How to see new members of a VKontakte group. How to see new members of a VKontakte group Find out who has joined a VKontakte group

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Has this happened to you too? Do you see that a number of new members have joined yours and you really want to find out who these people are?

In this article I will tell you how to view new members of a VKontakte group depending on the sequence of their entry. Personally, I want to get to know the people who have joined my community better. Look at their profiles - how they live, what excites them, what their hobbies are. This is how I get to know my target audience :)

How to see all members of your VKontakte group

It's easy to see all the members of your group. Simply click on the clickable “Subscribers” button under the community avatar.

A window will open in front of you in which you can see all your participants.

How to see new members of your VKontakte group

Here's how to track it new subscribers in the VKontakte group, it’s a little more complicated. To do this, go to “Community Management”.

In the window that appears, look for the “Participants” button and click on it.

You will see a list of all subscribers in your community depending on the order in which they joined. The very first person on the list will be the subscriber who joined your group most recently.

Description of the results of the monitoring performed with the ability to filter:

1. Description of monitoring:

  • Status: reflects the monitoring status - started or stopped.
  • Changed: time and date of entry latest changes.
  • Created: time and date of creation.
  • Groups: number of analyzed communities.
  • Project: select the project to which monitoring applies.
  • Started: time and date when data collection started.
  • Finished: Time and date when data collection ended.
  • Edit monitoring.
  • Make a copy of this task.
  • Delete this monitoring
2. Filter by update date:
  • filter the results by the desired time period, specify for what period you want to download the results.
3. Filter by the number of users who joined the analyzed communities:
  • select how many communities users must join to be included in the result.
4. Filter by the number of exited users from the analyzed communities:
  • select how many communities users must leave in order to be included in the result.
To apply filtering, click on the "Filter" button.

5. Filter by list of communities:

  • Number - community ID.
  • Avatar - community avatar.
  • Name - the name of the community.
  • Total - the total number of members of this community.
  • New - the number of new participants for the selected period of time.
  • % - the percentage of participants who joined for the selected period of time from the total number of participants in this community.
  • Escaped - the number of participants who left this community during the selected period of time.
  • % - the percentage of participants who left for the selected period of time from the total number of participants in this community.
If necessary, results can be sorted by total number of community members, by number of people joining and leaving, and by percentage. To do this, click on required parameter.

6. Download results:

  • New - only those who joined, meeting the filtering parameters, in total for all communities in txt format.
  • New by groups - only those who joined, meeting the filtering parameters, broken down by groups in txt format, archived in ZIP.
  • Escaped - only those who left, meeting the filtering parameters, in total for all communities in txt format.
  • Those who escaped by group - only those who escaped, meeting the filtering parameters, broken down by group in txt format, archived in ZIP.
7. Module results:
  • A link to a user; when you click on it, the user’s page will open in a new window.
  • Joined - the number of communities from the given list that the user has joined.
  • Left - the number of communities from a given list from which this user left

What is this script for?
People who have recently joined competitive groups are almost the hottest the target audience who is interested in the desired topic and needs to work with it. This script helps to find among all the subscribers of the group those who have recently joined.

Features of the script for collecting new subscribers who have recently joined VKontakte communities:
VKontakte does not provide information about users who recently joined groups on the fly, as it works with all other service scripts.

We have come up with a solution for this situation. You can specify groups of competitors, our script will automatically check every night who has recently joined them and accumulate information for each day of checking. Then you will be able to receive lists of new group members for any specified period while monitoring the group.

But in any case, after adding a group to the newcomer tracking script, you will need to wait at least a day, or better yet several days, until the first results appear. Although, if someone besides you is already tracking newcomers in this group, then we will immediately have information for you.

Who can use this functionality?
The ability to use the functionality for tracking new subscribers of any VKontakte groups up to 1 million subscribers (except for those groups that have hidden their subscribers) is available to all users of the site service with full access from 1 month throughout the entire period of their full access.

Add new group to track new members
More full access - more groups

Up to 1 million participants
We recommend monitoring small groups first of all - they are the ones with the “hottest” target audience among the participants who have joined. There will be no such effect on multi-million dollar groups. Therefore, the service tracks groups of up to 1 million members.

Many groups?
If you need to track hundreds or thousands of groups, and standard tariffs are not enough for this, write to our support team, we will offer you a convenient option

Daria Barkova, service specialist tells and shows">

How to use this script?

Detailed video tutorial with explanations and examples

How to use the collected data?

The most different ways, for example (but these are not all possible options):

IN advertising office VKontakte, creating retargeting audiences for ads

Use to create VKontakte mailings on behalf of groups

There are a number of well-known web services that allow you to organize the collection of subscriptions to mailing lists and the organization of VKontakte mailings themselves.

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