Download button sounds. Controlling sound volume using hotkeys and from the command line

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I think that modern people can no longer imagine life without technology. This is especially true for a personal computer. After all, with its help you can work, communicate and do much more.

To perform some operations, you can use both the mouse and the keyboard. The fact is that any keyboard has certain key combinations (so-called “hot keys”) that allow you to execute certain queries or commands.

For example, by simultaneously pressing “Win ​​+ R”, you can quickly search your personal computer, in other words, various combinations keys you can perform assigned tasks. You can also use them to adjust the volume level personal computer, laptop or netbook.

Of course, there are keyboards where you don’t have to worry about remembering the key combination, since there are two buttons on them that are responsible for increasing or decreasing the sound. But, unfortunately, such buttons are not present on all keyboards.

It is also not always convenient to increase the volume. This is especially true for various games, when in order to perform this action you have to minimize the window or exit it altogether. This article will talk about how to increase sound on a computer using the keyboard.

How to increase volume on PC using keyboard

It is very convenient when the keyboard has special buttons for controlling sound, but not all have them. Because developers are increasingly trying to reduce the number of keys. To do this, the functionality of the removed keys is distributed among those that remain, making them multifunctional keys.

For example, some developers put speaker icons on the keys with the letter “F” or highlight in a different color the keys that, in addition to the main specific function, are also responsible for sound. For these purposes, some developers create certain combinations that are used to reduce or increase the volume.

So on small keyboards, it is possible to control the Winamp program and therefore, when listening to audio recordings through it, if you need to make the sound quieter or louder, you can simultaneously hold down the “Shift+2” or “Shift+8” keys. Sometimes this combination is replaced by simultaneously pressing Shift and the up or down arrow.

NirCmd utility

In addition there is special utility, which is called "NirCmd". Of course, you can use it to assign a convenient keyboard shortcut to increase or decrease the volume, but these keys will not perform their functions in full-screen mode. You don't really use them during the game either. So I don't think this is a good option. Although, whatever suits you.

Keyboard combinations to increase sound on a laptop

With laptops everything is quite simple. Almost every keyboard has a key called Fn. It is usually located in the lower left corner. On the top of the keyboard, where the F1 through F12 keys are located, two of them should have speaker icons.

Most often these are “F11 and F12” or “F7 and F8”, and the image of the speakers can also be on the up or down arrow keys. Thus, to make the sound louder or, conversely, decrease it, simultaneously hold down the “Fn” key in combination with a key in the form of a speaker.

For example, holding “Fn+F11” on laptops Asus, the volume will decrease, and when using “Fn+F12” the sound will increase.

How to increase sound on a computer using the keyboard, summary

As you can see, increasing or decreasing the volume level on a personal computer, laptop or netbook using the keyboard is quite simple, and most importantly, very convenient in some situations.

However, depending on your device, operating system, hotkeys may not match those described in the article. What to do? It's not all that complicated. Bring up "help" by pressing F1, (look at your keys, look for a question mark if there isn't one on F1).

In the Edit section, find a list of hotkeys for your device. Remember or write down the keyboard shortcuts, or simply the keys responsible for adjusting the volume on your personal computer. Good luck!

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I will look trivial if I start telling you how convenient and pleasant it is to use hotkeys, how it saves time, etc. If you came to the computer not yesterday, you know this.

Ever since Linux appeared in the zoo of my computers, I really love the ability to assign arbitrary keyboard shortcuts to anything, including volume control. At one point I wanted to have something similar on systems with Windows 7. The built-in tools of this OS will not help here, and if you do not have a multimedia keyboard, you will have to turn to help third party utilities. I suggest using the NirCmd utility, the main advantage of this is the absence of programs constantly hanging in memory.

NirCmd is a very powerful and functional console utility that allows you to automate and solve a lot of system tasks. One of the possibilities is to control the volume from command line. Just what the doctor ordered.

Download NirCmd and unpack it into a folder. For me it’s traditionally c:\cmdtools.

NirCmd Command Line Options for Volume Control

To turn off/on all sounds, use the following command:

C:\cmdtools\nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 2 When you first start the sound is turned off, the next time it is turned on.

In order to increase or decrease the sound volume, Nircmd supports an option like:

Nircmd.exe changesysvolume X Here X is a negative or positive number from zero to 65535. Positive number increases the volume by X points, and -X - decreases it accordingly. Everyone can choose the X value according to their taste, I settled on 2000.

Thus, to control the volume level I used commands like:

  • increase volume
    c:\cmdtools\nircmd.exe changesysvolume 2000
  • turn down the volume
    c:\cmdtools\nircmd.exe changesysvolume -2000

We know everything we need to know, now we’ll assign global hotkeys to these commands.

Hotkeys for volume control

Operational Windows systems use the keyboard shortcuts assigned to shortcuts in the Start menu as global ones. We will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

I have assigned and used the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • CTRL+ALT+Num+ - increase volume
  • CTRL+ALT+Num- - decrease volume
  • CTRL+ALT+Num/ - mute or unmute sound

As I said at the beginning of the article, the advantages of this approach are that there are no unnecessary applications hanging in memory, Nircmd processes and closes without wasting system resources.

Controlling the volume of sounds from the keyboard is quite convenient. Are you using this opportunity? Tell us in the comments how and what utilities you use - perhaps your option is much more practical than mine. Sharing experiences is a great thing, you know.

Good afternoon friends. Today I decided to look into such an interesting effect as playing a sound when you hover over a link, picture or other element of your landing page. Everything is limited only by your imagination.

On many forums they say that this should not be done, that it annoys everyone and no one likes it. I believe that in some cases this fits quite organically into the overall concept of the site and looks (or sounds) quite interesting :) For example, like on this site.

In any case, there will always be people who angrily criticize this effect, and will always say that it annoys the user. But at the same time, there will be those who have long wanted to add sound when hovering over menu items. Whether you belong to one or the other, only people can help you find out how this effect works in your niche. Let's get started...

How to play a sound when you hover over your forelock

First of all, we connect the jquery library:

Now let's look at the markup. To implement the effect, we will use the tag. We will not need all of its properties. We'll talk more about it another time, it's very similar to the tag. So...

Music link

Now, in order for the sound to play when hovering over a link when the mouse cursor hovers over it, we need to use a small script:

var soundLink = $("#sound-link"); $(".music1 a").mouseenter(function() (; ));

You can place it closer to the footer, but in the source code I moved it to an external file and included it at the end of the page.
In a similar way, you can set the sound to play when you hover over menu items, and indeed all links.

In the source file I put several different click sounds so that you have a small choice. In general, it is desirable that the duration of the audio file is no more than a second, then everything happens correctly and the sound is released on time. If you manage to find similar sounds, please send them to social media or email, and I will add them to the article.

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