How to establish a connection via ftp total commander. Setting up an FTP connection in Total Commander. Download Total Commander

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The simplest connection to an FTP server can be made using the familiar and standard file manager - Total Commander, which is installed on almost every office and home computer. At the same time, we do not consider more complex options with downloading special FTP clients or programs that require a separate step-by-step installation (at least not in this article).

Who and why might need a connection to an FTP server? The question is multifaceted and has a whole host of different answers. Some users connect to file storage on the Internet in this way, others - webmasters - use FTP to upload files for their own sites, install plugins, modules, and in general, all types of work with file system virtual project. But since you are looking for this topic, apparently, for some reason you needed it, which means that the site is simply obliged to provide simple and fast step by step solution this task, which is what we will do right now!

Connecting to an FTP server: step-by-step instructions

1. First, we need to make sure that a reliable FTP client is installed on our computer - a licensed Total Commander, through which the connection will be made and the access passwords will be saved.

2. If an unknown Total Commander assembly is already installed, among other things software, we still recommend removing the incomprehensible version (downloaded from the Internet), replacing it with a licensed product that 100% will not steal our FTP passwords!

3. Once we are confident that Total Commander is “clean” and that our passwords will not fall into the hands of unauthorized persons, we proceed to setting up a connection to the FTP server.

Note: since hosting, servers, logins and passwords are different for everyone, the author of the site is simply not able to accurately name your personal data. In this regard, we can only describe general process works, and the personal data of users and sites will always be different - your personal.

3.1. We go to the server we are using (usually hosting) and make sure that FTP access is open and allowed:

Access is allowed:

3.2. If you have not yet created an FTP account, then create one. But usually the main user FTP hosting channel is created automatically when you connect the FTP service.

New FTP account:

In any case, to connect to the FTP server you will need:

1. FTP server address - can be found on the server (hosting).
2. Account hosting (server) user - essentially a login to the system.
3. Access password - password for the created FTP account (look at the server).

3.3. Let's start setting up an FTP connection, run:

Total Commander - “Network” - “Connect to FTP server” (key combination Ctrl+F)

3.4. Click the “Add” button

3.5. Fill in the required fields:

Connection name - Any arbitrary name (does not matter)

Server (Port) - We look at the hosting (in our example “”)

Account - Login on the server (in our example “pod-kopirku”)

Password - Password for the FTP account on the server (********* - hidden with asterisks).

3.6. Upon completion of entering secret data, which will be individual in each case (if anything is unknown, check with server technical support), and click “OK”.

4. If all the data is entered correctly, a new FTP connection will be created, to connect to which you just need to click the “CONNECT” button.

A server will be launched in the active Total Commander panel, with which you can now perform any permitted operations: upload and delete files, copy and rename directories, make necessary edits, etc.

And finally, a small useful video for all readers of the site to finally consolidate the material presented above!

What is Total Commander?

This is a file manager that can be used to connect to your hosting provider's server, and it is also a free software product.

Where can I download?

How to upload a website to hosting using Total Commander?

To do this, the files and folders of your computer should remain in one window, and in the second window you need to establish an FTP connection to the server.

How to establish an FTP connection?

1 - Select “FTP” in the top menu.

P.S. These two steps can be replaced by pressing Ctrl+F.

3 - After that, click on the “Add” button.

4 - A window will appear in which we fill out the following forms:

Connection name - enter whatever you want here, usually this is the name of the site in any form.

Server[:Port] - here we write the address of the FTP server (host).

An account is a login for access via FTP, which comes in the first letters from the hosting provider, or you can find it in the hosting control panel.

Password - we take the password in the same place as the login.

If you encounter problems with access or you are using a proxy server, check the box next to “Passive sharing mode (like a Web browser).”

5 - After all this, the new connection you created will appear. Select it and click the “Connect” button.

In the future, you will not need to do all these steps, just press Ctrl+F and select the FTP connection you need.

How to change access rights to a file\folder?

In the top menu, select "File" - "Change Attributes".

Which FTP client is best to use?

By and large, it makes no difference which client you use, and you need to focus on the one in which you are more comfortable working and to which you are accustomed. The most popular free ones are Far Manager, Total Commander (described in this article) and Filezilla. We work with the Filezilla client because it is convenient for us and is more focused on FTP connections. We also do not recommend using paid FTP clients such as CuteFTP, etc. Especially when it comes to using hacked versions of paid products. Before using them, think that you will be entering data to access your site into a software product hacked by someone, and this person will easily be able to obtain this data.

Hello everyone, in this article I will show you and teach you how to set up an FTP connection in Total Commander. Let me remind you that FTP is a data transfer protocol, and is mainly needed for transferring files over a network, or the Internet. Today we will set up file transfer in Total Commander. All you need for this is Total Commander itself, and the access details for the connected node (Login or password, as well as the node itself where we will connect). Let's open our Total Commander, and select the tab in the top menu, as shown in the picture. Either a new FTP connection, or simply select “Connect to FTP server”

After this, we will have such a window, it shows a list of our FTP connections, etc. it is empty, we are adding a new one.

Click on the “Add” button, and a window appears with the settings of our FTP connections, or rather, you need to fill out the settings fields to set up an FTP connection.

Connection name field: in this field you can specify any name for your connection, for example “Free FTP movie server”. Next, we configure the server and port of our FTP connection. This is a very important parameter; there should be no errors, because If you fill out this field incorrectly, you will not be able to connect to your FTP server. The server and port can be specified as the IP address of the server, or the site, ru address, and so on. After you have entered your server address, fill in the “Account and Password” fields. These fields are also required; without them, connecting via FTP will generate an error. We fill them out and click “Ok”, after that our connection is created. Here is an example of my FTP connection.

By clicking on the “Connect” button, I will connect to the remote directory via an FTP connection. After that, I can download the information I need. I would also like to say that you may have a different version of Total Commander, or the interface may be slightly changed, it all depends on the build and version you are using, but the principle of creating an FTP connection through Total Commander is the same. That's all for now, if there is anything you don't understand or have any questions, write to me, I will try to answer.

Total Commander(Total commander) - very good FTP server to transfer data to remote computer. This program has gained great authority in many countries around the world. It says that this FTP servers a good future and therefore, it has become even closer to you, I will tell you how to use it and what it is needed for.

Firstly, this is a program that, when launched, shows two windows, on the left and on the right. That is, the program shows two separated hard drives. For example, you have drive C and D, and when you start you will see drive C on one side and drive D on the other.

This is very convenient in the sense that you have two hard drives in the palm of your hand and you can copy files from one drive to another, move, create a new folder, delete, select, etc., that is, you can do whatever you want with the files whatever.

You can also go to another HDD if you have it. You can also customize the control panel in the settings, that is, add there whatever your heart desires or you deem more necessary. As a rule, they add to the control panel only what is often used in their work. Therefore, I do not advise you to add anything unnecessary there, otherwise you will get confused and it will distract you from your work.

Second is what it can do for your site. And as I already said, he can do a very useful thing, that is, transfer all our files and folders to another remote computer (server) and call this server hosting, which is responsible for ensuring that your site that you transferred to it ends up on the World Wide Web (Internet ).

And so, in order to transfer your files to the server in Total Commander, you need to do the following: open Total Commander and go to the Network menu in the top menu and in the menu that opens select connect to FTP server and in the window that opens, click add.

After this, fields to fill out will appear in front of you, that is, we enter those fields that the hosting (server) gave you, usually this is the server name, login, password, and plus you must enter any title and no matter what it will be, you can even typing Russian characters - this does not have an important role, but this field is required to be filled in, which will appear when you click connect with FTP server.

Every blogger, not to mention a webmaster, simply needs to be able to set up an FTP connection and it is also advisable to know how to download, edit and upload files back to the server.

All this can be done through file managers, with built-in ftp client. There are many programs that allow you to work via an FTP connection with the server on which the site is located.

The article will talk about how to set up ftp via Total Commander- very popular on this moment file manager.

One of the first things a blogger faces is confirming the rights to the site in Google and Yandex accounts. The easiest way to upload a rights confirmation file via ftp is through Total Commander (in our case). Or through any other ftp client.

You can still download Total Commander for free on the Internet, most likely on torrent sites.

Editing via Total Commander

There are many settings in Total Commander, but I will only consider the possibility of FTP connection and file editing.

First you need to configure and add an editor to Total Commander, which will open files for viewing and editing.

In addition to Total Commander, you will need an HTML editor.

Download and install an editor on your computer, the simplest and most convenient one is Notepad ++ and remember in which directory it is installed. A lot has been written about it, there is a video on the settings.

So, open Total and assign an editor:

On the screenshot is the Total Commander interface, go to the configuration tab.

Next, we assign an editor for viewing and editing files via ftp via Total Commander:

Do you remember in which directory you have it? exe file HTML editor? It must be specified, thereby assigning it for viewing and editing via Total.

At the top we install a program for viewing files.

Below we install a program for editing files via ftp via Total Commander.

Arrows >> - browse folders and files on your computer to make it easier to find and assign a program, for example Notepad ++, as an editor. I have Sublime Text Editor installed as my editor.

This completes the first stage.

Setting up FTP via Total Commander

So, to connect to the server, you need to know the login and password for your ftp account.

Login and password for ftp account

The login and password for your ftp account can be found in the hosting control panel; ftp keys are usually provided by hosters when registering for hosting, or you can check with the support service.

Open Total Commander and go to the FTP tab and then Connect to FTP service...:

Let's go to the Add tab, where we will directly make an FTP connection.

For ftp connection, specify account information

Connection name - can be any arbitrary name, you can name it as you wish. The names of FTP connections can be seen in the previous screenshot.

Server, Port - indicate the server on which the site is located, it is provided by the hoster during registration, and it is also indicated in the hosting control panel.

You can also simply indicate Domain name site as a server for ftp connection. It will look something like this: ftp://domain_name Instead of http://, simply replace it with ftp://

An account is nothing more than a login from an ftp account.

Password—specify the password for the ftp account.

Well, click the OK button.

View and edit files via FTP via Total Commander

So the final stage remains - viewing and editing server files via an FTP connection.

By the way

In order to upload a file to the server, or vice versa, download a file from the server to your computer via ftp via Total Commander, you just need to drag this file to any desired directory or folder.

This is what the root directory of a WordPress site looks like. For example, we will edit the robots.txt file.

Click on the required file right-click and select the desired operation in the window that appears. In this case, I selected the Edit tab

Well, we edit files via FTP via Total Commander

This is what the robots.txt file looks like in my HTML editor. I make the necessary changes and save the file. That's it, the edited file is automatically downloaded to the server.

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