How to find out the webmoney wallet number for replenishment. Find out the Webmoney wallet number

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For many newly registered users, this question may be relevant. In order to find out your webmoney wallet number, you must first register in the system and create the types of wallets needed for the job. If all these steps are behind you, then finding your wallet number will not be difficult. The webmoney interface is built very conveniently, and if desired, you can easily find what you are looking for with a few mouse clicks.

During the registration process, you should have realized that the main currency of WebMoney is title units. Like regular money stored in wallets, these electronic means of payment are also stored in wallets under various names. There are eight types in total, the most common in Russia of which are: WMR (wallet in Russian rubles), WMZ (wallet in US dollars), WME (wallet in euros).

Unlike our regular wallets, which store money, e-wallets take into account property rights to various values. How many such wallets can there be? Unlimited amount! And if we talk in simple words, then just like your personal wallet is stored in a bag, webmoney electronic wallets are stored in a special program - keeper (from English - keeper, holder, owner) under a special registration number - WMID. If you are already a registered user, then WM Keeper of the selected version (Mini, Light or Classic) must be installed on your computer or laptop, or Keeper Mobile must be installed on your smartphone. Wallets can be managed both through the listed programs and through the universal payment service Webmoney Transfer. Let's take a closer look at how to find out your webmoney wallet number using all three options.

How to find out the wallet number using the payment service?

To do this, first of all, you need to go to the website

The registration process has already been completed, which means you can log into your account using the “login” button. Next, you will see a login window for WM Keeper of the version that was selected and installed earlier, as well as fields for entering your login (this is your WMID), password and digital verification code:

After this, you will be given the choice of using one of the login confirmation options - using the E-NUM authorization system (only if it is installed on your mobile phone) or using an SMS message to the mobile phone number specified during registration:

After authorizing Webmoney Keeper, in fact, wallets are also at your disposal. To display them, simply go to the “finance” tab of the sidebar:

Here we see all types of wallets and their numbers - everything we needed to find!

How to find out your webmoney wallet number using the WM Keeper application?

In this option, everything is also extremely simple - click on your previously installed WM Keeper and enter the password:

Next, you just need to go to the “wallets” tab, and the search for what you need is completed:

Find your wallet using the mobile application!

If on your mobile device If the Webmoney Keeper application is installed, then, as in the previous two examples, there will be no problem finding out your wallet number. We go into the application to the “finance” tab and, after spending a few seconds, admire our wallets:

Now you know how to find out your webmoney wallet number. As you can see, everything ingenious is simple. The WebMoney service is very convenient; you don’t need to spend a lot of time looking for what you need. Thanks to the simple interface, even relying on your own intuition, without additional instructions, you can independently find the answer to any question you may have!

For beginners, it may initially seem that the WebMoney system is a little cumbersome and all the data is out of place. Some users even have a question about how to find out the Webmoney wallet number. Considering that this electronic transfer service has several interfaces, it’s easy to get a little confused. Therefore, let's look at everything in order.

Data in WM Keeper program

To take full advantage of the service and get maximum limits for working with virtual currencies, system clients often use the yellow ant program WebMoney Keeper in their calculations. It is downloaded from the official website and installed on your computer. Working with it will require uploading a key file.

WM Keeper program interface

When you first start the program, you will need to specify the path to the keys and enter the identifier (WMID), as well as the password set during registration. The computer must be connected to the Internet. Otherwise, you will not be able to contact the system servers.

In the top horizontal line there is a “Menu” item. There, among the list of operations, there is a link to wallets that allows you to carry out operations with them, including creating new ones. After creating an account, it will immediately appear in the list. By clicking on the icon in the second horizontal menu, a list of working accounts and linked cards will be displayed.

You need to know that the wallet number consists of 12 digits and has letter designation for different currencies.

WM Keeper program window

For example, all ruble accounts begin with the Latin letter “R”, and dollar accounts are assigned the index “Z”. The remaining accounts also have their own unique codes. In this case, the WMID login consists only of numbers.

Find out data in Keeper Standard

Without use third party programs You can also find out your WebMoney wallet number. To do this you will need to log in to home page electronic system.

The Keeper Standard menu will appear in front of the user. It is located horizontally on the left side of the screen. By hovering over the icons, you can see that they are active links. Among them there is a link to personal data settings, to purchase services, as well as to display wallets.

After going to the “Finance” tab, you can see and add your wallets.

By clicking on the plus sign, select the desired account to display on the page and set a limit on transactions through it. In the same way, you can open access to connected cards.

Information from

Keeper Standard is not used to open new wallets.

On this page you can display only already registered accounts. They will be displayed with your payment history.

IN modern world finance, electronic payment systems, which have firmly taken their positions among the entire diverse set of funds exchange services, have long been perceived as a standard tool. And one of the most popular such systems all over the world is Qiwi, known to almost every Internet user. Having been founded back in 2007 (which is already quite an impressive “age” for such a resource), the number of accounts registered in it today amounts to millions.

However, despite long term the existence of this payment system, nor the simplicity of its interface, many users still do not even approximately understand how to find out the Qiwi wallet number on their account! To similar misunderstandings no one else has come up with such basic points, it’s time to close this, unfortunately, pressing issue for many once and for all.

Let's remember where you started...

From the very beginning of registration with Qiwi, it was mandatory to indicate your mobile phone number. Absolutely all financial actions in this payment system will take place through it. It is to your number that with each new operation an SMS with a special unique code, with the help of which the user personally confirms a particular transaction.

So this very number, which you indicated when registering your Qiwi account, and through which, in fact, all monetary transactions will be carried out, is precisely the number of your wallet. Quite convenient and practical, and most importantly - the simplest way to find out the Qiwi e-wallet number. This, by the way, is a kind of unique feature, which is a significant advantage of this payment system compared to other competitors.

How to find out your Qiwi wallet account number?

Sometimes, for some monetary transactions in the Qiwi system, you may not need your mobile phone number/wallet ID, but your account number. Quite often there are cases when some companies that require an account number to pay for their services do not immediately understand the user who, out of habit, dictates his mobile phone number.

Having figured out how to find out your Qiwi Wallet wallet number, go to your “Personal Account” (or “Profile”) and pay attention to the ten-digit number in the upper left corner of the interface. This value is the account number of your wallet.

You will see exactly the same 10 digits of your account in the “Payment History” section. There in the data of any completed transaction, in addition to mobile number correspondent, your wallet account is also indicated.

Wallet details for a certain number of operations

Quite often there are also problematic situations when some financial actions require the user to full list details of his Qiwi wallet, and not just a mobile phone number. Typically, such data is required for transactions that are in one way or another related to the banking sector (be it, for example, a standard bank transfer using the Qiwi system; activities with legal entities, whose transactions are controlled by banking structures).

Finding all this data is not even the slightest difficulty: after logging into your account, select the “Top up your wallet” section, and then pay attention to the “Bank transfer” method. In this section you will find TIN, BIC, KPP, correspondent account and all other information.

Also, for any transaction, in addition to the details of your Qiwi wallet, additional details may be required Qiwi cards Visa. In this case, on your account in the “ Bank cards» select the appropriate the desired card and click on the “Send details” option. The request is processed automatically by the system, and within a couple of seconds all necessary information will be sent via SMS to your number.

In an extreme situation, if due to unforeseen technical problems you are unable to find out your own details, then be sure to contact the support department about this issue, who will promptly resolve the problem.

How to find out the Qiwi wallet card number?

And here we smoothly move on to the issue of “virtual plastic” of the Qiwi system. It's quite surprising that the vast majority of users understand everything perfectly well. additional benefits this option (the ability to carry out internal transactions that simplify the transfer of funds abroad, payment of any obligations, etc.; the ability to make any payments even if the Qiwi balance is empty, etc.). But at the same time, not everyone from this number is able to simply find the number of this virtual card, not to mention how to find out the Qiwi wallet number on their own account.

In the “Bank cards” section, find the card you need (their number directly depends on how many of these virtual cards you have linked to your wallet) and then click on the “Send details” option, which is located directly under the brief information summary included with each Qiwi -map. Thus, the system will send an SMS with the number you require.

Please note that the title of each information report initially contains the card ID, but partially (eight numbers are hidden by asterisks) - solely for security reasons. So these missing numbers will be sent via SMS. By comparing them with those displayed directly in the description of the card itself, you will receive its full number.

Updating your Qiwi wallet number

If you have acquired a new mobile phone number and want to use it in the Qiwi system, then, based on several nuances, choose one of two possible options.

The first will be the simplest and fastest, but only under the only condition that you still have access to the previous number. Create a new account by linking it to new number, and then transfer all funds from your old account. For such transactions, confirmation via SMS from the previous wallet will be required.

If you don’t have access to your previous number, or you simply don’t want to go to the trouble of creating new wallets, then in this case, contact the Qiwi administration directly, who will study your request in detail. To do this, go to the “Help” section and select “Contact Qiwi support”. In the form provided, please indicate your contact phone number and e-mail, and also indicate your desire to re-register your old wallet with a new number.

When the administration redirects you to the certification center, the employees from it will need not only an application to re-register the wallet, but also a notarized scan of your passport (this scan must have the stamp and signature of a notary, as well as the personal signature of the owner).

And only when all the necessary data proving your identity is transferred to the certification center, consideration of your request to change your wallet number will begin. Usually this process lasts no more than ten days - it depends on the workload of the department as a whole.

Overall result of the resolved issue

The Qiwi system has a truly flexible and extremely comfortable structure, thanks to which absolutely any user will be able to master it even from the very first authorization!

The main point here is your phone number, used from the very beginning of creating your account - it is the Qiwi wallet number. Also, all future monetary transactions will be carried out through it - a proven mechanism for the security of user funds. Well, you can receive all additional data for specific financial transactions in the same way exclusively to your phone number.

So, the ongoing questions about how to find out the Qiwi wallet number, and at the same time many other nuances associated with it, have been finally resolved. However, this is far from the only problem that other users have encountered in one way or another, so if more complex technical problems arise in the system, be sure to visit the “Help” section. It may well be that the difficulty you encountered was already initially described in the database of the most frequently asked questions. Otherwise, do not forget about the function feedback with the administration - these are the people who are responsible for the stability and performance of Qiwi, so you can be confident in their competence and professionalism.

Before you find out your WebMoney wallet number, you need to register on the site. This will allow you to access your personal account and use all the necessary services.

After registration, a new client is given the opportunity to create the required number of wallets. The most commonly used are the ruble wallet (wmr) and the dollar wallet (wmz). But the system does not prohibit account holders from opening accounts to use any other currency.

In fact, the wallet consists not only of numbers (there are also 12 of them), but also of letters. Moreover, the letter indicating the type of currency is placed in front. For example, R12345679123. Without the letter, it will be difficult for the system to recognize the code as a wallet. Therefore, for any financial transactions you must indicate the number in full.

This data is necessary to carry out financial transactions. With their help, the user can easily view the balance, transfer money to a bank account or pay for a purchase online. The owner must know the account number, since it often has to be presented to transfer funds. If we talk about where you can see the wallet number, then it’s very easy to do.

If account data needs to be transferred to third parties to receive Money, then this can be done without fear. Having only a wallet does not provide any information about the owner, much less access to his account. But you don’t need to provide any other data to transfer funds, since only your wallet is enough.

Instructions for determining your wallet number

Every user of the WebMoney payment system knows what Keeper Standard is. This is a special program that allows you to log into the system. Most often, account owners use this application. To find out your wmr wallet, for example, you need to:

  • go to the site and enter the data required to log in (password, login, etc.);
  • go to Personal Area, where all the data should be located;
  • a list of accounts will be provided on the home page.

In more early version WebMoney, in order to find your wallets, you had to go to the “Finance” tab.

Help: now any user of the WebMoney service can immediately see all open wallets when logging into their page.

In the same way, you can find out the details of a ruble or dollar account if the client uses his mobile app. Besides, payment service allows you to change some data. Subject to replacement:

  • passport details;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • Email;
  • security question (if asked during registration).

But the type of wallet cannot be changed. In return, the client will be asked to get a new one.

The use of payment systems is becoming increasingly popular. For many, such storage of their own funds seems to be the safest way; others use electronic money for online purchases. Indeed, wherever the owner is, he can use his money. To do this, you just need to know your wallet details and have access to the Internet.

If you have become a full participant in the payment WebMoney system, then you definitely need to know your wallet, to which transfers from other participants will subsequently be made. Therefore, you definitely need to figure out how to find out your WebMoney wallet number. Currently, WebMoney is one of the most popular payment systems, so almost every user who engages in financial transactions on the Internet has a similar wallet. After you have registered in the WebMoney payment system, you will need to download special program, which is also called the “client”, is WebMoney Classic. In it you can create new wallets, as well as edit them.

An easier way

Today, you can also use a simplified version of the service, where you do not need to download the program. But since today we decided to talk in detail about how to find out your WebMoney wallet number, we advise you to install the program, since it will be much easier to work and understand than to visit the site. The program is not too complicated and even a beginner can understand it. The most important thing is that you will need to show patience and a high level of attention in order to avoid mistakes or completely lose access to your wallet.

WebMoney electronic wallet and its identifier

Each wallet in the WebMoney payment system has its own individual identification number, which is commonly called WMID. All your created wallets will be linked directly to your ID number only. The wallet number must begin with a Latin letter, and it is classified depending on the type of currency, and the letters are followed by numbers.

If you are wondering where to look up your WebMoney wallet number, then know that in fact, completing this task is not at all difficult; you can do it in the program itself. First of all, you will usually need to log in to the program, and for this you need to enter your identification number, as well as set password, only after that click the “Login” button. Please note that after entering your password you will need to wait a while before you can mobile phone, which is linked in the system, you will receive a special code that will be required for authorization. If you are registered in a special E-num Storage system, then authorization is significantly simplified, since you will only need to go through it in this service.

Speed ​​work

So, how to find out your WebMoney wallet number quickly? It's simple, after switching to the program you should wait a while until it is fully activated and the icon in the launcher is updated. In the standard version, after successful authorization, you immediately go to the “My WebMoney” page, but your task is to go to the “Wallets” page. If you have just registered in the system, then you will need to create new wallets, this is necessary to receive funds from other participants. If you have already created them, then on this tab you can see all of them, as well as their numbers. In order to indicate such a number, there is no need to write it down, just select it and copy it using the right mouse button. After this, you can insert the wallet number into any forms or simply transfer the number to other participants so that they can make transfers to you.


Now you know how to find out your WebMoney wallet number. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, and the above procedure will very soon (when you remember everything) will not take much of your time. Good luck!

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