How to add a nickname on VKontakte. Setting a middle name on VKontakte. Editing VK HTML code

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So, today we will look at how to make a middle name in VK. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. The main thing is to know where to click and in what order. In addition, let's see with you what kind of column this is and what it is responsible for.


Before putting your middle name in “VK” in your profile, we need to clearly understand what it is and why it was invented. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to know how this inscription will be displayed on our profile. Maybe our efforts are of no use to anyone?

The thing is that not so long ago a questionnaire social network“Vkontakte” included one very interesting line. It was called "nickname". It was she who helped us answer how to make a middle name in VK. Why? Yes, because this inscription was inserted on the page between the user’s first and last name. Only now this line is missing. Let's see what can be done to improve the situation.

Getting ready

Let's start with the fact that before you make a middle name in VK, we need to prepare a little. The first thing you need to do is set yourself up to work with html code. If you do not have programming skills, then do not despair. You will still succeed. The second step is to prepare your computer and browser. It is best if you close all unnecessary applications, and also close all tabs in the program to exit

These steps will help you avoid failures and problems, and will also ensure that you get fast, high-quality work. Remember, the faster it works operating system, the less time it will take you to figure out how to add a middle name to VK. When you decide that everything is ready, you can begin to take more decisive action. The main thing is not to be alarmed when you see what appears in the process of working on the question posed. So let's get started.

We return the loss

Well, getting down to business, it’s worth noting that if you’re wondering how to write a middle name in VK, then you can be happy - this function carried out legally. You don't need to use third-party programs for it. So it will happen within the social network.

To get started, log in and go to your profile. Without this action you will not succeed. Now that you are on your page, just go to edit your profile. To do this, click on "edit." near the inscription "My page". You will be taken to a special editor. If you are thinking about how to make a middle name in VK, then go to the “general” section. This is where we will work with you.

In order to figure out how to put a middle name in VK, go to the line with your last name. Right-click there, and then select “view element code” from the menu that opens. Now we will work with you with what we have opened. Namely - with the so-called code. Find the line Right-click on it and then select "edit as HTML".

A whole block with numerous information will open in front of you. We don't need to go into everything that's written there. So select all the information (ctrl + A will help with this), and then right-click and select "copy as HTML". Honestly, you can just press ctrl + V. Go to a new line using the "Enter" button. Paste the copied block into our “working window”, and then proceed to more decisive actions. They are the ones who will help you figure out how to put your middle name in VK.


Now we have almost reached the very end of our topic for today. Look carefully at the pasted code. Find “last name” there and change it to “patronymic”. And the inscription "pedit_last_name" on "pedit_middle_name". Now click on the cross on the right top corner"work field" (debugger), then click on "save" in your profile.

Our editor will automatically update, and a separate line will appear between the first and last names. Since we haven't changed its meaning, now it's time to do so. Write your desired nickname and then save the changes. You can go to home page and see what you come up with. That's all. Now you know how to make a middle name in VK.

It should be noted that users who do not know how to return the desired line to their profile quite often become victims of scammers. Many people offer nickname recovery services and ask you for your username and password for your profile. After receiving the data, the person disappears and your page is hacked. So try to avoid such offers.

On the pages of some VK users there is a patronymic or nickname. You cannot simply add it to your first or last name, since these fields have a limit on the number of words entered. To make a middle name on your page you will need minimal knowledge of html. For ease of code editing, you can use specialized programs (HTML-Reader is suitable). If it is not possible to download and install this software, then use a regular notepad.

To get started, go to the editing section on your page. To do this, click the appropriate button:

Afterwards you need to go to the HTML code viewing mode. Right-click anywhere on the page. If you use Yandex browser (), you will see the “Explore element” link:

Click on "View Code". A console will open below to edit it. Please note that as you move the cursor across the fields, the corresponding lines of code are highlighted:

Algorithm of actions

Select the code that is located above the line with the word “Last Name”, right-click and select “Edit as HTML”:

A tag will open separately, which contains information about the block with the last name:

Copy and paste this code into Notepad or another program. Then do the following:

  1. In line < divclass=”pedit_label”>Last name:div> replace the word “Last name” with “Patronymic”
  2. In line Ivanova” id=”pedit_last_name” class=”dark” autocomplete=”off”> replace “pedit_last_name” on “pedit_middle_name”
  3. Remove your last name from the code value=”Ivanova”(will remain value=””)

Now copy the code you changed and paste it below the last name block. If that doesn’t work, right-click again and select “Edit as HTML” mode.

After that, left-click anywhere in the code. A new “Patronymic” field will appear in the VK page settings. Then you can close the console with the code, and enter your middle name or nickname in the field that appears. Next, you need to click the “Save” button.

It is worth noting that if you do not save the changes to your VK page immediately, then in order to change your middle name you will have to do all the above steps again.

You can change your full name or add a middle name on your page legally; you should not be afraid of any penalties from the VK administration.

Some VK users are surprised when they go to the page of a person who, in addition to his first and last name, also has a middle name. But how is this possible if there is no “Add middle name” item in the page settings? In fact, you can add a middle name yourself, but it will require some simple steps.

Open your page in a browser Google Chrome(we will show an example on the specified browser, but you can repeat the entire procedure in another web browser) and click “Edit Page”.

The "Basic" tab will open with basic information about the user, including his first and last name.

Now be especially careful. Move the mouse arrow cursor over the word “Last Name”, as shown in the screenshot, and click the right mouse button. Select View Item Code.

You will see the code for this element, it will be highlighted in blue.

Click on the line that is above the highlighted one (indicated by the red arrow in the screenshot above), then right-click and select Edit as HTML.

A window will open. Below the main entry add the following code:


After adding the code, click on any line of code with the left mouse button. We look at the page and see that the “Patronymic” item has appeared.

Add your middle name and be sure to click on the “Save” button. If you do not add your middle name right away or reload the page, this item will disappear and you will have to do everything from the very beginning.

We go to the page and see this picture:

Instead of a middle name, you can use any nickname you wish. In order to remove the “Middle Name” item from the settings, you can delete the code in the same way you just added it. Or make it simpler - remove the middle name from the item of the same name and the latter will be automatically deleted after the page is reloaded.

By the way, according to some reports, moderators can independently remove the middle name from the name if they notice it.

The social networking site VKontakte, as many, especially advanced users, should know, contains many secrets. Some of them can rightfully be considered unique features, while others are serious shortcomings of the administration. Just one of these features includes the ability to set a middle name (nickname) on your page.

In the original version, this functionality was available to all users and could be changed in the same way as a first or last name. However, due to updates, the administration removed the direct ability to set the desired nickname. Fortunately, this site functionality was not completely removed and can be returned in several different ways.

To begin with, it’s worth mentioning right away that the column "Surname" located exactly like the first and last name in the profile settings. However, in the original version, mainly for new users who, during registration, were not asked to enter a middle name, there is no direct option to set a nickname.

Be careful! To set a nickname it is highly not recommended to use third party programs, requiring you to authenticate yourself via login and password.

Today there are a small number of ways to activate the column "Surname" In contact with. At the same time, none of these methods is illegal, that is, no one will block or delete your page due to the use of hidden functionality of this kind.

Method 1: use a browser extension

To set a middle name on your page using this method, you will need to download and install on your computer any browser convenient for you, on which the VkOpt extension will be installed. Required application 100% supports the following programs:

For the method to work successfully, you need the most latest version Internet browser. Otherwise, errors may occur due to lack of compatibility latest version extensions with your web browser.

If during the installation and operation of the add-on you encounter problems related to the application not working, the best solution there will be installation more early version from the developer's official website.

Once you've finished downloading and installing the browser that suits you, you can start working with the extension.

This method of setting a middle name on VKontakte is the most convenient and fast, however, only for those users who can easily install the VkOpt extension on their web browser. In all other cases, there will be significantly more problems, since the page owner will need to resort to additional actions.

This method of setting a middle name on a page has virtually no disadvantages, since the developer of this extension is trusted by a huge number of users. In addition, you can deactivate or completely remove this browser add-on at any time without any problems.

The established nickname will not disappear from the page after deleting VkOpt. Field "Surname" it will also still be available for editing in the page settings.

Method 2: Changing the page code

Since the graph "Surname" VKontakte, in fact, is part of the standard code of this social network; it can be activated by making changes to the page code. Actions of this kind allow you to activate a new field for a nickname, but do not apply to other data, that is, the first and last name will still require verification by the administration.

On the Internet you can find ready-made parts of the code that allow you to activate the required column in the page settings. It is very important to use code from exclusively trusted sources!

For this method You will need to install and configure any web browser that is convenient for you, which has a console for editing and viewing the page code. In general, such functionality is now integrated into almost any browser, including, of course, the most famous programs.

Having decided on a web browser, you can begin setting up your VKontakte patronymic through the console.

Once you've finished opening the console, you can safely start editing the code. The rest of the graph activation process "Surname" identical for every existing browser.

This technique is, apparently, more labor-intensive, and is more suitable for those users who know what HTML is. The average owner of a VK profile is recommended to use ready-made options, for example, the previously mentioned add-on for browsers.

A few facts about middle names on VKontakte

To set a middle name on VKontakte, you are not required to provide anyone with your password and login for the page. Don't trust scammers!

There is a rumor on the Internet that there may be some consequences due to the use of this VK functionality. However, all this is just speculation, since in fact, setting a middle name is not punished in any way and is not even monitored by the administration.

If you activated the middle name field yourself, but want to remove it, this can be done by simply clearing it. That is, you need to make this field empty and save the settings.

How exactly to activate such functionality on VKontakte is up to you to decide, based on your own experience. We wish you good luck!

This article will discuss how you can make a middle name on the VKontakte social network. We will also touch on such a topic as creating a nickname. Today, few people have the line “Patronymic” on their page. She disappeared from the VKontakte social network.

Only those users who were registered on the social network a long time ago, when this function was still available, can indicate a middle name in their profile. Those who registered relatively recently simply do not have this column.

Using the code

Let's try to figure out how you can return your middle name on the VKontakte social network. Many users first try to find the appropriate code. But it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve anything this way. The code in this case is set by administrators and is not available ordinary users. To enter the required information, use the nickname column. You can solve the question of how to correctly insert a middle name on VKontakte even if you are not strong in programming. There is nothing complicated in this matter, just follow the recommendations given in this article.

How to add a middle name to VK: instructions

First of all, you need to log into the social network using an internet browser. Best suited for this purpose Google browser Chrome. It is with the help of this browser that the easiest way is to restore the sub-items we need. Below your avatar there is an “Edit” button. You need to click on it. As a result, the settings menu will appear on the screen. You need to select the “Last Name” column and right-click on it. A window will appear in which you should select the last item - “View element code”.

If you use old version Internet browser, a new window will appear at the top. This is the same code, but it is issued in a slightly different format. If you did everything correctly, you need to insert the following text into this window: div class= “pedit_general_row” clear_fix. When you click on it, a line with the last name should be displayed. Select it and find the “Edit as HTML” item. In the window that opens, you need to right-click the corresponding blocks or use the key combination Ctrl+A.


If it is quite difficult for you to navigate the English text when deciding how to add a middle name on the VKontakte social network, you need to follow the instructions. To copy an element, click on the highlighted block and select “Copy as HTML”. If this item is missing, just press on your keyboard Ctrl combination+C.

After this, you need to insert the data in a new line by pressing the Enter button. The corresponding function is not provided in the menu, so you will have to use the Ctrl+V key combination. Now until all transformations are completed, you will not be able to leave or refresh the page, otherwise open window will close automatically. There are only a few operations left before the middle name is restored. Let's get started with the code. In the place where you previously inserted various fragments, you need to find the “Last Name” item and change it to “Patronymic”.

After this, you need to close the code by clicking on the cross in the right corner. After this, all you have to do is click on the “Save” button. You can find it at the bottom of the page. You cannot refresh the page until all these steps are completed. Perform this operation after saving. You will notice that you have a “Patronymic” column. Now you can fill it out yourself at any time. The column cannot be left empty, otherwise you will have to do the entire procedure again.

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