Okei is an all-Russian classifier of units of measurement. Measuring quantities Mm unit of measurement

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This lesson will not be new for beginners. We have all heard from school such things as centimeter, meter, kilometer. And when it came to mass, they usually said gram, kilogram, ton.

Centimeters, meters and kilometers; grams, kilograms and tons have one common name - units physical quantities .

In this lesson we will look at the most popular units of measurement, but we will not delve too deeply into this topic, since units of measurement go into the field of physics. Today we are forced to study part of physics because we need it for further study of mathematics.

Lesson content

Units of length

The following units of measurement are used to measure length:

  • millimeters;
  • centimeters;
  • decimeters;
  • meters;
  • kilometers.

millimeter(mm). Millimeters can even be seen with your own eyes if you take the ruler that we used at school every day

Small lines running one after another are millimeters. More precisely, the distance between these lines is one millimeter (1 mm):

centimeter(cm). On the ruler, each centimeter is marked with a number. For example, our ruler, which was in the first picture, had a length of 15 centimeters. The last centimeter on this ruler is marked with the number 15.

There are 10 millimeters in one centimeter. You can put an equal sign between one centimeter and ten millimeters, since they indicate the same length:

1 cm = 10 mm

You can see this for yourself if you count the number of millimeters in the previous figure. You will find that the number of millimeters (distances between lines) is 10.

The next unit of length is decimeter(dm). There are ten centimeters in one decimeter. An equal sign can be placed between one decimeter and ten centimeters, since they indicate the same length:

1 dm = 10 cm

You can verify this if you count the number of centimeters in the following figure:

You will find that the number of centimeters is 10.

The next unit of measurement is meter(m). There are ten decimeters in one meter. One can put an equal sign between one meter and ten decimeters, since they indicate the same length:

1 m = 10 dm

Unfortunately, the meter cannot be illustrated in the figure because it is quite large. If you want to see the meter live, take a tape measure. Everyone has it in their home. On a tape measure, one meter will be designated as 100 cm. This is because there are ten decimeters in one meter, and one hundred centimeters in ten decimeters:

1 m = 10 dm = 100 cm

100 is obtained by converting one meter to centimeters. This is a separate topic that we will look at a little later. For now, let's move on to the next unit of length, which is called the kilometer.

The kilometer is considered the largest unit of length. There are, of course, other higher units, such as megameter, gigameter, terameter, but we will not consider them, since a kilometer is enough for us to further study mathematics.

There are a thousand meters in one kilometer. You can put an equal sign between one kilometer and a thousand meters, since they indicate the same length:

1 km = 1000 m

Distances between cities and countries are measured in kilometers. For example, the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg is about 714 kilometers.

International System of Units SI

The International System of Units SI is a certain set of generally accepted physical quantities.

The main purpose of the international system of SI units is to achieve agreements between countries.

We know that the languages ​​and traditions of the countries of the world are different. There's nothing to be done about it. But the laws of mathematics and physics work the same everywhere. If in one country “twice two is four,” then in another country “twice two is four.”

The main problem was that for each physical quantity there are several units of measurement. For example, we have now learned that to measure length there are millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, meters and kilometers. If several scientists speaking different languages ​​gather in one place to solve some problem, then such a large variety of units of length measurement can give rise to contradictions between these scientists.

One scientist will state that in their country length is measured in meters. The second may say that in their country the length is measured in kilometers. The third may offer his own unit of measurement.

Therefore, the international system of SI units was created. SI is an abbreviation for the French phrase Le Système International d’Unités, SI (which translated into Russian means the international system of units SI).

The SI lists the most popular physical quantities and each of them has its own generally accepted unit of measurement. For example, in all countries, when solving problems, it was agreed that length would be measured in meters. Therefore, when solving problems, if the length is given in another unit of measurement (for example, in kilometers), then it must be converted into meters. We'll talk about how to convert one unit of measurement to another a little later. For now, let's draw our international system of SI units.

Our drawing will be a table of physical quantities. We will include each studied physical quantity in our table and indicate the unit of measurement that is accepted in all countries. Now we have studied the units of length and learned that the SI system defines meters to measure length. So our table will look like this:

Mass units

Mass is a quantity indicating the amount of matter in a body. People call body weight weight. Usually when something is weighed they say “It weighs so many kilograms” , although we are not talking about weight, but about the mass of this body.

However, mass and weight are different concepts. Weight is the force with which the body acts on a horizontal support. Weight is measured in newtons. And mass is a quantity that shows the amount of matter in this body.

But there is nothing wrong with calling body weight weight. Even in medicine they say "person's weight" , although we are talking about the mass of a person. The main thing is to be aware that these are different concepts.

The following units of measurement are used to measure mass:

  • milligrams;
  • grams;
  • kilograms;
  • centners;
  • tons.

The smallest unit of measurement is milligram(mg). You will most likely never use a milligram in practice. They are used by chemists and other scientists who work with small substances. It is enough for you to know that such a unit of measurement of mass exists.

The next unit of measurement is gram(G). It is customary to measure the amount of a particular product in grams when preparing a recipe.

There are a thousand milligrams in one gram. You can put an equal sign between one gram and a thousand milligrams, since they mean the same mass:

1 g = 1000 mg

The next unit of measurement is kilogram(kg). The kilogram is a generally accepted unit of measurement. It measures everything. The kilogram is included in the SI system. Let us also include one more physical quantity in our SI table. We will call it “mass”:

There are a thousand grams in one kilogram. You can put an equal sign between one kilogram and a thousand grams, since they denote the same mass:

1 kg = 1000 g

The next unit of measurement is hundredweight(ts). In centners it is convenient to measure the mass of a crop collected from a small area or the mass of some cargo.

There are one hundred kilograms in one centner. One can put an equal sign between one centner and one hundred kilograms, since they denote the same mass:

1 c = 100 kg

The next unit of measurement is ton(T). Large loads and masses of large bodies are usually measured in tons. For example, the mass of a spaceship or car.

There are one thousand kilograms in one ton. One can put an equal sign between one ton and a thousand kilograms, since they denote the same mass:

1 t = 1000 kg

Time units

There is no need to explain what time we think is. Everyone knows what time is and why it is needed. If we open the discussion to what time is and try to define it, we will begin to delve into philosophy, and we do not need this now. Let's start with the units of time.

The following units of measurement are used to measure time:

  • seconds;
  • minutes;
  • watch;
  • day.

The smallest unit of measurement is second(With). There are, of course, smaller units such as milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, but we will not consider them, since this moment this makes no sense.

Various parameters are measured in seconds. For example, how many seconds does it take for an athlete to run 100 meters? The second is included in the SI international system of units for measuring time and is designated as "s". Let us also include one more physical quantity in our SI table. We will call it “time”:

minute(m). There are 60 seconds in one minute. One minute and sixty seconds can be equated because they represent the same time:

1 m = 60 s

The next unit of measurement is hour(h). There are 60 minutes in one hour. An equal sign can be placed between one hour and sixty minutes, since they represent the same time:

1 hour = 60 m

For example, if we studied this lesson for one hour and we are asked how much time we spent studying it, we can answer in two ways: “we studied the lesson for one hour” or so “we studied the lesson for sixty minutes” . In both cases, we will answer correctly.

The next unit of time is day. There are 24 hours in a day. You can put an equal sign between one day and twenty-four hours, since they mean the same time:

1 day = 24 hours

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IN modern world there are many units of measurement for various quantities. Not all of them are often used, but they all have a right to exist. Most often, the use of a particular unit of measurement depends on the location. For example, we are used to measuring length in millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers. However, when buying a foreign-made TV, we inevitably come across such a unit of length as an inch, because it is usually the diagonal length of a TV that is indicated in inches. Imagine, for example, you are buying a TV, as is now fashionable, through an online store. The website states that its diagonal is 24 inches. And here the problem arises: how much is 24 inches? And mathematics comes to the rescue. Another example: any student studying physics has heard about the SI system of units of measurement. Moreover, the modern curriculum requires every student to be able to convert units of measurement to the SI system when solving school problems in physics. There are many such examples. The point is that you need to be able to navigate the units of measurement of various quantities and, if necessary, be able to convert one unit of measurement to another.

We present the most common units of measurement of basic quantities.

Mass: milligram, gram, kilogram (SI), centner, ton.

1 ton = 10 quintals = 1,000 kg = 1,000,000 g = 1,000,000,000 mg.

Length: millimeter, centimeter, meter (SI), kilometer, foot, inchm.

1 km = 1,000 m = 100,000 cm = 1,000,000 mm

1 m = 3.2808399 feet = 39.3707 inches

Area: cm2, m2 (SI), acre, foot2, hectare, in2.

1 m 2 = 10,000 cm 2 = 0.00024711 acres = 10.764 feet = 0.0001 hectares = 1,550 inches 2.

Volume: 3 centimeter, 3 meter (SI), 3 foot, gallon, 3 inch, liter.

1 m 3 = 1,000,000 cm 3 = 35.32 ft 3 = 220 gallons = 61,024 in 3 = 1,000 liters (dm 3).

As a rule, schoolchildren do not have problems converting large units of measurement into smaller ones.

For example:

23 m = 2,300 cm = 23,000 mm.

43 kg = 43,000 g.

When it comes to converting smaller units into larger ones, problems usually arise. Let's figure out how best to act in such situations.


Suppose we need to convert 28 mm to meters. This problem often arises in physics when it is necessary to convert units of measurement to the SI system.


We proceed as follows:

1) We build a chain of units of measurement from largest to smallest:

m -> cm -> mm.

2) Remember: 1 m = 100 cm, 1 cm = 10 mm.

3) Now we go in reverse order: 1 mm = 0.1 cm, 1 cm = 0.01 m.

This means 1 mm = 0.1 cm = 0.1 · 0.01 = 0.001 m.

4) 28 mm = 28 0.001 = 0.028 m.

Answer. 28 mm = 0.028 m.


Suppose we need to convert 25 liters to 3 meters.


We use the same scheme.

1) We build a chain of units of measurement from largest to smallest, but for now without cubes.

2) Remember: 1 m = 10 dm.

3) Now we go in reverse order: 1 dm = 0.1 m.

This means 1 liter = 1 dm 3 = 0.001 m 3.

4) 25 liters = 25 dm3 = 25 · 0.001 = 0.025 m3.

Answer. 25 liters = 0.025 m3.

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Pascal (Pa, Pa)

Pascal (Pa, Pa) is a unit of measurement of pressure in the International System of Units (SI system). The unit is named after the French physicist and mathematician Blaise Pascal.

Pascal is equal to the pressure caused by a force equal to one newton (N) uniformly distributed over a surface of one square meter normal to it:

1 pascal (Pa) ≡ 1 N/m²

Multiples are formed using standard SI prefixes:

1 MPa (1 megapascal) = 1000 kPa (1000 kilopascals)

Atmosphere (physical, technical)

The atmosphere is an off-system unit of measurement of pressure, approximately equal to atmospheric pressure on the surface of the Earth at the level of the World Ocean.

There are two approximately equal units with the same name:

  1. Physical, normal or standard atmosphere (atm, atm) - exactly equal to 101,325 Pa or 760 millimeters of mercury.
  2. Technical atmosphere (at, at, kgf/cm²)- equal to the pressure produced by a force of 1 kgf, directed perpendicularly and uniformly distributed over a flat surface with an area of ​​1 cm² (98,066.5 Pa).

    1 technical atmosphere = 1 kgf/cm² (“kilogram-force per square centimeter”). // 1 kgf = 9.80665 newtons (exact) ≈ 10 N; 1 N ≈ 0.10197162 kgf ≈ 0.1 kgf

On English language kilogram-force is denoted as kgf (kilogram-force) or kp (kilopond) - kilopond, from the Latin pondus, meaning weight.

Notice the difference: not pound (in English “pound”), but pondus.

In practice, they approximately take: 1 MPa = 10 atmospheres, 1 atmosphere = 0.1 MPa.


A bar (from the Greek βάρος - heaviness) is a non-systemic unit of pressure measurement, approximately equal to one atmosphere. One bar is equal to 105 N/m² (or 0.1 MPa).

Relationships between units of pressure

1 MPa = 10 bar = 10.19716 kgf/cm² = 145.0377 PSI = 9.869233 (physical atm.) = 7500.7 mm Hg.

1 bar = 0.1 MPa = 1.019716 kgf/cm² = 14.50377 PSI = 0.986923 (physical atm.) = 750.07 mm Hg.

1 atm (technical atmosphere) = 1 kgf/cm² (1 kp/cm², 1 kilopond/cm²) = 0.0980665 MPa = 0.98066 bar = 14.223

1 atm (physical atmosphere) = 760 mm Hg = 0.101325 MPa = 1.01325 bar = 1.0333 kgf/cm²

1 mm Hg = 133.32 Pa = 13.5951 mm water column

Volumes of liquids and gases / Volume

1 gl (US) = 3.785 l

1 gl (Imperial) = 4.546 l

1 cu ft = 28.32 l = 0.0283 cubic meters

1 cu in = 16.387 cc

Flow speed

1 l/s = 60 l/min = 3.6 cubic meters/hour = 2.119 cfm

1 l/min = 0.0167 l/s = 0.06 cubic meters/hour = 0.0353 cfm

1 cubic m/hour = 16.667 l/min = 0.2777 l/s = 0.5885 cfm

1 cfm (cubic feet per minute) = 0.47195 l/s = 28.31685 l/min = 1.699011 cubic meters/hour

Throughput / Valve flow characteristics

Flow coefficient (factor) Kv

Flow Factor - Kv

The main parameter of the shut-off and control body is the flow coefficient Kv. The flow coefficient Kv shows the volume of water in cubic meters per hour (cbm/h) at a temperature of 5-30ºC passing through the valve with a pressure loss of 1 bar.

Flow coefficient Cv

Flow Coefficient - Cv

In countries with an inch measurement system, the Cv coefficient is used. It shows how much water in gallons/minute (gpm) at 60ºF flows through a fixture when there is a 1 psi pressure drop across the fixture.

Kinematic viscosity / Viscosity

1 ft = 12 in = 0.3048 m

1 in = 0.0833 ft = 0.0254 m = 25.4 mm

1 m = 3.28083 ft = 39.3699 in

Units of force

1 N = 0.102 kgf = 0.2248 lbf

1 lbf = 0.454 kgf = 4.448 N

1 kgf = 9.80665 N (exactly) ≈ 10 N; 1 N ≈ 0.10197162 kgf ≈ 0.1 kgf

In English, kilogram-force is expressed as kgf (kilogram-force) or kp (kilopond) - kilopond, from the Latin pondus, meaning weight. Please note: not pound (in English “pound”), but pondus.

Units of mass

1 lb = 16 oz = 453.59 g

Moment of force (torque)/Torque

1 kgf. m = 9.81 N. m = 7.233 lbf * ft

Power Units / Power

Some values:

Watt (W, W, 1 W = 1 J/s), horsepower (hp - Russian, hp or HP - English, CV - French, PS - German)

Unit ratio:

In Russia and some other countries 1 hp. (1 PS, 1 CV) = 75 kgf* m/s = 735.4988 W

In the USA, UK and other countries 1 hp = 550 ft*lb/s = 745.6999 W


Fahrenheit temperature:

[°F] = [°C] × 9⁄5 + 32

[°F] = [K] × 9⁄5 − 459.67

Temperature in Celsius:

[°C] = [K] − 273.15

[°C] = ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9

Kelvin temperature:

[K] = [°C] + 273.15

[K] = ([°F] + 459.67) × 5⁄9

Consider the physical record m=4kg. In this formula "m"- designation of a physical quantity (mass), "4" - numerical value or magnitude, "kg"- unit of measurement of a given physical quantity.

There are different types of quantities. Here are two examples:
1) The distance between points, the lengths of segments, broken lines - these are quantities of the same kind. They are expressed in centimeters, meters, kilometers, etc.
2) The durations of time intervals are also quantities of the same kind. They are expressed in seconds, minutes, hours, etc.

Quantities of the same kind can be compared and added:

BUT! It makes no sense to ask what is greater: 1 meter or 1 hour, and you cannot add 1 meter to 30 seconds. The duration of time intervals and distance are quantities of different kinds. They cannot be compared or added together.

Values ​​can be multiplied by positive numbers and zero.

Taking any value e per unit of measurement, you can use it to measure any other quantity A same kind. As a result of the measurement we obtain that A=x e, where x is a number. This number x is called the numerical value of the quantity A with unit of measurement e.

There are dimensionless physical quantities. They do not have units of measurement, that is, they are not measured in anything. For example, friction coefficient.

What is SI?

According to data from Professor Peter Cumpson and Dr Naoko Sano from the University of Newcastle, published in the journal Metrology, the standard kilogram gains on average about 50 micrograms per hundred years, which ultimately can significantly affect many physical quantities.

The kilogram is the only SI unit that is still defined using a standard. All other measures (meter, second, degree, ampere, etc.) can be determined with the necessary accuracy in a physical laboratory. The kilogram is included in the definition of other quantities, for example, the unit of force is the newton, which is defined as a force that changes the speed of a body weighing 1 kg by 1 m/s in 1 second in the direction of the force. Other physical quantities depend on the value of Newton, so in the end the chain can lead to a change in the value of many physical units.

The most important kilogram is a cylinder with a diameter and height of 39 mm, consisting of an alloy of platinum and iridium (90% platinum and 10% iridium). It was cast in 1889 and is kept in a safe at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Sèvres near Paris. The kilogram was originally defined as the mass of one cubic decimeter (liter) of pure water at a temperature of 4 °C and standard atmospheric pressure at sea level.

From the standard kilogram, 40 exact copies were initially made, which were distributed throughout the world. Two of them are located in Russia, at the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology named after. Mendeleev. Later another series of replicas was cast. Platinum was chosen as the base material for the standard because it has high oxidation resistance, high density and low magnetic susceptibility. The standard and its replicas are used to standardize mass in a variety of industries. Including where micrograms are significant.

Physicists believe that the weight fluctuations were the result of atmospheric pollution and changes in the chemical composition of the cylinder surfaces. Despite the fact that the standard and its replicas are stored in special conditions, this does not save the metal from interaction with the environment. The exact weight of the kilogram was determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It turned out that the kilogram “gained” by almost 100 micrograms.

At the same time, copies of the standard differed from the original from the very beginning and their weight also changes differently. Thus, the main American kilogram initially weighed 39 micrograms less than the standard, and a check in 1948 showed that it had increased by 20 micrograms. The other American copy, on the contrary, is losing weight. In 1889, kilogram number 4 (K4) weighed 75 mcg less than the standard, and in 1989 it was already 106 mcg.

Since 1963, in the USSR (GOST 9867-61 “International System of Units”), in order to unify units of measurement in all fields of science and technology, the international (international) system of units (SI, SI) has been recommended for practical use - this is a system of units of measurement of physical quantities , adopted by the XI General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960. It is based on 6 basic units (length, mass, time, force electric current, thermodynamic temperature and luminous intensity), as well as 2 additional units (plane angle, solid angle); all other units given in the table are their derivatives. The adoption of a unified international system of units for all countries is intended to eliminate the difficulties associated with the translation of numerical values ​​of physical quantities, as well as various constants from any one currently operating system (GHS, MKGSS, ISS A, etc.) into another.

Name of quantity Units; SI values Designations
Russian international
I. Length, mass, volume, pressure, temperature
Meter is a measure of length, numerically equal to the length of the international standard meter; 1 m=100 cm (1·10 2 cm)=1000 mm (1·10 3 mm)
m m
Centimeter = 0.01 m (1·10 -2 m) = 10 mm cm cm
Millimeter = 0.001 m (1 10 -3 m) = 0.1 cm = 1000 μm (1 10 3 μm) mm mm
Micron (micrometer) = 0.001 mm (1·10 -3 mm) =
0.0001 cm (1·10 -4 cm) = 10,000
mk μ
Angstrom = one ten-billionth of a meter (1·10 -10 m) or one hundred-millionth of a centimeter (1·10 -8 cm) Å Å
Weight The kilogram is the basic unit of mass in the metric system of measures and the SI system, numerically equal to the mass of the international standard kilogram; 1 kg=1000 g
kg kg
Gram=0.001 kg (1·10 -3 kg)
G g
Ton= 1000 kg (1 10 3 kg) T t
Centner = 100 kg (1 10 2 kg)
Carat - a non-systemic unit of mass, numerically equal to 0.2 g ct
Gamma = one millionth of a gram (1 10 -6 g) γ
Volume Liter = 1.000028 dm 3 = 1.000028 10 -3 m 3 l l
Pressure Physical, or normal, atmosphere - pressure balanced by a mercury column 760 mm high at a temperature of 0° = 1.033 atm = = 1.01 10 -5 n/m 2 = 1.01325 bar = 760 torr = 1.033 kgf/cm 2
atm atm
Technical atmosphere - pressure equal to 1 kgf/cmg = 9.81 10 4 n/m 2 = 0.980655 bar = 0.980655 10 6 dynes/cm 2 = 0.968 atm = 735 torr at at
Millimeter of mercury = 133.32 n/m 2 mmHg Art. mm Hg
Tor is the name of a non-systemic unit of pressure measurement equal to 1 mm Hg. Art.; given in honor of the Italian scientist E. Torricelli torus
Bar - unit of atmospheric pressure = 1 10 5 n/m 2 = 1 10 6 dynes/cm 2 bar bar
Pressure (sound) Bar is a unit of sound pressure (in acoustics): bar - 1 dyne/cm2; Currently, a unit with a value of 1 n/m 2 = 10 dynes/cm 2 is recommended as a unit of sound pressure
bar bar
Decibel is a logarithmic unit of measurement of excess sound pressure level, equal to 1/10 of the unit of measurement of excess sound pressure - bela dB db
Temperature Degree Celsius; temperature in °K (Kelvin scale), equal to temperature in °C (Celsius scale) + 273.15 °C °C °C
II. Force, power, energy, work, amount of heat, viscosity
Force Dyna is a unit of force in the CGS system (cm-g-sec.), in which an acceleration of 1 cm/sec 2 is imparted to a body with a mass of 1 g; 1 din - 1·10 -5 n ding dyn
Kilogram-force is a force that imparts an acceleration to a body with a mass of 1 kg equal to 9.81 m/sec 2 ; 1kg=9.81 n=9.81 10 5 din kg, kgf
Power Horsepower =735.5 W l. With. HP
Energy Electron-volt is the energy that an electron acquires when moving in an electric field in a vacuum between points with a potential difference of 1 V; 1 eV = 1.6·10 -19 J. It is allowed to use multiple units: kiloelectron-volt (Kv) = 10 3 eV and megaelectron-volt (MeV) = 10 6 eV. In modern times, particle energy is measured in Bev - billions (billions) eV; 1 Bzv=10 9 eV
ev eV
Erg=1·10 -7 j; The erg is also used as a unit of work, numerically equal to the work done by a force of 1 dyne along a path of 1 cm erg erg
Job Kilogram-force-meter (kilogrammometer) is a unit of work numerically equal to the work done by a constant force of 1 kg when moving the point of application of this force a distance of 1 m in its direction; 1 kGm = 9.81 J (at the same time kGm is a measure of energy) kGm, kgf m kGm
Quantity of heat Calorie is an off-system unit of measurement of the amount of heat equal to the amount of heat required to heat 1 g of water from 19.5 ° C to 20.5 ° C. 1 cal = 4.187 J; common multiple unit kilocalorie (kcal, kcal), equal to 1000 cal feces cal
Viscosity (dynamic) Poise is a unit of viscosity in the GHS system of units; viscosity at which in a layered flow with a velocity gradient equal to 1 sec -1 per 1 cm 2 of the layer surface, a viscous force of 1 dyne acts; 1 pz = 0.1 n sec/m 2 pz P
Viscosity (kinematic) Stokes is a unit of kinematic viscosity in the CGS system; equal to the viscosity of a liquid having a density of 1 g/cm 3 that resists a force of 1 dyne to the mutual movement of two layers of liquid with an area of ​​1 cm 2 located at a distance of 1 cm from each other and moving relative to each other at a speed of 1 cm per second st St
III. Magnetic flux, magnetic induction, magnetic field strength, inductance, electrical capacitance
Magnetic flux Maxwell is a unit of measurement of magnetic flux in the CGS system; 1 μs is equal to the magnetic flux passing through an area of ​​1 cm 2 located perpendicular to the magnetic field induction lines, with an induction equal to 1 gf; 1 μs = 10 -8 wb (Weber) - units of magnetic current in the SI system mks Mx
Magnetic induction Gauss is a unit of measurement in the GHS system; 1 gf is the induction of such a field in which a straight conductor 1 cm long, located perpendicular to the field vector, experiences a force of 1 dyne if a current of 3 10 10 CGS units flows through this conductor; 1 gs=1·10 -4 tl (tesla) gs Gs
Magnetic field strength Oersted is a unit of magnetic field strength in the CGS system; one oersted (1 oe) is taken to be the intensity at a point in the field at which a force of 1 dyne (dyn) acts on 1 electromagnetic unit of the amount of magnetism;
1 e=1/4π 10 3 a/m
uh Oe
Inductance Centimeter is a unit of inductance in the CGS system; 1 cm = 1·10 -9 g (Henry) cm cm
Electrical capacity Centimeter - unit of capacity in the CGS system = 1·10 -12 f (farads) cm cm
IV. Luminous intensity, luminous flux, brightness, illumination
The power of light A candle is a unit of luminous intensity, the value of which is taken such that the brightness of the full emitter at the solidification temperature of platinum is equal to 60 sv per 1 cm2 St. CD
Light flow Lumen is a unit of luminous flux; 1 lumen (lm) is emitted within a solid angle of 1 ster from a point source of light having a luminous intensity of 1 light in all directions lm lm
Lumen-second - corresponds to the light energy generated by a luminous flux of 1 lm emitted or perceived in 1 second lm sec lm·sec
A lumen hour is equal to 3600 lumen seconds lm h lm h
Brightness Stilb is a unit of brightness in the CGS system; corresponds to the brightness of a flat surface, 1 cm 2 of which gives in a direction perpendicular to this surface a luminous intensity equal to 1 ce; 1 sb=1·10 4 nits (nit) (SI unit of brightness) Sat sb
Lambert is a non-systemic unit of brightness, derived from stilbe; 1 lambert = 1/π st = 3193 nt
Apostilbe = 1/π s/m 2
Illumination Phot - unit of illumination in the SGSL system (cm-g-sec-lm); 1 photo corresponds to the illumination of a surface of 1 cm2 with a uniformly distributed luminous flux of 1 lm; 1 f=1·10 4 lux (lux) f ph
V. Radiation intensity and dose
Intensity Curie is the basic unit of measurement of the intensity of radioactive radiation, the curie corresponding to 3.7·10 10 decays per 1 second. any radioactive isotope
curie C or Cu
millicurie = 10 -3 curies, or 3.7 10 7 acts of radioactive decay in 1 second. mcurie mc or mCu
microcurie= 10 -6 curie mccurie μC or μCu
Dose X-ray - the number (dose) of X-rays or γ-rays, which in 0.001293 g of air (i.e. in 1 cm 3 of dry air at t° 0° and 760 mm Hg) causes the formation of ions carrying one electrostatic unit of quantity of electricity of each sign; 1 p causes the formation of 2.08 10 9 pairs of ions in 1 cm 3 of air R r
milliroentgen = 10 -3 p mr mr
microroentgen = 10 -6 p microdistrict μr
Rad - the unit of absorbed dose of any ionizing radiation is equal to rad 100 erg per 1 g of irradiated medium; when air is ionized by X-rays or γ-rays, 1 r is equal to 0.88 rad, and when tissue is ionized, almost 1 r is equal to 1 rad glad rad
Rem (biological equivalent of an x-ray) is the amount (dose) of any type of ionizing radiation that causes the same biological effect as 1 r (or 1 rad) of hard x-rays. The unequal biological effect with equal ionization by different types of radiation led to the need to introduce another concept: the relative biological effectiveness of radiation - RBE; the relationship between doses (D) and the dimensionless coefficient (RBE) is expressed as D rem = D rad RBE, where RBE = 1 for x-rays, γ-rays and β-rays and RBE = 10 for protons up to 10 MeV, fast neutrons and α - natural particles (according to the recommendation of the International Congress of Radiologists in Copenhagen, 1953) reb, reb rem

Note. Multiple and submultiple units of measurement, with the exception of units of time and angle, are formed by multiplying them by the appropriate power of 10, and their names are added to the names of the units of measurement. It is not allowed to use two prefixes to the name of the unit. For example, you cannot write millimicrowatt (mmkW) or micromicrofarad (mmf), but you must write nanowatt (nw) or picofarad (pf). Prefixes should not be applied to the names of such units that indicate a multiple or submultiple unit of measurement (for example, micron). To express the duration of processes and designate calendar dates of events, the use of multiple units of time is allowed.

The most important units of the International System of Units (SI)

Basic units
(length, mass, temperature, time, electric current, light intensity)

Name of quantity Designations
Russian international
Length Meter - length equal to 1650763.73 wavelengths of radiation in vacuum, corresponding to the transition between levels 2p 10 and 5d 5 of krypton 86 *
m m
Weight Kilogram - mass corresponding to the mass of the international standard kilogram kg kg
Time Second - 1/31556925.9747 part of a tropical year (1900)** sec S, s
Electric current strength Ampere is the strength of a constant current, which, passing through two parallel straight conductors of infinite length and negligible circular cross-section, located at a distance of 1 m from each other in a vacuum, would cause between these conductors a force equal to 2 10 -7 N per meter length A A
The power of light A candle is a unit of luminous intensity, the value of which is taken such that the brightness of a complete (absolutely black) emitter at the solidification temperature of platinum is equal to 60 sec per 1 cm 2 *** St. CD
Temperature (thermodynamic) Degree Kelvin (Kelvin scale) is a unit of measurement of temperature on the thermodynamic temperature scale, in which the temperature of the triple point of water**** is set to 273.16° K °K °K
* That is, the meter is equal to the indicated number of waves of radiation with a wavelength of 0.6057 microns, received from a special lamp and corresponding to the orange line of the spectrum of the neutral gas krypton. This definition of the unit of length makes it possible to reproduce the meter with the greatest accuracy, and most importantly, in any laboratory that has the appropriate equipment. In this case, there is no need to periodically check the standard meter with its international standard stored in Paris.
** That is, a second is equal to the specified part of the time interval between two successive passages by the Earth in its orbit around the Sun of the point corresponding to the vernal equinox. This gives greater accuracy in determining the second than defining it as a part of the day, since the length of the day varies.
*** That is, the luminous intensity of a certain reference source emitting light at the melting temperature of platinum is taken as a unit. The old international candle standard is 1.005 of the new candle standard. Thus, within the limits of normal practical accuracy, their values ​​can be considered identical.
**** Triple point - the temperature at which ice melts in the presence of saturated water vapor above it.

Additional and derived units

Name of quantity Units; their definition Designations
Russian international
I. Plane angle, solid angle, force, work, energy, amount of heat, power
Flat angle Radian - the angle between two radii of a circle, cutting out an arc on the circle, the length of which is equal to the radius glad rad
Solid angle Steradian is a solid angle whose vertex is located at the center of the sphere and which cuts out an area on the surface of the sphere equal to the area of ​​a square with a side equal to the radius of the sphere erased sr
Force Newton is a force under the influence of which a body with a mass of 1 kg acquires an acceleration equal to 1 m/sec 2 n N
Work, energy, amount of heat Joule is the work done by a constant force of 1 N acting on a body along a path of 1 m traveled by the body in the direction of the force. j J
Power Watt - power at which in 1 second. 1 J of work done W W
II. Amount of electricity, electrical voltage, electrical resistance, electrical capacitance
The amount of electricity electric charge Coulomb - the amount of electricity flowing through the cross-section of a conductor for 1 second. with strength direct current in 1 a To C
Electrical voltage, electrical potential difference, electromotive force (EMF) Volt - voltage in the area electrical circuit, when passing through which an amount of electricity of 1 k, 1 j of work is done V V
Electrical resistance Ohm - the resistance of a conductor through which, at a constant voltage at the ends of 1 V, a constant current of 1 A passes ohm Ω
Electrical capacity Farad is the capacitance of a capacitor, the voltage between the plates of which changes by 1 V when charging it with an amount of electricity of 1 k. f F
III. Magnetic induction, magnetic flux, inductance, frequency
Magnetic induction Tesla is the induction of a uniform magnetic field, which acts on a section of a straight conductor 1 m long, placed perpendicular to the direction of the field, with a force of 1 N when a direct current of 1 A passes through the conductor tl T
Magnetic induction flux Weber - magnetic flux created by a uniform field with a magnetic induction of 1 T through an area of ​​1 m 2 perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic induction vector wb Wb
Inductance Henry is the inductance of a conductor (coil) in which an emf of 1 V is induced when the current in it changes by 1 A in 1 second. gn H
Frequency Hertz is the frequency of a periodic process in which in 1 sec. one oscillation occurs (cycle, period) Hz Hz
IV. Luminous flux, luminous energy, brightness, illumination
Light flow Lumen is a luminous flux that gives within a solid angle of 1 ster a point source of light of 1 sv, emitting equally in all directions lm lm
Light energy Lumen-second lm sec lm·s
Brightness Nit - the brightness of a luminous plane, each square meter of which gives in the direction perpendicular to the plane a luminous intensity of 1 light nt nt
Illumination Lux - illumination created by a luminous flux of 1 lm with its uniform distribution over an area of ​​1 m2 OK lx
Lighting quantity Lux second lx sec lx·s

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