How to write posts in contact. What is a post on VK and how to make a beautiful post in a VKontakte group. Get feedback

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Good time, users. We often write various articles related to the Internet, and of course articles about social networks. Continuing the topic - Promote the VKontakte group, I would like to write about how to create creative and original advertising posts so that the user follows the links. Experienced SMM specialists do this in a couple of minutes, as they create non-trivial posts.

We noticed that a lot of cool and interesting advertising has appeared on VKontakte, so we pay attention to it. We'll tell you here how to make a post more than just informative but also attractive to readers. Thanks to this, you can increase site traffic, the number of subscribers and promote the event, not to mention how many VK products were sold this way.

We have already told you about how to create a community in VKontakte and how to formalize it correctly. It is known that a formed group will not become popular on its own; in order to promote it, you need to post news. Posts must be of high quality and correctly formatted, which can then become advertising. Use copyright content so that there are no problems from VK (filters, for example due to complaints about content)

- this is a regular post with distracting information - it could be jokes, facts, pictures, exactly what your group audience might ‘get’. (It is this format that always collects more reposts and likes).

What should be in VKontakte posts?

Remember, posting on VKontakte is a very delicate task. The main parameter of your post should be ‘interesting’ to readers. Don't forget what should be before posting.

Optimal publication size on VKontakte

You need to know the dimensions of the VK post. Most people are on a social network with mobile phones, so the banner size for them is small. Recommended ad size: 560x360. However, you don't need to place the text at the very beginning of your picture. It is best to do it in the center, since that is where the reader's attention is focused.

Dimensions of the title and the text itself.

  • Heading. The title must be strictly one line. If you can't, then make it in capital letters.
  • Text length. Your ad should be short, namely 350 characters with spaces, so that the ‘show full’ button does not appear. If it is smaller, then part of the post will be more visible; if it is larger, then the user will need to expand it - this is not correct.

VKontakte symbols and emoticons

For a long time now, the social network has allowed everyone to use additional functionality that allows them to increase the viewing of posts - emoticons and special symbols. To attract the attention of readers, they are inserted into the post; most often, those that fit the topic of the post are selected.

However, you should have a measure, if you post a lot of emoticons, then it will only stress out your customers. They should be part of the text and emphasize something, but not be its basis.

Errors in the text of the post

You can make mistakes in regular posts, this is not so critical, but if possible, avoid it. You cannot make mistakes in advertising posts, as clients will not forgive you for this. Believe me, no one will be interested in an advertising proposal that contains spelling, punctuation or stylistic errors (That’s why many people order such texts from professionals, it’s like with reviews). There will always be those who will point out that you are a fraud, a typo, or will make others lose the desire to buy or order something from you.

Posts on the topic of the group.

The easiest way to attract your new subscribers is to talk about your group or topic. Further, the success of group promotion depends on how you select groups for purchasing advertising. It is important to understand that your group is higher than others; it should have a large target audience.

Since you already have an idea of ​​how to make a high-quality and attractive post in the VKontakte group, you need to make attractive pictures and interest your target audience. Based on this, there is an increase in subscribers in the VKontakte group.

Pictures about what your target audience is dreaming about now

An effective technique used by information businessmen, as well as owners of bookmakers and casinos. You just need to understand what your target audience is dreaming of now and give it to them. Most often it is quick and easy money to make your life more beautiful and easier. Such posts most often contain information about how to earn them by showing expensive cars, girls and branded clothing from different companies.

Emotions are important.

Often, when creating a post, pictures are selected that can stand out in the news flow and evoke the emotions of users in the feed. These are not shocking pictures, but rather something unexpected. It catches the user, and then with his eyes he returns to the title of the group that published it. The main task is to evoke positive emotions.

People often confuse this and start posting naked people; shock content is a mistake!

How to contact your target audience

To attract to the group exactly target audience, there is always one simple, but mega effective method. You just need to start your post by addressing the audience you need. If we are promoting the group ‘motorists of the world’, then we write ‘Attention to all car owners!’

Everything is extremely simple, but it gives good results. We often use it to promote products, services or our groups. .

VKontakte is a completely special environment, and the usual rules of copywriting do not apply there. In this article we will look at how to write a selling post on VKontakte - how to choose an image, write a catchy title, and compose an interesting text.

And of course, all this is verified information from my personal practice. Therefore, read very carefully.

And first, let's see what can be sold on VKontakte with posts, and what tactics we will have.

The main question is what are we selling?

You can sell not only some paid goods or services. Very often on VKontakte we have to “sell” even free actions. Here are some examples of free actions that also need to be sold:

  • Go to the site page to read the article
  • Participation in the survey
  • Transfer and registration to the VKontakte group
  • Repost the post or like it

All the techniques that will be described below fully apply to the sale of these free actions.

Before writing a sales post, we need to understand how difficult it will be for our reader to take this action? Click on the link and go to the site - it's quite simple. But going to the group and subscribing is more difficult.

Getting a card and paying for our product is even more difficult. And this very “severity” of the target action will affect only one thing - the length of our selling post.

Are the posts long or short?

There are still some laws in Internet marketing. And one of these laws sounds like this: “The longer our selling text, the fewer targeted actions we will have, but the level of awareness of each targeted action will be higher.”

To put it simply, if we simply write something like “Click here! It's cool here! and give a link to our website (where the final sale of the product for money will take place), then there will be a lot of clicks. But there will be very few sales from these clicks.

And if we write a long post in which we tell readers in advance what awaits them at the specified link, there will be very few clicks. But most of them will still end in a targeted action - a purchase.

Let me give you the formula for how it works.

Formula “selling post + landing page”

Most often we deal with this situation. We need to write a post on VKontakte, which will contain a link to our website (usually). And on this landing page we will sell something or register people somewhere (collect their contact information).

Do you understand what the trick is here? We are losing potential clients long texts. And it is absolutely not necessary to do this twice – both on the post text and on the landing page text. Limit your explanations to one place - here or there.

But the choice of where to explain – on a landing page or in a post – depends on various factors. I just want to remind you that on the landing page we have many different tools for persuasion - videos, pictures, font sizes, formatting text with lists, icons, etc. All this is not on VKontakte, there is only the text of the sheets (well, except for the stupid emoticons).

Therefore, if we sell something for money, and even for fairly decent money, in 95% of cases I would bet on a long landing page + a short post.

Now let's move on to the mechanics of the process - how to write a selling post on VKontakte. AND " First thing first" That is, let's start with the most important thing.

How to choose an image for a sales post on VKontakte

The success of your sales post will depend 80% not on the text itself, but on the “picture + headline” combination. This is explained by the fact that if you have an uninteresting picture and an unattractive title, then people simply will not stop to read what is in your text.

Accordingly, you will get low results (even if the text itself is written simply brilliantly). Therefore, please give the image and title your maximum attention.

As for the pictures, here are some recommendations.

First, the picture must be “original”. That is, it should not be constantly reprinted from one public page to another. This picture becomes blurred. If you constantly come across some image somewhere on VKontakte, even if it is very interesting, and which you really like, it is better not to use it.

Secondly, try to use light-colored pictures. The light attracts more attention, and your picture is more likely to “catch” the eye of a person scrolling through their news feed.

Third, sexual themes rule. If you can choose an image with some hint of sex or eroticism, that would be great (even if it has almost nothing to do with the topic of your post). Just don’t take too candid photos - it will only repel you.

An image of a beautiful girl works for almost any sale.

Fourth - if the erotic theme does not suit you, then try to find a photo that shows many different objects. If you need to linger for a split second to understand what is in the picture, that’s already good.

And fifthly, images with people’s faces always attract more attention. You can even use your own image, it works very well. And if your face expresses some kind of emotion (fear, surprise, joy, contempt) - then that’s absolutely fine.

So, the image “catches” the eye and makes a person linger for a second on our post. Next, he will read the headline and make a final decision based on it.

5 types of catchy headlines

For a person to decide to spend a couple of minutes of their precious time on your text, the title must be really strong. Here are five proven options that work almost always.

#1 – Provocation

This type of headline is also sometimes called “shocking.” That is, we need to write something that will literally “knock the ground” out from under our readers’ feet. Here are some examples of such headings:

  • Why do all the boys do THIS?
  • How long do you have left to live?
  • I'm leaving business
  • Nothing will save you from poverty

I think it’s clear that such headings should not be overused. You can use them occasionally when you have written a particularly cool text. But if you share too much, it will have the opposite effect.

And yes, of course, be prepared for negative reactions and booing. But some will shout, and completely others will buy.

#2 – Paradox

This is a softer version of a catchy headline. To write a paradox headline, you just need to take some generally accepted statement and express the opposite opinion.

Here are some examples:

  • Why I love night hooligans
  • Why do apples make you fatter than meat?
  • Why loans are actually great

I love these types of headlines. They're easy to come up with and always work great. I even include them in my regular posts. For example, I once wrote a post called “Why I Love My Bag of Bags.”

The response was much higher than usual.

#3 – Famous Titles/Names

This is a little-known way to write headlines that sell. The idea is that you take the name of a famous character or the title of a famous movie/book and insert it into your title.

For example:

  • 50 shades of contextual advertising
  • In bed with a director
  • School in English from terminator

The main thing is that the name or title you use is familiar and understandable to your target audience. Otherwise the header won't work.

#4 – Benefit

Promising some kind of benefit/value is perhaps the most common option in copywriting. You've probably come across many such headlines.

For example:

  • How to lose weight in 90 days without dieting
  • How to learn English on your own without cramming
  • What to tell a girl to make her fall in love with you

Despite the fact that such headlines have become a little boring in Lately- they still work great. This is actually why they are used so often.

#5 – Intrigue/curiosity

In general, curiosity is one of the most powerful human emotions. AND this type catchy headline is a bit like "paradox", but they have their own differences.

For example:

  • What lives in your kitchen and you don’t even know?
  • What Moiseev told me at the meeting
  • Why did I spend the night at the police station?

It would seem - well, who cares why you spent the night in the police station. But no, they will stop and look at our text at least with one eye. And that’s exactly what we need. And now the whole question is how well our main post text will work.

How to write the text of a post correctly

As I said above, regular social media copywriting doesn’t work. If you start describing the benefits and advantages of your product in the text, people will simply close your text and move on.

But the whole point is that these people did not come to VKontakte so that you could sell them something. They came to have fun and socialize with their friends. But first of all, have fun. And that’s why your post should be entertaining first and foremost.

Here are the four main “genres” of entertaining and selling VKontakte posts.

  1. Stories. People love interesting stories, and it’s easy to “embed” our offer to buy or do something into them.
  2. Inspiring posts. To be able to inspire means to be able to charge people with energy. Write them something encouraging and inspiring (“Screw it all! Go ahead and do it!”) and add a link to your product.
  3. Humorous. Of course, it’s better to insert a bit of humor into any of your texts. But in this case, your entire post will tell some funny story, or give funny “harmful” advice.
  4. Disputes/conflicts. If you launch a protest against someone or something in your post, people will be happy to watch it. That is, they will read the text to the end and click on our links.

An important rule - how to write VKontakte posts

And don't forget where we started this article. If your main “sale” is made on the landing page, then you don’t need to write too long posts. Choose a good picture, write a catchy headline, and almost immediately send people to your landing page.

Remember when I said that this is the tactic that works best 95% of the time? So, it's time to talk about the remaining 5%.

A series of selling posts on VKontakte

Your subscribers and members of the VKontakte group are like an email subscription database. You write something - and they read or... DO NOT read. Too many new posts appear every day - and your selling message can very easily get lost in this sea.

Besides, selling with text is always very difficult. Text is the weakest tool in terms of impact (if you compare it, for example, with videos or webinars).

Accordingly, it would be a good idea to make a whole series of selling posts - 5-7 pieces or even more. That’s when your posts should be long and your landing page short. By the way, you may not have any landing page. You can directly in the text of the post provide links to your Yandex-Money and WebMoney wallets so that people pay directly.

You need to plan a series of selling posts this way. You create a list of “ideas” that you want to convey to your audience so they will buy.

For example:

  • How will your product benefit them?
  • How is your product different from competitors?
  • Why can you be trusted?
  • Why should you buy it now, and not in a month?

And then you just write one post - and insert one of these thoughts into it. Only one! Because if you try to cram all the thoughts in at once, you will most likely end up with a very long, boring and unconvincing post.

And then you publish your posts once a day for a week, targeting your audience “from different angles.” Just alternate the types of posts and headlines, as we discussed above. Otherwise, posts of the same type quickly become boring.


So, we have figured out how to write a selling post on VKontakte, and now, I hope, you will do it much better.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)

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If you are going to promote on the most popular social network, then the first step is this, and then figure out how to publish your first post on VK.

If you already have your own VKontakte group, you have probably wondered more than once how to increase its popularity and make it more attractive to potential subscribers. Unfortunately, only one beautiful design a group is not enough unless you make it your goal to regularly publish top-notch news in the form of beautiful posts.

What is a post on VK?

This is a message that is published on the wall of an account or community. Using posts, social network users talk about their news, share interesting opinions, photographs and videos. The published post will be immediately visible to all your friends and subscribers in the news feed. Thanks to it, you can notify about competitions, promotions and advantageous offers, which can be extremely useful for increasing sales.

A bright, beautifully designed and understandable post will very quickly attract the attention of the target audience and allow you to achieve the goal that you set when publishing it. If you regularly publish useful and interesting content, aimed at your target audience, you can be sure that your group will rapidly grow in number, and the number of people willing to use your services or make a purchase in the group.

I propose to clearly consider, using the test group as an example, exactly how you can publish posts of all possible types.

Post title

In each group you can make a pinned post, which will always appear at the top of the list. This is very convenient if you want to post any information that should be the first to be noticed by group visitors. Let's take a closer look:

You need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Everything you write in this field will become the text of your title:

If you are satisfied with the entered text, you just need to click on the “Submit” button and your post will be published.

Select the “Pin” item. After this, we refresh the browser page by pressing the F5 button and see the result:

The entry is now displayed as a group header. Until you unpin it, it will always be located exactly there.

How to write a text post

Great, we've sorted out the creation of the header. Now you need to understand how to send a regular text post. Again, to do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Everything you write in this field will become the text of your post:

How to publish a post with a photo

You can make a post with a picture, and optionally add the necessary text to it. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the camera icon:

By selecting the desired image from the specified location, it will be loaded into the post being created:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, it turns out to publish a post with our text and image:

Video post

You can make a post with a video recording, and optionally add the necessary text to it. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the film strip icon:

By selecting the desired video from the specified location, it will be loaded into the post being created:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, we manage to publish a post with our text and video.

Poll post

Also a great opportunity would be to create a poll or poll that can be posted as a post. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu:

Here we select the “Poll” tab. A form for creating a survey appears. Enter the survey question and suggested answer options in the required fields. Fields are provided for several additional questions.

When the work is done, all you have to do is click the “Submit” button to publish your survey:

Post on VK with music

You can make a post with an audio recording, adding the necessary text to it if you wish. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the note icon:

A window will open in which you can select the audio recordings you want to add. Keep in mind that you can only add to a post those videos that have already been uploaded to the audio section of your account.

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, you can publish a post with your text and audio recording.

You can attach a document of absolutely any type and format to your post. Unfortunately, group subscribers will only be able to see your file by its name and extension. Therefore, be sure to indicate which program can be used to tear off this document.

Here we select the “Document” tab. A list of documents you have previously downloaded will appear. Here you can upload a new document by clicking on the “Upload new file” button:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, it turns out to publish a post with your text and document.

How to attach a card to an entry in VK

You can also post with an attached section of the map. Very often this allows you to clearly show where a certain place is located, so that it is easier for others to navigate and does not have to use search engines for this.

To send such a post, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu:

A map of your city will open. Here you can specify the required street and house number, and then click on the “Attach location” button.

After this, the map section will be loaded into the post you are creating:

All that remains now is to click the “Submit” button. As a result, you can publish a post with your text and a section of the map.

How to add a graffiti post

You can make a post with your own graffiti, adding the necessary text to it if you wish. To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu:

Here we select the “Graffiti” tab. A window will appear where you can draw graffiti using different colors and settings:

Creating a post with delayed publication

The post creation capabilities are impressive. You can create several news items in advance and specify the exact time when each of them will be published. This is very convenient if you cannot make posts every day, but it is possible to prepare them in advance.

To do this, you need to place the cursor in the “What’s new with you?” field. Then click on the “More” icon to bring up a drop-down menu. Here we select the “Timer” tab:

You will be able to set the exact date and time, down to the minute:

After this, all you have to do is click the “Queue” button to send the post to await the specified time:

Please note that the post is located in the “Delayed” tab, where you can publish it ahead of schedule at any time. If you don’t want to do it manually every time, then choose the appropriate service.

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