Check domains to see if the list is busy. Whois service. What to consider when checking your address

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We have all the most popular domains:

.com .org .net .info .biz .de

and further 250+ domains!

Checking domain availability


Cost depends on domain zone. To find out the price, simply hover over the icon, or enter the desired domain in the search bar and click the "Check" button. Finding and choosing a good domain using our service will not be difficult - even if you are doing it for the first time.


On the SIM-NETWORKS website you can easily check whether a domain is occupied - there are several hundred different zones to choose from. From well-known generic top-level domains (gTLDs) to various regional and national domains (ccTLDs).


There are many convenient payment methods: Webmoney, Yandex.Money, LiqPay, Visa and MasterCard credit cards, PayPal, Privat24, Bitcoin, Skrill, American Express, QIWI wallet, as well as bank transfer. By ordering a free domain on our website or in billing, you automatically choose a reliable partner for long-term cooperation and successful work.

Important information

Domain check log is not kept. We do not resell domains and do not auction off domains that have become vacant and have not been renewed by their owners. Here you can check Domain name for employment in all zones and place an order at a time convenient for you, without fear that someone will see the verification results and in a couple of minutes will take an excellent domain. However, it is worth remembering that other webmasters, as well as cybersquatters and people involved in domain trading and resale, are constantly on the lookout for beautiful domain names. They strive to immediately take any good name - domains from the .COM, .NET, .ORG, .RU zones are especially in demand. Therefore: if you like a free domain, reserve it as soon as possible.

Hello friends! When registering domain names for websites, there are often cases when a new project does not take off - search engines do not allow pages to rank in the TOP results. All this is due to the fact that previously there could have been a shit site on this domain and sanctions were imposed on it. To avoid such surprises, today we will talk about how to check employment and find out its history.


A website's domain name is the address at which Internet users find your resource by entering it in the address bar of the browser. As I wrote in the article about how, the domain is an integral part of the site. And if we talk about the creation process, then this element comes first.

It is with the registration of a domain name that the history of a new Internet project begins. In the article on how to choose a domain name for a website (), I wrote about the selection methodology, but there I did not say anything about checking the history, although this is important.

Consequences of errors when choosing a domain

The site address has two aspects that will influence its future life. They both have an influence, but the degree of influence varies.

1. Aesthetic component

A significant role in the future popularity of the site is played by euphony, ease of perception and memorization, as well as the associativity of the domain name.

Short domains in which all the characters sound uniquely are easy to remember and write. If the site’s address also makes it easy to guess its focus, then it has a certain advantage due to the human factor. People will prefer it in many situations.

Basically, such domains will have a bonus in offline promotion methods, as well as a small increase due to behavioral factors.

True, as far as search engines are concerned, this bonus is small and there is no particular point in specifically chasing expensive rare names. It's better to invest in developing a good website.

2. Historical component

The domain name of the site is registered for a period of one year, i.e. Every year the rights to use it must be renewed. This means that the currently vacant address could have been previously used by another owner, and it had a certain life and history.

Some people specifically look for domains with history in order to use the authority they have earned ( , bellies). But another situation could easily happen. You were not looking for any authoritative domain, but simply chose a suitable name for the site. We checked its availability, registered it and started working with it, suspecting nothing.

A surprise may await you here. In its past life, the address could not only gain trust, but also, on the contrary, collect fines and sanctions from search engines. Who knows what kind of site was hosted on it, and what black hat SEO methods its owner used. The site was banned or pessimized and it became unprofitable for the owner to continue its development, he refused to renew the domain and it became available.

As a result, you found this free domain, made a good website on it, but it is not indexed, or it is indexed, but does not want to get into the TOP - it turns out to be just hemorrhoids without any benefit. Sometimes the problem resolves itself over time, sometimes correspondence with search engine employees helps, and sometimes it’s still not possible to get the site out.

Anyway, unnecessary problems will take a lot of time and it’s not a fact that everything will be fixed. In the third part of the article we will talk about how to check the history of a domain in more detail, but now let's learn how to look for free ones.

How to check if a domain is busy?

Checking the availability of a domain is a very simple procedure. Domains are registered directly through registrar companies or through hosting providers who host websites - they have one database, and we check it against it.

At the beginning of the article I placed a form for verification, here is a repeat of it, you can enter the address directly in it. Or, you can use one of the sites in the list below:

Domain check on SprintHost –

Domain check on TimeWeb –

On any resource, the check is carried out according to a similar scheme; only the design of the forms may differ.

How to check domain history?

So, we’ve sorted out domain availability, now you know what addresses you can count on for your website.

Unfortunately, search engines do not provide information about whether the site’s address has been used previously and whether any sanctions have been imposed on it. You will have to find out all this yourself through the history of the domain.

All free website addresses are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Never used before - their history is clean, which means there are no sanctions.
  2. Previously used, but released for reasons not related to sanctions, they can also be used, and sometimes get bonuses through links purchased by previous owners.
  3. Previously used and abandoned due to the fact that the domain came under sanctions.

We can determine the 2nd and 3rd groups only with a certain probability, based on indirect signs, but we can determine the 1st group of sites with 100% accuracy - that’s where we’ll start.

Whois domain history

The easiest way to find clean addresses is to look at the domain registration history. There is such a whois characteristic, it indicates all the owner’s data and information about the servers to which the domain is linked. After deleting the site, this data is not lost

If there is no information about past owners, then the name has never been used. There are many paid services There are few free ones that provide this data, one of them is (Unfortunately, it only works with Russian zones; we will check the bourgeois ones in a different way.)

Enter the desired name and click the “find” button. The service will display all the information it knows, broken down by date.

If the history is clear, then the domain is clean and you can safely register it.

If the domain is not Russian or its history is somehow tainted, then we move on to the next point.

Checking a domain for sanctions

As I already said, it is impossible to unambiguously determine the attitude of search engines towards unregistered domains and we will use indirect signs.

Let's start with the site itself - we need to find out what was there in the past. If it’s an outright GS (shit site), then there’s a 99% chance that it’s under sanctions.

There is a very convenient service that stores copies of all website pages with a time layout. With it you can see what the site looked like before.

How to Check Domain History Using

Go to the page and enter the site address to be checked in the line.

I had a website some time ago, then I abandoned it and didn’t renew the domain, so I checked it using his example, and this is what happened:

In the scan results, the service shows a timeline and on it marks the periods during which site pages were hosted on this domain. Where there was no site, the cells remain empty, and where there was some data, black bars are displayed.

In my example, you can see that the site on the domain first appeared at the end of 2011 and stopped working in 2013.

But that is not all. I have highlighted with a blue dotted line the line where it says that the site version was saved 7 times in the interval from October 11, 2011 to December 29, 2013. If you click on any of these dates, we will open an archived version of the site for that date - this is what the site looked like then:

Mention of a domain name on the Internet

The next step to help us better understand the history of a domain is its footprint on the web. Any site that has existed for some time has left its mark in the form of its own mention on other resources.

All we need is to open the site and indicate the site address in the request. In the results we will see everything that search engine robots know about it.

If the site existed for a long time and the owner was promoting it, then there will be a lot of pages in the search results for this request. You will need to manually parse these pages. From them it will be possible to understand by what methods the site was promoted (whether good links or cheap garbage were placed on it) and in what context it was mentioned.


A free domain does not mean it is clean in the eyes of search engines, and if you do not want problems, then take the time to check the history of your domain name before registering.

In most cases, it is easier to choose another address than to deal with the consequences of past bans and search engine filters.

Typically, choosing a domain begins with the site name and domain zone. The name is the part of the domain before the first dot, and the domain zone is after it. The cost of annual domain use directly depends on the domain zone.

Domain occupancy check is carried out through a special WHOIS service, which checks the availability of its registration. To use it, you need to come up with a name for your site. Just use your imagination: choose one word that accurately characterizes the name and theme of the future site. In the ru zone, almost all one-word domains are already occupied. So try to form a domain name using various consoles, for example, super, pro, giga, mega and others, or select several domain zones.

Enter your invented domain in the form below without www and without indication http:// protocol, tick the required domain zones to check and click on the button Check. As a result, you will receive a list of domains in different zones indicating their employment status. You can immediately register free domains on our website or directly with the registrar.

Our WHOIS service checks the most common domain zones, including employment in the Russian Federation, as well as IDN domains(Russian-speaking) in the com and net zone. All attempts to check Russian-language domains in other zones will be incorrect due to their absence, even though the domains will appear free.

Checking a domain for WHOIS availability

.ru .su .rf .com .info .org
.net .name .biz .eu .us .mobi
.in .bz .ws .me .tv .tel

Check all zones

If the domain you are interested in is taken, then try to create another using the following prefixes:

Almost every search engine has its own website ranking algorithm. So for Yandex this is the Thematic Citation Index ( TIC), for Google it is PageRank ( PR), others have different ones. We will only talk about the first two, because they are the most important. Each of these indicators has its own numerical range, so the TIC can vary from 0 to 900,000 on different sites, and PR from 0 to 10. For simplicity of the concept TIC and PR- determines the weight and significance of the site in the relevant search engines.

These indicators are very important, because the attitude of search engines to your site depends on them. A bad site will never receive any weight.

Sometimes it happens that you register a domain that already belonged to someone else before. Therefore, you are lucky if the domain not zero indicators, because their growth largely depends on the number of sites linking to yours, citation rates, and other things. It’s worse if the site is no longer indexed.

Available premium domains with TIC and PR can be registered using our service, but before registering, check these indicators using the form below. Important! During registration releasing domains- don't forget about domain gluing when the main site's metrics are duplicated on mirror domain.

You can also check just for fun.

A domain name is an important component of any website. The promotion of an Internet resource in search engines and its memorability by the audience as a whole depend on it.
The name is registered for a period of 1 year, after which its renewal is offered mainly to the current administrator, and if he refuses the name, then another administrator can register the domain after a month.

Who does the registration

This function is entrusted to the shoulders of registrar companies, each of which also has an extensive partner network. The most famous registrars: Ru-Center, GodDeddy, R01, Reg-Ru and others.

Checking domain occupancy, searching for available domain names in all other zones

You may like a certain domain name, for example, a website. Therefore, before registering, you need to check the domain name for availability. For this purpose, the WHOIS service is provided, which collects data about web resources: full name of the owner (organization), registration dates, IP address, hosting, history. This functionality is built into the service of each registrar, and before selecting it, it automatically checks the name for availability.

Let's look at how this WHOIS functionality works in Ru-Center.

Come in Personal Area not necessary. On home page Internet resource, enter the domain of interest to us in the proposed field.

Occupied title created in 2014 and extended until 2019. Here we see the registrar company - EDT, the administrator is located in Russia, Voronezh region.

Scrolling down the screen we will see that the service offers registration of similar names in the same or other free zones. If you wish, we can take advantage of this offer.

The services of all registrars work in a similar way with minor differences. For example, R01, if the domain check for occupancy gives a positive answer, offers to select it in another zone.

There are also third-party services on the Internet that help you choose a suitable name for your website.

Mass verification


In order to check whether the domain is available, and also to find out the registration and release dates, the owner and the registrar company, enter the names of sites (up to 30) in the proposed field.

The first is that the data is hidden, but the name is taken. The second is Reg-RU registrar, released in March 2019, the third was created by RELCOMHOST in 1998, and is also occupied.


Enter the list and click “Check”.

The mysterious semantica still does not reveal its secrets. The only thing that can be understood is that it is a trust site.

Bulk checking of available domains is also available in other convenient online services, such as WWHOIS.

Enter the name (without zone), mark the zones we are interested in below, and check.

You can analyze the indicators of employed people, and register those who are free.

What to do if you want a busy name

If you are vitally interested in “staking out” your favorite occupied name, then you can wait for it to become available. When there are no changes on the site, it is not updated, and it looks abandoned, then it is likely that it will be possible to purchase this title. The advantage of buying a name with age is that the search engine trusts sites more with age, and places young domains in a certain filter in order to determine the quality and subject matter of new sites. Therefore, with age, a domain has a greater chance of taking leading positions for key queries. But there is also a pitfall - if you purchase an age-appropriate name, then be sure to check whether penalties have been imposed on it, otherwise, instead of quickly moving the site in the search, you will have to remove other people's filters.

So, you have found an interesting title that will be released soon. What to do? There are auctions in Reg-Ru and Rucenter that allow you to send an appropriate application to the registrar to participate in the buyout.

We select the release date, qualitative and quantitative indicators, zone, etc.

In our example, we did not indicate a specific name, but we found all the names that were released on September 11th.

So, finding out if a domain is free is quite simple. The main thing in this process is to acquire a really beautiful and high-quality name, which will be a good help in promoting the Internet resource.

Selecting a “beautiful” domain or at least a “good” domain name for an organization, a new product on the market or personal project Today there is a whole science!
This is due to the fact that the number of available domains is decreasing every day and it is difficult to find short, memorable and at the same time beautiful name It's getting more and more difficult.

If, when selecting a domain, it turns out that it has already been registered, do not rush to despair.

You can check whether a domain is occupied through our WHOIS service, which has contacts for contacting the current owner. Perhaps he will agree to resell the name to you. Also, domain names have often already been purchased on various exchanges, where for a certain amount you can become their new owner.

1 Convenient and fast typing on the keyboard

If you look at the top left of your keyboard, you will see the following order of letters: "QWERTY". This letter combination does not make any sense, but among Internet users it is one of the most popular passwords. The reason is that such a combination can be typed very quickly and is easy to remember. This principle is not the most The best decision to select a password, because These are the ones that attackers check first, but it is ideal for selecting a domain name. Therefore, when choosing between several options, pay attention to the convenience and speed of typing a name in the browser address bar.

2 Short and concise name

In the case where the domain name is too long or difficult to pronounce, it is better to omit it, because the chance of making a writing mistake increases. A laconic name for an online store helps bring customers back to you and attract new ones, and for non-commercial sites, it increases recognition and makes the page easier to find. For example, an organization with a long name and a lot of words is better off using an abbreviation.
Your main task is short and simple.

3 Keyword occurrence

From point of view search engine optimization(SEO), availability keyword in the site address increases positions in search engine results. Let's say you sell used cars, and your name is John Smith and it matches the name of the company, then you should take a closer look at the option like "".

4 Regionality

If your business or product is focused on a specific geographic group or is a regional representative office, be sure to take this into account when selecting a domain zone and the name itself. So, for a confectioner from the city of Kyiv, “” or “” may be suitable.

5 Avoid numbers and hyphens

When using numbers, confusion often arises; hence, it is not always clear to the ear whether the number “3” is meant or “three” in words.
The situation with the hyphen is a little more complicated; regional characteristics are taken into account here. For example, in the German-speaking part of the Internet its use is very common to separate words, but in the USA, on the contrary, it is extremely rare. But still, for the most part, a hyphen is considered bad form.
There is another possibility, registering several names for one site. Let’s take “” for representation in the USA, and “” in Germany. Therefore, the specifics in each region will be taken into account.

6 Easy to remember

Don't forget that on this moment There are millions of domain names registered on the internet, so your choice needs to stand out from the competition.
Before you buy a domain, check with your friends how quickly they managed to remember the chosen name. Does it sound nice?

7 Checking the name among trademarks

Before registering a domain, you need to check that it does not contain someone else’s brand in the name. Thus, a complaint may be filed against “” by the copyright holder and the resource will be blocked.
For this reason, be careful when selecting a domain and follow the copyright rules.

8 Use different domain zones

It so happens that many people are trying to buy a domain in the COM zone. Indeed, this is the most popular domain ending in the world, with more than 200 million names.
While the potential of other zones, which are ranked no less successfully search engines and sometimes cost much less than .COM, remains completely undisclosed.

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