How to exclude a program from the Windows 7 firewall. How to add a program to exceptions in the firewall? How to add to firewall exceptions

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Adding the selected application to the Windows Firewall exceptions list is a standard procedure on computers running Windows OS. Performing this operation assumes that you have administrative access to system resources.


To perform the procedure for adding the selected program to the list of exceptions of the Windows firewall in the XP version, call the main system menu by clicking the “Start” button and go to “Settings”. Expand the "Control Panel" link and go to the "Windows Firewall" tab. Select the “Exceptions” tab of the dialog box that opens and click the “Add program” button.

Highlight the right application in the list (when the program is displayed) and confirm the selected action by pressing the OK button. Use the “Browse” button if the required application is not in the list and specify the path to the executable file of the selected program. Use the “Open” command and save your changes by clicking OK (for Windows XP).

Call the main menu of Windows version 7 by clicking the “Start” button and go to “Control Panel”. Expand the "System and Security" link and expand the "Windows Firewall" node. Select the "Allow programs through Windows Firewall" section and open the "Allow another program..." link. Select the desired application in the directory or use the "Browse" button to specify the path to the executable file of the selected program. Save your changes by clicking OK (for Windows 7).

An alternative method for performing the same procedure is to use the netsh command with the firewall context to change Windows Firewall settings. Please note that in some cases the General tab may not be active. This means that changes to firewall settings are prohibited group policy or there are insufficient user rights to perform such an operation. You should also remember that the firewall program in Windows Server 2003 is not enabled by default.

When installing software or computer games, built-in security systems such as firewall and windows defender try to block access to some files that they consider to be dangerous for our computer. There are many necessary files for programs or games that our system’s defenders do not accept for one reason or another, and for this we need to be able to add such files to the exclusion of our defenders,

so that the applications we install work without failures. Let's look at how to add files to exceptions and start with the firewall. I work on Windows 10, on other systems adding firewall exceptions is done in the same way. You can enter the firewall in several ways, I will enter through the search. In the search I write firewall and click on the found object.

In the window that opens, in the right column, find the item under the name and click on it.

We see a list of programs that have already been included in exceptions to be added new program or games we need to click on the tab allow another application but this tab may not be available and you need to click on the tab to access it change parameters, where after clicking we get administrator rights to add a new exception. After tab allow another application should become active, click on it.

In the window adding an application press the button review.

IN windows explorer find the file that interests us and click open.

We see our file in the window adding an application, select it and click add.

In the window allowed programs and components We see that our file has been successfully added to the exceptions. Press the button OK.

Let's now add exceptions to windows defender. In the search we write defender and click on the found tab.

A program window has opened in which we click on the tab options.

As we see in the window that opens, we can add not only a file, but also a folder, and we can even exclude the file extension. But we are working with a file, so click on the sign + which is located under the item below the item files.

In the Windows Explorer that opens, find and select the file that we want to add to the exceptions and click exclude this file.

And as you can see in the exceptions window, our file was successfully added.

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If you haven’t forgotten what it is, then you remember that it either allows or prohibits data exchange through the network. Wherein, this tool relies on some rules, but on the basis of which the decision to pass data is made. But the most important thing you need to know for this article is that these rules are fully customizable, which means that the user can create a list of allowed programs for the Firewall. Today we will look at one of the most simple ways settings of such rules. Today we will close or, conversely, open access to data exchange via the network for a specific application or in another way, add the application to Firewall exceptions, or remove it from the list of allowed programs. But if you want to create more complex Firewall rules that will be based, for example, on the port used, then you need to turn to.

Creating a Windows Firewall Exception

Firewall rules are not created separately to block any application. Here either everything is prohibited or everything is allowed. But apart from this, you can add some program to the Windows Firewall exception. To do this, we need to sequentially go through the following windows:

  1. Control Panel
  2. system and safety
  3. Windows Firewall
  4. Allow an app or feature to run through Windows Firewall (in Windows 7) or Allow an app or feature to communicate through Windows Firewall (in Windows 8).

Then you need to press the button Allow another program. After this, a window will open in front of you Adding an application, in which we can select any of the programs installed on the computer and add the application to the list of allowed programs in Windows Firewall. After this, the selected application will be displayed in the window Allowed programs. This window is where you configure data exchange for this application. Opposite the line with the selected application there are two columns, the presence of a checkmark in which allows data exchange through the selected type of network. Let me remind you that in Windows there are only 3 types of networks: . Why are there only two in this window, you ask? Here home network and the enterprise network are combined into one - in private net. This is explained by their almost one hundred percent similarity.

That's all. So we added the program to the Firewall exception operating system Windows. This way you can easily create a list of allowed programs that are allowed to exchange data over the network. If you want to completely block the application from communicating with the outside world, just uncheck both boxes. And vice versa. And don't forget to save your changes.

May the Firewall protect you. Good luck!

The Windows Firewall (aka firewall) is responsible for the security of the operating system and protects it from external malicious attacks. To effectively protect their computer, every user must know how to work with a firewall and what alternatives can be used.

Do you need a Windows 10 firewall?

Of course it is needed. Here simplest example: in the latest Windows versions(starting from 7) joint management of devices in one became available local network. It is thanks to this that in offices several computers can have access to the same printer or any other device. When you disconnect your PC from the network, you don’t even think about the danger that an “unsafe disconnection” might pose. The fact is that attackers can easily connect to a computer in order to realize their dirty intentions. It is worth mentioning that they cannot, but they could. They could if the firewall was not built into the system. The firewall does not allow “dangerous” incoming and outgoing traffic and blocks suspicious activity, which helps keep you and your device safe.

Why does it block apps?

The firewall blocks programs because it already has a built-in “moral code” - a set of rules, the violation of which prevents a data packet from being downloaded to the computer. These rules can be changed at your discretion. If you want, block all connections to your device; if you want, block access to the Internet for some specific program if it causes mistrust. Blocking various resources helps make your online experience safer.

How secure is the Windows 10 firewall?

The built-in firewall performs the same functions as downloadable antiviruses. Unlike them, it sends notifications much less frequently, has no advertising and does not require paid activation. The firewall is running in background continuously and cannot turn off without your command. Therefore, you can rely on it without the need for additional software. If an application needs access to certain parameters of your computer, a request will come from the firewall, which you will have to confirm.

The firewall requests user confirmation to continue running the program

How to set up a firewall

The firewall can be configured in several ways.

How to open a port in Windows 10 Firewall

  1. Go to the Start menu, there we will need the Control Panel.

    Open the Control Panel

  2. Click on “System and Security” and click on “Firewall”.

    Open Windows Firewall

  3. In the firewall menu we find Advanced options.

    Select Additional options

  4. Select Rule for incoming connection and add the necessary ports.

    Create a new rule for incoming connections

  5. Click “Next” and enter SQL Server in the “Type” line.

    Selecting the rule type

  6. We indicate TCP port and the ports we need.

    We indicate the necessary information. In our case it will be port 433

  7. Select the desired action. For us it will be “Allow connection”.

    Select “Allow connection”

  8. In the “Name” line, enter our port number.

    To complete the setup, call our port by its number

Video: How to open ports in Windows 10 Firewall

How to add to firewall exceptions

Video: setting up and disabling the firewall in Windows 10

How to block an application/game in a firewall

To block an application in the Windows Firewall or, in other words, prevent it from accessing the Internet, you must follow these steps:

  1. Select the “Advanced Settings” section in the firewall menu.
  2. Click on “Outgoing connection rules” and click “Create rule”

    Create a new rule for the application

  3. Next, select the rule type “For program”.

    Since we need to exclude the program, we select the appropriate rule type

  4. Next, the system prompts you to select the program path. Click the “Browse” button and find required file programs.

    Leave all the boxes in place

  5. And at the end, we designate the name of the blocked program in a convenient way and click “Finish”. From this moment on, Internet access for the application will be blocked.

Video: blocking Internet access for individual programs

Firewall Update

Updating a firewall is a controversial and rather negative thing. The fact is that it does not carry any important functions, but it often takes a considerable amount of time. Therefore, some people prefer to disable firewall auto-update.

The Firewall control application is one of the auxiliary programs and is responsible for data security and protects against leakage of this data to the network. The program controls the operation of ports and allows you to choose under what conditions applications will connect to the network.

The program interface is simple and concise

Firewall is system utility, which is designed to protect your PC from malware and unwanted traffic from the network. Initially, it performed its functions perfectly, but over time many shortcomings were discovered. First of all, this is blocking software and sites that the user wants to open on his PC. Therefore, many people disable the firewall in order to install the program correctly. In order not to disable the utility forever, you should add the desired game to the exclusion list.

Adding a program to the exclusion list

To add a program to the Windows 10 exclusion list, you need to right-click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel”.

In the new window, select “Large icons” and click on “Windows Firewall”.

In the left menu, select “Allow interaction with the application...”.

In the new window, click “Change settings”. The “Allow another application...” button will become active. Click it to select the desired software.

A window will open. Click “Browse” and select the program that you want to add to the exclusion list. After making your selection, click “Add”. Next, set the access parameters: public or private.

Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

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