Failed to load shockwave flash what to do. shockwave flash crashed

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Browser Google Chrome very popular, like all Google products. It attracts the attention of many with the simplicity and speed of its work, but... There is one thing, namely crash "shockwave flash has crashed"— what to do and how to solve this problem? And as always, any error appears at the most inopportune moment - when several tabs are open that I have been looking for for a long time.

Cause of shockwave flash has crashed error

Maybe you noticed that after installing the Google Chrome browser you could immediately watch online videos without installation additional plugins. And other browsers always ask to install Adobe Flash Player separately. This is because Chrome already has it built in Flash Player. And when running, Chrome automatically loads both its built-in Flash Player and the one that was previously installed on the system before Google Chrome. It turns out there is a conflict and voila: “shockwave flash has crashed.”

Solution to shockwave flash has crashed

Go to Chrome and paste chrome://plugins/ into the address bar

A window will open Plug-ins. And immediately the flash player will be the first Adobe Flash Player (2 files).

Click on the top right on +More details and see the following picture.

We see two plugins Shockwave Flash

The 1st one is built into Chrome itself, because it is installed in the Chrome folder:

The 2nd one is built into Windows C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\

So, the one in Chrome is updated along with Chrome itself - quite rarely. Then we will turn it off - click under it Disable.

We restart the browser and try to work.

If “shockwave flash has crashed” comes out again, what should I do?

Then we try to disable the second plugin and enable the first. But remember, one must remain turned on.

If it didn't help?

Try removing Adobe Flash Player. To do this, close all browsers, go to “Control Panel -> Uninstall Programs” in Windows 7 and uninstall Adobe Flash Player Plugin. Look carefully, you need to remove it exactly Plugin.

If you work in other browsers, then when watching online videos they will ask you to install Adobe Flash Player - just allow them and they will install it themselves latest version.

Every day, every day new version Google's browser is gaining more and more points in the browser race. The manufacturer regularly releases updates, closes vulnerabilities, patches bugs, in general, a colossal amount of work is being done. But, despite everything that has been done, there remains a real problem with the work of the Shockwave Flash plugin, or rather with its periodic crashes, which, to put it mildly, really interfere with the work. The situation is still not as hopeless as it seems. So let's get started...

So what is the root of the problem?

We wanted the best, but it turned out as always - with this aphorism, we can most accurately describe the problem with Shockwave Flash in Google Chrome. Seemingly built in Flash browser Player relieves the user of the need to download and install this program additionally - what problems can there be? They can and do! Today you rarely see a computer on which only one Internet browser is installed, and just a little less than a single computer where this only browser is Google Chrome. In addition to him, at least there is Internet Explorer, supplied fine-soft together with operating system, and also often work on the Internet is carried out in parallel from Opera, Firefox and other Maxthons and Safari. Moreover, absolutely all browsers other than Google Chrome use Flash Player installed in the system.

And so, when Google Chrome is launched, it begins to launch all extensions and plugins, simultaneously connecting both its built-in and installed external Flash Player, and as a result we have the inexorable “The following plugin has crashed: Shockwave Flash”...

How to fix Shockwave Flash error in Google Chrome

Since the problem is caused by several Flash Player plugins running at the same time, it would be logical to leave just one running. To disable unnecessary Flash Players, go to the module settings menu by entering the phrase in the address bar: chrome://plugins. You can also get to this menu as follows: Settings – Show additional settings – Content settings – Disable individual modules. At the top in the right corner of the page, you need to expand the “+ More details” icon, after which we see the full picture of the connected modules, including our Flash plugins, of which there are more than one. Determining which of them is built-in is painfully simple - in the specified path where the built-in plugin is located, there must be “...Google\Chrome\ ...”, all other paths that do not contain this refer to the plugins installed on the system.

If in your work you only use the Google Chrome browser, I recommend disabling all “external” ones Flash plugins. If you use other browsers in parallel, it would be correct to disable the corresponding built-in plugin, leaving the one installed in the system enabled (after all, it is necessary for the normal operation of other browsers). To disable a specific plugin, you need to click on the “Disable” link in the corresponding block. You should also not forget about timely updating of the plugin from the official website. Please note that the built-in plugin is updated with the latest version of Google Chrome, so keep your software up to date!

If the above manipulations did not help and the problem remains, you can try removing Adobe Flash Player from the system altogether. Close your browser first (all open browsers) and use the “Uninstall programs” menu » V « Control panels » . To do this, you can also use alternative uninstaller applications; after removal, it would not be superfluous to clean the registry and restart the computer. If, in addition to Google Chrome, you use other browsers that require Adobe Flash Player, then reinstall its latest version. Then try again changing the plugin settings in the module management menu. You can read about how to properly remove Adobe Flash Player from your system in the article.

Hardware acceleration as one of the reasons for the declineFlash Player'A

In Adobe Flash Player settings, hardware acceleration is enabled by default. Sometimes this circumstance can lead to defects (artifacts) when playing video in the browser, and the plugin may also freeze. In such cases, you can try to solve the problem by disabling hardware acceleration in Flash settings. You can do this in two ways:

1. Open any resource in a browser window that has a Flash video. The popular is quite suitable for this. On any video you like, right-click and select “Options” » . In the small menu that appears, uncheck the box next to “Enable hardware acceleration.”

2. In the second option, let's try to launch the browser with the hardware acceleration option initially disabled by setting the appropriate application launch parameter. So, by right-clicking on the shortcut of our browser from Google we call context menu and go to “Properties”. Select the “Shortcut” tab and at the very end of the program launch path add the “-disable-accelerated-video” parameter.

Flash player crash Google browsers Chrome, Opera and others based on the Chrome engine, accompanied by a message Shockwave plugin Flash is not responding is a fairly common phenomenon that can occur in both a novice and an experienced user. IN English version the program writes the error “Shockwave Flash has crashed”.

The reason for this failure, as a rule, is that a conflict occurs in the browser when trying to display videos or animated banners installed flash players. The point is that in Chrome browser and others, its engine already has a built-in plugin responsible for playing Flash. At the same time, users often install another one additionally, for example, from Adobe or Macromedia. Accordingly, when trying to play a video, these two libraries cannot decide which of them will do it. As a result, the flash plugin crashes and a corresponding message states that it is not responding.

How to fix Flash Player error in Chrome

The solution to this problem is actually very simple. Launch the Chrome web browser and write this in the address bar:


So we will open the list installed plugins browser:

In the page that appears, in the upper right corner, click on the plus sign “More” to expand all the information about the installed libraries.
Now we scroll through the list of modules and find the line Adobe Flash Player(Adobe Flash Player). If there is “2 files” in parentheses to the right of it, then the “Shockwave Flash is not responding” error appears 100% due to a conflict.
The next step is to try to disable the built-in player that comes originally built into the Internet browser. It is located in the application folder and its library is called pepflashplayer.dll:

That is, only one Flash plugin is enabled, the second is disabled. Restart Chrome. Checking the video playback. For example, on YouTube or RuTube.

Didn't help and the flash player still crashes? Then let's try to do the opposite - enable the built-in module and disable the third-party one.
As a rule, you must earn money either by one method or by another.

Comment: If you have only one such plugin installed and it periodically crashes, then you need to try downloading the latest Adobe version Flash Player and install it according to the instructions.

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