Maxim search results. Local residents about the disappearance of Maxim Markhaliuk: they bought up all the valerian. Search results for Saturday. Who leads the search

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1. How did the boy disappear?

It is known that on September 16, late in the evening, Maxim left home in the agricultural town of Novy Dvor, Svisloch district, Grodno region. He went to the forest for mushrooms. Since then, nothing has been known about him.

At 150 meters from the stadium there is a so-called base - a hut that was built by the boys. His bicycle and a basket of mushrooms were found in this hut. He and his friends picked mushrooms, sold them and bought building materials for their hut with this money - slate, nails. On the evening before the loss, the boy called his friends to go mushroom picking. Two refused, and he went on his own, - says Dmitry, one of the coordinators of the Angel search and rescue team.

True, it later turned out that the basket with mushrooms does not belong to Maxim, but the bicycle really is his.

2. When did they start looking for him?

On the same evening, when Maxim did not return home, relatives and neighbors went to the forest. Then the police and the search and rescue squad "Angel" joined in. After information about the disappearance of the boy appeared in social networks and in the news, first trained search volunteers from all over the country began to gather in Novy Dvor, and then ordinary civilian volunteers.

3. How many people are involved in the search?

On this moment“Angel” and “TsentrSpas” search and rescue teams, Red Cross volunteers, military, police, EMERCOM employees, foresters are involved ... Plus, groups of ordinary caring Belarusians come every day who want to help in the search.

More than 1,000 volunteers registered over the weekend, - says Dmitry, coordinator of the PSO "Angel".

On different days, from several dozen people to several hundred volunteers go out to search. Plus, rescuers, military, police and people who go into the forest "AWOL" - without coordinators and coordination with the "Angel" and headquarters.

4. Who is leading the search?

Until now, search and rescue operations have been led by a special headquarters created in Novy Dvor. It includes employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other specialists responsible for the search. Volunteers check maps with headquarters several times a day to note which areas have already been inspected, and where else people or special equipment need to be sent.

The headquarters gives us squares. There are places where only narrow specialists, trained people are sent. The same swamps: volunteers will not pass there, - Dmitry explains.

In addition, the headquarters decides when to raise the helicopters of the Ministry of Emergencies into the sky (a chain of people who comb fields and forests, inspect the territory within the search radius) is adjusted from above. There are also reports on the work of drones with thermal imagers that operate at night.

On the 10th day after the disappearance of the boy, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case. Now the search work and all other procedural actions will be coordinated by the investigators. The case was taken under personal control by the chairman of the Investigative Committee Ivan Noskevich.

5. What is search work volunteers?

Volunteers meter by meter comb the area where, presumably, Maxim was lost. Representatives of search and rescue teams are specially trained people who know how to navigate the terrain, know how to organize volunteers and build the logic of searching the terrain. They act as coordinators in groups. - Unfortunately, there are often not enough coordinators for everyone. And that makes the job very difficult. City people come who have been in the forest a couple of times so far, picking mushrooms, but now they really want to help, for which we thank them. The coordinator needs to instruct them, but also then make sure that they themselves do not get lost, - says one of the Angel commanders, Kirill.

Groups from five people to several hundred go out in search. Volunteers comb the forest, the surrounding fields: they walk in a chain at arm's length and carefully look under their feet and around. All abandoned buildings, silo pits, cellars, animal feeders in the forest are explored...

We pay special attention to traces of vital activity. Cores, plucked sunflowers and corn cobs, for example. All that we find - traces, things, places to sleep, we transfer all this information to the headquarters, and, if necessary, the special forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, dog handlers, go to the place. It is not our business to investigate the traces, we are only looking for, - Dmitry adds.

6. What area has already been inspected?

You can endlessly walk through the forest, but we tried to work out the version that the boy was lost in his native forest. We have combed all the roads, orientations are hanging everywhere ... At a distance of 8 - 10 kilometers from here, impenetrable swamps begin, even an adult man cannot pass there. Before them, we all climbed, all bypassed. Nearby there is also the Novodvorskoye reservoir - divers worked there. Within a radius of the next 10 kilometers, we were repeatedly. Volunteers trample there all the time. There are no traces - the search engines cross out the surveyed places on the map several times a day.

The geography of the search is constantly expanding - the detachments combed the forest, farms and fields 15 - 20 km from Novy Dvor.

7. What traces were found?

Until now, only Maxim's bicycle has been found - it was thrown near a hut in the forest, where the village boys had their own base. Volunteers also found shoe prints in the swamp, clothes in the forest, but all this has nothing to do with the missing person. There are no more hooks.

Immediately after the loss, a search dog was launched on the trail, but she went out onto the road and lost her scent. But this does not necessarily mean that the boy was taken away in a car or something like that.

From time to time there is information that a similar boy was seen somewhere in the surrounding villages. This information is checked, but so far it has never been confirmed.

8. What versions of the boy's disappearance are being considered?

Until now, the main version was this: he is alive, but lost in the forest. Although the locals immediately said that Maxim knew the forest in the vicinity of the village very well - he even led the lost out of the forest.

However, volunteers model different scenarios.

The fourth day was the most critical. Before that, it rained, and the boy was dressed lightly enough - this is instant hypothermia. If something is not eaten - it is diarrhea, vomiting and, as a result, dehydration. I think, if he moved, he walked no more than 1.5 - 2 or 3 kilometers, - suggests the Angel volunteer. - To the north, to the west, to the east of the village there are roads everywhere, everything is in clearings - it's very easy to get out! But we didn't find a single trace.

Since the disappearance of Maxim Markhaliuk, a ten-year-old resident of the a.g. The new courtyard of the Svisloch district of the Grodno region - 20 days have already passed. In the media still continue to appear various versions incident, but there is still no information about his whereabouts! That is why this case is of interest to our research organization. As practice shows, cases in which there are actually no clues and evidence can only be solved using non-traditional, from the point of view of orthodox science, methods.

First, let's look at the overall picture of the incident.

On Saturday, September 16, 2017, around 7:00 pm, Maxim gets on his bike and heads to the “base”. So local boys call a hut in the forest, located about 300 meters from the agricultural town.

The boy's mother, having prepared dinner, begins to call her son home, but does not find him anywhere. Calling his school friends, she finds out where he went. It also turns out that before leaving, Maxim called "for mushrooms" and his comrades, but they refused. This fact automatically excludes the version of a pre-planned escape.

Immediately, the parents run into the forest and find their son's bicycle, neatly standing on the footboard near the hut, but the boy himself is nowhere to be found. Two hours later, the family turns to the police. Neighbors, acquaintances and fellow villagers immediately join the search, later - employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Starting from the next day, volunteers from all over the republic come to the agro-town to participate in search activities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and even OMON are involved, divers and specialists with dogs are working. From the air, the territory is examined by helicopters with thermal imagers on board and unmanned aircraft. The result is negative!

The main versions: escape or abduction.

In turn, we are starting to monitor the media and social networks for the emergence of information that can help solve this case. An important fact is being clarified: according to the director of the local school, when service dogs were working in the forest, one of them took the trail and confidently ran along the dirt road, then went out onto the asphalt, twisted and lost its smell.

It should be understood that if the guy just left this place on a ride, the driver who brought him up would have long ago reported this to law enforcement agencies, but this did not happen. The kidnapping version is also highly controversial. Kidnapping a child is a serious crime that is carefully prepared for. It is difficult to imagine that everything could happen spontaneously, although such a possibility remains.

October 1, 2017 in the comments to one of the thematic news posted in the group of the Grodno search and rescue team "TsentrSpas" in social network VKontakte, a video recording of the session of regressive hypnosis appears, as a result of which accurate and very plausible information was obtained explaining what happened. Here is the video:

The group's administrators considered the information received "nonsense" and deleted it. We started to analyze it. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that we are not talking about some fantasies of psychics, but about information obtained through the use of methods for connecting a person’s consciousness to the so-called. information field. In the USSR, similar techniques were taught to officers of closed military units to obtain intelligence data, and the term "information field" was used by the military as part of the educational process. Unfortunately, an ordinary person who does not have the appropriate information training knows nothing about this.

Consider the picture that emerges from the analysis of the above video.

Conditional picture of the incident

On the evening of September 16, 2017, Maxim Markhaliuk gets bored and goes on his bike towards the forest. For reasons known only to him, he leaves vehicle near the hut and continues the walk along the highway. It’s already dark outside, and the guy’s clothes may not have reflective elements.

Outside the agricultural town, a dark-colored car is moving at high speed. Behind the wheel is a young guy named Leonid (dark hair, short haircut, large bald patches in front). On the right in the passenger seat is also a young guy named Kirill (bald or trimmed bald, jacket with a hood, presumably brown), apparently lives in Grodno. In the cabin hangs flavoring in the form of a (painted) green apple.

The driver does not notice a little boy walking along the side of the road and makes a collision, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich there should be traces of blood, and there is a reinforced concrete pillar nearby, a lantern is lit. Very frightened, the guys load Maxim, who is unconscious, into the back seat of the car and head to the hospital.

Having passed the settlement (which one is not known), the guys check the pulse and understand that Maxim is no longer there. Nearby is a field. The body is taken to a forest plantation and sprinkled with earth a little. In addition to the field, there are poles not far from this place (no details). The search engines passed near the body. During the hypnosis session, information slipped that the location of the body was 30 kilometers from the settlement (meaning the agricultural town of Novy Dvor), but there is reason to believe that this information is unreliable.

Please note that the information was not obtained by us during the session of regressive hypnosis, so we cannot be 100% sure of their reliability. At the same time, we have no moral right to ignore the information received, as representatives of search and rescue groups do.

  1. Search engines need to focus not on finding a living person, but on finding a possible burial place for his body. Despite the norms of morality, ignoring this version means playing for the public, and not engaging in a real search.
  2. The search area can be narrowed by roadside areas (for specialists with dogs) and forests with a depth of no more than 30 meters, thereby expanding the geography of the search. Pay special attention to the areas on the map highlighted in red, and first of all - with right side from the road.

P.S. In parallel with working out the version of the accident, we started working with individual psychics. An analysis of the information received showed some differences with the above version, but at the same time there were very accurate details that coincided with it. According to psychics, one of whom gave very accurate data on the case of Sonya Chetvertnova, a five-year-old girl from Kalach-on-Don (Russia) who disappeared the day before Maxim and then killed, his underage "comrades" were involved in the disappearance of our guy with parallel cover some of the adults. By the way, one of Maxim's friends is called Cyril, as a passenger in the car, according to regressive hypnosis. Work in this direction continues...

The 11th day of the search for Maxim Markhaliuk, who went missing in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, is underway. Two days after a large-scale operation that took place over the weekend, the village and the nearby forests look rather deserted, and the number of volunteers has decreased significantly. The headquarters say that they will not curtail the search, and ask the population to come to the rescue more actively.

They are looking for the same, but the scale is not the same

On Tuesday at 08:30 in the morning at the stadium of the local school, where on Sunday life was in full swing and dozens of cars were parked, it was empty. Now the headquarters of the search and rescue camp has moved to the courtyard of the local village council. There are two tents here - the search and rescue squad "Angel" and the Belarusian Red Cross.

Volunteers - a few dozen people. The situation was saved by a large team of employees of JSC "Grodno Azot" - 100 people. Like on the weekend, the forest is being combed now, but the scale is not the same.

© Sputnik Valeria Solovyova

100 employees of Grodno Azot OJSC came to help

Volunteers shrug: "There are much fewer people, but we understand that many are working and cannot be present."

The boy could leave bitten apples or mushrooms

"Are there 30 free people here? Stand here, I'll count you now, make lists. Now you are a group" 12-13 ". Call me the same. I'll call you "hey you", there is no time to remember names. Sorry, but we there is no time for sentimentality," the coordinator of the search and rescue squad "Angel" begins to form new group from volunteers.

© Sputnik Valeria Solovyova

The search group needs to comb the forest with an area of ​​450 hectares. This square is being re-examined. Everyone is advised to take a snack, be sure - water. Bottles are handed out to everyone. Then there is a short briefing.

© Sputnik Valeria Solovyova

“So, guys, we don’t litter the forest. Not a bull, not a stub, not a candy - nothing should be left after you. I don’t want to walk around the same square tomorrow and find an apple you bitten and think that a child passed here at night. cant. You see? After that, you will have to re-comb the entire area there, "explains the leader of the group.

© Sputnik Valeria Solovyova

The starting point is approximately five kilometers away. The team drives here in their cars. Then, on command, people line up in a long chain at a distance of several meters from each other. They have to walk at least seven kilometers - slowly, but without stopping. The main task is to look for any traces of life.

You need to move through the forest carefully so as not to fall, dislocate your leg or injure yourself. In such cases, the whole team will have to return, and this is a waste of time.

Volunteers come for the day

“My wife and I came from Vaukavysk. I am a driver, I have a day off today, and my wife works at school. She has no lessons, so she took time off to look for a child,” says Igor.

© Sputnik Valeria Solovyova

This is the second time he's been on the lookout. Last Friday I went to comb the forest near the neighboring village of Porozovo. He recalls that on that day their group saw wolves, frightened away a herd of bison, and also found a fresh couch of this animal.

“Why are we coming? It’s a strange question. The family is in grief. If there is an opportunity, then we need to help,” the man says.

© Sputnik Valeria Solovyova

Here is a company of five people who also came for the day. Guys from the village nearby. As soon as there was free time, we also went here. They say, according to the call of the heart.

“Lunch? We don’t have lunch. There is a concept of a spent square. We comb the assigned area, then we return, eat and start all over again on a new square,” the Angel coordinator explains.

© Sputnik Valeria Solovyova

The headquarters say that there is still enough food in the camp. There are cereals, pasta, stew. Hot food was prepared by Red Cross volunteers that day. Lunch has no set schedule. People arrive as they complete tasks, and some groups have to carry hot food directly into the forest.

One of the versions is that the boy is hiding

"So far, the search has not brought a positive result. The main version is still the same - that the child got lost, but others are being worked out in parallel," said the representative of the situational headquarters, the head of the Svisloch police department, Valery Romanchuk.

© Sputnik Valeria Solovyova

There are no specific clues, clues or traces that can at least indirectly indicate the whereabouts of the boy. Coordinators say that numerous mushroom pickers complicate the search. They can leave various objects in the forest, food leftovers, bottles, which can become false evidence.

Also, the search group began to work on a backup version. Now it is not ruled out that the child could intentionally leave home. A separate group examines abandoned buildings and farms. From the search groups constantly comes information about the found remains of food. For example, today they found an abandoned house. It is completely closed, there are no people around, but there is an open window through which a child can climb.

Also from the locals came information that they saw gypsies. This version will also be tested.

According to the participants of the search, another not fully verified place where a child could be is a village dump located in the forest, about a kilometer from residential buildings. The guys say that it is very big. She could not be examined in one day.

The criminal case will not curtail the search

The headquarters said that the search for the boy would continue. The fact that today the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the disappearance of Maxim Markhaliuk will not affect the work of the police and search and rescue teams.

© Sputnik Valeria Solovyova

Arriving in Novy Dvor, the head of the department of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus for the Grodno region, Iosif Leonko, noted that a group of investigators had already been sent to the village, who would begin to conduct investigative actions.

“They will interrogate eyewitnesses, find out who the missing child was with and spent time with, what his psychological portrait, social conditions are. We will find out if there were external motives and motives to consciously leave home and hide somewhere. Or it's an accident and the boy got lost in the forest," Leonko explained.

In fact, the work will begin anew, but by carrying out investigative actions. First of all, the investigators plan to start with the school staff and parents.

Volunteers are needed at Novy Dvor

On Tuesday, September 26, more than 300 people were involved in the search. These are the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 100 people from Grodno Azot OJSC, volunteers, representatives of the PSO "Angel", and other organizations.

The headquarters urges people to come to Novy Dvor more actively on weekdays. Now there are not enough coordinators and ordinary volunteers.

According to the latest data, as of Tuesday evening, September 26, Maxim Markhaliuk was not found.

For the first time in my life, I indifferently passed by mushrooms - there are a lot of them in the Svisloch region. But we were not looking for mushrooms: 10-year-old Maxim Markhaliuk left home on September 16, and the boy's whereabouts are still unknown. This search has already been called the largest rescue operation in the country. The Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, the military, employees of forestries and the National Academy of Sciences, local residents and hundreds of volunteers - in the small agricultural town of Novy Dvor, everyone was united by a big misfortune.

If you see wild animals, stop

I found the contacts of Andrei Vorobyov, a resident of Minsk, in the group of the search and rescue squad "Angel": tables for volunteers who are going to Novy Dvor from different parts of the country are posted on social networks. Those who cannot set off on a journey pass food, things, medicines, necessary equipment through fellow travelers. For the rest, drivers report the number of empty seats in the car, the time of departure and the phone number. A conversation with a stranger takes no more than a minute:

Andrey, can I go with you?

Missing Maksim Markhaluk

On Friday morning we are on our way to the Grodno region. All four in this car have the same answer to the question "Why?". Otherwise, we are parents ourselves. Spouses Andrey and Anna left the kids to their grandmother, designer Alexander - with his wife:

- My child is ten years old, like Maxim. Yesterday I solved all work issues, asked for leave. Didn't explain where. Superfluous.

At the entrance to Novy Dvor along the highway, dozens of cars are parked in a long line - there are no passengers in them, everything is in the forest. The newly arrived volunteers first go to the center of the agro-town: here in the Novodvorsky village council a situational headquarters is set up, and tents of the Red Cross stand nearby on the street. Newcomers are registered by Ekaterina Makarenko:

– At 11:00 am, there are 398 people on the list. Svisloch, Volkovysk, Grodno, Pruzhany, Brest, Kobrin, Soligorsk, Minsk, Molodechno, Gomel - it seems that the whole country has gathered here. Those who could not come were given packages with food, warm clothes, batteries, office supplies. The locals are very helpful, preparing hot meals.

An operational meeting is being held in the village council building, after which instructions will be given in which directions to move. In the meantime, volunteers are divided into groups, provided with printouts of maps and orientations, and instructed:

- It is advisable to download the navigator. Communication in the forest can be lost, so stick to your neighbors. No one enters the forest one at a time - only at the command of the leaders. Prompt, but do not swear. If you notice traces, things, stop the line. Stop when you see wild animals.

There are no foreign children

While waiting for the start, the volunteers discuss only one topic: where can Maxim be? Frightened by the animals and went deep into the thicket? Or maybe hiding in a neighboring village? Kidnapped? No matter how terrible the assumptions are, no one loses hope of finding a child.

“If you don’t believe in the best, then you don’t need to go,” says Pavel Blysh, a pre-conscription teacher at Grodno secondary school No. 28. - The guys and I are almost local, from Sokolniki, we navigate in the forest, although we are looking for a person for the first time.

“There are no other people's children,” Elvira, an entrepreneur from Vaukavysk, joins the conversation. - Especially when trouble happens nearby, how can you sit quietly at home here? Everyone in our city is worried. Who did not go, constantly looking through the news, waiting for a good outcome.

Katerina Pochebut has three children, the youngest is not even a year old:

- Today my husband has a “daddy's” day (an additional day off for parents with many children. - Approx. “ZN”), we decided to use it for good. They asked their grandmother to look after the children, and they themselves came here. Grief can happen in any family, it is impossible not to support.

Elena Morozova from Brest was on the search three times in a week:

- 119 kilometers from home one way, not so far, I'm driving. We walked through the forests, through the swamps - it was empty.

“Check well at the landfill, it is not far from the place where the bicycle was found,” Vera Denisovna, an old-timer of the village, approaches a group of volunteers. – I used to work as a teacher at a school, I know that children can hide in such places. I had students who liked to lurk in "shovishcha", in the trees. I don’t see any other places, in the forest everything that was possible has already been bypassed. How long I live, I do not remember so many people here.

In the village council on the table is a list with the telephone numbers of local residents who are ready to provide lodging for the night. Since last Saturday, everyone here has been living with one thought - to find Maxim, Yanina Sikor sighs:

– There are just over 600 residents in Novy Dvor, and everyone who can walk is now in the forest. Teachers, workers, foresters, young people are all there. Maxim's parents and older brother also do not sit at home, they are constantly looking. I don't know what could have happened. Nobody got lost in our village.

Every meter is walked in the forest

If he were here...

Helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations fly in the sky over Belovezhskaya Pushcha. On the ground, every inch of the forest near the agro-town is explored by specialists and volunteers. Our group is sent to the neighboring Studeniki and Boyars: it is necessary to check every yard, attics, abandoned sheds and cellars.

The local grandparents do not need to explain what we forgot here:

- We know, children, we cry every day. We have already searched for him, they came on motorcycles - there is no one.

After several hours of searching the villages, we are convinced that the locals are right. We do not find traces of Maxim in the forest near the New Court. In a chain of 20 people, we explore the forest area - kilometer after kilometer, until the evening. And nothing. Volunteers go home

- Every meter is covered here. The other day they even found a saw that the foresters had lost many years ago. If Maxim were in Pushcha, they would have found him by now.

And yet there is still hope. The search will continue until the result, assures the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, Police Major General Vadim Sinyavsky:

– We have coordinated the activities of all interested bodies and departments, including volunteers. From the first days, three aircraft of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, drones, more than a thousand people have been involved - searches are ongoing at night. Now all possible versions are being worked out. We hope that the boy is alive and will be found soon.


The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the disappearance of Maxim Markhaliuk in the Svisloch region. On Tuesday, September 26, ten days have passed since the parents filed an application that the child is missing. All this time, operational-search and search activities were carried out, said the official representative of the Investigative Committee Yulia Goncharova:

- As in all similar situations, the investigators got involved in the work from the first days. I note that all versions are being worked out. However, we have no direct reason to say that the disappearance of the boy is of a criminal nature. We ourselves hope for the best.

On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, the VG journalist went on a night search for the missing Maxim Markhaliuk and saw the activities of the search teams from the inside.

The boy took refuge in the old house

For four days the whole country has been following the search for 11-year-old Maxim, who got lost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha on Saturday, September 16th. The misfortune of a rural family has consolidated the entire Belarusian society - perhaps, in the history of a sovereign country, this is the first case when people abandon all their affairs and rush to the forest as volunteers, and those who cannot pray for Maxim. They even created a petition on the Internet to oblige the media to make the main news about missing people.

During the days of searching, the fate of the boy was overgrown with rumors and even legends. Their people retell in search engine groups. Rescuers check everything, even the most crazy ideas. A grandmother from a neighboring village went for mushrooms and heard crying. Another witch woman said that the child was thirsty, he was alive, but his legs hurt. A psychic from abroad, contacted by people via the Internet, said that the boy would be found on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, another version appeared from the Bulgarian clairvoyant that the boy found shelter in an old house under a roof, near the road, many dogs and other animals. Nearby there is a large puddle of water, Maxim is scared and his arm hurts.

There is no headquarters, unity, and the village council is closed

Daytime searches on Tuesday, in which the police, foresters and volunteers took part, did not bring results. But the search and rescue teams do not give up and invite volunteers for night searches. In the group of the search and rescue squad "TsentrSpas" we write that we are leaving Grodno and are ready to take two more people with us. Not even five minutes pass, when a girl wants to go in search of us and asks us to wait until she picks up the children from training. We agree to pick her up at Olshanka. 30-year-old Zhanna is a mother of two children. When asked why she is going to the forest for the night, she briefly answers: “My son is 9 years old.” Everything becomes clear.

The road of 110 kilometers to Novy Dvor takes almost two hours. Participation in the search is the first for us, but, despite our inexperience, we are sure that we will come in handy. On the way, we imagine that we will now arrive at the village council, where there will be a search headquarters and well-organized work, that in a few minutes we will be divided into groups and sent to search. But the picture looks different...

There is no headquarters, no premises, no lighting. There is no single leader to whom information would flow from the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the forestry, schoolchildren and volunteers. The feeling that everyone who is looking for Maxim work separately and do not try to interact with anyone. The village council is locked up, and people are standing in groups in the parking lot. There are many people here dressed in camouflage. Volunteers, on average, look about 30. Men smoke cigarettes one after another, drink energy drinks and are silent. The girls are also silent. Cars drive up to the village council, tired people come out and shrug their hands guiltily - nothing.

Other volunteers argue with the commanders of the search parties and rush into the forest. Locals also offer to go there, some already drunk. The conversation takes place in high tones. Men are not embarrassed by the presence of girls and swear loudly - these days of searching have exhausted people, and their nerves are just at the limit. We change clothes and talk about willingness to help.

Guys, let's wait for our group from the swamp and then we will decide, - Christina reassures everyone. In the afternoon, information appeared that traces were found near the swamp. The search engines rushed to the place with the thermal imager, but found nothing. Then, in their minibus equipped for searching, the guys from the Angel squad shone through the forest with strong searchlights and tried to identify themselves with noise in the hope that the child would see the light or hear the sound and go to it.

Knock on any house - you will be accepted for the night

We are impatiently waiting, but then the bus drives to the village council and exhausted people fall out of the car. It seems that they have not slept for several nights, and spend all this time on their feet. But the search again brought nothing. Commander Sergei Kovgan went out to the volunteers and said that all the rumors and clues did not materialize. The commander admits that there are not enough coordinators for the search who could direct people.

- At night in the forest you have nothing to do, you just get lost, and in the morning we will have to look for you, - Sergei explains. - Whoever stays overnight and continues searching in the morning, let him go to rest. Sleep in cars or knock on any hut, you will be accepted for the night. Those who have to work tomorrow and are ready to work now will receive assignments.

They give us fragments of a map of the area, name the villages and ask us to check all the abandoned buildings, stacks of straw, in a word, all those places where the boy could hide at night.

The high beam of the car snatches out a dirt road, along which field mice and foxes run across. The forest is getting thicker. The night, though starry, is dark, and, unfortunately, there is no moon.

The child was found, but lost again?

The first village of Shubichi does not look abandoned: lights are on in the houses, there are lanterns on the street, which are visible from afar. We pass through the village and find nothing. We go further to the village of Bolshaya Kolonaya, turn off the engine and turn off the headlights. The houses are plunged into darkness.

A flashlight of light snatches out an abandoned house. The walls rotted and the roof fell to the ground - not a bad place to spend the night! We climb inside, we see the straw, but there is no one else. And why should the boy hide if he went out to the village. Here, knock on any house - they will immediately help, because the whole country is closely following the search and waiting for news.

Our nightly searches in Stasyutichy and Zalesnaya are also unsuccessful. There is no boy along the stream flowing from Belovezhskaya Pushcha: we assumed that the child should keep to the water, this is his chance for salvation ...

We call the number "Angel" 7733, report on the results and go to Grodno. On the way home, information appears that the child has been found. We dial the phone number, the woman says that the school said that the child went out to some village at 21.40. This news inspires hope until the morning, but on Wednesday neither the police nor the search engines found Maxim. It seems that during these four days the whole village went crazy with grief.

The search for Max continues. In groups of search parties, volunteers again write about their intentions to come. Drivers in cars talk about empty seats and call to join. The feeling that this search will never end... They pray for Maxim and believe that they will find him alive.

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