(plus translation into Russian). Arrive at destination country, waiting for customs clearance what does this mean? (plus translation into Russian) Destination country translation into Russian

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Many Russians place orders on the AliExpress online trading platform. The product range available there is not only quite diverse, but also has very attractive price characteristics. Despite all the advantages of such purchases, they have one significant drawback - you have to wait for the purchased product for weeks and months, and the process of tracking the status of the product is no less exciting than the shopping itself. In this article I will talk about one of these statuses "Arrived at destination country", I will explain how it is translated into Russian, and also describe several related statuses of the location of the goods at this stage.

Order status “Arrived at destination country”

As you know, the process of delivery of goods purchased on AliExpress begins after payment for the goods chosen by the buyer. The seller books the goods, packs them, and after a few days (depending on the volume of the load) sends the goods using the Chinese postal system “China Mail” (China Post).

The product itself receives "tracking number"— a number by which the client can track the location of the goods on the way from the seller to the buyer

Depending on the country and destination, the goods pass through many transit points, customs, post offices and other parts of the logistics chain. At the same time, situations occur when the product gets stuck at some point (or even at initial stage shipment), therefore it is important to regularly monitor its location, and, if there is a significant delay in shipment or delivery fraud, open a dispute with the seller for a refund of the money you spent.

What is Arrived at destination country

Translated into Russian, the product status Arrived at destination country sounds like “The goods have arrived in the destination country”. In our case, this usually means that the goods have arrived in Russia, are awaiting customs clearance, and then will be moved to a distribution point, from which they will be sent to the post office at the buyer’s place of residence.

At the same time, a significant amount of time may pass from arrival in the destination country to receipt of the goods at the post office (usually several weeks), so I would not recommend rejoicing at the arrival of the goods in Russia (there were cases when goods arrived in Russia for a Russian buyer after passing through Russian customs went back to Finland to finally return to Russia from there).

Other similar statuses

After we have figured out what it means arrived at destination country aliexpress, let’s look at a few more related delivery statuses for your goods. Among similar statuses, I would also note the following:

  • “Arrived to Russian Federation” - the goods have arrived in Russia;
  • “Arrived at facility in destination country” - the goods arrived at the transshipment point in the destination country;
  • “Arrived in the sorting center” - the goods arrived at sorting center;
  • “Awaiting customs clearance and delivery to post” - the goods are awaiting customs clearance and delivery to the post office;
  • “Receive at country of destination” - the goods were received in the country of destination;
  • “Shipment arrived at destination country” - the cargo has arrived in the destination country.

You can read about other AliExpress statuses in special materials on our website (,

Delivery of goods on AliExpress may take a long time


If the product you purchased has received the status “Arrived at destination country,” it means it has already arrived in the destination country (in our case, this is Russia). After passing through the appropriate procedures at customs, it will be sent to a sorting center and then delivered to your local post office. Usually, between arrival in Russia and delivery of the goods directly to the buyer, a significant amount of time must still pass (a week or two), so I recommend being patient and waiting a little longer.

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The process of choosing a particular product on the AliExpress site is quite long. There are a lot of goods. After the desired one has finally been selected and the order has been placed, the buyer is in anxious anticipation of when the seller will take the treasured parcel to the post office.

So, the parcel was finally sent, the seller gave a track number by which it can be tracked. Not all tracks can be tracked on Russian services. Sometimes you have to use Chinese. They give out mysterious statuses on English language. Let's figure out what they mean.

What does arrival at destination post mean?

This status is very often given to parcels sent by Singapore Post. Translating it from English means that “ mailing arrived at the post office of the recipient's country."

However, this does not mean that the parcel has arrived at your post office and can be received. Your mail has arrived in your country. She still has several important steps ahead:

  • She must go through customs. That is, the export and import procedure will take place, as well as clearance by the customs service.
  • After this, customs transfers the parcel for delivery throughout the country. That is, the post office picks up your shipment from the customs warehouse and takes it to your office.

The speed of parcel processing depends on how quickly customs works, as well as how quickly your country's postal service picks up parcels from customs. Often you have to wait several weeks for your status to change. Especially after the holidays.

So, we figured out what arrival at destination post means. If a postal item is frozen even for a month and does not move, then there is no need to panic. All you have to do is wait anyway. According to the new Aliexpress rules, you will not be able to open a dispute earlier than 5 days before the end of the protection period.

Status arrived at destination country

Sometimes, if tracking occurs directly on the Aliexpress website, the status arrived at destination country pops up.

What does arrived at destination country mean? This status means that your postal item is in the recipient's country.

As in the previous case, its appearance does not mean that the long-awaited package is already “arriving” at your post office. It has arrived in your country, but has not yet undergone the required customs clearance.

After that, it is transferred to the delivery service, which will send the parcel to the delivery location. Often, after being sent for delivery, the package goes through several more sorting centers.

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Very often people on the site ask what this or that parcel status means. And since they ask, then we need to figure it out.

Postal status and order status on Aliexpress are two different things!

This article will discuss about postal statuses , we also have an article. These are different things. The order status is tracked in your . And reflects the parcel information within trading platform Aliexpress. And the status of the parcel is tracked in postal services (Russian Post, China Post, etc.). Don't be confused.

Not all orders can be tracked

Please note that not every parcel can be tracked while moving from the seller to you. This is only possible if it has a trackable track. But how can you find out about this BEFORE ordering?

In the case of Aliexpress - open , then click on Delivery

And after clicking, you will see a menu with information about delivery methods. The last column will display information about the availability of the track (Delivery Information).

If this field says Not available, then your order will not have a track when you select this delivery, the parcel will not be tracked and you will not be able to find out the current postal status of the parcel.

How to track a parcel from Aliexpress

If this is your first time tracking a parcel and your package is from Aliexpress, then read our article. If your parcel is not tracked at all, then read.

Please note that the article describes the most common statuses. In fact, there are many more of them, but other parcel statuses are much less common. And yet, for some private courier companies, especially in China, the same statuses can be designated by different words. If you have a status that is not described in this article, ask in the comments, we’ll try to figure it out. Be sure to indicate where you saw this status!

Parcel statuses in the country of departure (for example in China)

While the parcel is in the country of departure, it may have the following statuses:

  • Collection, Acceptance – the parcel was delivered to the post office. It is worth keeping in mind that the parcel does not immediately begin to be tracked using the tracking number given to you by the seller. It takes some time to process the parcel and enter it into the database. Usually the track begins to be tracked within 10 days.
  • Opening (The parcel has arrived at the transit point) . Usually the postal code of the transit point is written next to this status. There can be many such statuses. Moreover, their order is not always correct. Probably transit point operators do not fill in the data right away. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the Opening status after Export.
  • Arrival at MMPO (Dispatching, Processing) . In this status, the parcel is being prepared for export and shipment to the destination country. For some transport companies in China, this is the last status that is tracked.
  • Export (Departure from outward office of exchange, Total Export) – means that the parcel has passed all the necessary procedures and has been sent to the destination country.

After the last status, it may take quite a long time until the parcel begins to be tracked in the destination country. If the parcel was sent without an international track, it may no longer be tracked at all.

Parcel statuses in the destination country (for example, Russia)

  • Import (Import) – the parcel has arrived in the destination country. It is processed for transfer to customs.
  • Reception at customs – transfer to customs for clearance.
  • Customs clearance. Customs release – the parcel has passed all the necessary customs clearance and is being prepared for release from MMPO
  • Left the place of international exchange of MMPO – the parcel left customs and was handed over to the post office for further dispatch.
  • Left the sorting center – the parcel is sorted and sent to its destination.
  • Came to the place of delivery – the parcel has arrived at the post office. In principle, you can already receive it. Or wait for a notification.
  • Product Delivered – the parcel has ALREADY been delivered to the recipient.

Please note that in the parcel tracking interface at Russian Post, for import, the addressee's index is indicated. Sometimes, in case of an error or a fake track, it may be clear that the parcel is not going to your post office. If the package has changed several statuses, but the index is still incorrect, then you should start worrying.

Unpleasant parcel statuses

The parcel statuses described above are quite standard. They mean the package is on its way. Sometimes the package may get stuck on statuses, sometimes miss some, but, in most cases, everything is fine. However, there are statuses that clearly mean problems:

  • Return. Other circumstances - means that there is something wrong with your package. And it is returned to the sender. What is wrong needs to be clarified. It's best to start with hotline Russian Post Office 8-800-2005-888. After finding out the reasons and finding the culprits, you can think about what to do next.
  • Return. Return to customs - similar to the previous paragraph. Usually means that the address is not written legibly.
  • Unsuccessful attempt of delivery - usually accompanied by clarification about the reasons for failure. Inaccurate address, Incomplete address, Addressee dropped out, etc. In this situation, the main thing is to get to the post office before the parcel storage time expires - that’s 30 days. Also check whether the parcel arrived at the post office at all. Well, sometimes at the post office such statuses are given from a flashlight. But it's worth monitoring.
  • Return. Expiration date – obviously, you forgot to receive the parcel on time and it was returned.
  • Dosyl. Submission – the parcel arrived at the wrong post office and was redirected. That is, the parcel travels further. That is, this is not a problem, but you need to control the situation.

What do the letters at the end of the status mean (PEK, CAN, etc.)

These letters are often visible when tracking the status of a package at China Air Post. They indicate the IATA airport designations where the parcel was registered. Their designations can be seen on any air ticket purchasing service (SkyScanner for example;)).

What does NULL status mean (NULL, PEK)

This status is visible when tracking the status of the parcel at China Post. These are just internal China Post statuses that they haven't translated into English. Therefore, where there should be a translation, it is not there, but instead NULL. If you can’t bear to find out what this status is, switch to the Chinese version of the service, copy the status in hieroglyphs and translate it with Google Translator. True, this method does not always work. Sometimes in the Chinese version some statuses simply do not exist.

NULL, PEK means that the parcel was at Beijing airport. What she did there can be found in the Chinese version of China Air Post.

What does item arrived at OE in tne destination country mean?

OE - office of exchange - MMPO, Place of International Postal Exchange. This is a normal status, which means the parcel has arrived at customs and is undergoing customs clearance.

The track (package status) has stopped changing, the parcel is not tracked

Very often, restless buyers begin to worry when the status of the parcel suddenly stops changing. This often happens after export. It seems that just recently the parcel was briskly moving around China, changing statuses almost every day, and suddenly, after some Export of international mail, Arrived to destination country and the like track, the parcel stops moving..

If you recognize your situation, we have discussed this situation in detail in the article. In short, there are two options:

  • If your track is international and is successfully tracked on the official website of your state mail (Russian Post, UkrPochta, Belpochta) and from the moment last update status has passed more than 2-3 weeks, then well - your fears are not without reason.
  • If your track has never been tracked on the mail website. You checked the status of the parcel in personal account Aliexpress or some specialized site for checking the track, or the track format in general is clearly different from the international one (the correct international one is something like this RR123456789CN). This track often changes during export if the parcel is transferred to your state post office. That is, in your country such a parcel travels under a different track (which you do not know, and, as a rule, cannot find out). Well, the old track remains in the latest status. That is, there is nothing to worry about here at all. This situation is normal.

But be that as it may. Whether your parcel from Aliexpress is tracked or not, the main thing you should do is control the protection period and extend it if necessary or open a dispute.

Checking the seller on Aliexpress

Most problems with orders on Aliexpress can be avoided if you carefully choose a seller on Aliexpress BEFORE purchasing. There is nothing complicated about this and you can figure it out. But if time is precious and you don’t have time to figure it out, then use our service.


I have repeatedly written my personal opinion that when ordering goods from China you need to be patient. There is no need to worry if the parcel does not change its status for three days, a week, or two. This is a common occurrence. And on holidays, of which there are quite a few in China, everything stops. When ordering goods on Aliexpress, your parcels are protected. It is much more important for a successful purchase to spend more time choosing a lot and then control only the expiration date of the protection. Than monitoring the movement of a parcel 20 times a day.

And use services and programs to control the movement of parcels. There are quite a few different ones now.

P.S. from February 2018:

In the comments you often ask what this or that parcel status means. Most often, the unclear meaning of the status is associated with a crooked translation of the status issued by the Chinese carrier. Often the current status depends on the previous movement of the parcel, and it is now possible to understand what your non-standard status means now only by understanding how the parcel moved earlier. Therefore, if you want to ask something about your parcel:

Write the tracking number of your parcel.

And we will ignore or delete comments like “What does XXX status mean?” Sorry, but I’m tired of copy-pasting “Write a track, we’ll see” into the void.

Hello everyone, did you order a parcel at some auction abroad and are now waiting for it? You wait, look at the status, look, and then bam.. it says Arrive at destination country, waiting for customs clearance.. and what is it..

In general, I started looking for information, but there is almost no information on the Internet. Therefore, I used my hidden technologies and what I managed to find out. This status means something like arrival in the destination country, and now customs clearance is expected.

By the way, on one site it is written that this status is like customs does not give permission:

To be honest, I think this is a false statement...

Okay guys, let's translate the Arrive at destination country, waiting for customs clearance status into Russian, how will I do this? Using Google translator. So, I went to translate.google.com and entered the name of the status there:

And this is what the translator gave me in the end:

My thought is that this is actually the case, that is, the parcel has already arrived in the destination country, now all that remains is to clear it with customs.

Wishpost (ShpostWish) is a logistics service launched jointly by Wish Store and China Post, specifically for Wish sellers. Parcels are delivered by airmail. With this service, Wish sellers send registered and unregistered parcels weighing up to 2 kg to 42 countries including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.

How to track a Wish product

For Wish Post Unregistered parcels, domestic tracking information is provided by China Post, including parcel collection and dispatch, but overseas tracking is not provided. Untracked numbers look like UH002420544CN, UD007567073CN, 85030380157.

Wish Post Registered parcels are tracked throughout their entire journey, from the creation of a bill of lading until they arrive at your post office. Registered item numbers begin with "R" and are similar to RQ919617616CN.

Additionally, items can be shipped via China EMS ePacket, providing timely tracking of package collection, export, landing and delivery information. China Post EMS's standardized workflow ensures package integrity and on-time delivery.

Parcel numbers sent via China Post EMS ePacket have the following format L*.........CN, and are similar to LF088883422CN.

How to track a parcel from Vish

Vish parcels are sent by China Post Small Packet (U..CN), Registered Packet (R..CN), and ePacket (L..CN). You can track any type of shipment from Vish on our website in Russian.

Wish Delivery Tracking

Enter the track code or tracking number in the search field above. We will provide you with detailed information about your parcel.

Wish Post Unregistered Ukraine shipments are tracked only in China, up to departure to Ukraine. Then the tracking stops, and you will learn about the parcel only after receiving a notification from the post office.

Our service will allow you to track www.shpostwish.com in Russian. All statuses are translated from English and Chinese into Russian, and we will automatically check the local postal service you need, such as Russian Post, UkrPochta, BelPochta.

Where do Wish packages arrive?

Parcels arrive at your post office. After crossing the border, the parcels are transferred to the local postal service, for Russia this is Russian Post, for Ukraine this is UkrPoshta and so on.

How long does it take to send a package from Wish?

Parcels from Wish take the same amount of time as regular parcels from China sent by China Post; on average, parcels arrive in 20-30 days.

The Parcels application will help you track the status and location of your package delivered by Wish Post.

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