If I'm not in contact. Why doesn't VKontakte log in? The “Login” page has opened, but I can’t log into “Contact”. What to do

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Quite a few users have already encountered the problem of logging into the VKontakte website. This can occur due to a number of problems and malfunctions. Now we will analyze them and learn how to fix them.

So, how to solve problems with VKontakte login.

Problems with the site VK.com

Although the VK administration has great resources, their servers sometimes crash. And along with them the entire social network. You can see this when you type vk.com in your browser's address bar and receive an error message.

The first thing you need to do is check your internet connection. Just try visiting any other site. If it succeeds, then the problem is with VK.

The only solution is to just wait. As a rule, the administration restores access within an hour. Serious breakdowns happen extremely rarely, and they are immediately known from the media and open sources.

Virus infection and problems with the Host file

If you notice interruptions or abnormal behavior of your PC, immediately check it for viruses. Fortunately, there are now a huge number of programs and utilities for these purposes (see).

Personally, I use the DrWeb Cureit + AVZ combination. Both scanners cover free of charge, and are available for download on the developers' website. They are excellent at diagnosing most threats and successfully dealing with them.

So the second point in our instructions will be to check for threats that can block access to the VK website.

A common target for attackers is system file Hosts. In the Windows operating system, it is involved in the process of forming numeric and alphabetic addresses of network nodes. Will not go deeper into the wilds network theory, and we will only determine the fact that the integrity and correctness of filling this file affects the performance network connections computer and Internet access.

What do the attackers do? They change the Hosts file so that you cannot access the VK website, or when you enter the address, you end up on another, most often malicious, site.

What should we do in this case? We need to check the hosts file for changes. You will find it at the following address.


Where "%system-disk%" is the drive letter on which the operating system is installed.

Here, find the hosts file and open it with notepad.

Below I give you its view, which should be by default.

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol. # # For example: # # rhino.acme.com # source server # x.acme.com # x client host # localhost name resolution is handle within DNS itself. # localhost # ::1 localhost

If in your case it is different, and the changes you observe were not added by you, then it is highly likely that it was changed due to a viral infection.

We need to restore it to its original appearance. If you try to copy and paste the code I gave you above, you will run into a permissions issue. You will need to take ownership of this file before making changes. You can do just that.

There is an easier option. Remember the AVZ scanner I mentioned above? In it, in a couple of clicks, you can restore the hosts file.

To do this, launch the scanner and click menu "File - System Restore". In the window that opens, check the box "Cleaning up the Hosts file". Then press the button “Perform marked operations”.

After this, you should check if you can access the VK website. It should work.

Requires sending paid SMS

Another common problem that occurs when there are viruses. You seem to be visiting the VK website, but when you try to enter your login and password (see), you are required to send a paid SMS.

This is the same case when you were redirected to the website of the attackers. Do not perform these actions under any circumstances. Immediately close this site and follow all the steps described in the previous paragraph. Clean your PC from viruses and check the hosts file.

"In contact with"(VK.com) is the largest social network in Runet. Millions of users from all over the world visit the VKontakte website every day. However, it happens that it is impossible to access the site due to one or another error. So, how can we access the site if we see an error?

From time to time, technical work is carried out on VKontakte, and it is at this time that the site may not work at all or work very poorly. Typically, technical work is carried out on the night of the week to Monday, and if now is such a time, then perhaps it is because of technical work that you cannot open the site. Even if you urgently need to get to your page, you are unlikely to succeed, so be patient and wait a little.

Of course, there are other reasons that will not allow you to enter the site, and one of these reasons is that some kind of virus or malicious program has changed the file hosts. Let's check if there is anything superfluous there.
So how to do this? In order to open this file, you first need to go to system disk WITH:\ to a folder Windows.

In this folder we find the file hosts and we try to open it, but it’s not that easy.
If the file hosts could not be found in this folder, then there is a significant probability that the virus hid it. Then it needs to be made visible. So how to enable hidden files if you didn’t see the hosts file?

First, let's open "My computer". Then depending on the version operating system Windows you should do the following:
If you have Windows 7:
1. Click "Arrange".
2. In the menu that opens, select "Folder and Search Options".
3. A window will appear, select a bookmark in it "View".
4. Find the item "Show hidden files, folders and drives".
5. Click OK.

If you have Windows 8:
1. Select the tab at the top of the window "View".
2. Find the button with the inscription "Show or hide", click on it and select there "Hidden Elements".
Now the file hosts should be visible if it was hidden.

To open a file hosts click on it "Right mouse button" and from the dialog box that appears, select "To open with".

From the huge number of programs that have appeared, we choose "Notebook". Thanks to him, we will be able to edit the file hosts.

When we opened the file hosts in Notepad, we need to erase all its contents (select everything with the mouse or just press Ctrl-A, then Delete). This is what your hosts file should look like:

Or you can leave only this line, if it is there: localhost
All other lines, especially those in which there is even the slightest mention of In contact with(vkontakte.ru, vk.com)

We successfully save the file hosts.

Just in case, go to your browser settings and clear cache And cookies. It is possible that they interfere, and therefore it is impossible to log into VKontakte.
How to clear cache? This process is done differently in all browsers, but the essence is still the same. Most likely, your browser is Chrome.

Internet Explorer : Tools - Internet Options - General - Browsing history - Delete - Temporary Internet files - Delete files.

Firefox: Tools (or click the Firefox button) - Settings - Advanced - Network - Cache - Clear now.

Google Chrome : Tools (Ctrl+Shift+Del) - Clear browsing data - Select cache - Clear browsing data.

Rebooting the computer.
That's all, I hope this article helped you understand the process of eliminating the error.

Almost every sixth inhabitant of the Earth is registered in some social network. Facebook is popular in Europe, QQ is popular in China, and VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are popular in our country and the post-Soviet space. The slightest glitch in the operation of a social network leads to panic among its users, who communicate on social media for hours on end. But often users themselves are to blame for losing access to VKontakte. Why doesn’t he log in to Contact and how to deal with it?

Of course, the unavailability of a social network may well be due to technical work on the servers or force majeure circumstances. For example, in the summer of 2014, VKontakte was unavailable for 3 hours due to abnormal heat, which disabled the company’s data center in St. Petersburg. But this happens quite rarely, as a result of which you should not associate the unavailability of a social network with any force majeure. Perhaps you are the one having problems with the Internet, computer or account.

Internet connection problem

If when you try to open the site http://vk.com An error pops up in your browser, don’t rush to panic. Your Internet provider may have problems with the equipment or the channel. But if other sites open normally, then this is a serious reason to think about resolving this issue. True, if you access Contact from a work computer, then it is likely that access to social network blocked system administrator. You can use “anonymizers” to access blocked sites, for example, the 2ip service, available at http://2ip.ru/anonim/. Enter the address of the social network, select the IP of any country and click “Open”.

Also be sure to look in the system hosts file and check if there are any unnecessary entries there. As a matter of fact, changes made by the virus to the hosts are the most common reason for the inaccessibility of social networks. Principle of operation this file pretty simple. Before accessing the site, the browser checks the hosts file and, if it does not contain the site’s IP address, opens the site directly. Attackers take advantage of this by registering “fake” IPs in hosts. Thus, they “force” the user to open a completely different site on a different server.

This is the main reason why he doesn’t get into Contact. Fixing the problem with the “hosts” file is very simple. First, you need to open the hosts file in Notepad, which is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. It does not have an extension, so when opening it, specify Notepad as the program.

In Windows 7, finding this file will be a little more difficult, since this path is hidden from the user. Go to drive C, enter the word “hosts” in the search and click ENTER. After finishing the search, open the found file in Notepad. You may need to first open Notepad in administrator mode by right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator."

If the file contains entries related to Contact, Odnoklassniki, then feel free to delete them, leaving “localhost” as the last line.

Save the changes made to hosts, close Notepad and restart the computer. After these actions, in most cases, access to the social network is restored.

If you have installed various programs related to the social network on your computer (downloaders, VKontakte clients), then immediately uninstall them through the “Programs and Features” item in the “Control Panel”.

Also check the system for the presence of files such as “vkontakte.exe”, “svnhost.exe”, “svc.exe”. Open the Start menu and enter the names of these files in order. If Windows detects them on your computer, remove them immediately and restart the system.

Account problem

Often, users are unable to log into the social network because they enter the wrong password, use the wrong layout, or type the password while Caps Lock is on. If, when you try to open a page, the social network tells you that your profile is frozen, do not worry.

Just enter your phone number and confirm your account ownership with the SMS code sent to your phone. Remember that the social network will never ask you to send an SMS to restore access to your account. If you manage to get into your profile, then immediately change the password to it so that attackers will no longer be able to use your profile. Never install programs on your computer that cheat likes, votes, etc. Such programs are viruses that use your account for personal purposes. Haven't figured out the problem? Watch the following video:

As a rule, users do not even realize that by starting the computer and opening the browser, they will not be able to load the “contact” Internet page...

In this article we will try to understand sequentially the most common reasons that cause this problem.

1. The main reasons why you can’t log into VKontakte

In general, there are 3 most popular reasons due to which ~95% of users cannot access VKontakte. Let's briefly talk about each of them.

1) Enter the wrong password or email

Most often, the correct password was simply forgotten. Sometimes users confuse their email because... they may have several mailboxes. Please check the entered data again carefully.

2) You caught a virus

There are viruses that block access to various sites: for example, to antivirus sites, to social networks, etc. How to remove such a virus will be described below; it cannot be described in a few words...

3) Your Internet page has been hacked

Most likely, you were also hacked with the help of viruses; first you need to clean your computer of them, and then restore access to the network.

2. Why is the password incorrect?

Many users have pages not only on one social network “Vkontakte”, plus add several mailboxes to this Email and everyday busyness... You can easily confuse one password for one service with another.

In addition, many sites on the Internet do not allow you to have easy-to-remember passwords and always force users to change them to their own generated ones. Well, of course, when before you easily accessed a social network by simply clicking on your favorites in the browser, after a month it would be difficult to remember the password.

To recover your password, click in the left column, right under the authorization lines, the item “forgot your password?”.

2) Update the database, and then check the entire PC (at least the system drive).

3) Please note, by the way, that you have in and in installed programs. Remove suspicious programs that you did not install. It’s just that very often, along with the programs you need, all sorts of add-ons are installed, which can embed various advertising blocks, interfering with your work.

4) By the way, a couple of interesting notes:

Removing "Webalta" from the browser -

3.1 Opening access to a contact

After you have cleaned your computer of various adware programs (they can also be classified as viruses), you can proceed directly to restoring the system. It’s just that if you do this without removing the viruses, there will be little use - very soon the Internet page on the social network will stop opening again.

1) You need to open Explorer and go to the address “C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc” (copy without quotes).

2) This folder contains a hosts file. We need to open it for editing and make sure that there are no unnecessary or suspicious lines in it.

To open it, simply right-click on it and select open with notepad. If after you open this file the picture is as follows, then everything is fine*. By the way, hash marks at the beginning of a line indicate that these lines are comments, i.e. Roughly speaking - simple text that does not in any way affect the operation of your PC.

*Attention! Virus writers are cunning. From personal experience I can say that at first glance there is nothing suspicious here. But if you scroll to the end of the text notepad, you will find that at the very bottom, after a bunch of empty lines- there are “virus” lines that block access to sites. That’s exactly what happened...

Here we clearly see that the address of the VKontakte network is written, opposite which is the IP of our computer... By the way, please note that there are no hash marks, which means this is not just text, but instructions for the PC that it should download this site to the address Naturally, this site does not exist at this address - and you cannot access Vkontakte!

What to do about it?

Just delete all suspicious lines and save this file... The file should be left with something like this:

After the procedure, restart your computer.

A couple of problems that may arise...

3. If it doesn’t work, then just delete this file. Personally not a supporter this method, but even he can help... Most users do not need it, and those who do need it can easily restore it themselves.

3.2 Prevention

To avoid catching such viruses, follow a couple of simple tips...

1. Do not install any software of suspicious quality initially: “Internet breakers”, keys to programs, download popular programs from official websites, etc.

2. Use one of the popular antiviruses:

3. Try not to access the social network from other computers. It’s just that if on your own you still control the situation, then on someone else’s computer the risk of being hacked increases.

5. If you have disabled automatic update Windows - then from time to time check the system for important “patches” and install them “manually”.

There are a number of reasons why you cannot log into your VK account. This can happen both on a work computer and at home. Solving such a problem is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the recommendations below.

VKontakte does not accept login or password

This can happen if the " caps lock " or not changed keyboard layout. If, after eliminating these shortcomings, you were unable to log in, then you can be sure that attackers have broken your page and entered new data.

In this case it will be necessary change password from your page. To do this, you need to go to the website and click the “ Forgot your password?" It is located on the left side under the “Registration” button. After clicking, you will need to enter the phone number associated with this page. You will receive an SMS with a code. The numbers will need to be entered in the free line. After this, you can begin changing your password.

If a phone number was not previously linked to the page, then you need to enter address email to which authorization data will be sent.

When entering data, VK requires you to send an SMS

This is the work of attackers. Under no circumstances should a notice be sent. If such information is displayed on the screen, then the first thing to do is check the address bar of your browser. It should have address indicated vk.com, and not some other one. If you see inappropriate information, for example vkon l akte.ru, then this is a scam site.

To do this, you must manually enter vk.com and press the “Enter” button. If even after this it automatically redirects to a fraudulent site, then the problem may lie in the presence of a virus.

There is no login to VK due to a virus

First, you will need to scan your computer for dangerous programs. To do this you can use the program dr.web cureit. If there are viruses in the system, the program will instantly get rid of them.

If, after cleaning the computer, the VK input continues to be unavailable, then the cause may be changing the hosts file. It is located at c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc.

To return everything to its place, you need to go to the specified address. You can open the file either using Notepad (run as administrator) or using Word. To do this you need to open text editor and use the mouse to drag and drop the hosts file. This can also be done by right-clicking on it. After clicking, a window will appear. From the list you need to select the line with the name “ To open with" The system will then show options from which to select any editor.

After opening it, you need to make sure that there are no others except the line localhost. If they still exist, then you need to delete and save the file.

There are times when saving gives an error. With this option, you need to change access to hosts file. To do this, you need to right-click on the document and select “ Properties" Then in the tab called " Are common"pay attention to the section " Attribute" and uncheck the line " Only reading».

After this, you need to press the “Change” button and go to “ Safety" In the “Allow” column, check the box next to “ Full access" - "Accept". Now you can freely edit and save changes in the hosts file.

If everything is done correctly, the entrance to VK will be available. To prevent this situation from happening again, it is recommended to install new version antivirus program to your computer.

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