How to change a nose in a photograph. How to make your nose smaller in Photoshop. Free object transformation

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Very often, a photographer, while processing a photo, notices the disproportionate facial features of the model. During artistic retouching, you can edit not only the background, but also details such as the nose. And also many Instagram users love to create perfect photos. The answer to the question of how to make your nose smaller in Photoshop is revealed in this article.

Free object transformation

Before proceeding directly to nose reduction, you need to prepare an original photograph. As with any processing, you need to download the image and create a copy of it. By right-clicking on the image thumbnail, select the “Create a duplicate layer” function. Further work will be done on it.

After this, you need to take the “Free Selection” tool and outline the entire nose, but you shouldn’t take too much space, but you don’t need to draw exactly along the contour. The same can be done using any other tool; at this step it doesn’t matter what to highlight, but what is important is what to highlight. Reducing the nose in Photoshop as naturally as possible is the initial task.

Tip: It's best to sweep over the face so that both dark and light areas near the nose are captured. This selection will allow you to avoid too sharp a boundary, which means it will save time.

Nose reduction

After the object is drawn completely, you need to right-click and select “Deformation”. And now the wings of the nose are moved closer to the eyes and to each other. This step is creative, and must be done as the photographer’s imagination dictates. There are no clear instructions. But despite all this, the photo should remain natural; if you go too far with changing and reducing the nose, the photo will lose its attractiveness.

And also, to smooth out the edges, you need to apply the edge feathering effect. To do this, press the key combination Shift + F6 and set the required value. In this case, 3 pixels were selected, but each processing is different. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to make a nose smaller in Photoshop is schematic.

Smoothing out unevenness

Despite all the efforts, although not in large quantities, there are still skin inconsistencies. It's very easy to remove them. First you need to create a merged layer; you can do this using the hot command Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Y.

The next step is to mask the transition; this can be done in several ways.

  1. The first one, using the Healing Brush, slightly flattened in diameter. All that remains is to click on the shortcomings, and they will disappear on their own. This method does not always work, since Photoshop is not a perfect intelligence, and there are mistakes. But in order to make your nose smaller in Photoshop as naturally as possible, these actions are suitable.
  2. The second method is called manual, it will require a soft stamp brush. It is enough to bring the transition closer, and you can start working. While holding down the Alt button, you need to click on the place from which the example will be taken. And after that you need to go over the problem area. This way the selected pixels are duplicated and change the irregularities. That's all, the nose looks very natural and graceful.

How to make your nose smaller in Photoshop CS6

IN latest versions programs appeared new feature, which allows you to modify any part of the body and instrument. Using the "Plastic" filter, you can not only make your nose smaller, but also enlarge your lips, highlight your cheekbones and waist. Moreover, this is done very quickly, and after such a change there is no need to correct anything.

To get started, you need to open the "Filter" menu and select "Plasticity". A new window will open in which you need to carry out all the steps. It is worth noting that every action is a creative moment, so you should not focus on any specific settings.

The most important thing is not to work with huge brushes. It is better to bring the problem area closer and use a small tool diameter to correct all the shortcomings. This way the work will look much more natural, without waves. There are different ways to make your nose smaller in Photoshop, but the most important thing is not how to create such an effect, the result itself is important.

Improving the cut-off pattern

Very often, when the lines on the face change, some nuances disappear, which are very easy to restore. To create new shadows and light, you first need to create a new layer with the Soft Light blending option. Taking a soft white brush, you need to draw on the face all the places where there should be highlights, and highlight the shadows with black. Once the contouring is complete, you can change the opacity slider to the desired percentage.

In fact, you can make your nose smaller in Photoshop on your phone, just like on your computer, the steps will be exactly the same.


How to fix a nose in bPhotoshop/b" class="colorbox imagefield imagefield-imagelink" rel="gallery-step-images"> Open the photo and duplicate the image onto a new layer using Ctrl+J. Before each change, it is better to duplicate the layer so as not to damage the main image.

Get rid of skin problems in the image. Select the Healing Brush Tool. In the Layers panel, set the brush hardness to 0 and the size to be slightly larger than the size of the problem area. Move the cursor over the clean skin, hold down Alt on your keyboard and click on the photo. The cursor will turn into a crosshair - a circle with a cross inside. The program accepted the image area as a standard.

Then move the mouse to the problem area and left-click - the pimple or spot will be replaced with the reference pattern. Retouch the entire nose in this way so that there are no visible skin defects.

From the Filter menu, select the Liquify tool. This is actually a separate graphics editor with its own set of tools and rich customization options. To enlarge the image, select the Zoom tool. If you need to make the picture smaller, hold down Alt and apply Zoom. To move the image, use the Hand Tool.

Select the Pucker Tool, you can do this by pressing S on your keyboard. In the settings panel, set the brush size to be slightly larger than the area you want to reduce. Set the Density and Pressure values ​​small so that the correction is accurate. Place the cursor on the bridge of your nose and click the mouse no more than 2 times. It is better to make changes gradually.

Press O to activate the Push Left Tool. If you trace the right side of the image from top to bottom with this tool, the pixels are shifted to the left, i.e. the object decreases, if from bottom to top, it increases. To make the picture on the left side smaller, move the cursor from bottom to top. The pixels shift under the cross image.

Leave the density and pressure values ​​small, and reduce the brush size. Using the tool, trace the nose in the photo, starting with right side, top down. Correct the cutout of the nostrils if necessary. Use the tool carefully, moving over one area of ​​the image no more than twice.

To undo incorrect actions, click Reconstruct. To remove all changes, use the Restore All button. When you are satisfied with the processing result, click OK. IN normal mode Carefully examine the processed image again. If you decide that the adjustment was unsuccessful, you can press Alt+Ctrl+Z to undo the changes.

Each person's face is individual, and their facial features are unique. It is the combination of facial features that determines the individuality and uniqueness of appearance. However, sometimes there is a need to change something in the image of a person in a photograph. Be it the eyes, lips, eyebrow shape or nose. This article is about reducing the size of a nose in a photograph using Photoshop tools.

In the application Adobe Photoshop For these purposes, a special filter called “Plastic” has been developed. The purpose of this filter is to change the size and other parameters of image elements using the method of deformation and distortion. However, not all users will be able to correctly use this tool, since it requires certain skills and knowledge.

We already had a similar lesson in which we used this tool, which you can also watch and study:

But there is a much simpler method for doing the same thing. It's about the instrument "Free Transform".

Let's look at this method using a practical example. We'll take a photo of the amazing actor Robert De Niro.

We have to make his nose smaller. Well, let's get started.

Preparing the photo

Applying Free Transform

Now that our photograph is prepared, we can proceed directly to reducing the model’s nose.

Final processing

In order to completely hide traces of borders, you must complete the following steps.

Now let's compare the original photo with our version, where we made the actor's nose smaller:

Using exactly the same principle, you can resize and deform other objects/elements in the image. This concludes our lesson, we recommend that you consolidate it in practice.

Facial features are what define us as a person, but sometimes it is necessary to change the contours in the name of art. Nose... Eyes... Lips...

This lesson will be entirely devoted to changing facial features in our favorite Photoshop.

The editor developers provided us with a special filter - "Plastic" to change the volume and other parameters of objects by distortion and deformation, but using this filter requires some skills, that is, you need to be able and know how to use the filter functions.

There is a way that allows you to perform similar actions using simple means.

The method is to use the built-in Photoshop function "Free Transform".

Let's say the model's nose doesn't quite suit us.

First, let's create a copy of the layer with the original image by clicking CTRL+J.

Then you need to highlight the problem area with some tool. I'll use Pen. The tool is not important here, the selection area is important.

Notice that I selected the shaded areas on either side of the nose wings. This will help avoid the appearance of sharp boundaries between different skin tones.

Shading will also help to smooth out the edges. Press the key combination SHIFT+F6 and set the value to 3 pixels.

Now that the preparation is complete, you can begin to reduce your nose.

Presses CTRL+T by calling the free transform function. Then right-click and select "Deformation".

With this tool you can distort and move elements located inside the selected area. Simply grab each wing of the model’s nose with the cursor and pull in the desired direction.

When finished, click ENTER and deselect using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+D.

The result of our actions:

As you can see, a small border still appeared.

Press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E, thereby creating an imprint of all visible layers.

Then select the tool "Healing Brush", clamp ALT, click on the area next to the border, taking a sample of the shade, and then click on the border. The tool will replace the hue of the area with the hue of the sample and partially blend them.

Let's look at our model again:

As you can see, the nose has become thinner and more graceful. The goal has been achieved.

Using this method, you can zoom in and out on facial features in photos.

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