Go to the megaphone with your number. How to switch to another operator while saving your number: detailed instructions Switch to megaphone while saving your number

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A lot of time has already passed since our government approved the decree, about which so many subscribers of cellular operators were talking so much. The thing is that since the end of last year, it has become possible for clients of telecom operators to change the current company providing communications services to a new one, while the subscriber number remains unchanged and is retained by the client. This service did not pass by the Megafon company, which can be joined by anyone who meets simple and clear requirements. We’ll talk about this and much more in more detail in this material.

In fact, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Changing an operator can take up to 8 working days, while there may be some communication restrictions on your number and the service costs 100 rubles.

Video instructions on how to switch to another operator while maintaining your number

In order to go to this operator with your SIM card and number, you will need to follow three simple steps in the correct sequence:

1. Contact the nearest Megafon mobile phone store, ask the consultants for an application to join the operator, fill it out and pay 100 rubles.

2. Now you will need to choose yourself tariff plan, for example, a new one and get a SIM card from a consultant.

3. Within 8 days, the SIM card should be fully operational in your phone, of which you will be additionally notified.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, you can additionally use the service of free delivery of documents and SIM cards to your home or office. To do this, fill out a preliminary application on the Megafon operator website using the link.

In addition to everything, everyone moving to "Megaphone" subscribers need to know:

— your number should not be blocked;

— you must have a federal number, but not a city number;

— within the next 70 days you have not yet carried out an operation to transfer a domain from one operator to another;

— the cost of the service is 100 rubles, which is not refundable even if you refuse the transfer;

change of operator carried out within the region where the valid SIM card was issued;

— You must be the owner of the number and the contract must be executed only in your name;

- at the time of provision of the above service, i.e. Within 8 days there may be some communication restrictions.

This and other more detailed information on how to correctly change the operator to Megafon with number saving You can always read it on the official website or in the offices of the telecom operator. With this we say goodbye to you, all the best.

Clients of mobile operators are looking for optimal conditions and prices for services mobile communications. MegaFon offers favorable tariffs and options, and subscribers of other operators can easily switch to the services of a new provider. To do this, you need to use the MNP service - transfer to MegaFon while saving the number.

Description of service

Changing services from different operators with an old number is almost the same, but there are several basic principles that allow you to switch to the MegaFon network more comfortably and not experience delays with the transfer.

The main condition during the procedure is that the numbers must match the region. The user must have the number of the same area where the transition will be carried out.

If the mobile phone is tied to another city, then all documents and procedures are carried out in that region. Even one small error in data processing can cause failures, which will not allow the phone to be transferred to MegaFon’s network.

After porting your number, you can use the MNP service again only after 2 months.

Three steps to switch to MegaFon while saving your number

3 main steps to port a number:

  1. Go to a communication shop in your city to fill out an application, be sure to have your passport with you. You can order delivery of a package of documents from the MegaFon website.
  2. Write an application to transfer to MegaFon while keeping your number, the procedure is free.
  3. Select a tariff plan that will suit the subscriber’s requirements.

After 8 days, provided that the documents are filled out correctly, you can use the operator’s services in full, while maintaining your old number.

Detailed transition conditions

To transfer mobile number was successful, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The mobile phone must be registered to the person performing the transfer. If the procedure is performed by a third party, then you must have a power of attorney with you.
  2. The passport data must match the information in the old contract. If there are changes in documents, the information is initially updated with the operator.
  3. On mobile phone There should be no debts; if there are any, they must be repaid 3 days before the transfer.
  4. The mobile phone is not locked.
  5. The phone number is registered in the region where the move is taking place.
  6. This service has not been used before or more than 2 months have passed since the last movement of the mobile combination.

The basic transfer process and algorithm is as follows:

  1. The subscriber draws up a transfer agreement using any convenient method, in the salon or on the company’s website.
  2. During the transfer, you can select a service package with a tariff and pay for it immediately.
  3. MegaFon issues a new SIM card that can be actively used. You can use your personal account to track the process.
  4. During the transfer, users do not receive new numbers, they can use the old card, and payment for the tariff schedule is carried out at the old rates.
  5. After completing the entire necessary process, you receive a text message stating that you need to insert a new SIM card and activate it in order to use all the features and services from MegaFon.

Additional Information. What you need to know

In addition to the information described, there are important features that you need to know about:

  1. MegaFon's service is provided free of charge.
  2. The procedure is carried out by the operator to whom the subscriber contacts; there is no need to notify the previous provider.
  3. The contract can be concluded immediately in the communication shop or you can use the online method to order documents and starter pack. The entire package will be delivered to the address by courier, but this service does not work in every region.
  4. When completing the transfer, you must have your passport with you, and if necessary, a power of attorney.
  5. When submitting an application, you can determine the desired date for switching to MegaFon services. The interval can be no less than 11 days and no more than six months from the date of submission of documents.
  6. Transfer can only be carried out when using federal numbers. If you have a landline phone, you will need to change it to a federal one, then the procedure is carried out, but the previous combination is completely disabled.
  7. After completing the documents, new subscribers receive a SIM card from MegaFon.
  8. All money that remains on the balance sheet of the previous operator is not transferred to the new one. They can only be picked up at the salon after the procedure. You need to have your passport with you.
  9. During the transition to new services, communication may work intermittently, in some cases it is impossible to make calls or send SMS for half an hour to 6 hours.

If an application has already been submitted previously, but the operator refused to carry out the procedure, then the problem can be eliminated and the process can be repeated again, only after the reasons have been clarified. To do this, you need to contact the communication center in person or use the support service.

Transition service from one mobile operator to another with the preservation of the number became available to all subscribers relatively recently. But thanks to the improvements made, this has become quite simple. For those who do not know how to switch from Beeline to Megafon while keeping the number, the instructions described below will help.

Megafon has developed this opportunity back in 2014. But not all subscribers knew about this service, and accordingly few people used it. At the moment, there are more and more people who want to change the operator without changing the numbers. This service is in demand due to the fact that a person can choose the most favorable conditions for mobile services without changing the phone numbers. This means that all relatives and friends will be able to call him, without warning about the changed operator.

For Beeline subscribers two available current ways shifts:

  1. Online on the official Megafon website.
  2. In the Megafon sales department.

Transferring phone numbers is free. At the same time, you do not need to inform Beeline about your desire. Megafon will independently carry out all the necessary actions. The subscriber is only required to fill out an application and sign a service agreement with the new operator.

Important! A person chooses the date of transition independently, but subject to two conditions:

  • the application is submitted at least 11 days before the desired date;
  • the transition date cannot exceed six months from the date of registration of the application.

If there is a large amount on the number that will be transferred to Megafon Money, it is advisable to withdraw it before the transition date, since the balance will be canceled when changing the operator. As a last resort, you can write a corresponding application at the Beeline office to withdraw money from your mobile balance.

Transition conditions

Before applying to change your mobile provider, it is important to make sure that the SIM was issued to exactly the subscriber who wants to make the transition. Since there are often situations when a loved one or relative purchases a SIM card at the Beeline sales office. You can find out who the contract is for by calling contact center by phone 8 800 550 58 58 or by contacting the sales department. If the SIM card is registered to another person, in order to make the transfer from Beeline, his notarized power of attorney will be required.

Also, for the transfer to take place, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The previously concluded agreement contains reliable passport data, or the passport was not changed later, for example, due to a change of surname. If your ID has been changed, you must first contact the Beeline office to change the contact details in the contract.
  2. The number that will be transferred should not have any debt on its balance.
  3. The SIM card service agreement was concluded in the same region where the operator change to Megafon was carried out.

Important! You can transfer a number only if it was received in federal format.

Transition process

To switch from Beeline while saving data, you must leave a corresponding request with Megafon. You can do this in two ways:

The number will become available for calls after receiving a corresponding message from the Beeline operator.

The activation period for a new SIM card is about eight calendar days. But when submitting an application, the subscriber can independently indicate the start date of work.

I will share my experience of transition from one mobile operator to another while maintaining the number. In my case - from MegaFon to MTS.

The background to the story is quite simple - I have been using MegaFon exclusively for a long time, for which I was even noted by the company - I was given a 20% discount on a fairly good tariff (5 gigabytes mobile internet, 1000 minutes of calls), which I have been using for the last few years, until I realized that 5 gigabytes of mobile Internet was clearly not enough for me.

Having studied the tariffs of MegaFon itself, I realized that there are options:
- pay a little more, but have 7 gigabytes of mobile Internet and the same 1000 minutes - but just two extra gigabytes did not inspire me;
- pay a lot more, have 10 gigabytes of mobile Internet (even better), and 2000 minutes of calls, which I need just like a goat button accordion (1000 was always enough for the eyes).

Prices for Internet packages are now such that all the options from the series “this tariff + this package” a priori turned out to be uninteresting.

Oh yes, I have a discount, I remembered, and went to seek justice at the subscriber service. To the question: “Is it possible to keep the discount when switching to another tariff”? They answered me: “no”. Well, okay. After feeling a little sad (I was still used to MegaFon, and in general I was always happy with it - but that’s not the problem, the new tariffs are not convenient for me anyway), I went to “look deeper”, and quite quickly I found a suitable tariff from MTS. Yes, less minutes (400 and another 400 in the MTS Connect application), but it also costs less, and most importantly - 10 gigabytes of mobile Internet and a whole night unlimited, which I will come in very handy - for peace of mind I periodically, and to be honest - Once every couple of days I “back up” the data of all my sites, including this one, and, as I recently discovered with interest, such a backup “weighs” about 10 gigabytes. Well, no one can cancel the need to make backups when I’m out of town. This overnight unlimited made me so happy that I decided to take a risk, despite the fact that only recently.

I also remembered that I have a rather nice number in MegaFon, which I hardly use, and I realized that its time had come - only now, I need to take advantage of the recently appeared service and go to MTS with my number.

Well, on March 30, 2016, I come to the MTS salon, where they tell me that the application must be submitted in the same region in which the ported number was registered(and that’s what happened to me, Moscow and the region are considered one region, if that’s the case), and they send it to MegaFon - check passport details. I'm going to check. Don't underestimate this point. If the data you specified in the application and the data available to the operator do not agree, the application to port the number will be rejected. So I thought that just a year and a half ago I bought a MegaFon number, of course, showing my passport. And, since nothing has changed with the passport during this time, everything should be “ok”. But no, in the MegaFon salon a polite young man, after checking my data, made some amendments and, as a matter of form, persuaded me to stay. That's where we parted ways. I didn’t go back to MTS, there was a line there and I decided to go the next day. And at home I discovered with interest that the entire procedure can be completed remotely on the MTS website and started this process.

03/31/2016 - call from MTS, we agree that a new SIM card will be delivered to me by courier (free of charge) on Tuesday, 04/05/2016.

04/05/2016 - the courier arrived (on time), brought me an MTS SIM card, a contract, as well as a ready-made and completed application to port the number, which I signed in his presence and he took it with him.

I immediately inserted the SIM card into the phone. Until the transfer, it has a “temporary” number, but in general, you can fully use the services. The number porting service costs 100 rubles and is charged directly from the new SIM card, for some reason this is not written anywhere (of course, maybe I missed it), I was only verbally warned that I needed to deposit 100 rubles on this number. Just in case, I added 150 to the count and waited. further development events.

04/08/2016 - both SIM cards, old and new, received a message from MTS saying “welcome” and “If there are no debts, the number will be transferred to MTS on 04/16/2016 at 13:00.” That is, my application was processed and the same eight days were given that operators are given to port the number.

A little about money. Money from the old SIM card to the new one is not transferred, and, if anything, you can get them at the office of the old operator by writing a statement (this is in theory, I have never encountered this).

And also, a little earlier, when I had the idea of ​​switching to Tele 2 (which I refused due to the fact that their coverage in the Moscow region was somehow “not ice”, and I didn’t want to have a phone that didn’t work in the country ). So, at the Tele 2 office they told me “in confidence” that MegaFon likes to “paint a debt” to leaving subscribers. Considering that during the entire time I used MegaFon, this operator behaved exclusively honestly and conscientiously, I didn’t really believe it, but the words remained in the subcortex, so I kept an eye on the balance, and soon realized where these rumors came from.

MegaFon has a feature that used to be called “credit of trust,” but can now be found on a website called “pay when it’s convenient.” The idea is that based on your expenses, you are given a certain amount. Previously, this amount could have gone into the red (which is logical), and the phone continued to work. However, some time ago everything changed, and if, for example, your “credit of trust” is 300 rubles, then they are added to the total account. That is, we check the balance - we see 400 rubles. 100 are yours, the remaining 300 are MegaFon. If we see 200, then in fact you have -100. I don’t know what the deep meaning of this system is, apparently some kind of machinations of marketers (although if you think about it, it’s clear what). This has always annoyed me, fortunately, to MegaFon’s credit, you can turn it off at any time.

How to switch to Megafon while maintaining the number? In fact, transferring a mobile number series to Megafon is quite simple. This can be done by clients of any Russian cellular networks. We will talk about the conditions, methods and cost of translation below.

Conditions for moving to Megafon

A subscriber of any Russian television system (Beeline, MTS, Tele2) can switch to Megafon with an old number. However, in order for the preservation of the mobile number to be as successful as possible, the following rules must be observed:

  • a SIM card from another operator from which you plan to transfer to Megafon must be registered in your name. If the SIM card is issued to another client, the subscriber must present a power of attorney and notarized documents from the card owner;
  • In the submitted documents, all data from the passport must match. In case of a last name change or other changes, update the data with your previous provider;
  • There should be no debt on the card. Bills must be paid within three days from the date of application.
  • the SIM card cannot be blocked;
  • You can transfer a number series to Megafon only in the region where the SIM card was initially registered. You can check the ownership of the card on the Internet, through special services;
  • the previous transfer was carried out at least 3 months ago.

You may also need the following information:

  • the cost of translation is 100 rubles. Your new provider carries out the transfer. There is no need to contact the real operator and report the change of television system;
  • You can sign up for an agreement with Megafon in any showroom or branch of the provider. In addition, in some regions of the country, documents can be completed online and a SIM card can be ordered to be delivered to your home. You can check the availability of the service for your locality by calling 0500;
  • When filling out the transition form, the subscriber can choose not only a tariff plan, but also set a date for the transition. Terms can range from 11 calendar days to six months;
  • Only SIM cards with federal numbers can be transferred. If the client uses a landline phone, he first needs to change its format, and then perform the manipulation. Next, the subscriber will be issued a new package with a SIM card, and the city number series will be cancelled;
  • money left over from the old one personal account are not tolerated. Refunds can only be made in person by contacting service center previous provider (with passport);
  • As part of the service, any user can receive a temporary Megafon number series, which can be used until the actual transition. After the transfer process is completed, the temporary number will be canceled;
  • in case of refusal of manipulation, the temporary number series can be used on an ongoing basis.

Detailed procedure for switching to Megafon

We suggest you familiarize yourself with ways to switch to Megafon while maintaining your old number.

Transferring the old number series to Megafon most often occurs through the provider’s office center. The algorithm of actions here is simple.

Come to the office with your passport and inform the available manager about the purpose of your visit. Next, a company employee checks your documents and asks you to fill out the appropriate form. In the application, as a rule, you need to indicate: your passport details, full name, number that you want to assign to the new SIM card, the tariff plan that you want to use in the future, the reason for the transfer, contact phone number.

Next, the consultant informs you about the timing of the SIM card readiness. As soon as it arrives at the office, they will call you and tell you when and where it can be picked up. As a rule, the informing message arrives to the subscriber 8-11 days after signing the documents.

Attention! Before filling out the documents, consult with the manager about promotions, discounts and new Megafon products. He may be able to recommend you a favorable rate or option.

You can also make the transition through the website of your cellular provider.

The algorithm of actions here is as follows:

  1. Go to the official Megafon page. ru;
  2. In the upper left corner, select the “Go to Megafon” section;
  3. Fill out the form provided and submit your application.

You will be informed about the details of the transfer and the timing of receiving the SIM card in voice (call from the operator), SMS or email format. You can receive the package at the provider's office with your passport.

If you wish, you can order delivery by courier (the service is not available in all regions and requires an additional fee of 200-400 rubles).

In principle, all information for private clients has already been presented in our article. However, for your convenience, we have collected it into a single list:

  1. An application for transfer can be submitted both in a communication salon and online on the Megafon website.
  2. The applicant must be the full owner of the SIM card, or have documents issued for him, signed by the owner of the SIM card.
  3. Passport details must fully comply with those stated in the contract.
  4. The client must not have any debt.
  5. At least three months must have passed since the last change of mobile operator.
  6. Only federal numeric combinations are subject to transfer.

Algorithm for switching to Megafon while saving the number to corporative clients, slightly different. To transfer legal persons, you will need not only to fill out an application, but also to prepare a package of documents necessary for the manipulation.

The package includes the following documents:

  • original passport and manager’s registration card;
  • TIN and OGRN;
  • seal of the enterprise/organization;
  • order on the appointment/assuming of the position of general. director.

Operator change sequence:

  1. An official representative of the organization, upon arrival at the office, must present the manager with a package of required documents and fill out the appropriate application.
  2. Further legal. the person in whose name the card is issued will be issued an invoice (RUB 100/one number). The receipt must be paid within the next 3 days.
  3. After this, the client will be informed about the timing of the transfer. On average, a new corporate package, which includes no more than 50 employees, can be received in 8-180 days (at the client’s request). With a staff of more than 50 people, after 30-180 days.

Advice! If your organization includes more than 50 people, you can try to get a discount.

Switching to Megafon may not be available if the requirements described below are ignored.

Main reasons for refusal:

  1. The subscriber has a debt. Paying off the debt will solve the problem.
  2. Passport data mismatch. Contact your previous operator and ask to make the necessary changes to the contract.
  3. The number is blocked. Try unlocking the card. This can be done at the office of the current provider with a passport.
  4. Less than 3 months have passed since the last change of the television system. Review the refusal SMS and wait for the date indicated in it.

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