Promotion of the subscription page. How to create a subscription and sales page. How to attract and retain subscribers. Detailed analysis of subscribe and unsubscribe pages Simple airy design

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  • Greetings, dear friends! Now we’ll talk about what a subscription page is, what it’s for, and how to do it yourself. And also at the end of the article I will share my small collection of subscription pages, or as they are also called “capture pages”. This lesson will be useful to everyone: both novice bloggers and novice information businessmen.

    As I wrote above, subscription pages are a very important part for those who run their own blogs and build a business on the Internet. Not one, listen, not one blogger and information businessman will be able to do without capture pages!

    Many of you know that the subscriber base is a Golden Asset, and it is worth taking care of it at the very beginning! There is no need to “forget” about it, or tell yourself “later, later, later”, you need to act now!!! Of course, I won’t talk about all the intricacies of recruiting subscribers now, because... I’m thinking of writing a series of articles on this topic soon, or even writing a free book. And this will happen this summer, I think in early July. I advise you not to miss it!

    We’ll skip the subtleties, but I’ll, of course, briefly tell you what and how...

    In order to gain subscribers, first of all you need to create your own free information product, for example a video course or book. Then create a subscription page (more on this in this article) and advertise your product! This is how you can initially collect a subscriber base.

    And now we’ll talk about just one part of recruiting subscribers, this subscription page(capture page).

    Subscription page - this is a special page to which you will invite people with the insidious goal of making them your subscribers using a subscription form.

    I am more than sure that you have come across this page more than once. Therefore, you shouldn’t waste time explaining what they are... Let’s better talk about what they should be and how to do it yourself!

    What should a “funnel site” be like?

    There is now a lot of debate about what the subscription page should be like, both among beginners and professionals. Therefore, the exact answer to this question is this moment there’s just no... And everyone uses what he likes, but you should still stick to some very important rules!

    — There must be a “loud” and catchy title.

    — There must be a subtitle that will “finish off” the client.

    — should be visible without scrolling the window.

    — The subscription form should attract attention.

    — The client must trust you and give his email address.

    — A clear example of what the client will receive.

    These are the rules that everyone who creates subscription pages with the goal of getting subscribers must adhere to. Now, let's look at each of the points in a little more detail so that there are no questions left. But before that, I would like to say the following: These tips are only suitable for subscription pages; for sales pages there are slightly different tactics, which are somewhat similar, but give less results.

    1. There must be a “loud” and catchy title.

    By loud and catchy, I mean that the headline should both convey the essence of your free product and “impose” it on the client! Also, the title should be readable and memorable!

    There is no need to rush with the title. You need to sit down, think carefully, think everything through, and then just decide what the title will be. This may take several days, or even weeks!

    Header example:

    “They thought I couldn’t do it. But they were wrong... I managed to earn my first million online."

    2. There must be a subtitle that will “finish off” the client.

    This subheading is a very important part of the sales page; it should be written immediately after the heading. The subtitle should be readable and convey a direct meaning of what your product is about. It could even be the name of the product, or its slang.

    Subtitle example:

    “Detailed instructions on how to make a million!”

    3. The subscription form should be visible without scrolling the window.

    Well, I don’t think it’s even worth explaining here. In the subscription page, the subscriber collection generator, that is, the subscription form, should be visible to the client immediately after entering the page, without scrolling down (). And, by the way, this applies not only to the subscription page, but also just to the blog!

    4. The subscription form should attract attention.

    Standard subscription forms offered by specialized services, such as Smartresponder, are an eyesore all around. And therefore, such forms no longer attract as much attention as they did a few years ago. It’s worth thinking carefully about this and making something special and attractive.

    If you have knowledge graphic editor and html, then there is nothing complicated here, but if you are not familiar with them, then you should turn to freelancers.

    The subscription form should catch your eye immediately after entering the page, but you shouldn’t turn it into a “Christmas tree.”

    5. The client must trust you and give his email address.

    You must write to your future subscriber that his e-mail address will remain with you, will not fall into the wrong hands, and spam will not be sent to him! This is very important, you must let them know that you can be trusted! And, of course, you shouldn’t send dozens of letters a day to your subscriber, they didn’t agree to this...

    6. A clear example of what the client will receive.

    Also an important part of the subscription page. You must visually show the future subscriber what he will actually receive. Simple words little, so it would be nice to present the product cover, or a few screenshots, or a video clip.

    These are the rules you must adhere to without fail if you want to achieve decent results in a short time. Of course, these are not all the rules and advice, there are many more, but initial stage these are quite enough. If you want more, please write to me in the comments. I will then speed up writing the free book.

    How to make a subscription page?

    A subscription page can be created without any special knowledge of programming languages, including html. Everything can be made much simpler, because there are a large number of different special ones for this. Finding them is not difficult, just write in the search: “Program for creating html websites,” or something like that.

    Personally, I use the program for these purposes Web Page Maker. I talked about how to create a simple subscription page using it in my free video course “ How to create a video course: from A to Z“, which you can download absolutely free here.

    And so I decided, in order not to repeat myself, to make this lesson publicly available especially for you. You can view it just below:

    Well, is everything clear to you? If you have any questions, write in the comments - I will definitely answer and help!

    Hello friends! I have prepared for you a simple and concise subscription page template in html format for uploading to your hosting. And, of course, instructions for editing it.

    The template is adaptive for different devices, comprises:

    Title and subtitle,
    3D information product boxes for visualization,
    list of benefits (bullets),
    subscription forms – by email and via VK,
    basement with important information(links to your website or VK group, privacy policy, social networks).

    An example of this template:

    And here is a video tutorial on editing it:

    I also post text editing instructions below.

    1) First download the template link.

    2) It is packaged in an archive, after downloading it needs to be unpacked into a regular folder. Right-click on the archive and select “Extract to current folder.”

    You must have an archiver installed on your computer!

    Or double-click to open the archive and drag the folder from the archive to your desktop.

    3) Make a copy of the template folder. For what? So that you keep the template and continue editing with the current copy.

    Right-click on the folder and select “Copy.”

    Then right-click on the desktop and select “Paste.”

    4) Double-click the copied folder and you will have two files inside. Index.html file and assets folder. Let's start by editing index.html - this is our template. And in the assets folder we only need a subfolder with pictures - images. I'll show you how to replace the 3D box layout with your product cover.

    There is no need to touch other folders - they are responsible for styles, scripts and correct display of the page on different devices.

    To edit the index.html file, you will need to download and install the free Notepad++ notepad.

    This is what its icon looks like.

    After installation, right-click on the index.html file and select “Open in Notepad.” You will open the template code.

    What are we editing here?

    First, the title that is displayed in the browser - just write your text instead of the current one.

    I show an example of my dictionary for a novice partner.

    Below is the “GET ACCESS” button, when clicked, a person is redirected to the end of the page to the subscription form. Here you can write your name on the button instead of the current one.

    Just substitute your text instead of mine.

    Here it is important to describe what values, benefits, and benefits the subscriber will receive from your free service. And it works best in the form of a list like this – clearly point by point.

    By default, it has 4 points, if you need more, you can copy, for example, the last point, highlighting the corresponding part in the code. I showed what needs to be highlighted in the screenshot, it’s important to copy carefully!

    click on screenshots to enlarge

    This way, you can copy and add the number of points you need.

    If, on the contrary, you need to delete an item, then select the block in the same way as in the screenshot:

    And press Delete on the keyboard. Extra space in the code can also be removed using the Backspace (Back) key.

    Important: This part of working with the code is more difficult, so it is no longer for beginners. 4 items in the list are the optimal number of benefits for a subscription, so you don’t have to delete or add anything in the code!

    Now we need to replace the subscription form. It’s easier here, since the part of the code that we will change is marked with comments. We need to completely remove the content between the two comments and insert the code for the subscription form from our newsletter service.

    click on the screenshot to enlarge

    In my case it's Justclick. I previously created a subscription form in the “CRM” – “Subscription Forms” section.

    Now I just copy its embed code onto the subscription page.

    And I paste instead of the current code - I completely select this fragment and use the Ctrl+V key combination to paste the code of my form.

    click on screenshots to enlarge

    The text above the form “Enter your email in the form below...” can also be replaced.

    Important: To save your changes, do not forget to periodically click on the “Save” floppy disk icon in the Notepad++ notepad.

    And to view in the browser how your subscription changes, just open the index.html file in the folder by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button (this is how you open a preview of the template in the browser).

    You can also choose which browser to open the file in if you right-click on it. Select "Open with" and click in the list by the desired browser(if you have several of them).

    Next in the template code there is a subscribe button via VK– in it you simply insert a link to subscribe to your free account via VKontakte. For example, in Senler you need to first create a group of subscribers for this free subscription and copy the subscription link to the group.

    Then insert it into the button instead of the # sign between the quotes. You can also change the inscription on the button, as well as the text “Or get the material on VKontakte”.

    If you want to remove your VK subscription, select the code fragment, as I showed in the screenshot, and press Delete on the keyboard.

    Now all that remains is to edit the text and links in the footer of the site. Be sure to leave the Privacy Policy here. I showed how to make a policy for your website Here.

    And at the very bottom, instead of the text Your full name, write your data.

    Now let’s replace the 3D cover of the information product with a subscription one. To do this you will need to create your cover. If you don't know how to do this, I recommend

    It is advisable to reduce the size of the final image, since when created in the service I recommend, it turns out to be large (the size can be changed in any image editor, including online). And the image format should be png.

    For example, I reduced the size from 1500X1500 pixels by half.

    The finished picture needs to be placed in the images folder, which is located in the assets folder - be sure to give it the same name as the current cover - maket, and delete my picture.

    That is, you need to replace the current picture with yours, but always with the same name and format. I repeat, your image should be called maket and its format should be png!

    When you replace the product cover with yours, but with the same name and format, it will change in the subscription template.

    How to add Yandex.Metrica or a pixel code from VKontakte to a subscription?

    Very simply, the Metric or pixel can be placed in the code before the tag< /head>, making a space. If you place both, you can immediately after each other.

    When the template is edited, it's time to send the subscription page to your hosting to publish it on the Internet.

    And in this article we will talk about how to make the subscription form interesting and how to retain customers in case of unsubscription.

    Subscription form

    It is best to place the subscription form in a separate block at the bottom of the page or in the side menu so that the user can easily find it. You can invite people to subscribe in a pop-up window, but use this option carefully so as not to irritate users. Ideally, you should only show it to new site visitors.

    An unsuccessful example of the placement of a form in the footer of the Yves Rocher website

    A good example of a subscription form layout from Mokselle

    The main elements that a subscription form should contain:

      Input fields. It is optimal to ask for a name and email. You can limit yourself to one email, but then you lose the opportunity to send personalized letters.

      Too many unnecessary fields (found on the UniSender blog)

      Enough input fields in the form from Ecco

      Lack of information in the form fromQuelle

      Clear email schedule on the websitePhoto warehouse

      Reason for subscription. Be sure to tell us what will be in the letters and why it is beneficial to the client.

      The text on the website is too general

      Attractive text from Nike

      You can also give gifts: a discount, bonus material, a demo version of the service, etc. Example text from Enjoyme:

      Or, if you have a website selling services, you can give a mini-audit from an expert (example from Urban Decay):

      It is not clear what kind of letters will arrive in the form from Lakodom

      Additionally, do not forget that the form should be noticeable (but at the same time combined with the site design).

      The form is lost (Lamoda website)

      Shape is part of the design on the Adidas website

      And a few more creative subscription forms for inspiration.

      Cute Jedi from Seonews:

      Bright pop-up from Quelle:

      Nice proposal to become friends from Kiehls:

    Subscription page

    Yes, yes, a whole page! It’s easier to invite users to a separate page and you can tell more about the newsletter.

    So, what should be on it:

      An example of a good headline from Netology

      Content Description. Here you can tell in more detail what the letters are about and how often they will arrive. If you have several types of mailings, then briefly describe each and include checkboxes so that the user can choose the ones he likes.

      Capacious descriptions of newsletters on the website

      Benefits or Reason for Subscription. Just like for the form, on the subscription page you need to show why the user needs the newsletter. You don’t have to highlight it as a separate block, but combine it with the newsletter description.

      The advantages are invisible in unstructured text (on the Ural Airlines website)

      Bulleted list is easy to understand (H&M)

      If you are giving a gift for subscribing, it is better to show it on the first screen, for example, in the header (on the Lamoda website):

      Subscription form. We have already discussed what should be in it in the previous section.

      Examples of letters. If in the subscription form it is enough to add a link to an example letter, then it is more convenient to show it right away. Better yet, post several letters.

      Without photographs, information is lost (on the Ipa-Zakon website)

      Photos of employees invite you to subscribe (Service 1PS)

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