will be calibrated at its best.

Advice: Try to charge your device via USB as little as possible. This can only be done if you do not have access to a regular outlet.

To summarize: Don't forget to monitor the condition of your device, including the battery. After all, quite a lot depends on it. Calibrate your battery regularly and then your device will please you much longer.

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