Write-off in minus. How to call if your Beeline balance is exhausted? Service “Call at the expense of the interlocutor Ban on negative Beeline balance

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It is not always possible for a subscriber to quickly top up their balance, but it is necessary to stay in touch. There is a family of services on Beeline that make it possible to communicate by phone at zero cost. The user can almost always receive calls and SMS (with the exception of remote locations around the country), but making a call is not always easy. Wide range of possibilities zero balance provides a range of suggestions suitable for a particular case.

Opportunities with a zero balance on Beeline

If you don’t have enough money for a call or have a zero balance, you can ask to top up your balance using the service of the same name. Is it inconvenient to get to an ATM or is there no way to top up through the terminal?

In this case, it is worth remembering several important combinations:

  • 05050 – this is “Call to the interlocutor’s account”;
  • *144* — “Call me” option;
  • *143*subscriber number#- “Top up my account.”

All free requests are available to Beeline subscribers and do not apply to roaming.

There is no need for special connections for a set of combinations, so that communication on the same network is not burdensome for users.

"Trust payment"

The option of entrusting on Beeline or “ trust payment" After requesting the number *141*7# or command set *141# The user's balance is replenished by a certain amount, which you use at your discretion.

It is worth remembering that such a gift from the operator has a limited validity – 3 days. The fee for one-time use is 5 rubles.

The amount of money that goes to the phone is determined individually depending on how much a particular number spends per month. “Trust Payment” does not require connection other than dialing a standard combination.

Accrued from approximately 30 to 300 rubles(average mobile phone costs for the previous 3 months). The service also applies in roaming, and the availability period is not 3 days, but 7 days.

There are a number of cases when the “Trust payment” option is not available:

  • Monthly deposit to the account is less than 50 rubles;
  • The number is blocked;
  • A postpaid tariff plan is used (relevant for legal entities);
  • The number has been connected for less than 3 months.

You can learn more about this service in this.

"Auto-trust payment"

The “Auto-Trust Payment” service, which operates in automatic mode. As soon as the user’s balance drops below 50 rubles, the system regulates this issue and replenishes the money on the phone. The specific amount is also determined when calculating expenses for three months.

The connection cost is zero, but there is a monthly fee for the first day of 0.5 rubles, and for the second and subsequent days 0.75 rubles.

Connection combinations: *141*11#, and disconnection combinations: *141*10#.

You can also enable or disable the option through your personal account.


In order not to constantly think about which functions to activate when the balance is zero, you can enable “Autopay”.

As soon as the balance approaches the limit mark, it will be automatically updated via bank card.

In order not to constantly set yourself the task of “replenish later” and look for a time and place to replenish the balance, you can entrust this to the system.

"Top up my account"

Are you out of money in your account? Beeline has made sure that you are not left without communication, offering, among many services, the “Top up my account” option.

You can use it both in your region and outside it.

To do this, the user needs to dial *143*number#. Limitations: no more than 5 messages per day.

The recipient receives a message asking him to top up his account, and the sender receives a delivery report.

How to make a call with a zero Beeline balance?

The general principle of operation with a zero balance is to dial a convenient request to contact a specific subscriber. In addition to all other services, there is the concept of “Live Zero”, which allows you to use certain numbers when dialing.

Even the most attentive subscribers are not always able to control the balance on mobile number. Sometimes situations arise when you urgently need to call, send a message or use the Internet, and Money there is not enough money in the account to complete the transaction. In this case, of course, you can go to the nearest operator’s office or ATM and top up your balance. However, sometimes this is not possible. In such cases, Beeline subscribers with a zero balance can take advantage of free services that allow you to always stay in touch. In this article we will tell you more about them.

Service "Trust payment"

By activating this service, Beeline customers with a zero balance can not think about the lack of funds in their account for three days. A trust payment involves the transfer of a certain amount to the subscriber’s account, which can be used for any services provided mobile operator. The amount of such payment is determined individually, based on how much the client spends monthly on communications. By the way, only those subscribers who have been using the number for at least three months can activate this service. To check the available amount, enter *141*7# on your phone. The service is activated using the command *141#.

There is also a variant of this service when the trust payment is activated automatically when a certain balance value is reached on the subscriber’s number (for example, as soon as the amount on the account is less than 50 rubles, an accrual occurs). This can be convenient for forgetful clients: at a critical moment they will not have to think about the question of how to call with a zero balance. Beeline allows customers to take care of their account in advance. You can activate the service through the Internet assistant, as well as through the client center operator.

"Live Zero" service

This option is provided free of charge and is available to all Beeline users. Services with a zero balance, which imply the client’s ability to receive incoming calls and text messages, remain active. This means that, despite the absence, the subscriber will always remain in touch.

Beeline: opportunities with zero balance for subscribers

If the trust payment, however, urgently needs to contact friends or family, you can send them the request “Call me back.” Having received such a message, they will definitely call. Such a request is sent by entering the command: *144* number of the subscriber to whom the message needs to be sent #. It is also possible to send a request to top up your account. You can send it by entering the command: *143* number of the subscriber to whom you want to send the message #. These services are not charged.

Call at the expense of another subscriber (only for Beeline customers)

Another interesting option that can be useful to Beeline subscribers with a zero balance is a call at the expense of another person. You cannot simply use such a service; you must first obtain its approval. If the subscriber refuses to pay for the call after reading the corresponding message, then you will not be able to communicate with him. You can use the service by dialing 05050 + the number of another subscriber on your phone and pressing the dial key. In order to protect yourself from such requests, you can set a corresponding ban using the command *155*0#.

How to top up your account with a zero Beeline balance: other methods

When the balance on the number is close to zero and you need to top up your account for further use of the communication service, you can use the usual methods of transferring funds. Through a terminal, ATM, online banking, cash in the office, etc. If the subscriber does not remember the phone number, then you can find out the Beeline number if the balance is zero by entering the request *110*10#. The information will be displayed on the device screen. Thus, Beeline customers with a zero balance will not be left without communication. You can use any of the previously described services until funds arrive in your account.

Using Beeline short USSD commands, you can manage your own number directly from your phone without using Internet access.

Balance management

Using short queries, you can quickly obtain information on your account, regarding the balance and opportunities provided by Beeline with a zero balance.

  • To find out, you should enter ussd request *102# .
  • If you need to get information about how many minutes of conversation and bonuses are left, you should use the following commands: *110*06#, *106#, *107# and *108#.
  • If the client uses a Beeline tariff plan, according to which you need to pay for previously used minutes, then you should use the request *110*04#. Using this combination, you can find out the amount you need to pay for the services provided.
  • A very convenient option is the ability to set a spending threshold for a subscriber with a postpaid tariff plan. When this limit is reached, a warning text message will be sent to your mobile phone. To use this feature you must use the combination *110*41*threshold amount#.

Opportunities at zero

If your personal account has a zero balance, you can call 064012 to get general information. In addition, Beeline provides four additional services.

  • To use, dial ussd request *141#. To access information about the amount of such a payment, use the command *141*7#.
  • If the account balance is not enough to make a call to another subscriber, the combination will help *144*client number#. This request allows you to use and send a notification requesting a call back. In order to block the receipt of such messages on your own device, you need to use the combination *144*0#. You can re-enable the ability to receive requests within this service using the command *144*1#.
  • If you need to top up your own Beeline account, but there is no such option, you must use the request *143*client number#. This option is called “Top up your account” and allows you to notify your friends or relatives accordingly.
  • The next option is called and to activate it you should use the combination 05050. It must be inserted before the dialed number of the other subscriber and then press the call key.

Setting up services and managing a tariff plan

The service does not require a connection, just dial a command that will inform the recipient that you have run out of money in your account and you are asking him to top up your account - *143*subscriber_number#. The number must be dialed in full, in international format, along with “ +7 ».

Depending on the country, the recipient of your request can top up your balance at the offices of payment systems, at bank branches, using bank card, or to yours using the Mobile Transfer service.

How to make a call with a zero Beeline balance?

There are many ways to call with a zero balance for Beeline clients. You can inform the person you need that you are waiting for his call with the “Call Me” service, or you can call at his expense with the “Call at the interlocutor’s expense” option.

"Call me"

This service provides ample opportunities with a zero Beeline balance, in particular, it allows you to inform your loved ones that you are expecting their call. The service costs nothing at all and is available to Beeline customers when they are in the connection area.

The option allows you to send requests to your friends, regardless of which operator they are a client of.

There is no need to activate the service, just type a special command *144*subscriber_number#. The number must be indicated in full with the country code, via “ +7 ».

“Call at the expense of the interlocutor”

Call your friends and family with a zero balance? Nothing could be easier! There is no need for connection or additional payment. It is enough to dial the code 05050 before the number of the called subscriber without the “eight”. After this, you need to wait for the connection with the subscriber, and if he agrees to accept the call at his own expense, you will be able to communicate. If the interlocutor refuses to pay for the conversation, the conversation will not take place.

All of the services described above have their own characteristics, conditions and limitations, so we recommend that you carefully read their full descriptions.

The absence of a positive balance does not mean that subscribers of VimpelCom PJSC will be cut off from the world of mobile communications. Users can receive incoming calls and SMS, even if they go into minus, so the number will always be available. It’s more difficult when the user needs to make a call or go online himself, but the amount needed for such actions is not on his personal account. There is a way out in this situation too. Beeline services with a zero balance allow customers not only to top up their account, but also to use voice communications and even send text messages.

Simple steps

Beeline with zero balance

The possibilities with a negative balance of Beeline subscribers are within a fairly wide range. However, the first action that should be taken is to top up your personal account. To do this, you can activate the “Autopayment” service. To use the service, you need to link your bank card to the phone number in “ Personal account. After this, the service is activated by sending a USSD request *114#. After the operation, the personal account will be replenished automatically when the balance approaches the set threshold. By default, the replenishment threshold is 30 rubles, a one-time credit to the account is 150.

The second option for replenishing your balance when it’s zero is “Trust Payment”. To manage the service, there are the following commands:

  • *141#. Request to replenish your account in an amount set by the provider.
  • *141*7#. Receiving information about the available payment amount.
  • Toll-free number for general questions.

Important! There is no subscription fee for access to the “Trust Payment” service, but the operator writes off a commission for conducting transactions.

The “Trust payment” service is not provided in the following cases:

  1. The number is registered to a legal entity.
  2. Postpaid tariff plans.
  3. Communication costs are less than 50 rubles per month.
  4. The number is blocked at the initiative of the provider.
  5. The amount on the account is 30 rubles.

It is worth noting that the amount of the available payment directly depends on the subscriber’s expenses for services cellular communication.


In addition to account replenishment options, Beeline offers its subscribers the following options:

  • The call is at the expense of another subscriber.
  • Request for account replenishment.
  • Sending messages asking to call back.

Each of the services works even in cases when the subscriber’s phone number is zero. However, the terms of service are different for each option.

How to call at the expense of the interlocutor? In this case, the following procedure is performed:

  1. From a mobile device, the combination 05050 and the subscriber’s number (without the eight) are dialed.
  2. A connection is established where the user receives a notification that the call will be charged from his number.
  3. There is a conversation in progress or the call is dropped by the interlocutor.

Important! Even if the subscriber rejects the call at his expense, the system automatically sends a text request asking him to call the specified number back.

It should be clarified that you can access the system no more than 15 times a day; the option does not apply to regional and international roaming.

Users can refuse the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service on their phone. For this purpose the following scheme is provided:

  • Sending a request *155*0# to disconnect.
  • Receiving a system notification that the option is deactivated.
  • *155*1# to reconnect.

If you don’t have money, you can ask friends and family to top up your account. To do this, send a request with the following content: *143* phone number#. The message arrives at the recipient subscriber’s number and he can transfer any amount to the specified contact from his personal mobile account. The service is provided free of charge, subscription fee is not written off.

It is worth noting that the option is valid only within the network, the maximum number of requests is 5 per day.

How to ask your interlocutor to call back? To do this, you need to send a request *144* subscriber number #. The service is valid for all Beeline clients in Russia and the CIS, however, it does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea. The number of requests per day is 10, the option does not require additional connection, there is no subscription fee.

Additional features

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There are moments in the life of any person when he simply forgets basic and everyday things. For example, it could even be your own number mobile phone on Beeline. What should a subscriber do in such a situation and how to find out the phone number on a SIM card, even if it has a zero balance. We will talk about this in a little more detail further.

The above situation can happen, for example, if you find an old unwanted SIM card at home or somewhere on the street and just want to find out its phone number. In this case, Beeline has several options to find out the number:
1. If you have a zero balance, the USSD command *110*10# can help you, which you need to dial on a phone with an unknown SIM card inserted into it. The phone number should come in the form of an SMS message.
2. Try using this Beeline SIM card to make a short call toll free number 067410. This method should also work even if the SIM card has zero credit. The answer with the phone number will also come in the form of a message.
3. If the above methods did not help, then you will most likely need to go to the nearest operator’s office and explain to the consultants the reason for your visit. They should definitely help you. Take your passport with you just in case.
Thus, it seems to us that we have provided you with all possible ways. Using Beeline short USSD commands, you can manage your own number directly from your telephone without using Internet access. Balance management Using short...

Despite the fact that today there are many opportunities to easily and quickly top up a mobile phone account, sometimes we still find ourselves at zero. Fortunately, today there are even more ways to contact the required subscriber, even in this situation. In this article we will consider the possibilities of the Beeline operator at zero.

Of course, the main way to protect yourself from “bankruptcy” is to service at an unlimited tariff, but otherwise a lot of operator options will come to the aid of the subscriber.

"Trust payment". If your balance is zero and you really need to make a call, you can dial a special combination and the operator will temporarily top up the account, and the amount by which the account will be topped up will depend on the client’s average monthly communication expenses. The minimum advance payment is 50 rubles, the maximum is 200 rubles. The option is not subject to a subscription fee, but it requires a preliminary connection and it is paid - 15 rubles. To connect, you need to make a USSD request *141#.

"Autopayment". This service has something in common with “Trust payment”, however in this situation, the subscriber will not need to dial any special combinations for emergency account replenishment. The option is configurable - when a certain threshold is reached, the nth amount of money is automatically credited to the client’s account, which, by the way, also depends on the average monthly communication costs. “Autopayment” is activated free of charge, but a subscription fee will be charged for the service - 75 kopecks per day. To activate the option, you need to dial *141*11#, call.

"Call me". This option allows you to use one simple command to let the subscriber you are interested in know that you want to call him, but do not have the funds to do so. This service is convenient because it does not need to be additionally connected, of course, and subscription fee it is not taxed. In order to notify the subscriber about the need to call, you need to dial the combination *144*, then the subscriber’s beautiful number, “hash” and call. The recipient will receive a message with the text “This subscriber asks you to call him,” and a notification about the delivery of the request will be sent to your number. By the way, this trick can be performed not only with a subscriber who owns a Russian number, but also with Beeline clients in the CIS countries and Georgia.

"The call is at the expense of the interlocutor." The option also does not require prior connection. In order to make a call at the expense of the interlocutor, you must:

Dial the number of the subscriber you want to call in the format 05050, subscriber number. Please note that the number must be entered without “8” or “+7”, dialing begins with the operator prefix.

Wait for the connection with the subscriber - if he agrees to pay for the conversation, it will take place and you will be able to start a dialogue, otherwise the connection will be reset.

The “Call at the interlocutor’s expense” option can only be used for subscribers with Beeline tariffs and no more than 15 times a day. The service is not available in roaming!

Information for those who have to pay for the call: if your friend calls you as part of the option, you will see the caller's number on the screen and hear an offer to pay for the call. If you agree to this offer, you need to press key 1, otherwise, simply reject the call.

Attention! If you do not want this option to be used “against” you in the future, dial the combination *155*0#, call.

"Top up my account." If you do not want to contact the operator with a request to top up your account using the first two services described, you can address this request to your family or friends. In order to do this, you need to dial the combination *143*subscriber number#, then call. The request does not require payment, activation of the option is also free and there is no subscription fee.

The subscriber you ask to top up your account will receive an SMS with the following content: “This subscriber asks you to top up your account,” and you will receive a report on the delivery of the message and, if the recipient is favorable to you and has the opportunity to help, money to the account.

"Live Zero" With this service, the operator simply reminds its customers that with “zero” on their account, they can receive calls, messages, and also make calls to toll-free hotlines. In order to enjoy the benefits of this option, you do not need to connect or pay for anything, you just need to be a Beeline subscriber.

"Talking Letter" This option allows you to send voice messages to your loved ones even with a zero balance, although this only applies to close Beeline subscribers. It is noted that sending a letter is free, but listening will cost the recipient 1.15 rubles. The option is free to connect and there is no subscription fee.

Well, as you can see, subscribers today, as they say, “ride like cheese in butter” and operators are happy to communicate between their clients, even if one of them is at zero. In general, it is not surprising that sooner or later the former “bankrupt” will still pay for the call, or his interlocutor will do so. But, one way or another, the presence of such options is nice, because you can be sure that no matter what happens, you can always contact the right subscriber!

All these worries are in vain - today the operator provides ample opportunities with zero and negative balance on Beeline. Just select from those provided by the operator the service that most fully meets your requirements and capabilities.

Opportunities with a zero balance on Beeline

For users of the prepaid payment system, the Beeline operator offers a whole family of services that allow you to stay in touch with the right people with a zero balance. All of them are easily connected using special commands and numbers.

Let's consider the main possibilities with a minus:

  • without commission and in automatic mode, the “Autopay” option can easily top up your balance;
  • replenish the account for the duration of the “Trust payment” and “Auto-trust payment” services;
  • The services “Call me”, “Top up my account” and “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” allow you to turn to friends and acquaintances for help.

On Beeline, with a zero balance, the basic “Live Zero” service also operates; it does not require a connection and is always active. Just leave your phone on when your account balance is zero, and you will still receive messages and calls uninterrupted.

It becomes impossible to stay on Beeline at zero with the Autopay service. If the balance approaches the minimum set by the subscriber himself, then the account will be immediately topped up from a bank card for the specified amount. Users of the prepaid payment system themselves configure the balance and the credited amount. Postpaid clients do not need to configure anything; the balance will be credited with an amount equal to the debt.

The option is activated using the command *114*9#, disabled - *114*0#.

The amount that the operator provides to the subscriber as a credit of confidence for further communication depends on his communication expenses for three months.

The service is available both when traveling abroad and in Russia. The activated payment will be available for three days; if during this time the account is not topped up with the provided amount, the service will be disabled.

In order to activate this option, you need to dial the command *141# “call”. You can find out how much you can credit to your account by dialing *141*7#.

This option does not require sending additional requests; it will automatically replenish the balance when it is less than 50 rubles. The amount credited depends on how much you spent on telephone communication in the last 3 months. When a Beeline client finds zero within our country, the service is activated if the balance drops to 50 rubles, in international roaming threshold – 150 rubles.

The service is paid; for the first day of use, a subscription fee of 50 kopecks will be debited from your account, and thereafter - 75 kopecks for each day.

The service is activated by dialing the command *141*11#, and disabled - *141*10#.

The operator also offers other options at zero - send a free request to friends and family with a request to top up your Beeline account. The service is called “Top up my account”. The addressee receives a standard message containing the above request. The request can be sent not only to Beeline customers living in Russia, but also to Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan and Ukraine, as well as to the numbers of any other Russian telecom operators.

The service does not require a connection, just dial a command that will inform the recipient that you have run out of money in your account and you are asking him to top up your account - *143*subscriber_number#. The number must be dialed in full, in international format, along with “ +7 ».

Depending on the country, the recipient of your request can top up your balance at the offices of payment systems, at bank branches, using a bank card, or to yours using the Mobile Transfer service.

How to make a call with a zero Beeline balance?

There are many ways to call with a zero balance for Beeline clients. You can inform the person you need that you are waiting for his call with the “Call Me” service, or you can call at his expense with the “Call at the interlocutor’s expense” option.

It is always important to control how much money you have in your account. you can by dialing the commands *102# - for a prepaid tariff, and *110*45# - for a postpaid tariff, as well as in your Personal Account and mobile application"My Beeline."

This service provides ample opportunities with a zero Beeline balance, in particular, it allows you to inform your loved ones that you are expecting their call. The service costs nothing at all and is available to Beeline customers when they are in the connection area. The option allows you to send requests to your friends, regardless of which operator they are a client of.

There is no need to activate the service, just type a special command *144*subscriber_number#. The number must be indicated in full with the country code, via “ +7 ».

Call your friends and family with a zero balance? Nothing could be easier! There is no need for connection or additional payment. It is enough to dial the code 05050 before the number of the called subscriber without the “eight”. After this, you need to wait for the connection with the subscriber, and if he agrees to accept the call at his own expense, you will be able to communicate. If the interlocutor refuses to pay for the conversation, the conversation will not take place.

All of the services described above have their own characteristics, conditions and limitations, so we recommend that you carefully read their full descriptions.

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