Digital set-top box has no sound. Solving the problem of no sound on the Rostelecom set-top box. Solving the problem of no sound on the Rostelecom set-top box Interactive TV no sound

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There are many reasons why there is no sound when watching video from a flash drive on a TV set-top box: in some cases, the problem is related to the incompatibility of the device with audio codecs built into the media file, in others, due to restrictions imposed by the interface used for connection.

The article will describe in detail each of possible options malfunctions, and also analyzed the algorithm of actions to eliminate a particular problem.

Most often, a digital set-top box does not play sound due to incompatibility of what is installed in the device. software with audio codecs that are used in a particular video file.

If the broadcast signal contains only audio tracks encoded in accordance with standards, the decoding of which is possible for any certified media player, then there are no uniform rules for packaging the soundtrack for content distributed on the Internet.
Budget set-top boxes that are not equipped with a Dolby Digital track decoding system are capable of playing stereo sound in PCM, AAC and MP3 formats - DD family codecs will be ignored by the player, as a result of which only the video sequence contained in the file will be played.

On the other hand, the problem of lack of sound concerns not only cheap receiver models: although advanced devices produced by Dune are capable of independently decoding multi-channel codecs, these devices sometimes refuse to play audio.

The vast majority of set-top boxes only support 44.1 GHz sampled audio, which is “traditional” but not reference.

If the user tries to run a video file with audio on the tuner, the sampling frequency of which is, for example, 48 GHz, the device will either refuse to play the soundtrack or start playing the sound with a very low volume setting.
Another possible reason for the lack of audio when playing a movie on a TV from a flash drive is the presence of several audio tracks in the media file, one of which is damaged.

Not a single “smart” set-top box is capable of analyzing the sound amplitudes of the soundtracks being played, and therefore the device always starts playing a track randomly selected from the array - if the selected track turns out to be defective or empty, the tuner will begin to “play” silence.

It is worth saying that when faced with such files, even an advanced player that supports frequency analysis can fail.
The fourth reason for the lack of sound when playing video content from a digital storage device is the incompatibility of the connection interface with the audio codec contained in the file.

For example, the VGA channel does not support absolutely any soundtrack, and the HDMI cable may malfunction when working with multi-channel recordings.

How to solve a problem

The previous section of the article described in detail all possible reasons“disappearance” of audio tracks attached to films.

The solution to the problem of no sound depends on the nature of the malfunction, which can only be determined experimentally:

  1. Incompatibility of the set-top box with the codec. The solution to this problem is to convert the media file track to sound using computer utilities. VirtualDub- free application for Windows, among the capabilities of which there are functions for transcoding audio tracks: the user will need to load the video into the editor, and then simply save the file with the new audio parameters. It is recommended to use “MP3 Stereo” as the soundtrack output format.
  2. Invalid sample rate. You can change the sampling frequency in the already mentioned VirtualDub - you will need to add “44.1 kHz” to the “MP3 Stereo” setting. It is important to note that after changing the sampling frequency, the sound volume level may decrease - you can stabilize the audio track in the XMedia Recode application by setting the maximum volume values ​​on the master channel. If your television is compatible with Dolby Digital codecs, you can simply activate the “HDMI RAW” mode in the set-top box settings and enjoy high-quality sound without converting media files.
  3. Audio recording defects. If the TV does not want to play audio from a flash drive connected to the set-top box, then it is worth checking the number of tracks packed into the media file. The Movavi video converter is capable of analyzing the soundtrack for artifacts and automatically removing damaged sections of the audio recording.
  4. Interface incompatibility with codec. Sometimes there is no sound when playing video over a modern HDMI interface, but when you connect a tuner via an outdated RCA cable, the audio starts playing automatically. In such a case, the user can choose between converting the audio track to a simplified format and using the new connection interface. Since the process of connecting the console to the TV is extremely simple, the cables can be used alternately.

Before performing manipulations with converting video formats and reconnecting the set-top box to the TV, the user is recommended to:

  • check for sound when watching digital television;
  • make sure the volume level settings are correct;
  • try to play the movie from a pre-formatted removable drive;
  • connect external audio equipment to the set-top box via the audio output available on the control panel and try to start viewing.

No sound on TV with Rostelecom set-top box

If there is no sound on the Smart TV connected to the Rostelecom console while playing video from external storage, then you will have to use media file conversion.

In the case of this provider, the user will need to re-record the movie into the “MP4” format, which contains the audio parameters required by the set-top box.

Interestingly, until 2013, Rostelecom provided its clients with the service of automatically formatting video content in a proprietary format cloud storage.

There is no sound on the Tricolor console

The lack of sound on the Tricolor console can be explained by a software failure: if a problem arises with the audio, the company’s online consultants recommend that the first step is to reboot the console or reset the firmware to factory settings.

To return the software to stock form you will need:

  1. Open "Menu".
  2. Go to the “Settings” section.
  3. Select "Factory settings".
  4. Confirm your choice and wait for the reset to complete.

If resetting the parameters does not give the required result, the owner of the set-top box will have to seek help from service center provider.

Bottom line

Independent solution to the problem of no sound on digital set-top box When playing multimedia from a flash drive, every user can do it: the main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the malfunction and follow the tips presented in this article.

Many buyers of DVB-T2 digital tuners were incredibly happy with the fact that these devices are equipped with a USB port and allow you to play music, photos and videos from a flash drive. In fact, if you decide to buy a DVB-T2 tuner, you will also get a media player!

As always, there was a fair fly in the ointment in the barrel of honey (not so sweet, by the way). New owners of DVB-T2 tuners notice that in many cases they play video without sound. Since the days of silent films have already passed, this state of affairs causes a certain misunderstanding among people.

Why is there no sound when the T2 tuner plays video from USB?

In fact, the problems with sound (or rather, the lack of it) can be explained very simply: our digital tuners of the DVB-T2 standard support encoding the audio track in MP3 format, while many films contain sound encoded in AC3. The problem lies precisely in this and can now be solved in several ways.

The first method is to output audio through the S/PDIF connector using a separate audio playback device or hardware converter.

If you look closely at the back side of the STRONG SRT 8500 tuner (and others), you can see that in addition to the usual “tulips” (red, white, yellow sockets) there is also a specific S/PDIF output (Sony/Panasonic Digital interface), designed for digital audio output. The trick is that the tuner itself is not capable of decoding sound in a format that is not supported, but can transmit it further to the device, which will handle this matter.

It’s clear that such a decoder costs a certain amount, and you also need to know where to look for it. The easiest way is to buy an S/PDIF decoder on from our Chinese friends. Is the price of the issue comparable to the price of a DVB-T2 tuner?

If your tuner does not have an S/PDIF output, such as the Trimax TR-2012HD, then you can try connecting it to your TV via HDMI. There are also no guarantees here, but there is a chance that this matter will somehow be fixed in the new DVB-T2 firmware.

Option number two requires a computer and a program like VirtualDub (or any other video transcoding program). You will also need certain PC skills, or a friend who has such skills.

The essence of this method is as simple as doors: we take an unruly file and re-encode its audio track into mp3 format. In order to save time (transcoding can take a very long time, especially on a PC with a top-end configuration), you can set up only audio transcoding and direct copying of the video stream in the VirtualDub settings. But this is a topic for another article.

When watching interactive TV from Rostelecom, problems sometimes arise due to the fact that there is no sound on the set-top box. Their sources can be varied, as well as solutions. Often, you can fix the problem yourself. In some cases, professional advice from a technical support specialist can help.

No sound on TV with Rostelecom set-top box

If, when you turn on the IPTV set-top box from Rostelecom, there is no image and no sound on the TV screen, most likely the reason is that the channel is busy or. Such malfunctions can also be caused by failures on the operator’s side. For example, if the provider carries out repair or maintenance work, errors occur in the broadcast, and the subscriber experiences poor picture and sound quality.

In order to find out whether maintenance has become the source of failures on your equipment, it would be a good idea to call the customer support service, where they will confirm or exclude this option.

Attention! You can eliminate the heavy congestion of the Internet channel by reducing the download speed and adjusting the traffic.

Why might the sound disappear?

The sound may disappear suddenly, even if there were no problems with audio playback before, and no prerequisites were noticed. In order to understand the reason, you need to act by elimination.

Possible options for no sound may include the following:

  • cable disconnected;
  • poor contact of the connector connector;
  • turning on the “silent” mode.

Accidental pressing of a button, touched wires and careless handling - all these little things become the reason why the sound may disappear on the Rostelecom set-top box.

Attention! To avoid device malfunctions, it is recommended to periodically turn off the set-top box from the network to automatically.

How to solve the problem with no sound on the Rostelecom set-top box

If there is no sound when watching television from Rostelecom, you can solve this problem using one of the following options:

  • reboot the equipment (set-top box and router);
  • check the cable connections (disconnect and reconnect);
  • reset the set-top box settings to factory settings;
  • restart the TV (modern TV models sometimes freeze).

Quite often, it is returning the settings to the factory level that helps eliminate the problems that have arisen.

In order to perform a reset, you need to:

  • enter the console menu;
  • go to “Settings”;
  • find “System Settings”;
  • select the line “Restore factory settings”;
  • click “Ok”;

There is a reset option via service menu, which is produced as follows:

  • turn on the console;
  • hold down the “Menu” button on the remote control;
  • depending on the STB model, select Factory Reset/def setting;
  • save the selected parameters and reboot the equipment.

Thanks to simple manipulations, you can restore the normal operation of the console.

There is no sound for video from a flash drive on the Rostelecom set-top box

On the body of the console you can see a connector under USB device, which prompts the idea to use it.

The ability to view recordings directly from the media did not become available immediately. Initially, the operator offered its users a place in cloud storage, where files were transferred from a USB drive.

On the provider's server, the content was automatically formatted with the required codec and container, after which it could be viewed on the TV. The only drawback was the excessive load, which is why it could take more than a month to format one file. Therefore, in 2013, it was decided to disable the automatic formatting system.

If you encounter a problem where there is no sound from a video from a flash drive on a Rostelecom set-top box, to solve it you should reformat the file using a different codec and try to start playing again.

The device from Rostelecom plays videos with codecs:

  • 264 (provides small size while maintaining high quality);
  • MPEG-2 (an outdated codec that does not have such significant compression rates);
  • MPEG-4 (a group of codecs that includes H.264).

Audio tracks and files on the set-top box use AAC encoding technology, as well as MPEG-1. The optimal container for recordings is “mp4”.

If at watching IPTV There is no sound on your TV from Rostelecom, do not rush to contact the service for help. Usually, the problem can be solved on your own. When difficulties arise or there is no desire to delve into the situation and look for the causes of the malfunction, you can consult a specialist or call a technician to your home to troubleshoot equipment malfunctions.

Dear friends, today we will try to resolve the issue of what to do if the TV from the flash drive does not play sound. Let’s not say that the problem is quite serious: the TV will not have to be taken to some specialist in the first stages. This should be done in case of obvious breakdowns, but more on that a little later. First, let's look at the proper operation of a storage and transmission device - a flash drive - on a TV.

You can fix the error with sound playback when watching TV by studying the cause of the problem.

Such ports are usually equipped with devices that belong to the Smart TV family or were released shortly before their appearance. That is, your TV may not be “smart” with Internet access via wireless communication, with the ability to download and run applications, but with USB ports, where you can connect peripheral devices. Typically, users watch movies this way: they download them from the Internet on a computer, then transfer the data to a flash drive and play them on the big screen. This is really a very convenient thing.

But often people face the problem of playing movies or videos on TV. For example, a Philips TV does not reproduce sound from a flash drive, what should I do then? With what it can be connected? How can I fix this problem? Should I immediately run to the service center and scream about warranty repairs? We will get answers to all these questions further.

Watching movies on TV from a flash drive

First, let's figure out how the system for playing videos on TV from a flash drive works. Naturally, to begin with, as noted above, the user downloads the necessary video from the Internet (any method of obtaining it is suitable the desired file- can be copied from a disk or other source of information), then copies this document to a flash drive. After which the device can be connected to the TV using the USB port and the receiver can be switched to the inserted device.

To do this, press on the remote control remote control Source button and using the navigation keys we transfer the selection to our flash drive (its name will be there). Click OK and wait for the menu to appear. Usually on such TVs the program asks the user to select the type of files to open. For example, a menu may appear with buttons for “Videos,” “Photos,” and the like. We should select "Video".

Now the device system will scan the data on the flash drive. It will only display files with video formats. This is done for greater convenience for the user: if there are more than a hundred photos and only one movie on the flash drive, then imagine how difficult it will be to search for it among a huge number of other files.

So, we chose a movie, played it, but there is no sound on the TV when we connect a flash drive. And this is where your problems begin. But they can be solved, so don’t be upset, but get ready to fix what’s wrong.

Why is there no sound on the TV from the flash drive?

First, let's determine the reason for this behavior of the TV. The thing is that it simply doesn't support the audio codec built into the movie. What does it mean? Any video has several tracks: at least audio and video. And if the TV does not support the audio format that is in our film, but supports the video track format, then the user will see the picture without sound. Since we're already talking about tracks, it's worth mentioning that a video can have two audio tracks. Then try switching them using the remote control buttons (you can find out more in the TV user manual).

To avoid this problem, you need to check the downloaded file. Look at the format of its tracks and compare it with those supported by the TV. This list can be found in the user manual or on the manufacturer's official website. All you need is the device model name. That is, at this moment there should be no problems. Please note that the XviD format is most often used, as it is universal for all devices. Watch this point when downloading movies.

But what to do if the codecs are not suitable at all, and there is no way to download another movie? Then you can transcode the audio format to the one you need using third party utilities. The following programs may serve as such:

  • Total Video Converter;
  • Virtual dub.

Naturally, it’s better to just download another video than to spoil an existing one. Moreover, such programs can take a very long time to do the conversion. Especially if you change the format of a video larger than two gigabytes in 1080p quality. Take this point into account too.


Dear friends, we found out why there is no sound on the TV via a flash drive and how to fix this problem. Summarizing everything that was said earlier, the following key points can be highlighted:

  • Any video has several layers of tracks, so don't worry if you see the picture without sound.
  • To play the file correctly, it is worth checking its support for the downloaded movie.
  • The audio track can be re-encoded, but do not forget about the time spent and some loss of file quality. Therefore, it would be better to download the required file again correctly.

Please note that the flash drive you use must not contain any viruses. Therefore, first check it on your computer and only then insert it into the TV port.

ADVICE. If you are unable to watch a film even with official support for its format, then you should contact the manufacturer for help.

We hope everything worked out for you. Tell us in the comments how you overcame this problem, what remedies helped you?

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