How to remove scratches from iPhone case. How to get rid of scratches on an iPhone or iPad using folk remedies How to remove scratches from the screen of an iPhone 4

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Latest iPhone models- a real work of art. The all-over display at the front and the sleek glass over the metal panel at the back give it a true premium feel that no other smartphone can match. However, the steel frame of the flagship iPhone looks gorgeous when you first open the box with the brand new iPhone X, iPhone XS or iPhone 11 Pro.

As you use your smartphone, the smooth surface will quickly become scratched and lose its original sparkling appearance. However, do not despair ahead of time - any problem can be solved, and this is no exception. Below we will tell you how to restore the lost shine to your iPhone X, iPhone XS or iPhone 11 Pro, however, the method will help only for silver model owners.

How to remove scratches and restore shine to the steel frame of an iPhone X, iPhone XS or iPhone 11, which becomes dull after just a couple of months of use

In a new video, YouTube user Quinn Nelson of Snazzy Labs demonstrates how you can carefully remove a thin layer of metal from the surface of a steel frame and restore it to its former shine. All you need is a paste abrasive polish (links below) for metal and a piece of microfiber cloth.

You can buy polish (the same thing, only 3 tubes at once) or. Choose the 0.5 micron version for a mirror finish. Wool sanding heads can be purchased, but you can do without them.

Simply apply some paste to the cloth and begin to gently polish the steel parts. In order to polish the surface well, the pressure must be strong enough and the movements must be circular.

Don't worry, the glass surface of the iPhone is very durable and the polish won't harm it. If some of the paste gets into the speaker or port holes, it's okay. Don't forget that iPhone X, iPhone XS, and iPhone 11 Pro are waterproof, and you can rinse them under the tap once you're done polishing.

The polishing process may cause the fabric to turn black. This means that a thin layer of metal has begun to move away from the surface, and this is exactly what we are trying to achieve. Rub the steel surface thoroughly for a minute to remove any remaining polish and wipe the frame thoroughly with a clean microfiber cloth. Don't be afraid to apply force - in order for the steel to shine again, you need to polish it until it shines.

By repeating the above procedure two or three times for each edge, you will find that they are sparkling like new again. However, be prepared for the fact that after a few months the metal will get scratched again and you will have to polish it again. For best results, you can use a polishing machine, but if you don't have one, a microfiber cloth will do.

ATTENTION!!! As mentioned above, the method is suitable only for silver iPhone X, iPhone XS and iPhone 11 Pro, But not for models of other colors. Attempting to polish devices of other colors will result in frame covering is simple.

You can easily remove scratches from your iPhone using an abrasive polish or fine sandpaper. Scratches appear relatively quickly on the back of the iPhone, which can also be quickly and easily removed. No matter what you use to remove scratches from your iPhone - toothpaste or sandpaper, you must be extremely careful not to rub off the protective coating on the device's body.

Warning: Use the techniques below at your own risk. MacDigger is not responsible for your iPhone experiments.

Method 1: Remove Scratches from iPhone Using Toothpaste

It sounds crazy, but toothpaste is a mild abrasive polish that can help get rid of minor scratches on your iPhone.

  • Squeeze a drop of toothpaste onto the iPhone case.
  • Using a soft cloth, rub the iPhone body in a rotating motion.
  • Leave the toothpaste on for a minute or two and let it dry.
  • Wash the paste off the case with soap or a mild detergent.

To achieve the best results, take some time to rub the paste. Using this method, you can easily remove minor scratches from your iPhone. Many people use a similar technique to remove scratches from DVDs or CDs.

When using this technique, make sure you don't get any toothpaste into the iPhone's ports or access holes! Failure to use this method carefully may turn on the iPhone's liquid indicator and may void warranty repairs.

Method 2: Remove Scratches from iPhone Using Sandpaper

You can also get rid of small scratches on the iPhone case using fine sandpaper. The effect will be the same as using toothpaste, but you must choose the right grit of paper. Judging by various recommendations on the Internet, a suitable sandpaper grit is 1200. On the MacRumors forum they wrote that it takes about half an hour or more to remove all small scratches on the case.

When rubbing the iPhone case, do not use much force! Remember that you must polish out any scratches on the surface of the device. If you remove the protective coating from the case, you will have to resort to a third, more intensive method.

Method 3: Remove Deep Scratches from iPhone

If you decide to completely clean the iPhone case from any scratches, including the deepest ones, you can use wet sanding and completely polish the device, restoring its original shine. This is not the fastest or easiest method, and I would advise resorting to it only if absolutely necessary. After using this method, you will have to say goodbye to the Apple logotype and text on the back of the iPhone.

On the MacRumors forum you can find from the iPhone (including disassembling the device). This is the most intensive but reliable method, which involves completely removing the protective layer from the iPhone, which can be avoided by turning to the first two methods.

Mobile iPad devices and iPhone are made of high-quality materials and are supported by the manufacturer in software for quite long periods of time. Replacing one device with another simple user happens extremely rarely, because in most cases it is not much different both externally and internally from new and after several years of use. Nevertheless, protective glass iPad and iPhone, despite their unprecedented resistance to damage, are still susceptible to them. Surfing the Internet, we have collected the most effective ways to remove scratches from iPad screens and iPhone which we will be happy to share with you.

So, how can you give your iPad and iPhone screens their former shine without scratching them?

1. Using toothpaste

The first product for polishing iPad and iPhone screens can be found right in your bathroom - this is the most ordinary toothpaste. It is worth noting that this should be a regular paste, and not a gel-based one. How it works? Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a cotton swab or clean, soft cloth. Then gently rub it in a circular motion for a couple of hours into the place where the scratch is located. After this, use a slightly moistened swab or cloth to remove any remaining substance. It is worth paying attention that it is better to seal all vulnerable openings of the device (inputs/outputs and connectors) with something to prevent paste from getting there.

2. Using car scratch remover

Car scratch removal creams like Turtle Wax, 3M Scratch, and Swirl Remover are ideal for removing minor scratches from iPad and iPhone screens. To do this, you need to apply them to a soft, clean cloth and wipe the device screen with gentle circular movements. Do not forget about the safety of the connectors of devices, the ingress of substances into which is undesirable.

3. Using sandpaper or sander

The method with sandpaper or a machine can be risky, so it’s better to practice on similar surfaces that, as they say, “don’t mind.” However, using the finest sanding surfaces you can get your hands on will help remove even the most noticeable scratches without any problems. You'll have to work hard, but the results are worth it, right?

4. Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is an excellent abrasive and can be used for polishing without any problems. How to use it to remove scratches from iPhone and iPad screens? Mix two parts baking soda and one part water in a small container. Stir the mixture until a thick paste-like structure forms. Apply the resulting substance to a soft cloth and rub in gentle circular movements into the area of ​​the screen that has scratches. Remove any remaining substance with a soft damp cloth. Pay attention to the safety of the connectors, into which the mixture should not get in any way.

5. Using baby powder

Baby powder is another great abrasive that works well for buffing. How to use it to remove scratches from iPhone and iPad screens? Just like baking soda! Mix two parts powder and one part water in a small container. Stir the mixture until a thick paste-like structure forms. Apply the resulting product to a soft cloth and rub into the area of ​​the screen with scratches using gentle circular movements. As usual, remove any remaining substance with a soft, damp cloth. Of course, pay attention to the safety of the connectors, into which the mixture should not get into under any circumstances.

6. Using vegetable oil

Vegetable oil can act as a temporary solution to restore time-worn iPhone and iPad screens to their former shine. Just one drop rubbed over the surface is enough to make the display sparkle like new. However, the effect of this procedure disappears after a few days.

Well, we've looked at six interesting ways for permanent and temporary removal of scratches from iPad and iPhone screens. Each of them requires incredible accuracy and incredible patience. Moreover, none of them guarantee proper results and can be used only at your own peril and risk.

Write to us if you have used any similar interesting solutions! We'll be waiting for your stories in the comments!

Smartphones constantly suffer from our negligence. Either we put them in the same pocket with the keys, or we accidentally drop them on the marble floor - as a result, already a month after purchase, the case of your iPhone is covered with small scratches, the aesthetics of which are highly questionable. Of course, you can replace it if you wish, but you can also save money. To do this, there are seven ways to polish your gadget yourself.

*Before cleaning, turn off the phone, remove the battery, and cover the openings with electrical tape to prevent water and other liquids from entering.


The first miracle substance is practically under your nose - in the bathroom. This is an ordinary toothpaste (gel-based toothpastes are not suitable).

Here's how it works:

  • Squeeze a little toothpaste onto a cotton pad.
  • Rub it over your phone's screen using gentle, circular motions until you're sure the scratches are gone.
  • Dry your phone with a paper towel or soft cloth, removing all traces of toothpaste.

Car scratch remover cream

Automotive creams such as Turtle Wax, 3M Scratch and Swirl Remover are designed to minimize or completely remove scratches. They are used in the same way as described above, but there is one additional caveat:

*make sure that the cream does not get not only into the special holes of your phone, but also into your mouth, eyes or wounds on the skin.

Sandpaper and sanding drill

Only hardcore! The method is quite harsh, but otherwise you will never get rid of annoying abrasions and deep scratches. However, it is not recommended to polish the screen with a drill and sandpaper - this method is more suitable for use on the back panel of your iPhone.

If you prefer sandpaper, choose the least abrasive option. Rub the surface very carefully and check frequently to see if this method of sanding is damaging it. The same system applies to the drill.

*If you are careless and careless, do not use this method.

Baking soda

This product can also be a very effective weapon in the fight against minor scratches. Here's how it works:

  • Mix soda and water in a 2x1 ratio.
  • Stir until it becomes a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste to a clean cotton pad and rub the scratched surface in a circular motion.
  • When the scratches disappear, wipe the surface with a clean cloth or napkin to remove all traces of paste.

Baby powder

By adding water to baby powder, you can create a special paste that can effectively remove scratches from your iPhone.

The methodology is the same as with baking soda.

Vegetable oil

For very small and almost imperceptible scratches, the method using vegetable oil is suitable.

One drop of oil on a scratched surface can be an excellent cosmetic solution.

Egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate

A mixture of potassium sulfate, aluminum and egg white will also help get rid of scratches. You will need a piece of microfiber, an egg, aluminum foil and alum. Potassium sulfate can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  • Mix egg white and a teaspoon of alum. Preheat to 65 degrees Celsius in an aluminum pan.
  • Soak microfiber in the resulting solution.
  • Place the fabric on aluminum foil and place in the oven preheated to 150 degrees. “Bake” until the fabric is completely dry.
  • Place the cloth in cold water for 20-30 seconds.
  • Repeat the above steps three times and then leave the fabric to dry for 48 hours.
  • Use the resulting cloth to wipe the gadget.

Lifehack #1: Toothpaste

Toothpaste will help polish not only your teeth; almost any toothpaste except gel will do. Toothpaste here acts as an abrasive and the amount of any useful microelements in it is not important to us. So: we squeeze a little paste onto a disk formed from cotton wool, and begin to wipe the damaged screen with it, using gentle circular movements. After the procedure, the paste, of course, needs to be removed (don’t even think about rinsing with water!) using a soft cloth or paper napkin. As in dentistry, toothpaste will only help with relatively small and shallow scratches.

Lifehack No. 2 Car cream

Scratches are not only a problem with Apple products, so there are very good creams in the automotive industry to remove such damage. Such creams, for example, include: 3M Scratch, Turtle Wax, Swirl Remover. These creams are also used as a paste, but more carefully, trying not to get them on the mucous membranes or damage to the skin. Getting car cream into the functional openings of the iPhone and iPad is also not advisable.

Lifehack No. 3:Paste GOI

GOI is not some exotic plant, but an abbreviation for the State Optical Institute. This paste is designed for polishing optics, jewelry and ceramics, and it will not harm iPhone screens and iPad. At the same time, the too gentle action of GOI paste also has its drawbacks: it eliminates minor damage, but does not cope where more serious polishing is needed.

Lifehack No. 4 Sandpaper and drill for sanding

This method is suitable either for people who love extreme things in everything or for citizens who are confident in their extreme accuracy. This technique will help in eliminating really serious scratches, but it is better to apply it to the back panel of the gadget, and not to touch screens Apple. You should choose the least abrasive option of sandpaper and act carefully. As you go, inspect your apple tree to see if it has been damaged.

Lifehack No. 5 Baking soda

Baking soda is not only a good tool for cleaning dishes, but also for polishing screens. Regular baking soda should be mixed with water (proportion 2x1) and stir until a thick paste is obtained. Then the mixture, just like with toothpaste, should be applied to a cotton pad and treated the damaged surface using circular movements. Then use a napkin or cloth to clean the soda from the screen.

Lifehack #6: Baby powder

If baby powder does not harm the delicate skin of babies, then it is also suitable for iPad and iPhone screens. The powder is used in the same way as soda: mixed with water until a homogeneous mass is formed, applied to cotton wool and rubbed in, then the mixture is removed from the screen.

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