How to determine the version of Mozilla. How to find out the firefox version. How to determine which version of the Mozilla FireFox browser is installed

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The question “What version of the program is” is directly related to computer literacy, because often PC users need to know which version specific program they use on this moment. You can consider the process of determining the release (version) of a program using the example of the most popular browsers.

In addition, the browser can be tailored to the user's needs with themes and add-ons. A variety of themes allow inexperienced users to customize their browser. To this end, functionality software can be expanded as needed using add-ons. Note.

The sidebar can now also be moved to the right, and browser performance in Settings can be optimized better. Details about further improvements and enhancements may be official as usual. Disadvantage: You quickly lose visibility. it's the same latest version? We'll show you how to find them. A page will open where you can make various settings. Secondly, on this page you will see a blue and gray table with the title “General Information”.

By the way, the word “release” has several meanings. For the field of computer literacy, the following two values ​​are suitable:

  • release - release of a new book, new program or a new information product;
  • release is the next version of a previously released program.

1) How to determine which browser version Mozilla FireFox installed?

To do this, go to the browser menu and open the “Help” item.

Rice. 1 Install the version Mozilla browser FireFox

Click on the “About Firefox” item, which is located at the very bottom (number 2 in Fig. 1). After this, a vertical window will appear on the monitor screen, which contains information about which version of this program you are using. The version name consists of three numbers (in Figure 2 it is 9.0.1), which are separated by a dot:

Rice. 2 Here it is, the version of the Mozilla Firefox browser used

2) How to determine browser version Opera?

Click on the Opera icon (number 1 in the figure) and open the “ ” section (number 2 in Figure 3, below), then click on the bottom button “About the program” (number 3 in Figure 3, below).

Rice. 3 Find Help in the Opera browser

However, after clicking this button, not a separate window will appear on the screen, but a regular page with the addresses of various storages that the browser created on your PC while working with this program. The list begins with a section whose name is “Version Information”. The version number of this program consists of two numbers, which are separated by a dot (in Figure 3 - number 4):

3) How to find out the browser version Internet Explorer?

Proceed exactly as described above. Open the “Help” section in the menu, select the last column “About the program” (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Determine the version Internet browser Explorer

After this, a window will appear on the screen containing a reminder about the need to respect copyright. It is in this window that the code is located, which indicates the version of the program. This code will consist of four numbers separated by a dot. In this case, one of the numbers will already be four-digit:

Rice. 5 Determined the version of the Internet Explorer browser

4) How to determine versions in the browser Google Chrome?

Also, the version code in the browser consists of four different numbers Google Chrome:

Rice. 6 How to find out the version Google browser Ghrome

But at the same time, in addition to the code, the most important a new version this program, which you can install on your own computer if you wish.

To find this information, you need to go to the menu in top corner Google Chrome, click on the wrench image, and then select the “About Google Chrome” column:

Rice. 7 Found the version of the Google Chrome browser

How to find out the version of a program using Paint as an example?

For other programs, you can also open the “Help” section, or “About the program” (etc.) to find out the program version.

Let's consider graphics editor Paint, which should be in all operating rooms Windows systems. If you click on the “File” menu, highlighted with number 1 in Fig. 8, then a menu will appear in which we find the “About the program” link (number 2 in Fig. 8) and click on it.

Rice. 8 Determine the version of the Paint program

A window will appear indicating the version of the Paint program:

Rice. 9 Determined the version of the Paint program

What other practical benefits could there be from the above information? You've probably encountered a pop-up window while working in your browser that contains a threatening message about the need to update your browser? Unfortunately, this message sometimes comes NOT from the developers official version browser.

This pop-up window may appear to install malicious software on your computer. Before installing such an update, you must use the information above to determine the browser version and decide whether such an update is appropriate. This applies not only to updating the browser, but also to other programs.

This article only applies to Firefox for Windows.

Not sure whether you are running 32-bit or 64-bit Firefox? This article will tell you how to find out.

About Firefox window

You can determine your Firefox version in the About Firefox window. Click the button Firefox menu, then click the help button and select About Firefox. Under the Firefox name and after its version number it will be shown (32-bit) or (64-bit).

User agent

The user agent identifies your browser on websites and contains information about your operating system and browser versions. This is the easiest way to determine which version of Firefox is running.

To find your User agent, click the Firefox menu button, click Help and select Problem Solving Information. This will open the Troubleshooting Information page.

In chapter Application details on this page, find the entry User Agent and look at the information in brackets.

List installed programs Windows

You can also check installed version Firefox from the installed list Windows programs. Open the panel Windows management, click on Programs, then Programs and components. Open Windows Settings, click on System , then Applications and components. This will show you a list of software installed on your computer.

To see which version of Firefox (32-bit or 64-bit) you have installed, search Mozilla Firefox in the list of programs. The program name will include the Firefox version and, in parentheses, the version's bit depth and language. If the program name contains x86, this means you have a 32-bit version of Firefox installed. If the program name contains x64, this means you have a 64-bit version of Firefox installed.

Note: You can have both versions Firefox programs(both 32-bit and 64-bit) in the list if you installed one version without uninstalling the other. If you don't want this, you can remove the unnecessary version. The Firefox Uninstaller does not remove any of your Firefox user data, such as passwords or bookmarks.

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