Donations in the VKontakte group: how to add an application. VKontakte has introduced a mechanism for collecting money in communities How to add a donate button on VKontakte

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In this article you will learn how to make a donation in a VK group and accept donations from users. In addition to money, including donations in a group and placing them in the public header will increase user activity. Visitors can make donations only to have their avatar and comment shown in the header of their favorite site. At the end of the article you will find a trick that will help increase user activity and make good money.

How to add a donation to a VK group

To make a donation in the VK group, go to Control in the group menu.

Management section in the VK group

Go to Applications.

Application section of the VKontakte group menu

In the community applications section, scroll down the feed a little and find the application Donations in a hat and click the Add button.

Donations app in VK header

The message Application successfully added will appear with a link next to it. Go to settings . Click on it.

Message Application added successfully

A window will appear asking the application for access to community data. We leave all the settings as they are: all 4 checkboxes must be enabled. Click Allow.

How to set up a donation in a VK group

Go to basic Settings window for the Donations application in the VK header.

The main window for setting up the Donations in the header application

If you set the minimum donation amount to 1 ruble, then users can transfer money for fun, which will not only allow you to collect more money, but will also increase activity in the group!

Now go to the section Cover— we will set up the display of avatars of users who made donations.

Donations to the VK header

In the settings you can upload your cover , which is adapted to display user avatars. Adapted means made in such a way that the donors’ avatars do not overlap the important text on the cover and look harmonious.

Text color— this setting changes the color of the text of the comment from the donor on the cover.

If the cover is light, set the font color to dark. For a dark cover - light. When in doubt about which colors go together, choose black for a light cover and white for a dark cover. You can't go wrong!

Cover options :

Don't display donations— if you select this item, the application will work as normal application donations. The button will remain in the group menu, but nothing will be displayed in the header.

Last donation— one user avatar with a comment in the center. Doesn't take up all the space. Perhaps the best option is when information about the group is visible and donations are made.

Last donation

Three last donations- occupy the entire center of the cover from top to bottom.

Three last donations

Three last donors and three top donors.

Can be used for the "Last Man Standing" competition. You announce a cash prize and the one who stays on the cover for 10 minutes wins it. Participants contribute a ruble each and appear on the cover. Such battles can last for days and bring much more than 1000 rubles.

Such competitions increase the activity of subscribers and are used for...

What to remember

  1. Donations increase activity in the group;
  2. If you do not display donations in the group header, you can use the Donations in header application as a regular donation application;
  3. Make or order a cover design to correctly display donors in the header.
  4. Don't forget to choose the appropriate text color to display donor comments in the header. White for a dark cover and black for a light cover.

You may have noticed that some VKontakte community owners accept donations from their subscribers. Of course, material donations for the development of the group motivate the editor to continue posting quality content. In addition, this is an opportunity for subscribers who left donations to gain a little popularity.

In order to collect donations you need to install a special application. To do this, go to the “community management” section and select the “applications” subsection there. The list of available applications includes “Donations to the header”. Next to this application, click on the “Add” tab.

Installing the “Donations to the header” application

Next, you can change the name of the button that will be in your group. By default, the name of this tab is “donate”. You can write something else instead. For example, “a tip for the administrator,” or “an editor for inspiration.” Next, you can choose who will see the donation tab. This can be only group subscribers, or any user. After you have configured the basic settings, click on the “save” tab. Next you need to “go to settings in the application.”

Basic settings in the “donations to the header” application

To access the application, you will be asked to give permission to access your community. To continue, click on the “allow” tab.

In the main section, you can also change the standard text that will encourage subscribers to leave donations. Next, you can choose to approve donations without verification, or check before the user’s message is published in the group header. It’s better not to check this box, since you don’t know what exactly the user might write in the donation. In addition, below you can specify the minimum amount that must be donated for the user to be featured in the entire group. Once you have configured these settings, click on the “save” tab.

Then go to the "cover" section. Here you can upload your cover image, and also choose the color of the text that will be displayed in the donation. There are also options for how many donors will be shown on the cover. After saving all the settings, anyone can leave a donation in your group.

Setting up a group header to place donations

To leave a donation in a group, you need to click on the appropriate tab, which is located under the main sections of the community menu.

By clicking on the “donate” tab, the user will be taken to a menu where they can use the button to send funds.

Sending donations

Install and configure this application in a group, only the administrator or the creator of the group can do so.

What is the advantage of this feature? Beyond what you may have Additional income from the group, “donations in the hat” also have a positive effect on the promotion of the community. This increases the activity of the group. Someone will donate money and end up among the donors. Another will want to take his place. People will willingly donate money to be on the cover of their favorite band. This will increase activity while maintaining audience interest.

On this moment there is only one payment system for donations – VK Pay. For this money you can carry out any paid services In contact with.

Many social communities VKontakte networks are divided useful information absolutely free. Some of the subscribers are not averse to helping with money.

It is for this purpose that the developers from Happy Santa have created a convenient application with which you can set up donations in the VKontakte group.

At the moment, you can donate to electronic wallets: Yandex.Money, PayPal and QIWI. For legal entities- Cloudpayments.

How to add the Donations app to a community

1. First of all, go to your group and open the section:

3. The application has been added, and now we need to configure it:

  • Change the name of the button if necessary;
  • We indicate the visibility of the button: to all users, only to group admins, only to subscribers;
  • Select the name of the button (snippet), which will be located along with the link to the application;
  • We write Application Name and save the changes;

4. In the application settings fill out the form:

  • First, fill in the text block that will be visible to users;
  • Next we configure any electronic wallets for donations: Yandex.Money, QIWI, PayPal, Cloudpayments (for legal entities);
  • Don't forget to save this whole thing;

Donations in the VKontakte group

All. Now you can see what came of it. We go into the community and under the avatar we see a new “Donate” button:

This application will be very useful for charitable organizations and projects that bring benefits to people.

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