Job search on social networks: storming Facebook. Job search on social networks Good videos to help

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Social networks have taken over our lives - we communicate with friends, shop, play, learn about world news. But how can social media help with your job search? The Portal Analytical Center tried to find out.

We asked job seekers and employers on our website whether they used social networks when searching or recruiting personnel. Almost 68% of applicants have not yet used this tool for employment. This may be either a consequence of the lack of offers from employers (44% of employers do not use social networks when recruiting employees), or characterize the Russian job seeker market as conservative, using traditional means of job search. However, 17% of candidates tried to search in in social networks offers from companies, and 15.6% were successfully employed. True, the failure rate in such a search is also high - 19.6%.

Among employers, the percentage of employees on social networks for a position is even higher - 31.7% in total. Although 20.6% said that searching for personnel in this way did not pay off.

Job seekers are most often looking for vacancies - 17%. Much less often (9%) they post their resume. 6% of respondents reported that they tell their friends about their job search so that they “repost” this information and thus launched the well-known “word of mouth”.

The employers' responses were somewhat more varied. 24% have posted vacancies once, 14% use social networks as additional source information about the candidate, and another 14% constantly post vacancies on social networks.

As follows from the survey results, a conservative method of searching for vacancies and employees still prevails in the labor market, but there is emerging interest in the use of new communication formats. It's time to “like”, “repost”, “tweet”, because a future employer can look at your page on the social network. And if you are an employer yourself, then sending out news about a vacancy in the company to subscribers of your account can bring more applicants than publishing a vacancy on a large recruiting resource!

", with the help of which all users will be able to look for work in various fields or accept applicants into their company.

Startup representative 23-year-old Gregory comments on this innovation.

This new project was born after the participation of Gregory’s team in a hackathon held by the social network at the end of autumn last year. The application is called “Vacancies”, and it operates on a new platform.

The main motive for creating a new service was the dissatisfaction and unpleasant comments of familiar people who could not find a job using platforms such as HeadHunter and Superjob.

Not only citizens experience difficulties in finding decent work in their profession, but many employers also face the problem of finding good personnel. Grigory gives an example of a situation with one of the companies representing the catering industry. Recruitment is carried out directly on the social network, and the process of correspondence with potential candidates was very active.

The new application will allow you to quickly and effectively resolve the issue of work - both for those who are looking for a good place for themselves, and for those who are recruiting new employees. Information base is expanding significantly, because many people do not use specialized sites to search for work, or simply do not know about them. It is much easier to find something suitable and interesting through correspondence on your online page, but this still does not eliminate passive search.

Administrators can create new vacancies and send notifications to all their subscribers in the format of posts on the group wall, which are created automatically.

A user who wishes to view the information simply follows the publication link to view full list available vacancies.

This system helps you create a resume using data from your personal profile.

Companies can take advantage of the following benefits of the new application:

The service is optimized for all devices, so you can use it on both personal computer, and from a mobile gadget.

As of December 16th, the Jobs application has been officially added to the catalog of recommended community applications. After ten days of its operation, the number of users was 6 thousand.

In the future, developers want, including a list of additional functions.

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“Vacancies” - job search via VKontakte, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

According to a HeadHunter survey, 76% of companies study candidate profiles on social networks. Mainly in order to understand what the applicant is like as a person and to find information missing in the resume. To be fair, it is worth noting that some employers remain indifferent to entertainment social networks. “We don’t watch Odnoklassniki or Facebook. It is not very easy to assess personal, let alone professional, qualities based on your profile and online behavior. For example, it is difficult to understand whether a photo of a man jumping on the edge of a cliff speaks of his courage, inability to calculate risks, or his love of alcohol. But we pay attention to profiles in professional networks, for example, on - there we can evaluate experience and knowledge on entry level getting to know the candidate,” says Ekaterina Krylova, HR specialist at an international FMCG company. And, nevertheless, you should not neglect any of your accounts. The content of a social network page is an important part of the image, and attention to every detail is necessary.

First detail. Information danger

If an employer decides to study your page, the first thing he will pay attention to is your profile data: education, work, etc. that you considered necessary to disclose about yourself. In creative professions, hobbies may come under scrutiny. If you are subscribed to 10 culinary, 15 automotive, 25 entertainment communities and not a single professional one, this will not add any advantages to you. “We definitely look at the list of interests. Since we are a creative company, it is important for us to understand how interested a person is in music, culture, and literature,” Alexey Ametov, publisher of Look At Media, gives an example.

Second detail. Take it off immediately!

Even seemingly innocent photographs published on your page can raise questions. It would seem that what is criminal in vacation photos - you are on the beach, by the pool, in a cozy restaurant? But with an abundance of such relaxing photos, a potential employer may have the thought: “If not a single photo shows excursions or active recreation, can the candidate be considered energetic and striving for self-development?” The main photo of the user is also of great importance. “Our HR manager doesn’t study photo albums often. But, of course, he always pays attention to the userpic. If there is nudity, religious, political or nationalist symbols, this applicant will not fit into our company,” says Alexey Ametov.

Detail three. “What are we talking about?”

"What are you thinking about?" - Facebook asks and you describe in detail yesterday’s party, complain about the weather or scold the State Duma... Be careful! Overly emotional messages and detailed stories about personal experiences or intimate adventures do not brighten your image. “When looking at the applicant’s page, we look to see if there are any anomalies in the content that would indicate that the person is inadequate. Aggressive posts about politics, hundreds of reposts of cats - this is repulsive,” explains Alexey Ametov. Stories about hobbies are welcome if, in addition to work, a person has a hobby in which he also strives to achieve success: this characterizes him as a purposeful person. But there shouldn’t be too many hobbies. Here's an example from the web. On one of the women's forums, a girl asks for advice - she hasn't been able to find a job for six months. Her HR manager friend advised her to “clean up” her account. She is perplexed: after all, she writes there about yoga, and about philosophy, and about her 5-year-old daughter, and about music, and talks about psychological problems, and talks about how to develop muscles, and she has a lot of readers - what’s the problem? The answer is not long in coming: “Judging by your page, you clearly have no time for work.”

Detail four “How often?”

The frequency with which you post or change your status may also be of interest to the employer. If you post at least a dozen of your own thoughts, photos or links per day, it can hardly be said that you devote little time to online entertainment. “If I see that in one day an applicant managed to post three photographs of himself, repost several other people’s postcards and write 5 texts, I definitely have doubts about how effectively he will conduct work time“says Elena Shkodik, HR manager at Montbrook LLC.

Fifth detail. Circle of friends

The employer may also be interested in your circle of friends. Based on this factor, it is easy to understand how much the information provided in the resume corresponds to reality. “For example, if on your resume you list a large number of projects in which you took part, but in your list of friends there is no one also associated with these projects, this raises suspicion. It also looks strange if a person writes that he has high communication skills, but in fact he has only one online account, which barely has 30 friends,” says Elena Shkodik. Friends’ comments on your posts and photos also play a significant role: “Oh! After this photo, you and I drank port until the morning!” - of course, employers are people too, and they also don’t deny themselves good wine during their vacation. But it would be better not to make such comments - just in case.

How to prepare a page for an employer's visit?

Marina Khadina, head of the career department at HeadHunter, spoke about what you need to check first on your social network page.

“Most employers want to know what you are like as a person, what you are interested in besides work, and who you communicate with. Yes, they already have a resume - your professional portrait, but the team consists of people, and they need to be able to get along together. In this case, interesting hobbies, a sense of humor and photogenicity will be to your advantage. A social profile can help good service, so you shouldn’t completely close it or go into deep secrecy under an assumed name. Here's what you can do with your page if you want to create a good impression with your employer.

Minimum program:

  • understand the visibility settings: it is better to hide all overtly personal photos and recordings from a wider audience. Let them please close friends and not embarrass others;
  • Check which of your friends have tagged you in photos and posts. If some marks confuse you, it is better to remove them;
  • Look carefully again at everything that remains open to a wide audience: are there any discrepancies with your official resume? Inconsistencies can alert the recruiter, which is absolutely not what you want.

Maximum program:

  • analyze your publications and assess how well they correspond to the image you want to project at work as a professional. If they match and you are in harmony with your virtual self, then that's great. If not, think about your activity;
  • indicate your real name, fill out the sections with work and education, indicate your personal and professional interests, put it on your profile good photo- in general, try to make your social portrait as detailed and clear as possible for everyone who does not know you;
  • Regularly write something about your work: a person who is ready to share news about his profession and devotes time to this evokes respect and interest. You should not publicly speak negatively about previous employers. According to our research, this repels every second recruiter who visits your page;
  • The more professional contacts you have, the higher the likelihood that a representative of the employing company will contact you and appreciate your profile. A person who establishes public professional contacts always attracts more attention.

The main thing is to remember that your social page is only yours. You shouldn’t write something you don’t like to please someone. Just be yourself and follow these simple tips!”

This lesson describes the main important recommendations for working on social networks. All information comes down to just three actions on your part. True, today there is one big BUT. The fact is that the methods described below can be classified as SPAM methods of working in social networks, and given that few people know the limits of working with such working options, SPAM appears in all its power.

Because MLM, due to such annoying promotion by many networkers on social networks, has sharply spoiled its reputation, today we need to abandon such working schemes and switch to correct working mechanisms. For example, I tell you what the correct methods are and how to use them.


Send them a private message about our job offer.

Send a letter “Work from home” by email to those who are interested or provide a link to your website

Then we do everything according to the following points:

Step 1. Create working pages on VKontakte or any other social network (whichever is more convenient for you)

We make THREE - FOUR working VKontakte pages. We also work on My World, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, if you know your way around there, you can create a couple of pages there too.

We begin to work carefully on new pages, gradually increasing activity so as not to be blocked. We call First Name-Last Name or First Name-First Name, set the status on an abstract topic (NOT ABOUT WORK yet) The first two days we invite 5-10 people - for now you can invite all sorts of sellers and those who provide services. They are more willing to accept friendship. Enter in the search, for example, “clothing for children” and invite several people from the list. We join groups where the majority are women. We do such actions during the first 2-3 days of the page’s operation, 2-3 times a day, during this time the page will be moderated, and it will be possible to increase activity on it, that is, invite more people.

Step 2. Inviting people to our team - recruiting

This is the most important moment in work! No personal invitations from people - no result, no growth and no meaning in the project. All work comes down to inviting people to our Internet project Express Career.

ATTENTION! People will refuse much more often than they will agree. Be calm about the fact that you were rejected, this is a normal healthy process of work. Rejoice at every “no” - it brings you closer to “yes”. Collect your thousand refusals and you will become a Director!

We invite friends from our country. To do this, click the “Search” or “People” button, set the parameters - female gender, who is online, age approximately 25-35 years, those with photos. Then go to the person’s page, rate his photo and click the “Add as a friend” button, pay attention to when the person was last on the site, if you haven’t invited him for a long time.

IMPORTANT! In order for the program to allow you to invite more people and not set limits, you need to invite intermittently. Open several pages at once different browsers. From the first page you invited 5-7 friends, go to the second, then to the third, etc. By the time you have gone through all the pages, the first one has already passed the time break and you are starting again. So the system will allow you to invite 5-6 times more people!!! And the more people you invite, the faster the results!

Good videos to help:

Work in Odnoklassniki

Step 3. Send information to those who accepted the friendship. BUT ONLY IF YOU ACCEPT!!!

We send the first message to our new friends (it is advisable to insert the person’s name into your text). The message should not be long and concise, because, as a rule, people WILL NOT read long messages!!!

Hello, .....! Nice to see you as a friend! I work on the Internet and am looking for reliable partners. All our work is carried out only on the Internet. No investment or sales! A minimum of 2-3 hours of free time and Internet access are required. From our side, full training is free. Is it interesting for you?
Sincerely, .....

It is advisable to add or change to something of your own. Put a part of yourself into the message. A few words about ourselves and our proposal. Maybe something unusual, creative, remember what hooked YOU? What did you like that made you decide to work? On the other side of the Internet there are the same people who are also afraid of something, have doubts, want to improve their lives... Whenever you communicate with a person on the Internet, remember that the message was not typed by a computer, but by a living person. Put yourself in his place, and then you will learn to understand people more and people will believe you and follow you! And always write the truth. Deception can be felt, even from a distance. If you don’t know WHAT to answer a person, ask the director how to do it better. We all started and we all learned and continue to learn. It is NOT a shame to ask - it is a shame to NOT ask and quit without finishing what you started!

Step 4. Detailed information to candidates by email

For those who are interested and write their email give a link to your website (if you already have one) or send a letter of offer to the e-mail received in the message and immediately write a personal message to the person, for example:

Greetings. Necessary information was sent by me to your email, check if the letter arrived. After reading, unsubscribe, would you like to learn how to make money on the Internet?

ATTENTION! Spam is prohibited! We send letters by email only after the person has given his consent (has written you his email). Messages on social media networks we write ONLY to those who have been added as friends, or to those who left a comment under the status, or to those who wrote a personal question about work.

Step 5. Set the working status

When you have approximately 150-200 people as friends on your page, write the status:

For example:

I'm a mother on maternity leave, I work at home on the Internet in my free time. I invite everyone who wants to earn good money and is looking for additional income. Set the class. Write an email and put “Class” under the status. I will answer everyone.

Work on the Internet without investment! Everything is legal! YOU NEED TO WORK! Lovers of freebies, please do not disturb. I will send you more detailed information by email! Put "Class", write emails under the status, or better yet, send me detailed information.

Or you can just write something of your own.

Step 6. We hand over work pages for team status upgrades

What is page or wall pumping? This is when your colleagues, friends or acquaintances come to your page from their personal pages, write something under the status in the comments and are interested in the work. When they see that you have a lot of likes, they realize that there are a lot of people interested in your topic and their curiosity is piqued, then they start giving likes. Thus, more and more candidates come to your personal page who are interested in your proposed topic and, as a result, the proposed job.

Step 7. Communicate with people

We will get to know your newcomers and help them in their work until you understand everything. If a newcomer asks you a question to which you don’t know the answer, ask your sponsor or ask a question in Skype chats. And remember, your colleagues will always help you!!!

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