All sound work in Sony Vegas. Editing properties of multi-track video files. Removing and replacing audio

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There comes a time in the life of every video editing enthusiast when it’s time to learn not only video effects, but also audio - how to change audio track. And sometimes this is a necessity if the sound in the video leaves much to be desired and needs to be replaced. Or you want to add a special piquancy or zest to the video, for example, the effect of an echo, an assembly hall, the feeling of a room, and more.

Video editing program Sony Vegas like no other is suitable for of this type work, and even a beginner can easily master it.

So, our lesson today will be devoted to editing audio tracks in Sony Vegas. And we'll look at four basic basic techniques.

1. Removing and replacing the audio sequence.

This technique is needed in order to replace existing audio with some other one (for example, instead of the drunken trills of guests at a wedding, substitute Verka Serduchka’s hit or simply delete it.

Open the project, load the desired video fragment into it and drag it into the work area. If you drag this video around the work area with your mouse, you will notice that both video and audio flow inextricably together. And this does not depend on whether you are dragging the mouse over a piece of video or a piece of audio.

Accordingly, if you try in this case using the key DELETE If you delete an audio track, the entire video will be deleted along with the video. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to “break” the video and audio. To do this, click on the video and press the " U " Then, dragging the video with the mouse again, you will see that it is already moving separately from the audio track. After that, we simply delete it and install another one if desired.

2. Change the sound level.

This technique helps to make sound jumps from loud to quiet, when at a certain moment the sound needs to be muted or, conversely, its level raised. So, for this we go to the menu items Insert ->AudioEnvelopes ->Volume or use hotkeys Shift+V.

Then we return to our video, or rather to the audio track that belonged to it. Double-click the mouse to place marks in the places where we will adjust the sound.

You can then press and move these marks to raise or lower the sound levels. Listen to what happened, it might be funny.

You can also create an effect that I call “ Left ear - Right ear" It involves audio sounding either in the left speaker or in the right. To do this, go to the menu items Insert ->AudioEnvelopes ->Pan or press the hot keys Shift+P.

Again on the audio track we place marks in several places where we want to apply the audio effect.

And, as in the previous case, using the marks we adjust where the audio will fall on “ left ear", and where - to " right ear».

3. Special audio effects

Sony Vega s has its own set of audio effects that will help embellish the sound of the video. To find them, go to the menu items View ->Plug-inManager .

A window with a variety of audio effects for every taste opens before our eyes.

To use one of them, you need to drag the selected one onto our audio track and set the necessary characteristics.

4. Slow sound

To “stretch” the audio sound (to put it in English - slowmotion), you need to select the desired video, if necessary, “cut off” the piece that we will edit (to do this, click on the video with the cursor in the place where you need to make a “cut”, and press key " S"). And then the desired piece is pulled to the side.

And then press the key CTRL and pull the video sequence by the edge, thus stretching it. So much for slow motion and sound.

This lesson was prepared as part of a free training course “How to Create a Masterpiece from Home Video Yourself”, which you can subscribe to:

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I hope that the lesson was useful and thanks to it you will improve your video editing skills.

And that's all I have for today.

Good luck and see you soon!

Offers considerable possibilities for audio editing; the use of transitions and effects remains possible for audio fragments as well as for video. It is also possible to open project audio files in special audio editors, such as Sound Forge from Sony.

Managing fragments on an audio track occurs in exactly the same way as on a video, so let’s move straight to such a component of audio editing as the envelope. What is it?

The easiest way to control the volume level is with the help of the envelope. This is a horizontal line throughout the entire audio track. The envelope is controlled using key points.

We will remove the original soundtrack. To do this, let's create an envelope on the audio track of our video. To do this, select the Envelope Edit Tool set and context menu of the desired track, select Insert/Remove Envelope -> Volume. To change the volume level simply move the envelope up or down. And in order to completely mute the sound of a track, lower the envelope to the very bottom, or press the Mute button

in the track control panel.

Now let's create a smooth transition at the beginning of the video so that the music doesn't start abruptly. To do this we need to create a key point. Simply double-click on the envelope at the desired location, or move the edit line to the location where you want to create a point and select Add Point from the context menu.

Between two points there will be a section smooth transition. Just move the left point down and the transition is ready!

At the end of the clip you can put the same transition, but in reverse side. To do this, we need to create two new key points and move the right one down. Note that the last right dot controls the volume of the rest of the track.

We can also mute the track for a while; for this we need four key points.

The two extreme points will indicate the beginning and end of the muted period, so as not to change the volume in other parts of the track. Those points between them are needed to control the volume; just place these key points under those that mean the beginning and end and the section will not sound. This way you can combine the sound of several tracks.

Before you start creating and editing audio, it is better to edit the entire video sequence.

We'll talk about using special transitions and effects for audio tracks in separate sections.

When working with video materials, there is often a need to remove the original sound of the recording in order to correct it and add it separately or replace it, for example, with musical accompaniment. This is easy to do in the Sony Vegas program.

The nuances of working with sound in Sony Vegas.

There are two ways to get rid of an audio track: delete it or simply mute it. The latter is preferable if you do not know for sure whether it will be useful during the creation of the project or not.

Method 1

Before deleting the audio track, add the video to the Sony Vegas editor. You see the storyboard at the top, and the audio layer below, and they are inextricably linked. If in this moment try to erase the audio sequence, the clip will disappear along with it.

To separate audio from video, select it and press U. Check element dependencies by dragging the edge of the video sequence. If it moves on its own, the separation was successful.

Opposite the audio track there is a small settings window. Right-click on it and select “Delete Audio Track” or “Remove Audio Track” (depending on the software version). The audio will disappear.

Method 2

You can also simply remove the sound, muting it but keeping the track. To influence not the entire row, but only an element, press S on the keyboard and select the desired piece, then right-click and select “Switches” (or “Toggle”) - “Muffle”.

To mute a whole audio track or several at once (if the track consists of fragments), look at the menu opposite it - there is an icon with the corresponding caption.

In this way, you can not only achieve silence, but also make volume changes in the right places. To do this, press Shift + V and place markers on the track where changes will be made. As you move the markers, a sound curve is created. To use this function effectively, a fair amount of skill is required, but it produces interesting transitions. Now, if necessary, you can return to the original sound, which would be impossible if you deleted the audio track.

Adding a new track

Now let's talk about how to insert music or voice recording into a project. First of all, you need to prepare the appropriate file in MP3 format and save it in some folder. Then import the video sequence into the editor and press Ctrl + Shift + Q (or through the “Insert” menu – “Audio/Video Track”).

Next, insert the desired piece of music. If several tracks are planned throughout the clip, a separate audio track is created for each of them: Sony Vegas follows the same principle - “one object - one layer” - which is typical for graphic editors like Photoshop. If you muted the original audio track, it is not necessary to separate the video and audio before Sony.

We voice the video

If you want to add your own voice to the video, connect an external microphone (on laptops it is built-in) and create a new empty audio track (right-click on the last left menu, where the editing tools are located). A window will pop up asking you to save the recording to a specific folder. We agree or change the location and click OK.

A multi-colored indicator appears on the right - the microphone is ready for use. At the bottom, press the “Rec” button and dictate the text.

On the same line you will find a Stop icon. After recording, the audio can be listened to and, if necessary, processed - at the end of the track there is an icon that opens the corresponding options. In the list you will find a great variety of sound effects, clarity settings, and reduction of extraneous noise.

Good afternoon. Today we will talk about sound editing. Sound plays an important role in the overall perception of a film. Each film contains a soundtrack, which includes dialogues of the film characters, sound and noise effects, as well as musical accompaniment. At home, you can also create a movie containing high-quality sound. The soundtrack is created directly in the Vegas program. Some sounds and noise effects can be processed in special programs called sound editors. But Sony program Vegas Pro In addition to tools for editing audio, it contains many filters that are designed to correct sound and create sound effects. Therefore, in most cases, when creating sound accompaniment, you can do without external programs.

Changing the volume of an audio file

First, let's see what the audio track on the panel is Trimmer(Pruning). The sound file in the Trimmer panel is presented in the form of an amplitude-frequency graph. The higher the amplitude of the graph in a certain section of the file, the higher the volume in this section.

After adding the audio file to the timeline, we can adjust its volume. To adjust the overall volume of a track, use the Vol and Pan sliders. "Vol"- to increase or decrease the track volume, "Pan"— to adjust the volume balance of the left and right channels.

Often, when editing a film, it is necessary to change the volume on a specific section of the audio track. You can adjust the volume on a specific section of the track using volume envelope.

Select the required track. Select menu command Insert/ Audio Envelopes/ Volume(Insert/Audio Envelope/Volume). A volume envelope will appear on the audio track, which is a horizontal blue line running down the center of the audio clip.

The volume change using an envelope is created as follows. Keyframes are created along the envelope line. Between two keyframes, you can change the shape of the envelope line, thereby lowering or raising the volume level in that region. To do this, the keyframe must be moved up or down. As you move a keyframe down, the volume in that area decreases. As you move the keyframe up, the volume increases.

Now let's take a closer look at the process of creating a volume envelope on a specific section of a track:

  1. Place the current edit position cursor at the beginning of the clip.
  2. Position the mouse pointer at the intersection of the cursor line of the current edit position and the envelope line on the track so that the pointer changes to a hand with a double-headed arrow.
  3. Double-click. A keyframe representing a square marker will appear at the specified point.
  4. Move the current edit position cursor a little further to the right.
  5. Double-click again. A second key frame will appear at the specified point.
  6. Let's create the third and fourth key frames in the same way.

We created four keyframes on the audio track throughout the clip.

7. Now let's move the section of the envelope between the second and third key frames down, lowering the volume at this time to a minimum.

The shape of the envelope between the first and fourth keyframes will change.

The entire volume envelope in a specific area is created. Let's analyze it. Between the first and second keyframes, the envelope line goes down sharply, indicating that the volume in this area is decreasing. In the area between the second and third keyframes, the envelope line runs along the bottom edge of the track, which means that the volume in this area is minimal. Starting from the third key frame, the envelope line goes up. The volume in this region increases and reaches its original value in the fourth key frame.

Other audio envelopes

The next type of envelope is Mute envelope. Insert/ Audio Envelopes/ Mute. This is also the envelope of sound. Its keyframes can only be placed at the very top or bottom of the track. The top position is on, the bottom is off. Thus, along the track you can turn on or off the sound in certain areas.

There in the menu, turn off Mute and click Pan. The red line is balance envelope. The middle position corresponds to the same sound level in both channels. The higher the dot, the higher the sound level in the left channel and the lower in the right. The lower the point, the lower the sound level in the left channel and the higher in the right.

How insert music in video using Sony Vegas

Many people are probably interested in the question: how can you put music on a video? From this article you will learn how to do this using the program. Sony Vegas.

Sony installation Vegas

Download the installation file. Install the program following the instructions. You can simply click the “Next” button. The default installation options are fully suitable for most users.

After the program is installed, launch Sony Vegas.

How insert music in video via Sony Vegas

The main screen of the application looks like this.

In order to add music to a video, you first need to add the video itself. Hi all! We continue to study video editing for beginners, and today I will show you how to insert text in Sony Vegas Pro 13 over a video or picture. To do this, drag the video file onto the timeline, which is located at the bottom of the program's work area.

So the video has been added. How to insert video into video in Sony Vegas::. How to add an effect in Sony Vegas? 1. How to change your voice in Sony Alias ​​Albanian season 2 13 How to change your voice in Sony Vegas)). First of all, upload the video you want to apply the effect to Sony Vegas. In the same way, transfer the music to the program window. The audio file must be added as a separate audio track.

If you wish, you can turn off the unique sound of the video. To do this, click the track mute button on the left. The audio track should darken.

The video saving window will open. How to insert text over a video in I'm making a movie in Sony Vegas 13 and I need to do it. Select the required quality for the saved video file. For example, Sony AVC/MVC and the “Internet 1280x720” setting. Lesson No. 2 How to insert music under a video in Sony Vegas Pro 13. How to insert text in Sony Vegas Pro 13 over a video. Here you can also set the save location and name of the video file.

Lesson No. 2 How to insert music under video in Sony Vegas Pro 13

Open the description??????.

How to add music to a video using Sony Vegas Pro 13

Frisky conventional overlay method music on video!!!

If you wish, you can adjust the quality of the saved video in detail. how to connect two videos in Sony Vegas on 02/15/2016 at 13:49 there is no “insert” sign or it is. To do this, click the “Customize Template” button.

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All you have to do is press the “Render” button, after which saving will begin.

The saving process is shown as a greenish bar. Once the saving is complete, you will receive a video with your favorite music overlaid on top.

Now you understand how you can add your favorite music to a video.

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Thanks for the manual, but I re-read it a couple of times to understand how to add background music. Not the first time, but I did it. Previously, I just edited the intro without sound, but now, thanks to you, I at least somehow diversified it.

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